A new Rasmussen poll.
Also see "Bill Clinton: Norms of ‘What You Can Do to Someone Against Their Will’ Have Changed" (stressing a quote out of that Judy Woodruff interview we were dissecting last week)": " I think the norms have really changed in terms of, what you can do to somebody against their will, how much you can crowd their space, make them miserable at work."
BJ Clinton: "I think the norms have really changed in terms of, what you can do to somebody against their will, how much you can crowd their space, make them miserable at work."
The rest of the world: "No shit."
The longer he talks, the more we understand who he really is.
Although I'm not sure that's what he wants.
I think the norms have really changed
My dick isn't as hard as it use to be.
"I think the norms have really changed in terms of, what you can do to somebody against their will, how much you can crowd their space, make them miserable at work."
But prog political norms haven't changed: as long as you are useful in promoting the cause and gaining power, you can do a lot of things to somebody against their will.
In fact, doings things to people against their will, crowding their space, is the essence of prog politics.
Bill's mistake was to let Hill lose.
I suspect the poll just reflects the male-female partisan split, that is, women are more likely to favor Democrats.
Men have all met some guy just like Clinton. I suspect that's why.
Also, what madAsHell wrote. Age. Is there anything it can't do to your body?
Men are very alert to the competition. Our #1 job is guarding our wives and daughters, so like good guardian dogs we can smell Clintonian seducers coming into the room.
Like The Donald said about Kim , he can spot if another man is a phony in 5 seconds ( or really in 1).
Good. Just make sure his jury is all men.
I'd be interested to listen to some ditzy Leftwing female #Metoo supporter explain why BJ Clinton didn't really rape Juanita Broaddrick.
That'd be a hoot.
Republicans pounce.
A woman only has to consider who she thinks is a predator.
A man has to consider who everyone else on the fucking planet thinks is a predator.
"Interestingly, men (55%) are more likely to consider Clinton a predator than women (50%) are."
The only place I can find the "Sexual Harassment and You" Skit from SNL with Tom Brady is on LiveLeak and I'm not sharing a LiveLeak link for any reason.
This is the end of the Clintons. BuuuuBye!!
Men know men, women know what men want them to know.
The norms have not changed. Who gets the wink-wink nudge-nudge to ignore the norms has definitely changed from “wealthy and powerful Democrats” to “no one who wants to keep their job.” As a Republican the change has no impact on me.
Because men, being men, understand what Bill's mind set was when committed his various sexual misdeeds. There was certainly no romantic feeling when he had Monica crawl under the desk.
I bet you'd find a bigger margin between men and women willing to blow Clinton to retain abortion, err I meant control over their body.
Daddy issues. They're not that unusual. He's a powerful, effective man. Flawed. Like their dads. They call that daddy issues, but it's a sympathy for the human condition. That's why they tell you to be nice to women. A lot of them need some protection.
More women are Democrats.
More men are Republicans.
The women understand that Bill Clinton is a bad human being but some are willing to overlook his deficiencies because of politics.
Nina Burleigh should be contacted for her opinion.
"madAsHell said...
This is the end of the Clintons. BuuuuBye!!"
Are you kidding? All they have to do is go on some show and say "Fuck Trump!"
Standing ovation time.
Yeah, but when you're a star, they let you do it, or whatever.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do think Billy Jeff Clinton should continue to discuss sexual harassment issues and the changing norms for what is and what's not sexual consent! Just as I do think his wife Hillary should continue to discuss the 2016 election results nearly 2 years after the fact!
He's confessing because Bill sincerely needs the people to love him. He's hurt. He should crawl back into his hole and never be heard from again, but he can't because he's so needy. That's making him stupid, even though he's very smart. Comeuppance coming up for him. His turn for the Great Shaming. And he deserves it.
"He's confessing because Bill sincerely needs the people to love him."
-- I actually don't think he is. He's specifically drawing a line between what you can do to people without their consent, and the major Bill Clinton narrative is Monica Lewinsky was a willing, even eager, participant. They kind of just ignore all the other women in the narrative.
#IngaKnew will never, ever, come around. So Clinton has that going for him. Which is nice.
Men think all men are predators. Women are into the lilies and bluebirds delusion.
"Matthew Sablan said...
-- I actually don't think he is. He's specifically drawing a line between what you can do to people without their consent, and the major Bill Clinton narrative is Monica Lewinsky was a willing, even eager, participant. They kind of just ignore all the other women in the narrative."
"kind of?"
The only time you will hear "Juanita Broaddrick" or "Paula Jones" in any MSM piece is if it is followed by "is a lying whore!"
More women are willing to overlook bad behavior by a man if he advocates for things they agree with and is sufficiently charming. Wow. I'm so shocked.
Still no mention of Broderick.
When you're a lefty democrat icon like Bill, women are not to be believed.
Matthew Sablan, he's not talking about Lewinsky. He's talking about Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broadrick. And he's full of shit. You were never allowed to do that to women.
He's talking about those three, and God knows how many others. Worse than Weinstein.
The explanations for why women are less likely than men to regard Clinton as a predator may well be right, but note that there’s only a five percentage point difference. The margin of error for this poll is +/-3, and the margin of error for crosstabs would be higher. Accordingly, we can’t say there’s any difference in male versus female perceptions of Clinton revealed by this poll.
Polls that include Democrats are misleading. Democrats, like the leftist mediaswine, are impervious to facts that reflect badly on the Democrat Party and its consorts. E.g.:
WJC is not a sexual predator;
Antifa is non-violent;
The Obama Administration was scandal free;
Hillary's email setup violated no laws;
“Hands up. Don’t shoot;”
Stuff like that.
hombre, there are no more Democrats. Or, there won't be very soon, not the kind you're describing anyway. There are already no more Republicans. Trump has initiated a preference cascade of absolutely massive proportions.
"I think the norms have really changed in terms of, what you can do to somebody against their will, how much you can crowd their space, make them miserable at work."
Bill: "It used to be OK to be all rapey and stuff, not today."
Curious George brings the Spackler. Gunga galunga!
He changed the zeitgeist. One outer borough, loudmouth NYC real-estate developer, and a bunch of loudmouth policy spokesmen. A canny use of Digital Age tools to accelerate the cognitive cycle of the collective hive mind. He made the Age of That's Not Funny actually work for him, because he's hilarious. People like to laugh.
Trump did, that is. And Clinton is helping him sweep up the trash, which includes himself.
Blogger daskol said...
“hombre, there are no more Democrats. Or, there won't be very soon, not the kind you're describing anyway.”
As long as there is the possibility of graft there will be Democrats.
Paula Jones was settled with a nice big juicy payment. No mention of that ever, either.
Hack press decides the facts.
So we don't nestle weightless
In each other's hearts! The soul,
Then, is a raptor - eagle
Or falcon, and if the soul
Is a raptor some other
Soul must be prey. Is that it?
Betraying is letting loose.
The tame caged fox is betrayed
To the hounds. Or: I betray
My heart to you. Give it up,
That is, into your keeping.
Your treachery and rapture.
Vicki Hearne
Some recent scientific study showed that men are better at recognizing sex offenders than women. Maybe our survival as a species has depended on that.
"I think the norms have really changed in terms of, what you can do to somebody against their will, how much you can crowd their space, make them miserable at work."
Bob Packwood was savaged by the feminists even though he was pro-abortion rights. He voted against both Bork and Thomas. He was given awards by Planned Parenthood and leftwing women's groups. It can certainly be argued that he actually did more for women's rights than Clinton ever did.
But because Packwood was a Republican he was savaged and hounded out of office by feminists. Because Clinton was a Democrat, he was defended and supported by feminists.
hombre, that's certainly true. but these Democrats are finished. the next bunch of grifters may also get that name, but it's early to tell.
Democrats will do precisely as they are told.
This latest comment by Clinton means nothing in the long term.
Bill boy could walk in a NY restaurant right now and get a standing ovation.
Why should anyone be surprised? Women [at least those on the left] have their narrative to defend.
It's no coincidence that #metoo bloomed after Bill Clinton's 40-year enabler lost the 2016 election.
Remember, you have to parse WJC's speech carefully. It depends on the meaning of "norm."
Norms are different for a Clinton.
Why are they pretending a 5 point difference is the story?
Another reason why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Yeah men have dealt with that since the hormones kicked in. Getting laid meant being aggressive. The realization that no small percentage of women were ok with that is still difficult to accept.
It's that cute biting the lip "I was a bad boy, I know it, and I want you to forgive" me thing.
President BJ: "I think the norms have really changed in terms of, what you can do to somebody against their will, how much you can crowd their space, make them miserable at work."
Interviewer: "Would you care to elaborate?"
President BJ: "Heck yeah, I would! See, back in Arkansas in the 70s and 80s', sheeyit, I jess took what I wanted. If saw a big 'ole farm girl, with big 'ole titties, I'd jess drop trou and grab the back of her head, and rope that old girl onto the old pork sword. Will ain't had nuthin' to do with it! Either you will, or you won't, but I know I will!
Now, I cain't be doin' that shit. It won't fly with the media, it won't fly with Hillary. So, I gotta coax them gals a bit more. But it ain't that hard. I wuz President, ya know. We did pass motor-voter.
Interviewer: Thank you very much, Mr. President.
"Why are they pretending a 5 point difference is the story?"
They aren't. Their headline is: "Most Voters Say Bill Clinton Is A Sexual Predator."
Remember, Bill still has vivid memories of the 12 year old girls that he traveled on the Lolita Express so he could takethem by force. On Little St James Island the age on consent was whatever Bill wanted. The girls were hoping to live another day, so none of them resisted Big Daddy Bill's love.
Bill Clinton is a rapist and sexual predator. He never understood that seduction is not about forcing someone to do something against their will.
daskol said...
Daddy issues. They're not that unusual. He's a powerful, effective man. Flawed. Like their dads. They call that daddy issues, but it's a sympathy for the human condition. That's why they tell you to be nice to women. A lot of them need some protection.
and this:
Drago said...
Democrats will do precisely as they are told.
This latest comment by Clinton means nothing in the long term.
Bill boy could walk in a NY restaurant right now and get a standing ovation.
These posts pretty much sum things up.
Democrat voters are generally stupid and want to be treated badly because being a victim is easier than taking responsibility for your life.
I mentioned Bill Clinton and Feminism on another forum.
All the Feminist had to say about Monica was 'Lucky girl'.
The vag wants what the bag wants and prog girls seem to want smarmy men who echo their idiotic platitudes while still being manly enough to push them on their knees and tell them to 'kiss it'.
This is sexual complexity and has no place on an Althousian blog!
may i feel said he
by e e cummings
may i feel said he
(i'll squeal said she
just once said he)
it's fun said she
(may i touch said he
how much said she
a lot said he)
why not said she
(let's go said he
not too far said she
what's too far said he
where you are said she)
may i stay said he
(which way said she
like this said he
if you kiss said she
may i move said he
is it love said she)
if you're willing said he
(but you're killing said she
but it's life said he
but your wife said she
now said he)
ow said she
(tiptop said he
don't stop said she
oh no said he)
go slow said she
(cccome?said he
ummm said she)
you're divine!said he
(you are Mine said she)
I think Clinton’s being honest here. Before #MeToo went out of control, there weren’t any repurcussions for the Democratic Party’s rapists and harassers. Now there are.
It's simple. If a woman finds a guy physically attractive, he can approach her in a way an unattractive guy can't. Cute guy is acceptable; not-cute guy, creepy. To most women, Bill is physically attractive.
There is some strain of thought in these comments that seems to be: "Clinton thinks the Lewinsky interlude was acceptable because it was consensual (and that overlooks other non-consensual sexual acts by Clinton)." In this one respect I'm in agreement with the original feminist argument: When there is a power imbalance, it is impossible for the less powerful person to give consent; regardless of what Bill thought he heard, and regardless of what Monica intended to communicate, this was sexual harassment and should be condemned.
To most women, Bill is physically attractive.
Some of those percentage points are men who are contemptuous of those who need to cross a woman's boundaries to get laid.
Not being rich enough is no reason to rob a bank. Get over it.
Molly contends: When there is a power imbalance, it is impossible for the less powerful person to give consent;
Delilah would have been relieved to hear this.
Crazy Jane: "It's no coincidence that #metoo bloomed after Bill Clinton's 40-year enabler lost the 2016 election."
And if Hillary wants the nomination in 2020 (assuming she hasn't had another collapsing fit due to the alcohol and pills and physical ailments and is accidentally tossed headfirst like a sack of potatoes into the bumper of a waiting limo and that finishes her) then she will deploy all the intel and oppo research her minions at FusionGPS and Crowdstrike illegally pulled out of our FISA 702 intercepts databases against all enemies within the dem party and the republicans and she will get it.
The Hillary pals have already put in rules that shut Bernie completely out for 2020 (not going to let that mistake happen again!) and there are whispering campaigns targeting the major dem Vagina-candidates that Hillary also needs moved out of the way.
Biden? Forget it. The pics of him and little girls are just waiting to be deployed again. And I don't care if it upsets LLR Chuck to read that.
Statism consists almost entirely of forcing people to do stuff against their will; so you can see why Clinton would not have that much of a problem with coercion. He should have told. Broaddrick, "This is for your own good."
To most women, Bill is physically attractive.
My daughter interned for the Clinton Foundation. She even has a picture with Billy Jeff. She says he is very charismatic, and charming in person.
Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker......and rape wins the race.
Women know what Trump said about what women will let wealthy, famous men do to them is the truth. A lot of women count on using their sexuality to get what they want. A guy doesn't have to be famous, wealthy, or even particularly good looking to get women sexually. He only has to be a couple of steps further up the social or economic ladder than she is. You can watch this at play in any company where there are men and women working together who are not equals in the workplace. "Madmen" is only past tense in the drinking and smoking openly on the job sense of things. The temps at a big company whose name you'd recognize are called "TAGs". Among the guys it stands for Temporary Ass to Grab. Anyone who doesn't recognize the game is being played by both sides quite willingly is being deliberately obtuse.
Men meet a few cooze hounds in their life. There are some "doers" and a lot more "talkers". That said we know the "successful" cooze hounds are out there. Clinton is one of them.
Delilah would have been relieved to hear this.
ah, but;
for Most of the story, Delilah had SO MUCH MORE power than Sampson,
that there was NOTHING he wouldn't do for that little minx
(including Completely Unflattering haircuts!)
It wasn't until the very end, when Sampson remembered that;
as Cool and Bitchin' as Delilah was....
Jehovah ROCKED! (and, was; in fact, TOTALLY BOSS!!!)
until that point, Delilah was calling the shots;
of course, once Sampson Finally figured it out; Sampson brought down the house.
Fathers and other chivalrous characters.
That said, baby steps.
for Most of the story, Delilah had SO MUCH MORE power than Sampson,
that there was NOTHING he wouldn't do for that little minx
That was my point: Women use their sexuality as power and have since the beginning of the human race. To call Monica Lewinsky a victim is ludicrous. Not that there weren't other women who actually were victims of BJC.
She was the High Priestess of the town, she had Literally the power of life and death
only Jehovah had more power (of course, he Did; and was vengeful too: bad combo of Delilah)
i take it back; there's no evidence that she Was high priestess in the book.
I guess, for all we know, she was just some girl that was on the make; like Eva Braun
At first, I thought Bill Clinton was stepping into shit by accident with this book tour, but I am now rethinking this belief based on some of my other beliefs:
Hillary Clinton definitely is running again in 2020, and needs a solution to the Bill problem before 2019 comes around. This tour was Bill's chance to either redeem himself publicly, or to make such an ass of himself, Clinton can finally dump him in divorce and be seen as the poor victim spouse of a lousy cheat and harasser. Right now it is looking like a Clinton divorce to me filed about around Thanksgiving this year.
Between his mouth and her autobiographical book, What Happened, we are getting a solid view of the Clinton character.
He had such a perfect name, 'Blythe,' no novelist could have done better. Why did he change it?
showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.
Scott Adams knew a woman who dated an actual billionaire. She was greeted at the door with 'Are we going to have sex before dinner, or after?' (Her answer was 'before' cause well...at least with some (large)subset of women, Trump was correct)
A President controls Trillions of dollars (sort of) so he can get them to crawl under desks and provide humidor service.
Trump stated the Truth but this particular Truth offended the feminine (and Feminist) self image.
As was said by Sherlock Holmes in 'A Case of Identity': 'There is danger for him who taketh the tiger cub, and danger also for whoso snatches a delusion from a woman.'
So rather than admit what a sleaze Billy Boy is, a large cohort of women prefer to wade in that Egyptian River up to their knees.
“Men know men, women know what men want them to know”
I have a close female friend, whom I dated almost a half century ago. She didn’t have brothers, and I didn’t have sisters. We have been for much of that time interpreting our same sex to the other. I have probably answered more questions for her, than the other way around.
It has NEVER been okay to do to ANYONE ANYTHING against their will.
Oh Lord, I truly regret that I voted for this sophist not once but twice.
This statement is the second most egregious statement this asshole has made in public. The first is his outrageous claim that sticking his penis into another persons mouth is NOT sex. The logic twist is that it is NOT coitus, i.e., sticking his penis into another person's body cavity (anus or vagina). He really thought a blow job is not considered sex. OR, at least he thought he could riff the Grand Jury with this bullshit.
HERE, he has done the same thing. What he MEANS to say is that it used to be that a person in POWER could get away with forcing ANYONE to bend over or lie down while he applied his penis anywhere HE wanted regardless of what the other person wanted. This is NOT the same thing as saying it is OKIE DOKIE to do this.
Perhaps this outrageous sense of entitlement came from studying over there at Oxford in that program named after the guy with the huge ranch in SW Africa where white guys could do anything they wanted to anyone else in the name of noblesse oblige.
He is beyond redemption. Paradigmatically so.
A guy doesn't have to be famous, wealthy, or even particularly good looking to get women sexually. He only has to be a couple of steps further up the social or economic ladder than she is.
The idea has been set to music. More than once. Link.
Male chivalrous person.
I'd like a poll that describes his behavior, without naming a name, that asks if this behavior is that of a sexual predator. Are the women just accepting of it because it was Clinton, or would they allow that same behavior from a professor towards a student? A CEO and a secretary?
Gilbar and MockTurtle: Sampson was essentially a slave wasn't he? Whether or not Delilah was high priestess, she had the power; and arguably Sampson was sexually harassed.
Regarding Althouse's post at 12:38, does Joe Biden understand that "norms have really changed in terms of, what you can do to somebody against their will, how much you can crowd their space, make them miserable at work"? Just wondering.
H: Samson was not a slave but a very strong warrior and a judge, although after his strength was snipped away by Delilah, he was captured by the Philistines. Delilah had been bribed by the Philistines to seduce him and gain his trust. As she was probably pretty hot and he was a man, that part was easy. ;-)
Mockturtle; i Will agree that part was easy ;-)
Look at Ahab, and his wife. She caused him to forsake GOD. Which, it turns out; Displeases GOD.
Next thing you know; it's 2400 years later and Whales are biting off your legs
And Jezebel was eaten by dogs.
What Clinton meant was that you are more likely to get called out doing what he does.
And Jezebel was eaten by dogs.
just as the prophet Elijah had prophesied! One thing is Clear; (at least, if you're in the middle of a story in the bible...)
DON'T DISPLEASE GOD!!! {or Elijah for that matter}
Eleanor said...
Anyone who doesn't recognize the game is being played by both sides quite willingly is being deliberately obtuse.
they're being obtuse alright. but is it really deliberate? the human condition: most people are stupid. the rest are lonely.
and Achilles: is that just true of Democratic voters? sadly I think it's true of most of them.
beautiful poems, too. I hope you who think Clinton goes unpunished are wrong.
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