June 10, 2018

"In the 1780s, just to show that creative ridiculousness really knew no bounds, it became briefly fashionable to wear fake eyebrows made of mouse skin."

A line from Bill Bryson's "At Home: A Short History of Private Life" that sprang to mind this morning when I saw the tweeting about Justin Trudeau:

Ooh! The eyebrows have their own Twitter feed:

ADDED: More seriously, via Yahoo:
Just minutes after a joint communique, approved by the leaders of the Group of Seven allies, was published in Canada's summit host city Quebec, US President Donald Trump launched a Twitter broadside, taking exception to comments made by Trudeau at a news conference.

"He really kinda stabbed us in the back," top US economic advisor Larry Kudlow said of Trudeau on CNN's "State of the Union." "He did a great disservice to the whole G7.... We went through it. We agreed. We compromised on the communique. We joined the communique in good faith," Kudlow said.

US trade advisor Peter Navarro, speaking on "Fox News Sunday," reinforced that message. "There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad-faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," he said.
The eyebrows are symbolic.


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Drago said...

Inga: "He admits his stupid error here,"


You went back to that thread, didnt you?

And you scoured every post of mine to find your little gotcha....but it wasnt there, was it?


You could have left it at that, but you spent the tine, and you needed something, anything!


Perhaps PPPT is right about you: you werent smart enough to keep your daughter from joining the military!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Birkel said...
Instability and chaos are trademarks of a capitalist economy.

Maybe but there is no good argument for Government creating that instability and chaos, except in the case of breaking up monopolies.

buwaya said...


The US person with anything to lose is effectively muzzled, politically, at risk of devastation to his career and family. This is real, especially in the 2-3% that know something and can say something substantial.

And that suppression builds up lakes and oceans of bitterness.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They were a bunch of inquisitors hiding data and searching for heretics to burn.

So says a meth/steroid addict about medical studies. If you weren't afraid of getting drug tested, go ask a doctor how they can publish an epidemiological study that has the names of all the thousands of patients who participate published.

The best way to ensure you never got another government grant again was to come out even remotely skeptically about "climate change."

Not only that -- same thing if you were skeptical about gravity, the germ theory of disease, a round earth, heliocentrism, etc. Many ways to be too crazy to get a stupid denialist study unfunded.

Skepticism. Science.

Lemme guess... are you on-board with Trump's anti-vaccination bandwagon, too.

Can't have that!

More rhetoric, less facts.

You guys were right when you were blathering about the world heading towards an Ice Age.

When did I do that? And how does that strengthen any credence in your denial of the current data?

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Instability and chaos are trademarks of a capitalist economy.

Birkel Clavin, Ladies and Gentlemen. Economic Advisor to Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Adolf Hitler.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Many of the arguments currently being used by the New Right were first raised decades ago by the Old Left. The union movement has always hated NAFTA and China.”

Hear hear!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya said...
Denmark makes money off wind by exploiting German laws that burden German electric ratepayers with absurd electricity prices. The Germans think they can afford to pay such a crazy tax that enriches "alternative energy" investors.

This is what is clearly inconsistent in Trump's complaints about the EU's trade surplus with the US. According to every argument ever brought up by Trump and/or the right, the EU is a hell for business, yet they are kicking our ass in all kinds of very competitive manufacturing arenas.

If they are really a hell for business, and they are still out-competing us, what does this say about us?

Quaestor said...

Eyebrows in the Age of Fake

Fake news: CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, and many lesser imps of press deviltry
Fake sincerity: William Jefferson Clinton
Fake profundity: Barack Hussein Obama
Fake diplomacy: Justin (Justin!) Trudeau
Fake democracy: North Korea, the Democratic Party, the European Union, and many lesser drones of tyranny
Fake pomposity: Ritmo
Fake integrity: Ritmo
Fake diploma: Ritmo

Drago said...

ARM: "Many of the arguments currently being used by the New Right were first raised decades ago by the Old Left."

Ross Perot was never the "old left" and his entire trade policy philosophy was in opposition to these trade deals.

He was the one who famously warned that NAFTA would create a giant sucking sound of our cash and our jobs moving outside our borders.

Gephardt was saying things very similarly. As did Pat Buchanan before.

Both HWBush and Billy Clinton staved off those threats to keep the plans of the establishment (both parties) moving forward.

Achilles said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...
There are two parties and one wanted to (and DID) prolong the 2008 recession they caused through the same austerity measures that kept Britain from recovering as fast as we did. But there's no convincing someone who sells weed for a living under his favorite president's prohibitionist AG and does enough "recreational" meth and steroids to turn Speedy Gonzales into Godzilla.

I don't debate/argue with stupid people, Achilles. Go back into your rat hole.


It is hard not to laugh at such idiocy.

But it is truly sad.

You are not as stupid as you are allowing yourself to be.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Perhaps PPPT is right about you: you werent smart enough to keep your daughter from joining the military!”

The Propagandizer/Drago seems a bit out of sorts today, lol.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fake thoughts behind the very real and very impotent rage:

F*** you, Kay. You and Lord Zero have put us this position with your profligate spending on key interest groups (people who mostly don’t pay Federal taxes, btw) at the expense of hard-pressed middle-class people like me who can’t even afford a new car (and can hardly find a decent and cheap used car thanks to “Cash for Clunkers”, thank you very much, Barack Hussein Obama) If you think the sequestration, a mere 2.4% of last year’s record spending of 3.6 X 10^12 USD is tough now (one must realize how f’ed we really are when deficit spending is more easily handled using scientific notation), what will you say when the interest on the federal debt becomes the biggest line item in the budget… Budget? What the hell am I thinking, there hasn’t been a budget resolution brought to the Senate floor in almost four years -- in direct contravention of the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 and the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, I might add. Fortunately for you and Harry Reid these two federal laws have no sanctions clause so you’re in no danger of the leg irons and orange jump suit awaiting me if I stray one iota from the laws you like to impose on the little people (you remember, the people whose duty is to pay up and shut up?). But I digress, the fact is the sequestration is minuscule in relative terms to what little people like me have to endure in this low-to-no growth economy your lord and master promised to solve in his first term, not to mention the creeping inflation that makes it nearly impossible to travel or even afford to eat. I’ve pared back my lifestyle at least 150% from the Bush days, therefore I don’t see why a bunch of smart people with fancy degrees can’t make do with 97 cents where you had a dollar before. Don’t knock it before you try it, you might even discover the Government can live a bit more cheaply and still not actually starve (I’ve learned Spaghetti-Os three nights a week helps make the occasional meal out with friends more affordable.)

And on the subject of travel and paychecks -- since you’re so concerned about soldiers and weaponry, instead of taking so much out of the defense budget (I never knew you were such a hawk, Kay.) why not take a pay cut in the Senate. Pare back your earnings a slightly, trim your bloated staff a smidgen (I’m looking at you metaphorically, Mr. or Ms. Newsletter Honcho, among others), curtail your jet-powered peregrinations a wee bit, and the aircraft carrier might get refueled. “Not enough!” did you say? Probably so, I admit. Perhaps the President can help out. He can start by not charging his $1000 per hour golf lessons to Uncle Sugar. He can also cut out the quarterly vacation junkets. Did I hear you harrumph about George W. Bush’s vacations? Point taken, but I thought GWB was an ogre -- a profligate war-mongering thug, or at least that’s what the Democratic myrmidons of the press told me every day for eight years. If the current president is taking the president formerly known as Chimpy McHitler for a model of fiscal probity (i.e. if Bush can spend X on his creature comforts then it is perfectly correct for Obama to do likewise), then all I can say is ogre is as ogre does.

Seeing Red said...

I just realized what happened. After Justine spouted his lies, his eyebrow fell off instead of his lips. Lolololol

Achilles said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
buwaya said...
Denmark makes money off wind by exploiting German laws that burden German electric ratepayers with absurd electricity prices. The Germans think they can afford to pay such a crazy tax that enriches "alternative energy" investors.

This is what is clearly inconsistent in Trump's complaints about the EU's trade surplus with the US. According to every argument ever brought up by Trump and/or the right, the EU is a hell for business, yet they are kicking our ass in all kinds of very competitive manufacturing arenas.

If they are really a hell for business, and they are still out-competing us, what does this say about us?

It says we elected a bunch of globalist shills who sold us out.

And now we have Trump.

We will have free trade or we will have equal tariffs. We aren't selling out to cronies any more.

I expect that US trade policy that actually supports Americans will be wildly popular in elections.

I think your trade policies that protect cronies and foreign competitors will fair poorly.

Drago said...

Inga, I hope PPPT's continuous ripping on military members, including your daughter, is not too painful.

It is really inexplicable how it is that
military members know that the left despises them even as the left praises MS-13.



Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

At 1:48 PM some asshole meth-addict in a trailer does his best impression of a rebuttal, but just spits out more empty ad hominem rage insults instead.

I mean, it's almost like he feels he can defend the case he makes or pretends to believe in. But not quite.

Just do more drugs, Achilles. One way or another, one day or another, the answer will come. Maybe in another lifetime.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago, your mommy The Buzzard will be so proud of you for engaging in such mature responsible commentary.

buwaya said...

The nature of the business that was Americas business has changed profoundly.

In the old days it was in the main businesses that had actual customers, that made, marketed and sold actual things. And these were broadly if not evenly dispersed, with headquarters and recruiting of personnel localized and representative. The form of a business has profound effects on the sociology of its leadership.

These days American business is far more virtual, dealing in abstractions with, very often in the case of finance, entirely separation from physical reality. They strive for asset appreciation, not sales or profits. Business valuations are quite independent from revenues. The places they work from or make decisions in have also left the heartland and concentrated in specific coastal bubbles.

It is hard to make the case that this iteration of American business is Americas business. The interests do not coincide, they diverge.

Birkel said...

Friedman, Schumpeter, and Buchanan on my side.
But Ritmo compares me to a TV show character so he is sure he is winning the argument.

No pearls on offer to cast.

Seeing Red said...

271% average tariff. Chaos away!

It doesn’t cause chaos for US. It causes chaos for them because they see a STABLE US ATM limiting transactions or. cash flow drying up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dreck-O knows he is lying, Inga. What he is defending is violence for its own sake, groupthink collectivism for its own sake, and an inability to question a mission. He's not a patriot, he doesn't want a unwasted, disabused military or a nationally interested mission that exists for the sake of something other than empire. He just wants to feel justified in having found a purpose in being psychologically destroyed and enforcing a collectivist ethic the only way he could find how (and by the only group that would accept him, at least temporarily). He's just one of the brownshirts who can find their way into any fighting force, even though he has no clue what he fights for and wants to make sure that no one else does, either.

Maybe he had a TBI or something.

Achilles said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Many of the arguments currently being used by the New Right were first raised decades ago by the Old Left. The union movement has always hated NAFTA and China.

The New Left, Clinton/Blair, is now difficult to distinguish from the Old Right, Bush/Bush. This is why Hillary deserved to lose but I don't think this loss is going to lead to a permanent realignment. The oligarchs control both parties. Trump is an aberration but a temporary one. “The business of America is business”. The oligarchs have always held the upper hand. The post-Depression/post-war period of relative equality was the aberration.

The oligarchs used to control both parties.

Now they are all democrats including both party apparatuses.

Reagan's biggest mistake was supporting Bush.

We shall see if Trump makes the same mistake. But Pence isn't going to be able to do what Bush did.

The republican voters have options for information now.

Achilles said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...
At 1:48 PM some asshole meth-addict in a trailer does his best impression of a rebuttal, but just spits out more empty ad hominem rage insults instead.

I mean, it's almost like he feels he can defend the case he makes or pretends to believe in. But not quite.

Just do more drugs, Achilles. One way or another, one day or another, the answer will come. Maybe in another lifetime.



Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

PTSD = Post-Traumatic Stress Dragorder.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya said...
The US person with anything to lose is effectively muzzled, politically, at risk of devastation to his career and family. This is real, especially in the 2-3% that know something and can say something substantial.

You obviously feel this very strongly in your own life, which I suspect relates more to your oft-stated feeling of being an outsider than to objective reality. I have a friend who stood up in a university faculty meeting and said, 'I am a Trump supporter', just to see what would happen. He is from a western state and is a Trump supporter. The earth didn't open up and swallow him. No one cared. Nothing happened. In some social settings I frame my disdain for the Clintons more carefully than I do here, but this doesn't mean I don't make the same basic arguments. I only change the tone to increase my chance of influencing the debate. Adults don't generally have a problem accepting that a profusion of political views exist.

People believe all kinds of crazy stuff. They rarely get socially ostracized because of these beliefs, except in really extreme cases. I doubt Shouting Thomas gets a lot of dinner party invitations.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm pretty sure Drago would have been one of the types willing to frag someone's daughter.

Or abuse them in equally depraved ways.

Drago's one of the sicker, less heroic types that the military needs less of.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

PTSD, TBI or he’s simply an asshole who is probably a professional Propagandizer.

Ritmo, yes. That’s entirely possible.

buwaya said...

Germany, note, keeps German wages down. Germans get paid considerably less than Americans (25% less disposable income, PPP, look it up), and especially at the higher-skill end.

This is not a new policy for Germany.
This was national policy going back to Bismarck.

Add to that Germany does not pay the sort of implicit taxation via regulatory overhead the US has been increasing since Carter and Reagan tried to reduce it.

And of course they are Germans. They have tremendous cultural and human capital, probably more than the US does per capita.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I could see him starting a whisper campaign to persecute another person in the same service. I don't see him as someone who has the capacity for understanding what honorable service means. Or even what honor means.

Michael K said...

What value there still is in accepting unfavorable terms of trade, and they are indeed broadly unfavorable, is questionable. There is no need to win a global quasi-religious war.

We can't afford it anymore. Obama saying that decline was inevitable was his way of explaining to the rubes that they were done and might as well die. Lots did.

Trump says he will MAGA and, guess what ? That was a Reagan slogan that he bought the rights to in 2012.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Or even what service means, for that matter.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya said...
It is hard to make the case that this iteration of American business is Americas business. The interests do not coincide, they diverge.

Or are just a continuation of the dynamic destruction that has always characterized American business, with its inevitable winners and losers. You, and I, may prefer the George Romneys to the Mitt Romneys, but that world isn't coming back. It's gone forever. And now we have to pick our way through the wreckage to find a workable way forward. I doubt that it is going to be very equitable.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's hard to see Drago rendering military service. I didn't know that weasels serve in the military.

Michael K said...

And of course they are Germans. They have tremendous cultural and human capital, probably more than the US does per capita.

If only The Kaiser had kept him on. Although the book I'm reading, "The Sleepwalkers," suggests that he has less blame than has been historically been his share.

The German immigrants to America were very important.

buwaya said...

I live in one of the bubbles in the headquarters zones of the US economy, and that certainly is the conventional wisdom. Indeed, it is in the atmosphere. There are very, very many who remain silent. We know each other by subtle signs.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It would be hard for me to impugn Drago's character. But only because he doesn't actually have any to impugn.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...


Good point about Carter and Reagan. Although Carter had many failings (and did give us the failed Dept of Ed) he did make moves toward some deregulation. Specifically, he abolished the CAB (a policy finished under Reagan).

Nixon was a Leftist wet dream. He thought there was nothing better than government control of every damned thing. For Nixon's efforts we got stagflation, 15% mortgage rates and double digit unemployment.

Decentralization would do wonders for the world and US economies.

Michael K said...

It will be interesting to see if Trump can pull this off, dragging the Democrats kicking and screaming into the future.

They are already thinking of trying to create an economic crash.

George Mitchell was able to do enough to wreck GHW Bush's re-election, which gave us Clinton the grifter from Arkansas.

That was not as big a disaster as Johnson's Vietnam War but it was one, nonetheless.

Michael K said...

Nixon was a Leftist wet dream. He thought there was nothing better than government control of every damned thing.

Nixon had no interest in domestic policy plus he had a Democrat Congress.

Reagan let the Democrat Congress spend so they would let him win the Cold War.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Or even what service means, for that matter.”

I think he may have served in some country’s military, I’m not certain it was the US military though. A while back we had a discussion about uniforms, he got something very wrong that most anyone serving in the Navy would know. He didn’t and even fought me over it, until he was proven wrong.

buwaya said...

Change comes about for various reasons, and the directions it goes are not necessarily beneficial. Yet another lesson from history, and again from Schumpeter. Decadence and decline are more inevitable than progress.

The US concentration of asset valuations into what amounts to a government-subsidized financial casino, living by and off the asset bubbles, is not only not beneficial, it is not "natural". This is a thing created by government policy.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya said...
There are very, very many who remain silent. We know each other by subtle signs.

If there are a lot of you and you know who you are, then it doesn't sound all that repressive. It has never been the case that people can just say whatever thoughts come into their head in every social setting. Minorities have always had to express their skepticism carefully, often in code. What has changed in the business setting and what you really seem to resent is who is now in the minority. My father is a pretty hard-core leftist who worked as a engineer and therefore had to frame his arguments more carefully than the majority. He would have loved the new environment.

Michael K said...

The US concentration of asset valuations into what amounts to a government-subsidized financial casino, living by and off the asset bubbles, is not only not beneficial, it is not "natural". This is a thing created by government policy.

What can't go on forever, won't.

We need an economy that makes things before it collapses.

Michael K said...

He would have loved the new environment.

I knew you had to be a red diaper kid.

James Damore is a victim of your "new environment."

Congratulate yourself. Antonio Gramsci would congratulate you, as well.

Birkel said...

Michael K,
I agree about making things.

What do the cities LA, NYC, and DC make - allowing for Hollywood entertainment?

Michael K said...

The business of America is business”. The oligarchs have always held the upper hand. The post-Depression/post-war period of relative equality was the aberration.

Interesting comment. You could benefit from reading more about the `1920s, which resembled the 1990s a lot. Innovation and a growing stock market.

The left trashed Coolidge later but the 1920s were a period of great economic growth.

Prohibition was a Progressive policy that the left tries to forget.

Michael K said...

What do the cities LA, NYC, and DC make - allowing for Hollywood entertainment?

There used to be a lot of light industry in LA. Progs drove it out although some remains in Orange County.

NYC had a lot of small manufacturing, I have read. I lived in LA for 60 years but NYC I have only read about.

DC has only made what cows do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think he may have served in some country’s military, I’m not certain it was the US military though. A while back we had a discussion about uniforms, he got something very wrong that most anyone serving in the Navy would know. He didn’t and even fought me over it, until he was proven wrong.

Well it's possible he has a brain disorder, but a lot of reactionary conservatives are just liars, regardless. Alex Jones, for instance. Trump, for another.

Darkisland said...

Even harder to see Squeamish (formerly styling as Toothless Revolutiobary) in any military service.

Squeamish really has no moral grounds to even talk about, much less criticize anyones service or lack.

(don't bother biting that hook, squeamish.)

John Henry

Rabel said...

I must defend Trudeau. Those are his real eyebrows.

buwaya said...

Decades ago I used to run a booth every year at the Westec manufacturing trade show (nobody else wanted to do trade shows!), back then always at the LA convention center.
A great number of the local attendees are gone, moved mainly, if not out of business.

But the thing is still big, still has tons of exhibitors and visitors, but way fewer are from CA.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“It doesn’t cause chaos for US. It causes chaos for them because they see a STABLE US ATM limiting transactions or. cash flow drying up”

Yes, which is the cries of “trade war” are so absurd. The silver lining for them is that when they no longer get the hand-outs, they no longer need to accept the condescension. Bit of a parallel to Blacks and the Democrat Party.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not as hard as it is to see John the Moron Henry telling the truth.

Go on and tell everyone your cell phone number and P.O. box, whack-job - (as if that makes you a rational and honest person). Bite that hook. Advertising how lonely you are to the world the way you do really does give you a kind of credibility, doesn't it?

But not as someone who's credibly informative. Ask John Henry for something other than how to call his lonely ass up direct in Puerto Rico at the middle of the night and then he really sputters.

Do you take collect calls?

John's like the guy on the island shouting at passing boats and planes to rescue him, only to realize that they found him too weird and unstable to want to let onto their vessel.

Michael K said...

back then always at the LA convention center.
A great number of the local attendees are gone, moved mainly, if not out of business.

LA prefers art and movies and light tech stuff like SnapChat.

One daughter works in Santa Monica, what is now called "Silicon Beach."

She is the one now in northern Idaho working on her 5 acre retreat. Her boyfriend, who is an excellent sculptor and makes good money from it, are starting to talk about a gallery in Sand Point.

The last businessperson to leave LA has been born.

wwww said...

The Canadian dairy tariffs were gone under TPP.

Now Japan is getting into tariff retaliation. Who sells beef? Omaha farmers, Texas. Wisconsin hit again with cheese. Wisconsin is gonna feel these tariffs.

They told me we're not in a trade war, part II...

Colin Grabow
"Japan slaps tariffs on a wide range of American agricultural products — as much as 32% on oranges, 50% on beef, 40% on various cheeses and 58% on wine."

TPP would have cut tariffs on oranges to 0%. Many beef products to 0%. Many cheese tariffs to 0%. Wine to 0%.

wildswan said...

There used to be high-brow and low-brow; now there is also eyebrow. This is talking disdainfully about what goofs the flyovers and their elected representatives are while your eyebrow-falsie swoops tastefully across your eye - like spinach across your teeth.

I got some mustache stickers for nephews for Christmas and they stayed on quite well. Trudeau might want to try them. https://www.michaels.com/10256008.html

Jon Ericson said...

A tale told by Pedro, the human scrollbar, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“TPP would have cut tariffs on oranges to 0%. Many beef products to 0%. Many cheese tariffs to 0%. Wine to 0%.”

Thanks to Trump, thanks to Trumpists for voting for him, thanks to people who enable him, even now. Obama was right about TPP. You people here trashed him.

Jon Ericson said...

Somewhere a seagull is missing its cheeseburger.

Birkel said...

Obama? You mean that guy who gave Iran (which has admitted helping the 9/11 hijackers) cash, access to the US banking system, and dropped sanctions? That guy?

TPP was such a great deal, youse guys! Swearsies. Read my talking points. For realz. A guy like Obama was totes cool and those great guys in other countries would totally not screw him. /sarc

Drago said...

Inga: "Thanks to Trump, thanks to Trumpists for voting for him, thanks to people who enable him, even now. Obama was right about TPP. You people here trashed him"



The TPP has lots to love – and hate

"It’s the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP -- a sprawling regional trade deal that would be the largest of its kind ever if supporters, including President Obama and congressional Republicans, can pass it amid a tide of skepticism over international trade."

So, in opposing the TPP, Trump voters also opposed the establishment republicans.

Simply another in a long list of reasons why Trump won the nomination and the general (besides the other key reason that Hillary is clearly a drunk and on pills and has to be physically carried from venue to vehicle).

Another interesting point about the TPP:

"GDP gains for the U.S. likely would be minimal from the deal, around 0.13 percent by one estimate, since the U.S. economy is so large, wrote Samuel Rines, senior economist and portfolio strategist for Avalon Advisors, in a research note."


Here's another:

"A prevailing concern among critics is the deal is chock full of murky details, making it difficult to predict winners and losers, said Usha C.V. Haley, a professor of management at West Virginia University College of Business & Economics and an expert on international trade."

Wow, ANOTHER murky deal with all the details hidden from public view, just as with obama's payoff to the Mad Mullahs of Iran.

Seeing Red said...

If the TOP was 0 would Trump have walked away from it?

What was buried in it?

Or was it another wonderful deal like Iran?

Think about it, Inga, would you ever have thought pulling out of that deal the black turbans would have admitted they could have at minimum given us a heads up about 9/11?

I still want them to follow thru on their threat to name names who they bribed.

Seeing Red said...

Is Japanese beef safe? Have they fixed their radiation leak?

Drago said...

Seeing Red: "What was buried in it?

Or was it another wonderful deal like Iran?"

All of obama's deals were "secret", and give away the store. But we are supposed to trust him.

Well, we all know Putin trusted obama to let Russia have 20% of our uranium, all of the Crimea, half of Ukraine AND obama literally invited Russia into Syria.


Seeing Red said...

Prohibition was a Progressive policy that the left tries to forget.

A women policy. Another reason they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Darkisland said...

It occurred to me that we could play the Johnny Carson game. You all remember how that goes, right?

Johnny: He is so squeamish...

Audience: How squeamish is he?

Johnny: he is sooo squemish that he can't say piss but has to say "pee-pee" like a 6 year old.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's not that other people are squeamish, it's just that they find you gross.

I don't doubt that you are very used to people wanting to have nothing to do with you, John.

Darkisland said...

Maybe I should publish Squeamish's phone & address.


It would upset our host and perhaps drive my favorite fish away.

Don't worry, Squeamish. Your secrets are safe with me.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

OT but Squeamish raises an interesting question:

Is it even possible to make a collect call in the us anymore?

To a cellphone?

Is there even such a thing as "long distance" anymore since i can call anywhere in North America for free?

John Henry

Anonymous said...

wwww: TPP would have cut tariffs on oranges to 0%. Many beef products to 0%. Many cheese tariffs to 0%. Wine to 0%.

TPP promised to do a lot of wonderful things. Do you have any understanding of why there was widespread opposition to TPP? I mean, understanding not derived from random twitter out-takes and Globe and Mail editorials.

They told me we're not in a trade war, part II...

They told you, but I guess you were having too much fun with your portentous (if flimsily substantiated) predictions of impending trade doom that it didn't sink in.

Let's check back in a few weeks or months and compare notes on how the apocalyptic trade war and/or totally out-of-the-blue completely-Trump-caused never-previously-experienced trade discombobulations are going.

Darkisland said...


Has the full text of tpp ever been made public?

I remember that as of last year us rubes were still not to be trusted with reading it.

Has tha changed?

John Henry

Birkel said...


No! The sky is falling. Right. Now!

You must be concerned about all of the Left's worries about future events or else you are a H8er.

Ray - SoCal said...

The left in Silicon Valley looks to get you fired if you go outside the Overton window and are a perceived wrong thinker, or even related to one.

Conservatives now days don’t care, and have a live and let live be attitude.

With the ability to quickly form a twitter / social media mob, where a small number appears to have a huge influence, there are few that can afford to risk angering the mob with wrong think.

Ray - SoCal said...

Another penalty for wrong think of you run a website is demonetizing. YouTube, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, gofundme, and amazon are doing this.

Legalinsurrection got kicked out of Amazon’s affiliate program.


Anonymous said...

Birkel: No! The sky is falling. Right. Now!

And it was firmly in place! Until Trump kicked out the struts! (Or maybe cancelled the funding for Obama's sky-support infrastructure project.)

You must be concerned about all of the Left's worries about future events or else you are a H8er.

It's always fun to try to predict what newfound expertise is going to be sweeping the catlady demographic next. I admit I'm impressed by all the newly minted global trade experts coming on line in the last few days.

Birkel said...


All these newly minted experts are a joy. And their credentials are legitimate. /sarc

That said, Trump has the easier position to defend. The Trump position is countries should have the same tariffs between the two trading partners. That's an argument for fairness.

The Left's argument is to protect the status quo because our allies are mad at us. It's a childish argument. Canada, as an example, wants access to our markets and not the other way around. Canada is worried that American goods will be more desired by Canadians and that Canada's producers will lose in a robust competition. Canada is arguing for its own protectionism and thinks our objection to their protectionism makes us the bad actor.

Imagine my confusion, listening to the 'experts', when I think Trump has set himself up for an easy rhetorical and real-world win.

Darrell said...

Trump offered to drop all tariffs and subsidies if the rest of the world would do the same. Game over. The liars are left scrambling for words and cover. No tariffs or subsidies is the definition of free trade/fair trade. Imagine trade deal that can be written on a postcard instead of looking like the NYC phone book.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

On 9/11 thousands of air travelers were diverted to Canada. Canada took them in and treated them like family. This is how Trump thanks them? We have a president who shows more deference to dictators than he does to our closest neighbor and ally. The man is a shameful smear on the Presidency.

“Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.”

Senator John McCain

Seeing Red said...

And when the Canadians had an ice storm that cut power for 3 weeks we helped. That was after 9/11.

So what McCain is saying is that it’s ok for them to charge an average of 271% on our dairy products and lie about where their steel comes from and it’s ok to undercut our steel industry.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Seeing Red said...

Inga stands for Wisconsin dairy farmers taking it up the ass.

Anonymous said...

Inga: On 9/11 thousands of air travelers were diverted to Canada. Canada took them in and treated them like family. This is how Trump thanks them?

Lol. Wut?

Ing, I know some people think wearing glasses makes them look smarter, but the new avatar really won't make your comments sound any less daffy.

mikee said...

John Bolton's mustache snickers in mild contempt at the whole kerfuffle.
Then continues thinking of all the ways it would be fun to overthrow Lil' Kim.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


“About 90 percent of Wisconsin milk is turned into cheese, and 90 percent of that cheese is sold outside of the state's borders.

"Dairy farmers and processors simply cannot afford a trade war that will choke off access to major partners," said Brody Stapel, a dairy farmer from Cedar Grove and board president of Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative.

Mexico buys nearly a quarter of all dairy products exported by the U.S.

Cheese, yogurt, pizza, cucumbers, soups and prepared meals are some Wisconsin food products on Canada’s list of items slated for tariffs.

“We think it’s going to be pretty devastating to us,” said Jeff Schwager, president of Sartori Cheese in Plymouth.

“Uncertainty is the killer. If these tariffs go into place, what will they be? And how long will they last? We are in uncharted territory,” he said.

Sartori, which buys milk from 130 Wisconsin dairy farms, exports products to 49 countries.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Buzzard, your new avatar is so you. I’m glad I suggested it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Mexico, for instance, plans to retaliate against the steel and aluminum tariffs by targeting U.S. cheese, among other products.

“It’s our second-largest market,” Jeff Schwager, president of Sartori, a cheese company in Plymouth, Wisconsin, said of Mexico. Retaliatory tariffs “will reduce sales — there’s no question.”

“The hard-earned sales we’ve secured in Mexico could be at risk given the potential for retaliation,” the National Milk Producers Federation warned in a statement.

Harley-Davidson has already absorbed higher steel and aluminum costs since Trump first announced the metals tariffs three months ago. Now, the threats of retaliatory tariffs from abroad raise the fear of higher prices for Harley motorcycles sold outside the U.S.

In a statement, Harley-Davidson said retaliatory tariffs “would have a significant impact on our sales” in those countries. The Milwaukee-based company said it was evaluating options for controlling higher materials costs. In April, its chief financial officer warned that cost increases could be worse than the company forecast in January and might last for several quarters.

With these tariffs, it’s going to make the product too expensive for the consumers in Mexico and in Canada and in the EU,” Colombini said. “We’re not going to be able to sell all of our crop. And so some of it is probably going to go unharvested or just dumped ... I have 200 employees, and they depend on the success of this operation for their jobs to feed and clothe their families.”


Drago said...

Inga: "Senator John McCain"

The lefties told us John McCain was literally Hitler and far too unstable to be President.

Seeing Red said...

Unfortunately for Harley, the generation that rides them us dying out. The kids want the pocket rockets.

I did see an Indian dealership tho.

Seeing Red said...

Mexico isn’t a poor country compared to the countries south of them. They can afford it.

Do they finally have Victoria Secret there yet? I don’t think they did a few years ago.

Seeing Red said...

Inga sides with our neighbors not a surprise. She doesn’t mind political unrest on our southern border. She welcomes it to finally get rid of we deplorable.

Jim at said...

Even harder to see Squeamish (formerly styling as Toothless Revolutiobary) in any military service.

That's because he would be fragged.

Seeing Red said...

What’s the problem with more fair trade? I thought progressives wanted that? Fair trade coffee, textiles, jewelry.

Seeing Red said...

What percentages are they slapping on? What are the current percentages?

Seeing Red said...

How did I forget? We’re supposed to take it up the ass for climate, Iran and trade.

For peace while they enrich themselves on the hardworking US taxpayer.

Ummmm no.

Seeing Red said...

And don’t get me started on meds. Years ago Canada told us they’d be willing to break patents if we raised prices on them.

jeremyabrams said...

To bear our hearts in grief and our whole kingdom
To be contracted in one brow of woe.

Claudius to Hamlet, starting things off.

PJ said...

there is no good argument for Government creating that instability and chaos

With apologies to Hizzonor, the Government is not there to create instability and chaos, the Government is there to preserve instability and chaos.

Darkisland said...

Question for Squeamish :

How many scientists did Pruitt fire?

As in, how many of the people fired were actual, practicing, scientist?

Do you know? Even approximately?

Either numbet or percentage of total firees is fine.

John Henry

Michael K said...

Man, Inga is turning into the next Ben Rhodes !

Where were you when Obama needed a deep thinker ?

Gretchen said...

As much as I would love it to be a wayward eyebrow merkin, if you look at pictures of Trudeau he has weird eyebrows that grow darker under his supraorbital ridge.

Bilwick said...

Bush/Bush is "Old Right"? Would have come as a big surprise to Nock, Mencken and others of similar kidney.

Quaestor said...

Trudeau ist kaputt.

Birkel said...

Both Bushes were big government Republicans.

Michael K said...

Interesting article on CTH today about Trudeau and the trade issue.

Team Justin/Chrystia played the “ally card” diplomatically requesting G7 support. Team Trump was willing to give Team Justin/Chrystia the optics of a political win in the G7 communique as a diplomatic showing of ‘good faith‘, and set aside the larger conflict of the trade dispute for another day. However, moments after they achieved the needed validity, after gaining the U.S. G7 support, Justin/Chrystia dropped the diplomatic approach and went back to public political trade antagonism and confrontation.

That’s the ‘stab-in-the-back’ aspect.

For months Chrystia and Justin have been playing politics with their U.S., Mexico and Canada (NAFTA) trade negotiations. Chrystia and Justin traveling all over the U.S., meeting with liberal comrades and lobbying Washington DC politicians.


In the past 25 years all manufacturing and investment into Mexico and Canada has been reliant on their position to exploit the NAFTA loophole; the backdoor access to the U.S. market. If Trump shuts down that loophole, and brings the manufacturing and assembly back to the U.S., investment North and South of the U.S. border will drop exponentially and the Canadian and Mexican economies will likely shrink rapidly.

I look forward to ARM's correction of that opinion.

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