June 17, 2018

"Grandma strangles rabid bobcat with her bare hands."

ANY Post headline. The "Grandma" is a 46-year-old woman, DeDe Phillips. She was taking a photo of the animal when it "took two steps and was on top of me . . . it came for my face."
“I took it straight to the ground and started inching my hands up to its throat... Once I got him where he wasn’t moving I started screaming for my daughter-in-law to call 911,” she said....

“They go for your jugular . . . when they can get the vein you’re dead in a couple of minutes,” she said, noting she was careful not to yell until the cat was subdued, because she didn’t want her 5-year-old granddaughter to come outside.

Phillips refused to release the beast until her son showed up and stabbed the animal “four or five times.”

“It never budged, so I knew it was completely dead,” she said.


Wince said...

Grandma strangles rabid bobcat with her bare hands.

A little late, if you ask me.

Somebody should have taken care of that comedian Goldthwait years ago.

traditionalguy said...

Warrior woman.

Fernandinande said...

"Shutterstock" fake picture?

Here's the picture she took; the cat doesn't look very healthy.

Oso Negro said...

That’s the way to do it! Throttle the bastard, then stab him a few times for good measure.

Big Mike said...

Women used to be pretty tough. I guess some still are. But don’t trust anybody under 40.

Bob Boyd said...

Whatever happened to the sweet grandmas?

In the article I read yesterday the woman was quoted as saying she'd spent the day "working on her truck". I thought that was really interesting and I wonder why the Post changed it to "working in her front yard".

Michael K said...

There was an attack by a rabid bobcat in Tucson last year.

A man walking his dog was attacked.

The bobcat was rabid and the man and the dog were treated. The dog was probably already immunized.

We had a big healthy looking bobcat walk through our back yard a couple of months ago. It was about 8 AM and I looked out the window. By the time I got my camera it was gone.

Seeing Red said...

Whatta woman.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

When I read the headline, I immediately thought of Grannie from "The Beverly Hillbillies," who would have offed the bobcat with a frying pan. But this grannie is pretty young.

"Here's the picture she took; the cat doesn't look very healthy."

An unhealthy bobcat can still rip out your jugular. Kudos to grannie!

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I used to spend a lot of time in the woods and it was unusual to actually see a bobcat and when you did see one it was generally the tail end as it disappeared. Bobcats are very wary of humans. So, it one attacks a human you can be pretty sure it is rabid.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So did it leave any of attacks and its rabies on her?

tcrosse said...

It's a bitter pill to swallow that I have kids older than Grannie.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

According to the Internet, the average size of a male bobcat is 20 - 30 pounds. A male Maine coon cat averages between 15 - 25 pounds. Humans are just way to big to be viable game. There looking for rabbits and squirrels. And the occasional house cat or small dog if they wander into the suburbs.

Michael K said...

Bobcats are very wary of humans. So, it one attacks a human you can be pretty sure it is rabid.

Yes. There was one that lived on a golf course I used to play. It lived in an area of rough in the middle of the course and never bothered anybody. There must have been lots of rats in the course rough areas. Once we were sitting in a golf cart on the 9th tee and a huge rattlesnake came out of the rough toward the cart. I got out and after it saw me it turned around and went back. It must have been over 6 feet long. Lots of rats.

Ron Winkleheimer said...


L Day said...

And a 30 pound bobcat could tear your ass up. Good thing they're generally not interested in us.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I sure hope they were careful about the blood.

Fernandinande said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
An unhealthy bobcat can still rip out your jugular.

I bet there are no actual cases of a bobcat, rabid or not, ripping out someone's jugular, or killing grown human in any other way.

Kudos to grannie!

She's a bullshitter, but yup.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So is it all just going to be backwoodsy special interest stories today? Nothing on what the GOParty of No Standards failed to achieve (but still hyped the hell out of) yet again?

Maybe the Sunday shows are still being reviewed.

Achilles said...

They don’t go for the jugular.

They go for the carotid.

There are not many humans who could hold a full grown bobcat like that. People don’t understand how absolutely violent these animals are. She certainly is not one of them.

AllenS said...

Trump needs to hire Granny to work in the White House Press Room.

James K said...

Women used to be pretty tough.

This young woman offers some hope for the future--a similar story from a year ago:

Maine woman drowns rabid raccoon

Mr. Groovington said...

Big Mike said...
But don’t trust anybody under 40.

I'd go towards 45.

Mr. Groovington said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
When I read the headline, I immediately thought of Grannie from "The Beverly Hillbillies," who would have offed the bobcat with a frying pan.

LOL totally

Achilles said...

Fernandistein said...
"Shutterstock" fake picture?

Here's the picture she took; the cat doesn't look very healthy.

That is a sad looking bobcat.

Her story might actually be true.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

A 62 year old Florida man choked a bobcat to death in 2017.


Trumpit said...

Bobcats, bears, and bald eagles are beautiful beyond description. Most human life is worthless, and discardable. Prove your worth to me. The regular, obnoxious Althouse trolls are the truly rabid, right-winged vermin. They can't even fly; at least an ostrich can run fast. It's a matter of opinion whether some or all trolls deserve to be strangled and repeatedly stabbed to death. If they are also a member of the hunter class, then the answer is clear. The main problem with killing them is that you can only kill them once, but at least you'd stop them from killing another of God's magnificent creatures. Trump's big game hunting vermin sons, Eric and Don, Jr., are the most despicable animals on two legs next to their father and Sirhan Sirhan. Should they not be waterboarded, or worse, as their father wants be done to traitors?

Use the Althouse Amazon portal to purchase:

Comanche Voter said...

Country folk will abide. Living in the foothills in Los Angeles we see lots of bobcats.They'll occasionally come down an drink from our pool. They do come down in the neighborhoods. The more nervous of my suburban neighbors worry about bobcats catching and eating their little toy poodles and such.

But the Georgia lady who did this knows and knew animals. The story says she was the daughter in law of a bobcat trapper. And since it was a case of the bobcat or her she took matters into her own hands--so to speak.

Narayanan said...

Comey wants to try out for the Oval Office ...

LordSomber said...

This just happened last year:

Fox attacks Oconee man trapped under 4-wheeler; holds fox by neck until help arrives


I live on the main drag in town and we still have raccoons, opossum and a family of foxes running around.

L Day said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
L Day said...

"Most human life is worthless, and discardable." Got an idea of where we might start? Show us the way you jackass.

Trumpit said...

A new troll appears out the woodwork. Proves my point.

Michael K said...

The regular, obnoxious Althouse trolls are the truly rabid, right-winged vermin.

Love conquers all. Unless you are crazy.

Curious George said...

Hillary Clinton killed a bobcat. Oh, wait. It wasn't a bobcat. It was Seth Rich.

n.n said...

Grandma, huh. Feminine female strong.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Love conquers all. Unless you are crazy.


gspencer said...

As Coroner, I thoroughly examined her
And she's not only merely dead
That cat's really most sincerely dead

n.n said...

I have kids older than Grannie.

A new generation ever couple of decades for low risk pregnancies and healthy fetuses, offspring, a.k.a. babies.

Sydney said...

I’ve often wondered if I would be capable of choking a dog to death. Mostly when one of the neighborhood dogs runs at me while I’m taking a walk.

gadfly said...

Achilles said...

That is a sad looking bobcat.

This bobcat appears to have late-stage ("dumb") paralytic rabies. According to WIKI, animals with "dumb" rabies appear depressed, lethargic, and uncoordinated. Gradually they become completely paralyzed. When their throat and jaw muscles are paralyzed, the animals will drool and have difficulty swallowing.

If my assumption is true, Grandma may not have been in as much danger as she thought - if the feline's jaw muscles are paralyzed.

n.n said...

So, was it self-defense or elective abortion?

If the animal was in fact sick, then there is cause to believe the grandmother acted in the former, and that the animal was insane and driven to the latter.

Trumpit said...

n.n: What have you done for babies that you profess to love so much? I think you're all talk, and no action. Futilely protesting against legal abortions is a waste of your breath in my opinion.

Rabel said...

We call 'em souped-up wildcats.

robother said...

I loved Ann's typo ANYPost headline. As a headline appealing to NY tabloid readers, it covers a lot of bases: "Granny" fairly screams Southern redneck, "Rabid" could apply to either subject or object, and "Bobcat" just the kind of fauna one is likely to encounter west of the Hudson (including humans named "Bobcat").

Yancey Ward said...

Any golfing fanatics here? I was wondering what your opinion of the Phil Mickelson moving ball controversy is? I thought Mickelson reasoning was perfectly valid- the two shot penalty was probably worth it on that hole location and where his ball was surely rolling to, but his only mistake was he slapped the ball too hard in his attempt to put it nearer the hole.

Also, do you think what he tried to do was ethical in the game of golf? It is all within the rules- he did assess himself the penalty immediately, so he wasn't trying to get away with something, just trying to use the rules to his advantage according to his calculation, but is that proper in the game of golf?

Trumpit said...

"Also, do you think what he tried to do was ethical in the game of golf?" Of course, it wasn't ethical. It was an affront to the game and the spectators. Mickelson is a has-been. The game of golf is dying and he put the nail in its coffin. Golf courses should be turned into wildlife refuges; that includes Trump's 18 golf courses around the world.

robother said...

I considered Trumpit a mere troll. His posts today are making me rethink that view: I think he may be a profoundly disturbed individual masking his mental disorder as trolling.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“n.n: What have you done for babies that you profess to love so much? I think you're all talk, and no action. Futilely protesting against legal abortions is a waste of your breath in my opinion.”

Hey, give him some credit, maybe he’s planning a huge assault on some abortion clinic somewhere.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Whatever the actual level of threat from the bobcat, the vision of this woman strangling the rabid bobcat while Jimmy Don repeatedly stabs it is a glorious tableau of Jacksonian deplorability. Great stuff.

pacwest said...

"just trying to use the rules to his advantage according to his calculation"

The instance that always stands out to me when this question is raised is when Tiger had some of the gallery move that huge rock so he had a shot at the green. Perfectly legal, but hardly ethical.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Hey, give him some credit, maybe he’s planning a huge assault on some abortion clinic somewhere”

Do abortion docs get together to play softball? Probably not church league....

James Graham said...

That's nothing.

Just this morning I dispatched a salamander.

n.n said...

The National Socialists' gas chambers were also legal and operated under a layer of privacy until they were exposed to public scrutiny and aborted with prejudice.

As for Planned Parenthood et al, there are people who deny evolution and should be educated. There are people who are comforted through normalization in denying life deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable, and they should be exposed. There is also the Mengele offshots in clinical cannibalism and recycled child.

Ironically, the Nazis asserted Jew privilege, which may be an inspiration for the contemporary concept of White privilege, and Asian privilege. A progressive slope.

Jim at said...

A simple post about a wildlife encounter and witness the assholery put forth by the leftist trolls.

n.n said...

Unfortunately, unlike one-child, selective-child, is a psychopathy that is not contained to a minority regime, but has been normalized in a general population. Fortunately, the number of "good Americans" is mostly limited to Democrat affiliations. As for abortionists and their advocates and activists, there is a practical need to offer amnesty through repent and sin and no more. In the meantime, we have abortion rites that are an unprecedented violation of human rights, consensus, and combination of Cult (i.e. Pro-Choice) and State.

William said...

This stirring story is in some ways a metaphor for Hillary and her brave fight against her rabid opponents. Perhaps not so applicable to Trump or even Sanders, but she really defeated that other guy whose name I forget. O'Malley? She left him dead in the road. Hillary is one tough granny.

n.n said...

a metaphor for Hillary and her brave fight against her rabid opponents

She didn't defeat Sanders. Her backers caged him. Perhaps it was Jew privilege, preceded by White privilege that saw her caged.

She didn't defeat Trump. Her backers have carried out a multi-trimester baby hunt, which has fortunately failed to abort their target.

Michael K said...

Golf courses should be turned into wildlife refuges; that includes Trump's 18 golf courses around the world.

If you ever had played golf, you would know they are wildlife refuges now.

Browndog said...

Yancey Ward said...

Any golfing fanatics here? I was wondering what your opinion of the Phil Mickelson moving ball controversy is?

It was Phil's way of telling USGA to fuck off with their clown show of a golf course.

I approve.

daskol said...

In my family, the two people you least want to fuck with are my mother and my mother-in-law. You don't mess with grandmas. Especially if they have grandchildren around. Bad idea.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, does Trumpit’s screed not concern you and Meade? He seems every bit as rabid as the bobcat.

Jaq said...

I know for sure now that I want to vote for the party that wants to ban golf because a lot of older to old white men like to get their exercise that way, and golf courses are just putting off the long awaited death of that voting cohort.

Jaq said...

Sometimes I think Trumpit is a parody account, and sometimes I think he just sounds too authentically crazy to be a character.

robother said...

"It was Phil's way of telling USGA to fuck off with their clown show of a golf course."


"If you ever had played golf, you would know they are wildlife refuges now."

Three friends were playing Castle Pines last summer. My best friend hit a great approach shot, but as they came up to the hole, they noticed a mountain lion on a little cliff above the hole. He had a short putt to make, but with his back to the lion. He couldn't figure out a way to putt it left-handed, and sure enough missed the putt. I pointed out that Nicholson never had to putt with that kind of pressure.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The bobcat represents Hillary, right?

rhhardin said...

Rabid bobcat has internal musicality. b-d = b-t

Trumpit said...

@Big Mike, do Trump’s screeds not concern you and Mead ? He seems every bit as rabid as you are. I like donkeys and bobcats; rabid right-wingers not much. You have NO proof that the bobcat was rabid. You're a troll making shit up again. Typical troll calling for mommy.

We won't have a society if we destroy the environment. - Margaret Mead

Big Mike said...

@Trumpit, Margaret Mead has been shown to have falsified her data. Ditto Rachel Carson.

A quick scan of Google turns up no instances where a bobcat attacked a human and it was not rabid.

bagoh20 said...

I think I'm in love.

Birkel said...

I have tried to find how many stitches it took to close up what must have been a lot of cuts and scratches.

Has anybody seen that number?
(And yes, I might just have overlooked what was obvious.)

MadisonMan said...

Why didn't she just call the police to fix the problem?

Bilwick said...

I'm going for the mental-instability thesis on Trumpit and you-know-who. You used to see these guys on park benches and public transportation, haranguing anyone unfortunate enough to be in ear-shot; now (thanks to public libraries and halfway houses), they have access to computers. Of course, I'm prejudiced, since I think you have to be at least a little nuts to be a statist, given statism's history of murder, looting, and general chaos.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I used to tend bar and holidays like today seemed to bring out the sad, angry and crazy people who had no family or hated their family [and vice versa]. This may explain Trumpit's postings today.

traditionalguy said...
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traditionalguy said...

Warrior woman comes from the northern border of Georgia and South Carolina which is a Scots-Irish settled area called the waxhaws. It spawned Andrew Jackson. The people living there are mostly hard working and honest mountain folks. They voted 80% for that brash boy from NYC because they saw in him their type of leader. One they could fight for and not be betrayed when the fight was over.

The economy in the Greenville, Spartanberg, Anderson corridor has boomed with heavy investments coming in from BMW and Boeing that covet the workers there.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Bobcats, bears, and bald eagles are beautiful beyond description”.

I assume that this means that you oppose wind power. Biggest killer of eagles these days are large windmills. My memory is that Obama provided a waiver to the law protecting them. Hopefully, it will be rescinded under Trump.

The Godfather said...

My usual practice is not to read more than about the first 2 hours of comments. I've found that after that the discussion often gets put off track by some commenter(s) who want to talk about something other than the subject of the post; I suppose these are trolls. That's happened here.

Still, I want to say that this young woman, faced with a dangerous situation, showed initiative and courage and should be applauded for her actions. I would say this even if the story said that she'd voted for Hillary.

But somehow I doubt that she did.

Clyde said...

Nobody likes paparazzi, including rabid bobcats.

Michael K said...

Warrior woman comes from the northern border of Georgia and South Carolina which is a Scots-Irish settled area called the waxhaws.

Have you read Jim Webb;'s book, "Born Fighting"? It's good.

Michael K said...

You have NO proof that the bobcat was rabid.

My concern is whether trumpit is rabid.

JAORE said...

Tough lady.

Stupid lady.

If you believe an animal can, and will, tear out your jugular, do NOT approach it closely for a picture.

I was in Yosemite a couple of years ago and saw a woman approach a deer and her fawn. She stopped about eight feet away. No harm, but stupid, stupid, stupid.

I blame Disney.

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