June 6, 2018

Bill Clinton was so embarrassingly awful on the "Today" show, and then he tried again, last night, on Stephen Colbert's show.

I haven't watched it yet. I'll give you the clip — watch it with me — and add my comments in a few minutes:

1. I'm only up to 0:03, and look at the expression on Bill's face:

He's already angry!

2. Colbert begins by talking about the book — the thriller Bill purportedly co-wrote with James Patterson. Colbert's question — aimed at Patterson — is apt and funny: What did Clinton add to this project that you couldn't have come up with yourself? Patterson babbled meaninglessly. He writes pulp and speaks pulp. Some bullshit about authenticity. The question does its work, underscoring what I already think, that Clinton didn't co-write it at all, but put his name on the cover and is participating in this promotional tour. If I had to guess, I'd guess Clinton had someone working for him who read Patterson's drafts, which were marked up with questions and requests for material that could be used to pad out the book, and the assistant had some access to Clinton to use in preparing a response to Patterson. I see no rapport between those 2 men and don't believe they worked together in some way that Clinton pursued for the intrinsic value of creative expression. Patterson is not an amusing associate for Clinton, but the other end of a deal to make money and get good publicity (which makes the bad publicity he's getting so tragic/hilarious). — written after pausing at 0:50.

3. At 1:19, Bill Clinton is warming up, exuding his charm — don't get that on your dress — and finding a way without saying the name to bring up Trump and elicit hoots of hate from the audience that came to a show where hooting hatefully at Trump is what one does. It's so easy, but let's see how many times and how desperately Clinton grabs for that easy rapport with the folks in the room.

4. Just noticing the size of that watch:

5. Colbert interrupts some boring talk about the Secret Service to gratuitously diss Donald Trump and the audience breaks into the chant "Stephen. Stephen. Stephen." Written after pausing at 2:50.

6. After some reference to Melania Trump, Bill Clinton says he likes her and seeing a picture of her made him feel good. Why would he give Colbert that opening to pursue him about his sexual problems? And why doesn't Colbert snap up the opening? At 3:15.

7. At 3:36, we've just gotten a great chance to observe Clinton's demeanor when he is lying.

He's saying that his legal team never considered whether the President could pardon himself. There's no way that's true. I'm sure he could come up with a weaselly argument that it's not a lie. He might say that he believed all along that it was strategically bad for the President to pardon himself, so it didn't matter whether technically the legal argument for presidential power would succeed in court, but the lawyers would for the sake of completeness have researched that question and presented it to him, but he paid only minimal attention to it at the time, since political survival was what really mattered. By the way, if you're looking at my screen grab and thinking about the position of his eyes, remember that Bill Clinton is left-handed.

8. Clinton on his own shifts from the subject of the pardon — where we know he's lying — to the subject of preparing for the interview tonight after the disastrous performance on the "Today" show. He says he did practice interviews — "murder boards" — where his people act as Colbert stand-ins and asked "meaner questions than Colbert would" and then help him tune up his answers, so they're not just what comes straight from his "heart." That is, he's telling us the "Today" show interview, though bad, was spontaneous, and he's not going to do that anymore. Colbert doesn't follow up! He nervously shifts to Patterson and makes the topic Trump again! Does Patterson think "Trump is a believable character"?

9. Colbert brings up North Korea. Bill Clinton says: "We should all want President Trump to succeed here." This is decent. Maybe I shouldn't criticize. But I'll just say this is a nice rest period for Clinton. He can calmly explain something in a presidential style. The audience delivers splattering applause.

10. And that's it. Colbert declares the end of the interview. Quite the softball interview. No mention of Monica Lewinsky. The closest they got to sex was Bill's feeling "good" when he looked at a picture of Melania.

AND: I am just now seeing that the video I watched here was the second segment. There's 9 minutes more and that came first. I'll do a new post with the first segment embedded and see if I can give it the same multi-pointed close watch.

FINALLY: Here's the new post covering the first segment.


Rob said...

That’s not an angry face. Clinton is discomfited by having Stephen Colbert’s nose so far up his ass.

rehajm said...

No interview just the tongue bath he expected at Today. Put Today on the shitlist for a while until they repent their sins and we can all forget it ever happened.

Jaq said...

He should have kept the name Blythe, it was perfect for him.

Jaq said...

I look forward to the day when Hillary Clinton is doing tours with her new line of signature gins.

Owen said...

His prescription for success in Korea would have made a grade schooler proud.

Sally327 said...

Patterson's books seem to have a co-author most of the time so I'm not sure exactly who's writing what when it comes to his books. Anyway, I figure this was just another way for Bill to avoid having to spend time with Hillary. Oh I have to go to over to Jim's, work on the book, don't wait up, etc.

rehajm said...

Is a former President endorsing indulgence in Presidential assassination fantasies?

Loren W Laurent said...

It is the Stephen Colbert show.

Perhaps in that light Clinton could explain that it wasn't rape: Juanita Broaddrick was just an involuntary cock holster.


Jaq said...

If you had called your book “The Novelist’s Wife” about five years ago you could have gotten it published.

Loren W Laurent said...

"...and the audience breaks into the chant "Stephen. Stephen. Stephen."

Colbert is what happens when you give one of the kids from the Drama Club a taste of power.


Bob Boyd said...

They spent most of the time talking about Trump.

Curious George said...

#IngaKnew #IngaDoesn'tCare

David Begley said...

The watch signals how rich and hip Bill is.

gilbar said...

? And why doesn't Colbert snap up the opening? At 3:15.

because Colbert is a lap dog

Colbert is what happens when you give one of the kids from the Drama Club a taste of power.

like Hogg?

roesch/voltaire said...

Colbert was sharp and didn’t let Clinton off the hook,started out with noting the comments about his last interview which was called tone deaf and kept pushing that notion at least until the commercial break which is when I turned out the lights. Of course his opening monologue perfectly exposed the lies spun by the Trump administration.

The Bergall said...

I'll wait until he's on the "View"...................../s

Jaq said...

I will never read a novel written by a team, if I am aware of it, because there is something sacred about the mind meld that goes on between a reader and a novelist. At least in my mind.

Rusty said...

"Remember,Jerry, it isn't a lie if YOU believe it"
George Costanza
Until our country is finally swallowed up by the socialist leviathan, he will always be remembered as the president who fucked an intern named Monica. That is his legacy.

Bob Boyd said...

Another tell, his lips are moving.

Loren W Laurent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Of course his opening monologue perfectly exposed the lies spun by the Trump administration.

LOL! Gotta throw the two minute haters their red meat!

Curious George said...

"And why doesn't Colbert snap up the opening?"

Here's four reasons. There's more.

Vince Foster
Ron Brown
James McDougal
Seth Rich

CStanley said...

He caught himself halfway through his explanation of how politicians are prepped to give fake answers to questions and tried to cover the damage by saying that this is also to make sure classified information is concealed from the public.

Sure, Bill, we should want this to happen. Also, we should want them to use private servers and then delete thousands of emails and smash their devices with hammers. It's for our own good, and it was only personal stuff about private sexual matters or yoga and cookie recipes anyway.

Jaq said...

But I suppose being a liberal means taking a comic, who makes extensive use of the most powerful rhetorical device, omission, seriously as a deep thinker.

If you omit enough facts, suddenly stuff is easy to understand! It’s truthy!

rehajm said...

Of course his opening monologue perfectly exposed the lies spun by the Trump administration.

Trump is supposed to be a bumbling idiot yet we need the Colberts of the world to perfectly expose the web of brilliant lies Trump has spun!!!

Ralph L said...

Colbert did refer to 1998, which is more than I expected.

Jaq said...

The best way to reach the serious minded liberal is to make sure that you never, never, ever examine your opponent’s better arguments. This eases the discomfort of having to encounter facts and reasoning that run counter to the narrative, since the ‘narrative’ is where you get all of the good feelz! Plus, when presented this way, you don’t have to experience any doubt and it makes you feel real smart! Like a college professor! You have been told what to think, which is always easier, by one of the “cool kids” no less!

Loren W Laurent said...

Althouse has referenced Janet Malcolm's book "The Journalist and the Murderer" before.

It seems that a corollary to her thesis is The Talk Show Host and the Guest.

From Wiki:

"Malcolm's thesis, and the most widely quoted passage from The Journalist and the Murderer, is its opening paragraph: "Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible."

Replace 'journalist' with 'talk show host' and you get a steroidal example of this truth.

Further, the talk show host can simulate this relationship without even speaking to the 'guest': it is in the monologues and quips, where a straw-man phantom of the guest exists, to be used as a piñata by the host.

Regarding Colbert, in Malcolm's words: is he too stupid or too full of himself to notice that what he does is morally indefensible?

Yes, yes: embrace the power of 'and'.

But I believe Colbert is smart. His ego has made a pact with the devil, and the morally indefensible is easily side-stepped by self-congratulation and a sense of righteousness.

I suspect his audience will eventually turn on him; after all that's what mobs do.

(repost - corrected some clunky syntax)


Bob Boyd said...

"Colbert doesn't follow up! He nervously shifts to Patterson..."

Poor Colbert. He doesn't want to hear about Monica Lewinsky when he has Bill Clinton's cock in his mouth.

Jaq said...

“They LET YOU grab them by the pussy” - Guess which phrase a liberal can’t see!

Watch this, I can literally write a sentence that liberals can’t see. It’s as if it were written in invisible ink:

Juanita Broaddrick had FIVE contemporaneous witnesses to her accusation of forcible rape, including one woman, who, like all of the others, could have gone to prison for lying to federal investigators, found her crying in her hotel room, bleeding from the lip, and with torn clothes.

I know most people with normal faculties can see the above, but you have to trust me on this, liberals cannot even see the above sentence, despite the fact that it is uncontested anywhere as to its veracity. That’s what makes them so smart! They can’t see the inconvenient stuff that would make things harder to figure out so they don’t have to think as hard!

Gk1 said...

Watching Bill go through this book tour reminds me of Pete Rose showing up to some baseball card expo signing autographs for $50 a pop. So sad.

Obama: “I Do Think At A Certain Point You’ve Made Enough Money”

Mr. Groovington said...

Yup, the watch is a monster. In the scheme of things he’s a pleb, so can’t tell if anything is nice or naff unless someone tells him. In the best case, it’s an IWC Portuguese, they own the white and huge thing. Likely not.

Jaq said...

to the subject of preparing for the interview tonight after the disastrous performance on the "Today" show. He says he did practice interviews — "murder boards" — where his people act as Colbert stand-ins and asked "meaner questions than Colbert would" and then help him tune up his answers, so they're not just what comes straight from his "heart." That is, he’s telling us the "Today" show interview, though bad, was spontaneous, and he's not going to do that anymore.

He says that right out there in front of liberals and they don’t care, because then they would have to take the next step and understand that the Today Show interview was the real Bill Clinton and that there is no “patching it up.” But don’t worry, Rosanne’s a racist and all is right with the world! Next! Hey, all patched up!

Loren W Laurent said...

When will Sara Gilbert be on the Colbert show?

Colbert can then beat upon Trump because Roseanne = Trump.

He'd be back in the comfort of his wheelhouse. No need to not ask the important questions.


Jaq said...

I guess when the Democrats shout “Get me re-write!” they mean “We gotta do Colbert,” whose commitment to #metoo is clearly all talk.

AllenS said...

Sorry, Bill, but probing a young intern with a cigar is not classified information needs to be concealed from the public.

Amadeus 48 said...

I feel good when I look at Melania, too.

Jaq said...

Democrat Senator and patronizer of child sex traffickers Bob Menendez is probably wondering right now if he could do Colbert... Might help his re-election chances!

Curious George said...

Colbert is hurt that he didn't get the cigar.

Amadeus 48 said...

Didn't that guy Clinton used to be somebody?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The only way I would find watching Stephen Colbert entertaining is if he was being beaten to death. What a worthless lefty turd.

rhhardin said...

Monica was consensual.

rhhardin said...

Melania doesn't look that good to me, if it matters. Too much makeup, too much model.

Amadeus 48 said...

Those huge watches are so great for over-70 eyes!

The problem for Clinton is that from here on out, it is always three o'clock in the morning in the dark night of the soul.

MadisonMan said...

Colbert agreed not to talk about Lewinsky before Clinton agreed to be on the show.

David Begley said...

Bill is jealous of Donald. Trump gets to live with Melania and Bill has to nominally live with Hillary. That's not worth the millions. Divorce her. Now. End the charade. She served her purpose. Marry Monica.

readering said...

It seemed a good idea at the time (the book project).

I watched the Tonight Show. Ariana Grande is quite a performer.

Bay Area Guy said...

Gee, no questions about Juanita Broaddrick.

I am shocked and surprised. I thought our culture warriors were very concerned about the mistreatment of women.

MayBee said...

What does Colbert, brave truth teller that he is, think of himself for doing this? Does he like what he's doing?

Jaq said...

Colbert agreed not to talk about Lewinsky before Clinton agreed to be on the show.

So Hillary has his balls in a jar somewhere.

Loren W Laurent said...

"I watched the Tonight Show. Ariana Grande is quite a performer."

At least when she isn't licking donuts.

From the internets:

"...In the video, originally released to TMZ, the 22-year-old celebrity seems to stealthily touch the doughnuts with her tongue before jumping up and down, laughing. Then, when an employee approaches with a tray full of doughnuts, the singer turns to a male companion and says loudly, "What the f*** is that? I hate Americans. I hate America."

I am sure there are men that wish they were that donut.


Amadeus 48 said...

Boy, that Colbert took him apart! I particularly liked the part where Stephen jumped on Clinton's leg and started humping it, shouting, "Bad Trump! Bad Trump! Bad Trump!"

I wonder how you get him to stop doing that. Does Obama* have the same problem with Bo?

*gratuitous reference

mockturtle said...

Bill Clinton wasn't a bad President. In domestic issues he was quite conservative and worked well with a Republican Congress. His wife, OTOH, would have been a disaster.

Loren W Laurent said...

Speaking of Ariana Grande:

"On Tuesday, we reported that Nickelodeon had parted ways with Dan Schneider, the producer behind shows like Kenan & Kel and All That, among many others. The children’s network ended its relationship with Schneider after almost 25 years, and Deadline reported that the move happened as Schneider was “under a cloud of suspicion over the treatment of some younger stars of his shows.”...

Schneider was not just a successful producer at Nickelodeon; he is also credited with discovering some of the network’s most famous and influential child stars including Ariana Grande, Amanda Bynes, Jamie Lynn Spears, Kenan Thompson, and Victoria Justice...

Page Six also points to more strange social media behavior, noting his habit of posting “seemingly inappropriate videos of his actresses” including one of Ariana Grande in a revealing outfit “dousing herself with water.”..."

The site Crazy Days and Nights had a post in 2014 that implied that "Ariana Grande's mother Joan "encouraged her daughter" to sleep with Dan Schneider."


Nickelodeon is owned by Viacom, which also owns Colbert's CBS.

But at least Colbert isn't a child molester. As far as we know.


Loren W Laurent said...

So, bringing it back around: Colbert licked Clinton's ass like Ariana Grande licks a donut.


Sydney said...

If I had to guess, I'd guess Clinton had someone working for him who read Patterson's drafts…

From what I have read about Patterson, he doesn’t even do that much. He just comes up with the ideas then has someone else do the hard part of writing the book. This just doesn’t make sense to me. It’s easy to come up with story ideas but it takes talent and hard work to put them in an entertaining form that people want to read. Why is Patterson the famous one when he doesn’t do the most important part of the book’s creation? Adding Bill Clinton is even crazier. Now we have two people who hire other people to do the work while they take the credit. But, I suppose when the book deal was first conceived, Hillary was going to be President and having Bill on board meant great publicity. Now, though, we’ve had Trump, pussy grabbing, and Weinstein and Bill is just a liability.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Bill Clinton is warming up, exuding his charm — don't get that on your dress

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.

Jaq said...

Colbert was sharp and didn’t let Clinton off the hook,started out with noting the comments about his last interview which was called tone deaf and kept pushing that notion at least until the commercial break which is when I turned out the lights. Of course his opening monologue perfectly exposed the lies spun by the Trump administration.

I am reminded of the scene from Animal House. “All is well!”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Afterward, Colbert serviced
Bill in the green room.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did anyone ask him why the Brennen/Clapper mob had to kill Seth Rich?

tcrosse said...

Isn't the whole publishing thing a mechanism for transferring lots of money from a media mogul to a political figure without the appearance of a bribe ?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You know, Althouse, this brings up the "see it, name it, start seeing it everywhere" idea you posited the other day. Ever since you wrote the post about the unnecessary violence in Kiss the Girls and another commenter noted that it was written by James Patterson, we have seen his name crop up every couple days. Maybe you didn't tag him with a special name in that first post (in which the subject was Ashley Judd's work and her #metoo role) but Patterson sure has been mentioned a few times since then.

jwl said...

I don't remember where I read it but someone observed that left wing comedians expect applause from the audience, not laughter.

Michael K said...

That's not worth the millions. Divorce her. Now. End the charade. She served her purpose. Marry Monica.

I wonder if that is why Monica has never moved on ?

Bill looks like a good fuck would stop his heart now.

Blogger mockturtle said...
Bill Clinton wasn't a bad President. In domestic issues he was quite conservative and worked well with a Republican Congress

Bill was a realist. He started out hard left, as Hillary would do, but he lost Congress in a landslide in 1994 and quickly said, "Oh I was only pretending to be a Democrat."

Then, he outwitted Gingrich in the shutdown and got some of his mojo back.

CWJ said...


That made me laugh. I remember our unaffiliated* minor league team paying Pete Rose $5000 to throw out the first pitch. He waddled out to the mound. Tossed the ball. Walked back without so much as a wave to the crowd.** If he stuck around either before or after to meet and greet, we didn't see it.

* - as low as you can go
** - The principal of my wife's office sang the National Anthem, and bought everyone in the office and their spouses tickets to the game. It looked like we made up nearly half the total. Pete probably thought we were there for him.

FIDO said...

I always thought that Minions had one eye but Colbert clearly has two. But he serves the same purpose.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bill Clinton, who encouraged Trump to run, was about as effective a right-wing president as could have existed:

1. Crime "reform" bill (incarcerating a million black kids for whatever reason).
2. Welfare "reform" bill (making sure single moms became corporate whores with no time to raise kids.
3. "Defense of marriage" act (whatever that did).
4. "Don't ask don't tell" (encouraging U.S. servicemembers to fear and conceal from each other even more than fraggers like Big Mike would already require them to.
5. NAFTA (Go COC!)
6. Glass-Steagall repeal (Who needs the legislation for preventing a second Great Depression anyway!)

Trump is the right-wing Bill Clinton. He "feels the pain" of the workers and may even ride an economic wave and political wave over their heads. But is just as full of shit and out for himself.

Wince said...

"The audience delivers splattering applause."

Smattering of applause, or is that another ejeculation pun?

William said...

Maybe the big, bold faced watch helps Bill Clinton feel upbeat and cheerful......Do accessories have the same effect on men's moods as they do on women? I've never noticed myself, but I'm extremely oblivious to most things. I didn't know there were such things as celebrity handbag designers. I never heard of Kate Spade or, for that matter, James Patterson......Presidential cum stains add a decorative touch to any outfit,

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The sheer amount of pseudo pop-psychology faux-analysis in this thread on Clinton's "body language lies", in comparison to the complete dearth of ANY analysis covering Trump's daily congenital lies, deems it worth of a "Clinton Derangement Syndrome" tag. The differential treatment is as staggering as the obsessive characterizations for these two characters. At least Clinton stops lying once he's caught. Does Althouse stop bullshitting when her game is as obvious as this?

Jaq said...

If he hadn't sold ballistic missile tech to the Chinese, at the behest of his biggest donor, Bernard Schwartz, and done America's Pearl Harbor, where we played the Japanese, by attacking a country with which no state of war existed, Afghanistan, I would have said that the system of sending the president a Congress from the opposition party to reign in his leftist impulses, which cost him Congress, worked.

The left is busy air brushing history through and through though. As if they never sold out all they held dear to defend him. What was that about? Defending a right winger and giving his wife a Senate seat?

William said...

Clinton is still charming, but the charm is no longer effortless. He pauses and searches for words like an old man, which he is. He has jumped the shark and is no longer of use to the Dems. Someday Colbert will mock him in his monologues. Not now, but someday soon.

Jaq said...

Give us a lie from yesterday, mr pee pee tapes, daily lies, do us a favor, enlighten us. Except saying something you disagree with is not a lie.

Bob Boyd said...

Does an ex-President still get Secret Service protection if he's in prison?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Give us a lie from yesterday..

SO many to choose from. Was it Trump saying that legal opinion favors the idea that he can pardon himself? LOL!!!

Yeah, Trump's honesty. What a thing to run on. The guy lies as much as cockroaches nest. It'll all come crashing down once reality catches up to you psychopaths. It always does. Remember: You're just in it for the mythology. If it weren't for confirmation bias the Republican party wouldn't exist. They're like the magician-illusionists of the political establishment and Trump is their Uri Geller.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The differential treatment is as staggering as the obsessive characterizations for these two characters

"Staggering" and "obsessive"? Gee, PeePee you sure are worked up over this appearance on Colbert. The only hyperbole on this blog is written by you. Project much?

Francisco D said...

I did not watch the show, but I was wondering if Nina Burleigh was there to give Billy Jeff a blowjob for keeping abortion legal. It's more than a blowjob. It's a lifetime get out of jail card. Maybe Colbert gave it to him.

Actually, GWB and DJT also kept abortion legal, although that may not have been their intentions. Do they get MSM reporter blowjobs? I suspect that DJT would like it but from a better source. GWB? Who knows?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Give us a lie from yesterday..

SO many to choose from. Was it Trump saying that legal opinion favors the idea that he can pardon himself? LOL!!!

LOL. Like shooting fish in a barrel. So when Hillary's campaign came out in October 2016 and declared she could pardon herself for the email thing and because it happened before being elected President she could not be impeached for it, you just what, took a nap that day? Didn't hear it? This time it's different? What is it PeePee?


Hagar said...

The Clintons will not go away as long as either of them remains above ground.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The only fish in the barrel is the obnoxious asshole who looks to Hillary Clinton as his rationale for how shitty and stupid and criminally inclined a president he wants Trump to be. Why not choose an even lower standard than her? I mean, look at what Pol Pot did? Why undershoot how low a set of standards you want your substandard Trump dotard to aim for? He can aim much lower, don't you think?

Unknown said...

Have some sympathy folks, it’s Nemesis. Same goes for H. Happens a lot. Knowing in her heart of hearts her success was shameful and ill gotten. $ 100K cattle deal, Violating FEC rules yet to be written. She wants to dig a deep hole and crawl into it. Especially when T is nice, which he is because He’s not unnecessarily cruel. When we treat her as an object of pity, it hurts even more. We should make sure at every opportunity we tell B its ’all her suffering all his fault.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, Mike. Adjectives escape you. Staggering accurately describes the disconnect the Trump trolls exhibit and "obsessive" is how you describe a guy so concerned about his nasty, ragged hairpiece that he got thugs to raid his doctor's office in NYC after the election to plunge it of President Propecia's State Hair Loss Secrets! LOL!!!!! Talk about obsessive. That takes the cake. Definitely in a class of its own, and even way beyond your ideal politician Hillary's paranoia.

You gnatty MFers are even easier to swat down in the morning. I should come here more often this time of day.

Karen said...

Laurel W Laurent at 7:21
Blogger needs a like button or a share button. Thanks for your brilliant analysis.

Yancey Ward said...

The Today interview isn't the result of not being prepared and practiced- it is the result of not knowing the question was coming. You think that is a distinction without a difference? It isn't- had he known that question was coming, he wouldn't have sat for the interview in the first place. You can be certain of one thing- Colbert was told in no uncertain terms not to follow up on such things in any way that might make Clinton look bad.

readering said...

DJT, WJC and GWB all '46 babies.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I think you only got the second half of the interview, here’s the part where Monica was discussed.

Owen said...

Karen @ 9:56 AM: I second your note to LWL. Amusing, brilliant, spot-on.

Why I love this blog.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You are reduced to spluttering inanity PeePee. Take a break. Regroup. Maybe bring some facts or insight to the table. Trump was my last choice but I sure am happy he's in the office. For all your slobbering bluster you seem like the kind of person who wanted Hillary to win. I mean how invested in a hoax do you have to be for your username to be PeePee Tape? I mean, really! What a maroon!

Matt Sablan said...

This is normal procedure for Democrats; they get multiple bites at the failed interview/statement apple. Sometimes, they fail so spectacularly, even Democrats give up the ghost. Like Weiner's "the toaster is still loyal."

Darkisland said...


Monica, in a recent interview, said that the sex was not consensual. It can never be consensual with that big a disparity between age/position.

On top of that, he gave her the impression he would leave Hillary and marry her.

She was plenty stupid to believe him but it was still fraud on his part

Can sex obtainef by fraud ever be consensual?

John Henry

Churchy LaFemme: said...

tim in vermont said...

I will never read a novel written by a team, if I am aware of it, because there is something sacred about the mind meld that goes on between a reader and a novelist. At least in my mind.

Don't cheat yourself out of great books! Yes, it can be a marketing gimmick, but actually it's a fairly common form of authorship in the Science Fiction & Fantasy worlds. There is the great Mote In God's Eye by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle, the wonderful Liaden books by Lee & Miller, the Kate Daniels books by Ilona Andrews, and the marvelous space opera Exordium books by Smith & Trowbridge (from high drama to low comedy..)

John henry said...

All of Tom Clancy'sfirst novels (red october, cardinal, patriot games etc to bear and the dragon) were written by teams even though clancy claimed sole authorship.

John Henry

Seeing Red said...

He didn’t play the trombone or wasn’t asked if he still wears boxers or briefs or Depends?

Poor thing.

Vance said...

I note with amusement Ritmo's incoherence in his attempts to push the idea that Clinton was a Republican, conservative president.

So let's assume that this is true. Then why Hillary? Why the reverence on the left for Bill's presidency, if it was nothing but conservative triumph after conservative triumph? Doesn't that refute the entire existence of the left, since they always point to the clinton years as how Progressive government is great for America? Now we find out that Bill Clinton was the most conservative president ever?

Well, gosh and golly, then why should anyone vote Democrat, if it's Bill's conservative policies that made his presidency the success the left has spent 20 years telling us it was? Why vote for Hillary--wasn't her entire campaign essentially a promise to bring back the halcyon days of Bill Clinton in the white house, with the great prosperity that now we find out is solely the result of Bill Clinton being the most conservative president ever?

It's inchoate and incoherent, but hey, that's the left for you.

Darrell said...

Why was Bill Clinton $16 million in debt when he left the White House?

Dry cleaning bills. They charge extra for splooge.

Steven said...

At least we can be certain that Colbert's fellatiating Clinton on network television was fully consensual.

Jim at said...

Apparently, people can't get enough hyper-partisan nonsense throughout the day ... so they watch this shit before going to bed?

Get a life. Seriously.

mccullough said...

Only question I want Clinton and Patterson to answer is what’s the split on this novel? If Clinton isn’t getting at least 80% after the publisher’s cut, then he’s even a worse negotiator than Obama. James Patrerson’s Ghost writer teams up with others a lot. His name sells a lot of books to those who think Barnaby Jones is better than Philip Marlowe. Clinton probably brings some new readers to the Patterson brand.

mikee said...

That man's wife, Hillary Clinton, will NEVER be president of the United States.
Feels good to type it, every time.

Bilwick said...

Patterson probably wanted to collaborate with Clinton on a novel because Clinton already had a proven track record of concocting entertaining fiction.

Francisco D said...

"I am sure there are men that wish they were that donut."

I don't know where to go with that Loren, but I find myself increasingly fond of your posts.

Jaq said...

Don't cheat yourself out of great books!

Life is short and there are many many great books. As a lit major in college, one learns many of the tricks writers use, and teams seem to be especially good at them, judging by how teams work in the movies. But like in a magic show, once you know the tricks, they lose their charm and having them thrown at you more and faster doesn’t help.

Jaq said...

he only fish in the barrel is the obnoxious asshole who looks to Hillary Clinton as his rationale for how shitty and stupid and criminally inclined a president he wants Trump to be.

Since the choice was Hillary or somebody else, “Less than Hillary” would be the only reasonable standard in ’16. Not “If not morally perfect, I will have to vote in Hillary as a protest.”

Jaq said...

SO many to choose from. Was it Trump saying that legal opinion favors the idea that he can pardon himself? LOL!!!

So many to choose from, yet you didn’t choose an actual lie, you chose an opinion. It looks like you were lying then. Or were you just using rhetoric to make a point? Is that the same as lying? Or are you allowed to use rhetoric and POTUS isn’t?

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