For example, under the heading "Minimum wage and 'freeloader fees'":
Sherrod Brown... pushed what he calls a "corporate freeloader fee" - imposing a penalty on companies with more than $100,000 in payroll taxes that do not pay their workers high enough wages to keep them off public assistance programmes.The other headings are "Expanding public schooling" ("Who said that public education should be a right for everybody between [the ages of] five and 18, but not for those either before five or after 18?"), "Ethics, reform and oversight," "Dismantling the oligarchy" ("a 'substantial' increase of the estate tax"), and "Guns, the environment and healthcare."
Mr Brown and other Democrats also mentioned raising the federal minimum wage from its current $7.15 an hour level, which was set in 2009. Some states have passed much higher minimum-wage levels.
Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey said the federal government should guarantee Americans a job if they want one, which he said was not a "radical idea".
"Why not invest on the front-end with secure jobs so that you're not seeing negative impacts that come with low-employment or unemployment like foreclosures and evictions?" he asked.
So, if minimum wage is the minimum that companies (job creators) are allowed to pay, why would you then penalize those same companies for paying that wage?
Just stupid sound bites of failed ideas. How about vouchers for education in cities? How terrible are the failed public schools in cities like Newark and Cleveland? How about getting rid of defined benefit plans for public employees?
I am looking forward to Booker, Brown and the others coming to western Iowa campaigning for President.
I hear Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Pikers. Since they believe raising the minimum wage has no impact on employment, they should raise it to at least $50 an hour. That would allow every full time employee to gross over $100,000 a year. Why would that be a bad idea?
Sherrod Brown... pushed what he calls a "corporate freeloader fee" - imposing a penalty on companies with more than $100,000 in payroll taxes that do not pay their workers high enough wages to keep them off public assistance programmes.
The problem with this is, people decide how many hours they want to work, and the government decides at what level people get public assistance programs. A company shouldn't be penalized for the decisions two other forces make.
And allowing partially employed people to have some sort of public assistance goes far in fulfilling the idea Corey Booker has....a job for everyone.
The two ideas are completely at odds with each other.
Jobs are for suckers. Where is the democrat plan for guaranteed minimum wealth? Shouldn't everyone have a net worth of at least a million dollars? Maybe that's too much - how about a hundred thousand!
At the first of each year a party official could review your financials and if you had dropped below the threshold, they'd write you a check for the difference. Consider all the economic activity that would spur each year!
Democrats big ideas? Two words: BIGGER GOVERNMENT.
How can we consider ourselves a fair and decent society if everyone who wants a new Mercedes doesn't have one? Where is the democrat plan for this basic human need?
Sure, because they've done such a bang up job so far. As a well known blogger has asked repeatedly, " Why are democrat run communities such cesspits of corruption etc ? " . Also, a bunch of "brilliant" ideas from a bunch of idiots whom have never held a real job and earned a dime. Bugger off you ignorant twits, and take your racist, misogynist, hateful ideas and fellow travelers with you.
Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey said the federal government should guarantee Americans a job if they want one, which he said was not a “radical idea".
Yes, a job guaranteed for all, but mandatory to none. That’s the Democratic rule, more free stuff. Oh, and while we are complaining about low minimum wages, and unemployment (which is at historic lows) we are going to flood the unskilled labor market with more competition, many of whom are working (wink wink) illegally, so they compete with you without the extra costs of the protections of labor laws of any kind. I know it sounds kind of ironic unskilled workers, (maybe especially to you low income blacks who want jobs) but it’s for your own good!
US Democrats believe socialism will work if the right people are running things. That they,the Democrats, are those right people to run successful socialism. And, when socialism doesn't work they, the Left, will be running things.
I hear Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Pikers. Since they believe raising the minimum wage has no impact on employment, they should raise it to at least $50 an hour. That would allow every full time employee to gross over $100,000 a year. Why would that be a bad idea?
They know it leads to unemployment (and inflation). The just don't want everybody else to know it.
What's really strange is how Republicans never use the "Raise minimum wage to $100 an hour" in any debate. Maybe they're afraid the embarrassed Democrat would agree to this stupidity. And then people would vote the Democrat into office.
Both Republicans and Democrats believe voters are economically stupid, I guess. But why wouldn't you use a debate to educate them?
Ritmo once explained that importing millions of low skilled workers doesn’t drive down the wages of the low skilled workers already here because that was an “unsophisticated” understanding economics and the law of supply and demand is completely bogus.
I don’t think he is alone.
Nicolás Maduro is US Democrats big idea.
Remember how Obama and the white left were all praising Chavez? But now it looks like Bernie Sanders’ ideas have taken over Italy. Everybody gets to retire at 50! Greece and Rome....
I made an A- in Sophisticated Economics 201.
You know, I am not a Republican. I'm mostly a liberal, but I'm so afraid Democrats will screw things up with stuff like this that I feel myself rooting for Republicans all the time. I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats. That glimpse of Booker and Brown helps me understand my own instincts.
What's really awful is how our Democrats refuse to educate our children on how you make money.
It's amazing to me how few people know how to research a stock, for instance. It's rarely taught in schools. That should be a part of our primary education for children. Here is how you make money for your family.
Owning stock is how poor people and middle-class people create wealth. You become owners! That was actually the dream of Marx, that workers get to share in ownership. And now we have this mechanism by which workers can share in ownership. And yet our leftists refuse to teach people how to do that.
It's almost like they prefer people to stay poor.
I'm afraid of "big ideas." The Democrats really are at their best defining themselves by what they are against. Unfortunately for them, because I don't see how you can inspire people to trust you with power if all you say to them is that you'll be taking the place of those awful people who have power now.
Who is John Galt?
I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats
I think this has been true since 1860 or so
there's a reason why Republicans sit on the left side of the House of Reps
I've seen nothing -- nothing at all -- to suggest that the democrat party will ever return to advancing reasonable policies. Divisive identity politics and the redistribution of income and wealth are really all they can offer.
Ask the Russians. They have a saying: "Socialism is where we pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us."
You know, I am not a Republican. I'm mostly a liberal, but I'm so afraid Democrats will screw things up with stuff like this that I feel myself rooting for Republicans all the time. I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats. That glimpse of Booker and Brown helps me understand my own instincts.
You and me both.
Obamacare was their last "big idea". Decades worth of campaigning, commissioning studies, parading countless economists in front of the public, all culminating in their dream come true. And it collapsed under it's own weight almost immediately. You'd think they'd learn their lesson, but they never do. Having chosen ignorance as a lifestyle, they are determined to cling to it.
Democratic “big ideas” can usually be summarized neatly as “Apres moi, le deluge” So can a lot of Republican “big ideas.” Right now we are witnessing “le deluge” in Venezuela. I like small ideas that have long “stood the test of time” to coin a phrase.
Or as I have put it in the past: "The difference between the parties is that with the Republicans, you worry that they do not have any solutions for the nation's problems and with the Democrats, you worry that they may think of something."
"I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats."
That's about where I'm at as well.
The Republicans may be incompetent but the Democrats are bat-shit insane right now.
Ann Althouse said...
You know, I am not a Republican. I'm mostly a liberal, but I'm so afraid Democrats will screw things up with stuff like this that I feel myself rooting for Republicans all the time. I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats.
Democrat leaders have been moving from a liberal position to a leftist position on governing styles. That's the difference you've noticed.
Democrats are for getting rid of the tax cuts, open borders with unlimited immigration--legal or not, and more regulation and government control. You'd have to be a fuckhead to want that.
but the Democrats are bat-shit insane right now.
"To insanity---and beyond!!!!" is their new motto.
Can we start calling our host LLNR (Life Long Non Republican)? ;)
@ St. Croix:
It's almost like they prefer people to stay poor.
Then there is this:
The research model assumed that families have been aided by refundable tax credits, such as the state and federal Earned Income Tax Credit; cash grants through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program; and assistance for food, housing, health care and child care.
Under these assumptions, a working single parent in Chicago would be foolish to take a pay raise to $18 an hour from $12 an hour. They’d fall from the top of the welfare cliff and see a drastic net reduction in benefits, leaving them with as much as one-third less in household resources. This loss would only be made up again by finding a job paying $38 an hour.
Ann Althouse said...
"You know, I am not a Republican. I'm mostly a liberal, but I'm so afraid Democrats will screw things up with stuff like this that I feel myself rooting for Republicans all the time. I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats."
#MeToo. Which is why I am a self-admitted,hard-core conservative. McConnell/Ryan/Swamp R's have fought Trump all the way. That was until the winds shifted. Trump has proven to be the most conservative president in my lifetime. Reagan is a very close second, but Trump is getting more done, in less time.
Ann Althouse said...
"You know, I am not a Republican. I'm mostly a liberal, but I'm so afraid Democrats will screw things up with stuff like this that I feel myself rooting for Republicans all the time. I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats."
Exactly how many of us felt during the last presidential campaign. We weren't crazy about Trump, but Hillary scared the stuffing out of us. And her antics since confirmed that our fears were not unfounded.
BTW, Corry Booker is the emptiest of empty suits. I would vote for Mussalini before him.
Hey, what's the big idea ?
The Democrats' program:
1) Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
2) Import millions of uneducated foreigners.
3) Blame unemployment on racist Republicans.
4) Grant voting citizenship to as many foreigners as possible.
The key for the Dems is how to get slavery re-started by disguising the big shackels and chains as a Social Justice Revolution. The bait and switch is the subtle promise that it will make the cadre into the new Owner-Masters. But then only the Police State Director over the new slave population gets that privilege.
I'm not sure about getting things done, but he's been very effective at getting things undone. Which may be even better.
St. Croix: "For some income drops as wage rises."
Smart Democrats know that they can get elected by telling the populace that they can get all this free stuff with no consequences.
Dumb Democrats actually believe it.
Obamacare was their last "big idea"
It's one reason I don't get Sherrod Brown's idea. Does government assistance include Obamacare assistance? Or Medicaid? Because if you have to buy your own insurance and you use, you don't really have much choice about whether you get put on Medicaid or get premium support. And it takes a lot of money (more than most people have) to pay for your own insurance with no premium support at all.
The reason the Left spends so much time waving the bloody shirt and calling Republicans haters and racists and fascists is precisely because they cannot win on their ideas.
The conference seems to reflect an awareness that Democrats are politically vulnerable because they are defined by what they are against and not what they are for.
If you want proof the left is entirely out of ideas, even about what they're against, the SNL anti-Trump sketches last night were so bereft of thematic relevance as to be empty caricatures. Sad.
Shorter answer to the title question: statism, statism and more statism. (To the joy of our resident serf-minded liberty-phones.)
If the Dems get into trouble, er, power, they'll have to raise the prices of beer and tattoos to compensate for the effects of their economic policies.
That's "liberty phobes," not "liberty phones."
"I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats. "
I have been terrified of Democrats since our experience with Jimmy Carter, who I voted for.
I don't vote for Democrats anymore because the issues I tend to lean liberal on (abortion, gay rights) are not really threatened by Republicans need to align with the religious right.
A lot of Republicans I have met are assholes. A lot of Democrats I have met seem to be nice, well-intentioned people. However, their leadership manipulates them into thinking that the government taking care of people will be a help to them and society. They seem to be doubling down on that fallacy and moving into the totalitarian camp. That scares me.
Tim in Vermont: Ritmo (or whatever the blithering idiot is calling himself these days) actually denied the law of supply and demand? Figures.
And another piece of the puzzle falls into place. . .
Their big idea is power and more power.
Their second big idea is not to let anything get in the way of their first big idea--no learning from past mistakes, no glance at actually existing socialism, no opposition or rule of law.
For the time being, scared midwestern retirees may offer some resistance. But you see that "mainstream" Dems have already gone around the bend, eyes open. How long until they control the levers of power for real and try a little Bolivarian experiment right here?
It's fascinating how "progressives" want the right to just shut up and listen while the right is more than happy to let the progs talk...and talk...and talk...
The left just spent eight years screaming that any opposition to President Daddy-Didn't-Love-Me's policies was racist. They planned to spend the next eight years screaming about sexism and misogyny. They're left with the twin losing policies of raising taxes and grabbing guns.
"Dismantling the oligarchy" might not go over well with the Economic Royalists of Media, Tech, and Finance who bankroll Democrat causes.
"What are the US Democrats' big ideas?"
What is a title for the shortest article ever written?
You know, I am not a Republican. I'm mostly a liberal, but I'm so afraid Democrats will screw things up with stuff like this that I feel myself rooting for Republicans all the time. I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats.
As you note, a protest party is as ill-equipped to govern as a movie critic is to make a film. There are two things which have changed in my lifetime:
1. The Democrats realized it was more energizing to their base to protest, largely eradicating from their ranks those who knew and had an interest in governing.
2. In doing so they took over all the communication infrastructure - newspapers, TV, magazines - so as to continually shame the Republican Party into making stupid overtures in the hope of being treated nicely.
The Dems are marginalizing their party right out of existence (note what happened to Obama at the local level), and Trump is in the process of saving the Republicans from their worst instincts (see: Graham, Kasich, Romney), formed from wanting to be liked while eating at the high school nerd table.
Sustainable jobs require the employees to provide greater value than the cost of their wages. Why can't Democrats grasp that concept?
Jobs for anyone who wants one ignores the need for workers to be productive. Similarly, an arbitrarily set $15/hour minimum wages assumes every worker will provide more than $15/hour in value.
”4) Grant voting citizenship to as many foreigners as possible.”
5). Granting voting rights to 16 year olds
”I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats.”
Yep, though I’m not just afraid of Democrats, I’m downright terrified.
This toxic belief in governmental magic stems from the radicals of the French Revolution who started the counterrevolution against modernity and its novel notion of individual sovereignty, which included both rights and responsibilities. Better a new, improved monarchy (disguised, naturally) than that icky British notion of a parliamentary polity.
The left has consistently promoted utopia, the snake oil of which so many of us have fallen for over the succeeding years. Being a self-responsible individual is tough enough; creating and sustaining a republic based upon a majority of self-responsible individuals may be proving to be just too much of a lift for humanity at this stage of our evolution.
I’m surprised Althouse has any sympathy for the Left after they threatened her and Meade during the occupation of the State Capitol building in Madison.
Ann Althouse said...
"I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats."
Perhaps you can smell what they're cooking, and it smells like the Gulag?
alan markus said...
Then there is this:
The research model assumed that families have been aided by refundable tax credits, such as the state and federal Earned Income Tax Credit; cash grants through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program; and assistance for food, housing, health care and child care.
Under these assumptions, a working single parent in Chicago would be foolish to take a pay raise to $18 an hour from $12 an hour. They’d fall from the top of the welfare cliff and see a drastic net reduction in benefits, leaving them with as much as one-third less in household resources. This loss would only be made up again by finding a job paying $38 an hour.
For many people, not working and staying on the many welfare programs is a rational economic decision and the "cliff" is part of the reason. Many welfare programs like food stamps go directly to zero if you earn even a single dollar over the income limit. A better approach would be a scaled reduction similar to what they do for early Social Security recipients. For 2018, if an early Social Security retiree earns more than $17,040 a year, that person's benefits will be reduced by $1 for every $2 they make over the limit. A similar gradual reduction to welfare programs would help poor people, but that's not what the programs are really about. Over 70% of the money spent on these welfare programs goes to government employees (who, strangely enough, almost all vote for Democrats).
The various welfare programs (not even counting Social Security or Medicare), cost over $1 trillion a year to the federal budget alone. That's more than defense or just about anything else in the federal budget. I shutter to think how much more comes from the states.
Here's a new big idea from the left -- Keith X. Ellison wants the government to regulate CEO pay. Forward, comrades!
With their current anti-gun programs, Democrats have come out fully, publicly, absolutely, and irredeemably against the rights of the individual and instead demand state authority over all subjects. To hell with them.
"Democrats have come out fully, publicly, absolutely, and irredeemably against the rights of the individual and instead demand state authority over all subjects."
If you argue in favor of our constitutional gun rights then your comment will be labeled a "shit stain" comment. Such is the status of the crumbling left's intellectual firepower. This is what they mean by a "national conversation on ________" -- subject yourself to their two-minute hate.
Social Security is not, in principle, welfare. It is a contributory entitlement or smoothing function, which is managed by the government. It also has a largely fixed distribution. Medicare is also a contributory entitlement, but its payouts are proportional to medical costs. Fixed cost entitlements, whether contributory or non-contributory (i.e. welfare), are predictable and manageable.
Democrats 2018: "impeachment, higher taxes, open borders, gun control, and identity politics." How can they lose?
Democrats... current anti-gun programs
They bear current responsibility for people's self-defense, as well as nutrition from hunting, enjoyment from recreation, and generally the skills that develop with use (the point and purpose of the Second Amendment). Adults have, and should have, the right of choice, not Choice.
Local WalMart raised pay to fifteen per hour. Last time I was there, two human cashiers, twelve self service check-outs.
Rigging a presidential primary was a big idea. Using the power of the state to frame the opposing presidential candidate for crimes you committed is a big idea. Empowering foreigners and illegal aliens with the rights of citizens is a big idea. Stripping the right of the people to defend themselves from criminals, mobs and Democrats is a big idea. Supplanting democracy and American exceptionalism with socialism, communism, and fascism is a big idea. Democrats have lots of big ideas.
Dems need to focus on local elections and forget about overarching national goals for the time being. They have no candidate with nationwide appeal, but plenty of people at the local level.
They will screw up by foisting another aggrieved such and such upon us.
Back in the late 70s Italy had some labor laws that applied only to companies that employed more than 25 people.
So companies would not employ more than 25 people. It was explained to me by the owner of a fairly large machinery company which had a couple hundred employees:
The company itself as an "Anonymous society" (basically a corporation with the owners not registered) based in Lichtenstein. I think it was basically a nameplate on a door somwhere. Let's call the company Acme.
The actual company was in the Bologna area in a facility owned by the corporate entity.
There was Acme Drafting, 24 people, which had the drafting shop
Acme wiring which employed 24 or fewer electricians
Acme welding, which employed no more than 25 welders
And so on. Whenever a department looked to exceed the 25 people, they would split it up.
From a management & accounting standpoint it was wildly inefficient. It was still more efficient that complying with Italian labor and tax laws relating to "large" companies.
The plan for special taxes on "large" companies reminded me of this. Could a Walmart or Amazon fire it's employees then rehire them working for Acme Labor Systems" and the like where each department was a separate bunch of employees? None of them generating more than $100m in payroll taxes.
John Henry
Open borders were touted as a way for Dems to achieve a permanent political majority and for republican interests to achieve permanent profitability. The coming elections will put these ideas to a vote.
"And it collapsed under it's own weight almost immediately."
But not before it effectively destroyed the individual health insurance business. The seventy percent jump in premiums we experienced for a GRANDFATHERED* plan are still with us and became the new baseline. And we were among the "lucky" ones not thrown upon the Obamacare marketplace.
* - for emphasis not shouting. Don't know how to "bold" on my tablet.
Blogger chickelit said...
Dems need to focus on local elections and forget about overarching national goals for the time being.
Aside from black ghettos, do you think they can do this ?
What message ? Minimum wage ? That works once. Then the unemployment happens, like Seattle and San Francisco.
The Dems have a few big ideas:
1. More free stuff!
2. Open Borders!
3. Ban guns!
4. Citizenship voting is obsolete!
5. White males are privileged and racist!
6. Why can't we all be bisexual?
7. Everyone should get a unionized government job!
8. Cars are bad!
I could do a similar list about Republicans too. They have have several weenies within their ranks too. On the whole, though, they are less statist and authoritarian.
Dems need to focus on local elections
The Dems already control all of the Gerrymandered minority districts and they lose everywhere else.
Michael Fitzgerald: "Rigging a presidential primary was a big idea. Using the power of the state to frame the opposing presidential candidate for crimes you committed is a big idea. Empowering foreigners and illegal aliens with the rights of citizens is a big idea. Stripping the right of the people to defend themselves from criminals, mobs and Democrats is a big idea. Supplanting democracy and American exceptionalism with socialism, communism, and fascism is a big idea. Democrats have lots of big ideas."
Thread Winner and bears repeating.
Fewer children means smaller class sizes.
Where’s the money going?
Raising the minimum wage means every union contract that has a step-up clause gets triggered and my property taxes go up. Every state’s property taxes go up and squeezes every taxpayer and they want to raise taxes. They want to wring our crumbs out of us.
Unintended consequences is a concept that's completely foreign to Democrats.
It's amazing to me how few people know how to research a stock, for instance. It's rarely taught in schools. That should be a part of our primary education for children. Here is how you make money for your family.
8th grade basic Econ class or I think today it would br Life Skills and it was a public school.
Plus my parents preached and bought stock. But they were born during the Depression.
Social Security is not, in principle, welfare. It is a contributory entitlement or smoothing function, which is managed by the government. It also has a largely fixed distribution. Medicare is also a contributory entitlement, but its payouts are proportional to medical costs. Fixed cost entitlements, whether contributory or non-contributory (i.e. welfare), are predictable and manageable.
No. Social Security has been sold as a contributory entitlement, but it's not. It's Ponzi scheme built on non-voluntary participation. SCOTUS has ruled, based on the language of the enabling legislation that your "contributions" are not yours as the money take from you was a tax, not a contribution. It has rules that you actually do not have a claim on any of "contributions" as it was a tax. The "entitlement" is simply the lowest possible amount of money that Congress can get away with "returning" to "contributors" without rioting. It is the political price that's expected to be paid that keeps Congress from just keeping all the money.
Don't kid yourself about what Social Security really is... it's a bribe paid to you with your money.
Ms. Althouse, you are nowhere near as scared as you should be.
It has rules - It has ruled
With "it" being SCOTUS
Don’t forget toss out the Electoral College so they can always win.
Social Security was paid to people who never put in a dime when it started, didn’t it?
It’ll NEVER happen here, we’re too smart!
Ann Althouse said...
You know, I am not a Republican. I'm mostly a liberal, but I'm so afraid Democrats will screw things up with stuff like this that I feel myself rooting for Republicans all the time. I don't even like Republicans. I'm just afraid of Democrats. That glimpse of Booker and Brown helps me understand my own instincts.
I'm afraid of "big ideas." The Democrats really are at their best defining themselves by what they are against. Unfortunately for them, because I don't see how you can inspire people to trust you with power if all you say to them is that you'll be taking the place of those awful people who have power now.
This is self preservation talking.
When democrats gain power people who object to democrats "big ideas" they are run out of their jobs and put in jail.
Once power is permanent they start up the ovens.
A restaurant down the block from us - been there a least 15 years, probably longer - just changed from wait service to counter service. You know, order at the counter, take a number to your table, and someone will drop off your food.
Long-time waiters/waitresses are gone now. Just a guy to drop off food and then later bus the table.
I couldn't tell you why they changed, though. It's just one of those things. Maybe the customers wanted it. Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the continuing phase-in of the $15 minimum wage here in Seattle. That's just silly talk.
w.r.t. my previous comment:
To be fair it was initially a socialist idea, not a Democrat idea, here. But the Democrats jumped on it.
Who wants to wager on which one of the usual suspects chime in first? You know they're reading this and furiously looking for talking points. They know democrats are full of shit. They're just trying to come up with the right words to convince not to believe our lying eyes.
"LincolnTf said...
Obamacare was their last "big idea". Decades worth of campaigning, commissioning studies, parading countless economists in front of the public, all culminating in their dream come true. And it collapsed under it's own weight almost immediately. You'd think they'd learn their lesson, but they never do. Having chosen ignorance as a lifestyle, they are determined to cling to it."
It's a stepping stone to what they really want, single payer. And with LLR Chuck's castrated GOPe they just might get there. They had...still do...a chance to drive a stake through it's heart and wet the bed instead. If the left ever gets back in power they will try to solve Obamacare with Medicare for All....and they country might just go along with it seeing it the lessor of two evils.
I often use word substitutions when reading politician's statements. This helps clarify things.
First, when a Democrat says "job," I always substitute "work assignment, like in prison."
Second, when anyone says "minimum wage," I substitute "the threshold for banning low-wage jobs."
These substitutions make things pretty clear to me.
My family has always been heavily Democratic and I thought that this was a signifier of faith in progress and humanity. After investigation I believe that the preference is because we were on the wrong side in the Civil War.
Jeff Spicoli: People on ‘ludes should not drive the government.
“Freeloader” is probably a word Democrat politicians should avoid. It may not resonate with the half-listening LIV quite in the way intended.
The democrat electives have very well paying government jobs with outstanding health care and are very rarely called on the carpet or tossed out.
Why wouldn’t they want everyone to have what they have?
The Electoral College is clearly unconstitutional.
So are Congressional Districts.
"Who wants to wager on which one of the usual suspects chime in first?" Inga is probably checking with Daily Kos (if they're still around) or the equivalent to see what the party line is; ARM seems to have had a serious melt-down yesterday so he's probably taking a rest-cure, mainlining Valium or Prozac while mumbling, Rain Man style, "Shit stain, definitely, definitely, shit stain;" so I'm guessing the multi-monickered Gentleman from Bellevue, eager to show off the Oscar Wilde_like wit he is famous for (in.his own head, where the Other Voices are).
"Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey said the federal government should guarantee Americans a job if they want one, which he said was not a "radical idea".
So if they're terrible at the job, can they be fired? And if they're fired, and they want a different job, do you have to hire them since the government has to guarantee every American a job?
Koch Brothers running ads for Democrats. Are they still evil? What changed?
PackerBromco, I mention above the clarification that comes from word substitution. Your comment is a oerfect example:
Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey said the federal government should guarantee Americans a job if they want one, which he said was not a "radical idea".
So if they're terrible at the job, can they be fired? And if they're fired, and they want a different job, do you have to hire them since the government has to guarantee every American a job?
should be read as
Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey said the federal government should guarantee Americans a work assignment, like in prison, if they want one, which he said was not a "radical idea".
So if they're terrible at the work assignment, like in prison,, can they be fired? And if they're fired, and they want a different work assignment, like in prison,, do you have to hire them since the government has to guarantee every American a work assignment, like in prison,?
Now the question practically answers itself.
"I'm just afraid of Democrats. That glimpse of Booker and Brown helps me understand my own instincts."
You should be. Its not just that many of them are socialists, its that they're incompetent,dishonest socialists.
They ALWAYS talk about taxing the rich, taking on the big corporations, etc. but they NEVER do, because its all talk.
But they LOVE spending money, passing regulations, and handing out new benefits, whether it hurts the economy or whether we can afford. Here's a recipe for disaster "Open Borders and *Free* Healthcare"
The 2008 financial crisis was a perfect example of their handiwork. Please wall street by deregulating the banks, push banks to loan money to peeps who couldn't afford houses, guarantee the loans, and then cause a rescission and bail out the big banks.
"Sherrod Brown... pushed what he calls a "corporate freeloader fee" - imposing a penalty on companies with more than $100,000 in payroll taxes that do not pay their workers high enough wages to keep them off public assistance programmes"
So you want to tax people extra for hiring low income workers and for hiring more people.
Single mother with multiple kids is suddenly a worse hire than single mother with kids who is worse than a single woman with no children. Best is someone who doesn't really need a job like s teenager or someone whose spouse makes a much higher wage and is just picking up a few extra bucks.
In other words, no ideas at all?
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