May 12, 2018

"Sen. John McCain is 2,200 miles from Washington and hasn’t been on Capitol Hill in five months, but he showed this week that he remains a potent force in national politics and a polarizing figure within the Republican Party."

"From his home in Sedona, Ariz., where he is receiving treatment for an aggressive and typically fatal type of brain cancer, McCain has challenged and praised the Trump administration’s actions on national security — his voice limited to news releases and Twitter. But his declaration Wednesday in opposition to Gina Haspel, President Trump’s nominee for CIA director, has uniquely roiled the political scene. The denunciation has prompted reactions from fellow senators and a former vice president, as well as intemperate remarks from some Republicans aligned with Trump, including a White House aide. It has revived the fierce debate over torture and its effectiveness in extracting information in the years since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — from a man who speaks from experience. McCain was held for 5½ years in a North Vietnamese prison, often deprived of sleep, food and medical care, after a jet he piloted was shot down over Hanoi...."

So begins "Speaking out on torture and a Trump nominee, ailing McCain roils Washington" (WaPo).

Also at WaPo: "John McCain is the single greatest political leader of our time" (by Dana Milbank). Excerpt:
McCain is still with us, and this is no obituary. But as Trump loyalists besmirch this good man, I thought I would put in writing what I have often thought over the years: John McCain is the single greatest political leader of our time. He is, in a way, not of our time, for his creed — country before self — is unfamiliar to many who serve in office and utterly foreign to the man in charge.

Only once during the nearly quarter of a century I’ve been covering politics did I think I could work for a politician, and that politician was McCain. I first got to know him in early 1999, when there were just a few of us driving around New Hampshire with him in an SUV, before the “Straight Talk Express” rolled. Had he beaten George W. Bush (he surely would have defeated Al Gore), and had he been president on Sept. 11, 2001, I know he would have done great things with the national unity Bush ultimately squandered....


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Michael K said...

Darell, shhhhhh

Speak of the devil....

DanTheMan said...

>>I think that is still the case.

I would hope so.

If you look at the original astronauts, the absolute best pilots the US could find, they were all fighter and test pilot guys. Not a lot of B52 or C130 guys on that list.

Carpenter I think was a multiengine guy, but he might well have been the only one.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

“At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.”

And yet, she still seems to love him and does a better job defending him than could be asked of most given how horrid you sociopaths are to him. And his daughter feels the same way, if not much more so. As pretty as they are he can still keep their respect and affection.

So perhaps she was being a cunt and going too heavy with the make-up and whatever else. Who cares? You think he's the devil but his wife was perfect? Does the Republicrazy need to control and police other people extend to their relationships also? Good grief. You people are beyond repair. Total control freaks with no lives of your own. Pick another hobby on this Saturday than trying to prematurely bury a man who's ten times the man that even the best among you losers are.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Blogger Ralph L said...
"Unfortunately, killfile on Chrome doesn't work on the comment page. It does for the original althouse.blogspot threads, but to comment you must go to the blogger page."

Thanks. I was trying and couldn't do it.

Dr. Special K. Chronic Opioid always appreciates it when someone else explains to him ways of avoiding having to deal with his own impulse/ego/anger control while reality proceeds. Hide his comments from me! I can't take them!

Seriously. Do you have to be such a fucking loser? What's so damn hard about just admitting when you're wrong? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's capable of calling you out, esp. given how often you act so full of so much shit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

@Dickin’: That link just shows that Sullivan has always been more interested in pleasing black men than in pleasing any woman. But we knew that.

That's what gay people do. Jesus Christ. Did you ever take sex ed? It's about who you like/(Sullivan likes). Not who other people tell you that you should like.

Aren't you like ten years older than me, anyway? What gives?

langford peel said...

Let me ask you Ritmo. A serious question. Do you think that McCain and his family are entitled to a Senate Seat as a family right? Do you think it is right that he has not been in the Senate for five months and his state has been without representation for the time? That he should hold on until the Republican governor can appoint Cindy McCain to his hereditary post?

Or should there be an election where the people can decide which is what would happen if he resigns today?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A serious question. Do you think that McCain and his family are entitled to a Senate Seat as a family right?

This is what you call a serious question? Who thinks that about his seat?

Do you think it is right that he has not been in the Senate for five months and his state has been without representation for the time?

That's for his state or whomever's empowered (or not) to do anything about it. Is there a law against him holding the seat? No? Then why are you so fickle about rule of law?

That he should hold on until the Republican governor can appoint Cindy McCain to his hereditary post?

If that's the governor's call, then it's the governor's call. If you don't like the laws, change them. And do you even live in Arizona? I notice Republicans tend to like to do a lot of bossing around of other people in other states about what are their choices. Whether there's legal ground to stand on or not.

Try to control people a little less. That "sovereignty of the individual" thing is something you can probably stand to afford some more respect to. Unless America becomes an ethno-state. Then you can strip people of their rights and the law and subsume the whole damn thing in a supposed "purity of the genetic community" ideal, or whatever they're banging on about these days.

chickelit said...

“That's what gay people do. Jesus Christ. Did you ever take sex ed? It's about who you like/(Sullivan likes). Not who other people tell you that you should like.”

The notion that Sullivan let his sexual preference dicktate his conscience (and thus his writing) is a good reason why he spent so much time in the wilderness afterwards. And note, he has never published one pixel admitting that he went too far regarding Palin. He should come out and say “I was wrong on Palin but right on McCain” and get some reader respect back. Althouse did this implicitly. She singled out McCain as being unworthy of election. How many times did she link to her “How McCain lost me” piece? She might being feeling some Schadenfreude right about now. When came to Palin, I gather that Althouse was never a fan, but she held back on personal animus, unlike Sullivan.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The notion that Sullivan let his sexual preference dicktate his conscience (and thus his writing) is a good reason why he spent so much time in the wilderness afterwards.

What wilderness? What lapse of conscience? What was violated? Why was his success at writing/self-publishing something you doubted starting ten years ago?

And note, he has never published one pixel admitting that he went too far regarding Palin. He should come out and say “I was wrong on Palin but right on McCain” and get some reader respect back.

What the hell is "too far?" How was he wrong? She (Governor Half-Term) was massively unqualified, it drove him crazy that that base you pretend to respect is too nuts to vote on the basis of something other than the silly "culture war" nonsense they felt she epitomized, and that's that.

Is this about the retarded baby? He was wrong and a bit crazy about that but why is this such a big thing to you folks? The right wing believes in throwing out and onto the streets any one - any kid, any adult, you name it - who wasn't born a billionaire. THat's your party. They're slashing indigent child health care right now. They love throwing kids out on the street. The fact that you play the white knight to protect the "honor" of how they're respected verbally is the shallowest of crass moves given that reality.

Althouse did this implicitly. She singled out McCain as being unworthy of election.

Who cares about her thoughts on McCain? I thought you were talking about crazy Andrew Sullivan?

How many times did she link to her “How McCain lost me” piece?

I don't know. I usually don't follow her self-links unless it's clear why she put them there and compelling to follow.

She might being feeling some Schadenfreude right about now.

Again... so what? Are you even still having the same conversation?

When came to Palin, I gather that Althouse was never a fan, but she held back on personal animus, unlike Sullivan.

Sullivan, it seems, may have had no respect for her. Why is this an issue? What respect are we supposed to have for her? What did she do that was so respectable... so worthy of commanding respect? Any sacrifices like McCain did? Any restraint like McCain offered?

Come on.

THere's a reason that lady's no longer in the public eye. She has nothing to offer it. And she had nothing then, either. These are just cultural-political icons in the never-ending Republicrazy self-declared "culture war" that change on a dime as the increasingly desperate tactics do. They represent moments in that war, not people with the integrity to have something valuable to say regardless of whatever's happening in the loudmouth arguments of the moment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As far as blaming Palin but not McCain I think (perhaps) the idea is admitting reality... and one's limitations. People can disagree, but Sullivan must have felt that Palin should have had the integrity to admit, "Gee Mr. McCain, I like you, and I hate the left, but really... I'm unqualified. Can't accept. But if you ever need me to look at Putin from my house, I'm your gal."

There are far too many people today pretending to have too much talent with far too many things. The current president comes to mind. A little humility among the most potent political crazies of the day might not be a bad thing.

But I get it. He's your only hope. Proceed desperately.

langford peel said...

"Try to control people a little less. That "sovereignty of the individual" thing is something you can probably stand to afford some more respect to"

I am not trying to control people. It is the McCain's who are trying to have a royal progression that are trying to take the choice from the people. I think both parties should have the chance to present candidates for the people to choose.

It is quite disappointing and total invalidates your "act" and persona here to be on the side of the political dynasty. I guess that explains your stated preference for Hillary. You choose the corrupt political dynasty. Makes sense. Your blind hatred of Republicans is such that you can not see how foolish you look.

langford peel said...

Here you have a chance to choose between a corrupt political dynasty and a democratic election.

Look at who you choose.

Dave64 said...

Two words; Song bird

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I am not trying to control people. It is the McCain's who are trying to have a royal progression that are trying to take the choice from the people.

Once again I ask: Are you from Arizona?

Did the people of Arizona vote to make you their representative? Their spokesperson?

So nice that you so intimately know the political interests/opinions of so many people whom you never even met.

Maybe we should start with the basics. Can you even locate Arizona on a map?

DanTheMan said...

>>Maybe we should start with the basics. Can you even locate Arizona on a map?

Maybe YOU should start with the basics. What do you add to the conversation here? Precious little as far as I can tell.

chickelit said...

“It is quite disappointing and total invalidates your "act" and persona here to be on the side of the political dynasty. I guess that explains your stated preference for Hillary. You choose the corrupt political dynasty. Makes sense. Your blind hatred of Republicans is such that you can not see how foolish you look.“

What Ritmo wanted was a third term for Obama. Hillary offered that in spades. Thus the ongoing distrumption. These same people look for him in Michelle, Oprah, Kamela, etc. They should settle for Kanye, but that’s beyond Hillary and Hillary isn’t politically dead yet, she’s not even passed.

Sydney said...

Didn’t McCain tell a mean joke about Chelsea Clinton when she was still just a child?

Michael K said...

Langford, haven't you learned yet ?

Michael K said...

"What Ritmo wanted was a third term for Obama."

Chicklit, Ritmo wants a masturbatory fantasy that people actually listen to him and think he is worth reading his crap.

Surely you have figured that out by now.

Have you seen any serious issue in his rants ?

langford peel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
langford peel said...

I am just stating my opinion. I think the people of Arizona or California or Alabama or anywhere else is entitled to representation. Duly democratically elected representation.

It is your position that it is perfectly fine and dandy for there to be no representation in the Senate due to John McCain's arrogance and sense of entitlement.

It is my position that they should not be deprived of that choice. Which is what would happen if he holds the seat until the end of the month. Then the Republican governor can appoint someone who would hold the seat until 2020. Without an election.

You seem to feel that this situation is the preferred outcome and that there is no reason to call for a democratic election where both parties and all of the people of Arizona can make a democratic choice based on their own desires and votes. Not to be
saddled with someone like Cindy McCain. Or Bonnie Prince Charlie. Or Prince Albert of Monaco.

I am simply expressing an opinion about what is fair. You are supporting the elite opinions and the globalist bent of the Duopoly who want to take away the rights of the American people. All of your fulminations about Republicans ring hollow in the face of that simple fact.

Carry on with your supplication to the Clinton dynasty and the tyranny of the elites.

Michael K said...

He may yet resign but he has only two weeks to do it.

chickelit said...

So, a working theory here is that Cindy McCain is writing the tweets and planning to take over. Thus will utterly destroy McCain’s legacy. Ir’s hard to believe he’d be that stupid.

langford peel said...

Yes but if he does they have to call an election. If he holds on until after the deadline then the governor appoints someone who sits until 2020.

So the only reason McCain would hold on is loyalty to the Republican party. What are the chances that is the case?

Or is it more likely he is holding out for a corrupt bargain where he could appoint his own successor. Someone like his wife. Or maybe even his daughter. That's a thought. She has name recognition. She has experience speaking in public. He might feel guilty for marrying Cindy and this is his way to make it up.

Anyway I am thinking it is much more likely to be a corrupt bargain than John McCain being a loyal Republican.

chickelit said...

“Have you seen any serious issue in his rants ?“

From time to time, yes. Plus he writes fast and well which I admire.

chickelit said...

What I’m saying is that Cindy McCain could be a much worse politician than her husband is — much like the Clintons.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe YOU should start with the basics. What do you add to the conversation here? Precious little as far as I can tell.

Only if you consider precious little to be "the facts."

But it's nice seeing you throw a tantrum and bust your nut there, tricolor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What Ritmo wanted was a third term for Obama. Hillary offered that in spades.

Not quite, but you do like to prefer guessing what I think from time to time than actually asking. Why?

And why did you offer this straw man response of mine to another quote of your own that you'd already posted once before?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I am just stating my opinion. I think the people of Arizona or California or Alabama or anywhere else is entitled to representation. Duly democratically elected representation.

I think they did that. They voted for John McCain.

It is your position that it is perfectly fine and dandy for there to be no representation in the Senate due to John McCain's arrogance and sense of entitlement.

It is my position that there are laws in this land and that Arizona is following those that rule its own state.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

From time to time, yes. Plus he writes fast and well which I admire.

Thank you chickelit. You're not so bad yourself - especially when you avoid letting yourself fall prey to the Republican Anger Squad.

Michael K, OTOH, is just a chronic opioid prescriber -- who seems to be sampling the wares when the high from sniffing his own ego wears out. Luckily, you don't have that problem. While being a little too forgiving to the precautions of human toxicology, at least you know your stuff and don't get offended at what the science shows you. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the poor Mr. Michael K. He wants to control everyone - including what they read.

It's sad, really. A lifetime sequestered in a dark operating theater slicing people with scalpels, throwing instruments around and yelling at nurses apparently led him to believe that this was an admirable attitude to reinforce. And his nursemaid didn't help.

chickelit said...

“And why did you offer this straw man response of mine to another quote of your own that you'd already posted once before?”

I quoted langford peel in that comment. Not myself. I was actually disagreeing with him that you preferred Hillary.

langford peel said...

"It is my position that there are laws in this land and that Arizona is following those that rule its own state"

You are certainly intelligent enough to see that the rules of the state are being manipulated to the benefit of a political dynasty. It is simply your stubbornness and desire to be contrary that makes you unable to admit you are wrong. I am sure that the laws of Arizona dictate that if an office holder is incapacitated that there should be a special election by a certain date. Or the governor appoints a replacement until the next scheduled election. Your position supports throwing out this law since McCain is so obviously incapacitated since he could not come to the Senate to vote.

I am surprised that you are so loyal to the Republican party that you would allow this manipulation to avoid a democratic election. It basically illustrates that you epic rants we read every night are simply bullshit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't always agree with Chickie, and it disappoints me when he misreads my motives, but it's impossible to say that he doesn't at least aim for a full (and usually humane) understanding of things. He's an incredibly astute chemist, has a decent taste for and appreciation of - among other things - music, and doesn't get arrogant about that or about any of his talents.

Michael K. OTOH is unfortunately a controlling blowhard who half-asses most of what he knows (go read about it! - too bad his references are so opinionated) and gets way too emotional for his own good. He should probably just relax and let go of his ego from time to time. What a burden it must be to carry around that high a sense of self-regard at all times. Can anyone imagine it? It must be debilitating. But for some reason, this is the self-injury he chooses to carry. Strange.

Occasionally I take myself too seriously but would much prefer to aim for the humility of a decent guy like chickelit than the bloviations of Michael K. Anyone who is incapable of laughter is a dangerous person - usually first and foremost to themselves.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I quoted langford peel in that comment. Not myself. I was actually disagreeing with him that you preferred Hillary.

Ok, then I apologize and stand corrected. But I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have wanted a third Obama term. In fact, in some ways it's probably good that Trump beat Hillary.

langford peel said...

I think we can all stop and reevaluate our positions. Sometimes in our joy to fight for our team we stake out positions that are the reverse of what we actually believe. You see this with Never Trumpers all the time. People like Jennifer Rubin and Jonah Goldberg hate Trump so much that they reverse their positions because Trump holds the one that they used to hold.

So you see Jennifer Rubin saying we should stay in the Iran deal and not move our embassy to Jerusalem.

That is why Ritmo urging that we manipulate the law to protect a Republican seat so unseemly and quite funny.

I guess this is what you mean about having a sense of humor.

That's pretty funny bro.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You are certainly intelligent enough to see that the rules of the state are being manipulated to the benefit of a political dynasty.

Is the law there being broken?

If not, then I see no reason to even have an opinion on how a man much more decent than his party decides to carry out his term in office.

I am surprised that you are so loyal to the Republican party that you would allow this manipulation to avoid a democratic election. It basically illustrates that you epic rants we read every night are simply bullshit.

Lol, really? I'm loyal to the Republican party? Tell me again how happy you were about that maverick's vote - against the party line - to not gut subsidies for the uninsured at least without a bipartisan consensus on the most ethical and unifying way to throw 30 million Americans out of an affordable entry into the insurance market.

Sounds like party leader (and national hairpiece) Trump wasn't too happy about it. He ranted (in an epic way) for 40 days and 40 nights. Or something like that.

langford peel said...

"If not, then I see no reason to even have an opinion on how a man much more decent than his party decides to carry out his term in office."

But the fact is he is not carrying out his term in office. He is incapacitated. He is unable to perform his functions as a Senator. He is unable to vote. To attend hearings. To do any of the things he was elected to do. That is what you are supporting. That is what arrogance and elitism has wrought.

"Lol, really? I'm loyal to the Republican party?"

That's irony dude. If the Democrats can elect someone in Arizona they should have that chance. Look they did it in Alabama of all places. They definitely have a chance in Arizona. Or they can elect another Jeff Flake Rhino who will vote with the Democrats. Why don't you want to give them that chance? Irony dude.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But the fact is he is not carrying out his term in office. He is incapacitated.

Are you a doctor? Did you examine him? Can you cite the relevant law that governs this?

He is unable to perform his functions as a Senator. He is unable to vote. To attend hearings. To do any of the things he was elected to do. That is what you are supporting. That is what arrogance and elitism has wrought.

Lol. If only more senators were "unable" to vote. They miss votes all the time. Often, purposely. If you want to start a mandatory minimal job performance or even attendance standard in the U.S. senate, then my gosh. Good luck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's irony dude. If the Democrats can elect someone in Arizona they should have that chance. Look they did it in Alabama of all places. They definitely have a chance in Arizona. Or they can elect another Jeff Flake Rhino who will vote with the Democrats. Why don't you want to give them that chance? Irony dude.

I didn't realize they did.

Even so, I probably didn't pay attention for a couple reasons:

1. I consider mccain a man of rare decency in national politics these days and if this is how he rides it out (and no, I don't have any good, personal evidence that he's "incapacitated" - let alone of how that could be defined in a job as useless as senator - let alone what the law is on that - then godspeed.

2. I don't care what happens to the Democratic party. Maybe some of their newest victors are good people (or the closest approximation - good politicians). But I think that party is debased beyond repair. I have no hopes for it and will vote 3rd party almost exclusively from now on. I think maybe about 20% of Democrats are worth a damn. And I should know. Their asshole party calls me up consistently hitting me up for donations and I tell them how useless they are and why don't they call Wall Street instead. They seem not to have noticed that running against Trump is no achievement. His negatives are his negatives. Doesn't change the fact at all that he will probably stilll beat them based on the fact that he has something called "balls" and speaks untruth to power on at least the most basic observation that these deadbeat dumbocrats are completely clueless about: Economics beats EVERYTHING. Working class is the most important identity politics category to reach and if you can't place that above all the stupid race gender bullshit, then you deserve to lose as a party. It's like they didn't figure out the most important lesson of the 20th century: You let your working class down, your country goes fascist. And probably racist. There's no two ways around it.

If the Democrats don't get that then I'm happy to see them lose. Their responses when I point this out to them, and how little they've done or stood for, are astonishing. Their arrogance and stupidity is through the roof.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Through the roof and dangerous.

langford peel said...

"Are you a doctor? Did you examine him? Can you cite the relevant law that governs this?"

You can't be serious. He did not show up for five months. Who keeps their job by not showing up for five months? Ok maybe if you are in a union or something but nobody else.

The proof that he is incapacitated is that he did not show up for work. Simple. Even a senile zombie like Thad Cochran can be propped up enough to push a button. You can't really be saying that McCain can still fulfill the duties of his office.

You don't get to stay in office based on your past. You have to show up. If that were the case then George Washington would still be President.

langford peel said...

Also speaking of evidence please show me where John McCain has been decent.

I just don't see it.

He has been a pampered arrogant douche since his Academy days where his famous family bailed him out when he should have washed out of the Academy and the Navy. Since the days he took money as part of the Keating Five. He has been a uniquely corrupt and dangerous politician for many, many years.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You don't get to stay in office based on your past. You have to show up.

Not true. Some legislatures in fact only meet once every two years. It actually works out better because then they have to budget with long-term goals in mind and not use an annual process to make a political lobbying free-for-all out of the damn thing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Also speaking of evidence please show me where John McCain has been decent.

I just don't see it.

He has been a pampered arrogant douche since his Academy days where his famous family bailed him out when he should have washed out of the Academy and the Navy. Since the days he took money as part of the Keating Five. He has been a uniquely corrupt and dangerous politician for many, many years.

Let me guess - if he'd only voted to throw tens of millions of indigent Americans out of an affordable healthcare market then that might've proved his decency to you?

Sounds pretty indecent to me.

langford peel said...

So you don't have to show up? Is that what you are arguing? That being able to show up and vote doesn't matter?

This legislature is meeting. He is missing the meetings. Through a fatal illness. He is putting his wants, desires and arrogance over the good of his state and his country. As he has always done.

The people who speak about honor the most are usually the ones who lack it the most. If you live by a code of honor you don't have to trumpet that fact all the time. Your life will illustrate every day.

John McCain's life is the perfect illustration of petulance and arrogance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So you don't have to show up? Is that what you are arguing? That being able to show up and vote doesn't matter?

This legislature is meeting. He is missing the meetings. Through a fatal illness. He is putting his wants, desires and arrogance over the good of his state and his country. As he has always done.

Go ask the people of Arizona if the votes being decided in this most useless of Congress make a difference to them. President Hairpiece does everything these days by executive fiat anyway. The congress is a spineless, bought-out rubber stamp. McCain has better things to do then to kowtow to those losers and worry about their voting blocs and coalitions and other cheap shit for those sell-outs and their sell-out in chief.

langford peel said...

The lack of decency is in running on the basis of repealing Obamacare. Getting elected on that basis. Then reversing your vote. If he was in favor of retaining Obamacare he should have run on that basis. Fair enough. He just lied. Just as he lied about supporting the wall and being against illegal immigration. In fact his last campaign was a total bait and switch.

It is fine to run on the Democratic platform and being elected. It is simply not decent to run as a conservative Republican and then reverse your votes when you win. It is just not decent.

langford peel said...

"President Hairpiece does everything these days by executive fiat anyway."

This is simply not true. For example the appointments to executive offices are being debated and voted on right now. The Head of the CIA for example. McCain or his ghostwriter is vehemently against her. His duty is to be there to vote and campaign against her if that is how he feels.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Win what? He knew he'd be dead by his next election. It was probably understanding the importance of good cancer care that changed the guy's mind.

If Hairpiece cared about his appointments he would have had them filled on time to begin with. That l'etat c'est moi Napoleon wanna-be who thinks he can do it all on his own anyway couldn't fill an executive board room. No one wants to work for the jackass. But can they swear personal loyalty to him? Oh yeah, I know tons of guys who want a job like that!

Lol. Get real.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

McCain's absence is not holding up a single appointment. Red herring.

The Republicans just can't get anything done. And Trump don't wanna have anyone appointed whom he hasn't strip searched first.

Needless to say this cuts out many from the running and holds up the process immensely.

Scientific Socialist said...

I'm too lazy to search, but methinks that Dana Milquetoast was singing a different tune about McCain when he ran against "Black Jesus" in 2008

Michael K said...

Steve Hayward suggests that, if McCain does not resign by 5/30, and dies before the election, the governor can appoint a replacement until 2020. However, the governor is up for election, too.

walter said...

When PPPT (leftward "wackobird")comes to McCain's defense, it's all ya need to know...

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Worth repeating..until PPPT/shit-flinger goes away:

Blogger President Pee-Pee Tape said...

Michael K, OTOH, is just a chronic opioid prescriber -- who seems to be sampling the wares when the high from sniffing his own ego wears out. Luckily, you don't have that problem. While being a little too forgiving to the precautions of human toxicology, at least you know your stuff and don't get offended at what the science shows you. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the poor Mr. Michael K. He wants to control everyone - including what they read.

It's sad, really. A lifetime sequestered in a dark operating theater slicing people with scalpels, throwing instruments around and yelling at nurses apparently led him to believe that this was an admirable attitude to reinforce. And his nursemaid didn't help."

walter said...

(I fear for PPPT's dependent SNF residents' safety tonight)

walter said...

It's Mother's day tomorrow..maybe PPPT will focus his pillowing on the old men tonight.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

If memory serves, Barack Obama for some reason failed to qualify for the Michigan primary in 2008, giving that state's nod to Hillary. Since Michigan had an open primary, Democrats, who didn't have to make a choice on their side, instead voted for their favorite Republican, John McCain. This gave McCain, a defective candidate for so many reasons, a lead that his opponents never overcame.

Ralph L said...

You may claim your prize for this correct correction at Headquarters for Althouse Blog Comments, Bennelong Point, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia, from 9:00am to 5:00pm, monday to Friday. Proof of ID required, and please arrive well before closing time to allow for the requisite probulation.

I'll be there next week.

Rusty said...

One more thing and then we'll leave the sick old man alone.
Didn'the almost burn down his aircraft carrier?
He launched a missile while still on deck and not on the flight line.
Or was that someone else?

langford peel said...

"McCain's absence is not holding up a single appointment. Red herring"

This is simply not true. The Republican margin is so slim that they need the entire caucus to vote since the entire Democratic caucus is united in obstructionism. So if McCain is not there to vote on judges or ambassadors or Assistant Secretaries and another Republican like Rand Paul or Susan Collins refuses to vote for a nominee the nomination fails.

Now you might be right in the fact that John McCain will not vote for President Trump's nominees because he is an bitter, vengeful, arrogant piece of shit.....well then I agree with you and I guess it doesn't matter.

langford peel said...

"McCain's absence is not holding up a single appointment. Red herring"

That is simply not true.

The Republican margin is one vote and if another Senator balks or is absent like Thad Cockran than the nomination fails. That means that judges, ambassadors and Assistant Secretaries fail or don't even get a vote in the face of the united caucus of the Democrats who are united in total obstructionism. You expect that from the Democrats. You would think a member of your own party would vote for your qualified nominees.

Now if you are saying that McCains vote doesn't matter because he would vote no because he is a bitter, vengeful, arrogant piece of shit.....well I have to agree with you and stand corrected.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Big Mike said...
@Humperdink, your General McInerney is a worthless piece of shit. Given enough time, and a small enough conscience, you can make anybody do anything. Put Chuck in my clutches for enough months and he’d be writing checks to the Trump re-election committee.

5/12/18, 2:57 PM

Enough months? Gimme an hour!

However, Big Mike, the "Songbird" allegations go past the point of "OK, OK, I need that testicle, I'll tell you what ship I was on." Allegedly he was a cooperator who got primarily good treatment and was considered an asset.

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