May 30, 2018

Reassurance backfires. Whom could something like this reassure? It only stokes doubt.

Really Althouse? A woman who just had surgery sends a note “I'm fine”. That is odd to you, or a tactic?
I said:
My point is, she gave air to a conspiracy theory I hadn’t heard of, so she actually promoted it.
Darrell said:
The theories about Melania's absence have been all over the web for the last several days. "She co-operating with Mueller!!11!!!" "Trump is toast!!11!!!" "She went back to NY!!11!!!" Keep up with the fake news.


Unknown said...

It does what it's intended to do: Amp up the MSM jackal mode.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I hadn't seen anything about her one way or the other. Certainly not a big story.

n.n said...

The press is not speculating, they are hoping, planning, and publicly lynching people who are incompatible with their special and peculiar, foreign and domestic, interests. As well as providing a mass cover-up of Water Closet: Obama spied, Clinton colluded, and the DNC denied rabid diversity in their ranks. Not to mention a few well staged "robberies" and elective abortions coincident with exposure of their internal workings.

pacwest said...

Classy. And do I detect a bit of The Donald's trolling technique in that tweet?

rehajm said...

She should have been the first first lady to say Odjebi

Jim Gust said...

Please, just leave Melania alone. She just had surgery, give her some peace and quiet.

Now I Know! said...

The First Lady has done a terrific job. She has shown a great deal of dignity. How someone as nice and beautiful as her got messed up with the clownish low life Donald Trump is a real mystery.

Drago said...

ARM: "I hadn't seen anything about her one way or the other. Certainly not a big story."

I dont blame you for pretending the pro-MS13 dems werent trafficking ugly rumors about a First Lady who is recovering from surgery.

You were not very convincing in your denial of the obvious, I must say.

Perhaps your "technique" is suffering by proximity to LLR Chuck comments.

Sally327 said...

I was reassured.

Shane said...

It might matter inside the Beltway, but we live in the Great Midwest.
Stoking doubt is for the hot polloi. We have lives to live, and wish the First Lady well as any other day, whether the media makes another non-issue a great untoward conspiracy.

madAsHell said...

And do I detect a bit of The Donald's trolling technique in that tweet?

I hear it as well. It's the feint before the hook!!

traditionalguy said...

What if Melania is the second Deap State plant spying on Trump and his crew, and JFK has outed her? It would figure then that she is being held in the Tower of Trump and trying to send messages to get help from Mueller.

Just kidding. I am sure Trump has turned her like 007 turned all the bad girls sent to get him.

Birches said...

Haha. I feel like Donald got ahold of her phone for a couple of minutes.

Leland said...

She should have trolled a bit more; "I'm resting. My back has been bothering me, and I didn't want to go out in public wearing a trench coat on Memorial Day to hide a brace."

cyrus83 said...

I doubt this tweet is aimed at anybody but the media, and the reassurance is purely satirical. All the speculation is purely tabloid fodder and in a more sane media environment would be primarily the concern of the National Enquirer. Of course, this tweet will just egg on the reporters until they get egg on their face, as is the standard pattern for this presidency.

Birkel said...

Maybe it assures people who use whom when the headline could easily be rewritten to avoid the oddly written phrase.

Hagar said...

Somebody else wrote that. Mrs. Trump would not have used that "working hard" phrase.

mikee said...

Her lovely accent is barely noticeable in that tweet.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I did see a story about my man Trey Gowdy.

Darrell said...

Blogger Sally327 said
I was reassured.

I was reassured, too.

Ken B said...

Really Althouse? A woman who just had surgery sends a note “I'm fine”. That is odd to you, or a tactic?

Birkel said...

Trey Gowdy? The retiring congresscritter? The useless sycophant of the Deep State?

Strange new respect coming for all those 'public servants' who abandon the proper limits of government?

rhhardin said...

It reassures people who don't care in the first place what she's doing or where she is.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I haven’t seen any story about Melania. Fake controversy. And I seriously doubt she wrote that tweet, she sounds much more dignified in person.

Michael K said...

ARM, I'm not surprised to see your new concern about Gowdy

Once written... has to get its dig at Trump. Nice. Cassy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trey Gowdy is saying that the FBI did exactly as they were supposed to with their informant. Good work FBI. Funny how quickly Trey Gowdy is getting demonized by Trump expected.

tcrosse said...

How someone as nice and beautiful as her got messed up with the clownish low life Donald Trump is a real mystery.

OTOH maybe she knows more about him than you do. Is that possible ?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“OTOH maybe she knows more about him than you do. Is that possible ?”

Yes, that’s probably why she doesn’t want to hold his hand.

Limited blogger said...

Get well soon, Melania.

MikeD said...

Gee, I wonder why she would've done this explanatory tweet? Disappointed Althouse would buy in to negativity.

From WaPo:
From Mercury-News:
Accurate story from NY Post:

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: Yes, that’s probably why she doesn’t want to hold his hand.

You mean like this piece of kabuki theatre designed to make idiots forget:

Gennifer Flowers
Juanita Broaddrick
Paula Jones
Kathleen Willey
Monica Lewinsky


Mark said...

Leland gets it.

n.n said...
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n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

It is traditional social etiquette to reassure people who wish you poorly, who hope for change, that you are viable and productive.

readering said...

Was Melania at today's WH event for kids and sports? If so, she doesn't need to tweet. If not, then I think the tabloids will soon be having a field day. The endings of Trump's prior two marriages were played out in the pages of the NY Post.

Darrell said...

She needs a tag line at the end.
I suggest "Fuck The Left."

le Douanier said...

"Whom could something like this reassure?"

Those who suffer from TDS.


The syndrome isn't limited to making libs irrationally oppose him. The reverse, re his followers, is even more prevalent and robust.


I'm assuming she had some sorta work done. Trying to not get dumped for a newer model.

Or, maybe she's just using her leverage as FLOTUS to better shakedown sugar dad.

I dunno.

le Douanier said...


Melania is a handsome woman.

Strong brow.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN - go eat shit. Thanks.

Ann Althouse said...

“Really Althouse? A woman who just had surgery sends a note “I'm fine”. That is odd to you, or a tactic?”

My point is, she gave air to a conspiracy theory I hadn’t heard of, so she actually promoted it.

le Douanier said...

"she gave air to a conspiracy theory I hadn’t heard of"

Darrell said...

The theories about Melania's absence have been all over the web for the last several days. "She co-operating with Mueller!!11!!!" "Trump is toast!!11!!!" "She went back to NY!!11!!!" Keep up with the fake news.

Curious George said...

"Our Resident Dullard Inga said...
'OTOH maybe she knows more about him than you do. Is that possible ?'

Yes, that’s probably why she doesn’t want to hold his hand."


Be said...

I didn't vote for Bush fils the first time around, but admired his First Lady's Grace and Strength.

I didn't vote for Obama either time, but grew to admire his First Lady, even finding commonality in looks (we are built alike physically. Though I'm white and she's black, we both got the same "monkey arm" business due to our similar build. Hurt for me personally, but means something Completely Other for her.)

Most certainly didn't vote for the current President, but think that his First Lady might probably be the best I can understand, given the ethnic/cultural underpinnings.

Yancey Ward said...

We all know Mueller has Melania sequestered protective custody.

Oso Negro said...

My friend told me if you play Trump’s last speech backward it says “Melania is dead”

lgv said...

Blogger Inga said...
I haven’t seen any story about Melania. Fake controversy. And I seriously doubt she wrote that tweet, she sounds much more dignified in person.

Don't CNN much?

rhhardin said...

It's still a pretentious whom even though it's correct.

A "who talks like that?" effect.

TheDopeFromHope said...

"Only" modifies "doubt," not "stokes." The sentence should read: "It stokes only doubt."

Curious George said...

"I said:
My point is, she gave air to a conspiracy theory I hadn’t heard of, so she actually promoted it."

That just proves that it wasn't in the NYT or The New Yorker.

hombre said...

Inga said...
“Trey Gowdy is saying that the FBI did exactly as they were supposed to with their informant. Good work FBI. Funny how quickly Trey Gowdy is getting demonized by Trump expected.”

Gowdy, like the Democrats and their consorts, WaPo and the other leftmedia, are to be congratulated for their divination.

Despite ample evidence of FBI Counterintelligence’s ill will toward Trump these seers tell us it played no role in their “investigation” of the Trump campaign.

I can’t wait for their pronouncements on the chicken vs. the egg controversy. Lol.

Meanwhile, Inga continues to be this site’s champion purveyor of confirmation bias.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

if *I* haven't heard about it, it's not news.

...and I never tell anyone I'm feeling great-- it only legitimizes their suspicions to the contrary.