Also this morning — in order from oldest to newest:
Things are really getting ridiculous. The Failing and Crooked (but not as Crooked as Hillary Clinton) @nytimes has done a long & boring story indicating that the World’s most expensive Witch Hunt has found nothing on Russia & me so now they are looking at the rest of the World!
....At what point does this soon to be $20,000,000 Witch Hunt, composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats and two people who have worked for Obama for 8 years, STOP! They have found no Collussion with Russia, No Obstruction, but they aren’t looking at the corruption... the Hillary Clinton Campaign where she deleted 33,000 Emails, got $145,000,000 while Secretary of State, paid McCabes wife $700,000 (and got off the FBI hook along with Terry M) and so much more. Republicans and real Americans should start getting tough on this Scam.
Now that the Witch Hunt has given up on Russia and is looking at the rest of the World, they should easily be able to take it into the Mid-Term Elections where they can put some hurt on the Republican Party. Don’t worry about Dems FISA Abuse, missing Emails or Fraudulent Dossier!
What ever happened to the Server, at the center of so much Corruption, that the Democratic National Committee REFUSED to hand over to the hard charging (except in the case of Democrats) FBI? They broke into homes & offices early in the morning, but were afraid to take the Server?
....and why hasn’t the Podesta brother been charged and arrested, like others, after being forced to close down his very large and successful firm? Is it because he is a VERY well connected Democrat working in the Swamp of Washington, D.C.?
The Witch Hunt finds no Collusion with Russia - so now they’re looking at the rest of the World. Oh’ great!
1 – 200 of 361 Newer› Newest»Trash talk, from a world class trash talker. See you in court.
On the one hand: Go Trump!
On the other: Oh gods, another interminable investigation.
Trump knows how to drive ratings. Sideshow Bob running up a $20 million ab. Thinks he’s still billing the NFL. Trump will fire him in a momth
Why don't we have a real Attorney General? Where is John Mitchell when you need him?
“See you in court.” Spoken like a douchebag lawyer. Sideshow Bob doesn’t do court. So he fucks up the anthrax investigation, costing the tax payer$5.5 million. Now this bullshit. Games of an old man.
The $20 million tab with nothing to show for it is business as usual for the deep state. It’s how they roll.
Why didn't "they take the Server"?
(1) Forensic examination of the data would reveal no evidence of "Russian" hacking.
(2) Forensic examination of the data would reveal evidence of White House collusion with SecState Hillary to evade the law, specifically the Espionage Act.
(reposted with typo fixed)
Wow, "....Blogger Chuck said...
Trash talk, from a world class trash talker. See you in court."
5/20/18, 12:53 PM
Sorry Chuck your Trump Deranged Syndrome has really lost it's punch and shows why you are such a douche lawyer.
Heard again a pundit, Republican, complain that Trump should start acting as if he is innocent. While Trump may not be acting wisely, he is definitely acting like a very frustrated innocent man who sees endless investigations of something which he KNOWS did not happen while numerous unethical/criminal activities are being ignored.
“Why don't we have a real Attorney General? Where is John Mitchell when you need him?”
He’s busy not being John Mitchell’d. Sessions is doing just fine with law enforcement and immigration.
Trump can declassify everything tomorrow if he wanted to. What's keeping him? That to me seems the best work around for dealing with Mueller and the perpetually evidence hiding, and dodging FBI & DOJ. We know damn well the press, other than a few outliers like WSJ or Washington times will bother to cover this critically, so why not dump it all out for the world to see?
“See you in court.” Spoken like a douchebag lawyer.
Correction. Spoken like someone who watches too much lawyer fiction on the boob tube. Chuck is what is politely known as a poseur.
All true statements. The DNC/Hillary server is the most pertinent since the NY Times seems to think they FBI was "protecting" Trump.
He tweets because he has the get through the heavy draperies that the media has erected around this scandal.
In Washington the draperies match the carpet.
Grace under pressure. Always a good measure of a good leader.
Trump's tweets are essentially an outline of Andrew McCarthy's column at The National Review.
Trump provides a little perspective. Our President wants the American people to see through the Media/DNC/FBI/DOJ smoke.
This is how you win.
Lifelong Incel and Fake Lawyer Chuck is having delusions again.
He doesn't seem very happy. Bwahahahaha.
Grace under pressure. Always a good measure of a good leader.
Most definitely. This BS has been going on far too long. It’s about time a fire was lit under the investigation.
And when the Justice Department concludes that the FBI did not surveil the Trump campaign for political purposes, Trump will apologize to the nation and never raise the subject again.
the only reason i think that trump has not forced the DOJ / FBI to declassify everything is because any interference would be construed as obstruction and used to nustify impeachment... I think Trump is too smart to make that mistake and has been letting this play out in the court of public opinion, letting others like Nunes be lightning rods on the front lines... but once the winds have shifted enough, i believe that is when he will start unleashing hell... kind of like a boxer who takes punches for the first 10 rounds, until his opponent is exhausted and vulnerable... then firing the KO blow...
Asymmetrical warfare. New rules of engagement. Target rich environment. No surrender.
Regarding "the Server". They (as in Obama's AG) didn't take it because they (the FBI) were instructed not to. The impoundment of evidence is elementary. No prosecution can succeed without it. Why? To protect Hillary long enough to be elected and installed in the White House, but not only that. Once in office, Obama was counting on Hillary to keep his role in the obstructing the illegal email server investigation secret and buried. It would have been a sure thing because the thoroughly corrupt and partisan press would spike anything that leaked unless the unthinkable happened. This is why the Dems have strived so hard to depose Trump — to prevent Obama from being named in an indictment of Hillary. They knew that catastrophe was imminent from the moment the polls came in on election night, ergo the immediate effort to stage a coup against DJT.
Unreadable comment section alert! What the hell is wrong with some of you people? Why don't you organize a big meeting and play with boxing glove spears or just sit around and jack-off together? It should be possible to say what you have to say without exchanging 20 grade-school level insults.
And when the Justice Department concludes that the FBI did not surveil the Trump campaign for political purposes.
The Justice Department can conclude no such thing. You cannot absolve yourself, even the pope has a confessor. Does "conflict of interest" ring a bell?
God Bless Trump!
You know, he's an asshole, but many times in American history, it took the an asshole or criminal or deviant brought before the court to work out the extent of our rights as Americans.
It's waaaay past time that the American people & government begin the hard work of re-building our utterly fucked-up government agencies, starting with the intelligence agencies, who have been allowed to skate after far too many mistakes. If Trump can make both parties sit down & figure out how to clean out those rats nests, he will have done this country a great service, even if he does nothing else.
I think Trump is too smart to make that mistake and has been letting this play out in the court of public opinion, letting others like Nunes be lightning rods on the front lines ...
And it seems to be working. The latest Rasmussen Poll shows Trump with 50% approval and 49% disapproval. I think this is the first time he's had a net positive rating since his election. Thank you, Chuck. Well done, Democrats.
Trump's timing seems to be pretty good this time.
I suspect that a lot of shit is going to hit a lot of fans soon.
The DNC/MSM Crime Family will try hard to turn off the electricity, so Trump is using his megaphone and supplying his own energy.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Grace under pressure. Always a good measure of a good leader.
You know, that's right. Trump has tolerated unimaginable pressure since the election.
I've started reading Conrad Black's biography of him. It should be interesting. His bios of FDR and Nixon were superb.
LLR Chuck wants Trump impeached and wants NO questions asked about any Stasi-like behavior by the dems/left at any time for any reason and will not stand for any critucism of dems and the lefty media and their dem allies.
Feel free to draw obvious and inescapable conclusions.
It should be possible to say what you have to say without exchanging 20 grade-school level insults.
You can spot those threads and they almost always go over 200 comments. Of 400 comments, you can bet that half are angry taunts.
This is interesting.
"Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said that Robert Mueller’s legal team and the FBI are full of “long-term Republicans who hated Trump” on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday."
LLR Chuck,
What do you think about Dersh's opinion?
LLR Chuck is still reeling from the utter collapse of every previous lie put forth by his dem/lefty operational allies.
Not to mention the collapse of the dems generic advantage.
Those are the primary causes for LLR Chucks increasing anger and lashing out.
Not even continuous rhetorical support on this blog by LLR Chucks far left allies can comfort him now in his failure to mount a 5th column movement to drive down republican morale.
Poor, poor Chuck.
So much time cultivating a fake online persona and "poof!", just like that and its all gone.
So very, very gone...LOL
And when the Justice Department concludes that the FBI did not surveil the Trump campaign for political purposes.
A lot of the high level fixers have been given the boot. So these things aren’t preordained like the result of the Hillary “investigation” was.
Unleash yourself President Trump!
At this rate I would expect LLR Chuck to begin serious research into every conservative's minor children to identify new avenues to attack republicans.
Of course, Chuckie will go with straight up racist attacks on any conservative african-americans as he has already demonstrated conclusively.
Inga: "Unleash yourself President Trump!"
We already have.
Thats how he became President, even though you and you ally LLR Chuck said it was impossible.
“We stand for truth for evidence and facts,” she told the ballroom full of female members of Congress, activists and candidates. “What an incredible thing…We have kind of an affection for evidence.” - HRC
My understanding is that when her brass balls clink, seismographs pick it up. She likes evidence so much she jealously guards it from prying eyes, destroys it before she would let her beloved evidence fall into the hands of a rival!
Looks like the time to play defense is over and Trump is now going to play offense. My reading of, admittedly conservative, commentators is that the upcoming IG report is going to be a watershed moment when some of the dirty linen is finally going to be hung out; names will be named. I also get the impression that the various Congressional inquiries are getting down to the short strokes where DOJ and FBI will no longer be able to hide their malfeasance and this is causing a great deal of discomfort among the lefties.
It seems obvious to me that Mueller is painting way outside the lines with the latest Middle East tactic. If Rosenstein had any balls at all he would make him wrap it up. I am anxious to see whether Mueller withdraws the charges against the Russian company now defending itself in court. My impression is that he does not have a strong case there.
Inga, your time might be better spent helping Mueller get a better handle on which of his indicted companies and employees actually existed!
Indicting companies that didnt exist and asserting those companies had specific employees that dont exist!
Thats LLR Chuck caliber work right there...
Trump's ability to get things accomplished in spite of all the obstacles being put in his way by the government is pretty remarkable. I think the "realistic" hope of the never-Trumpers was not impeachment, but just to keep him so occupied with this BS that he wouldn't be able to get anything done.
Notice how the trolls have zero to say of substance. They are just here to disrupt, but by being so weak, all they really do is strengthen the support for Trump. If I were an anti-Trump troll on this site, I would take it as a solemn responsibility to present the best arguments so as to avoid counterproductive ass hattery, but I can only conclude that there best argument is “Everybody knows we are right!” when nobody can point to the actual evidence., you know, the evidence that Hillary has an affection for.
Trump has given us 18 months of governance more conservative than Reagan.
And that makes LLR Chuck cry.
And drink, probably. Rather heavily, also probably.
It's amusing to watch the Dems, Libs, Progs, Trolls, and other idiots try to argue that investigating the actions of the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ is a BAAAADDDD thing.
What a tool. The more scared he is, the more he tweets incoherent stuff.
Vicki from Pasadena
It gives liberals heartburn when Trump bypasses the carefully amassed liberal filter and monopoly on news stories and goes over their head to the American people. What a maroon.
tim in vermont said...Notice how the trolls have zero to say of substance
victoria said...What a tool. The more scared he is, the more he tweets incoherent stuff.
ARM, Inga and Chuck should choose: either implanting spies in the out party's presidential campaign is a prosecutable offense, or it is a necessary part of assuring the purity of our democratic system, in which case they are fine with Trump doing that to whoever he faces in 2020.
victoria: "What a tool. The more scared he is, the more he tweets incoherent stuff."
Yeah, like when he tweeted he had been wiretapped and your pals said he was crazy...for 18 months...until they admitted he was...but then claimed it was necessary because Trump was guilty...until now when they literally claim they did it to protect Trump!!!!
Too, too funny.
These tweets and such are way more interesting and entertaining than that royal wedding - though at a dinner party with friends last night we spent a considerable amount of time talking about the newlyweds and their nuptuals.
What a tool. The more scared he is, the more he tweets incoherent stuff. . -victoria
Actually, it’s very coherent, you just can’t understand it. This phenomenon has been documented in the past, that liberals can’t understand conservative arguments at all, certainly not enough to paraphrase them even to explain why they are wrong. Conservatives find understanding and predicting liberal arguments child’s play.
Reject first! Ask rhetorical questions later!
“The DNC/MSM Crime Family will try hard to turn off the electricity, so Trump is using his megaphone and supplying his own energy.”
This reminds me of the visual of Pete Seeger desperately trying cut off Bob Dylan’s electricity with an ax. It didn’t work you old commie.
The lefties seem to think that maintaining the Mueller joke until midterms is a sure winner. I can't think of anything that would be more likely to ramp up Republican and Trump-favoring voters more. Daily, it seems, the misbehavior of the DOJ/FBI plotters becomes more evident even to those who only follow politics casually.
Because the Dems have nothing else (raise taxes! more free stuff! Racism!) I guess they are fated to fall back on Mueller. I think (hope?) Trump is going to beat them like a drum with it.
“The Witch Hunt finds no Collusion with Russia...!”
Really, how do we know this? Has the Mueller investigation completed?
Gee, its almost as if Trump has been informed of things that actually happened and he tweets about them as the evidence is just emerging which the dems/LLR's jump on only to see the truth emerge and Trump was right....
LLR Chuck hardest hit. Everytime. In every way.
The funny thing, and they should make a movie out of this, that Pete Seeger’s black live in maid wrote better, more lasting music than he did. His maid picked up a guitar and wrote Freight Train, for one thing. Hey, every commie has live in black help!
Inga: "Really, how do we know this? Has the Mueller investigation completed?"
The same way you know Trump is a traitor as is his staff and all of his voters.
You've shown zero reluctance in pushing that forward.
Would you like to take this opportunity to retract those earler conclusions?
Im betting you are not....
What if Sessions and/or Rosenstein decide to resign rather than accede to a Presidential order. Then Trump gets to replace them without firing them.
Really, how do we know this? Has the Mueller investigation completed?
Keep hope alive!
I have it on good authority that young Trumps lemonade stand used black market lemons funded by russian interests....
The replusive Ted Lieu is lying on CNN right now. Yammering about obstruction of justice.
From the future........
"NYTimes September 2024: Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly looking into discussions that the 2016 and 2020 Trump Campaigns had with a group of Texas citizens who were looking to aid the candidate and later President in his two winning elections. Sources familiar with Mueller's investigation have indicated that "Texans for Trump" offered to provide labor and donations for the campaign, and the investigators are trying to determine if these donations violated the prohibition foreign campaign work. "It is an admittedly novel theory," said former FBI chief James Comey, "But I think any any honest investigator has to wonder whether or not Texans are truly Americans according to the statute."
These new and serious allegations have stunned the Ivanka Trump Campaign and the latest polls show her margin over the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, have declined to precipitously to less than 15%.
In other news from the Mueller investigation it has been learned that the Supreme Court has declined to hear the appeal from the Mueller Investigator Union asking that the US Government fund their pension plan in a separate appropriation. Writing for the court, recently confirmed Justice Kanye West pointed out that if the investigators want their pensions funded, Mueller's $1 billion budget should be sufficient."
I don't follow Trump's tweets, but this is the first one that I have seen that explicitly mentions the Obama administration. Is that significant, or have I just not seen enough?
Drago said...
I have it on good authority that young Trumps lemonade stand used black market lemons funded by russian interests....
I heard he set it up at Whitewater Development.
Trump may be a little less than artful in his wording sometimes, but I don't think he would be taking the hard stand that he is without three things being in place:
1. He knows there never was any Russian collusion
2. He knows the essentials as to what is in the Horowitz report, and ..
3. He knows he has them by the balls.
Excellent timing. The midterms are close, the media will be forced to cover the investigation, and the Democratic Party's fingerprints are all over the subterfuge. Democratic politicians will find they have to chose a side, and both sides of their platform are losers.
Regardless of opinion, laws were broken, investigations led to members of the Democratic Party involvement, and the actions of federal investigators show an effort to lead a coup of the Presidency.
This is drama, treason, sedition, and organized crime at its worst. With an obvious effort by many in the media to help in promotion, the worst of crime families in history look like amateurs compared to those involved.
I'll bet LLR Chuck is very very very angry about Trump that he will once again briefly consider joining the military but wont because, still, no draft.
Then LLR Chuck will satisfy that deep urge to "do something" by finding another rabidly anti-military dem to defend.
When Halper is subpoenaed and refuses to appear, the game is over.
I can't tell whether Inga's new avatar is an American eagle topping a blue wave or a Hokusai print. Either way, it's an imaginary blue wave.
Boston’s Howie Carr on Sideshow Bob, “What did Bob Mueller know about the FBI’s framing of four innocent men for a murder they didn’t commit, and when did he know it?”
Taxpayers paid $100m for that.
$100m plus $5.5m plus $20m plus bankrupting General Flynn. But Vietnam War hero!
"And when the Justice Department concludes that the FBI did not surveil the Trump campaign for political purposes..."
I enjoy an admission wrapped in a deflection.
Excellent timing. The midterms are close, the media will be forced to cover the investigation, and the Democratic Party's fingerprints are all over the subterfuge. Democratic politicians will find they have to chose a side, and both sides of their platform are losers.
Don't forget that Hillary is still behind the scenes, raising money and trying ti peddle influence at every level. Dems cannot deny nor defy this. They are frozen scared.
ARM: "I heard he set it up at Whitewater Development."
"A U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigation resulted in convictions against the McDougals for their role in the Whitewater project. Jim Guy Tucker, Bill Clinton's successor as governor, was convicted of fraud and sentenced to four years of probation for his role in the matter.[5] Susan McDougal served 18 months in prison for contempt of court for refusing to answer questions relating to Whitewater."
Wow, actual convictions related to actual crimes for which there was clear probable cause and were actually laid out prior to the investigation.
Better yet, it wasnt Republicans who "helpfully" sent agent provacateurs into Arkansas to encourage the guilty parties to do anything wrong!
Ill stop now ARM because at this point I know I've lost you...
Another Tweet showing Trump going on offense.
chuck, is still chasing his own tale:
now the next player to examine is james baker, the head of the ona, who disbursed the funds to halper,
The entire FBI investigation of Hillary’s private email server was point shaving run by former high school basket player Jim Comey. Missing layups and free throws on purpose.
@Jersey Fled Exactly! Right on target.
David Begley said...
The replusive Ted Lieu is lying on CNN right now. Yammering about obstruction of justice.
The 'Free Press', so vital to a free society it has it's own Constitutional protection, is not just enabling the overthrow of an elected President, but is a willing participant.
I can't help but notice there has been a significant reduction in the number of ARM postings related to Trump destroying the economy and Inga posting's talking about Trump's approval ratings.
One wonders why that might be......
Drago said...
Wow, actual convictions related to actual crimes
So your prediction is that Manafort goes free? Interesting.
David Begley: "The entire FBI investigation of Hillary’s private email server was point shaving run by former high school basket player Jim Comey. Missing layups and free throws on purpose"
Comey went Full Washington Generals for Hillary.
And LLR Chuck is STILL pissed at him for messing up her chances!
Just think, had Hillary been elected the 2A would already have been tossed out by a lefty SC, everyone forced into obamacare, taxes raised, lefty judges everywhere....etc etc.
In other words, a LLR Chuck paradise...
other examples have born out this pattern
mullen and co, paid howard hunt, task force 157 was Edwin Wilson's instrument, it took 23 years for the cia to acknowledge he was their asset,
Drago said...
I can't help but notice there has been a significant reduction in the number of ARM postings related to Trump destroying the economy
Can't get less than nothing. My general point is that presidents don't have much impact on the economy except in rare cases, for instance when they run up a nation-wide property bubble and vastly increase the deficit, you know, that sort of thing.
ARM is not even trying today.
ARM: "So your prediction is that Manafort goes free? Interesting."
Nice try. Your obfuscation and "hide the ball" tactics are really rather pedestrian.
So, to answer, I don't care.
I'm still waiting for him to be charged with a single thing related to Trump.
Which he hasn't.
So yes, my prediction right now is that Manafort will never even be charged with anything related to Trump or the Trump campaign, much less convicted.
For ARM, being a lefty, history began anew today, which is why his earlier comments that obama was responsible for the good economy today is now negated by his new claim that Presidents don't deserve any credit for the economy.
Only one problem: some of us have memories that extend back further than 24 hours.
Better luck next time.
tim in vermont: "ARM is not even trying today."
Actually, I think that he and LLR Chuck and Inga actually are trying. It's just that everything they had to work with over the last 2 years is disappearing before their very eyes.
ARM better get busy ginning up more faux outrage over more faux Trump quotes. It's pretty much all they have left now.
I'm interested to know which of the 17 lies the lefties/dems/obamaites/LLR's put forth about spying on Trump ARM is most wedded to.
My newest favorite, after "only an insane person would believe the obama admin spied on Trump" is the brand spanking new, just introduced on Friday lie that the spying that never could possibly have happened even though Trump clearly deserved it was only done "to protect Trump and his campaign!!
Solid. Gold. Funny.
Solid. Gold.
“Looks like the time to play defense is over and Trump is now going to play offense. My reading of, admittedly conservative, commentators is that the upcoming IG report is going to be a watershed moment when some of the dirty linen is finally going to be hung out; names will be named. I also get the impression that the various Congressional inquiries are getting down to the short strokes where DOJ and FBI will no longer be able to hide their malfeasance and this is causing a great deal of discomfort among the lefties.”
Someone pointed out today or so that there were just too many loose ends, that were left there hanging, because everyone knew that Crooked Hillary would be elected, and Loretta Lynch would be able to continue running interference for her as her AG. And, I think that they are correct - Little would be coming out if she had won. Sure, there were always some questions, but IG Horowitz would have continued to be stymied, and Congressional oversight kept at a glacial pace through bogus claims of national security.
This last several weeks have opened up a lot of how the powers of the federal govt were being illegally used for partisan advantage. It wasnt just the DoJ and FBI, but Brennan at the CIA had fired things off, and was doing a lot of the manipulations behind the scenes. State was involved, and now we find that DoD was involved too. The outing of Halper may have been what broke this finally open.
What more and more seems to have happened was that Clinton operatives were happily doing opposition research, as FBI consultants, using FISA Title VII databases. Databases that contain all cell phone, Customs, IRS, etc records, along with many of the emails and most of the text messages sent in this country. Information that the NSA collects to prevent another 9/11/01 attack on the country. Clarise Feldman claims that some 85% of the searches of these databases in spring of 2016 were of this sort. That is an awful lot of highly illegal searching going on, gratis of the Obama/Lynch DoJ. And then NSA Dir Rogers found out, and shut it down with his compliance audit ordered in 4/16. And pretty much everything after that was to reestablish surveilance on the Trump campaign, essentially culminating in the 4 Title 1 FISA warrants on Carter Page (who turns out to have been an FBI informant up to that point) starting in 10/16. Halper, Downer, etc, we’re enlisted by the CIA to try to generate enough dirt to justify the FISA warrants. Not find, but generate - they tried again and again to entrap members of the Trump team, and always lost. Which is why the FISA warrant applications they did get allowed were so heavily compromised.
The 'Free Press', so vital to a free society
When you have picked a side, you can no longer claim to be a free press.
And we are only just beginning to understand the role Brennan's/Clapper's/obama's allies in British intelligence played in this as well.
Talk about foreign interference in our election!
No wonder LLR Chuck is so grumpy. Not even defending scum-bag democrat Stolen Valor liars can make Chuck happy right now...
Drago said...
my prediction right now is that Manafort will never even be charged with anything related to Trump or the Trump campaign, much less convicted.
Anyone know a stone mason?
This is More Trump. Time for Sessions to act.
Rosenstein may have done everyone an unintended favor by appointing Mueller. A competent, but unscrupulous, counsel could have caused real trouble, Mueller is just going to end up discrediting the DOJ, FBI, and CIA by keeping their malfeasance in the news.
I would not be surprised if Manafort goes free. My understanding is that the only thing Mueller has found on him is allegedly fiddling his taxes or stocks or something like that in 2005. The problem with that is (if I recall correctly) that the SEC apparently investigated at the time and did not pursue charges. If Mueller prosecutes him now, that looks rather like double jeopardy, and is surely way beyond the statute of limitations. Is Mueller trying to nail him on a process crime? Perhaps accusing him of denying now that he committed a crime way back when? There's also the question of whether Mueller has the authority to prosecute him for things that have nothing to do with Russia or the 2016 election, and could not possibly have anything to do with them, unless Manafort has a time machine. So, yes, Manafort may well go free, and rightly so, even if he's technically guilty of a pre-Trump un-Russian non-collusion crime of some sort.
I find it interesting, as Trump obviously does, that Mueller and co. are now interested in that he was talking to Israelis and Arab factions pre-election.
I see no reason why he shouldn't have, but who knows.
And it does shed light on his earliest great breakthrough in foreign policy, the Saudi internal coup and the Arab-Israeli rapprochement. This all was, it seems, in the works even before the election and was not a bolt out of the blue. Historians are going to have a great deal to investigate.
This was obviously extremely unwelcome to the PTB, and underlies a great deal of the hatred of certain Republican factions, which were well connected with the losers of that Saudi struggle. To make a great deal of this would require the generation of enmity vs the current "liberal" Saudi regime, which would be difficult.
Trump is not running the country, he's running his mouth. Time to impeach the fool. What's the hold up?
Remember when Judge Napalitano of Fox News was suspended for saying that his sources told him that Obama used British intel services to spy on Trump during the campaign, and was summarily suspended for making such an outrageous claim?
Blogger American Liberal Elite said...”And when the Justice Department concludes that the FBI did not surveil the Trump campaign for political purposes, Trump will apologize to the nation and never raise the subject again.”
Thing is, we already know they did.
Trump is not running the country, he's running his mouth. Time to impeach the fool. What's the hold up?
Tom Steyer doesn't have enough signatures on his petition yet. That's how it works, right ?
"Time to impeach the fool. What's the hold up?"
Amen! It should be the democrats' sole midterm campaign issue.
Now you’re talking, Mr President. But make it an ORDER, not a demand.
“Actually, I think that he and LLR Chuck and Inga actually are trying. It's just that everything they had to work with over the last 2 years is disappearing before their very eyes.”
Jesus. The delusional Trumpist commenters here become more delusional daily, how is this even possible? Why are you people so susceptible to being duped? First you’re duped into voting for Trump, now you’re being duped into one conspiracy theory after another. It’s fascinating like watching a slow motion train wreck. I really fear for this country when Mueller’s investigation is finally over and America sees the truth of what’s really been happening. Of course some will never accept the truth.
ARM: "Anyone know a stone mason?"
I do.
But I doubt you do. That guy is definitely far too white, working class and "deplorable-y" for you to know.
Perhaps you could use a "go between" so you wouldn't get your hands "dirty" so to speak in communicating with just such a person.
Of course, I could always talk the guy into becoming an MS-13 member if that would make you more comfortable.
So says Inga who believed Hillary and why that videotaper/film maker had to be jailed.
yes' it's quite likely, mazzetti was fed the same line, that was beta tested with press tv and al jazeeera, re general al quahtani, who seems to have been very much alive, also prince talal doesn't seem to be worse for wear in fact, he bought out the last bloc of the plaza hotel,
Inga: "First you’re duped into voting for Trump, now you’re being duped into one conspiracy theory after another."
The person who told us Trump could never win, then told us Trump wouldn't make it to the inauguration, then told us Trump wouldn't last more than 6 months all due to the most massive lefty conspiracy theory in history just wrote that!
Just now.
Even better, Inga was one of the more vocal members here who told us that any claims Trump had been wiretapped or spied on was literally insane!!
She is very very "precious" indeed.
“I don't follow Trump's tweets, but this is the first one that I have seen that explicitly mentions the Obama administration. Is that significant, or have I just not seen enough?”
It would be hard to believe that the WH weren’t somehow involved, with 4 of the top intelligence agencies (DoJ, CIA, State, and DoD) up to their eyeballs in the conspiracy. The thing that has changed over last couple weeks is the public disclosure that this wasn’t just a DoJ/FBI operation, but rather these other departments and agencies were also heavily involved. The other thing is that CIA involvement was tied to the Strzok/Page text messages, through his trip to London in, I believe, 8/16, which I believe was the passoff from the CIA to the FBI. and, importantly, they indicated in those text messages, when Strzok was returning to the US, that the WH wanted to be in the loop. We saw those text msgs first maybe six months ago, but only recently were outsiders able to tie things together, and understand what the two of them were talking about. What the WH wanted to be in the loop for - which was,of course, the scheme to surveil and dirty up the Trump team.
Stasi meter maid Igna said...
"The delusional Trumpist commenters here become more delusional daily, how is this even possible? Why are you people so susseptable to being duped? First you’re duped into voting for Trump, now you’re being duped into one conspiracy theory after another. It’s fascinating like watching a slow motion train wreck. I really fear for this country when Mueller’s investigation is finally over and America sees the truth of what’s really been happening. Of course some will never accept the truth."
So noted.
And will the public (even Democrats, whatever they say) ever again have confidence in the probity of the Federal Government? It is clear that the whole mass of it is something out of a banana republic.
Its one thing for paranoids like me to smell funny stuff under a rug, but quite another when the whole ugly mess is all out there, in the open, with clear connections to everything and everyone.
It is a time for truth - everyone on the screens is a scoundrel, worse than most of the wretches in the prisons.
The trap slams shut.
Inga: "I really fear for this country when Mueller’s investigation is finally over and America sees the truth of what’s really been happening."
Let's hope Mueller doesn't f*** up again like he did in the Whitey Bulger Case, the Steven Hatfill/Anthrax case, 9-11 happening on his watch, and now indicting companies that didn't exist and indicting people that don't exist.
Doesn't bode well....
There has been a palpable change in the tone of Trump's detractors in the media over the last week. My theory for a long time has been that the Papadopoulos/Mifsud meeting was a case of entrapment set up by someone who was looking to torpedo the Trump Campaign by ensnaring Papadopoulos and whoever else he involved in discussions with Mifsud. The emergence of Stefan Halper in this part of the story is good confirmation of this theory, and it dovetails very nicely with the known details of Papadopoulos' meetings. Here is how Papadopoulos was set up:
(1) When Papadopoulos is hired on by the Trump Campaign- literally within a week- he is approached by Joseph Mifsud who dangles the bait of Clinton e-mails that the Russians might have to offer the Trump Campaign. The plan was to have Papadopoulos set up meetings between Mifsud and higher level Trump Campaign officials and record those meetings for purposes of creating the scandal that finish off Trump before he secured the nomination. This last part is why Halper's involvement fits this theory nicely- he has long term ties to the Bush family who were Trump's most determined foes in the primaries, and Halper might well have been an enthusiastic supporter of such a scheme since it could "save" the Republican Party from Trump thus allowing the party time for a different nominee.
(2) However, Papadopoulos really was a nobody in the Trump Campaign- such a nobody that no one higher up would take any meeting he proposed, and for very good reason- how could one trust such a non-figure- especially one that no one higher up knew personally. This frustrated the plot, and by early May plan B had to be enacted. For this part, Halper would need to bring a big gun into a meeting with Papadopoulos so that the so-called Russian Conspiracy/Papadopoulos story could be carried back to the US government/media by someone with some serious pull- thus enters Alexander Downer, a big Clinton Foundation supporter. An unnamed-to-date Israeli diplomat introduced Papadopoulos to Downer who proceeded to sit down and get Papadopoulos drunk enough to spill the beans on the Mifsud meeting, which I assert Downer already knew about and asked leading questions in regards to. I don't know if Papadopoulos fell for this charade or not, but he didn't have to if Downer already knew about the Mifsud meeting- just the fact of meeting Papadopoulos was enough to set up Downer to go to the CIA. The thing to remember, though, is that by the time of this meeting with Downer, Trump had secured the nomination with a 99% certainty. Suddenly Papadopoulos probably isn't enough to prevent Trump from getting the nomination because the story is still just some random guy contacting Papadopoulos and providing no Clinton e-mails- the real plot, getting high level Trump Campaign officials on recordings buying Mifsud's info is no longer an option. This is why there is the 2 month delay between the Downer meeting and when Australia goes to the CIA- for all intents and purposes, the Papadopoulos angle had been shelved by Halper- remember, the e-mails in question were almost surely supposed to be from Hillary's private server, not the DNC/Podesta leaks.
Part II
(3)However, when the DNC e-mails begin appearing, it is convenient to let people believe Mifsud was claiming DNC e-mails, not Clinton e-mails. Downer is told to to go the CIA and tell them about Papadopoulos. Halper then springs back into action- contacting Page, Clovis, and Papadopoulos. It is at this point I think Halper has been brought into the Steele Dossier fold. Halper tries to elicit damaging talk about hacked e-mails from Papadopoulos a second time (and probably similar info from Page and Clovis), but this time Papadopoulos isn't biting at all- he even suspects he is being recorded by Halper.
So, what does this have to do with the last week or so? Halper's plot with Papadopoulos is known or strongly suspected by certain officials still in the DoJ and the Mueller investigation. The problem is that Halper almost certainly knows personally Mifsud, Downer, the person who introduced Papadopoulos to Downer, and he also knows Christopher Steele personally. I am guessing someone at least did the leg work to show these ties could be demonstrated easily by anyone in the FBI who would be interested in doing so. This makes Halper a real problem for the anti-Trump faction if he is ever subpoenaed and has to testify before Nunes' committee or, even worse, a grand jury investigating the FISA abuse.
How do you solve this problem of Halper? You try to build up his reputation with leaks to the NYTimes and WaPo so that the British Government can refuse to extradite him when he faces criminal contempt charges for failure to appear. The stories since Friday evening are very useful in this regard in two ways- the stories were planted starting last Wednesday by Mueller friendly people in the DoJ, and the plan was blame the leaks identifying Halper on Nunes and Gowdy who were supposed to meet Friday morning with DoJ officials who were prepared to give Nunes the name, but Nunes cancelled the meeting, and I suspect he knew he was being set up- I looked at the transcripts of this morning's shows, and you can tell that the Democratic operatives had that narrative ready to go, but can't now blame Nunes directly because he didn't get the name from the DoJ before the Friday evening stories hit. They had to fall back on "unnamed Trump supporters" outing Halper. This is, of course, nonsense on stilts- the leaks firmly identifying him are the leaks to WaPo and the NYTimes, and those sources are surely not Trump-friendly.
"Time to impeach the fool. What's the hold up?"
Well, let's think about that for a second. ...
Lack of high crimes and misdemeanors?
Try again Maxine.
”What ever happened to the Server, at the center of so much Corruption, that the Democratic National Committee REFUSED to hand over ...”
I bet this is news to CNN, NBC, etc. viewers.
There is method in his madness.
Seeing Red said...So says Inga who believed Hillary and why that videotaper/film maker had to be jailed.
I was here, commenting, when that story broke. She had cedarford on her side, and may have been swayed by his influence. It's all in the archives.
The problem is people who will do the LOOKING INTO THE PROBLEM are the very people who colluded with the people who caused the problem.
Fox watching the henhouse.
Given the reactions to the Saudi business it would be interesting to investigate various US persons' connections to various Saudi persons, going back to the 1990s.
Its all one game, this, on many boards, though the light is only pointed at one of them. The rest are seen dimly. But enough to know something is there.
One more time. Well, if the NYT can repeat ad nauseum. Given the competence demonstrated, we should privatize everything. We don’t need an FBI. All crimes happen somewhere. Let the states deal with them. If they want to organize forensics into a common lab. Write an interstate compact. Also eliminate Federal laws save those a state repasses. put all these agencies, esp. Intelligence out to bid. there are private firms that do the same thing every day, even fight wars for us. They have shown the ability, agility, intellect, intensity and honesty to do it all. Use the annual election to elect the board, first appointed by Congress with the enabling legislation. it sets compensation performance bonuses, awards and the like. Give them the pick of current litter as well as all current intelligence assets satellites and the like. I wager some will offer to do it for nothing but the adrenaline high, expectation of performance bonus, or patriotism. Have it pay property taxes because today they steal from the local governments. Plus let the current establishment bid. Award two of the timed bids, cards up. Maybe the Russians and the Israelis will win, heck they already know it all anyway. Use existing AI to compare the essence in the reports, that will be more timely, truthful than CNN. Compete with AP. AP will die. A two-fer. For that matter a world without secrets is a safer world. Trust but Verify. Use NTSB rules. Self-report yourself, fix it, Your competitor audits. If no malice no consequence. U.S. will self-insure proven damages to free citizens and their free enterprise. a tenth or less of what we spend today. Get all our property back on that high priced real-estate. Sell or lease it, Pay for new entity for years or decades. Plus give them carte blanch to enroll U.S. companies in the program. OK Germany kick Google and FB out. Their political leadership won't last a month after the people say, "you're fired"! And party on. We’ll wipe out the national debt in five years. And have China owing us money, note anyone can buy from the menu. No discrimination other than ability to meet down payment, two year’s bills. Ok I dream. But stranger things have happened Like This establishment’s coup.
Wow, I haven't seen Nurse Ratchet Inga this upset since she was whining about not being able to get money for her disability scam "back injury."
Keep hope alive!
Of course some will never accept the truth.
Inga would know, wouldn't she?
Nothing to see here. A personal deal just completed with the government of Qatar to save his son-in-law; saving ZBT to get Chinese financing for the Trump family business; continued leaking of classified information by Trump and Nunez to endanger a long-time agent of the FBI; threatening the U.S Postmaster to increase Amazon rates(when he alone can fix it by appointing 7 new Post Office Board Members); the continuing claims that the FBI is criminal to offset the mounting evidence that will indict Trump for serious law violations; the changing stories about his personal lawyer and his personal porn star; fifty-two "I don't remember" answers from Don Jr. - and that was just a sampling from last week alone.
well it's curious, because alamoudi who funded the atlantic council as well as the Clinton foundation, effectively went out of business, oh and btw, he was in business with Valerie's husband, of course you know prince talal, who trump had to sell his yacht and part of the plaza, the late juffali brother also on both ledgers, tom kean of the 9/11 connection and his Amoco delta oil ties, also the alamoudis, prince turki and his ties to avenatti,
gadfly: " ...continued leaking of classified information by Trump and Nunez to endanger a long-time agent of the FBI..."
What an embarrassment you are.
LLR Chuck is not going to be pleased.
Sending a SPY after Trump would have been illegal, so instead they sent an INFORMANT. It's kind of like how the Hillary email controversy was a "matter", not a "case" or an "investigation", she was only "extremely careless" in the matter but not "grossly negligent", wiretapping Trump and Manfort never happened because no wires were involved (what is this, 1970?), and Russian collusion is a serious crime that the Democrats fought with British help. After all, Christopher Steele, although a foreign national, isn't as foreign as a Russian, so it can't really be collusion, let alone Russian collusion. I can hardly wait till someone explains what federal statute outlaws "Russian collusion". It wouldn't surprise me if Trump is also guilty of complicity, chicanery, and other words that start with C!
gadfly is an example of the sort of juvenile posts that some one was complaining about.
I just scroll past.
Browndog said...
Remember when Judge Napalitano of Fox News was suspended for saying that his sources told him that Obama used British intel services to spy on Trump during the campaign, and was summarily suspended for making such an outrageous claim?
What Napolitano claimed, was that British GCHQ had used their own electronic/digital surveillance hardware to capture Trump communications, transcribe them, and turn them over to American intel operatives.
THAT is what Napolitano claimed. And there has never been any support for that. This story is nothing like that; and this story doesn't support or vindicate Napolitano.
President Mom Jeans writes from the Penitentiary when Big Dickey lets him loose for a few minutes of alone time. Big Dickey loves his little Mom👖 a whole lot.
yes, zte is tied to oredoo which in turn runs to nokia, on the other supply chain, you have mtn, a south African firm, which in turn runs Ericson's network in Africa, this effectively means, any of those two brands of phones are cut off, from any communications updates etc.
And there has never been any support for that.
Yet. You forgot to say "yet," Chuck.
“gadfly is an example of the sort of juvenile posts that some one was complaining about.
I just scroll past.”
Says the guy who claimed Wisconsin was 99% white. LOL.
yes, George, but the contractors come from the same barrel, this was Elliot ness's problem when he dealt with the Chicago pd,
The server was never secured by the FBI because they already knew the leak was internal to the DNC. The FBI forensics team no doubt did the exact same analysis on the metadata that was supplied in the material leak by Wikileaks and others and saw that the first down load from the server was on-site, not over the internet.
"Hereby" is a performative.
If they secure the server, then they can't lie by omission any longer. By not securing the server, they can let Crowd-Strike's story stand without contradiction with "clean hands".
That's some bombast, but... he's got some points in there. I've said all along, I'm fine with Manafort and others paying if they did the crime. But... well, I'd like to see Mueller investigate some of the other crimes his investigation unearthed. Even if they weren't Republican ones.
"If they secure the server, then they can't lie by omission any longer."
-- It is way too late. That server has been compromised and is completely useless to us as an investigation. We don't know who has done what to it since then, and we'd be hard pressed to even prove it was the same server.
Trump had excellent contacts with that whole milieu, for decades before he got into politics.
Historians will have fun analyzing Trump. It won't be easy as I doubt he wrote anything down, or spoke openly to many. Its getting ever more clear that he knew a great deal of the Great Game before he started playing.
The clown, the jester, the fellow who was just there in that seemingly trivial and vain line of business.
I do wonder ho things would have worked out if Trump hadn’t fired Comey, but rather kept him on a short leash. Likely, there would not have been a Special Counsel, with a bunch of Dem partisans runnung amok, desperately trying to take down Trump. And, I am not sure how well Comey could have protected the FBI. Likely wouldn’t have been any indictments of Trump people or Russians simply because the FBI doesn’t prosecute - it just investigates, and they would have had to get a US Atty on board, someone nominated by Trump and confirmed by a Republican Senate. And, if they had, he very likely would have felt much more bound by DoJ rules, regulations, and guidelines, than do Mueller and his team of Dem partisans.
The more I see, the more I believe that Comey wasn’t a willing participant, but was rather a dupe, being run around in circles by his top subordinates, and esp his DD Andrew McCabe. We saw that with McCabe’s delay in telling Comey about the emails found on Weiner’s laptop, and with the Strzok/Page text msgs. I think that what was primarily driving him was the reputation of the FBI (and expect that his underlings used that to manipulate him). And that the reason for his actions concerning Crooked Hillary’s emails was to head off a brewing revolt by the FBI employees, who knew what had been discovered, and were ready to leak it, if Comey didn’t do anything. So Comey got ahead of the expected leak, and put the best Lynch approved spin on it he could have. And, the reopening it so close to the election can, again, be blamed on McCabe who kept the existence of the Clinton compromising emails from him for so long, presumably trying to run out the clock.
We shall see.
Good summary, Yancey.
I suspect we are getting close and, I hope, Sessions has the Utah USA on the case.
The DC Grand Jury that named Nixon an "unindicted co-conspirator" was hostile, with 17 blacks on it.
Hillary is sure no DC jury would convict her of anything. How about Utah ?
Just being reported, Rudi Giuliani says Mueller told him the Obstruction of Justice portion of the Investigation will be wrapped up by September.
Inga said...
President Mom Jeans writes from the Penitentiary when Big Dickey lets him loose for a few minutes of alone time. Big Dickey loves his little Mom👖 a whole lot.
Inga, I have been chastising some of the boys here for what I call 'shit posts'. I obviously do not know the objective reality of PMJ's personal situation but one might interpret this post as also being in the 'shit post' category.
Hitting a little close to home there, cunt Inga?
Don't like when I bring that up? Maybe you can conjure up another fictional child to give you some more material than homophobic prison rape jokes, you overweight Stasi twat.
It gives me great joy that life expectancy tables for morbidly obese alcoholic retards make it statistically unlikely you will still be alive through the end of Trump's second term.
Keep hope alive, but you can go ahead and become worm food.
As the MSM tries to spin the latest revelations, consider this. If you're trying to protect someone from bad people in their organization, you tell them you've got someone inside or ask them to hire your person- you let them know there may be a problem. If you're spying on someone, you insert someone into their organization- and don't tell them. And further- don't tell them there may be a problem.
The FBI didn't tell Trump they had someone in his organization. Draw your conclusion from that.
LOL, butt hurt a little bit President Mom Jeans, try Vaseline, but Big Dickey likes when you squeal.
Just being reported, Rudi Giuliani says Mueller told him the Obstruction of Justice portion of the Investigation will be wrapped up by September.
Of course mid terms. Did you doubt it? They’re playing for keeps.
"I've started reading Conrad Black's biography of him. It should be interesting. His bios of FDR and Nixon were superb."
-- As a rule, I don't read biographies of people who are still alive.
was that British GCHQ had used their own electronic/digital surveillance hardware to capture Trump communications,
Whose did they use then, since they didn’t use their own?
We’re they asked.
If so, bu whom?
or was it a rogue operation by British Intel?
Did May know?
When did she know?
Did she approve?
"I am anxious to see whether Mueller withdraws the charges against the Russian company now defending itself in court."
-- If he does, the investigation needs to be closed down. You can't indict people solely for political purposes in this country and be allowed to keep that power.
underlies a great deal of the hatred of certain Republican factions, which were well connected with the losers of that Saudi struggle.
That is an interesting aspect of all this and might explain some NeverTrumpers.
oh they used matt tait's capital partners, he was fmr ?? gchq and google zero, he surfaced briefly to allege that peter smith had tried to broker Hillary's emails,
So does Nunes and Gowdy and the rest of the house pursue contempt of congress against the DOJ & FBI for not handing over the documents? By cancelling last Friday's meeting its clear Nunes & Gowdy are no longer playing this game. Its clear that the DOJ's fan dance of allowing Nunes to look at partially redacted reports is no longer sufficient. Is Trump's latest tweet storm related to Nunes & Grassley formly filing contempt charges? Has the DOJ & FBI run out of time?
Blogger gadfly said...
Nothing to see here. A personal deal just completed with the government of Qatar to save his son-in-law;
The New Yorker article by Dexter Filkins showed how Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman helped Jared put the squeeze on Qatar when they first refused the loan to 666.
Catch is, Sessions won't do a damn thing. He is in the tank for the Democrats and Trump is very unlikely to fire him (though he richly deserves it.)
The DOJ/FBI should just rip off the brand-aid and tell the entire story.
Unfortunately, the DOJ/FBI still hope futility that Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller will forestall the Day of Reckoning forever.
Tell the whole story honestly now, and get it all over with !!!
"I do wonder ho things would have worked out if Trump hadn’t fired Comey, but rather kept him on a short leash."
-- I think Trump fired him the moment he confirmed he couldn't trust him. Probably when he learned exactly how much Comey knew about the dossier and held back from him, or when he confirmed Comey leaked something after swearing he wasn't a leaker. You can't let someone undermine you when you're the head of an organization like that.
Mathew Sablan: "If he does, the investigation needs to be closed down. You can't indict people solely for political purposes in this country and be allowed to keep that power"
You certainly can't get convictions for people who don't exist and who were "created" for the sole purpose of making Mueller and his team of dem partisan hacks look good with the full expectation that no one would ever challenge their absurd indictments!
Stasi meter maid Igna said...
Not a fan of singling out commenters and assigning them nicknames, but this one is Hall of Fame worthy.
um no, the hatfields don't need to be told to put the hammerlock on the mccoys' now both general Flynn and steve bannon as well as gorka were already ill disposed toward al thani, because they are the sanctuary of the brotherhood,
As you know, I don't honing much of Inga because she doesn't think much.
However, there is no call to use the c-word in responding to her nonsense.
Let's beat the lefties by being more civilized, not by outdoing them on vulgarity.
Honing = think
I am not much of a typist or proof reader apparently.
You did believe the film maker story didn't you? You might have been the last believer on earth. Even these years later I have to thank you for the series of laughs you provided, consistently, on that matter. You were like a terrier. You would not let go. It was awesome. Growling and head shaking like a terrier. Boy, those were the days.
Francisco D: "However, there is no call to use the c-word in responding to her nonsense."
So true. So true.
However, there might be times where the use of that word is justified. I'm open to the possibility someone could present a worthy argument in support of use of that word for LLR Chuck.
He's got such a pro-Maddow/Maxine Waters potty mouth anyway I don't think he would really mind.
I think we'll eventually find that Halper, the spy/informant, wasn't working for the FBI but for the CIA under Brennan's orders and feeding the information to the FBI.
And we'll also find that Obama's January 2017 Executive Order 12333 was issued as an ex post facto justification of this otherwise illegal operation.
If you read Section 9 and particularly "Section 9.3 Undisclosed Participation" it fits perfectly as a basis for Halper spying on the trump campaign.
@Yancey - couple of things.
First, what was their later purpose for all this spy work? That is why Clarise Feldman, among others, seem to think that what they were up to was generating enough potentially incriminating information that they could legally open a counterintelligence investigation of the Trump team, and thence to a criminal investigation, and ultimately the Title I FISA warrants. We shall see.
Second, what it looks like to me is that one operative set the hook, and a second, supposedly (but not really) one tried to reel in someone on the Trump team. This sounds much more like how the CIA operates, that the DOJ/FBI, which would have had to show their work in court. The CIA doesn’t go to court, so doesn’t have this limitation.
thanks for playing, you don't get a copy of the homegame,
“Inga, I have been chastising some of the boys here for what I call 'shit posts'. I obviously do not know the objective reality of PMJ's personal situation but one might interpret this post as also being in the 'shit post' category.”
When PMS MomJeans desists from making up vicious lies regarding myself I will be happy to ignore him, which I actually do most times he befouls the thread.
Rabel: "I think we'll eventually find that Halper, the spy/informant, wasn't working for the FBI but for the CIA under Brennan's orders and feeding the information to the FBI"
There is much chatter about that, not that it will matter in the end.
Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Yates, Lynch, obama, Hillary were all in it together.
Unless you believe the very last minute email sent by Susan Rice to her very own self describing how everyone in the obama admin was doing everything on the up and up!!
What a bunch of clowns. Just think how fast this entire thing would have unraveled if the media were even 1% non-democrat/lefty hacks.
Inga asks a fair question, how do we know that Mueller has found no collusion.
1 No leaks of any such evidence. Mueller's team is a sieve, if there were evidence it would have leaked
2 his open ended questions for Trump. Indicates no particulars .
3 his vacuous charges against untriable Russians, including as we know now non existent Russian companies. None are connected to Trump in any way
Civility was tried with Mitt Romney. Civility was tried with the Tea Party.
The time for civility is long over.
If you want to continue with Marquess of Queensbury rules while getting called a Nazi by your intellectual and moral inferiors, by all means.
I'm sure I am not alone in those of us are going to call a cunt a cunt.
Inga: "When PMS MomJeans desists from making up vicious lies regarding myself I will be happy to ignore him, which I actually do most times he befouls the thread."
I have it on good authority that PMJ only posts what he does because he is swayed by videos that have been released.
The good news is that excuse comes strongly and passionately "pre-approved" by Inga and the rest of the loony lefties.
Clarice well knows from her work in various private and public capacities, how the govt blows smoke when they don't want you looking,
“I think we'll eventually find that Halper, the spy/informant, wasn't working for the FBI but for the CIA under Brennan's orders and feeding the information to the FBI.”
My guess is that this was what was going on with Strzok’s trip to London in 8/16. Everyone seemed very excited about the Trip, including, apparently, the Obama WH.
Goodness sakes Mom. I had completely forgotten about Inga's "disability" fight. Thanks for reminding me!
Puts a lot of her comments in perspective. She needs the state badly. Real adjustors know a scam and don't play that game. Only the overly large, overly burdened government can be so easily fooled.
No wondet she hates Trump. He shines the light on governmental incompetence.
Sad. For her.
Gk1 at 1:02 AM
Trump can declassify everything tomorrow if he wanted to. What's keeping him? That to me seems the best work around for dealing with Mueller and the perpetually evidence hiding, and dodging FBI & DOJ. ...
I agree completely.'
Trump should declare:
* The RussiaHoax "investigation" of Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller is terminated immediately.
* All documents of Mueller's "investigation" are declassified and released to the public immediately.
See for yourselves. It's all a farce -- a witch-hunt.
It's a witch-hunt just like the with-hunt in Salem, MA, in the 1600s.
* Salem's Loony girls = Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, etc.
* Salem's witch-believing theologians an magistrates = US Intelligence Community
* Salem's Satan = Evil Russia's Vladimir Putin
* Odd, non-conforming spinsters accused of witch-craft = Donald Trump
* Salem trials' gullible, complacent Puritans = MSM's gullible, complacent audience
I personally love how Trump is sending the clear message that if Mueller and his team of hacks are planning another in a long list of October Surprises (when HAVEN'T the dems done that?) that by virtue of his position as President he will move to declassify and release all the lies and BS that the dems/lefties/obamaites/LLR's have been playing "hide the ball" with...and Trump will do it precipitously in plenty of time for the truth to play out before the election.
Tough luck Rod and Comey and Mueller!
BTW, just a thought, why would a supposedly "guilty" President WANT all the information to be released to the public? Wouldn't a guilty party want to hide it all?
Oh how those democrat/lefty/LLR meme's do collide....and not in a good way.....for them.
Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Yates, Lynch, obama, Hillary were all in it together.
The name never mentioned is the guy that took it from Obama to the players mentioned.
Never mention the name Ben Rhodes.
“Goodness sakes Mom. I had completely forgotten about Inga's "disability" fight. Thanks for reminding me!”
My “disability fight”? Do you see what I mean here ARM? You have a vicious piece of shit like PMS Mom Jeans posting some stupid lie, then you have equally stupid posters like Annie C. believing it. What is wrong with you Trumpists that you cannot argue or discuss any topic without becoming the deplorables that Clinton said you were? Why do you continually try to prove her right? For the record, I worked for over 35 years as a nurse, I retired at age 62. Where “disability” comes into this I have no clue. Of course I didn’t need to explain this, but one lie is grabbed up by vicious people and it spreads among those who think they have some weapon against you. I’ve seen this ugliness in so many Trump voters, maybe this is what caused them to be able to vote for him, who knows.
The American public really did want an honest Special Counselor to explain this entire RussiaGate situation.
Instead of an honest Special Counselor, however, the American public got Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller.
Many millions of dollars will be wasted on Mueller's whitewash of the FBI.
The American public wanted the truth. Instead, we spent millions of dollars and got only Mueller's whitewash of the FBI.
Rhodes is still too low on the totem poll, who had the authority to do such a thing, Valerie jarrett perhaps.
Browndog: "Never mention the name Ben Rhodes"
Brevity alone restrains one from listing ALL key players.
The State Dept flunkies involved would take forever to list. And this is all part and parcel of the obama admin attack on conservatives going back to the IRS, the ATF, BLM, anti-Iran deal congresspersons and lobbyists and activists whom LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama spied on, the journalists LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama spied on, etc.
It was an across the board attack on America and its freedoms that the lefties engaged in for 8 long years and, in the end, they decided it would be a good idea for multiple reasons to project ALL of their crimes onto the republican candidate.
Because they are leftists and what good is power if it cannot be abused to destroy your political enemies.
Whitewashing FBI and CIA.
Inga said...
My “disability fight”? Do you see what I mean here ARM? You have a vicious piece of shit like PMS Mom Jeans posting some stupid lie, then you have equally stupid posters like Annie C. believing it.
My personal view is that anyone who believes anything PMJ says might, possibly, not be worthwhile worrying about.
Inga: "You have a vicious piece of shit like PMS Mom Jeans posting some stupid lie..."
Here is a vicious stupid lie: obama did NOT spy on the Trump campaign for political purposes.
Here is another vicious stupid lie: 33 year Military Career veteran Michael Flynn is a traitor (even though he has not been accused of being a traitor, not been indicted for being a traitor, not been tried nor convicted of being a traitor)
A short list of what Michael Flynn did for his nation:
Defense Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal (4)
Legion of Merit (2)
Bronze Star Medal (4)
Meritorious Service Medal (6)
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal (5)
Yeah, some traitor.
But that never stopped some jagoffs from accusing him of that, without any evidence at all.
Rantburg asks why is Brit Intel burning Halper?
Someone else's work, Browndog -- I thought it worthy of reprise.
just goes to show how far behind the arc everyone else is,
Even worse in the Flynn case is that now, NOW, we know that Flynn did not lie (even though Comey is now on public and under oath record lying about that!!) about a meeting that was completely legal but Mueller and his team of dem hacks charged Flynn anyway and got Flynn into a 100% partisan Wash DC grand jury room to complete the frameup.
On top of all that, Mueller's team of democrat hacks decided to break the law and NOT provide exculpatory information to the defense (something Mueller and his team of dem hacks have literally been cited for by other judges in other venues).
On top of all that(!) the dems manuevered to get dem hack FISA judge Contreras (who signed off on one of the BS dem hack FISA warrants) seated to hear the Flynn criminal case and just 2 weeks after Contreras accepts the guilty plea is then FORCIBLY recused from the case.
The first thing the replacement judge orders? Mueller and his team of dem hacks to cough up the exculpatory information.
Next thing you know, little old Bobby Mueller and his team of dem hacks have requested 3 consecutive extensions to avoid meeting for the sentencing hearing!
Hey man, its just sentencing! It's already a done deal! Why the delays?
Oh yeah, the Flynn defense team will be presenting the exculpatory evidence withheld by Mueller and his team of dem hacks and the Judge will then likely toss the guilty plea and possible the charges themselves!
No wonder Mueller and his team of dem hacks want no part of THAT courtroom exercise! Especially given the FACT that they have now been exposed as indicting fictional companies and fictional individuals!!
I think you are right about Rhodes. A messenger at best.
Make them bark like dogs. With the same degree of restraint and self-awareness. As noted above, I don't think there's anything random about the timing. The Democrats gave Trump a gift and he's been waiting, oh so patiently, to unwrap it.
> I think Trump fired him [Comey] the moment he confirmed he couldn't trust him.
ISTR the Trump said that, in retrospect, he thought that Comey may have been trying to blackmail him.
buwaya: "I think you are right about Rhodes. A messenger at best"
Rhodes: a "Fine Arts" nothing hack who only got the job because his brother is the President of CBS news.
Also, he failed to qualify for a security clearance, but obama and the lefties knew they had nothing to fear from the LLR Chuck/Jim Acosta "journalists" who would never question how a national security role was being filled by such a hack.
Republicans and real Americans
Wait, you make it sound like they are two separate things.
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