May 7, 2018

CNN has served Trump well.

That's the click-bait headline on the front-page, written presumably by people who realize what they have done, hate it, and can't stop.

The linked to article is a column by Stephen Collinson with the headline, "Trump divines his own truth without consequences."

Let me rewrite that one too: CNN divines its own truth — with consequences.


rhhardin said...

Trump talks about the future in the present tense.

JPS said...

Funny. This, from CNN, reminds me of the time about a year ago when I was stuck in a waiting room with CNN on, and they went from screaming news headlines to panel discussions of his then-latest outrage:

"Can you believe the President has accused the FBI or NSA without any evidence of wiretapping Trump Tower?"

On and on the spluttering outrage went. Without any evidence at all, he makes this outlandish accusation! Can you imagine, the president hinting that agencies of the government were listening in on him and his team?! This in itself may be obstruction of justice.

Well, it turns out it wasn't technically a wiretap, and some of those people they were listening in on were definitely pretty sketchy. So I can see how CNN would be appalled by the President's rejection of facts.

virgil xenophon said...

CNN: "STOP US before we commit suicide...again...and again...and again.."

roesch/voltaire said...

The professional liar in chief does well with folks who see $130,000 as nonsense payment now admitted by Trump , who previously denied any knowledge, as only political and not a lie, and so it goes.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."
Obama repeated this lie more than 30 times. The media never caught him up on it, never asked intelligent questions about his assertion ("How can Obama promise this?"), and even after the lie was made public and Obama widely mocked for it, the msm never called him on it.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, whose criticisms Trump has previously rejected, compared the President's method to the "moment-to-moment flexibility in the treatment of facts" described by George Orwell in his novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Clapper, of course, perjured himself before congress.

Lewis Wetzel said...

WTF is this sentence supposed to mean?
While there's no evidence that Trump broke the law before the election or since, his thickening legal challenges will show whether the evasions and shifting stories that helped him reinvent politics can withstand the more rigid codes of the rule of law and the will of the voters over time

Lewis Wetzel said...

Hayden, a CNN commentator, points out that Trump's biggest clashes have been with power centers that have the evidence-based pursuit of truth and fact as part of their mandate -- like the intelligence agencies, judicial authorities, news organizations and scientists.
The article is a laugh a minute!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN is Clinton.

Sebastian said...

Lying consistently about a bullshitter takes special skills.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How the Russian collusion myth was hatched by Team Hillary immediately after her loss

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN - It's all to avenge Hillary. Trump hate trumps reality.

Pookie Number 2 said...

The professional liar in chief does well with folks who see $130,000 as nonsense payment now admitted by Trump , who previously denied any knowledge, as only political and not a lie, and so it goes.

And also among people that know that Trump says things that aren’t true, but just don’t think that It actually matters in any significant way. It’s the same inconsistency displayed by Democrats that we’re happy to ignore the Clintons’ dishonesty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A payment to aq porn star for sex 12 years ago is an impeachable offense.

Private Server while head of The State Department all in an effort to hide personal business deals... A-OK by Comey and the corrupt "The Party comes first/mob loyalty", FBI.

CNN is very loyal to The Party.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Hands up don't shoot" - CNN spread that lie too.

Police officers all over the nation were gunned down and executed in cold blood as revenge for the total lie.

Hands up don't shoot was made up by Michael Brown's accomplice. No other witness said it happened. Because it did not. But you know - Obama and the hack media needed a race war. Waht's a few dead cops?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Clapper, of course, perjured himself before congress

Twice I think. One time when he lied about surveillance of Americans and one tine about leaking the dossier to tapper.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember when The Party's own George Clintonopolis(D) started the "Romney is going to take away your birth control and tampons" meme?

The Party and your media are in cahoots.

*Cahoots is a real legal term OKed by Comey.*

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I want Brennen and Clapper indicted.

Ken B said...

CNN should worry more about proving we can trust them than that we can’t trust Trump.

LincolnTf said...

I get my news from CNN, which is how I know that global warming has caused the extinction of polar bears, the polar caps have disappeared, Manhattan is under water and bees are turning gay.

Kevin said...

The biggest lie of this administration has been Russian collusion.

Lewis Wetzel said...

One time when he lied about surveillance of Americans and one tine about leaking the dossier to tapper.
Wasn't it Tapper who, all serious, interviewed Clapper and got Clapper's assurance that he did not leak the information he gave to Tapper?

Bilwick said...

My reaction to "Untruths have served Trump well" was "Sure . . . not like 'liberals' at all." It's like CNN is saying, "Trump doesn't understand--there is no truth but socialist truth."

Michael K said...

R/V ignores the context that's two rich men were accused by blackmailing porn queens. One paid $1.6 million. The other paid less than 10percent of that. Does that suggest anything about the truthfulness of one accusation?

Lewis Wetzel said...

power centers that have the evidence-based pursuit of truth and fact as part of their mandate
Power centers have the maintenance and expansion of power as their mandate. That's how they become "power centers." Is this guy really that stupid? What kind of a SAT score do you need to get into J school.

William said...

They're not very good at getting people to hate Trump. They're too heavy handed. Perhaps if in the midst of a few stories about the economy and the progress of the Korean peace talks, they slipped in an item about Stormy Daniels, people might let it register that Trump messed around with a porn star. Now what registers is that CNN cares more about Stormy Daniels than low unemployment or peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Bilwick said...

You have to remember the Lefty dictum, "The issue is never the issue." Trump is never the real issue, just as Trump is never the real target. The real issue for the Left is "How can we turn the US into Venezuela del Norte?" Trump is only a temporary roadblock on the road to serfdom. The real target is us.

Chuck said...

It was not written by "people," as far as I can see, Althouse. It was written by one person; Stephen Collinson, and was clearly labeled as "Analysis" on the CNN webpage.

Althouse, if you are going to claim that this is somehow fake or biased news, then what of Sean Hannity? Hannity's excuse is that he is not a reporter, he is an analyst. Just like this news-analysis piece.

I see that you didn't bother to take on any specifics written by Collinson. Just a general swipe at an otherwise nameless CNN.

I'm giving this post my Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome tag.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Only a very dishonest press corps could spin away daily falsehoods for eight years, lies about very important issues like maintaining healthcare providers and whether Iran is arming itself with nukes and whether our own DOJ is selling guns to Mexican criminals and especially whether the president was illegally spying on journalists. Only an extremely sociopathic body like our national Press could gaslight us for eight years like that and then turn 180 degrees and suddenly start crying “liar” 24/7/365 because the President refuses to call a quick a quick bang with a porn ho “an affair.” Only a truly disposable “profession” like journ-o-lism could promote Russian disinformation so well.

narciso said...

this is the same that had to dismiss zeleny, and lichtblau for getting a story wrong about scaramucci's hedge fund, along with abc that had to fire brian ross, and whoever msnbc has yet to dismiss for every rumor proffered by dan jones, or Russian agents,

buwaya said...

CNN is an organization managed top-down. Nothing gets written without an editorial directive, or broadcast/posted without editorial approval. Anything from such a source must be assumed to be a collective product regardless of whose name is on it.

narciso said...

actually most of what sarah carter has turned up, has turned out to be true, of course, neither judge ellis, nor friedrich's admonishment of Mueller, has made it significantly as part of cnn's story roster,

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Wasn't it Tapper who, all serious, interviewed Clapper and got Clapper's assurance that he did not leak the information he gave to Tapper?

Sounds like what I would expect from journalists.

I'm Full of Soup said...

CNN should have one permanent headline. Something like this would suffice ....EEEK!

narciso said...

as compared to the jones matter, isikoff had to have drudge pick up his spiked story in the post, in order for it to get play, Mueller just dumps his haul of documents straight to the times, the daily beast et al,

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CWJ said...

Chuck defends CNN, cue Drago.

buwaya said...

Besides which, the article is a good summary, or succinct statement, of a major CNN editorial line, which they have repeated very often, indeed, ad nauseam, since 2015. The writer of this thing might as well be anonymous as it is so generic. This is hardly a personal opinion.

Amadeus 48 said...

I remember when President Obama repeatedly said that he had first heard about various embarrassing or shady things in his administration by reading about them in the newspaper or seeing them on TV.
Good times, good times.
Maybe Trump should try that.

narciso said...

Collinson, spent 17 years working for the French news wire, afp, don't they tell us the French are more sophisticated about such things, in some matters, it took pierre pean, their independent muck raker to discover mitterands Vichy ties particularly to rene bousquet, who was the counterpart to Klaus Barbie,

narciso said...

he's a graduate of the simon balle school, wherever that is,

buwaya said...

It is also a very interesting that CNN's editorial positions are exclusively about presidential statements and the obsessive hostile parsing thereof. Its very strange that CNN very rarely covers presidential actions in any such detail or at least volume of wordage, or even less so those of the government he oversees.

One would assume that even a propaganda campaign would find something to be outraged about other than words. But its telling that they aren't.

narciso said...

because there's no there, there, and such as there is is counter narrative, crushing the wagner group's cadres, is proof positive, there is no Russian collusion, how is broadcasting in the phillipines different, re duterte or say mrs mapagal, to bring up another example,

Larry J said...

Lewis Wetzel said...

WTF is this sentence supposed to mean?
While there's no evidence that Trump broke the law before the election or since, his thickening legal challenges will show whether the evasions and shifting stories that helped him reinvent politics can withstand the more rigid codes of the rule of law and the will of the voters over time

I think I can translate that sentence:

"We've got nothing. After almost 2 years with the outrage cranked up to 11, we have no evidence that Trump broke any laws. That doesn't matter - he won the election and that can not be allowed to stand. We'll keep flinging crap like a bunch of howling monkeys until we can find something that sticks or we can turn the electorate against him."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember - It's illegal and immoral to harness data to help The GOP, perfectly fine for The Media, data mining/ to actively help The Party.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I meant "despicable" not "disposable" but kinda like that stupid autocorrect this time.

Michael K said...

CNN was Clinton News Network 20 years ago. This not new.

Drago said...

CWJ: "Chuck defends CNN, cue Drago."

Well, sometimes one doesn't have to write anything.

LLR Chuck has already completely destroyed his carefully cultivated on-line persona.

Here's some neat takeaway's from the last couple of weeks:

Mueller's team of LLR Chuck beloved and approved democrat hacks and hoax enablers has already admitted in court that they have no evidence of communication between Manafort and Russian agents over the last several years.

Carter Page remains not only unindicted, he hasn't even been accused of disreputable dealings with Putin's pals.

Mueller's team of LLR Chuck beloved and approved democrat hacks and hoax enablers has had to delay sentencing of Michael Flynn (gee, that coerced guilty plea doesn't seem to be standing up too well under judicial scrutiny) until the release to the Judge (who replaced that democrat/deep state/Peter Strzok pal hack Contrereas) from IG Horowitz....hmmmmmm

And, to top it all off, Mueller and Rosensteins little game of Public Relations indicting bluff of foreigners and/or organizations (but always thinking they were never going to have to prove anything in court) has been called and whaddya know, we now have the spectacle of the Mueller team claiming they have solid evidence of criminal activity but gee whiz, how can we, the very folks who indicted this firm prove that the firm was properly served?!!


Yep, Mueller's team is demanding a delay in having to present their evidence (which is slam dunk mind you (wink wink)) because the organization that LLR Chuck's beloved democrat hacks indicted wasn't "served" appropriately!!

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the witch hunt did not have a good week, which is why the word has gone out from Lefty Central to shift all conversations to Stormy and fake election funding violations.

Because, of course.

Maxine Waters and LLR Chuck hardest hit.

narciso said...

so cnn like amazon relies on splc, like they do with cair, or that alliance that hayden and kristol are a part of it, to legitimate news, and to purge samizdat views,

Drago said...

BTW, has Out and Proud and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck demanded Jake Tapper disclose during his broadcasts that he worked for Handgun Control and was a former aide to one of the most leftist congresswomen in the capital?

To even ask the question is to beg laughter regarding our stellar
#StrongDurbin/BlumenthalStolenValorDefender Chuck.

narciso said...

yes, they got bupkis, they've gone after cohen, and thrown his papers out on the street, the leak from dan jones, suppressed the lawsuit against fusion, the plea from der swaan, was supposed to silence khaan fridman, and averin, but that went nowhere, the papadop plea, actually shows mi 6 ties as well as American deep state players like Stephan halper,

narciso said...

How about tapper's forgetting that x men first classand even timeless, re Rittenhouse, has done his half baked dan brown tale better,

JAORE said...

Another CNN bias data point this week.

Van Jones interviewed the Waffle House Hero. Compelling story. Humble man. One key point by Van Jones..... Trump hasn't called, has he (the bastard)?

I did not see it, but I suspect the CNN coverage of the Westminster Dog Show included something about Trump (the bastard).

PackerBronco said...

My favorite moment so far in this whole farce is CNN reporting - without comment - Clapper denying that he had leaked anything while at the same time CNN was the recipient of those leaks.

PackerBronco said...

CNN analyst: The fact that Trump is vigorously defending himself is proof that he is guilty.

buwaya said...

Broadcasting in the Philippines is in a quandary.
The intelligentsia of the country despises Duterte, or at any rate the non-economic portions of his programs, though many of those too. Duterte is thoroughly repugnant to most of that class on many grounds, from outright snobbery to genuine and valid moral opposition. And this class owns and operates the MSM.

However, the MSM there still does make its living honestly, by attracting audiences and selling advertising, and their audience is the bulk of the people, usually referred to as the tao or the masa, one could translate that as the volk, the proles.

Among the masa Duterte was wildly popular and still is - his approval ratings are still, two years after his election, in the 80% range. It will not do, commercially, to buck such an extremely lopsided state of public opinion.

And a powerful part of the Philippine cultural-ideological tradition, common to both political left and right, amounts to a worship of the masa, which has, always, the moral high ground vis-a-vis the bourgeoisie and certainly the upper class. It is accepted that the people suffer because they are oppressed by the upper class, and so deserve to get their way should they manage to. Its a very effective way to shut up any opponent of a populist.

Its a very different culture.

Jaq said...

I wonder why anybody would question the judgment of a news organization that thinks that the Stormy Daniels story is more important than potentially ending the Korean War?

I don’t watch CNN except when forced on me, which it often is, and they should just call it The Daily Stormy.

Big Mike said...

Chuck’s favorite phrase; “what about”?

Jaq said...

One would assume that even a propaganda campaign would find something to be outraged about other than words. But its telling that they aren’t.

I know. It’s like we are living in some dystopian sci fi novel where the writer even probably thought it was over the top.

Ann Althouse said...

"It was not written by "people," as far as I can see, Althouse. It was written by one person; Stephen Collinson, and was clearly labeled as "Analysis" on the CNN webpage."

I've been told time and again that the headlines are written by different people. I can't believe I'm getting criticized for NOT assuming the writer of the column wrote not only its headline, but the frontpage teaser! I give Collison credit for writing the column, and you are absolutely wrong to assume he wrote those headlines. That's not the way these things are done, from what I've heard and from my own personal experience. At least you said "as far as I can see." You don't see far enough.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse, if you are going to claim that this is somehow fake or biased news...."

I didn't give it the "fake news" tag, so your "if" is off.

My point — and I don't think this is so hard to understand — is that CNN's endless battering of Trump has helped Trump.

It's the same point Michelle Wolf made at the end of her comic routine at the Correspodents' Dinner.

Ann Althouse said...

"You guys are obsessed with Trump. Did you use to date him? Because you pretend like you hate him but I think you love him. I think what no one in this room wants to admit is that Trump has helped all of you. He couldn't sell steaks or vodka or water or college or ties or Eric, but he has helped you. He's helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster and now you're profiting off him."

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Chuck defends CNN, cue Drago."

I thank God every day for Drago's excellent lampooning of fopdoodle extraordinaire Chuck.

Anonymous said...

Untruths concocted by CNN serve Trump well.

narciso said...

no, professor, trump has succeeded despite cnn, MSNBC everything but the animal and cartoon network, the bulk of the republican party leadership, the Washington bureaucracy,

Birkel said...

PURPLE ELEPHANTS as far as the eye can see.

Told you so, long ago.

Jaq said...

It’s like we are living in a story from Welcome to the Monkey House: Welcome to the Gorilla Channel.

Jaq said...

At least Bloomberg has sort of lightened up on him. Maybe they don’t want to alienate their wealthy viewers and poison their demographics. CNN cares more about influence than informing the populace, and they don’t even have that.

Jaq said...

CNN = Gorilla Channel for liberals, I have made that joke before, I will make it again. You can picture liberals watching it, drooling, with their faces pressed close to the screen, and every time one of their “analysts” gets off what they think is a good shot at Trump, they mumble, like Simple Jack from Tropic Thunder, “Punch him again, punch him again” while making punching motions.

rcocean said...

CNN really is the Clown Network. I thought Trump might boot them from the WH Press Briefings but realized they damage themselves so much, its better to keep them there.

Stormy Daniels Lawyer was on 49 times! April Ryan wanted to get into a street fight with Sanders. Acosta shouts questions about Stormy Davis at the National Prayer Ceremony. Brian Seltzer their "media critic" spends all his time attacking Fox News.

And they're still in 3rd place, despite all the Trump hatred.

JPS said...

tim in vermont, thanks for the Simple Jack reference. It inspired me to go watch the clip of Les Grossman negotiating with Flaming Dragon for his safe return, and now I am feeling energized.

rcocean said...

The latest CNN lie is that Trump lied about Stormy Davis to them.

Then you see the video clip - and its quite ambiguous what Trump meant.

Didn't know about what? That's subject to interpetation. So of course, CNN and the MSM *interpret* it to mean Trump was claiming he didn't know about *ANY* payment at *ANY*time - so they call Trump a liar.

rcocean said...

LLR Chuck defends CNN and attacks Fox. Just like a liberal.

But he's not a liberal.

So, he says.

Drago said...

PackerBronco: "My favorite moment so far in this whole farce is CNN reporting - without comment - Clapper denying that he had leaked anything while at the same time CNN was the recipient of those leaks."

Clapper actually denied leaking to the very person he had leaked to! Jake Tapper.

# of times "Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck has commented on this "oversight"?


Achilles said...

CWJ said...
Chuck defends CNN, cue Drago.

Chuck is useless to his masters now. He is just a bad leftist commenter.

Not even a new reader who hasn't been here long would take the "LLR" schtick seriously. They have already seen it before if they read Rubin or French.

The jig is up on the "Republican" traitors like Kristol and friends. They have been used and played out.

Chuck fools nobody. Except for stupid Hillary supporters who think they benefit from deceptions of that nature.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm going to give this my "LifelongIncelAndStrongCnnDefenderChuck tag.

Chuck said...

So Althouse if your only point was that CNN created a click-bait headline to attract readers to an "Analysis" column, that seems pretty bland.

Trump really is a liar; a repetitive, serial, seemingly-compulsive, definitely-shameless sort of liar.

If you had some specific criticism of the column; that it was somehow wrong, about some particular example of Trump's lying, I sort of expected you to say that. But I didn't see much about that -- of far more substance than a headline -- that was in error.

As an Althouse reader, it was interesting to see a kind of laundry list of news stories that the Althouse blog has not much considered:
~Trump's medical report from Dr. Bornstein, now seen as a complete fake (when before, it was just a complete joke);
~The vague and shifting Trump explanations of Stormy Daniels;
~The observation that "Trump's biggest clashes have been with power centers that have the evidence-based pursuit of truth and fact as part of their mandate -- like the intelligence agencies, judicial authorities, news organizations and scientists";
~The reference to Trump's playing the role of "John Miller," wherein Trump "acted as his own spokesman to generate tabloid interest during the 1980s";
~And there are the lies about the size of the inaugural crowd, the reason that Trump lost the popular vote, the scale of the tax cut, how much the US spent in the middle east, and the level of accomplishment of other first-year presidencies.

I'd add some more things to that list: Trump's bizarre comment to Senator Pat Toomey, that the Manchin-Toomey firearms bill was somehow weak because Toomey was "afraid of the NRA." The "shithole countries" fiasco. Trump's embarrassing misstatement in a press conference that his electoral victory was the largest since Reagan. And the hundreds of lies that he's uttered in his unscripted rally rants.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Chuck fools nobody.

I dunno - I still think Chuck’s dishonest blubbering is motivated by jealousy rather than partisanship.

Vance said...

I read a story last week. About the mating habits of the meerkat population.

It was horrible! It didn't compare Trump to Hitler, it didn't call half of America "deplorable!" and it didn't mention Trump's personal responsibility for slaughtering the polar bears!

In fact, it didn't even mention Trump at all! How could this be? How could any media outlet not mention Trump in its noble effort to save the world from the man even Lucifer thinks is evil!

Chuck, I demand that you immediately drop everything and write to National Geographic and insist that they change their focus away from animals and geology to solely bash Trump like they are owned by MSNBC! How else can your righteous crusade win until everyone recites your articles of faith: "1) Trump is evil and must be destroyed! 2) Nothing is off limits in the quest to destroy Trump! 3) Lying is preferred as long as it furthers the goal of destroying Trump! 4) Mueller, Durbin, and Mika are the only true Gods! May they have great success in bringing down Trump!"

And then Chuck, you can once again recite the anti-Trump prayer: "Our Mueller who art in Washington, blessed be your investigation! Thy indictments come! Thy will be done in Court as well as on TV! Give us this day your daily leak to Tapper, and forgive us our moments of non-lasered focus on destroying Trump! Lead us not into an acquittal, but deliver us from Trump!"

rcocean said...

~Trump's medical report from Dr. Bornstein, now seen as a complete fake (when before, it was just a complete joke);

No, its not "fake" - Trump wrote it, but Bornstein agreed with the substance of the report - Trump is healthy - and signed it.

Its no different then me, drafting a doctors note for work, and my Doctor signing it, because he doesn't want to waste time doing it himself.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "As an Althouse reader, it was interesting to see a kind of laundry list of news stories that the Althouse blog has not much considered:..."


Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Vance pwns!

JPS said...

Pookie Number 2,

I may be opening a can of worms here, but - I don't see Chuck as dishonest. It's just not that hard to take him at face value - a longtime Republican who detests Trump, is appalled by his character and demeanor, and feels betrayed by his erstwhile Republican allies who now support him.

I have no doubt Mueller is exactly that, and we properly find it funny when one of the resident partisans of the left suggests that Mueller can't have it in for Trump, he's a Republican!

FullMoon said...

CNN right now trashing Melania and Donald for-something.

Vance said...

By the way: Someone releases a whole bunch of practically unredacted reports from the FBI to Congress--ones they had sent to Congress with large redactions before. Well, now we can see them mostly unredacted.

And guess what? They show that the the redactions were there to cover up lies from the FBI and Comey, etc.

Turnes out, the FBI knew that Flynn did not lie. But they arrested and charged him anyway. And lied to Congress and the nation about it. Just so they could try to keep the investigation going.

Chuck, what say you about your buddies lying to Congress in an attempt to get Trump? What say you about their railroading General Flynn with lies? All ok in your world, naturally?

You can read the new undredacted reports or at least excerpts here: here. Tell us, Chuck: you are on the side of those lying to Congress and the people; you support Comey and McCabe in their railroading attempts. I'm sure you'll come up with an excuse as to why this is all legit. Right?

FullMoon said...

CNN just now
"We don't know, but we're reading the tea leaves"

Pretty much sums it up. Nothing bad has happened yet, but terrible things going to happen in the future. Same thing Chuck and other goofballs posit here daily.

Drago said...

It's really rather amusing how "bottom of the barrel" the quality of LLR (LOL) Chuck's continuing complaints re: Althouse topics and Trump deficiencies are.

Like his leftist operational allies, there is real panic now that the hoax dossier and combined "LLR"/Lefty counter-revolution failed to destroy Trump on the timeline required for success (by summer of 2017).

The very danger that LLR Chuck's beloved corruptocrats faced was Trump surviving long enough for more of the deep state lies/illegal spying/abuse of the courts & intelligence & law enforcement agencies to be exposed....and that is where we are now....

Adam Schiff-ty and LLR Chuck hardest hit.

That is what explains LLR Chuck's continuous around-the-clock tactic of throwing every stupid little lefty/dem narrative back up over and over again.

When the dems need smoke to cover their tracks, our very own LLR is "johnny on the spot" with more smoke.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

She just can’t help lovin’ dat man...

Lewis Wetzel said...

It's just not that hard to take him at face value - a longtime Republican who detests Trump, is appalled by his character and demeanor, and feels betrayed by his erstwhile Republican allies who now support him.
JPS, Chuck says that he voted for Trump. Jesus Christ, even I didn't vote for Trump.

Big Mike said...

Who lies more, DonAld Trump or CNN? Seems to me that CNN is not only the worse liar, but is worse at it.

Drago said...

Inga : "She just can’t help lovin’ dat man...

Speaking of "lovin' dat man", apparently the underage girl that Democrat Representative Cardenas sexually assaulted 10 years ago was not really that much "into him".

Yet Nancy Pelosi and EVERY OTHER DEM is really in no hurry to get to the bottom of this.


Again, the lefties don't believe a single thing they lecture the rest of us about.


Drago said...

Big Mike: "Who lies more, DonAld Trump or CNN? Seems to me that CNN is not only the worse liar, but is worse at it."

Uh oh.

Now you've done it. You attacked the credibility of LLR Chuck's beloved CNN.

I must warn you that LLR Chuck is on record as wanting every single person who insults CNN to be doxxed, harassed and if you have any children be alert to the possibility of LLR Chuck attacking that child with rumors.

He's into that sort of thing.

langford peel said...

Wait a cotton picking minute.

CNN is the gorilla channel?

I thought that was ESPN?

Or did that change because they fired Jemele Hill?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

In Inga's mind, the fact that Althouse doesn't vehemently hate Trump and recognizes the sheer spiteful stupidity of the rabid Trump haters for what it is means Althouse must "love" Trump.

Drago said...

# of times Inga has called for Dem Rep Cardenas to resign for accusations of child sexual assault: zero


tcrosse said...

The Hillary Clinton campaign, at least as it revealed itself here, was almost entirely about Trump the Person, and very, very light on Policy. Evidently, this is a hard habit to break.

Drago said...

All you need to know about CNN is that Li'l man-girl Brian Stelter inherited a show called "Reliable Sources" and one of his early star guests was Dan Rather who was invited on to speak about journalistic ethics.


I guess Teddy Kennedy was not available to discuss his Mothers Against Drunk Driving thoughts.

langford peel said...

Only Republicans can be child molesters.

A Senate candidate dated a eighteen year old when he was in his twenties forty years ago and he has to be destroyed.

A Democrat can molest a Congressional page, a presidential intern or a Girl Scout and it does not matter.

Drago said...

I must say I also enjoyed LLR Chuck's #StrongDemDefender activities last week in beginning to attack Reagan appointees to the Federal bench.

Attacking conservative judges.

Yep, that is always the calling card of lifelong republicans.

Pookie Number 2 said...

It's just not that hard to take him at face value - a longtime Republican who detests Trump, is appalled by his character and demeanor, and feels betrayed by his erstwhile Republican allies who now support him.

That’s possible, but it doesn’t explain the obsession to spend days fulminating about someone that neither knows nor cares about Chuck’s lame little existence. Emotionally-balanced people seem to have no problem acknowledging Trump’s flaws and the. Getting on with their lives.

Snark said...

Trump is a personality disordered conman to the core. How would you like CNN to cover him, exactly? Like he's not a personality disordered conman? You have Fox for that.

narciso said...

How did they cover Obama, with a pillow till the scandals stopped moving.

Drago said...

Snark: "How would you like CNN to cover him, exactly?"


More Dan Rather please!

I don't want CNN to change a bit. I want them to double down on what they've been doing. I don't want them to ever change.

I'm sorry if criticism of CNN causes you to break out in hives. Perhaps some lotion would be helpful.

Pookie Number 2 said...

How would you like CNN to cover him, exactly?

The same way they’d cover him if he was a Democrat.

Drago said...

Snark: "How would you like CNN to cover him, exactly?"


Drago said...

The only thing the White House press corps fought over during the obama admin was which reporter would have the honor of acting as obama's cuckholster that day.

But in a good "objective" way.


Drago said...

Snark: "How would you like CNN to cover him, exactly?"

"Find a love that looks at you the way the press looks at Hillary."


Snark said...

"I'm sorry if criticism of CNN causes you to break out in hives. Perhaps some lotion would be helpful."

Isn't it kind of the opposite? There seems to be constant universal disgust around here that every news outlet in the country doesn't bend to your editorial will. From what does such entitlement spring, exactly? Trump is hammered because he deserves to be hammered. There is a role for news organizations who refuse to normalize his actions. Sociopaths like Trump are naturals at entertaining people while he's bending them, wearing them out, wearing them down. CNN in not on board, and for the most part they're not wearing down. Good on them.

Snark said...

"The same way they’d cover him if he was a Democrat."

The issue is Trump the man, not Trump the Republican. Come on now.

Drago said...

Snark: "The issue is Trump the man, not Trump the Republican. Come on now"


Like Reuters/Ipsos, Snark asked a question that he really didn't want the answer to and now, when he/she/him/her/xe/xim gets it, it's time to get those goal posts moving!


Drago said...

Snark: " There seems to be constant universal disgust around here that every news outlet in the country doesn't bend to your editorial will."


A lefty just posted that.

Just now.

Without irony.

Take your projection down the road a piece and see if you have more luck peddling it there.

Drago said...

Snark and LLR Chuck apparently think that CNN and other lefty media outlets should be quite beyond criticism.

Just as our Founding Fathers intended.....not.


Pookie Number 2 said...

The issue is Trump the man, not Trump the Republican. Come on now.

No, the issue is the partisan coverage of Trump the man. CNN’s coverage of Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy shows no inhibitions at all when it comes to ignoring the flaws of misogynist liars.

Drago said...

Not surprising really since the left is in full blown Destroy the Bill of Rights mode these days.

In the dems defense, the Constitution is, like, old and confusing or or something.


Drago said...

PN2: "No, the issue is the partisan coverage of Trump the man. CNN’s coverage of Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy shows no inhibitions at all when it comes to ignoring the flaws of misogynist liars."

Now now.

Don't be too hard on our "objective" hard nose press! Why, Snark's and LLR Chuck's objective, straight down the middle "journalists" were all over that Kennedy thing and, to their credit it only took them 50 years to confront the obvious!

50 years!

For the left, that's a new record.

Just think, we only have about 20 more years to wait until a real "objective" take by the MSM on Clinton!


Drago said...

Snark: "...Sociopaths like Trump..."

This is simply more of what the left has been doing for a hundred years (in every nation in which the leftists take control): they proclaim that their political enemies are clinically insane.

Snark is simply following in the footsteps of his Soviet "psychiatry"-abuse forebearers.

Just like every other leftist and their LLR operational allies.

Snark said...

"No, the issue is the partisan coverage of Trump the man. CNN’s coverage of Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy shows no inhibitions at all when it comes to ignoring the flaws of misogynist liars."

Bill Clinton's scandal was wall-to-wall on CNN in the 90s, and Ted Kennedy is dead. The comparison between the men is superficial. What people don't or won't recognize is that Trump is not flawed, he's personality disordered. That, as I've said many times before, is a non-partisan issue. Whether history ultimately proves CNN et al right or wrong, the role of vigilance in the face of the reality of this president is critical and essential.

langford peel said...

CNN is a partisan device just as much as FOX.

They actually provided debate questions to Hillary.

Would you admit that Mr. Snark?

If you can disregard FOX then we can disregard CNN.

They are simply following in the celebrated footsteps of James Callender, William Randolph Hearst and Walter Duranty.

We can ignore yellow journalism just as easily as we can ignore imaginary yellow streams on Russian Prostitutes beds.

It is Fake News all the way down.

Drago said...

Snark: "Bill Clinton's scandal was wall-to-wall on CNN in the 90s, and Ted Kennedy is dead."


Snark: "The comparison between the men is superficial."

Kennedy literally killed a chick. A young woman. And abandoned her. And then used all his family influence to pressure the family to "bury" the case. And lied to investigators.

And the Left loved, loved, LOVED him.

langford peel said...

Of course Mr. Snark will say as all fanatic crazed Trump derangement sufferers will spout that FOX is partisan propaganda and CNN is all that is right and proper in journalism. That CNN is unbiased and only presents the truth about a President whose his behavior is beyond acceptable norms and must be removed by any means necessary. Along with the New York Times who had writers actually publish a screed where they were forced to abandon objectivity and journalist standards to force out this president and reverse the election results.

This idiocy is why the approval ratings for the media is below that of child molesters and serial rapists.

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

Curious George said...

"Whether history ultimately proves CNN et al right or wrong, the role of vigilance in the face of the reality of this president is critical and essential."

This President. This one.

Pookie Number 2 said...

What people don't or won't recognize is that Trump is not flawed, he's personality disordered.

People recognize it, just like they recognize the disorders involved in Clinton’s rapes and Kennedy’s manslaughter. They also recognize that they’re covered differently for purely partisan reasons

Amadeus 48 said...

CNN needs to keep doing exactly what they are doing, as Drago said above. Trump will be a shoo-in in 2020, and then let me introduce you to President Nikki Haley, elected in 2424.

I don’t think CNN has convinced a single Trump voter that he or she made a mistake. If Kanye and Candace keep up the good work, and Trump does his part, a whole bunch of people that voted for Hillary are going to switch.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Hands up don't shoot was made up by Michael Brown's accomplice. No other witness said it happened. Because it did not. But you know - Obama and the hack media needed a race war. Waht's a few dead cops?”

And, of course, that accomplice was totally unbiased and objective. Or, maybe not. At a minimum, he admitted to having taken the cigarillos out of Brown’s hand, so Brown could use both hands to attack the police officer, making him an active accomplice in the assault. But Brown dying opened his accomplice up to the potential of felony murder. Probably wouldn’t have gotten the death penalty, but life in prison was probably a real possibility. And, maybe not surprisingly, it worked - the accomplice wasn’t even charged as being an accomplice to the attempted murder of the police officer by Brown (when he tried to take the officer’s gun), that he had admitted to.

langford peel said...

I think CNN like Rosie O'Donnell should be indicted for illegal campaign contributions.
They have contributed millions to Trumps campaign by their idiocy and should be held responsible for violating campaign finance laws for not reporting it to election commission.

I would have Mueller prosecute as he specializes in novel legal theories.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Its no different then me, drafting a doctors note for work, and my Doctor signing it, because he doesn't want to waste time doing it himself.

5/7/18, 10:41 AM

In high school I asked my physics teacher for a recommendation. He said, you write it and I'll sign it. Where do I turn in my evidently fraudulent degree?

Birkel said...

Snark pretended that CNN reported non-stop about Clinton on 1998?

Well, sure. Of course they did. Stories like "Have Congressional Republicans gone too far" and "With the economy this fantastic, are Republicans foolish enough to attack the president who made the good times happen?" were all the rage.

Stories like "Journalists agree. Clinton deserves more blow jobs for keeping abortion legal" were also popular.

History starts anew. Every day.

Drago said...

Aaaaaand this just in: LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama "Promise" program in Florida is PRECISELY where the Parkland shooter was referred to instead of being dealt with.

Gee, where were all those hard-nosed, objective and fact-based CNN "journalists" that LLR Chuck so passionately supports on this story?

Oh, that's right. Holding Townhall meeting without ever disclosing they were employees of Handgun Control Inc and allowing the "Coward County Sheriff's" Dept to slough off blame onto the NRA, which LLR Chuck went all in on as well.


Fabi said...

"What people don't or won't recognize is that Trump is not flawed, he's personality disordered."


Drago said...

You know who is "personally disordered"?

Rosie O'Donnell, which is why she couldn't remember what her real name and real address were when she was making multiple illegal campaign contributions.

Not to worry. She is a democrat.

In fact, as we speak Rosenstein is probably "verbally" expanding the scope of the Mueller investigation to include anyone who dares to criticize Rosie for her clear, repeated and public illegal acts.

Michael K said...

I agree with JPS. Chuck, like Patterico, is a Reoublican who cannot stand that Trump is crude and rude. They were much happier with Romney who lost like a gentleman. Also Ryan who quickly beat a retreat before the Liberation Theology House chaplain.

narciso said...

Bill Clinton was the atty general and later governor of Arkansas for 10 years then president for five of those years who was she going to appeal to?

Snark said...

"Snark pretended that CNN reported non-stop about Clinton on 1998?"

It was walll-to-wall must-see TV back then. First it was OJ Simpson, and then it was Clinton/Lewinsky. 100%. As if a cable network wouldn't have went full glutton on that material. They of course would, and they of course did.

Vaguely related, has anybody noticed that Stormy Daniels kind of looks like a thin Linda Tripp? I find that odd yet funny.

Snark said...

"People recognize it, just like they recognize the disorders involved in Clinton’s rapes and Kennedy’s manslaughter. They also recognize that they’re covered differently for purely partisan reasons".

Those are not useful comparisons in the present context. People are reaching for equivalencies that do not exist, and in doing so miss the potential danger of a full on con man sociopath as president.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Those are not useful comparisons in the present context.

They fully explain why people distrust the media’s false narrative about Trump’s unique unfitness.

Drago said...

Snark: "Those are not useful comparisons in the present context."


Yeah, I'll just bet they are not!

Too funny.

Just how many "Get Out of Jail Free" cards for lefties/dems will Snark hand out in this thread?

Well, that depends. How many dems require one? It won't matter naturally, Snark will have them all covered.

And with LLR Chuck cheering him/her on every step of the way.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

BTW, has Snark's and LLR Chuck's beloved CNN yet reported that the Parkland Shooter was in LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama's PROMISE program designed to make sure violent lunatics were allowed to remain in school?




Drago said...

It's funny watching LLR Chuck give up all pretense at certain previously cultivated on-line persona characteristics!


Not a moment too soon, eh Chuck?

Chuck said...

Chuck said...
Because Scott Adams' Twitter account is the sort of thing I look at when I have nothing better to do, I did not see this until just now... Adams explains CNN's apparent frustration with Trump's ability to get with a nearly constant stream of lies via the subtitle of Adam's recent book. "...Facts Don't Matter..."

And it is hard to disagree with that, from Scott Adams' perspective. Where to him, facts really don't matter. Nor does ideology, or party. Adams isn't a Republican and has never been a Republican. Adams isn't a conservative, and has never been a conservative. Adams is just a Trump cultist. One of several million, as far as I can tell.

Drago said...

hey Chuck, any comment on your hero Jake Tapper not disclosing he worked for Handgun Control and also was the recipient of the Clapper dossier leak even as he allowed Clapper to lie about it on CNN?


Who am I kidding? As if LLR Chuck could ever criticize his leftist operational allies!

Drago said...

LLR Chuck seems very, very, very, very, very upset that Trump has delivered the most conservative year in governance in 60 years.

Very very upset indeed.

Why, it's almost as if LLR Chuck is astonishingly angry about any conservative policies being enacted.

Strange. The lunatic lefties are upset, and LLR Chuck is upset.

Feel free to draw inescapable and unavoidable conclusions!


Drago said...

If you were wondering why LLR Chuck was being especially pro-dem-narrative today, one need only look at the collapsing Mueller/democrat hack hoax collusion accusations collapse at the hand of the judiciary in the last week.

Particularly one Reagan appointee judge, whom LLR Chuck immediately attacked late last week....because of course he did.....


Drago said...

You know, if one more Reagan/Bush/Trump appointed judge knocks another of the dems collusion lie accusations out of the park, I wouldn't put it past Chuck to go the "Full Hodgkinson".

If you know what I mean.

Snark said...

"They fully explain why people distrust the media’s false narrative about Trump’s unique unfitness."

Don't we need time and the perspective of history to determine whether Trump's unique unfitness is a false narrative? He's uniquely sociopathic, that's for sure. People mistakenly dismiss that as partisan name calling, when it is in fact an actual personality structure that is virtually always incredibly destructive to the things it touches.

A lot of people have a lot of casual faith in the strength and resiliency of institutions of democracy - a casual faith that a certain contingent of historians and public institutions are warning against. If it turns out that Trump was destructive to the fabric of American democracy, the way people will have not only willfully but eagerly participated in the tearing down of their own free press, their own justice system will be stunning in retrospect.

And if it turns out the other way, turns out well or mostly benignly, it still will have been perfectly wise for segments of the American press and citizenry to have been vigilant in the shadow of the con man in the White House.

Drago said...

Snark: "He's uniquely sociopathic, that's for sure."

Spoken just like a Soviet psychiatric charlatan criticising a freedom-loving Refusnik.

Well played Comrade. And by "well played" I of course mean "you arent fooling anyone".

Drago said...

Snark: "If it turns out that Trump was destructive..."

Sorry Stasi-Guy. The dems weaponizing the entire federal govt and spying on domestic political opponents has already done that.

But you keep on being you and pushing your risible 25th amendment ploy.


What a joke.

gadfly said...

rcocean said...
~Trump's medical report from Dr. Bornstein, now seen as a complete fake (when before, it was just a complete joke);

No, its not "fake" - Trump wrote it, but Bornstein agreed with the substance of the report - Trump is healthy - and signed it.

Its no different then me, drafting a doctors note for work, and my Doctor signing it, because he doesn't want to waste time doing it himself.


Bornstein never said or admitted to using the logic imposed from afar by rcocean.

Among other things said, the doctor commented: "That's black humor, that letter. That's my sense of humor," he said. "It's like the movie 'Fargo': It takes the truth and moves it in a different direction."

Pookie Number 2 said...

He's uniquely sociopathic, that's for sure. People mistakenly dismiss that as partisan name calling, when it is in fact an actual personality structure that is virtually always incredibly destructive to the things it touches.

The assertion is literally nothing more than partisan name-calling. Trump has been in the public eye for decades, and these accusations only emerged when he began his run for the presidency.

Drago said...

"The Poor Man's LLR Chuck" gadfly: "Bornstein never said or admitted to using the logic imposed from afar by rcocean."


Bornstein signed it.

Game over.

Try again loser.

Matt Sablan said...

Has CNN reported that what people claimed was in the redacted memos really were there? Namely that Flynn showed no signs of deception and that no national security risks were exposed?

Or is it koi fish all over again?

Michael K said...

Don't we need time and the perspective of history to determine whether Trump's unique unfitness is a false narrative?

Shiloh are you back to spread more shit ?

What do you mean "we?"

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Shiloh? I don't see anybody in this thread who sounds like Shiloh did.

Michael K said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
I can cut McCain some slack over the Keating 5.

I think you're right. Those lefties all sound alike to me.

They should get a new script.

Michael K said...

Whoops, wrong paste.

Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
Shiloh? I don't see anybody in this thread who sounds like Shiloh did.

They all sound alike.

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