April 30, 2018

"You've talked about how people have assumed you're African American even though you're white—do you get that a lot?"

"I didn't until I moved to New York. I think it was actually a pickup line once. But even now on some of my Instagram posts, people will ask, 'Are you black or white?'... The more we're open to talking about race, the better. A lot of white people shy away from discussing it, but we need to. I think a lot of us are just ignorant, and sometimes there's no other way to learn than by putting your own foot in your mouth."

Said Michelle Wolf, talking to Oprah.com, last January.

And here's Wolf on "The Daily Show" discussing the subject in the context of Rachel Dolezal (the white woman who controversially presented herself as black):

Of course, we've been talking about Michelle Wolf for the last day, because she was the comedian at the White House Correspondents' Dinner — that corrupt, inappropriate event. Some people are making a fuss that she said "fuck," talked about sex, and was mean to Sarah Huckabee Sanders who was sitting right there.

Here's Chris Cillizza at CNN serving up "5 takeaways on Michelle Wolf's hugely controversial speech at the White House correspondents' dinner." I'm not going to read the whole thing because I presume he leads with his best material and the first "takeway" is very lame:
There are LOTS of way [sic] to go after Sanders. I personally think that she is overly antagonistic to the reporters who cover the White House and misleads on the regular [sic]. But to make fun of Sanders' makeup? ("I think she's very resourceful, like she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's lies," said Wolf.) Like, really?
First, the word is "smoky." "Smokey" is the correct spelling only for the name of the U.S. Forest Service mascot, Smokey the Bear. [ADDED: And other proper names, like "Smokey and the Bandit."]

Second, Wolf didn't make fun of the makeup. In the joke, the makeup is not only good. It's perfect. The joke is that ugly things are going on behind the scenes and there's a contrast between that and the perfect exterior.

I would compare that joke to Jesus's denouncement of the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23:25-28:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.

Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
ADDED: Bear/Wolf... I should have made something out of that. Also, I should made a show of connecting up the subject of the way Michelle Wolf  looks and the way Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks.

AND: Meade read this post and said, "I would have made a show of connecting Sarah Huckleberry Hound and Michelle Dancing With Wolves."


mezzrow said...

I think I love you, Smokey bear.


rhhardin said...

Shrill voice, bad delivery, was my takeaway. The Jake Tapper orgasm joke was good, mocking the MSM news voice.

wendybar said...

She called her an Uncle Tom, and that she was a disgrace to women. Wolf is the disgrace. She is ugly...inside and out. (She looks like Carrot Tops twin, and that is not a compliment) Sarah handled herself with grace.

wendybar said...

Yes rhhardin.....That voice was like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

There is no reasonable way for Trump voters to complain about anyone degrading civil discourse without looking like hypocrites. You may think Trump's approach is refreshing or 'telling truth to power' but he is also cruder and ruder than pretty much anyone before him and he lies continuously, without compunction.

rhhardin said...

Trump isn't cruder or ruder than I am. Lots of people are cruder and ruder than Trump.

It ought to be more.

wendybar said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
There is no reasonable way for Trump voters to complain about anyone degrading civil discourse without looking like hypocrites. You may think Trump's approach is refreshing or 'telling truth to power' but he is also cruder and ruder than pretty much anyone before him and he lies continuously, without compunction.
4/30/18, 7:37 AM

We got Trump because of idiots on the left...like these who wore Sarah Palin is a C*nt shirts....Grabbing you by the pussy is tame compared to that. (which he said HOW many years ago??) https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=pT4fZReM&id=A200F48962B1735B76A25944114BA91B39B1113F&thid=OIP.pT4fZReM2-A9RRSoMgoi2gHaD4&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2f2.bp.blogspot.com%2f_Xn_O-mM2sFk%2fSPIrLOIR0DI%2fAAAAAAAAB1w%2fxQrrXikaQso%2fw1200-h630-p-nu%2fSPCunt.JPG&exph=630&expw=1200&q=sarah+palin+is+a+c*nt+t+shirts&simid=608009720325735578&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0

rhhardin said...

You can't have an honest conversation about race without being rude and crude.

That would get things straight, open a path to success for blacks.

That crude and rude finally clears away brush and roadblocks so beloved by the left.

AllenS said...

Gotta go with rh here. You don't get out much, do you, ARM?

rhhardin said...

Sarah Palin is a cunt. Agreement on the left and right. We could clear up the women issue too.

rhhardin said...

Rapiers leave holes. Sabres do cuts.

Tommy Duncan said...

ARM said: "There is no reasonable way for Trump voters to complain about anyone degrading civil discourse without looking like hypocrites."

That depends on your definition of "reasonable".

You are using "reasonable" in the same sense as Jim Comey in "no reasonable prosecutor would indict" or as in "AReasonableMan".

Civility bullshit on your part ARM.

traditionalguy said...

This comedian is still funnier than most. She has a rapier wit. The complaints are coming from the people whom she slices up but cannot feel the cuts until they realize later what she just said. Then they get so angry that they make stuff up to lash back at her.

Tank said...

OK you Trump voters, no more complaining.

And no arguing.

And no talking.

I mean just STFU !!!

There, that's it.

Brought to you by a beloved commenter, Reasonable Tank.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump is a pig, embrace it, and then don't complain about the piggishness of others - looks ridiculous.

J. Farmer said...

Asking a racially ambiguous looking person if they are black or white is a microaggression.

gspencer said...

Smokey was also drug-addled character on Eddie Murphy's The PJ,


Bay Area Guy said...

Memo to Michelle Wolf - ugly, shrill and unfunny is no way to go through life, Dear.

dreams said...

"She called her an Uncle Tom, and that she was a disgrace to women. Wolf is the disgrace. She is ugly...inside and out. (She looks like Carrot Tops twin, and that is not a compliment) Sarah handled herself with grace."

Wolf also has a gummy smile, too much upper yum shows when she smiles. Most of us should avoid making fun of other people's looks because most of us can be made fun of too about something.

Rob said...

Okay, now that I know Wolf is white, I guess I’m allowed to say it: she’s not funny. Also, she needs to check her privilege.

J. Farmer said...


Trump is a pig, embrace it, and then don't complain about the piggishness of others - looks ridiculous.

Instead of embracing it, my prescription is to ignore it. Yes, Trump is crude and oafish. So what? I, for one, did not vote for him to be Mr. Congeniality.

rhhardin said...

Sabre squad

Bob Boyd said...

Only you can prevent dumpster fires.

Sebastian said...

"that corrupt, inappropriate event"

Why inappropriate? It very appropriately expressed the journalists' tastes and politics.

Why corrupt? It was a genuine, authentic performance by and for true-believing Dems.

J. Farmer said...

Having spent the better part of the last six months in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, I am amazed at the amount of signage referring the "Smokey Mountains." Smokey has an adjective for just about anything abounds. "Smokey" is also the name for the University of Tennessee football mascot.

Bob Boyd said...

"Why inappropriate? Why corrupt?"

I'm guessing that's what Trump said about it.

Eleanor said...

Dean Martin's Celebrity Roasts were popular because the people doing the roasting were friends and/or admirers of the people being roasted. The correspondence dinner works when a Democrat is POTUS because it's the same recipe Martin used. It would work with a Republican in office if the roasters were right-leaning. There are a lot of funny people on the right, like Dennis Miller, Bill Whittle, Steve Crowder, Paul Joseph Watson, who could roast a Republican POTUS, score some points liberals would applaud, and keep the spirit of what a roast is meant to be. Not going to happen, though.

Anonymous said...

BCARM: There is no reasonable way for Trump voters to complain about anyone degrading civil discourse without looking like hypocrites.

You're not stamping your feet hard enough. Stamp harder, and people will take you seriously.

Jaysus, ARM, stop being such an old woman.

You may think Trump's approach is refreshing or 'telling truth to power' but he is also cruder and ruder than pretty much anyone before him and he lies continuously, without compunction.

Lol. ARM - love child of Mrs. Grundy and Rip Van Winkle.

Roughcoat said...

In political terms, Michelle Wolf is the best thing that has has happened to, and for, Trump in the past week.

Thanks, Michelle! I really mean that.

Okay, there's also the Saudi king's message to the Palestinians and North Korea's conciliatory moves.

Trump: winning.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

You may think Trump's approach is refreshing or 'telling truth to power' but he is also cruder and ruder than pretty much anyone before him and he lies continuously, without compunction.

Wrong. Plenty of people on the left have been cruder and ruder than Trump for a long time. Presidents ( and politicians in general ) have not. ( At least in their public persona. LBJ was quite crude and rude, just not in front of the cameras. I suspect others were similar. )

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I was sure that you were wrong about “Smokey,” certain that there is an ‘e’ in the name of the mountains down in Georgia. But you are right; they are the “Smoky Mountains,” and not an ‘e’ in sight. But while I was searching, Google came back with “Smokey Eye,” which is a line of makeup from Cover Girl. So maybe you were wrong after all about “Smokey” as it applies to eye makeup. Just something I found interesting.

robother said...

Who's complaining about Michele Wolf's representing for WHCA? I'd pay to have show up every day in the White House briefing.
Maybe ARM's referring to NYT's Maggie Haberman and Pete Baker, CNN's Jeff Zeleny and Politico's Mike Allen. DIdn't realize they are all are Trump voters.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger wendybar said...

We got Trump because of idiots on the left...like these who wore Sarah Palin is a C*nt shirts....Grabbing you by the pussy is tame compared to that. (which he said HOW many years ago??)

Since he never said that, perhaps an infinite number of years ago? In some alternate universe?

What he DID say was "If you are a celebrity they will let you grab them by the pussy"

Which seems to be an innocuous statement and is a 100% factual statement.

They will not only "let" the celebrity grab their pussy they will grab the celebrity's hand and force it down their pants. They will throw their panties and hotel room keys on stage. They will follow you back to the hotel, break into your room and blow you.

If you are a famous enough celebrity, say Rolling Stones level, the Prim Minister's wife and mother will come to your hotel room and blow all 5 of you in front of onlookers.

People have been unfairly bashing President Trump with this (mis)quote for years and it is time it stopped. Of course it won't, but it should.

John Henry

JackWayne said...

Count me as some who does not find Trump to be crude or piggish. Seems pretty human to me. It’s always been a tic on the left that they know better behavior than other people. Unexpectedly, the bad behavior they dislike is always on the Right, never on the Left.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump is a pig, embrace it, and then don't complain about the piggishness of others - looks ridiculous.

Saying it over and over and over and over and over again doesn't make it so, ARM.

President Trump seems pretty normal to me. No better, no worse, than 95% of all Americans, including you, in this regard.

I do get out a lot, all over the country. Perhaps you should get out more yourself.

John Henry

Big Mike said...

@Ignorance, you might even mention Joe Biden as an exemplar of a rude and crude politician who waggles his schlong in front of female Secret Service agents and pepperd his remarks with F-bombs. Last time I looked, a YouTube search for “Creepy Joe Biden” returned thousands of video clips of him inappropriately touching women and underage girls on camera.

Interesting to remember that ten years ago Obama added him to the ticket to add gravitas.

Anonymous said...

"A lot of white people shy away from discussing it, but we need to. I think a lot of us are just ignorant, and sometimes there's no other way to learn than by putting your own foot in your mouth."

Said Michelle Wolf, talking to Oprah.com, last January.

OK, Oprah. Sounds like the proper venue for this sort of thing. Then, the Daily Show. Catlady blah blah, whatever, that's what the Daily Show is there for. Then...CNN...well, that's why I don't watch "news" programs. Guess there's no way to corral this stuff back onto "the women's pages" again. It's all "women's pages" now.

Wince said...

Reading that, Jesus was too redundant for stand up comedy.

ARM is partially right, however.

Overall, I'd compare the Washington establishment press and political class to the scribes and Pharisees, respectively, and Trump to Jesus rudely calling them out.

TRISTRAM said...

The problem was doing the WHCD in Roast format.

1) Roasts by people who truly dislike you are not fun, good spirited ribbing, but mean and spitful.
2) The media as whole, and this woman in particular appear to hate everyone with and (R) (see aslo: Biden telling black people that Romney wants to put them back in chains)

So, the WHCD should not do roast format unless a (D) was in power, as no one would take offense, unless they were particularly thin skinned.

Imagine Mark Steyn doing a Roast format in 2015 with Obama, Clinton and other in attendance, and I hope you'll see the issue.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger J. Farmer said...

Asking a racially ambiguous looking person if they are black or white is a microaggression.

5 years ago I would have agreed totally. I would have said it was offensive and most people would have found it so.

Now? Not so sure. Some people expect us to ask them for their preferred pronoun because assuming they are a guy because they have a dick or a woman because they have normal lady bits is offensive.

We have Rachel Dolezal (Who now has a NetFlix movie about her) and Shaun Watsit, who are white, claiming to be black. they get offended if we do not treat them as black.

And they are both fluid so one can be a black CIS woman one day and a Chinese gay man the next.

So, just to be safe, J Farmer: What is your pronoun today? What is your race today? (He asks rhetorically

John Henry

Matt Sablan said...

When they made fun of Trump at one of these, he decided, "screw you, I'm becoming president."

Huckabee-Sanders 2024 probably won't happen though.

TRISTRAM said...

My point about Biden wasn't that he is in the Media, but the Progressive Left has a 'Cry Hitler / Slavery' problem with anyone 1mm to the right of them. That is, they all believe the are morally as far right as allowed, and anyone farther is a terrible person.

Matt Sablan said...

"There is no reasonable way for Trump voters to complain about anyone degrading civil discourse without looking like hypocrites."

-- Trump is the response to the degradation of civil discourse, not the reason for it.

CWJ said...

"You don't get out much, do you, ARM?"

This might explain his obsession with porn stars.

William said...

Imus appeared at one of these things during the Clinton presidency. He made some jokes about Clinton being a horndog. This was before Monica, and everyone professed outrage. The president of the WHCA apologized to Clinton. I suppose the first amendment covers double standards, but that's not its noblest purpose.

Wince said...

As I said about criticism for associating with women of disrepute like Stormy...

Althouse needs a "Trump is like Jesus" tag.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...
President Trump seems pretty normal to me.

According to you guys, Melania is a beautiful saintlike presence whom any man would be blessed to marry. Trump cheated on her, while she was pregnant with his child, with a prostitute and then again with another woman whom he mistook for a prostitute.

Trump's schtick comes from NY talk radio. I listened to Stern and Imus for many years until their acts grew old, so I don't find anything shocking or novel about Trump. But, he is a low life, even by their standards.

Rumpletweezer said...

Everyone at the dinner is actively working for the Trump reelection campaign, but most of them don't know it.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Ignorance is Bliss said...

LBJ was quite crude and rude, just not in front of the cameras. I suspect others were similar. )

On the advice of several here I am rereading Caro's Means of Ascent (V2 of his LBJ bio) Although I've read, and reread, in more recent years the latter 2 volumes plus Dallek's bio, I have forgotten just how toothachingly crude the man was. Caro really toned it down in the latter volumes.

ARM, you want a pig of a president to reject? Have you ever spoken badly about LBJ?

And if you are one of those people who say "I would forgive him anything because of the Civil Rights Act", I suggest that you read Thomas Sowell on his analysis of black progress before and black progress after the CRA. I forget which book it is but can find it if you are interested enough to promise to look at it.

John Henry

Wince said...

Trump cheated on her, while she was pregnant with his child, with a prostitute and then again with another woman whom he mistook for a prostitute.

For starters, ARM has never heard of a "hall pass"?

And true to form ARM has never been hesitant to throw the first stone at women of alleged disrepute if it'll somehow hurt Trump.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger robother said...

Who's complaining about Michele Wolf's representing for WHCA?

Here's a couple from "name" journalists who were there:

Andrea Mitchell

Apology is owed to @PressSec and others grossly insulted ny Michelle Wolf at White House Correspondents Assoc dinner which started with uplifting heartfelt speech by @margarettalev - comedian was worst since Imus insulted Clinton’s
11:03 AM - Apr 29, 2018

Jeff Zeleny

Couldn’t agree more. So much important and amazing journalism this year — that should be the focus, when truth matters and is needed more than ever. It was an embarrassment in the room and surely to the audience at home

Tim Alberta

Every caricature thrust upon the national press—that we are culturally elitist, professionally incestuous, socioeconomically detached and ideologically biased—is confirmed by this trainwreck of an event.

Journalists, the joke’s on us.

The WHCD is broken. Fix it or end it.

Meg Kinnard

If the #WHCD dinner did anything tonight, it made the chasm between journalists and those who don't trust us, even wider. And those of us based in the red states who work hard every day to prove our objectivity will have to deal with it.


And on and on. The current and incoming presidents of WHCA even issued a letter of apology (which I can't find at the moment) along the lines of "That's not who we are".

I've got no complaints myself. Probably for similar reasons to yours.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are so entrenched in their own lies, the world must be a really ugly place.

I find the entirety of Cnn to be misleading.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

BTW: In case I was not clear above, the Means of Ascent book is great, even better than I remembered.

Portal, portal, portal

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shorter butt-hurt left:
If you're gonna be a pig in the White House, do it in the leftwing approved way like Bill Clinton.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Shania Twain - Richard Grenell - Joy Reid - Kanye West - Michelle Wolf"

These events, especially occurring in such close proximity to each other, have done a great job of displaying the hypocrisy, unwillingness to listen to other views, and hatred toward all on the right that are the hallmarks of today's left.

William said...

She definitely bombed during that appearance. She was paid to make people laugh, and there wasn't much of that. (I wish Stormy had rushed the stage. Then we could say a titter ran through the crowd.)........But all is not lost for Michelle. If enough people attack her sad performance, then a corresponding crowd will gather to protect her reputation. She was somewhat obscure before the performance. Perhaps this will be a net plus for her fame and marketability. She didn't cross as far over the line as Kathy Griffin. People will tune in for her next appearance.

mjg235 said...

The core problem with Wolf's performance wasn't really impropriety, it was that she exposed Trump Derangement Syndrome for what it was. Mike Pence and Sarah Huckabee Sanders simply aren't characters from the Handmaid's Tail, Trump isn't broke (he hardly has any debt in fact), etc. She was nakedly partisan, and came out as an awkward Russiagate true believer.

The media had an opportunity to prove that they really were the reasonable people in the room all along, and the dread conservatives were crazy ideologues. Michelle Wolf exposed that as blatant projection; in fact she reinforced the theme emergent since Hillary's deplorables comment that progressivism is united around barely disguised hate of the politically "intolerant", usually white to keep the anti-racism ducks in a row, other. Basically, no one likes pee in their punch bowl.

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

"Meade read this post and said, "I would have made a show of connecting Sarah Huckleberry Hound and Michelle Dancing With Wolves."

Meade has it good and shit. He doesn't even have to, like, type a comment anymore, he just says it to his wife and she types it for him. That rocks.


holdfast said...

To clarify, Margaret Trudeau was wife to former PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau, and mother to current PM Justin Zoolander Trudeau.

Pierre’s mom did not suck-start Mick Jagger.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left's obsession with race and skin color is obscene.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is Bliss: Plenty of people on the left have been cruder and ruder than Trump for a long time. Presidents ( and politicians in general ) have not.

They haven't? I guess it depends on what your standards of good manners are. I thought Obama was a rude and graceless man. It was just a different kind of rude - snarky, snide, passive-aggressive. Hillary was the epitome of crass arrogance. One could go on.

But this was bad manners directed at "those people", toward which, by their own internal standard, higher-caste people had no obligation of courtesy. By the standards I was brung up with, on the other hand, that's a much worse form of vulgarity than any straightforward crudity.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Shorter butt-hurt left:
If you're gonna be a pig in the White House, do it in the leftwing approved way like Bill Clinton.

Yes, by raping and assaulting women, even liberal women who support you.

I really need to be lectured by these people.

FullMoon said...

If Sanders was able to talk back during the performance the comedian would have been reduced to tears.

Easy to insult someone who must sit quietly and take it.

When Trump insults someone, that person is always in a position to retort, generally with plenty of back-up from MSM.

Of course, racist ARM pretends to be unaware of this

mockturtle said...

Angle-Dyne observes: Then...CNN...well, that's why I don't watch "news" programs. Guess there's no way to corral this stuff back onto "the women's pages" again. It's all "women's pages" now.

As a feminist [of sorts] in the early 70's I had high hopes for women's equality but women have been beclowning themselves ever since. And the more freedom and 'equality' they attain, the more clownish they become. They don't even have the respect that once was due to mothers and wives so have thrown the proverbial baby out with the bathwater, in more than one sense. 'News' media and social media are partly responsible for reinforcing women's worst tendencies but we can really only blame ourselves.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You may think Trump's approach is refreshing or 'telling truth to power' but he is also cruder and ruder than pretty much anyone before him and he lies continuously, without compunction.

This makes my day! That someone can write this with any sincerity at all shows how twisted American politics are. If you think Trump is a break with tradition in respect to being crude or dissembling it just shows how little you paid attention to what Obama and Biden etc. were really saying. It's also an indictment of the DNC-Media, which carefully cultivated the Democrat public persona so as to lull you into such a fantastical view of the world.

But then you probably thought "bitter clingers" and "put y'all back in chains" were cogent political commentary and not the hateful and blandly standard DNC fare they were.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

According to Democrats, Hillary is a beautiful saintlike presence whom any man would be blessed to marry. Bill cheated on her, while she was pregnant with his child, with a prostitute and then again with another woman whom he mistook for a prostitute.

Always easy, never old.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Michael Guarino said...

Trump isn't broke (he hardly has any debt in fact), etc. She was nakedly partisan, and came out as an awkward Russiagate true believer.

Net worth was about $9,000,000,000 IIRC when he filed his campaign finance statement. I suspect that with the booming economy it is more today.

One more thing to criticize him for. He is fixing the economy just so he can get richer. (I kid, I kid)

John Henry

Gunner said...

If this shrill, weird looking feminist is the future of "woke" comedy, I say just let China conquer us.

Ken B said...

Am I the only one who thinks Althouse judges too much on looks and clothing? Like that asteroid rocket scientist? If Wolf were the average looking one and Sanders the gorgeous one, how would this post have gone?

walter said...

Imagine the civility bullshit in play if Hil/Bill were there instead.

Drago said...

Joe Biden to a black audience about Mitt Romney: "They gonna put you all back in chains!..."

Democrat Radio commercial: Every time you vote republican, you vote for another black church to burn.....

Yes ARM, tell us much, much more about incivility and over the top rhetoric.

We long to be lectured by you and your allies like LLR Chuck.

Bad Lieutenant said...

rhhardin said...
Sarah Palin is a cunt.

Tu quoque, bud.

Sebastian said...

"Bill cheated on her"

The real puzzle, still, after all these years, is how and why they got married in the first place.

Sure, you can just hear the late-evening BS: we'll both be president etc. Sure, Bill's freedom to wander must have been part of the arrangement.

But being with her was a high price for him, and he had alternatives; the probable humiliation was a high price for her, though he was one of her best options as the ticket to ride.

Drago said...

The "journalists" on the left who are complaining about the WHCD are only complaining because, once again, the Dinner went just a bit too far in showing the truth about how the lefty/LLR media actually feels about republicans, conservatives and non-lefties.

They are supposed to keep that on the "down-low" and only shared via their totally professional and ethical "journo-lists" where they gather regularly to discuss how to shape the news.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I really need to be lectured by these people.

Isn't it awesome? Another day, another lecture.

Drago said...

Shorter ARM (get it?): The only reason Sarah Palin was called a c*** by those champions of women on the left/LLR side is because of Future Trump.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It's nice that Big Media have an annual "charity ball" where they relentlessly remind America how they lean hard to the left and will brook no deviance from the Plantation. I hear they even give away a scholarship to bring another good little lefty into the fold too. And they wonder why middle America sees them as an "other" that despises us! Keep wondering, Einsteins, and maybe an answer will eventually come to you.

walter said...

Jim Acosta Retweeted
CNN International
‏Verified account @cnni
Apr 28

"An attack on any journalist is an attack on us all," says Margaret Talev, president of the White House Correspondents' Association

Jim Acosta
‏Verified account @Acosta
Apr 29

My problem with last night’s dinner is not that we had a comedian who told some nasty jokes. It’s that we did not really address the nearly constant attacks on the press from the president. The dinner should change with the times so we send a strong message to the world. #WHCD
6,817 replies 5,797 retweets 26,632 likes

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Whiny McWhinerson comes on to whine about the 'left' again, the amorphous target of his imaginings. I have no problem with Trump's behavior, in the sense that he is a third party whose behavior does not reflect on me. I am a little surprised that proud Trump voters think they have any credible standing to complain about this little known comic.

Matt Sablan said...

"It’s that we did not really address the nearly constant attacks on the press from the president. The dinner should change with the times so we send a strong message to the world."

-- You know, we used to have a press corps that understood that if you're going to take shots at the powerful, they'll push back. Being a "journalist" doesn't grant immunity from criticism.

Drago said...

ARM: " I am a little surprised that proud Trump voters think they have any credible standing to complain about this little known comic."


She was hired, as a known entity, by the creme de la creme of the lefty/LLR dominated media/"journalism" world to perform precisely the service she provided.

To take ARM and LLR Chuck and the usual suspects seriously one literally has to forget the previous 60 years and pretend history started in 2017.

Sorry ARM, your team created a "new civility" (or lack thereof) standard and your "team" pushes in every venue and institution where the left/LLR's gain control.

Trump is the equal measure response to what you've been dishing out for 60 years. Which is precisely why you and LLR Chuck and the usual suspects complain and want him gone.

One set of rules for everyone. And your team created the rules.

Learn to love getting it back in spades, 'cuz it ain't going back to LLR Chuck's dreamworld of republicans/conservatives simply standing still and smiling as dems get free shots.

Those days are now long, long past.


rcocean said...

Never heard of her before the WHCD and now I know why.

Ugly face, brillo hair and a shrill voice. Which would be OK: except she's not funny.

I wonder how many funnier comics were skipped over so they could fill their Female - maybe she's black - comic quota.

becauseIdbefired said...

"Smokey" is the correct spelling only for the name of the U.S. Forest Service mascot, Smokey the Bear."

And if we are being persnickety, the US forestry service wants you to know it's "Smokey Bear," not "Smokey The Bear". Even, they have a campaign to inform you:

Smokey's correct full name is Smokey Bear. In 1952, the songwriters Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins had a hit with "Smokey the Bear". The pair said that "the" was added to Smokey's name to keep the song's rhythm. This small change has caused confusion among Smokey fans ever since. The campaign to remind the public of the correct version of the name is almost as old as the Smokey Bear campaign itself. Note that, from the beginning, Smokey's name was intentionally spelled differently from the adjective smoky.


rcocean said...

Funny to hear all the lefties whine.

You can't attack her. She's a comedian.

What whiners.

walter said...

More "just the facts" info from:

Jim Acosta
‏Verified account @Acosta
Apr 27

WH aides are undoubtedly breathing easier this morning. I’m told a lot of WH officials “winced” yesterday morning as Trump ranted on F&F.

rcocean said...

Wolfe reminds me of Debbie Washerwoman Schutlz. The same brillo hair, ugly face, crude manners, and Left-wing politics.

And about 10 IQ below what the position requires.

rcocean said...

WH Officials = about 1000 people. Not all of them appointed by Trump.

JPS said...

walter, 9:20:

"My problem with last night’s dinner is not that we had a comedian who told some nasty jokes. It’s that we did not really address the nearly constant attacks on the press from the president."

That is hilarious.

They really do want to have it both ways, don't they? They cry over Hillary's loss, they claim to be saving democracy from dying in Trump-inflicted darkness, then they are genuinely shocked that their objectivity and impartiality are questioned.

And Trump's not supposed to hit them back, is he? He's supposed to take it. Well, BCARM, I was appalled at a lot of the mud he flung back in the campaign. I still am. But a lot of the hostility toward him and his supporters isn't for being cruel or crude. It's for not knowing their place. And really, is there any sin or misbehavior the left won't forgive as long as you show them the proper deference?

JPS said...

(Sorry, Walter. You were quoting Jim Acosta's tweet, and my response was directed at him and his beleaguered comrades, not you.)

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump voters outraged at the comic.

Drago said...


ARM never saw a thing.....

JPS said...

Congratulations, BCARM. You have found a picture of...some Trump voters wearing vulgar and tasteless T-shirts. I'd bet you can find many more. Shall we get into an infinite regress of "look at this appalling person on your side!" or is that kind of pointless?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

JPS said...
Shall we get into an infinite regress of "look at this appalling person on your side!" or is that kind of pointless?

This seems to be the main activity on this web site most days. I, at least, acknowledge that I don't care.

Robert Cook said...

Why is anyone in government, especially in the White House, presumed to be exempt from criticism, even rude or unfair criticism? Most of them deserve it and all of them should expect it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

R Simon says:

Michelle Wolf --a comic I had never heard of -- was mean, dumb and notably unfunny at Saturday's White House Correspondents' Dinner, but her audience was worse. They should have unanimously walked out on her or, at the least, taken the leftover monkfish on their plates and heaved it toward the stage until the woman ceased her vulgar and unnecessarily vicious attacks on Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was sitting about twenty feet away with her husband.

But with some notable exceptions, they did nothing. Some even applauded. Or laughed at this humorless harridan. It was the Robespierre moment of the #MeToo movement. Sisterhood is no longer powerful. It's sadistic - especially when aimed at women on the "wrong" side. This is of a piece with sudden silence about the accusations against Tom Brokaw. Feminism isn't just dead. It's decomposed.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "Why is anyone in government, especially in the White House, presumed to be exempt from criticism, even rude or unfair criticism?"

Nice try.

Perhaps you'd be better off sticking to bizarre conspiracy theories.

Big Mike said...

Of course you care, you lying bastard.

Michael K said...

The only thing to do is restore the White House swimming pool.

If it was good enough for JFK and Fiddle and Faddle, it should be good enough for us.

ARM can be the hall monitor so no unwilling pussies get grabbed.

The Press can move to a Fairfield Inn nearby. Or a Holiday Inn so they can be real reporters,

Robert Cook said...

"My problem with last night’s dinner is not that we had a comedian who told some nasty jokes. It’s that we did not really address the nearly constant attacks on the press from the president."

Why does the press assume it should not be criticized, especially by the president? Most of them deserve it and all of them should expect it.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Why is anyone in government, especially in the White House, presumed to be exempt from criticism, even rude or unfair criticism? Most of them deserve it and all of them should expect it.

I think the concern is that it’s done unequally, with rude and unfair criticism doled disproportionately out to Republicans.

I’m happy to acknowledge that you are consistent in your criticism, even if your politics are nuts. But the media dishonestly pretends to be even-handed, and the hullabaloo reflects the obvious mendacity of that claim.

Big Mike said...

(Comment directed at ARM.)

I Callahan said...

I have no problem with Trump's behavior, in the sense that he is a third party whose behavior does not reflect on me. I am a little surprised that proud Trump voters think they have any credible standing to complain about this little known comic.

Can you name one single thing Trump has said about anyone that’s as bad as the personal jokes this Michelle Wolf chick said about Sarah Sanders? Just one thing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The leftwing collective always tell you who they are most afraid of by who they attack and belittle. they are scared of Sarah. so she must be destroyed.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Sebastian said...

though he was one of her best options as the ticket to ride.

That's always been pretty obvious, hasn't it? If she had not married Bill, she would have been an attorney in a stip mall somewhere doing wills, divorces and drunk driving cases.

I had not thought of it before but perhaps his wealth and power was why Lady Bird stayed with LBJ. If all the stories that are told about how Bill treated Hillary are true, the way LBJ treated Lady Bird are far worse. I had forgotten how bad it was.

LBJ, as a horn dog, made Willy look like choir boy. Though LBJ was never accused of rape, I don't think. He constantly humiliated Lady Bird in front of friends and family, just treated her like dirt.

Of course, he did that to everyone but you would expect a wife to be treated a bit better.

Perhaps she was just a gold digger too. Especially since, because of the radio/TV station she was pretty well off in her own right.

John Henry

JPS said...

John Henry:

"If she had not married Bill, she would have been an attorney in a strip mall somewhere doing wills, divorces and drunk driving cases."

I don't see it. I don't think she likes people enough to immerse herself that way. I'd see her following more of an Elizabeth Warren, academia to government appointee to elected office career path.

But I agree that Bill was her ticket to national prominence.

wildswan said...

The press seems to be uneasy about the "image" projected by the WHCD. Sixteen months into Trump and suddenly the press sees themselves as others see them. Probably sat there looking at that hair, listening to that voice, hearing that snark and it was all so scratchy that it awakened them, like a sudden bell in the night. They looked around wildly striving overcome that meaningless dread but the dream in which they were part of a George Grosz scene was still going on. In Kafka a man woke up as a giant cockroach; in DC you wake up as a White House Correspondent, greasy with rich food and a habit of lying.


FIDO said...

I had forgotten Imus and the Clintons.

It was the first (and last) time that a Dem president had to face the wit of a Right Leaning comedian at the WHCD.

Ever since, patsies and shills. Obama was treated with kid gloves while Republicans are excoriated.

I think the part that burned the hardest is that the press didn't have the opportunity to tell Trump how they REALLY felt about him.

I mean, they only have John Acosta, Shrilling Joe, Jimmie (Girls on Trampolines) Kimmel, Rachael Maddow, with the cutting edge reporting of Dan Rather, Katie Couric, overseen by unbiased luminaries like George Clintonopolus and Chris Mathews and moral paragons like Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose.

How could Republicans POSSIBLY think they were getting a bad deal with that quality of journalism?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I Callahan said...
Can you name one single thing Trump has said about anyone that’s as bad as the personal jokes this Michelle Wolf chick said about Sarah Sanders? Just one thing.

This seems to be the thing Wolf said that has most upset the troops.
"I actually really like Sarah. I think she's very resourceful," Wolf continued. "But she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Like maybe she's born with it, maybe it's lies. It’s probably lies.”

Trump calls people liars continually. It is one of his more transparent forms of projection.

Since when did 'perfect smokey eye' become an insult, America?

narayanan said...

Ellen Degeres had Leah Remini on a while ago - 'insulted' her and they 'rassled'

that could have been repurposed for this one.


Danno said...

Like rhhardin said..a shrill voice... and in my opinion- a squeaky sing-song delivery and I cut her off after about five seconds.

Titus said...

This line in hilarious: “I love you as Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale.”

All my urban elite coastie friends loved Michelle Wolf's performance.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Do you remember when, Trump repeatedly defended himself from sexual assault claims by saying the women were too ugly for his taste to assault.

FIDO said...

So I'm watching Imus' roast of the Clintons.

He talked about how Dan Rather would do ANYTHING to make things happen including shooting some kid like in that Vietnam War photo.

Peter Jennings was a self admitted horn dog at the time and Don Imus wondered what was under his desk besides an intern. He's lucky he retired when he did or he'd be #MeTooed to death.

Hmm. Quite different times.

Michael K said...

I'd see her following more of an Elizabeth Warren, academia to government appointee to elected office career path.

I think you have to pass the bar first. That was one of her problems.

Danno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danno said...

Titus said..."All my urban elite coastie friends loved ..."

Translated, "All of my buttfuck buddies..."

buwaya said...

HRC's path without Bill certainly would have been more of an Elizabeth Warren trajectory.

But back in the 70's that wasn't a very attractive one, yet.
Bill's was the direct line to power. Bill had considerably better academic qualifications (Rhodes scholar, etc.) and could network extremely well. His early progress through the cursus honorum shows this.

J. Farmer said...

@John Henry:

So, just to be safe, J Farmer: What is your pronoun today? What is your race today? (He asks rhetorically

Just to be clear, I was being ironic. I don't actually subscribe to things like "microaggressions."

And on a side note, I should add that I don't care that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was made fun or criticized. She has a political job. As that great cantankerous Tory Peter Hitchens has remarked, "The proper relationship between the Press and the government is the same as the one between a dog and a lamppost." And, "There's no use being rude to people, except politicians, who deserve it."

Michael K said...

I had not thought of it before but perhaps his wealth and power was why Lady Bird stayed with LBJ.

I've wondered if it was that "Johnson" he was always waving around. She was pretty much an ugly duckling. He asked her to marry him on the first date. She was the second daughter of a rich man he asked to marry him and she was the homeliest. The other one turned him down.

She neglected their daughters and he kept pushing her for a son even after she was told by the OB that she should not try to have any more kids.

She had money when they married. She was also quite bright and managed his Congressional office while he was away in the war.

Luke Lea said...

"There are LOTS of way [sic] to go after Sanders. I personally think that she is overly antagonistic to the reporters who cover the White House"

Have those correspondents ever listened to how they sound when questioning Sanders? It's gotten better recently but for the first year they were downright hostile.

Michael K said...

Bill's was the direct line to power. Bill had considerably better academic qualifications (Rhodes scholar, etc.) and could network extremely well.

He had an annual "Friends of Bill" event for years. She had good grades at Wellesley in Political Science but was not a top scholar.

Her looks were not bad at that time although she did look like a hippy and looked quite a bit like pictures of Ann at the time.

J. Farmer said...

@John Henry:

If she had not married Bill, she would have been an attorney in a stip mall somewhere doing wills, divorces and drunk driving cases.

No fan of the Clintons, and Hillary's connection to her husband obviously greatly enhanced her political career, but had Hillary not gotten involved with Bill and remained in D.C., she likely would still have been a successful lawyer. By the mid-1970s, she had graduated Yale Law School and was an advisor to the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate scandal.

J. Farmer said...

@Luke Lea:

Have those correspondents ever listened to how they sound when questioning Sanders? It's gotten better recently but for the first year they were downright hostile.

The press should be hostile to politicians. The problem is not the hostility, per se, but it's selective deployment. See, for example, the way the anti-war movement disappeared from the headlines and the coverage despite Obama's eight years of warmongering.

Michael K said...

By the mid-1970s, she had graduated Yale Law School and was an advisor to the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate scandal.

That was more intern level stuff and she did flunk the DC Bar.

She was also let go from that job although there is controversy about that story.

FIDO said...

By the mid-1970s, she had graduated Yale Law School and was an advisor to the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate scandal.

And she was a quick study and surpassed prior politicians. Nixon had 18 minutes of missing tape, but that is chicken feed to 33,000 missing and destroyed files under subpoena.

FIDO said...

Honestly, Imus was far more savage than this Wolffe Bint actually seems to have been.

Humor and thick skins are in short supply these days.

langford peel said...

Never stop the enemies of the people when they a making a fatal mistake.

The smarter ones are getting very uneasy because they are beginning to realize how much the normals hate them. The morons like Acosta are still oblivious.

The day of reckoning is coming fast upon them. They will not like what is going to happen to them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary would have made a brilliant lawyer?

LOL. No.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

FIDO said...
Honestly, Imus was far more savage than this Wolffe Bint actually seems to have been.
Humor and thick skins are in short supply these days.

It's snowflakes all the way down today.

Michael K said...

Never stop the enemies of the people when they a making a fatal mistake.

They have generated a TV ad for the fall if the GOP are smart enough to use it.

There is the problem.

A worrisome poll today.

Voters want to drain the swamp but the GOP is part of it,

The poll (of 1,000 likely voters) found that 55 percent of Americans are “concerned” or “very concerned” about “the Swamp,” with 36 percent very concerned. 59 percent of those who identify as “very conservative” said they were very concerned.

Levels of concern increased when the Swamp was defined in terms of “the influence of the network of DC-centric professional bureaucrats, media, and insider elites.” 60 percent said it was important “to eliminate the influence” of that network.

To what extent do voters blame Republicans, who after all now control the White House and have majorities in both chambers of Congress, for the failure to curb the Swamp? According to the poll, almost half of Americans (46 percent), and 41 percent of all conservatives, blame Republicans for not draining the Swamp.

Trouble ahead, I fear.

Danno said...

And speaking of plantations-


Michael K said...

Imus was "more savage" because Bill was such a horndog. It was obviously right on target.

ARM hates SarahSanders and loves to see her humiliated on TV.

She's a better man than you are, ARM.

Yancey Ward said...

You get roasted by friends, not enemies- that is why this dinner performance was likely not a roast, but Sanders herself can clear this up if she wants to.

If the WHCD organization wants to fix this, the main act should be another correspondent- a regular attendee whom pretty much everyone in the audience knows personally. That person can have writers, but will select what material to do, and who to roast with it.

It is a social faux pas at a such an event to demean a stranger or someone you personally dislike, and if you are going to do it, you need to talk to this person beforehand to get approval. Just my 2 cents.

RigelDog said...

I disagree with OGH: the comment about Sarah making the "perfect smokey eye" was definitely a dig at Sarah's looks/style. The context is that Sarah has always been savaged by the left about her (perceived) frumpy soccer mom style and bad makeup.

DrSquid said...

You should have read the whole Cilizza piece, Althouse. The last paragraph is the most telling insight into the motives of Michelle Wolf.

Boy, never thought I would be endorsing an opinion by Chris Cilizza

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I guess we're going to ignore her abortion "joke," huh? It's all just saying the word fuck a few time and some "sex jokes?"

“He thinks abortion is murder,” Wolf said, “which, first of all, don’t knock it ‘til you try it — and when you do try it, really knock it. You know, you’ve got to get that baby out of there.

That's disgusting. But I guess it's so far inbounds that it's not even worth mentioning. Ok, noted--nice centrist people don't mind that kind of joke. Cool.

J. Farmer said...

@Yancey Ward:

You get roasted by friends, not enemies-

That is true for the tradition of roasts, but how many of the comedians who headline these dinners are friends with the people they are making fun? Very few, I would guess.


It's snowflakes all the way down today.

Not totally. I don't give a crap about Sarah Sanders and don't care if her feelings were hurt. It was a joke. She didn't have to be there. So in my estimation she can either learn to let it slide off her back, or she can quit.

J. Farmer said...


That's disgusting. But I guess it's so far inbounds that it's not even worth mentioning. Ok, noted--nice centrist people don't mind that kind of joke. Cool.

Was it just that particular joke, or do you consider abortion off topic for joking? For example, "Q: Did you hear President Clinton speak about the abortion bill? A: No, I just thought he paid it."

Yancey Ward said...

J. Farmer,

That was my point- they need to stop inviting outsiders to give the "roast".

JPS said...

J. Farmer:

A friend of mine was once caught in the act of mocking our boss. He had some uncomfortable moments, as the boss enjoyed letting him squirm for awhile before letting him off the hook, but he commented later that the big guy could tell the difference between good-natured shit-giving and actual contempt.

I don't give much of a crap about Sarah Sanders either, but I find it poor form to invite someone to a comedic occasion, have her "roasted" by someone who actually hates her, making jokes you have to hate her to find funny, and then ask, "What, what's the matter? Can't take a joke? Why so thin-skinned?

Caroline said...

Michelle wolf should emcee the oscars, amirite?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

AReasonableMan said...You may think Trump's approach is refreshing or 'telling truth to power' but he is also cruder and ruder than pretty much anyone before him and he lies continuously, without compunction.

Mitt Romney was polite and respectful. The Left & Media tore him apart. The lesson Repub. voters learned is that polite & respectful doesn't work, making Trump possible. I agree that's bad for the nation, but here we are.

Anyway Stephen Colbert said "the only thing [Trump's] mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin's cock holster" and the Left & Media thought it was just great. So let's agree norms of rudeness & crudeness are dead, yeah?

RichardJohnson said...

wendybar, your comment @ 4/30/18, 7:40 AM is a good one. It would be improved by shortening the length of the URL. Tiny URL will shorten long URLs, at no cost. You can add a descriptive name, if you like.

J. Farmer said...

@Yancey Ward:

That was my point- they need to stop inviting outsiders to give the "roast".

They need to invite insiders to give the roast? Who did you have in mind?


I don't give much of a crap about Sarah Sanders either, but I find it poor form to invite someone to a comedic occasion, have her "roasted" by someone who actually hates her, making jokes you have to hate her to find funny, and then ask, "What, what's the matter? Can't take a joke? Why so thin-skinned?

Can you give an example of one of the "jokes you have to hate her to find funny?"

HoodlumDoodlum said...

J. Farmer said...Was it just that particular joke, or do you consider abortion off topic for joking?

Just that particular joke. The premise is either 1.) people who think abortion kills a baby are so stupid/ignorant that their belief can be held up for contempt & mocked or 2.) we agree abortion kills a baby but that doesn't have any moral weight/meaning and is just funny, ha-ha.

Ugly as the nice centrist people might say. The Left is supposed to pretend that they take abortion seriously--that they agree it should be "safe, legal, and rare" because it has a moral dimension (isn't just like having a gallbladder removed, etc) and the "joke" is based on mocking that very idea. Knock that baby out to do abortion right, ha-ha-ha. Disgusting.

Michael K said...

I went back and read Cilliza's column.

Donald Trump's candidacy was formed and sharpened by an angry and embittered GOP electorate who was sick of their own party, of Washington, of the media, of everything. He was rising whether the media covered him wall to wall or not; he was the angry id of the GOP. The media didn't create that.<

He was right on there.

Michael K said...

do you consider abortion off topic for joking?<

No, I thought Chelsea Clinton was hilarious when she bemoaned the fact that her grandmother couldn't get an abortion.

I was right there with her mourning.

Yancey Ward said...

J. Farmer,

Pretty much anyone who attends the dinner every year can be the entertainer/roaster- like I wrote, you can have the material written for you, but you use your judgment and knowledge of the audience to select and reject. I mean, seriously, this is how roasts are typically done- the WHCD is pretty much the outlier here.

You don't have to give a shit about Sanders to understand that such a public demeaning by a stranger is socially inappropriate.

FullMoon said...

I don't give a crap about Sarah Sanders and don't care if her feelings were hurt. It was a joke. She didn't have to be there. So in my estimation she can either learn to let it slide off her back, or she can quit.

Has Sanders complained? Don't think so.

Yancey Ward said...

Don Rickles was a frequent roaster, but here is the thing- I have seen him do at least a dozen of these, and it was clear that he personally knew and liked every single one of those he roasted.

J. Farmer said...


The Left is supposed to pretend that they take abortion seriously--that they agree it should be "safe, legal, and rare" because it has a moral dimension (isn't just like having a gallbladder removed, etc) and the "joke" is based on mocking that very idea.

But isn't that kind of the point of jokes? To mock serious subject matter? Hell people were making Challenger jokes while the debris was still crashing to the earth.

A lot of this, and I don't mean you particularly, just seems like a bunch of faux outrage.

tcrosse said...

Sarah Sanders has amply demonstrated that she can take care of herself.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

By the way: this is also a consequence of the Left's policy of enforcing guilt by association (and, naturally, the nice centrist people who go along with that bullshit).

If we were all adults we could say "this person's routine was a little out of bounds but she was pushing limits in a situation designed to speak truth to power (or whatever bullshit excuse the Left uses for attacking the Right this time) and anyway if she's at fault the blame should attach only to her." But we're not adults--we're living in the culture the Left has created. When some wanna be Nazi asshole says he supports Trump the Media & Left fall all over themselves blaming Trump for his Nazi support, claiming that the Nazis wouldnt' support Trump if he weren't really a white supremacist, and demanding that Trump and his supporters denounce their secret Nazi sympathies (and self immolate as a form of penance).

Well, ok. Your rules, assholes. You invited that performer and you chuckled through her performance. You're responsible for all of her views and for everything she said. All of her "jokes" must be taken as literally as possible/interpreted in whatever light paints you in the worst possible way. Better start apologizing now.

J. Farmer said...


Has Sanders complained? Don't think so.

Precisely. All the more strange that people who don't even know her seem so determined to be offended on her behalf.

@Yancey Ward:

You don't have to give a shit about Sanders to understand that such a public demeaning by a stranger is socially inappropriate.

I guess I do not consider it that "demeaning." Especially for a public person doing a public job.

Don Rickles was a frequent roaster, but here is the thing- I have seen him do at least a dozen of these, and it was clear that he personally knew and liked every single one of those he roasted.

I agree that the tradition of roasting was good-nature ribbing by friends. But that is all together not what it has been for some time. See any of Comedy Central's numerous roast specials since the late 1990s.They're unimaginably brutal and biting.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

J. Farmer said...But isn't that kind of the point of jokes? To mock serious subject matter? A lot of this, and I don't mean you particularly, just seems like a bunch of faux outrage.

No, yeah, I understand the idea that humor violates social norms and that the "surprise" of the inappropriate nature of the statement is what makes a lot of jokes funny. I get that, I really do. But ask yourself: would that crowd allow an inappropriate joke of that kind about, say, race, or transphobia? One that mocked people who care about racism or transsexual rights, I mean. No--the Leftists in that room and the nice centrist people here would never accept such humor. They'd MAYBE let you joke about that topic as long as the premise of the joke is that their political opponents are racist/sexists/homophobes, but even then they'd probably shy away from directly addressing the subject as they'd face criticism for not being woke enough almost no matter what.

So some norm violations are off limits--they're too hateful, too ugly. Not that joke, though--that one was designed to provoke groans but is premised on a disgusting moral view...a view that just so happens to be what the Left truly believes.

I'm not outraged. My feelings aren't hurt. I don't want an apology. I'm just pointing out that the joke was disgusting and it's strange that nice centrist people like Professor Althouse don't seem to think that particular disgusting joke/view is worth highlighting (as a source of criticism for the performance). A less charitable person would interpret that silence against them, but I'm clearly a super-nice guy so I'll just mention it.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

J. Farmer said.... But that is all together not what it has been for some time. See any of Comedy Central's numerous roast specials since the late 1990s.They're unimaginably brutal and biting.

Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump

langford peel said...

The problem with the Establishment that runs the WHCD is that they no idea about contemporary comedy and live in an ultra liberal bubble where the affirmative action comedy of ass wipes like the Daily Show and Samatha Bee is considered a riot.

There are literally thousands of open mikers who could do a better job.

There are established comics like Bill Burr, Bob Kelly, Rich Vos, Doug Stanhope, Mark Normmand, Big Jay Oakerson, Dan Soder and Luis J Gomez who would have done a great job. Podcast vets like Joe Rogan, Mark Maron, Kevin Pollack or Jay Mohr would have been just as good. Great new comedians like Tim Dillon, Chris Destefano, Joe Mackie and Mike Sweeny would also have been far superior. I could go on and on with family oriented comics like Louie Anderson, Tim Allen, Dennis Miller, Jerry Seinfeld and Roseanne who might have been out of their price range but still might have done it to be part of the buzz.

As usual the journalists are incompetent and got it wrong and fucked it up bigly. It is what they do.

Michael K said...

Precisely. All the more strange that people who don't even know her seem so determined to be offended on her behalf.

Half of those complaining are lefties because they know how this will hurt them.

Read a couple of the more sane comments from the left. They see that it was confirming what everyone not a Democrat knows, They hate us. They really hate us.

It should be an ad this fall.

Tommy Duncan said...

Humor has elements of truth and amusement.

Mockery has elements of ridicule, contempt and hatred.

Humor is the essence of a "roast".

The recent WHCD was an event defined by mockery and hatred. It was not a roast, but rather a thinly disguised hate-fest.

J. Farmer said...


But ask yourself: would that crowd allow an inappropriate joke of that kind about, say, race, or transphobia?

If you're point is that a large swathe of the DC press corps is unprincipled and hypocritical, then I have no disagreement. Although, judging from the video clip of her delivering that joke, it didn't exact land with great success. A lot of groaning in the audience.

I'm just pointing out that the joke was disgusting and it's strange that nice centrist people like Professor Althouse don't seem to think that particular disgusting joke/view is worth highlighting (as a source of criticism for the performance).

I get it, though I obviously think "disgusting" may be a bit much for an off color joke. But to return your question to, had she made jokes about race or transgenderism, do you think you would be as inclined to use words like "disgusting." I remember when Larry Wilmore, who I am no fan of, causes a small uproar by referring to Obama as "my nigga." See Larry Wilmore’s n-word ‘joke’ was an insult to black journalists

Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump

I've seen it. And recall that Trump was present at the 2011 WHCD in which Seth Myers and Obama made jokes at his expense. There has been gossip that it was this night that primarily inspired Trump to consider running for president.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

Half of those complaining are lefties because they know how this will hurt them.

I was only referring to the people in this thread. I didn't really follow the story otherwise except for watching a few clips. My response: meh. Sanders is a big girl and probably has a thick skin, otherwise she has made a terribly calamitous career choice.

Considering the issues facing the nation, getting involved in solipsistic D.C. squabbling seems like a spectacular waste of time. We should do as much as we can to ignore and downplay the 24/7 outrage machine. Jumping into it when a partisan political advantage is to be had does not seem helpful in that endeavor.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

J. Farmer said...I get it, though I obviously think "disgusting" may be a bit much for an off color joke. But to return your question to, had she made jokes about race or transgenderism, do you think you would be as inclined to use words like "disgusting.

I'm trying to even think of such a joke. She'd have to premise it on a shared belief that people who oppose racism are stupid to do so (since one race truly is inferior and deserving of treatment as such) and poke fun at the idea that anyone would disagree (or pretend to disagree).
In contrast, let's say she made a joke about people being hypersensitive to microaggressions (about race or gender identity, etc). It'd be framed as: there are real problems but some people are unreasonably sensitive, hee-hee. I can see that some people might be ticked at that, but probably we could all chuckle--I wouldn't think that was disgusting. I don't think all jokes about abortion are by definition disgusting. I think this one, with this delivery, to this audience, was. Others are free to disagree!

buwaya said...

"We should do as much as we can to ignore and downplay the 24/7 outrage machine. "

That IS your politics. There is no other politics.

Worse, it is your education, your art, your letters, your theater, your music, every bit of your culture, your institutions, your social structure.

The comprehensive consumption of all of these in the political fire is the distinct feature of this era.

Asking to ignore this is like asking the Roman Republic to ignore the campaign against Hannibal while he's wandering around Italy trying to pry away Roman allies. This is a civilizational disaster in progress.

The entire weight of political and cultural effort is going into it, the 24/7 outrage machine. It is twisting you all, collectively and individually.

Michael K said...

"Sanders is a big girl and probably has a thick skin, otherwise she has made a terribly calamitous career choice."

Why would you say that? Are you that much a Trump hater ? How odd.

She is far better than Sean Spicer was and she seems quite capable. If you want to talk about liars, I would nominate Josh Earnest as the champ, even better than Ron Ziegler.

The best example of someone emotionally disturbed at it would be the Bush guy, Scott McClellan who seems to have had a midlife crisis.

Ari Fleischer has been pretty supportive. Tony Snow was the best but he died an early and sad death.

Michael K said...

The comprehensive consumption of all of these in the political fire is the distinct feature of this era.

Yes and I remember a different era when I could not tell the political interests of my English Literature professor who confessed that he took a long sea voyage on a tramp steamer and took along only one book, Spenser's The Faeirie Queene as he said that was the only way he could get through it.

I feel so sorry for those kids who are wasting thousands and hundreds of thousands on worthless crap.

I was an engineer, then a medical student but I was an English major when I went back to do pre-med as the student loans program would not make a loan for a pre-med. They told me it was not considered a "valuable major" as many did not get into medical school.

Can you imagine that now with all these "Studies" majors going nowhere?

Michael K said...

There has been gossip that it was this night that primarily inspired Trump to consider running for president.

I tend to credit this theory. He was a pro at media and may have begun to wonder at this house of cards that was the left.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

Why would you say that? Are you that much a Trump hater ? How odd.

I said it because (1) Sanders is an adult and (2) she probably has thick skin. Do you deny that a thick skin is an important trait to have in a press secretary?

Also, I am not a Trump hater or a Trump lover. I don't know the guy. All I care about is what Trump does. If he does things I like, I'll be happy he has done them. If he does thing I do not like, I will be unhappy he did them. Pretty much the same I would do with anyone occupying the office.

She is far better than Sean Spicer was and she seems quite capable.

When did I critique her job performance?

If you want to talk about liars, I would nominate Josh Earnest as the champ, even better than Ron Ziegler.

All press secretaries lie. That is their job. They are professional propagandists for the presidency.

mockturtle said...

I had not thought of it before but perhaps his wealth and power was why Lady Bird stayed with LBJ.

Or maybe it was Jumbo. ;-)

mockturtle said...

Truth is, Lady Bird was crazy about Lyndon. There's a fascinating book about the two of them. Can't recall the title but it left no stone un-turned.

J. Farmer said...


Others are free to disagree!

Ha, of course. And I was not trying to be challenging to your point of view, just flesh it out a little more. Abortion is one of those topics I remain highly ambivalent about, so I can't help but scratch when the topic comes up.

J. Farmer said...


The entire weight of political and cultural effort is going into it, the 24/7 outrage machine. It is twisting you all, collectively and individually.

All the more reason to resist participating in it. Observing, commenting, fine. But participating should be avoided. It will get you nothing.

This is a civilizational disaster in progress.

Sure, I've been saying that for years. Donald Trump was the hail marry pass, but even that is likely to be too little, too late. A state without a nation is merely a collection of technocratic overlords. And the notion that either of the two major pathetic political parties offer solutions to this problem is laughable. Apparently people think lining up to either attack or defend the person in the Oval Office is worth a great deal of their time.

mockturtle said...

Lady Bird and Lyndon: The Hidden Story of a Marriage that Made a President, by Betty Boyd Coroli.

JAORE said...

Someone suggested right leaning comedians like Dennis Miller would do a good job for a Republican president roast.

I'd suggest he would also do a FAR better job than Ms. Wolf at roasting a president from the other side of the aisle.

J. Farmer said...


Someone suggested right leaning comedians like Dennis Miller would do a good job for a Republican president roast.

I'd prefer someone who was more apolitical. Norm Macdonald would be my pick.

Jim at said...

There is no reasonable way for Trump voters to complain about anyone degrading civil discourse without looking like hypocrites. - ARM

You know, it's almost like you're completely unaware of what assholes you leftists have been long before Trump ever appeared on the political scene.

rcocean said...

Did anyone listen to the video?

She's really boring - and unfunny. Wolfe was an AA hire.

You can always tell how bad a female comedian is by the # of times they say "Muh Vagina"

Bad Lieutenant said...

J. Farmer said...
Sure, I've been saying that for years. Donald Trump was the hail marry pass,

4/30/18, 2:04 PM

Apparently people think lining up to either attack or defend the person in the Oval Office is worth a great deal of their time.

4/30/18, 2:04 PM

And you're the smartest person in the room.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

Can you give an example of one of the "jokes you have to hate her to find funny?"

“I’m never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you know?” Wolf continued. “Is it Sarah Sanders? Is it Sarah Huckabee Sander? Is it Cousin Huckabee? Is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? Like, what is Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women? I know… Aunt Coulter.”

“It’s like that old saying, ‘if a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree,'” Wolf said. “I’m not suggesting she gets hurt. Just stuck. Stuck under a tree.”

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Read a couple of the more sane comments from the left. They see that it was confirming what everyone not a Democrat knows, They hate us. They really hate us.

What's to like?

The comedian was funny - and damn good satire. And making fun of her voice is supposedly "sexist" and politically incorrect nowadays - just ask phony White Knight Keeper of Good Behavior Wolfie. Jonathan Swift was supposedly "offensive", too.

As for "smokey eye" it's a make-up color that is apparently popular and trendy among women. Making fun of that is as much making fun of her "looks" as making fun of a guy's wardrobe is making fun of his "looks." There's a reason why the shot of Kellyanne Conway showed how butt-hurt she is and why women aren't complaining: They know what's fair game. And right-wing women don't stick up for each other anyway.

Birkel said...

Did anybody read where Smug admitted he was dead wrong about the Iran Deal?

Me neither.

Michael K said...

Blogger rcocean said...
Did anyone listen to the video?

She's really boring - and unfunny. Wolfe was an AA hire.

What's amusing and puzzling is that she is not a "POC." She is white, maybe doing a Rachel Dolezal.

Her voice, when I finally heard a clip of the talk, reminded me of Fanny Brice who had a comedy radio shows called "Baby Snooks."

The difference is that Fanny Brice was beautiful and funny.

Similar squeaky voice though.

Bad Lieutenant said...

I haven't watched or listened to anything by this woman, but I am obliged to make the factual observation that she is not good to look at. She is that virtually inconceivable entity, an unfuckable ginger. Definitely something wrong there.

Gk1 said...

I hope they don't change a thing I really don't. No republican that wants to get elected again will go and the ones that do, the cucks like Ms.Lindsey Graham are welcome to degrade themselves further. By all means keep on keepin' on.

Robert Cook said...

"Did anybody read where Smug admitted he was dead wrong about the Iran Deal?

"Me neither."

Is J.Farmer--who is never smug, contrary to you--for or against the Iran Deal? If he's for it, he's not wrong.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Cook, that's ridiculous. Why should Iran's powers and ambitions be circumscribed in any way by some stupid deal? Why shouldn't Iran have hundreds or thousands of nuclear weapons if it wants them? Unlike the United States, Iran has never used nuclear weapons in anger. Probably we should give them ours.

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