The NYT gets some strong quotes from critics:
Bree Newsome, an artist and activist, described them in an interview as “a modern-day minstrel show” aimed at “white conservatives who want to believe Trump can’t be racist or they themselves can’t be racist because there are these two black women named Diamond and Silk who are constantly rooting for Trump.”
Ms. Newsome said their performances relied on “stereotypical images of black women” that would not be celebrated on conservative media if they were not Trump supporters.
Keith Boykin, an adjunct professor at Columbia University and a former White House aide to President Bill Clinton, offered a similar critique.
“If these two women, the way they speak, the way they talk and act and behave, were saying anything that was contradictory to Trump, the Trump supporters who defend them would be the first to attack them,” Mr. Boykin said.
Mr. Boykin said their conservative fans, who are often quick to note their race and gender, “only want to listen to the people who reaffirm their narrow, limited vision of what blackness is all about and how black people should perceive white people and specifically how they should perceive Donald Trump.”
The Times ends with this, which I believe is intended to make the point that Newsome is right and Diamond and Silk are indeed a “a modern-day minstrel show” aimed at “white conservatives":
“I turn on my television one night and I see these two on television,” [Trump] told the crowd. “I say they are the greatest, what is it?”
Mr. Trump then asked them to “do a little routine.” The sisters took the microphone and obliged.
“The silent majority has spoken, baby!” Diamond told the crowd. “Build that wall, Donald J. Trump!”
Minstel show? Racist, much?
NYT shows us the right kind of racism
comes from the right people, so the NYT did not really say it, they just report the right people saying it
and achieves the right end of putting The Schwarz back in their box
Woah! The NYT just told all Blacks not to wander off the liberal plantation or you will be attacked by the cool kids and labeled as an Uncle Tom.
Diamond and Silk identify as black but not also as stupid and dangerous.
That's a choice the left doesn't want out there.
"only want to listen to the people who reaffirm their narrow, limited vision of what blackness is all about and how black people should perceive white people and specifically how they should perceive Donald Trump"
No mirrors in that house, nosirree.
"NYT shows us the right kind of racism."
Very predictable with a complete lack of substance to their critique.
Even given that this nonsense has any foundation... How does that justify censoring them and starving them of income?
White progressives are the real racists in the room.
The political system gets its stability through a system of PC payoffs that keeps violence in check.
Dangerous and stupid was how blacks got PC payoffs.
If there's Diamond and Silk, where's the need for payoffs? That threatens the current payoff recipients and they double down on violent and stupid.
You'd better keep paying or we'll burn the place down, is the message.
Ms. Newsome said her description as an "artist and activist" relied on stereotypical images of black women that would be celebrated on conservative media if she were a Trump supporter.
If Diamond and Silk were big Hillary supporters, we'd all be treated to the blockbuster media tour around the MSM. Today on Ellen, Diamond and Silk!
Diamond and Silk don't have the correct thoughts, so they are a deplorable minstrel show.
The entire leftwing proggy media is "hands up don't shoot" McCabe.
They are black, acting black, which makes them a minstrel show. But if they act white that is cultural appropriation so what are they supposed to do?
This is going to be such a great comments page. How would the Althouse commentariat treat "Diamond and Silk" if they weren't Trump supporters?
It's such a pity that "In Living Color" is no longer on the air. I can see David Alan Grief and Damon Wayans doing a sketch based on them.
We are so lucky to still have a phrase like "minstrel show" to apply to Diamond and Silk.
Still not gonna make Hillary President assholes.
Its Sunday so why not a Grandpa Brigham Young quote:
“I would put you on your guard against those who wear a long face, and pretend to be so holy, and so much better than every body else—they cannot look pleasant because they are full of the devil. Those who have got the forgiveness of their sins have countenances that look bright, and they will shine with the intelligence of heaven.” (Times and Seasons, 6:956.)
Your critiques will carry more weight if you protest D&S by moving to Canada.
Liam Stack and a couple of his activist and professor buddies ("critics") bring you today's installment of "Meet The Crazy White Conservatives Running Around Inside Our Heads".
It's one of the NYT's longest-running, most popular minstrel shows. Rollicking fun for the whole family.
The New York Times is a mouthpiece for Democrats. It isn't surprising they would publish such a racist artice given the Democrats' history of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK.
Those of us who have seen, all along, the racist paternalism of the Left are heartened to see it more and more obviously displayed. The Devil always overplays his hand.
Chuck goes native. And racist.
Great job, fopdoodle.
Everybody is "racist" - being wary of strangers has survival value - but most of us try to keep it under control. Fanning racism for temporary political advantage like The NYT does is despicable.
It is rather easier to criticize Diamond and Silk than Winnie Mandela or Suge Knight......Clarence Thomas, Diamond & Silk, O.J. Simpson and Bill Cosby are the only famous black people that can be ridiculed. Diamond & Silk are kind of obscure. When you criticize Bill Cosby, you have to pay due deference to his important contributions to race relations, etc, so it's easier to just skip over him. O.J. Simpson also has some tricky undercurrents. Best to skip over him too. In effect, the only black person in public life that you can dump on without reservation is Clarence Thomas. That man is a national treasure.
I gotta admit, I din't get this 'Diamond and Silk' thing before, I just figured by the names that they were strippers. I mean, I had heard that they were black, but black chicks can be strippers, too, it just isn't all white chicks who grew up with fucked-up parents.
Then I saw them, and I still gotta say, I don't quite get it, they're just a couple of black chicks being funny. But it's probably hard to be a black chick today and try to be funny I guess, because they can't just be funny, they gotta be black, too, and they gotta be black in the right way or it pisses a lot of people off.
Because now you can't tell black jokes unless you're black, and if you're black you can't tell black jokes either, unless they are the right kind of black jokes. And a lot of those jokes that are the right kind of black jokes aren't really that funny to me, but that's probably because I'm white, and I don't think I'm supposed to be able to laugh at black comedians anymore, and I don't want to oppress anyone, but then I don't want to be someone's bitch, either.
Like, I thought Eddie Murphy was funny, but that makes him too white now I think, he's practically Steve Martin.
And Chris Rock was funny, but he does Adam Sandler movies now, so I figure that means he sold out to the white man and shit. Because you can't be keeping it real if you're all like hanging out with Adam Sandler, and that's without even bringing in the Jewish thing.
And Dave Chapelle was pretty fucking funny, but I think pretty soon he's not going to be the right kind of black, either, because it seems that is how this shit turns out now.
And this just isn't with blacks: this same shit happens with people who are, like Chinese or Lesbian or shit, but I can't think of many Chinese or Lesbian comedians that are funny. But maybe if I was Chinese or a Lesbian I'd know who they are.
But I don't know if all of this kind of shit works with black strippers, too. I mean, should I not give them a dollar after their performance because I'm white, and maybe they're offended because it seems like slavery and shit? Becuase that seems fucked up, they're naked, just like the white chicks with the fucked-up parents.
I post my shit here.
Facebook was having trouble explaining the banning of D&S as hateful. Presto! NYT provides "expert" cultural critics to explain how D&S are really just a hateful minstrel show.
You need to signal your virtue if you don't want to be an adjunct professor for the rest of your life. That tenure ain't coming if you don't.
Now it's all been explained to me.
Bree has the right idea when it comes to credentials- aim low.
Not black enough, or too black. It's so difficult to know. Heretics though, for sure.
The most hysterical comment I have seen - if it was genuine - is Charlize Theron saying she might have to leave the US for the safety of her adopted children. The fact is that the US probably is the country where her children will meet with the least problems for being black children of a white mother.
For a really dangerous place, she might consider her native South Africa and where it is headed.
How would the Althouse commentariat treat "Diamond and Silk" if they weren't Trump supporters?
Chuck, are you sure you wanted to display that side of your character ?
Thomas Sowell says, "I am so old I can remember when most racists were white."
There still are a few, I guess.
Chuck goes full retard, and full racist. The mask slips again and his leftism shows through.
Facebook is censoring -- still is censoring -- Diamond Silk because they are supporting President Trump while being Black.
Facebook has written that Diamond and Silk are "unsafe to the community".
I hope that Diamond and Silk sue Facebook for racial discrimination and defamation.
Want a minstrel show? Listen to NPR in the mornings - 1A - and hear the host go from normal to full ghetto depending on his guest. Joshua Johnson may say he’s “keeping it real” but if a white guy pulled that swap he would be run off. The point is that as long as you are a member of the press Journo-List club, you can get away with the act.
And the NYT will protect you with an article commending your ability to “code switch” .
Blogger Chuck said...
"This is going to be such a great comments page. How would the Althouse commentariat treat "Diamond and Silk" if they weren't Trump supporters?"
Chuck, if they weren't Trump supporters no one would have heard of them. There would be no one to "treat".
Why doesn't The New York Times find out and report how Facebook made its decision to censor Diamond and Silk?
How would the Althouse commentariat treat "Diamond and Silk" if they weren't Trump supporters?
Disagree with them?
First, let us
define our terms
Tommy Duncan said...
Blogger Chuck said...
"This is going to be such a great comments page. How would the Althouse commentariat treat "Diamond and Silk" if they weren't Trump supporters?"
Chuck, if they weren't Trump supporters no one would have heard of them. There would be no one to "treat".
You are 100% correct. That would be the "dog bites man" story.
Do the typical NYT readers realize how far UP the Democrat HOLE the NYT is? Nothing in the broad expanse of American society is positive to them unless it is anti-DJT, anti-MAGA.
Dog bites man and still on Facebook, instead of censored by the likes of racist Zuckerberg or racist Chuck.
20 Examples of Liberals vs. Also Liberals
To which I add:
21) Liberals: Bake the damned cake, hater!
Also liberals: Diamond and Silk are "unsafe to the community" (and are therefore banned).
Mike Sylwester said...
Why doesn't The New York Times find out and report how Facebook made its decision to censor Diamond and Silk?
NYT recites: "She said Facebook was investigating how the note came to be written and sent."
Sailer points out that it is impossible to discover how that decision was made:
"It’s just one of those mysteries that we’ll never fully understand. It’s not like Facebook is some kind of vastly profitable corporate monopoly that has organization charts and keeps copies of its own internal communications.
Try to keep this straight in your head: Facebook doesn’t keep copies of its own private messages, Facebook keeps copies of your private messages."
Of course. "Liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government-sniffers and State-shtuppers") have drunk so much of Big Brother's Kool Aid at this point it's difficult for them just to accept that not everyone wants to be as Eloi-like as them. And they especially fear and resent it when someone from their pet victim-groups bolts from the Plantation. Conformity must be enforced at all costs.
npr had a discussion of D&S last Thursday afternoon. You'd think they were exotic creatures discovered in the Amazon rain forest. Patronizing.
I'm still trying to figure out what sort of asinine, racist point Chuck is trying to make.
I seem to remember in my college American musicana course that minstrel shows were white guys in Black Face, not unlike Jolson (Jewish) putting on Black Face to sing MAA-MII, HOW I LOVE YA, etc.
Sorry, I can no longer read the rag whose motto is "all the news that's pink." As I get older and their writers get younger, anything I read there is like a college SDS news sheet with too much shit wade through.
Hence, I rely on my Lawyer to read, and digest, that crap for me. Better her than me.
I hope that Diamond and Silk sue Facebook for racial discrimination and defamation
They'll be hard pressed to show that the free publicity has hurt their careers.
should I not give them a dollar after their performance because I'm white
You're doing wrong, 4 Chan Guy. No wonder you get no satisfaction. If you want her to come shake her money maker for you:
1) would you give a white stripper a dollar? Why do you think it is okay with black one? Sounds racist to me.
2) you do know the reason why Treasury prints $2 bills, don't you? Besides screwing with McDonald's cashiers, of course.
3) you don't wait til after. Too late then. While you are sitting there waiting for her to show you her brownie, she's up there thinking you're a deadbeat.
I know this guy Lazlo who could probably teach you some important fa ts of life..
John Henry
LLR goes full Steppenfetchit. Is anyone here surprised?
William wrote:
"Clarence Thomas, Diamond & Silk, O.J. Simpson and Bill Cosby are the only famous black people that can be ridiculed.'
You forgot about Ben Carson.
Dr. Ben Carson is a man of substantial achievements, but the only reason he's a household name was because he lambasted Obama to his face at a Prayer Breakfast. That, and not his accomplishments as a neurosurgeon, is what launched his political career.
He was an unexciting candidate, but I've heard people with Chuck-level IQs deride the man as "stupid" and (of course) an "Uncle Tom." He acts too white; Diamnond and Silk act too black.
I've heard a million times how President Trump is racist against blacks.
What I have not heard is examples.
Anyone here have any?
John Henry
Hmm. So now I am a "racist." Earlier today, I was a liberal, a leftist, a Democrat; I was pro-Obama. Earlier, this week, when Althouse blogged the story of the white homeowner in Rochester Hills, Michigan, I was too solicitous of the black teenager who was shot at after allegedly knocking on his door to ask directions to school. You want some racist trash from the pages of Althouse? Check out those comments!
But now, I am a "racist"...?!?
I think "Diamond and Silk" are just dumb. Insultingly dumb. Like, uh, the hosts of "Fox and Friends." Like, Scott "I no longer care about the fucking law" Adams. Like Judge Jeanine Pirro. Like Sean Hannity.
That's how racist I am.
You are 100% correct. That would be the "dog bites man" story.
And therefore ?
Do you have any idea why two black women supporting Trump is a NYT story ?
Do you know there are quite a few black conservatives ?
It it your own words, LLR. It is your glee at being able to use the word minstrel that damns you, not our observing it. You are like a caricature of a Republican. Do you also dress like the monocle wearing Monopoly character too?
Earlier today, I was a liberal, a leftist, a Democrat; I was pro-Obama
The most racist segment of US society.
Minstrel show is another way to say "Deplorable"
Real people who love real people love all colors of people. The NYT is ignorant.
“If these two women, the way they speak, the way they talk and act and behave, were saying anything that was contradictory to Trump, the Trump supporters who defend them would be the first to attack them,” Mr. Boykin said.
The Trump supporters will turn on anyone that says anything contradictory to Trump. It's an equal opportunity process. said...
I've heard a million times how President Trump is racist against blacks.
What I have not heard is examples.
Anyone here have any?
John Henry
Example One: After Trump called U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel a "Mexican judge," (and then doubled down on it, saying that he might also think that a Muslim federal judge could not rule fairly on Trump's travel ban orders), Speaker of the House Paul Ryan called it "textbook" racism.
Example Two: Trump's property management practices in the 1970's got him sued twice by the Justice Department for racially discriminatory practices.
Example Three: Trump, quoted in John O'Donnell's book:“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it... The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” And; “I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
And you know, if we run out of Trump's personal examples of racism, we can always recall the fact that there hasn't been a President since perhaps Woodrow Wilson who was so beloved by American racists, as Donald Trump.
Michael K said...
You are 100% correct. That would be the "dog bites man" story.
And therefore ?
Do you have any idea why two black women supporting Trump is a NYT story ?
Do you know there are quite a few black conservatives ?
Yeah! There is Justice Thomas, who I have regularly and repeatedly praised on these comments pages. There is the wonderful Thomas Sowell, who I think was mentioned earlier today. And there is Senator Ron Scott of South Carolina, who I was praising (and being scorned on these pages for doing so) when Senator Scott was calling out Trump for the "shithole countries" comment.
There are more; but then there are the "minstrel" cases. Like Omarosa. And like "Diamond and Silk." Trump has an unusual attraction among the "minstrel" examples.
Yes, but can Diamond and Silk explain the NYT? Inquiring minds want to know.
They evoke color judgments at the NYT and DNC who are rabid diversitists.
there hasn't been a President since perhaps Woodrow Wilson who was so beloved by American racists, as Donald Trump.
I guess you must know them pretty well to collect all their political preferences.
Keith Boykin, an adjunct professor at Columbia University and a former White House aide to President Bill Clinton, offered a similar critique.
When the Times wants to know what conservatives think about a thing, they ask a liberal to tell them? This isn't even a circle jerk, its anti-journalism.
rehajm said: "Still not gonna make Hillary President assholes."
But did you leave out a comma between "President" and "assholes"? Or did you intend to write "President asshole"?
For Quayle: Nice biography of Brigham Young at Amazon/audible. One of my favorite narrators, Stephen Hoye.
"Ms. Newsome said their performances relied on “stereotypical images of black women” that would not be celebrated on conservative media if they were not Trump supporters."
But it WOULD be celebrated on liberal media. See for example, SNL's "Black Jeopardy" which relies on racial stereotypes for its humor and would have been banned if it came from a conservative source.
... Uh... they do realize "minstrel shows" are white actors in blackface, right?
RIGHT!? The NYT does know this?
Please, dear God...
"a modern-day minstrel show” aimed at “white conservatives who want to believe Trump can’t be racist." NYT is aimed at white liberals who want to believe that no blacks can possibly support that racist Trump.
"Mr. Boykin said their conservative fans, who are often quick to note their race and gender." Unlike the diversity mongers who always mention gender and race and sexual orientation.
"How would the Althouse commentariat treat "Diamond and Silk" if they weren't Trump supporters?"
-- We probably never would have heard of them since YouTube or Facebook or whoever wouldn't have elevated them to a position of prominence. They'd be another dime a dozen anti-Trump wanna-be entertainers.
"Example One: After Trump called U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel a "Mexican judge
Should have called him an "unwise Latina".
Example Two: Trump's property management practices in the 1970's got him sued twice by the Justice Department for racially discriminatory practices.
And the DOJ NEVER does political prosecution under a strained definition of racism do they? Or wait. They do.
Example Three: Trump, quoted in John O'Donnell's book:“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it..
And don't forget when Trump said of Obama: '"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man'. Oh wait ... that was that other racist Joe Biden ...
Or wait.
Have I had this wrong the whole time? I've only heard about the Diamond and Silk stuff, never watched it.
Are they white people in blackface? I mean, that's what I'm getting from that quote, but that can't be right, because there's no way in Hell people would line up to defend that.
Could someone point out to me anything Trump has ever done that has been detrimental to Black people?
Things has gotten better for Black people under Trump, not worse.
there hasn't been a President since perhaps Woodrow Wilson who was so beloved by American racists, as Donald Trump.
I don't know about that. An awful lot of Black racists were pretty fond of Obama.
I bet there are more member of the BLM today than the KKK.
So it's wrong to listen to the content of what people say as opposed to how they're saying it?
Matthew Sablan said...
... Uh... they do realize "minstrel shows" are white actors in blackface, right?
RIGHT!? The NYT does know this?
Please, dear God...
To be sure; much of minstrelsy WAS blackface. I don't really know how that undercuts the point being made about Diamond and Silk's act being popular with the Fox News crowd. But moreover, part of minstrelsy was in fact black performers. And all of it was about blacks. It wasn't all blackface.
So it's wrong to listen to the content of what people say as opposed to how they're saying it?
"I don't really know how that undercuts the point being made about Diamond and Silk's act being popular with the Fox News crowd."
-- It completely undercuts it. These aren't white people dressed up in blackface, or the rare black performer being directed by white directors, these are people of their own agency doing their own thing.
They could call them propaganda. Or that they have an agenda. But to call them a minstrel show is like calling Condoleza Rice an Uncle Tom. It is deliberately racist, prejudicial and designed to cut them down in a racist, hateful way.
I wonder who will be cast for their parts in the “Diamond and Silk: The Movie”? Leslie Jones / Wanda Sykes or Octavia Spencer / Janelle Monae? Each combo offers different creative possibilities......
To be sure; much of minstrelsy WAS blackface. I don't really know how that undercuts the point being made about Diamond and Silk's act being popular with the Fox News crowd
So if White people like Black people...that makes the Black people inauthentic Blacks?
What does that say about Beyoncé, Kanye, or the popularity of Black Panther?
See the part I don't get is that mainstream popular culture is dominated by Black people...which is pretty weird for what is supposed to be the most racist country in the world.
Well, sure if they were badmouthing Trump, I wouldn't like them but the same applies to a lot of people.
I honestly feel pro-Trump people are way more tolerant of anti-Trump entertainers than vice-versa.
It took Kathy Griffin literally walking around with a fake severed head to get people up in arms. Roseanne simply doesn't hate Trump enough, and her show will probably be boycotted to death.
Chuck recites: Example One: After Trump called U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel a "Mexican judge," (and then doubled down on it, saying that he might also think that a Muslim federal judge could not rule fairly on Trump's travel ban orders), Speaker of the House Paul Ryan called it "textbook" racism.
People believe that KKK members are racist. They are often right. Likewise, people believe that La Raza members are racist. They are also right. So a judge who belonged to a racist group was called out by Trump. That judge should have been above that kind of nonsense.
Being a Moby is hard work, isn't it Chuck? So hard to keep your narrative straight.
Chuck, no one gives a damn what Paul Ryan thinks about anything. Muslim is not a race. The judge Trump called a "Mexican" was in fact an ethnic Mexican. Back in the 1970s Trump's real estate company preferred non-blacks over blacks as tenants, like every other real estate company in America, inclusing the real estate companies owned by blacks.
This doesn't even rise to the level of weak tea, Chuck. If Trump is a racist, how do you describe David Duke? Let me put it this way; make a line. Put racists like David Duke & Farrakhan on the far right. You, me Paul Ryan, every conservative you can think of is so close to the left terminus of the line that for all intents and purposes they occupy it.
Mexicans are not a race.
"Example One: After Trump called U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel a "Mexican judge," (and then doubled down on it, saying that he might also think that a Muslim federal judge could not rule fairly on Trump's travel ban orders), Speaker of the House Paul Ryan called it "textbook" racism."
You mean like someone saying "a wise Latina would judge a case differently than an old white man"? That sort of racism? Because last I checked we ended up with that racist on the Supreme Court thanks to it.
Mexicans are not a race.
La Raza says they are.
Curiel and his crew (Chicano office seekers) are indeed part of an ethnic conspiracy promoting their ethnic particularism. There is no question about this, it is and has been the explicit goal of the organizations they came out of.
You can't understand California politics without understanding La Raza and its ubiquitous affiliates. Its a great untold story of an extremely successful campaign. The history of this is to be found in Chicano studies departments in various California colleges, one of the few things they are good for. That makes sense, because all this was in fact created as a student movement in California colleges. But its never mentioned in the MSM or the "quality" journals.
Its amazing how little of this or similar ethnic matters come out in the MSM. There is just a passing interest there in the facts on the ground, even when praising these developments.
Chuck: I don't really know how that undercuts the point being made about Diamond and Silk's act being popular with the Fox News crowd.
Uh, what *was* the point being made about D&S's act being popular with the Fox News Crowd? So, it's popular with the Fox News Crowd. That could be a lead-up to some kind of point, but in itself isn't a point about anything.
"What NYT writers and their pals *think* goes in in the heads of 'white conservatives' re D&S" is just that - speculations of NYT writers and their pals about stuff they don't know diddly about. Iow, a point of view with no point in view.
LaRaza wishes.
Mexicans (and US born Chicanos) are a very specific ethnicity, with a very powerful group identity. The whole thing is NOT open to other "hispanics". As far as the Chicanos are concerned, other "hispanics" need not apply. And for that matter there is a tremendous North-South split in "Chicanismo". The southerners from Yucatan and Oaxaca, Chiapas, etc. are "foreign", are "indios", and indeed often do not speak Spanish at all or very poorly.
But did you leave out a comma between "President" and "assholes"? Or did you intend to write "President asshole"?
Reader's choice.
Trump smiles lovingly and says, “Look at my African Americans over here”...
This is going to be such a great comments page. How would the Althouse commentariat treat "Diamond and Silk" if they weren't Trump supporters?
By the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
To help yankees with their profound level of ignorance, D&S are part of life in Deplorable areas. They can be found singing at the local Baptist Churches, like Herman Cain attends. And they are loved by all, even the old timers were raised by black women like these intelligent ladies.
Hating Trump has driven NYT readers insane.
Chuck sez..
Example One: After Trump called U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel a "Mexican judge,"
Is Mexican a race now? And here I thought it was a nationality or, perhaps, an ethnicity. (Don't even get me started on "hispanic")
In any event, Curiel, as far as I could determine, is a Mexican citizen. He is also a Natural Born US citizen, born in Ohio. But, the same way that Cruz and McCain, born elsewhere, are US citizens at birth through their mothers, Curiel is also a Mexican citizen through his mother. Unless, as Cruz finally did with his Canadian citizenship in 2015, he has specifically and legally renounced it.
I cast no aspersions on Curiel. As far as I can tell he is a fine judge and fine American citizen.
But it seems to me that there is an potential conflict of interest in a Mexican citizen sitting on a case involving Mexican citizens.
You are a lawyer, Chuck. Would you complain on a client's behalf if there was a potential conflict of interest in a case you were involved in? If not, I don't think I would want you for my lawyer.
(and then doubled down on it, saying that he might also think that a Muslim federal judge could not rule fairly on Trump's travel ban orders)
So Muslims are a race now? Wow! I am really behind the times.
Anyway, seems like a similar potential conflict of interest to me and I think the judge should have recused.
Pro-abortionists used to complain about Catholic Justices and judges saying that their religion created a conflict of interest in abortion cases. Catholic politicians get questioned about it all the time. Lots of questions were asked about Cuomo and whether he could enforce the abortion laws in NY. Strictly because he is Catholic. Good for the goose, good for the gander.
(Continued next note)
John Henry
Example Two: Trump's property management practices in the 1970's got him sued twice by the Justice Department for racially discriminatory practices.
"got him sued" All sorts of things will get you sued when you have deep pockets. As a lawyer, you should know better than anyone that anyone can sue anyone for anything. The key in this is: What happened? In the US, pretty much every landlord can figure on being sued for something eventually. Many can figure on being sued for discrimination. Look at the whole issue of redlining 15-20 years ago for a good example of how bogative much of this is.
Was there any finding of guilt, wrongdoing, culpability, liability? No. So I do not see that getting sued, with no finding of guilt, supports your thesis.
Example Three: Trump, quoted in John O'Donnell's book:“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it... The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” And; “I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
Yeah, someone else says Trump said something. Even you should not be that gullible, Chuck. If you can find Trump on tape, or in a book or article that HE takes responsibility, I would take this with an enormous grain of salt if I were you. Of course, I am not you so you will probably defend it.
That even sounds invented.
And you know, if we run out of Trump's personal examples of racism, we can always recall the fact that there hasn't been a President since perhaps Woodrow Wilson who was so beloved by American racists, as Donald Trump.
And this is evidence of Citizen/President Trump's racism how?
So let's see, one example of an unsuccessful lawsuit, one unverified "Trump said" quote and a statement that others, who you call racists, support President Trump.
Yup Attorney Chuck. You have sure built a solid case supporting President Trump's "racism".
Where did you get your law degree? K-Mart?
So now I am a "racist." Earlier today, I was a liberal, a leftist, a Democrat; I was pro-Obama.
Why would you believe any of those labels serve to insulate you from being a racist?
Racist cunt Inga and racist cunt Chuck on the same page again. Never saw that coming.
There are always complaints (been going on for decades) that US journalism ignores ethnic communities, and the reason given is that the MSM does not hire ethnic journalists.
A much more realistic view of the matter is that a genuine ethnic "voice" in the MSM would be very disconcerting. So what you get are indeed "oreos" of various flavors, socially acceptable to the liberal hegemony. These are, all of them, strivers who are happy to relate what their editors expect. The worst in this by far are the Asians, who are in almost every case entirely dismissive of their own ethnic origins. These people will not tell you what their own parents have to say.
Realities down in the barrio (or wherever) are very different. It takes a multilingual person willing to go into an alien world, to listen, to the gossip, to the talk radio, to the music.
This does not excuse conservatives. The people of National Review, say, are clueless, unwilling to engage, unwilling to to go there. The CA Republican party, for example, and this is typical, has been lazy and inept. There is no right-wing media organization in Spanish. There have been no "Laurence of San Bernardino" type organizers sent into Southern California. Even the Jeb Bush wing never thought to get their shoes dirty.
I don't think I'm supposed to be able to laugh at black comedians anymore
I'm so confused as to what I can laugh about. I'm watching a black comedian discoursing about the different shades of "black" people. Gives a couple of examples:
"Miles Davis is black. He's so black, lightning bugs follow him down the street".
And he mentioned he dated a really black girl.
"She was SO black that when she got out of her car, the oil light came on".
Was I wrong to laugh?
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
... Uh... they do realize "minstrel shows" are white actors in blackface, right?
Do you mean like Vanilla Ice, Eminem others who call themselves "wiggers" (for "white n|ggers) and pretend to be black?
Of that white woman who identified as black and even got a post with the NAACP. Rachel Douzal, I think was her name.
They would be much more appropriately labeled "minstrels". Still a bit of a stretch, though.
John Henry
Good comments, John Henry.
Chuck puzzles me because he sounds exactly like the Trump haters that flood the Wall Street Journal comments with DNC approved rhetoric, yet he says he voted for him.
I was a Trump supporter of the "Flight 93 Election" type but he has exceeded my expectations on things like the EPA and regulation pruning.
I still cannot watch him speak and his tweets reenforce my decision to never get a Twitter account.
The absolute malice with which this Mueller attempted coup has been conducted is shown in the instant leak to the WSJ of the blackmail payment to a Playboy bunny by a GOP donor and RNC member who has no connection to Trump.
It is allegedly evidence of some role by Cohen in paying off bimbo eruptions but why leak it ?
That is just malice.
Now, I read that Mueller has "discovered " new evidence that Cohen really did go to Prague in 2016.
Did the raid on his stuff secure his passport so forged entry and exit stamps could be added ?
Chuck: "...Ron Scott..."
First rule of denying racism, according to all LLRs, is to get the only black Republican senator's name wrong. Because that proves something.
Also, Chuck is racist and homophobic, to be fair.
In 1918 which American political party opposed the idea that government should be colorblind?
Zip ahead to 2018. Which American political party is opposed to the idea that government should be colorblind?
The Democrats as a political party have believed that the rights of American citizens differed by race since the party was founded in 1828.
Sometimes it really is that simple. No nuance required.
So the New New York times..determined to better understand the opposition they previously underestimated..came up with this. "It's not you, it's them".
Diamond and Silk aren't up my alley..because my white privilege, unconscious racism and toxic masculinity must preclude my enjoying them fully.
Part of it is the delivery where one does 95% of the talking, the other basically finishing/doubling the last word in sentences. Having worked on interviews in Chicago for a music documentary, I can assure the New New York Times folk that that sort of delivery is authentic. However, when we have lunch I don't see any hot sauce.
But you gotta admit they're high energy..they "ain't no wayyyze tyrrred"
Blogger President-Mom-Jeans said...
Racist cunt Inga and racist cunt Chuck on the same page again. Never saw that coming.
Interesting juxtoposition there. Do you mean "cunt" as:
noun, Slang: Vulgar.
1.the vulva or vagina.
2.Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a woman.
a term used to refer to a contemptible person.
3.sexual intercourse with a woman.
Or perhaps you mean:
(Britain, New Zealand, vulgar, countable) An objectionable object or item.
Fix the car? I’ll sort the cunt out at the weekend.
(Britain, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, vulgar) An unpleasant or difficult experience or incident. quotations ▼
(vulgar, countable and uncountable) A woman, women, or bottom (i.e. submissive partner, not the top) as a source of sex.
I’m going to hit the clubs and see if I can get me some cunt.
(Australia, New Zealand, Britain, vulgar, positive, countable) (with words funny, good) A person (mostly between male friends); compare bastard.
Yes, I do remember Dave; he was one funny cunt.
Tom's a good cunt: he fixed my car and didn't even charge me for it!
Either one works, in fact both work. Inga can be a "cunt" in both the American and British sense. Chuck more in the British sense but perhaps in the American sense as well.
Now I REALLY need to stop futzing around and start doing my taxes.
John Henry
I am in a curious position, personally.
Its an odd place. I can speak to everyone in the various US ethnic, class and social categories. I have a foot in every camp - thats a lot of feet. I am something of an arachnid I guess. This is because of the circumstance of my origins and experience.
The most profound impression I have is few really listen to anyone else, nor do they want to. The most open-minded, willing to engage across cultural lines people I have run across are Evangelical Christians. Its in that sphere where you really do get from-the-old-country Indians, Chinese, Nicaraguans in the same room on the same page.
Two genuine, plugged in people who could actually get inside the Chicano world are Gustavo Arellano (the "Go Ask a Mexican" guy) and Fred Reed. From very different directions, and very different politics. Its no coincidence they had limited success, and their main outlet finally was Unz.
Dumb Inga looks at collectivist Blacks and thinks, "Now there are MY kind of Negroes . . . docile, loyal to the Plantation . . . not like Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and those uppity coons, always bellyaching about freedom. . . ."
The most open-minded, willing to engage across cultural lines people I have run across are Evangelical Christians.
It works the other way too. SDAs are not, technically Evangelical Christians, though we are Christians and could probably be considered evangelical.
Not sure if this is appropo but it is one more excuse to delay starting on taxes
Back in the early 90s my son, nephew and and I were staying with a friend in San Francisco (where boys are boys and men are men and you need a crowbar to separate the two) and we all went to services on the Sabbath. Including our friend who is not SDA.
The Church was a very old and beautiful former Episcopalian (I think) church. It is shared by an English speaking and a Korean SDA church. Completely separate, I think.
So after the service, in the English speaking church, we were invited to join in lunch. Sabbath lunches are pretty common and inviting visitors normal. The directions were a bit vague. It turned out there are two dining rooms and we wondered into the Korean one by mistake.
We didn't even realize it until we started in the serving line and our friend recognized the food as Korean and everyone was speaking Korean.
It was a wonderful multi-cultural experience and we were made to feel very welcome, even after figuring out our mistake. A Korean man even taught me to use chopsticks. The food, whatever it was, was excellent.
John Henry
Chuck is a lawyer? Hooda thunkit? I thought he was a dog. On the internet, one never knows.
The article quotes an academic named Boykin who states that if Diamond and Silk attacked Trump, Trump fans wouldn't like them. What a brilliant observation! I think this was the same Boykin who first observed that water is wet.
One of the most detestable of many detestable thing about the most ardent Trump fans is the victimhood mentality. You're adopting one of the most detestable traits of the identity-politics left.
Somebody is going to come back and tell me that I misspelled d-e-p-l-o-r-a-b-l-e as "detestable." Save it. Save it for somebody who voted for Hillary. That's not me.
I am constantly amazed at what pussies the Trump people can be. All worried about what the left-wing media is doing to you. (Dick Cheney didn't care about the media, Don Rumsfeld had fun with the media.) Donald Trump is like a high school girl with social media; all bothered about what was the last thing that was said.
"Deplorable" was, I thought, supposedly something that was laughably inaccurate and defamatory. It wasn't supposed to be your mission statement.
they have never been favorites of mine - probably because they are all rah-rah Trump and they mocked Michelle O., but I just hit the "follow" buttons on their FB and Twitter feeds.
All you need to do is compare Diamond and Silk to GloZell to decide how the NYT would describe a "show" if they were liberal supporting.
Old Man Rick: I had almost forgotten about that. Great point. Great post. Left-wing minstrelsy.
Chuck, (who's claimed victim status here more than anyone).
If you haven't noticed, the years since Cheney and Rumsfeld have produced a different political culture, media landscape and communication methods.
If you think the polite turn the other cheek style of the Bush era is going to hold against the fervor of the contemporary left, you better get to work on that spine implant for Kasich..who's dad btw worked for the post office.
But since you are living in the past, consider the fun Gilda Radner's Emily Littela could have with the left's creative abuse of language.
"What is all this I hear about about menstrual shows?"
" One of the most detestable of many detestable thing about the most ardent Trump fans is the victimhood mentality. You're adopting one of the most detestable traits of the identity-politics left."
Coming from the lifelong republican who complains constantly that his desire to assault women, attacks on children, and being called mean names and cries to Mommy Althouse to make them stop.
Self awareness is not a strong suit in our pretend lawyer, pretend republican, pretend XY chromosome possessing Moby.
I haven't had anything to do with the SDA here, no, but I don't doubt they would be as universal.
The Manila Sanitarium, an SDA institution, was "our" hospital for generations. The family homes (this was a wealthy suburb at the time) were all within a few blocks of it. Everyone went there for primary care and surgery/specialists too. My sister and I had our appendicitis operations there. Our dentists were SDA.
I am led to believe Chuck thinks it is detestable when somebody points out his racist words are racist. And that anybody who points out Chuck's racism is a victim.
I like how vulgar Chuck gets when we notice how Left-aligned Chuck is. He makes me laugh.
Oh my God. They are comediennes and entertainers mostly. It's called satire. Get a clue NYT.
there hasn't been a President since perhaps Woodrow Wilson who was so beloved by American racists, as Donald Trump.
This from the human measle that couldn’t stop sniggering about how Donald Trump’d grandchildren are Jooooooos.
I'm still trying to figure out what sort of asinine, racist point Chuck is trying to make.
Why? What purpose would it serve?
Scroll on.
Once educated in the belief that southerners are racists and the Yankees are not hoax, no amount of truth in front of your faces seeps through. In the name of Jesus, have you ever considered that you may be wrong.
Newsome and Boykin are putting on a minstral show for white liberals who believe that all black people are so politically unsophisticated and mindless that they all must have the same opinions and believe the same things that are critical of Trump. If Diamond and Silk were criticizing Trump in the same manner, Newsome and Boykin would be praising them. Newsome and Boykin are just playing stooges for smug white liberals, telling them what the want to hear.
I haven't had anything to do with the SDA here, no, but I don't doubt they would be as universal.
The Manila Sanitarium, an SDA institution, was "our" hospital for generations.
The LA County Hospital was shared with the "College of Medical Evangelists " when I was a medical student. That is a SDA institution, now know as Loma Linda University. Medicine is still a big deal and the chief of cardiac surgery there was a pioneer in infant heart transplants. I am pretty vague about the religion but medicine seems to be a major part of it. I do know that, when I was a medical student, they did not believe in Psychiatry. Given the state of Psychiatry then (not much better now) I consider that a plus.
My wife was in her doctor's office for her semi-weekly shot for her immune issues and the nurse was a young Cambodian woman. She described her familiy's two year journey to get to the US.
My wife finally asked, "Why did you want to get here so badly ?"
The girl answered, "Freedom."
That's all that was said.
One of the most detestable of many detestable thing about the most ardent Trump fans is the victimhood mentality.
We're not victims. We just aren't going to sit still when people who cry for tolerance, diversity, and inclusiveness publicly call for millions of their countrymen to be intolerantly treated, mocked for their diverse views, and uninvited from public discourse.
That's hardly victimhood. It's calling for them to live the values they espouse before telling us how we must all march to their tune.
It's calling for a better class of leftist.
No wonder it bothers you so much.
"Donald Trump is like a high school girl with social media; all bothered about what was the last thing that was said." Chuck, you really don't understand how The Donald is constantly playing the media. He's not "bothered" by the media; he uses social media (and other media) to play them. The fact that this is not obvious to you makes me question a bunch of your previous assertions.
Not worrying about the media cost Cheney a lot. Scooter Libby even more.
the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...
I gotta admit, I din't get this 'Diamond and Silk' thing before
LLR Chuck: I think "Diamond and Silk" are just dumb. Insultingly dumb.
That's a perfect example of an insult where an argument belongs.
Chuck makes the common mistake of the left in ascribing his own prejudice onto others. Republican, indeed.
Step back Chuck. The NYT called two people they don’t agree with an insulting racial name. End of story. Imagine they had called Jewish Trump supporters sheenies. But you DEFEND it.
Imagine they had called Jewish Trump supporters sheenies. But you DEFEND it.
Why on earth do you think Chuck would be troubled if Jews were insulted?
Interesting comment by Buwaya on La Raza (the race), which has renamed themselves. Scrips college was going to have a no whites invited pool party by probably what is a La Raza affiliate. It got changed after that hit the press.
On CA politics, La Raza seems to be a must belong to if your into politics and a Hispanic Democratic candidate. And then once elected, they seem to go along with the usual Democratic party line, which is not very good for their working class supporters.
I don't understand the lack of outreach by the GOP for Blacks and Latinos. They only seem to attempt something, during a Presidential election. Truthfully, right or wrong, the GOP seems to be pretty color blind and does not do racial / identity politics very well. This is an area that I hope Trump works on, unfortunately he has so many overton windows to reset first and is an cage match to the death, with the elite.
So we only want too see stuff we agree with. You know, totes different frkm Jimmy zkimmel's audience, or Stephen Colbert's audience, or Chelsea Handler's audience, or CNN's audience or MSNBC's audience.
I don't know about dangerous, but they are frequently stupid. Nevertheless, they are fun to watch (though have not a lot to add in terms of the Dump or conservative POV). Still, again - they are fun. Who cares what the NYT thinks. Is that they only way they are interesting to you?
Beyoncé does a whiteface minstrel show, complete with bleached and straightened hair/wig. It's HILARIOUS! She looks almost human.
Chuck, it’s really hard to play the role of the “last sane man in America” when you come across as batshit insane.
I’d suggest getting away from the daily political slugfest, news, blogs, what have you. Take a break, and get you brain out of that meat grinder of rut it’s shredding itself in. Living, eating and breathing Trump hate, as with any hate, can’t be healthy for anybody.
I notice the NYT isn't allowing comments on the article. Always a dead giveaway.
Some conservatives tacitly claim victimhood status by pointing too how they are mischaracterized by the MSM, academia, the entertainment industry and LLRs.
I don't blame them, but I don't need to feel like a victim. It is precisely because I developed an internal (vs. external) locus of control that I have been successful in my life. I feel put upon by these idiots (just like I am by poor drivers) but not victimized.
I think if you knew any conservatives, you would realize that they are very different from leftists precisely because they have an internal (vs. external) locus of control.
Well over on the "pale" side of the house (the melanin challenged that is) Jackie and Dunlap on Red State Update on You Tube are either a comedy act or political pundits. They take equal opportunity swipes at most everybody--Trump, Never Trumpers, progressives etc.
Diamond and Silk do the same sort of thing from the black female perspective.
Will Rogers supposedly said he didn't need comedy writers---he just read the newspapers and had all the material he needed. Jackie, Dunlap, Diamond and Silk seem to have adopted that ethos.
That said, all four of them are best taken in (very) small doses.
Conservative minorities can't possibly know what they are saying, can't possibly have their own opinion about politics, they must surely be putting on a show or been coached, right? That is how the left thinks.
Rigelsen said...
Chuck, it’s really hard to play the role of the “last sane man in America” when you come across as batshit insane.
I’d suggest getting away from the daily political slugfest, news, blogs, what have you. Take a break, and get you brain out of that meat grinder of rut it’s shredding itself in. Living, eating and breathing Trump hate, as with any hate, can’t be healthy for anybody.
I think of all of the places where, and all of the groups of intelligent and informed followers of the news in which, I'd be scorned, just for having voted for Trump, and for now saying, "I really don't regret it."
I just feel like I am on some of the more solid, moderated, reasonable, fact-based political high ground that there is in America.
To the right, and even the far right, I say; "I gave Trump my vote. I didn't want another lesbian Supreme Court justice. I didn't want four years of Hillary judicial nominations on top of eight years of Obama nominations. On balance, it is far better to have a Trump in the White House than another Clinton...." I could go on and on, but you get it.
To my left-leaning friends and antagonists, I can say, "Hey, I understand how you feel about Trump, and all of the inexcusable things he says and does. I opposed his nomination, I do not like him, I voted for him reluctantly, and you won't find me defending him personally. As for our basic policy differences, they all remain the same with or without Trump."
When all of the usual claims of hypocrisy arise for and against both sides, I am happily unconcerned. I didn't excuse Bill Clinton in office, and I have no problem in not excusing Donald Trump along the same lines. I supported the Independent Counsel Ken Starr, and now I support the Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
There is of course a lot of deep-seated rage on the left, and since I've never been part of the far left perhaps I'm a bit insulated. But for me, the daily confrontation is with the Trump-loving right. Where any personal criticism of Trump (practically all of which is valid), earns me the sort of unhinged attacks that I am not who I say. That I must not be a Republican, or a lawyer, or even a man. That I must be a paid apparatchik of the Left. Because, uh, only paid apparatchik's of Left would criticize Trump?!? (There's a long list of new Left-apparatchiks! From Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain; to Kevin Williamson and Jonah Goldberg; to John Kasich and Mitt Romney.)
Francisco D said...
Some conservatives tacitly claim victimhood status by pointing too how they are mischaracterized by the MSM, academia, the entertainment industry and LLRs.
I don't blame them, but I don't need to feel like a victim. It is precisely because I developed an internal (vs. external) locus of control that I have been successful in my life. I feel put upon by these idiots (just like I am by poor drivers) but not victimized.
I think if you knew any conservatives, you would realize that they are very different from leftists precisely because they have an internal (vs. external) locus of control.
There is a history -- 50 years, 60 years, more? -- of an anti-conservative bias in mainstream American media.
I am one of the original fans of Brent Bozell's Media Research Center, which was cataloguing media bias long before anybody cared about Donald Trump. George W. Bush trolled the press by carrying a copy of Bernard Goldberg's (another favorite of mine) book "Bias" across the South Lawn of the White House to board Marine One. And of course there is Jonah Golderg's oeuvre of books chronicling American Left-wing media bias and cultural deficiencies.
All of them, more or less, disgusted by Trump. I always feel like there at plenty of smart, articulate, Trump-hating conservatives available to me for sanity checks. I'm doing great! If Trump can complete this term, I'll be unsurprised. If he doesn't, I'll be surprised and delighted.
Trump loving = agree with Trump on policy
Obama hating = disagree with Obama on policy
That's a nice symmetry, in that policy is defined emotionally. Perfectly typifies the Leftist Collectivist mentality on display from LLR fopdoodle Chuck.
Birkel said...
Trump loving = agree with Trump on policy
Obama hating = disagree with Obama on policy
That's a nice symmetry, in that policy is defined emotionally. Perfectly typifies the Leftist Collectivist mentality on display from LLR fopdoodle Chuck.
That is nothing like my position.
I am distinguishing "Trump-lovers" (as people who like Trump's style, and who like Trump no matter what policy position he takes if indeed anybody can tell what policy position he is taking) from Trump-hating conservatives (as people who at long-time conservative ideologues but who loathe Trump's style, and his verbal tics and foibles, his personal scandals, his ignorance of policy, his inability to articulate sound policy accurately, and his interference with sound conservative policy goals.)
If the net result of Trump is a loss of the House to the Dems in 2018, or even the Senate, and big losses in state houses in 2018 and the critical redistricting year of 2020, Trump will have caused irreparable harm to conservatism.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire:
1) Nobody can discern Trump's policy poaitions ("if indeed anybody can tell what policy position he is taking")
2) People who support Trump on policy are fine by me;
3) It all boils down to emotion (Trump-hating conservatives... )
And that is why nobody takes you seriously.
You are a sad spectacle. A whinging, ignorant, emotional fool.
You cannot be respected because you have no core. And you managed self-mockery so consistently as to make teasing you laborious.
Further, you are a scold. A ninny. An emotionally unstable nag. You are a wretched and useless fool. An unfunny jester with two oversized Left shoes.
I pity you, you blustering, wincing blowhard.
Tank is a Trump Lover.
He's a f'n asshole, but he's our f'n asshole. Why should the left get all the f'n assholes. Paraphrasing a small man, they bring a knife, we bring our Trump'n asshole.
Some people, you know who you are, want us to continue to bring a pat of butter to a knife fight.
Chuck said...
If the net result of Trump is a loss of the House to the Dems in 2018, or even the Senate, and big losses in state houses in 2018 and the critical redistricting year of 2020, Trump will have caused irreparable harm to conservatism.
Paul Ryan and the GOPe shitheads in congress will be 100% responsible for any losses in the midterm. They could barely have been more traitorous cunts than they were.
Trump is clearly the most effective conservative politician we have had for decades, including Ronald Reagan.
I just want to congratulate Chuck today for agreeing with the NYT's and doing his best to castigate and demean black conservatives. It is best when you and the Inga's racism comes out so blatantly.
You are just horrible people. I kinda hope you all succeed in impeaching Trump.
Facebook is a racist company manned by racist employees owned by racist shithead totalitarians who wish to persecute their political opponents.
There will be a free alternative soon that will have a more effective EULA that wont make you feel dirty using it. It will be a priority.
Achilles I look forward to the day when Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage criticize Democrats almost as much as Republicans. Because we'll need to win a few elections.
...said Chuck, the fopdoodle who criticizes the Republican president every day.
Nagging, whinging scold.
Achilles I look forward to the day when Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage criticize Democrats almost as much as Republicans.
I look forward to the day when Congressional Republicans keep their campaign promises.
Your vision is much better than mine. I look forward to the day when Republicans don't actively lie to their constituents. And even that is a long way off.
If the net result of Trump is a loss of the House to the Dems in 2018, or even the Senate, and big losses in state houses in 2018 and the critical redistricting year of 2020, Trump will have caused irreparable harm to conservatism.
Because of course, the unwillingness of Congressional Republicans to keep their campaign promises will have nothing to do with it.
If the net result of Trump is a loss of the House to the Dems in 2018, or even the Senate, and big losses in state houses in 2018 and the critical redistricting year of 2020, Trump will have caused irreparable harm to conservatism.
The House and Senate were won on Trump's coattails in 2016. If they fail to win or retain seats in 2018 it's because they don't deserve to. If Trump ran again this year he would easily be reelected.
I look forward to the day when Congressional Republicans keep their campaign promises.
I don't even watch those people and listen to Rush once a week, if that.
Just a few promises would be nice, It might give me incentive to vote,
Field Marshall and "Bowe Bergdahl republican" Chuck: "I'd be scorned, just for having voted for Trump, "
There is no actual proof LLR Chuck voted for Trump.
Nor will there ever be.
Ryan praised leaker and liar and disseminator of classified material comey as ethical.
Yes, its impossible to understand why republican base voters dont believe the obamacare repeal and build the wall congressional republican liars can be trusted.
In. Ex. Plic. Able.
I look forward to the day when Republicans don't actively lie to their constituents. And even that is a long way off.
4/15/18, 8:19 PM
And it's amazing to me that certain LLRs, who are always screaming about Trump's lies, don't seem to mind being lied to by the GOP Establishment. Oho, but the Establishment lies to fool the hicks, so that's OK, right Chuck?
Has Chuck ever noticed that the Dems don't treat their core constituents with such open contempt? Oh, I believe that behind closed doors, they laugh their asses off at the gullible Ingas. But they're smart enough to not do it openly, whereas the members of The Stupid Party are too stupid to figure out what a stupid move it is.
Ryan hedged in that he said he doesn't know Comey well..only interacted with him briefly.
You if there isn't plenty to condemn from public information.
"La la la la la la la la la"
Chuck said...
Achilles I look forward to the day when Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage criticize Democrats almost as much as Republicans. Because we'll need to win a few elections.
You and your leftist allies are worthless. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConell, Kristol, Brooks McCain whatever just need to shut your lying mouths up and get with the program.
I really wish you would just get on with it and impeach Trump. We know you want to.
Just do it.
Nobody likes you. Your leftist allies look at you like a bleeding dog that just got hit by a car and just want you off their very nice carpet. Republican voters think you are all traitors. You all really have no friends.
God Paul Ryan is a piece of shit. It was a glorious day when he "retired." Someone saw something in their poll numbers. His opponent in the last primary will make an excellent member of the house. I am sure some "think tank" will repay Ryan handsomely for betraying republican voters every chance he could.
NYT splains and defends diversity politics.
"When you hear a dog whistle, you're the dog." Something the NYT and its professorial idiots might think about, if they know how to think.
I swear, every time I think Trump has gone too far, Hillary Clinton or the NYT or WaPo or Jim Acosta or some one like that reminds me that Hillary and her supporters were far worse.
Nobody likes you [Chuck and all his fellow Chuckheads]. Your leftist allies look at you like a bleeding dog that just got hit by a car and just want you off their very nice carpet. Republican voters think you are all traitors. You all really have no friends.
God Paul Ryan is a piece of shit. It was a glorious day when he "retired." Someone saw something in their poll numbers. His opponent in the last primary will make an excellent member of the house. I am sure some "think tank" will repay Ryan handsomely for betraying republican voters every chance he could.
Too bad this can't fit on a cake.
“only want to listen to the people who reaffirm their narrow, limited vision of what blackness is all about and how black people should perceive white people and specifically how they should perceive Donald Trump.”
This describes Keith Boykin to a tee, does it not? The Panthers used the label Uncle Tom for any black who didn't adhere the Party line. Eldridge Cleaver might as well have called them kulaks. Boykin uses "minstrel show", but it's the same label employed to the same end, which would be a barded wire-enclosed camp in Alaska if Boykin and his fellow Democrats had their druthers.
Boykin fails to explain why Diamond & Silk are unworthy to exercise the free speech rights he enjoys but from his perspective free speech belongs to the Party, and is to be doled out sparingly and only to approved recipients.
The real modern day modern-day minstrel shows are things like Empire and Braxton Family Values.
The NYT competes with itself each day to prove it can be sicker and more biased than the previous day. Deaths are not events to be mourned. They are stimuli for the next big hit on the normals.
Meanwhile lefty despicables cheer.
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