April 21, 2018

"Michael Cohen... famously said I'll take a bullet for Donald Trump. Well, now that he's looking at prison time, we'll see if he'll take a dick."

That's Bill Maher's homophobic rape joke, which I transcribed from the recording of last night's episode of "Real Time."

Here, you can watch it.

I cannot believe prison rape remains a stock comic subject. Quite aside from the general problem of casual joking about rape, the prison rape topic is not only very stale — I've heard these jokes for 50 years — but it shows enthusiasm for punishing human beings convicted of crimes in a manner that extends beyond the legal sentence. It's laughing at the torture of persons held in captivity. When I hear Maher tell that joke, I picture him standing alongside Lynndie England and Charles Graner, grinning toothily and giving the thumbs-up sign.


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tcrosse said...

200 ! Thanks Ritmo !

FIDO said...

Here is the difference, Ms. Althouse.

Rhada the Hutt did NOT try to make a joke. It would have tickled her pink to hear that GHWB read her post and wept bitter tears at the loss of his wife.

It was clever, but was MEANT primarily to outrage, offend, and harm. She wasn't being funny. She was being a bitch.

Still, I don't advocate firing her FOR THAT. (If they find something else...)

Bill Maher went full on with a structure and punchline OF a joke. Even I can groan in appreciation at the clever word play. Yes, it was a joke aimed at my side, but it was well written.

And I will be the first to grant that you are incredibly consistent at protecting tenure like a mother bear her cubs, no matter the outrage, though I might have missed a post where you said some professor should be fired.

Achilles said...

buwaya said...

Everything is important in proportion.

One drug-addled roid rager in bumblefuck is meaningless.
A few hundred thousand angry well-armed men controlling all your means of transport and communication (which all run through bumblefuck) is something else entirely.

Never dismiss people you don't like, without counting them first. Everyone who has gotten into trouble this way started by making this mistake. The Sinhalese against the Tamils for instance.

TTR and his fellow stalinists are delusional.

Something else to take into account if the little Stalinist fuckheads pull off their coup.

"In 2013, 44 percent of all enlistees were from the South, while only 14 percent came from the Northeast."

If you go state by state it is even more stark.

Howard said...

Repetitive Achilles: No Justice No Peace

Love, Stalin

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
My college major was molecular biology, Michael K. Nice try.

Can you still get your money back ?You sure sound ignorant.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"The great majority of prison rapists are not gay"

Bullshit. They're ALL DL gay. Why do you think recidivism is so prevalent? They crave man-butt.

Paul From Minneapolis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul From Minneapolis said...

So it's the right wing that's very intense, Mr. Revolutionary.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You sure sound ignorant.

I expect no less ignorant opinion from an ignorant, old, self-important fart like you.

"For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are."

Now back to your caretaker.

FIDO said...

I keep missing all the Right Wing Riots. I have heard of MANY Left wing riots and 'demonstrations', however.

Birkel said...

That was a brutal comment. Well done!

Your supply of pearls is seemingly unlimited. I applaud your perseverance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In 2013, 44 percent of all enlistees were from the South, while only 14 percent came from the Northeast.

Yes, everyone knows southerners are dumb enough to die in other people's lost causes. These days it's the neo-cons' lost causes. Yesterday it was to keep the richer white Southerners' slaves, nowadays it's to keep the Middle East safe for despotism/democracy/cheap oil/whatever.

We sure do appreciate the southerner's willingness to die in whatever cause is given to him. But really, enough with wars and imperialism. It's fine if they just keep to running around in the woods shooting at each other instead. Maybe you should join them, seeing as how violent you are.

BTW, how you coming along on your letter to the district attorney's office? Did you tell him how important the idea of violent confrontation with other Americans is to you?

I can help you draft the letter, if the words are escaping you.

Remember, you're going to "wipe (them) out." Make sure you make that goal clear. Tell them the methods you'd like to use, also. That sort of helps them out, as accustomed as they are to uncovering the plots of others who wish to do us harm.

Achilles is not sure how open he wants to be about his identity as a domestic terrorist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...fellow stalinists...

Oh yeah, and that reminds me. How's your attempt to dismantle the judicial system coming along? Any more success on that front?

Did you try contacting the ABA about how attorney-client privilege should be used to conceal a crime? About how judges are wrong to issue warrants unless their evidence for doing so is immediately revealed to you, a would-be domestic terrorist?

What other pillars of American law did you want to tear down, Mr. Domestic Terrorist?

Michael K said...

You sure sound ignorant.

I expect no less ignorant opinion from an ignorant, old, self-important fart like you.

Seriously, Ritmo, you sometimes sound intelligent and even knowledgeable but the Democratic Socialist stuff makes you sound stupid.

Why do you make a big thing about Watson and Crick when you have to know that has nothing to do with the present?

You really sound like a clown. There are people here who would have a serious discussion with you if you tried.

Birkel said...

Michael K,
Who beside buwaya would waste a serious comment on TTR? How could he have earned respect toward that end?

Mockery is all he deserves. I stand in awe of buwaya, who is generous beyond compare.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why do you care so much about sounds and clowns? And in what ways do fascism and reflexive tribalism make someone sound intelligent?

I really don't understand why you feel some text or another is the end-all/be-all of biology or what you have against Watson and Crick. There are countless texts, countless discoveries, but at the end of the day neither of us are working in labs at the present and are confining our interest (as would anyone) to relatively lay appreciation - i.e. the impact that the knowledge has on lay interests such as a general understanding of human migration/descent or disease and well-being.

Other than that, what's to impress each other with "seriousness?" We're not at a conference or symposium. I suppose if you want to talk about ubiquitinases or proteasomes or leucine zippers or protein folding or whatnot then we could jerk each other off that way, but what's the point? It's like going on about organic chemistry for kicks. Unless we have experiments to conduct or data to share or refute then while, I admit that while the 3-D picture is interesting, my current interest in enzymes basically centers on how awesome Zout detergent is for hand cleaning dishes due to the role of the proteinase, lipase and amylase it contains in breaking down the leftover food particles that gunk up kitchenware.

A lot of undergrad majors are like that. People have a way of branching out, you know?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh Cliff Clavin BIrkel - if only all the other islanders realized all that "serious" leadership potential you hold then they might not have voted your yammering and stammering self off the island first, after all. I'm sure listening to lectures on Our Lord Queen and Savior Ayn Rand is what everyone needs from a former "boss" while issues of basic survival and the social contract are at stake. If only everyone else took their comfortably greedy, candy-ass existence as much for granted as you do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

buwaya is impervious to reality - more impervious than even most right-wingers.

Find as much "awe" in that as you want to. I suppose the trouble for most right-wingers is that they only neglect as much reality as it takes for most Americans to lose interest in debating them. But their fuses are shorter when anyone with more stamina comes along.

buwaya seems virtuous because he builds an even more elaborate artifice of unreality, delusion and explanation than most right-wingers would have the patience to bother with. He's like the schizophrenic who builds an entire universe within which to inhabit his delusion, whereas most schizophrenics are fine with just thinking that the radio is sending secret messages to them. buwaya understands the secret messages and has had meetings with the board of directors of those constructing and sending the messages. He even knows their kids and talks with the messengers about soccer practice.

Birkel said...

All those words and not a single idea of merit.

Except the idea is to generate a lot of words. Pointless toothless.

Nothing to consider. Just meandering words and attempted insults. But when nobody cares about your self-indulgent verbosity, what can it matter? You are the proverbial tree falling in the woods. You make sound waves bit with nobody listening you never make a sound. Perhaps you scare a bunny.

You are the worst kind of troll: lame.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Birkel have trouble with too many words.

Shorter words! Make more sense for low-brain Birkel!

Birkel demand more sense-making for Birkel small brain!

Less words! Birkel no make sense of great words!

Big words HARD! Please be nicer. Birkel not smart enough.

Birkel said...

It is as if you have nothing worthwhile to type.

chickelit said...

Junk pixels

Anonymous said...

Only on Althouse could a thread that began by being about prison rape develop into a discussion of patents and patent trolling.

chickelit said...

Peak Althouse?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pointing out how difficult it is for Birkel Caveman to understand things is always worthwhile.

Especially when he demands that you dumb things down for him.

chickelit said...

Guys like Maher and his acolytes like TTR keep pushing uphill to get us to some tipping point at which point we’ll all reject Trump and then arrive at some post-Trump place and time. They don’t understand the barrier to that happening. There’s a barrier because they aren’t talking about what that post-Trump state is. “Oh, it’s Mike Pence” is TTR’s Constitutaion response - as if anyone seriously thinks the Dems would stop there and allow Pence to govern. They’re hoping for another Nixon - Ford - Carter sequence. Maybe if they could take out Pence as well this fall, then there could be a Speaker Pelosi Constitutional chain of command change.

Democrat toadies like Maher keep insisting that Hillary Clinton is finished but the tell that she isn’t is that they cannot furnish an alternative Democratic leader at the national level. They cannot define a post-Trump realiity. Moreover, they don’t seem to care that they should do so.

chickelit said...

Who was the latest spineless Hillary toady the Dems offered up as a post-Trump reality? Terry McAwfull? Seriously?

chickelit said...

Each and every Dem post-Trump alternative they’ve throw against the wall hoping to stick has just been a shit stain dripping down the wall.

chickelit said...

At this point, Maher and his ilk are so wound up that they remind me of French revolutionaries: Let’s just behead the King and see what happens.

Can anyone recommend a decent history of the French Revolution?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Guys like Maher and his acolytes like TTR keep pushing uphill to get us to some tipping point at which point we’ll all reject Trump and then arrive at some post-Trump place and time.

Oh, we know that you Forever-Trumpers are as likely to "reject" the lawless Trump as this 16-year old was to reject his own leader.

Pence is unable to govern because he's got no charisma, no national appeal and is an even wackier right-winger than Trump. But at least he could occupy the office in a law-abiding way. He was chosen for the same reason most VPs are: To balance out the regional/cultural imbalances of the ticket's front-runner. That's not our fault.

I don't care if Trump is impeached or not. But no one and no decent jurisdiction's going to stand for allowing his lawyer to act as a front or a money launderer for his crimes.

Maher a "toadie" and anyone who watches his popular program or agrees with any of his popular views an "acolyte?" THat's funny. Once again you reveal how little you understand of any social dynamics. Why don't you stop being a toady to fascism and an acolyte of fundamentalism? Oh, that's right. Those false and phony things give you a sense of social comfort that simply dealing honestly and intelligently with your fellow man could never bring you. You don't seem to be capable of them.

The Democrats don't have to have any politically redeeming value for any decent, thinking person to object to Trump's lawless mobster antics. Duh. No wonder Nixon saw so much "promise" in him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I remember how much the right-wingers always hated the Republicans and yet still never failed to show up to vote for them. That's what I think of the Democrats at this point. Most of them including their party leadership are completely worthless - except as a check against fascist losers. What an exception that is. Trump may be a check against their loserdom, but at this point I'll take rule of law over more and more right-wing attacks on an already impotent and worthless party. Trump may be a symptom of a Democratic disease, but he's at least as much a reaction to the right's long assault on the working class. He's also at least as much a reaction to the failures of the Republicans. Either way, it doesn't matter. If he were a positive force for politics that would be one thing, but his working class appeals are phony and empty. Reagan won the working class votes too, but then kicked off a long, slow decline for them and the rest of the country full of outsourcing, Wall Street cronyism and selling out the country to a decline in living standards ever since. Trump pretends to be against the outsourcing and trade imbalances but on every other score he's doubling down with that legacy on steroids.

chickelit said...

TTR: “Oh, we know that you Forever-Trumpers are as likely to "reject" the lawless Trump as this 16-year old was to reject his own leader.”

Why all the “furor” over Trump? it’s like calling Bernie Stalin. Get your head into the 21st century.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Get your head into the 21st century.

Tell that to your leader. He's repeating all the failures of the 1930s.

Sanders would have been more like FDR. Yes, if we're determined to repeat the 1930s I'll take FDR over another Hitler or Goebbels or whomever it is that Trump takes after.

chickelit said...

Personally, I’m glad that the national level Dem prospects look so dismal. The real and important battles are to be won at state and local levels.

chickelit said...

Goodnight, Rittmeister.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The real and important battles are to be won at state and local levels.

And in the House, too - as long as you want to be all partisan about it.

Good night.

The Vault Dweller said...

This doesn't seem like that big a deal. The people who care a lot about it need to be bullied. Maybe pushed into a wall of lockers?

Michael K said...

Ritmo prefers the clown role.

Marcus said...

Jeez, the Left wants Pound Me Too to be treated as scripture, but laughs off prison rape. Maybe the way to end prison rape is to make prisons sorta "co-ed" and we can use Pound Me Too as a shaming tool.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah chickl is right. The leftwinger D's don't have an alternative to a Clinton. So, it's Clinton again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If by clown you mean "not boring" then yeah, that's me. I'll take it.

mikee said...

Since you've heard the jokes for 50 years, is it not possible that the jokes are appropriate and timeless, rather than stale?

Why did the Chicken cross the road?

They call themselves The Aristocrats!

Interrupting cow...MOOOO!

Prison rape!

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