March 29, 2018

"What It’s Like to Visit ‘Dr. M,’ New York’s Erotic Masseur for Women."

New York Magazine talks to 3 women.
I don’t have any sort of attachment to him, but he’s a comforting presence. I can focus on my pleasure....

Since I’ve been seeing him I’ve been calmer and I feel much less urgency with men. I don’t want to go out and have sex with a different guy every other night. It’s making me a little more selective. And I don’t have any of that sex anxiety like, “Ugh, do I have to sleep over?” Or, “Oh no, will he still be here in the morning?”


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It is unfortunate Stormy didn't have this opportunity a few years back. Might have avoided a whole lot of grief.

Earnest Prole said...

So we're back to treating the hysteria of anxious upper-middle-class white women with pelvic massage?

Michael K said...

"Show me a man who doesn't eat pussy and I'll steal his girl."

rcocean said...

Sadly, once you get past a certain age- If you're a man - and not Trump or Clinton - there's nothing duller than sex.

The male member goes into the female orifice - in and out.

And so it goes.

rcocean said...

"Show me a man who doesn't eat pussy and I'll steal his girl."

You'd have to be more a man than just a pussy licker to steal a many a girl.

tcrosse said...

Isn't Larry Nassar going to jail for this ?

tim maguire said...

Sexual that what the kids are calling prostitution these days?

Bilwick said...

And wham! I find my true vocation! From now on, call me "Dr. Bill."

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Guys call it happy ending. I guess women need to dress it up more.

Gahrie said...

Wait...isn't this exactly the sort of thing Althouse was condemning a few days ago..only with the genders reversed?

Ralph L said...

Oooo, aromatherapy!

No word on the gazillion candles.

Ralph L said...

when he first touches my vagina it feels like he’s slowly peeling back layers.

Isabella's got an onion.

YoungHegelian said...

Oh! Oh! When it's discussed in New York magazine by women, it's all about an "erotic masseur".

When it's guys on shore leave, it's a "Steam & Cream".

Luke Lea said...

A log of high libido single women in NYC?

Birches said...

So we're back to treating the hysteria of anxious upper-middle-class white women with pelvic massage?

This is exactly what I was thinking.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is this legal?

Ralph L said...

He said the more “sensual” part is complementary and completely optional.
Fig leaf.

Painting: François Boucher. Nude on a Sofa. 1752. Allegedly one of Louis XV's mistresses.
The blue skin isn't in the original, so perhaps it's been massaged electronically.

n.n said...

Prostitution and other trans-social behaviors are progressing.

rhhardin said...

I got a job at a striptease. I help the girls dress and undress.
Nice Job.
Twenty francs a week.
Not very much.
It's all I can afford.

Bay Area Guy said...

Yowza! I would like to apply for the position of "Erotic Masseur"

I wouldn't do it for the money, but to ease the anxieties of all these upper West Side 50-something year old MILFs.

The Vault Dweller said...

What do you call a woman who goes to a male prostitute? A Joan? A Jane? I guess since the extra bit is completely optional and also complementary one can argue it isn't really prostitution. Something tells me that argument would only work in a case like this and not if the sexes were reversed.

The Vault Dweller said...

Also the youngest woman seems in a very weird place with her sex life. She seems to have no hang ups on having it, but then is worried about spending the night or the guy being there in the morning. She might do better if she was in a more comfortable relationship with her men before she slept with them.

buwaya said...

That is indeed a very famous picture, and it has a substantial provenance as being that of one O'Murphy, a teenage Irish girl from a rather raffish sort of family. Boucher painted the picture before the King inquired about the model, who in due course visited the Parc Aux cerfs.

It's quite a story, involving all sorts of characters, including Casanova himself, who "discovered" this talent.

rehajm said...

Fred Garvin: Male Prostitute

Bay Area Guy said...

Ugh. I read the article. These are fussy, uptight, sexually frustrated Hillary voters. They are probably unbearable.

Hell No.

buwaya said...

Yes, there is a lot of "The Road to Wellville" in this.

robother said...

The Doctor is IN.

Anonymous said...

He's just a gigolo with a very safe @ specialized niche. Life goes on without him.

Wince said...

What It’s Like to Visit ‘Dr. M,’ New York’s Erotic Masseur for Women.

"You mean a sen-su-al massage?"

Bay Area Guy said...

These uptight crazy New York women need a "Neurotic Massage" instead.

Someone needs to rub the crazy out of them.

mockturtle said...

Do these women know that he's filming all their sessions? ;-)

Bay Area Guy said...

Harvey Weinstein's future work-release gig...,

Ann Althouse said...

This post isn’t inconsistent with any other post. Note the tags. And I didn’t express an opinion other than what may be implicit in choosing the excerpt.

Roughcoat said...

Michael K:

I believe that line was from James Jones's WW2 novel "Whistle," third in a trilogy that included "From Here to Eternity" and "The Thin Red Line."

I think the exact quote is:

"Show me man who doesn't go down on his wife and I'll show you a man whose wife I can steal."

readering said...

Is it prostitution if you pay full price for regular massage and if want to can have happy ending no extra charge? Not the way it works when reverse sexes.

mockturtle said...

This smells like fiction and I doubt 'Dr. M' even exists.

Earnest Prole said...

This smells like fiction

Something smells fictiony.

Mark Daniels said...

Your tag says it. This is prostitution.

tim in vermont said...

Show me man who doesn't go down on his wife and I'll show you a man whose wife I can steal."

There's some classic blue pill thinking.

tim in vermont said...

All Gore is tearing his hair out. "I told you guys Chakra is real!"

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Haha, my childhood best friend is on on this racket. He is certified in a bunch of woo-woo new age-y fake therapy bullshit, and his scam is that his girlfriend du jour (they last for about 6-9 months on average) and he travel the country shacking up with various wealthy middle aged women for a few weeks at a time, conducting "sessions" and "workshops" for sexual healing, etc, in the hostess' homes with their circle of friends. I've never inquired as to the specific nature of the services they provide, but I assume there is a lot of tickling of neglected G-spots involved.

Bilwick said...

EDH, how did you post that link? I've never been able to post a link on this blog.

n.n said...

Well, first, judgment and principled tolerance. Are the women using protection? Second, is the New York Magazine publishing as pimp for the erotic masseur?

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

Women say “Ugh, do I have to sleep over?”

Then, when they don't stay over, they think:

"Should I have stayed over? Maybe I should've stayed over. Maybe he might find someone else, and I don't think I want him necessarily, but I don't want him to find someone else, because then that means I was just a use for sex. What if I thought I was using him but he was using me instead? Maybe I should've stayed over."

Or, “Oh no, will he still be here in the morning?”

Then, he isn't there in the morning, they think:

"I 'm glad he's not here, but I'm not sure I like him thinking he could just, like, leave. I want him to leave because I want him to be leaving, not because he wanted to be leaving. Because then that means I was just a use for sex. What if I thought I was using him but he was using me instead? Maybe I should've asked him to stay for breakfast. I could've microwaved some breakfast."

That's how the thought process works, I think.

The Germans have a word for this.

tim in vermont said...

For a while I couldn't post links until I tried it without the quotation marks.

As for the stories, All women are queens!

Lewis Wetzel said...

I installed that "Erotic Masseur for Women -- provider app" on my cell phone. I've had it on my phone for two weeks, no calls yet. They wanted a recent picture so I squeezed into my old boy scout uniform. Makes me look younger, I hope, especially with me holding the little hatchet. Very dashing, I think. I left out all the personal info I was supposed to enter, and just wrote the comment "I'm little Lewis, and I'll chop you into kindling!" Quite the double entendre, don't you think? You know, the way a real masseur kind of chops into you. I haven't gotten any calls yet, probably because I live way out here in the woods & the cell signal isn't very good.

Ralph L said...

Put <> around this: a href="URL">your text</a

Ralph L said...

Lewis, you should have held an ax.

Lewis Wetzel said...

For my part, as an "Erotic Masseur for Women - provider", I think it is best if my client forgets bourgeois expectations about "predictability". This is an adventure we embarking upon together! Can't wait for my first call!

Chris N said...

Maybe the guy, should he exist, writes a ghost-written novel about his experiences, and markets it within a therapeutically liberated, girl empowered perfectly equal women are sexually complex but oppressed theme.

Turns out he used drugs some of the time and was a physical therapist.

Most self respecting women, and slightly older women stay away, but some younger, curious, less educated and some skankier women celebrate the ‘Tales Of Mr. M’ book tour. Along with The NY Times review of books and some English Dept nitwits and barbarians.

The tour ends with a High brow skeptical but oh so earnest New Yorker postmodern art piece discussion at the ‘intersection of the clitoris within modern digital narratives of orgasmic isolation, male and market indifference, pop neuroscience understanding of women, loneliness, desire and the brain.’

Some plea for changing our modern world and politics ensues.

Meanwhile, a lot of great works sit on the shelf.

Chris N said...

And meanwhile, many successful guys (some decent) still know how to make money and get a women off and settle down in Westchestrr but in New York many (douchebags, assholes and cads) run through dozens, while many hot ambitious girls (some decent) pursue their careers (some for life, many until landing a good guy) and don’t sleep around too much (skanks, basket cases) without managing to visit a man-whore masseuse.

Not much changes.

The pen of Gail Collins quivers in the mystical moist night air.

Chris N said...

And there are a few very attractive, many not as attractive but not bad, very decent, very committed, very intelligent girls out there with character.

It’s pretty unlikely they visit this guy, and less likely they’d talk about it if they did. Probably not a great way to meet women, as it attracts the mattress girls, ideologues, fat ugly lonely and embittered women.

mezzrow said...

So we're back to treating the hysteria of anxious upper-middle-class white women with pelvic massage?

This is exactly what I was thinking.

Somewhere, Freud nods and lights another cigar.

MadisonMan said...

I imagine he makes good money doing this.

Darrell said...

This was the plot line of a Picket Fences episode ("Freezer Burn") in the 1990s. A local Rome, Wisconsin, man who lost his job when the factory closed opened a massage parlor for women. According to him, the first couple of female orgasms were accidental. Word quickly spread and when the women would didn't experience an orgasm got surly and threatened to get his license revoked, he put the "Squidgy" on the regular menu of services. He was later found murdered in a freezer and the sheriff was pissed when he found out his wife and college-age daughter were regular customers.

tcrosse said...

He could expand his business (heh heh) by dressing as a UPS guy and making house calls. I think I saw it in a movie once.

Rick.T. said...

"This smells like fiction

"Something smells fictiony."

Smells fishy to me.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

When a woman does it, it's empowering.
There is nothing for which this is not true.

A guy going to a massage parlor for sexual release is pathetic, disgusting, and worthy of mockery.
A woman who takes her sexual health and desires into her own hands (so to speak) is brave and noble and worthy of praise.


mikee said...

I saw this movie - it was a subplot in The Road to Wellville.
Funny but a bit more scatological than I like my movies to be.