March 4, 2018

Watching the Oscars.

I’m vaguely monitoring the goings on, even though I’ve only seen “Get Out” and “I, Tonya.” I’m a little interested in the fashion and the #MeToo politics. I invite you to chat in the comments even if only to say what you’re doing instead of watching.

ADDED: The proscenium seems to be based on a geode. Jimmy Kimmel said the Oscar statuette has no penis. He was speaking approvingly. Something #MeToo-related. I think the whole huge sword Oscar is holding is essentially the penis. I’ve always regarded it as a particularly penis-y statue. The thing as a whole is also penis-like, which means that the actor who receives it seems to be clutching his penis. Of course, the show is boring, as always, but the people look better than they have in the past, they’re behaving in an elegant manner, they’ve got lots of film montages, and the stage set is extravagant and gloriously ever-changing. I’ve quit watching for the night, but so far, all the awards have been as predicted.


Jason said...

It’s unbelievable how much I don’t give a shit about the oscars or Hollywood.

Darrell said...

I'm waiting for later this evening when I can say I missed it.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Doing work because there are deadlines this week.

Question: is it a trophy, or "statuette"? Discuss.

stevew said...

Reading books to my 16 month old granddaughter. Nothing in them about #metoo, #resistance, and such. We're counting bears and shouting at the moon, which, now that I think about it might be kinda similar.

Enjoy yourself. What color are you wearing?


Professional lady said...

I'm going to start watching a Great Tours DVD on "Experiencing Medieval Europe" in preparation for our trip to Poland in the fall. It's got two lectures on Krakow, but it will be interesting to learn about other European cities where Medieval art and architecture are very much preserved. I'm not wearing orange - come to think of it, I don't think I own any orange clothes.

Anonymous said...

Tonight is the night that begins the end of DJT. If he thinks 2020 is in the bag, he already lost 50 states and thus electoral college.

The next POTUS is Liz Warren. The next VPOTUS choices: Kamala Harris (CA), Mark Warner (VA), Jay Inslee (WA), Gillibrand (NY).
or Booker (NJ)

They will destroy Trump and Pence. They will crying from tonight onwards.


WK said...

Question: is it a trophy, or "statuette"? Discuss.

“It’s a major award”. "It's indescribably beautiful!"

Hagar said...

Spring in Albuquerque: 6% humidity and wind at 25 mph, gusting to 45.

RJ said...

I'm watching the NHL channel all evening.

Tank said...

Have seen no movies, and would not watch anyway. Watching episodes 98, 99 and 100 of Parks & Recreation. TV without commercials or laugh track.

MB said...

Reading this blog.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jennifer Lawrence in Red Swallow.

I really hopes she wins this year.

BJM said...

The only film I've seen is "Darkest Hour" and having recently read "Five Days in London: May 1940", by John Lukacs, I found the screenplay wanting, and Kristen Scott Thomas was wasted in the part. While Oldman was good, I prefer Hardy or Finney.

I admit that I'm curious as to how much of an ass Hollywood makes of themselves, but I'll leave the heavy lifting to Althouse.

Anonymous said...

"Bay Area Guy said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jennifer Lawrence in Red Swallow.

I really hopes she wins this year."

Considering the movie's just come out and she's not up for an Oscar, I'm afraid you're going to keep your fingers crossed for a long time.

Kathryn51 said...

I think I went to the movie theater twice in 2018: (1) a big-screen showing of "North by Northwest" (one of the TMC specials) and (2) "Darkest Hour".

Gary Oldman has been sweeping the Best Actor awards this year but he's a white guy so probably out of the running for the Oscars.

Which is why I won't bother to watch. If I'm wrong, I can probably catch a excerpt on YouTube.

Leland said...

I'm chatting with family. Daughter just put down earnest money for her first home. So it is a good day. The only Oscar nominated film I've seen, and it is only in the music categories: The Greatest Showman I found that movie to be a pleasant surprise. I now listen to the soundtrack regularly and look forward to the digital release of the movie.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Normal evening routine for us - aerobic exercise machines, watching Amazon Prime videos. Old stuff. Not one "fuck!' in over an hour; contrast with contemporary productions where it often seems to be the most used word.

Leland said...

Oh wait; I did see Dunkirk, but couldn't remember if that was a week ago, day ago, or an hour ago. I'm so confused by it all, but it wasn't my Darkest Hour.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Anybody watching the Oscars and cleaning their guns?

Ctmom4 said...

I've only seen Get Out, which I thought was awful and ridiculous, Dunkirk, which I liked, and Darkest Hour, which I liked very much, although I agree that the portrayal of Churchill was not accurate. I thought Gary Oldman was great, and I hope he wins. Won't watch the sanctimony parade though.

MadisonMan said...

I used to really enjoy the Oscars. Now I don't even watch movies.

The Times, they are a changin'.

At present, I'm getting a jump on the work week, tying up some loose ends from Friday.

Quaestor said...

GF is watching enraptured. As for me, I'm playing DoD on Steam. A little simulated violence cures much.

Unknown said...

Binge watching Got and loving it. Playing FOE at the same time.

I love how Hollywood has turned a regular NYC movie aficionado into a movie avoidance practitioner. Except for rare foreign films I have basically given up on film and TV; but for TCM.

These film industry trade shows need to end. The TED show or COMCON are more informative and professional.

End free over- the- airwaves broadcast TV and this trade show would end.

Bay Area Guy said...


"Considering the movie's just come out and she's not up for an Oscar, I'm afraid you're going to keep your fingers crossed for a long time."

Darn it. I thought Red Swallow really had a shot. Very few movies tackle the pressing issue of Russian Whore Schools. Maybe we should increase funding for Pell Grants to make them more affordable. I guess Ms. Lawrence and Red Swalllow, will just have to wait.

David Duffy said...

I've become so uninterested I check in at Althouse to learn the guys and gals at Hollywood are rewarding themselves again. I also check in at Rush for a few minutes to get some political news on occasion.

On the good side, I visited the church of my youth today, Holy Family Roman Catholic Church, and found it to be much the same as when I was 15, almost 40 years ago. Life is good and I think the Roman Christians have something going for them. I'm leaning toward joining them in following Jesus in that Catholic way.

Ctmom4 said...

@ Leland - Hugh Jackman is so talented, no? I hope to catch him in something on Broadway one of these years.

chuck said...

The last movie I saw was "John Carter", which was six years ago. Before that it was "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World", fifteen years ago. Movies aren't my thing, but I'm going to follow the comments here.

walter said...

I'll await the full assortment of Blanca Blanco pics.
Maybe there will be some compelling topless protesting like this.

PJ57 said...

Not watching at all but reflecting on all the evil in this world, in particular the events that transpired in Rockford IL, not far from where the Professor and I both live, where a university professor, apparently solidly middle class and professionally recognized in his little niche, slaughtered his two teenage boys and then shot himself, possibly to spite his ex-wife who recently divorced him. The professor's father was a reasonably well-known, Florida-based Evangelical preacher. This bastard father took his nihilism even beyond the Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood, smiting both the boy's mother and his father in one fell swoop. While I'm mainly a rationalist, I believe in Satan more than God since I consider Satan's works more evident.

David Begley said...

From HuffPo regarding the gold content of a Oscar statuette, “about 0.0047 cubic inches of gold. That’s about 1/500-th the volume of a golf ball.”

gspencer said...

Saw Death Wish on opening day. Brought back the feeling of the original, though not the grittiness. Took place in Chicago. The bad guys were not representative of the actual bad guys found in Chiraq.

etbass said...

All my daughters are on a text thread ridiculing the Oscars and congratulating each other for not wasting time on the virtue signaling political show. Me, I'm really into it. WOW, the Oscars!! (sarc).

etbass said...

Fox has a photo of Adam Rippon there in a bondage themed suit. (What's he got to do with the Oscars?)

MadisonMan said...

The Decade Channel is running only Mary Tyler Moore show today. Awesome!

Bert Convy playing a skeevy guy. Ted Baxter with a new hairdo. Rhoda!!

magamamma said...

Chilling, drinking some sparkling water and reading some blogs, quiet and peaceful.

Jon Burack said...

I am watching the pbs Doo Wop special. Not a chance I would switch to the Oscar preening.

Jersey Fled said...

Watching the Sixers-Bucks game. Sixers up 10-0

Jaq said...

Tonight is the night that begins the end of DJT.

Yes, all of the other beginning of the ends were practice for tonight!

ALP said...

I cut the cable cord for a reason. Even if I did have cable and the ability to watch the Oscars, I'm with MadisonMan - movies are a disappointment and I barely watch them. No reason to deviate from my normal Netflix date with one of the Star Trek series.

Jaq said...

Wrath of Khan was on yesterday on Starz, the last of the great Star Treks. Everything since has been just so much processed cheeze.

wildswan said...

Packing to go back to Wisconsin.
Just hoping some one is watching so I can get an Alert if something exciting happens. Am rooting for Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty to mess it up again somehow. Expect the room to look like Halloween and the "stars" like witches missing their hats. Expect Kimmel to insult Trump - losing ten thousand more viewers. Expect a PC outcome but won't know it, as haven't seen the movies except Dunkirk. Dunkirk was a movie about a snowflake imagining war.

bagoh20 said...

Sampling suppositories - delicious.

Mark said...

Not watching. . . . Sorry, had to step away. Didn't hear the timer on my pizza in the oven. Smelled it though. It's dark around the edges, and it's store brand, but that's OK.

Watching Counterpart instead. What would be really cool is if Dr. Bishop or Olivia (or Fauxlivia) were to make an appearance. Or at least the actor John Noble. To explain how it happened.

LincolnTf said...

I think the ratings might be okay. I'm going to leave the tv on, just to watch Hollywood beclown themselves with hypocritical slogans and transparent political activism under the guise of entertainment. Fascinating to see what fools the masses.

Deborah said...

Uploading images from today's birding, and zoo excursions. I will make the first pass of culling after they're uploaded, then a quick second cull, and maybe edit a few of my favorites for posting this week.

I have no idea who's up or out for an Oscar. I have zero interest.

Bay Area Guy said...

Rita Moreno's wearing the same dress she wore in 1962 for her win in West Side Story.

That's kinda nice.

Mark said...

So, at the Oscars, are the actors and actresses, or male actors and female actors? And if the latter, is that more anti-trans cis-bigoted than the other way?

rcocean said...

I'm going to re-arrange my sock drawer - sounds more interesting then the Oscars.

rcocean said...

I'll look to Althouse for any interesting items in the usual 4 hour snooze fest.

Tommy Duncan said...

Drinking brandy (Wisconsin thing).

Cleaning pistols with proper safety measures (redneck thing).

Wearing orange hunting vest (mocking Oscars thing).

Reading up on ballistics of standard pistol cartridges shot from rifle barrels. The .357 and .44 are pretty decent rounds in a lever action rifle (STEM thing).

Observation: Hand loading the .357 and .44 with slightly slower burning propellants might optimize their use in rifles.

Bilwick said...

I'll start watching the Oscars again when they give the Irving Thalberg award to Ron Jeremy. No, really. The Ol' Hedgehog deserves it.

LincolnTf said...

I hope they turn on each other like starving piranhas in a kiddie pool.

rcocean said...

Dunkirk was a great movie.

Star Wars was OK.

Those were my 2 visits to the movie theater in 2017.

Richard Dillman said...

Actually I was reading this blog and Instapundit, as well as commenting on Powerline. I might finish Jordan Peterson's book tonight. Or maybe I'll watch replays of "Doc Martin.

Mark said...

This episode has a La Femme Nikita vibe to it.

Mark said...

It's pretty cool to go to Google Maps street view to go through Portwenn too.

Sam L. said...

Not watching; don't care. Jason, I can believe how much you don't care.

Jupiter said...

I'm working on illustrations for my book on relativistic wave mechanics. God, do I feel superior!

chuck said...

> I'm working on illustrations for my book on relativistic wave mechanics.

Quantum mechanics? When will it be published/

MikeR said...

Trying to get my book into Kindle Publishing. It isn't working.

MikeR said...

"Tonight is the night that begins the end of DJT" See Scott Adams' comment on how people can test themselves on their ability to make predictions.

Richard Dillman said...

Port Wenn kind of rhymes with Port Wine.

Tom G said...

I chose to watch "Scandalous" on Fox instead. Haven't seen ANY of the nominated films.

mockturtle said...

Not watching. Reading.

BJM said...

Ashley Judd's swanning around with a ginormous black diamond ring to support Time's Up and similar causes.

“It’s very fortunate and glamorous when my internal values and principles can be reflected in something as special as a diamond ring,” the actress told Variety on the red carpet.

Really? Would that be a blood diamond from the Central African Republic, or from Bahian stream beds? This is the glamorous diamond mining industry in Bahia, Brazil (click Gallery button to enlarge image).

You can't fix stupid.

Lexington Green said...

At the office, worked on a motion for summary judgment due March 15. Heading home to, inter alia, read The Boston Irish: A Political History. ( it's a split infinitive, and I don't care.) Oscar, schmoscar. Movies are crap these days. You want a good movie? The First of the Few, with Leslie Howard and David Niven. That is a good movie.

Jupiter said...

chuck asked ...
"Quantum mechanics? When will it be published/"

Hopefully this Summer. Of course, that's what I would have said if you had asked me the same question a year ago.

Known Unknown said...

I found Dunkirk tedious, although it should win for sound design. Nolan is quite technocratic in his directorial approach.

My fave would be The Shape of Water -- for no other reason that it's interesting. I was surprised at how much I liked Blade Runner 2049. Didn't see any of the others but Three Billboards, and it was okay -- rather thin for a redemption story.

R C Belaire said...

Watching The Hobbit for the gazillionth time.

Mark said...

David Suchet looks very odd not playing Poirot.

FullMoon said...

Shape of water won something. Movie has Creature from Blak Lagoon type in it. Would have been fun if on of the acceptors wore the costume.

Mark said...

Been hearing good things about Three Billboards. Then I saw the trailer.

Portlandmermaid said...

Judd's repurposing a luxury item as a political statement is mindbogglingly clueless.

Mark said...

So why do they call them "trailers" when they don't trail the movie, but come before it?

Flat Tire said...

I lit a fire, opened a nice bottle of wine and will now attempt to repair the damage done to my favorite skirt by my blue heeler puppy. There is not enough wine in Sonoma county to make me watch the Oscars. Tomorrow I will check Tom and Lorenzo , thanks to Althouse, and hope to see Rita Moreno in her old dress. Thanks for tip Bay Area Guy.

Anonymous said...

So, dozens of posts above essentially saying "I'm too good for the Oscars". Even assuming the truth of the assumption, why
the need to post?

Mark said...

I'm already prepared to be disappointed by A Wrinkle in Time.

Disney ruins everything.

Humperdink said...

Tommy Duncan said: "Reading up on ballistics of standard pistol cartridges shot from rifle barrels. The .357 and .44 are pretty decent rounds in a lever action rifle (STEM thing).

Observation: Hand loading the .357 and .44 with slightly slower burning propellants might optimize their use in rifles."

I was surprisingly impressed reading about the capabilities of these two cartridges in the lever action. I gave my Marlin 336 (Win 32 Special) to my son to keep it the family. Looking to replace it.

JML said...

Question: is it a trophy, or "statuette"? Discuss.

It is a dickless wonder.

Known Unknown said...

"So why do they call them "trailers" when they don't trail the movie, but come before it?"

Because they used to be shown after the movie.

Brand said...

So why do they call them "trailers" when they don't trail the movie, but come before it?

Trailers were initially shown after, or "trailing", the feature film, and this led to their being called "trailers". They were often ignored, so they were moved to before the feature film. (But see, the post-credit promotion of future pictures in the Marvel series.)

Known Unknown said...

"I'm already prepared to be disappointed by A Wrinkle in Time."

I loved the book. Of course, I was 10 years old, so who knows. Previews don't look so great.

tcrosse said...

why the need to post?

It's what our Hostess invited. What's your excuse ?

Mark said...

Hmmm. Looking at a list of trailers on IMDb. Interesting movie coming out soon -- Chappaquiddick.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Tommy Duncan: "Observation: Hand loading the .357 and .44 with slightly slower burning propellants might optimize their use in rifles."

Absolutely. Have not shot much lately, and my data is old, but 17.5 grains of 2400 behind a 125gr J-SP got 1998 fps from my 357mag Winchester 94 (long barrel variant, not the carbine).

14.5 grains of 2400 behind a 158gr lead RNFP got 1703fps. Same load in a 6 inch Ruger Gp100: 1353 fps. Rock ya back on yr heels.

Known Unknown said...

Dunkirk did take home the sound design and editing awards, which it richly deserved.

narciso said...

Ready player one looked visually interesting but it's left unclear if there is any depth to it. A little like enders game dissapointed.

Known Unknown said...

"Blogger narciso said...
Ready player one looked visually interesting but it's left unclear if there is any depth to it. A little like enders game dissapointed."

IMHO, the book was awful. Although it does look good.

Mark said...

And then we come to Tomb Raider.


The remake we all really need almost immediately after the first one came out -- a reboot, reimagining, alternate universe, whatever you want to call it -- is to completely redo The Last Jedi. Is there a steaming pile award the Academy can give out for the first version?

Tank said...

An old white man named Phil won a trophy today.


Jim Gust said...

I saw Loving Vincent last night. Fantastic work of art. Should certainly get the Oscar in the animation category. Highly original, highly recommended.

Didn't see many others of the nominated films. Can't really get excited about the race under the circumstances.

veni vidi vici said...

Working on billing because I don't really feel connected to any of the films (none of which I've seen) nor the PR nightmare (which hasn't affected anyone I know, thankfully).

Life goes on.

Also, playing some variety of old Graham Hancock YouTube slideshow/lecture in the background. Absolutely thrilling, fascinating stuff to fill one with wonder. It's my new great escape from the prison of "everyone else's anguish" that seems to be the prime directive of our cultural moment. As a bonus, it provides many great ideas for future travel/holidays. Highly recommended.

Jon Ericson said...

Lionheart said... something bitchy.

"I invite you to chat in the comments even if only to say what you’re doing instead of watching."

Me, I'm Althousing.


traditionalguy said...

The Oscars died in 1998. That year they intentionally chose to say a big FU to Steven Spielberg for making an eternally classic WWII epic film showing American courage in the raw, and instead laughed at Americans while they chose to give their top award to a Grade B, fake Shakespearian,musical fantasy that no one can remember seeing.

It was the year Hollywood's actors made it plain how much they hate Americans. In return we figured out their drivel was no longer worth watching.

Unknown said...

Why, because they found out that ruining Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Bambi made them more money.

Skipper said...

Catching up on some podcasts.

Dude1394 said...

I could care less. Watching "Maigret at the crossroads".

narciso said...

Yes I skimmed it, very uninspiring a story, sort of a skydragon agw variation on the matrix or tron.

rcocean said...

"Grade B, fake Shakespearian,musical fantasy that no one can remember seeing."

Was it a musical? I don't remember.

All can I recollect is Palthrow pretending (badly) to be a boy.

Known Unknown said...

Whenever there's a movie thread on Althouse, it does often conjure up a healthy set of Get Off My Lawnisms in the comments.

mockturtle said...

You want a good movie? The First of the Few, with Leslie Howard and David Niven. That is a good movie.

IIRC, Howard was working for Allied intelligence when the plane he was on got shot down by the Luftwaffe. Niven also had an impressive ward record. They certainly wouldn't fit in with today's Hollywood set.

mockturtle said...

War record, not ward record. Of course.

Mark said...

They're also doing a remake of Girlbusters, even though it totally tanked, or maybe because it did. It's Ocean's 8, where a girl crew pulls off a heist. And also a girl remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. . . .

. . . and another Jurassic movie, with all girl dinosaurs.

rcocean said...

why the need to post?

Because "we have to deal with human reality as a being which is what it is not and which is not what it is.”

narciso said...

The English patient I think the only one of the Weinstein films I went to see, diminished the role of the British forces and celebrated an amoral Nazi collaborating spy, that was the year a veteran of the Italian campaign ran for president

Comanche Voter said...

Well my wife and daughter are busily watching the Oscars. I'm indulging in a bit of red wine---a very nice Cabernet--and reading a Winston Groom book about Generals Marshall, Patton and MacArthur. Of course I get dyspepsia when I read about Dugout Doug. But otherwise I'm happy. They can watch the Hollywood harpies and twits, and I can enjoy a good book.

Mark said...

If they can do all these remakes of movies, can they do a remake of the Oscars broadcasts for Emmy competition?

Jon Burack said...


"So, dozens of posts above essentially saying "I'm too good for the Oscars". Even assuming the truth of the assumption, why the need to post?"

I am not sure what your getting at - or even if you are being critical at all, though it sounds like you are. I do indeed think I am too good for the Oscars, but as I indicated, I was not too good for Doo Wop, which is incredibly life-affirming in the way almost NOTHING out of Oscar land is any more. I needed to post about it because the Hollywood set seems to think it needs to tell me how to live when it is clear they have mostly made a pathetic hash of that themselves and seem not to have come up with one redeeming insight about it as a result. So to tell them to get lost and take a hike, frankly, I feel a need to post. Got a problem with that?

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Watching Monk rerun and reading the news.

buwaya said...

Saw Rita Moreno clip.
She is 86, and looks 30 years younger.
Something is going on there, maybe blood transfusions from teenagers.

buwaya said...

Watching "Rumpole".

Get it.

Mark said...

Even in the showing of Monk they are doing "remakes," showing the same rerun episodes over and over and over.

Mark said...

And why BBC-America shows all this American crap is beyond me -- especially when British TV/film is so much superior to Hollywood these days. They ought to just drop the Beeb in their name.

narciso said...

What hunt for red October was pretty good but I agree with you about pulp fiction in 94.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

I, for one, am boycotting the Oscars unless and until Jennifer Lawrence disrobes on stage, flashes her boobies at us, and angrily challenges the next studio exec, casting agent or producer sonavabitch to grope her now, that she is rich, famous and powerful.

That would be a powerful #Metoo moment.

Mark said...

they’ve got lots of film montages, and the stage set is extravagant and gloriously ever-changing

If past shows are any indication, they have spent hours and hours on those things and then give winners about 15 seconds to accept the awards.

Mark said...

Not only haven't I watched for many years now -- I'm too good to watch! -- were I an actor I would not attend, especially if nominated.

And by the way . . . I'm not an effing robot, OK? So quit with the picture thing already.

BJM said...

Lionheart said:

"So, dozens of posts above essentially saying "I'm too good for the Oscars". Even assuming the truth of the assumption, why the need to post?"

It's simple really, Althouse in the evening is where we enjoy kicking back and riffing on each other & dumb shit.

I fired up the Steam box and jumped into Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY. I wouldn't be surprised if Witcher hasn't grossed more than some of this year's Oscar nominees.

todd galle said...

hammond x
How heavy of a crimp is applied? I just loaded up a batch of .30-30 and applied a hefty crimp. Is there enough bullet to get a good grip?

California Snow said...

The very first comment (Jason's at 6:14 pm) sums up my feelings about the Oscars perfectly. I used to watch only because my mom liked watching many three decades ago but I can honestly say I haven't watched the Oscars in over 25 years. Hollywood patting itself on the back b/c they can't get over how gosh-darn incredible they are. I think I'll pass on another 25 years.

Mark said...

So I've read that Kimmel opened the show with talking about penises.

Can we get a #MeToo for the TV audience?

Laura said...

Dear Academy,

The reason Mexico has such rich culture and traditions is that it doesn't have an academy stabbing it in the back at every turn. Traditions must be nurtured to survive, not mocked and scorned. And for an academy so serious about the plight of women and girls, "The Breadwinner" would have sent a strong message.

Viva Mexico indeed.

FullMoon said...

No orange?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Get Out wins best original screenplay. Really, from what I've heard about it, it is largely a remake of The Skeleton Key.

David Begley said...

Any predictions here on the ratings? Other than an all-time low.

Mark said...

Any predictions here on the ratings? Other than an all-time low

At the opening or at about the 10-minute mark when Kimmel immediately threw the show into the cesspool, leading many who had given it a chance then clicked over to something else in disgust.

narciso said...

Is it safe, probably not they abbreviated the presenters and still made it longer.

William said...

I sampled a few moments. Eva Marie Saint is very, very old and looked very, very good. She has one of those faces that can tolerate plastic surgery gracefully. She still looks like Eva Marie Saint and not a wax replica. She delivered her lines in an alert, spontaneous way. Good for her......Then I tuned out. Perhaps some star in an orange dress will have a nip slip. Nothing would better dramatize Hollywood's celebration of women and their brave struggle against sexism than such a gesture, but who's got time to sit through all that other crap.

mockturtle said...

"So, dozens of posts above essentially saying "I'm too good for the Oscars". Even assuming the truth of the assumption, why the need to post?"

Because Althouse herself invited us to. " I invite you to chat in the comments even if only to say what you’re doing instead of watching." So there!

wildswan said...

What do the people who don't watch the Academy Awards do? Report From Alt-America

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Is this like graduation day from Whore School ?

chickelit said...

This traditional Althouse post used to be a bigger affair 10 years ago. We all stopped caring. I would like to hear Freeman Hunt’s take on the Oscars

The Oscars were sort of ruined this year on infighting about how to make movies rather than making them.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

Are any Stormy Daniels movies up for an Oscar? That would be a subtle political jab - within bounds - which would no doubt boost ratings.

narciso said...

A film like schindlers list was powerful, back in 94 academy awards even the score it's hard to rewatch what's anywhere near that this year.

Alex said...

So Ann watches this perversion of culture so we don't have to. Thanks Ann, you really are taking one for the team. We'll remember you always.

Alex said...

BAG - wait a few years and JLaw will be doing a porn scene on stage for the Oscars and everyone will be saying it's 'normal'.

buwaya said...

The "Witcher" novels (on which the games are based) are quite good.

Also stylistically interesting, they have a very distinct Polish "voice" that survived translation. There is a lot in common with the modern translations of Sienkiewicz.

The boys gave me their hand-me-downs.

Bay Area Guy said...

I actually enjoyed "Get Out". It made fun of pretentious white liberals.

Best picture though? Nah, a little high.

Mark said...

SoW -- Didn't see it.

narciso said...

Guillermo deltoro is a distinctive
Voice, from kronos to the strain to crimson peak

Mark said...

So -- SoW is it worthy? Does it live up to the likes of Spotlight or Birdman or American Beauty (go Kevin Spacey!) or Shakespeare in Love?

Bay Area Guy said...

Warren Beatty looks really good for 81. My father in law is a tough old bird at 82, served in Army Intelligence in the Eisenhower era. Love him to death, but he doesn't look like Warren Beatty. More like Abe Vigoda.

Bay Area Guy said...

The "Shape of Water" is not a bad title for a movie. It's mellifluous, I'd say.

What's it about - Niagara Falls or something?

D. said...

In "The Student," The Russian Film Industry Admits What It Fears Most

narciso said...

It's a love story with one of the minor characters from Hellboy.

William said...

I saw the last few awards. Jane Fonda presented one of the awards. They gave her a standing ovation. Of course.. Roman Polanski, Jane Fonda. Such people enlighten America and guide us on our journey......The Shape of Water won Best Picture. From the snippet, it looks like the creature from the black lagoon gets it on with a deaf mute cleaning lady. All my life I've been waiting for such a picture. More enlightenment and guidance from Hollywood.

Bay Area Guy said...


Well, I don't wanna give any spoilers. But it's a cross between Beauty and the Beast and Free Willy - except if Willy were not a cute Killer Whale, but a humanoid, amphibious, male-Mermaid.

Mark said...

a humanoid, amphibious, male-Mermaid

Does he have a . . . "you know"? Because Kimmel says we need to get rid of them. He's acceptable only if he's as smooth as an Oscar or a Ken doll.

langford peel said...

The normals don't watch the Oscars. It is for the elitist liberal minority. I bet the ratings are horrible.

Not as horrible as Hollywood but horrible all the same.

Hollywood can go suck Harvey Weinsteins dick.

(If they want the part)

narciso said...

Well that would have been they pitched also cold war paranoia (unlike now it's totally reasonable) a little homophobia and a scoop of racism.

narciso said...

Theyve been doing that since sex lies and videotape, why stop now?

Earnest Prole said...

Oscar's penis is like Donald Trump's fingers: small but perfectly formed.

langford peel said...

Oscar might not have a penis but with Jimmy Kimmel it will always have a dick.

Lucien said...

Yow - the guy Who started out singing the song from Coco was terrible. Was it supposed to be that bad?

This felt so much like Hollywood saying “this is who we are and we are not you “.

The songs especially, and the peer pressure of “everyone stand up for this or we will tweet out a picture of you sitting down tomorrow morning “.

Previously one could make a colorable argument that the far left statements made were those of the individual speakers themselves; but tonight it was clear that those positions were scripted for the presenters.

And somehow, no matter how much the “immigrants “ love being here, not one said “viva Los Estados Unitos”.

Lucien said...

I bet Roman Polanski is glad that we don’t live in a world without borders.

On the plus side, Jane Fonda said “and the winner is “, rather than “the Oscar goes to “.

readering said...

As I understand the story behind The Shape of Water, director Guillermo del Torro was originally being considered for a remake of Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954). He wanted the creature this time to have a human love interest and was turned down. So he made his own film with Creature as inspiration.

narciso said...

Yes it is that bad, you can go into toxic shock with that sugary self righteousness

itzik basman said...

I like “geode.”

Yancey Ward said...

I won't go to the theater to see it, but I will watch A Wrinkle in Time when it reaches the small screen. The book was the very first book science fantasy I ever read. This was sometime in winter of 1977-78 when I was 11 years old. I had mistakenly thought it was a hard science fiction story based on just the title, but was surprised by how much I liked it. I like it enough to buy the other two books that were available at the time, though I never did read the two she published in the 80s, though I meant to. I might get a copy of the quintet and read them, though, just for the nostalgia factor.

Yancey Ward said...

Abe Vigoda always looked like he was 70 even when he was 30.

Yancey Ward said...

Interesting election results in Italy this morning- it looks like EU-skeptic parties might be able form a majority government. Interesting times indeed.

BUMBLE BEE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...

Front page of "La Stampa"

"Italia Ingovernabile" - "Italy Ungovernable"

And today it had a topless woman dramatically complaining that Berlusconi was voting.

On the whole, I think I like Italian politics better.

buwaya said...

Also a recommendation for a Mexican movie -

"La Ley de Herodes" - "Herods Law", Estrada 1999

A satire of Mexican politics and society, of the era of the PRI, but its a general comment on Mexico.

Very funny, in Spanish. Plenty of parallels with modern SoCal.

Try it, whole film is on Youtube.

Nobody would dare do this on US English media, that is, tell such a truth.

The protagonist blurts out, dealing with a wandering American -"Los Mexicanos somos gente de palabra!" - "we Mexicans are men of our word!"

and the next, gleefully, as the sucker bites -
"Los Mexicanos somos mas chingones!" " We Mexicans are bigger bastards!"

Mr. Groovington said...

Well how about that, buwaya, topless indeed. And unlike topless protestors in the US, completely fuckable.

glenn said...

I used to have a jacket with lots of orange in it. I wore it on St. Patrick’s day.

Professional lady said...

I saw "The Shape of Water" it was visually very interesting and had some good acting. Some of the characters were fully developed and some were cartoonish caricatures. An interesting but flawed movie.

Jaq said...

Been hearing good things about Three Billboards. Then I saw the trailer.

That’s like the other thread “Been hearing good things about David Foster Wallace, then I read the sentence.” Seriously though, I don’t get the long trailers that make you feel as if you have seen the movie and have all of the best jokes. I almost like the deceptive ones better.

Jaq said...

I think the whole huge sword Oscar is holding is essentially the penis.

Yeah. I drive a Maserati myself.

lonetown said...

Is Kimmel a danger to himself at this point?

Jaq said...

Kimmel is more a guy who believes in the proverb “When the king declares that it is dark during the day, loudly admire the stars.”

Curious George said...

Forgot it was on, not that I would have watched. Haven't seen it in probably 20 years. Didn't see any of the movies up for awards because I didn't see any movies. I was building out my shop all day, so got some Panda Express and watched a couple of Shark Tanks I recorded and called it a night.

SayAahh said...

I'm watching I, Donald.

rhhardin said...

Three Billboards was good. It's about forgiveness. Very funny lines.

I think good acting means competent, not undermined by script. There must be a lot of equal performances.

My classic example of bad acting is Pierce Brosnan trying to do angry.

Fernandinande said...

Being predators, keeping smaller fish in the same tank is not recommended, as the Oscars will hunt them down."

PackerBronco said...

Watched "30 Seconds over Tokyo" starring Spencer Tracy and Van Johnson over the weekend. Schmaltzy and corny in the first half and profoundly moving in the second - any much better than anything I saw this year.

PackerBronco said...

I'm not surprised Shape of Water won Best Picture. I've always felt that the "mute girl has sex with fish creature" genre was under-represented by the academy.

MadisonMan said...

I could care less.

How much less could you care?

Congrats to the winners, I guess. said...

Of course Kimmel approvingly of a penis less Oscar. He thinks it's a statue of him.

Humperdink, have you looked at the ballistics on the mostly overlooked 35 Remington?

JAORE said...

Judd's repurposing a luxury item as a political statement is mindbogglingly clueless.

You could have left out "repurposing a luxury item as a political statement is"

Oscars used to be MUST watch time. I saw a list of nominations a while back. I had to get down to some category like song derived from a poem by a third world writer before the list included a movie I saw last year.

But I did hit upon a sports program where I saw that Kobe Bryant won an Oscar. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? On the night of #metoo on steroids they gave the award to a (n alleged) rapist who paid off the victim? How many carats in the ring he bought Hollywood?

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