March 29, 2018

I thought Laura Ingraham had called David Hogg a "mother."

I'm reading "‘You’re a mother’: Laura Ingraham faces boycott for taunting Parkland teen over college rejections" at WaPo.

I didn't want to put this in the headline, because I keep getting email from Google Ads saying they're punishing me for failing to stay within the bounds of good taste, but I come from a time when "mother" was an epithet that meant "motherfucker." Based on Urban Dictionary, I think that usage is dead.

But so what did Laura Ingraham say about David Hogg if she didn't call him a mother[fucker], which I agree would be out of line?

She just said: "David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.)"

Why is that boycott-the-advertisers material? Yes, it was a little mean to use the word "whines," considering that Hogg is only 17 or 18 years old, but he's made himself a big public figure and he issues denouncements of others, so using a modestly judgmental word to describe his tone of voice is really nothing. Especially compared to calling him a motherfucker, which is what I thought happened.

So this is really a story about insanely over-the-top reaction.

And look, it's Hogg himself setting the fire of overreaction and fanning the flames:

Yeah, but he's a kid so don't criticize him!!! No, I've got to say he is an over-empowered inciter who's way too eager to break things. Kids need limits.

As for "You're a mother," that was somebody's tweet pushing back Laura Ingraham. Which I read as sexist. Are special demands for empathy imposed on women who have given birth? As long as that's considered a strikingly pithy argument — as WaPo's headline strongly implies — we'll never have a woman President... unless that tweeter meant Laura Ingraham is a motherfucker.

UPDATE: The headline is now: "Facing boycott, Laura Ingraham apologizes for taunting Parkland teen over college rejections." I'm tempted to say, I get results! But the apology is new:
“On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland,” Ingraham tweeted. 
Really only a nonapology. Sorry you're hurt.


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Balfegor said...

Honestly, people shouldn't be tweaking him for not getting into his top choice schools. Sure he seems a bit entitled, but I was a bit entitled at his age, and if I had the platform he has, I can't said I wouldn't have tried to exploit it to pressure schools into giving me a slot.

On the other hand, the more I think about this, the more I think he really shouldn't be publicly complaining about not getting into certain schools, because it really makes it seem like the schools he did get into were his backup schools. No school wants to be told it's the backup. They might hesitate to withdraw his acceptance over it, given how high profile this is, but still . . . it's a foolish move.

rcocean said...

Sorry but this is very confusing.

So, you're saying the WaPo headline is a lie?

That Ingraham never said it, but did criticize Mr. Hog for "whining"?

Renee said...

He would have come of as more mature if he asked for an apology, but David Hogg has used profane language in his interviews. If he wanted to be jerk, you can't whine we people say crass things about you.

he used the f-word a few times here.

Gahrie said...

What happened to 'Children should be seen but not heard"?

Gahrie said...

He would have come of as more mature if he asked for an apology

He doesn't want an apology...he wants an excuse to incite a lynch mob.

n.n said...

"motherfucker." Based on Urban Dictionary, I think that usage is dead

Transgenderism is normalized. Incest is trending at the Urban Dictionary. No Judgment.

Perhaps she meant "mother" in the animal, Darwinian sense: meticulously overbearing. Hogg may, in an insular fashion, believe that he is saving his children from themselves.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Robert Cook (in the previous Hogg thread) said...

He seemed very reasonable and equanimous to me... I must assume, absent further information, that they see what they have decided to see.

The further information is no longer absent.

Ann Althouse said...

"Sorry but this is very confusing."

Really? Did you read the whole post down to the final paragraph?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hogg is a leftwing fascist.

The problem is everyone is talking about him. He better get busy with the his Ban on anyone who dare speaketh against his sacred holiness.

Yancey Ward said...

I hate to tell him this, but a 4.1-2 GPA ain't going to mean shit to a school like UCLA given his background. You know what you haven't seen about Hogg's applications- his test scores. To get into UCLA, Hogg would have had to score 1500-1600 on the SAT- at least.

n.n said...

Hogg should be granted priority status at the top schools for, not color, but character diversity. Perhaps he could self-identify as plaid.

Ann Althouse said...

Oh, come on. Ingraham did not called David Hogg a "mother." That's what the headline made me think. She just characterized him as "whining" about not getting into some schools that he should not have expected to get into base on his numbers.

Henry said...

Hogg is a leftwing fascist.

The problem is everyone is talking about him.

Nice going.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Ban the word.

Kim Jung Un sends whole families to prison for speaking heresy against beloved golden leader.

Dr. Graphene said...

Who could foresee the WaPo using misleading headline? I mean, it's not like they would do this intentionally.

If democracy dies in the darkness, then so too does (did) journalistic integrity.

Yancey Ward said...

And I strongly suspect that even a perfect SAT might not have been enough.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Don't have much use for the rest on the list, but I'll make a point to hit Arby's the next chance I get, and also buy some Nestle Easter candy.

Ann Althouse said...

"So, you're saying the WaPo headline is a lie?"

Well, I'd just say it's a badly written headline that meant to say one thing but didn't notice that another seemed like the meaning. I'd assume WaPo didn't take account of the other meaning and chose to highlight one particular attack on Ingraham that they thought was unusually pithy and cutting. I have the opposite opinion and think saying "You're a mother" as a pushback to a woman is sexist. And I find my misreading hilarious, because it would be so inappropriate (and weirdly retro).

n.n said...

Ingraham did not called David Hogg a "mother."

Quotes that do not quote. The implication is that the headline writer deems "mother" to be a derogatory term, a semantic lever to project contempt, which in the denotative and traditional connotative sense, is an attack on evolutionary fit women, who may or may not also be classified as "deplorable".

Ann Althouse said...

I don't see how that guy can be in the news constantly, swinging wildly, and not criticizable. I guess there are some adults around him who think it's just wonderful: He can go over-the-top and it's great bait and if anyone criticizes him, they'll get screwed.

Yancey Ward said...

OK, I see now that he scored 1270 on the SAT. No way he gets accepted by any top 30 university or college.

Bob Boyd said...

I can't blame the Hoggster for trying to leverage his recent notoriety into a slot at a more prestigious school than he would otherwise qualify for. It might even work.

It also might be better for him in the long run if it doesn't work.

Michael K said...

The little twerp is wearing out his welcome fast,

Yancey Ward said...

He should have put "African American" or "Native American" down as race.

gspencer said...

Looking forward to the day when this kid gets his.

rhhardin said...

Ingraham hasn't given birth. She adopted two (more now?) Russian kids.

She bailed out of her engagement when she got breast cancer, or her fiancee did. One of both of them. Maybe the treatment precluded conception at that point.

An early story of her breaking up with a previous boyfriend had her sticking a hose through his door's mail slot and flooding his hallway. Her story.

Mr. Groovington said...

Hogg will end up killing himself. Imagine the fantasies in his head, and the downside.

Renee said...

"During the TMZ interview he expressed disappointment about the rejections but said it has been difficult to focus on college lately.

“We’re changing the world,” he said."

Someone needs to get this individual (David Hogg) some help.

Bob Boyd said...

Laura Ingraham should call his mother.

Ann Althouse said...

"Quotes that do not quote. The implication is that the headline writer deems "mother" to be a derogatory term, a semantic lever to project contempt, which in the denotative and traditional connotative sense, is an attack on evolutionary fit women, who may or may not also be classified as "deplorable"."


1. It is a quote... of a tweet attacking Ingraham.

2. It is not presented as a derogatory term, but as an ideal imposed on Ingraham because of her female reproductive status, and it becomes an insult only in that she is being accused of falling short of an ideal, in that a mother would never be mean to a child. (But in fact mothers do tell children not to whine and not to feel entitled to more than they have earned.)

n.n said...

Mother "=" whining. The headline writer may be a male (i.e. misogynistic) or female (i.e. competitor) chauvinist pig, or has a justifiable or sacrificial mother-complex. I wonder if this is a cause for societies to order mother and father, matriarchal and patriarchal, in the order that they do.

Charlie said...

I look forward to the month of May, when everyone will have forgotten David Hogg's name.

Yancey Ward said...

Ms. Althouse wrote in the previous related post:

"1270 is slightly above the average SAT score for UC Irvine. Numbers aren't enough, of course. Soft variables matter. But the teenager's activism, organizing the March For Our Lives, is extraordinary. So it's almost as if the schools are repelled by him (in secret) — the way many gun-rights people are repelled (openly). What's up schools? Are your values phony? Do you want pliable mush minds to shape and not an irksome, pesky, know-it-all, loudmouth kid?"

I would wager that the admissions committees had declined his applications months ago, but the letters only went out recently- thus they didn't know who Hogg was at the time. His recent notoriety would have changed those decisions had it been known in January- this is all but certain; and I expect some of the schools are discussing admitting him now that he has publicly alerted them that he did apply there and was rejected.

However, as I wrote above- Hogg's white privelege is why a 1270 won't even get you into Irvine. If the average SAT at Irvine is a "little below" that, someone with Hogg's background (minus the shooting aftermath) would have had to score well above it.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Yancey Ward said...
I hate to tell him this, but a 4.1-2 GPA ain't going to mean shit to a school like UCLA given his background. You know what you haven't seen about Hogg's applications- his test scores. To get into UCLA, Hogg would have had to score 1500-1600 on the SAT- at least.

3/29/18, 12:03 PM

1270? Is that out of 1600 or 2400? Proportinately a 1270/2400 would equate to 850/1600, though I don't know the arcana of what equals a zero score...anyway, 850 back in my day (sigh) was a retard score. If you wanted to go to college with an 850, you better be able to palm a basketball with one hand. Hell, 1270/1600 was no cause for Yippee.

rhhardin said...

I'm not following the outrage very well. A kid thinks this or that, who cares.

People follow him, that's weird. Do they not know what kids are like. There are too many conventions kids have no idea about.

No good insulting the kid because he's not equipped to see the alternative everybody else sees; but insult the adults that follow him, who should know better.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The little twerp is wearing out his welcome fast,”

Yes, among you folks.

“Looking forward to the day when this kid gets his.”

Why, because he annoys you? Because he is advocates for something you’re against? Because he’s cocky? The reactions to these young people is what’s over the top.

holdfast said...

The short form of "motherfucker" is "mutha".

Eddie Murphy explained this way back in his SNL days. Geez.

Ann Althouse said...

In my earlier post about Hogg (earlier this morning), I was being empathetic to him and critical of the colleges (for not giving affirmative action to the activist). There are a lot of comments and I have tried to read many of them, but I would not be surprised if I am being criticized for not caring even more for the teenager.

This is part of what I hate about the "You're a mother" criticism: It is used so manipulatively against women. You'll never be caring enough to suit the demands of your antagonists, so if you fall for that one, you might as well give up. And also, a good mother should not just ooze empathy over everything child related. Children need limits, and we shouldn't be making snowflakes

Big Mike said...

Someone let me know which of Ingraham's advertisers drop her show so I can get a counter-boycott going. Except Arby's. I wouldn't eat there on a dare.

holdfast said...

You know how gangs and other criminal enterprises like MS-13 use minors to do their dirty work, since they know the kids will only get sent to juvvie if caught?

Yeah, the Left/Dems are trying to do the same thing here - David "Camera" Hogg can do or say anything he wants, but anyone who responds is "beating up a kid".

Bad Lieutenant said...

The brisket is not bad! And I've been dying to try the venison, but that's so limited.

n.n said...

So, the quote is an order-removed, and it is designed to function through close association, while retaining qualified indemnity through displacement. Perhaps it's just an outlet for someone who wants to repeat the "M"-word. Mothers are known to have a "Choice" and other animal spirits, which are not something people want to normalize outside the twilight fringe.

rcocean said...

Thanks. I got it all clear now. Good to know the WaPo only headlines the important stuff - Like Mr. Hog and Stormy Davis or Daniels or whatever.

110-1 - Mr. Hogg will be joining the Antifa and beating people up.

Renee said...


Because he's cocky.

But not just that, is also getting this fan-boy treatment from my progressive friends. I am wondering what his classmates really think of him? Sure he has his close friends, but in general his classmates.

You can think highly respect someone from school, and not necessarily be close/friends. People may have tolerated him in school, simply because it's not like you can pick your classmates.

rcocean said...

Women get criticized for being "motherly".

OTOH, they are protected against a level of criticism that any man would receive, and can cry "sexism" when a man simply has to take it, or would be considered a "wimp".

holdfast said...

The thing about Hogg is that, in spite of his activism and anti-gun fascism, he's still just a straight (presumably), white, male with all his limbs attached. There's only so much the colleges can do for him when there are so many blind, transgender illegal immigrants who need spots.

rhhardin said...

Arlo Guthrie had both mother raping and father raping.

robother said...

Next, he'll be calling for a boycott of UCLA. (Actually, given the lack of administrative backbone at most of these schools, that might work.)

PB said...

Hogg's mother should her child a good spanking.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The criticism toward Ingraham, that because she’s a mother she shouldn’t have criticized Hogg is unwarranted. However she presents herself as a nasty piece of work, willing to highlight Hogg’s failure to be accepted to the CA schools of his choice, in order to diminish him. It was petty and silly. She could have criticized him on the merits of his activism

Rick said...

I was being empathetic to him and critical of the colleges (for not giving affirmative action to the activist).

Why should political activists get discriminatory preferences? Even is this were appropriate in some circumstances shouldn't it be reserved for those who do more than repeat talking points activists have been using for decades?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
Ingraham hasn't given birth. She adopted Russian kids.


rhhardin said...

If mothers leave motherly behind and become something else, motherly necessarily follows.

Gahrie said...

However she presents herself as a nasty piece of work, willing to highlight Hogg’s failure to be accepted to the CA schools of his choice, in order to diminish him. It was petty and silly

Tell that to Barron Trump and Bristol Palin. Or the Bush twins.

Roughcoat said...

Sometimes I just want to withdraw from the world, because it is "too much with us." There have been a lot of those sometimes lately and this is one of them.

Rick said...

Why, because he annoys you? Because he is advocates for something you’re against? Because he’s cocky? The reactions to these young people is what’s over the top.

Because he's promoting hatred. That's the inevitable outcome of claiming those opposed to you desire the murders of children. Further promoting such hatred is why you support him.

Michael K said...

Inga, it is his behavior, pointed out by others here, that causes me to call him a "twerp."

I had a grandson here this week and still have my nephew's son here. I interview teenaged boys all the time for the military.

I expect I might have more contact with this age group than you do.

He's a twerp.

gilbar said...

"Arlo Guthrie had both mother raping and father raping."

jesus christ! next they're going to accuse Laura of littering!!!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

This is all part of Ingraham's shut up and sing schtick, which I don't get. Artistes get 1st amendment rights like everyone else. No one made her attend the concert, that would be a violation of her 1st amendment rights.

Michael said...

I believe that our hero himself raised the issue, the horrible issue, of his not being admitted to several California schools he applied to. He got in one of two as well as a school in Florida. How could these schools that rejected him not know that he was going to be a star SJW in a few month's time? How could they not have known about the massacre at his high school and his brave stand against stuff? So he is bringing up this oversight to give these myopic colleges a chance to make it right and admit him. Simple.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


Renee, if you want me to respond to you or acknowledge your comments, start by spelling my name correctly. You’ve misspelled it in every one of your comments directed toward me for years now, it’s annoying. Are you misspelling it purposely?

Ken B said...

The WaPo lede looks like it was intended to make you think she called him a mother...

Francisco D said...

Who is David Hogg and why should I care about his gun control views and college applications?

His average SAT scores will get him into nursing school. Heck, he might get an academic scholarship.

Yancey Ward said...

Inga wrote:

"willing to highlight Hogg’s failure to be accepted to the CA schools of his choice, in order to diminish him."

I actually agree up to a certain point- I do think Ingraham is punching down in this regard, but it was Hogg publicly whining about the rejections that Ingraham even knew about them in the first place. Hogg has just about reached the point, though, where he should expect to get as well as give in the Twitterverse. I won't have much sympathy for him going forward from this point.

Renee said...

No no no... he is going to ask students of UCLA to walkout until he is accepted.

I can't imagine any professor wanting to deal with David Hogg, can you imagine his protesting if he though if received an unfair grade? You he create a mob on campus? Would students leave if he was accepted.

JPS said...

Roughcoat, 12:30:

"Sometimes I just want to withdraw from the world, because it is 'too much with us.' There have been a lot of those sometimes lately and this is one of them."

You OK there?

Intermediate step, which I've been considering: Withdrawing from the internet.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Because he's promoting hatred.”

More over the top nonsense.

Rick said...

This is all part of Ingraham's shut up and sing schtick, which I don't get. Artistes get 1st amendment rights like everyone else.

The principle of "Shut up and Sing" does not violate the First Amendment.

rhhardin said...

Shut up and sing is a reminder that the singer is not interesting when not doing what she's good at.

We paid, now what we paid for.

Mike Sylwester said...

I wish I had an Arby's close to my home.

I love the curly fries. I dip them in a mixture of barbecue sauce and horseradish sauce.

Recently I got my wife to try the curly fries, and now she loves them too.

rhhardin said...

Nobody asks Ingraham to sing.

n.n said...

In principle, the anti-gun and pro-gun people are wrong. In practice, the anti-gun and pro-gun people are wrong... and right. Still there are tolerable and wicked solutions to what may really be, or be really, hard problems.

Let's discuss guns, and scalpels, too. Let's discuss life and abortion. Let's discuss principles, principals, and outcomes. Let's reconcile them, and discover a philosophy of life, or living, that is internally, externally, and mutually consistent. Let's not raise idols, and erect mortal gods.

There are rights and responsibilities in a viable construct that affirms individual dignity and intrinsic value.

traditionalguy said...

Rush is calling him “Camera.” That is a good branding.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rick said...
The principle of "Shut up and Sing" does not violate the First Amendment.

There is no principle, it is just whiny nonsense.

They are entertainers, just as Ingraham is an entertainer. As an entertainer Ingraham spews out a variety of nonsense, you don't hear me complaining. If other entertainers do the same thing what is her standing to complain?

Bob Boyd said...

Ingraham apologizes to Hogg:

Jim at said...

Keep feeding him rope ... as I sit back and patiently wait for the comeuppance lil' Mr. Hogg has coming to him.

Soon now.
Very soon.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

This is all part of Ingraham's shut up and sing schtick, which I don't get. Artistes get 1st amendment rights like everyone else. No one made her attend the concert, that would be a violation of her 1st amendment rights.

3/29/18, 12:32 PM

Ingraham's complaint in Shut Up and Sing is that these people are idiots. They deserve a stage to present their artistic accomplishment, but their political views are no more informed than anyone else's. Given the weird culture of showbiz, they often manage to combine ignorance with a tendency to see human beings as means to accomplish their personal goals. If they are on your side in some political controversy, be embarrassed & check yourself.

Henry said...

Yeah, but he's a kid so don't criticize him!!!

He's also a boring kid.

Big Mike said...

... we'll never have a woman President ...

Not as long as liberal women savage accomplished, conservative women then put up someone who got where she was on her husband's money and/or coattails (e.g., Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton) and insist that all women must show solidarity, then you're right Professor.

Rick said...

Inga said...More over the top nonsense.

Claiming your opponents desire the murder of children is reasoned discourse according to the left. It's certainly not "over the top nonsense", nor is the assertion lawmakers took money to abet the murder of children.

Clearly a well reasoned position.

n.n said...

raise false idols, and erect mortal gods

I envision that short of opening mass abortion fields, the secular, liberal convention, there will be a progressive apartheid or separation of people based on character judgments, and integration will be either violent or bland. Character matters.

I wonder if the moral axiom: stability, while necessary, is sufficient, in the short-term, in the long-term, to promote individual and general welfare.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lewis Wetzel said...
Ingraham's complaint in Shut Up and Sing is that these people are idiots. They deserve a stage to present their artistic accomplishment, but their political views are no more informed than anyone else's

She doesn't get to make that call. She is an entertainer herself, a lot of people think she is an idiot, it doesn't follow that she should shut up.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don’t think that they get it yet. Boycotts against advertisers to conservatives don’t work. In the long run, counterproductive. Sure thing that I won’t fly United or Delta if I can help it. Best thing these companies can do is to just ignore the calls to boycott them.

Funny thing there is that the average (legal, live, etc) Crooked Hillary voter is probably less likely than the average Trump voter to use some of these products, and, hence, why they are advertising on FNC. In that list, I would definitely include Arby’s.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Ingraham apologizes to Hogg:”

Good to hear. That elevates her in my eyes.

Rick said...

There is no principle, it is just whiny nonsense.

Nonsense is your assertion it's a violation of the first Amendment.

They are entertainers, just as Ingraham is an entertainer.

False. They are entertainers in unrelated fields so people attending their functions didn't sign up for their political diatribes. Someone tuning in to Ingraham does so explicitly to hear her opinions on politics and social issues.

Bilwick said...

It will be interesting to watch Hogg and the bald lesbian as they get wider exposure. Powerful as The Hive is, they can't keep the tweets in the safe cocoon forever. I'd love to see Hogg go head to head against some really good pro-freedom spokesperson, such as Tammy Bruce or Penn Teller. Or Randy Barnett, who specializes in 2nd Amendment issues. Of course, once he's taken to the cleaners, there will come the inevitable charges of "bullying," a frequent complaint of State-cultists when hit with "unfair" weapons, such as facts and logic. (I know: advocates of State power complaining about bullying. Irony.)

Or Hogg may do a Cindy Sheehan and complain about the Elders of Zion or something. Then it's good-bye, Davey. But his coaches and handlers may be guarding him against that.

Bilwick said...

I meant "twerps," not "tweets."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bruce Hayden said...
I don’t think that they get it yet. Boycotts against advertisers to conservatives don’t work.

Bob Boyd said...
Ingraham apologizes to Hogg:

The cognitive dissonance is strong on this thread.

Gahrie said...

I'd love to see Hogg go head to head against some really good pro-freedom spokesperson, such as Tammy Bruce or Penn Teller. Or Randy Barnett,

He's not even willing to debate one of the kids he goes to school with.

Rick said...

Powerful as The Hive is, they can't keep the twerps in the safe cocoon forever.

Sure they can - that's what socialism is all about. With enough government supremacy all environments can be controlled like university campuses.

Belle17 said...

I don't think Ingraham should have made the initial tweet. It was petty.

However, this kid is a total attention whore and has no problem lobbing his own grenades. He's beyond tiresome at this point.

Bruce Hayden said...

I really like Ingraham. Another blond former white shoe attorney, but with more of a common touch than Kelly had. Almost always smarter than whomever she is interviewing. I have listened to her, and enjoyed her, for a long time. Not sure though whether I like her or Tucker Carlson better. I record both their shows, as well as Greg Gutfield’s.

rcocean said...

Boycotts work. Glenn Beck was run off the air by them. Ingraham apologized because of them. O'Reilly left Fox when his advertisers were threatened with a boycott.

Boycotts work for the Left. They don't work for the Right, because they right can't get organized and if full of "libertarians" who'd rather lose then hurt Big Business.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rick said...

Ingraham is just an entertainer, nothing more. She doesn't have a job determining public policy. She isn't a CEO. She doesn't do actual reporting. She is just entertaining people with her views on the news.

I agree with her general point, in that I am not very interested in hearing the political views of entertainers, but I don't think they have to shut up if they don't want to.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The cognitive dissonance is strong on this thread.”

Yep. I suspected too that her apology had something to do with her sponsors. However, I’d like to believe she has some modicum of sincerity in her apology.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Some time ago I read an interesting, non-political essay on the difference between career actors in GB and in the United States. In England people who want to become actors start on the stage & do a long apprenticeship before they move to film & television. Or at least, that is how it was through the 1990s. In the US, you need to get on television or film while you are young & sexy, that's how you break into the business. So you have a lot of Hollywood types who did a year or two at college, but never got a degree -- Hollywood beckoned. If you know how higher education in the US works, for the first two years (at least) of a four year degree, you are learning what you probably should have been taught in high school. You get survey courses and the basics of how to write. You learn to hand in papers on time, no excuses. Hopefully you learn not to waste the time of your instructor and your classmates.
So yes, they should shut up & sing. I have no more desire to be lectured on global warming by Leo DiCaprio than I am to be lectured by a bowling league champion on Obama's Kenyan birth (DiCaprio did not finish high school).

rcocean said...

The idiocy of the Right is always a thing to behold.

Hollywood and entertainment industry through their donations and propaganda are a major pillar of the Democrat party.

Every time a Republican POTUS and Congress take power, Hollywood is afraid the R's will punish them, and every time the R's reward Hollywood with Tax Breaks and Copyright protection.

That's because R's aren't about winning - they're about helping Big Business.

LilyBart said...

I wouldn't have used the rejections to criticize him, but I'm not sure where he has any room to complain after the vile things he's accused other of, like Rubio and Loesch.

Balfegor said...

Re: Inga:

“Because he's promoting hatred.”

More over the top nonsense.

Really? Blood libel used to be considered basically the ne-plus-ultra of hatred. If you can't see this, you've let yourself become way too invested in the blood libel being true.

Nonapod said...

Bah, he's just some dumb kid. No need to attack him, just ignore him. I mean, it's more than a little disturbing that so many people pay attention to his opinions. He's just a naive willing puppet. It's obvious and sad. But I don't get the fuss.

LilyBart said...

“We’re changing the world,” he said."

*eye roll*

Lewis Wetzel said...

Don't confuse the Right with the GOP, rcocean. The ineptness of the GOP in delivering conservative policies is well known. I am definitely a conservative, but I am registered as an independent. I occasionally give money to conservative candidates who run as Republicans, but will never give money to the party of Jeff Flake & Lindsey Graham.

Rick said...

Ingraham is just an entertainer, nothing more. She doesn't have a job determining public policy.

Not relevant. The issue is whether people are getting what they were sold.

I don't think they have to shut up if they don't want to.

"Have to" is a strawman, no one can enforce that except government who she did not enjoin in espousing her theory. She's exhorting the public to expect them to leave politics out of non-political environments. This is longstanding American tradition and its overthrow by the far left is why America is becoming more rancorous and divided.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“We’re changing the world,” he said."

*eye roll*

“Only I can fix it”
Donald Trump

Eye roll and headshake.

Drago said...

Inga: "Eye roll and headshake."

Did you thank Trump for your stock market gains yet?

You probably should.

And 3% GDP (which the dems said was impossible)'re also welcome.

Michael K said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
This is all part of Ingraham's shut up and sing schtick, which I don't get.

We know. You think that people go to a concert to hear politics from a high school dropout.

Rick said...

“Only I can fix it”
Donald Trump

Fix what? Is he going to make the oceans recede?

rhhardin said...

Ingraham is just an entertainer, nothing more. She doesn't have a job determining public policy.

She clerked for Justice Thomas.

n.n said...

Soooo @IngrahamAngle what are your biggest advertisers ... Asking for a friend. #BoycottIngramAdverts

He is an adult, by choice, with adult responsibilities. The viability of his proclamations will be dependent on a principled-defense of this publicly posted threat.

Francisco D said...

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological discomfort caused when one's expectation, beliefs and attitudes conflict with their perceived reality or actions.

According to Leon Festinger (who first proposed the theory) people strive to reduce the inconsistency between beliefs and actions by changing one or the other in order to achieve a state of consistency.

I may be missing something, but the people posting about this Hogg boy seem completely consistent to me.

Drago said...

Misogynist demeanor of Women ARM: "Ingraham is just an entertainer, nothing more. She doesn't have a job determining public policy."

-Dartmouth BA and Univ of Virginia JD degrees
- Speechwriter, Domestic Policy, Reagan admin
- Editor of The Prospect magazine
- Law Clerk for Judge Ralph K. Winter, U.S. Court of Appeals-Second Circuit
- Law Clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
- Attorney at the highlyt regarded New York law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom

Or as ARM would say, just an entertainer.

Just as Reagan was "just an actor" with his 4 decades of other work after acting conveniently "forgotten".

But then again, as the lefties will tell you about all conservative women, they aren't even really women!

Clyde said...

I think young Master Hogg should check his white male privilege and wonder why he's getting rejected.

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

Many are commenting (here and elsewhere) that evaluating Hogg harshly should take into consideration that he is a child.

I am not going to wade into that aspect, but am looking at this in the context of the following opinion push:

CNN website headline: "Parkland students show why 16-year-olds should be able to vote"

Washington Post: "Should we let 16 year olds vote?"

Vox: "The case for allowing 16-year-olds to vote"

I realize they can be two separate arguments, but I think many in the media (and the part of society that pushes Hogg into the spotlight for their cause) believe in both, despite the (seemingly-obvious) conflict: that 16-year-olds should be able to vote, but not be judged harshly for entering the political fray.

This kind of conflict hasn't even disappeared from the consequences of letting women vote.

Sure, that may seem like a snarky laugh-line, but from The Nation:

"The Reasons Why White Women Vote Republican—and What to Do About It"

"…Such associations are significant because they reveal how systemic influences like marriage and evangelical Christianity interact with white supremacy to influence white women’s political behavior, through the explicit ideologies they propagate and the more insidious ways they reflect and perpetuate other structural inequalities. Some white women face voting pressure from their more-conservative husbands, a dynamic Hillary Clinton acknowledged in her analysis of her 2016 election loss…"

The Hillary quote, as authenticated by Snopes:

"…All of a sudden, white women who were going to vote for me and frankly standing up to the men in their lives and the men in their workplaces, were being told “She’s going to jail, you don’t want to vote for her. That’d be terrible, you can’t vote for that…"

If Big Thought People say women cannot stand up to their husbands, how are 16-year-olds going to stand up to their parents?

I mean, for a good reason, not just because 16-year-olds think their parents are old and can't operate iPads?

First we fix the problems with women voting, THEN we can consider children.

The Germans have a word for this.

The Vault Dweller said...

This is why kids shouldn't be used in politics. They almost never have any sort of novel or thoughtful idea to add, and are only used for emotional manipulation purposes. Because they are kids eventually they will do something stupid. And because they are involved in politics their doing doing something stupid will inevitably threaten what lots of people view as a critically important. This leads to situations when people are probably justified in calling the kid some sort of bad word.

MadisonMan said...

I don't think Ingraham should have made the initial tweet. It was petty.

It's pointing out the truth. That's not petty.

Earnest Prole said...

Back in the day, mother was short for motherfucker, but its usage was not primarily as an epithet. When people said a hurricane or a boxer was a “bad mother,” it signified respect.

rhhardin said...

Old enough to fight, old enough to vote, was the slogan for lowering the voting age to 18. How women got it I have no idea.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Said it before and I'll say it again:

2 kinds of kids in the world, those that build block towers and those who knock down other kids' block towers.

2 kinds of adults in the world, those that build things and those that try to knock down or drag down what others build.

I would bet the family farm that this kid is not even controlling his twitter account right now. Those tweets were written by his Antifa "handler". It is all ginned up.

roesch/voltaire said...

Drago you make a good case showing that intelligent folks are not necessarily wise when trying to get ratings but quickly will utter an apology when advertisers decide they have crossed the line of decency and pull their. dollars. All those degrees add up to understanding where the money lies.

AlbertAnonymous said...

what I find funny is they're pushing for 16 year old kids to vote at the same time they're claiming 18, 19 and 20 year old adults shouldn't be allowed to buy/own a firearm.

Michael said...


I, for one, am not impressed by companies who make their advertising decisions based on the advice of 17 year olds. Trip Advisor has been sold out of my portfolio. We shall see where the money lies. I don't own the dog food company which also is advised by a 17 year old. These companies, all companies, would do well to save their virtue signaling for their own time.

langford peel said...

You should never apologize. It is a sign of weakness.

Graham should double down and get new sponsors. She needs to hold FOX's feet to the fire. They need to back her to the hilt. They have already let several of their most popular host be run out of town by the forces of the political correctness.

robother said...

Do I think Hogg set up Ingraham for this boycott with his whining? No, he's not that smart. But could his SJW handlers be that smart? Definitely. No one does passive-aggressive like the Left.

Hagar said...

The sanctification of motherhood is an American peculiarity common to all factions.
My mother was a terrible mother, especially to my sister, so I have never understood it, but "the flag, motherhood, and apple pie" is an American shibboleth that must not be questioned.

langford peel said...

If you want an example of a company destroying itself look at the NFL. By bowing to political correctness they are losing vast portions of their audience. All to placate thugs who abuse paraplegics or punch their girlfriends in the face.

If these fools want to use the NFL or morons like "Dick's Sporting Goods" as their role models good luck to them.

Republicans buy sneakers too.

Jess said...

I wonder if CNN flushes after they're through with their toilet paper celebrities?

Hagar said...

and David Hogg is yesterday's sensation; a bottle rocket lifted unusually high by a passing whirlwind, but now extinguished and fallen back to earth.

Michael K said...

You should never apologize. It is a sign of weakness.

Graham should double down and get new sponsors. She needs to hold FOX's feet to the fire.

Rush Limbaugh has done that quite successfully. Fox is another matter. The Murdoch kids are lefties and will fold in a New York second.

It's one of many reasons I don't watch Fox.

Rick said...

The Murdoch kids are lefties and will fold in a New York second.

They aren't lefties. They're apolitical and therefore don't understand the left.

Darkisland said...


Calling Hogg a leftwing fascist is redundant.

Progressive fascist is redundant too.

John Henry

Beth B said...

They really are building the perfect little monster with this kid. Yeesh...

Greg said...

Hogg's response to this relatively tame dig seems to be evidence that he was one of those that bullied Cruz, as was admitted by the bald lesbian chick

Darkisland said...

Leonardo di caprio did not finish high school

Just think how successful he might have been if he had finished his efucation!

H/t somerset Maughm

And I agree with you that his skill as an actor bestows zero competence in anything else.

Though many people seem to think otherwise.

John Henry

Lewis Wetzel said...

Hagar said...

The sanctification of motherhood is an American peculiarity common to all factions.
My mother was a terrible mother, especially to my sister, so I have never understood it, but "the flag, motherhood, and apple pie" is an American shibboleth that must not be questioned.

I too, had a "mixed experience" with my mother, Hagar. But I think of of the American ideal of motherhood to be just that, an ideal. People need something to aspire to, and know when they have fallen short of the mark. My mother does, and in her old age it has made her a better person. She understands that she failed to be a good mother to myself & my siblings.
So, question away!

tcrosse said...

Somebody should treat the kid to a half hour with Stormy Daniels. Think of the interviews ! And might take some of the edge off him.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Ingraham has held other positions, but right now she is just an entertainer. Nothing wrong with that. I personally am not that interested in hearing entertainers espouse their political views which is why I don't listen to talk radio or watch cable news shows.

TestTube said...

I'm interested in finding out more about Hogg's parents.

And his handlers.

As with magic tricks, the flashy stuff is used to distract you from what is really going on.

Michael K said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Ingraham has held other positions, but right now she is just an entertainer.

Yeah, being a clerk of a Supreme Court Justice is just like Robert Deniro's high school dropout record.

Bruce Hayden said...

“This is why kids shouldn't be used in politics. They almost never have any sort of novel or thoughtful idea to add, and are only used for emotional manipulation purposes. Because they are kids eventually they will do something stupid. And because they are involved in politics their doing doing something stupid will inevitably threaten what lots of people view as a critically important. This leads to situations when people are probably justified in calling the kid some sort of bad word.”

Movement was AstroTurf from day one. But the thing that I think really surprised everyone was discovering that adults constituted 90% of the marchers in DC, and their average age was apparently 49. The kids were always just a prop for a bunch of activist left wing ideologues and activists, who use any opportunity to protest the election of Trump, over the anointed one. And, no, I don’t blame “Camera” Hogg one bit - he was smart enough to be one of the first to jump aboard.

Darkisland said...

Completely off topic but I can't shut up about it.

Today the dark island got considerably brightet with the arrival a couple hours ago of Pierre Andre T0rres-He3nry (the 3 is silent)

Mother and child both finer than frog fur.

And even more beautiful

John Henry

Michael K said...

Blogger TestTube said...
I'm interested in finding out more about Hogg's parents.

I heard early on that his father is an FBI agent.

I did wonder if the father had anything to do with ignoring the warnings about Cruz.

Martin said...

As if I needed more proof that this whole Parkland HS thing has been Astroturfed since the first day...

Hogg has dropped the f-bomb on parents and politicians with no apparent second thoughts, so if he is hurt by whatever it was that Ingraham said, I have no sympathy, whatsoever. He and that Emma Gonzalez are vile little jerks and even if other people are giving them the scripts, they choose to say it.

I have no idea what Hogg's or Gonzalez's parents think about all this, but if it were me I would be ashamed.

Bad Lieutenant said...

John Henry, Kyzernick,

Mazel tov!

May all your troubles be little ones.

rcocean said...

"I heard early on that his father is an FBI agent."

Wasn't there a soviet spy who's father was in the FBI.

I think they made a movie of it.

n.n said...

he was one of those that bullied Cruz, as was admitted by the bald lesbian chick

Hogg certainly exhibits that mental state and discipline. It may explain his incoherent response to an outcome that was forced by what was likely a distracted FBI, a Sheriff with ulterior motives, a mainstream press in the business of partisan warlock hunts, and a community that ignored a known risk.

Hagar said...

Hogg and his fellow students at the Parkland school did not organize anything. This was done by organizations with lots of money and prior experience in organizing such marches.
Still, in this case, one must really admire the professional skills shown and rapid response time.
As Rahm Emmanuel said: "Never let a good crisis go to waste!"

rcocean said...

"Don't confuse the Right with the GOP, rcocean."

I know what you're saying - but even National Review, Weekly Standard, etc. seem unwilling to use the Tax Code and Copyright law to punish Hollywood.

Francisco D said...

Michael K. said ... "Yeah, being a clerk of a Supreme Court Justice is just like Robert Deniro's high school dropout record."

Don't be so hard on ARM. He's not as smart or as wise as he would like us to believe.

I am still waiting to see if he understands terms he throws out like "cognitive dissonance." That Inga blindly agrees (because it sounds good) is not a feather in ARM's cap.

DKWalser said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Comanche Voter said...

Young Master Hogg has yet to learn one of life's lessons. You step into the ring and start taking wild swings at people, you are going to get smacked around a little bit. The other side--so to speak--has boxing gloves as well, and some of them have a mean right cross to counter your incessant left jabs.

But it's understandable; when K-12 teachers won't let kids play dodgeball because a snowflake might get hurt, they are hardly prepared for real life where other folks throw things back at them.

Well it's a hard life, and it's even harder when you are stupid and entitled. Once Young Master Hogg (he's not mature enough to be called Mister Hogg) has been knocked on his backside by life a few times, he may smarten up. The odds of that happening (the smarten up part) are not good, but they are not impossible.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hogg is the poster child for:

"Not Only Are Libruls Mentally Ill, They Are Ugly People Too".

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Congratulations John Henry!

Kathryn51 said...

Martin said:

I have no idea what Hogg's or Gonzalez's parents think about all this, but if it were me I would be ashamed.

I don't know about Gonzales, but I don't believe one needs to look very far to see that Hogg's media savvy is a direct result of his parents encouragement. He was on all major media channels (including Fox News Channel) the same evening as the shooting - he may have "biked" back to the school in order to "film" events, but he also spent quite a bit of his time offering himself up to the cameras that same evening. Dad is (was?) a "crisis event manager"' for the FBI (which requires a high degree of media savvy) and I read somewhere (so not sure if true) that his Mom works for a broadcaster in some capacity. He (and his parents) saw an opportunity and he grabbed it.

I think his parents are quite proud of their achievement.

MadisonMan said...

I'm not sure how anything she tweeted was taunting, but I guess ya gotta gin up outrage somehow if you're the WaPo.

Click here!!!!!

gilbar said...

"what I find funny is they're pushing for 16 year old kids to vote at the same time they're claiming 18, 19 and 20 year old adults shouldn't be allowed to buy/own a firearm."

you have to be 21 to buy a lottery ticket (at least in iowa)
you have to be 21 to drink
you have to be 20 (or 25) to rent a car
you have to be 18 to vote

If you're not mature enough to drink a beer, how the Hell are you mature enough to vote

Matt Sablan said...

"Why, because he annoys you? Because he is advocates for something you’re against? Because he’s cocky? The reactions to these young people is what’s over the top."

-- Is he one of the people who implied that yes, he would take guns from people's cold, dead hands? Has he denounced promises of violence against gun owners (of which I am not one.)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Gilbar : and you can stay on your parent's insurance til you are 26 and in their basement even longer.

Lou M said...

Mr. Hogg's true colors are showing through:

Lou M said...

And here:

Bay Area Guy said...

Next apology from Laura Ingraham:

I apologize for calling that little motherfucker a student.

Gahrie said...

The punk rejected Ingraham's apology.

Somebody needs to kick this kid's ass.

MadisonMan said...

I appreciate that Mr. Hogg started this by commenting on the colleges he didn't get into, and then continued by tweeting that he won't accept an apology: "I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight".


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Four sponsors so far...

ga6 said...

Wasn't there a soviet spy who's father was in the FBI?

As I met him a few times I will give you the answer. His name is Robert Hanssen and his father was a Chicago Police Officer. Robert was an Officer on the CPD also. He later was hired by the FBI. His contact with and spying for Russia start in 1985 and continued into 1993. He handed over papers, copies, and trolled the FBI computer files for the Russians.

He struck most of us on the CPD who met or knew him thought him a strange duck, but obviously the ever vigilant FBI thought he was great. Read the attached link and see his assignments..

William said...

I think all these pesky, free speech issues could be eliminated if we deferrred to Hogg's judgment.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Which sponsors have dropped so far?

victoria said...

Gahrie, someone needs to kick her ass. She is a horrible person, who cares nothing for anyone but herself and her point of view. Kind of like her "boss" DT.
Hope she gets fired, though no one at Fox has the guts to do that. They're all sycophants. Except for Shep.

Vicki from Pasadena

William said...

I think Laura should ask for a vote on which dropped sponsor she wants all her viewers and all those with an interest in an open expression of ideas to boycott. First Amendment Mothers Against Going Hogg Wild.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I see that the dried up old hag from Pasadena has chimed in.

Thanks for that contribution, but we already got our quota of retarded old women defending Camera Hogg today. Much like the mediocre graded little shitstain who didn't get in to those colleges, your comment is rejected.

Kathryn51 said...

Here's the comment by Wayfair (after they supposedly joined the boycott):

"As a company, we support open dialogue and debate on issues. However, the decision of an adult to personally criticize a high school student who has lost his classmates in an unspeakable tragedy is not consistent with our values,"

So, Laura said he "whined" and this is now a "personal criticism" of a apparently traumatized "child" (Hogg's words, not mine).

I'm sad to leave Trip Advisor though.

Michael said...

So our hero gets butt hurt and sponsor's drop the hurtor because he tells them to. We live in crazy world and these companies are letting a 17 year old set their advertising targets based on his hurt feelings.

And Inga cheers almost as loudly as when the DOW hits a skid.

Darkisland said...

Oy vey, bad lieutenant

My little ones are no trouble at all!

Thanks for the good wishes

John Henry

Snark said...

While I get the argument, the choice of the word "whines" always intends to diminish someone and confer a certain weakness. In that light, a show of strength through boycott is less overreaction and more on point response.

DAN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amadeus 48 said...

“ ...he is an over-empowered inciter who is way too eager to break things.”
My read, too.
Also, he and his buddy Saint Emma crawled on top of the pile of dead bodies of their teachers and schoolmates to grasp the bubble fame.
There is nothing to admire in this.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DAN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim at said...

Congrats John Henry.

Big Mike said...

I just bought something on Wayfair. I guess I’ll have to send it back (at their expense) and ask for a refund.

DAN said...

David Hogg, for solace in the days ahead, you might want to give a listen to Dusty Springfield's version of "(There Is) No Easy Way Down".

Darkisland said...

Hogg's father is retired fbi. Retired early because of parkinson's and moved to Florida

Hogg grew up in Southern California moving to Florida in high school. Hence all the California universities

Not to deny the level of astroturfing but Hogg is more media savvy than most. Probably most adults too. He attends Parkland because they have a special media curriculum.

Hogg also has some sort ofpart time job with a local newspaper.

So publicity hound or just a journo on the job when he went back to the school to take pictures?

I doubt we are getting the full story from either side

John Henry

tcrosse said...

Is 'Igna' the female form of 'ignis fatuus' ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Will the fascist bullyboy call off the boycott?

I doubt it.
That's what fascist bullyboys do.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fascist bullyboys get results.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim at said...

She is a horrible person, who cares nothing for anyone but herself and her point of view.

Apparently, they're all out of mirrors in Pasadena.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't you dare mock the fascist leftwing bullyboy.

Big Mike said...

@John Henry, congratulations to you. But I thought power had been restored down there?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Yeah, was in AA original post.”

No, it wasn’t. I quoted Bob. When Althouse published the blogpost, Ingraham hadn’t apologized yet.
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
Ingraham apologizes to Hogg:

3/29/18, 12:42 PM

“UPDATE: The headline is now: "Facing boycott, Laura Ingraham apologizes for taunting Parkland teen over college rejections." I'm tempted to say, I get results! But the apology is new:
“On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland,” Ingraham tweeted. Really only a nonapology. Sorry you're hurt.”

Do try to keep up before attempting a “gotcha!” LOL

Browndog said...

I 100% agree an apology in an effort just to save your advertisers is not enough. I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight. It’s time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children.

-David Hogg

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shall we celebrate the leftwing fascist bullyboy's attempts to silence his critics?! Yay the death of free speech! Hitler's brownshirts would be proud.

btw- why won't anyone in the media ask if Hogg bullied the Parkland shooter?

tcrosse said...

Wow. This could be even bigger than the Chick-Fil-A boycott.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Browndog - Interesting that Hogg refers to himself as a "child".

bolivar di griz said...

And the odds this isn't a coordinated boycott by media matters is what exactly.

CWJ said...

Given the supposed evil of bullying, I too wonder why none of the bullies have been outed. Bullies not to blame. FBI not to blame. Broward sheriff's department not to blame. But guns!!!

Static Ping said...

"Mother" used as short for the "MF" is still operative, best that I know, though it does seem a bit quaint. When I hear it usually, it is because the entire curse has been cut short after the speaker has thought better of it. Usually when I hear "mother" being tossed out by itself, it is for more of the "I had coitus with your mother" comment than anything. Of course, neither of these apply here. It was an appeal to Laura's decency as a mother not to make fun of children.

My opinion is Laura was being petty. It is like making fun of a politician's minor children: poor form. That's to be expected of Laura, who's entire career is alternating between useful political insight and bomb throwing. Honestly, any of the advertising sponsors who did not know what they were getting into are idiots and I would recommend boycotting any that pull their advertising solely on the basis that the company is run by morons. Also, any company that takes orders from Hogg, who has said far worse and offensive things on a regular basis while sounding like an ignoramus, should be scorned.

Also, the alternating "I am a child and have absolute moral authority" and "I am a child and therefore cannot be criticized" has gotten old very quickly. Either he gets taken seriously or he does not. He cannot be whatever suits him and his handlers at any given time.

FullMoon said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

Shall we celebrate the leftwing fascist bullyboy's attempts to silence his critics?! Yay the death of free speech! Hitler's brownshirts would be proud.

btw- why won't anyone in the media ask if Hogg bullied the Parkland shooter?

3/29/18, 4:09 PM

Reading about the shooter, gonna guess most kids stayed clear of him. Seemed to have an explosive temper and little self restraint. Don't know what kind of skills or strength he has.

Kids calling him names behind his back is one thing, saying something to his face liable to be slightly more dangerous. There are some kids you just don't fuck with.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

FullMoon - I thought I heard somewhere that the troubled lunatic who went on a shooting rampage, after threatening to do so and the local law enforcement did NOTHING - was in fact bullied at that same high school.

Considering David Hogg is a BULLY, running around screaming that if you do not agree with him "you have blood on your hands." - it would make sense that Hogg was and is a bully on other issues in High School.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

David Hogg - bully

"When is it okay to talk back to someone who keeps falsely branding you a murderer? Well, that depends on whether he's being funded by Republicans or Democrats.

Ever since the shooting last month at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., a student named David Hogg has become the new face of the gun-confiscation movement. He's everywhere you look, telling you that if you disagree with him, you've got blood on your hands."

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