March 25, 2018

Emma Sulkowicz (of "Mattress Performance" fame) has a new gallery show that inquires into Asian-Amercan identity.

The "Mattress Performance" was so much about female identity that perhaps you did not even notice Sulkowicz's ethnic performance... or maybe you thought it would seem anti-Semitic to notice, because you think of Sulkowicz as Jewish. But you were wrong! From HuffPo:
“I realized so many things were related to being an Asian woman. I didn’t report it all because I’m Asian and told not to have emotions and just be successful,” they told HuffPost. “Now I’m having my first show that explores where race really intersects with feminism.”
Asian! It turns out Sulkowicz's mother is half Japanese and half Chinese.
One of the more commanding pieces of their exhibit showcases a banana sliced with a knife, a subversive statement on both gender and race, Sulkowicz explains. The piece is dedicated to their sister and contains a video of her cutting the banana and designating it a phallic symbol. The banana also represents the Asian-American experience.

“Banana is a term for Asians who are too Americanized. That’s a source of vulnerability,” Sulkowicz said, explaining that the knife cutting through the banana comes from a place of anger as well.

“We identify ourselves as angry Asians,” they added.
I had to stop and think about the pronouns. Did that "we" go with "they" and refer only to Sulkowicz, or is Sulkowicz speaking for Asians in general, expressing their anger via penis-cutting? I think it's the latter, because in the first quote, above, Sulkowicz uses "I" repeatedly.
Sulkowicz’s parents are represented in the exhibit, too. A suspended tea ceremony represents their mother, who is half Chinese, half Japanese.... An orb containing a bagel, fixings and iced coffee represents Sulkowicz’s Jewish father’s longstanding Sunday tradition....
Awfully stereotypical objects — tea for Chinese/Japanese and bagel for Jewish.
Sulkowicz describes a bowl containing Cheetos and chopsticks as being inspired their friend, Mae, who is half Chinese and half Japanese. “Mae eats Cheetos with chopsticks. That’s such a boiled-down example of growing up mixed-race Asian in New York. You’re eating American trash but with an Asian tool. It’s a moment I wanted to capture.”
Or Mae doesn't like getting that orange dust on her fingers. Quite sensible to eat Cheetos with chopsticks. Reminds me of how I eat a banana with a knife and fork. And I want to stress that I do that because I like to keep my hands clean, not because I'm expressing hostility toward genders and ethnicities that some people think of when they see a banana.
“It’s hard to be taken seriously as Asian woman in art world,” they said. “I feel highly sexualized. I’m so sick of men who come up to me after a performance and say, ‘Do you think anyone would care about your artwork if you weren’t pretty?’ When will you leave any room for my artwork to speak for itself?”
Sulkowicz tells us what men tell Sulkowicz,  that Sulkowicz is pretty. Why didn't Sulkowicz leave us any room to judge for ourselves — whether Sulkowicz is pretty and whether we should direct our attention to the question whether Sulkowicz is pretty? But I won't take the bait. I'll do what I would have done without being criticized for failing to do, let the artwork speak for itself. It seems to be a collection of obvious stereotypes and heavy-handed symbols that don't really say anything about the large group of individuals that are being aggressively clustered into a set called "Asians."


chickelit said...

Sullkowicz joins the S.C.U.M.

MadisonMan said...

She does an remarkable (as in, something to be remarked about) of redefining herself from mattress girl to American Artist channeling Asian roots. But the originality, it is lacking, and that is fatal to an artists.

It's like a Chinese artist ripped off -- poorly -- Madonna's reinvention schtick.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

For this woman to claim to speak for all Asian women is practically cultural appropriation; and then she proceeds by some pretty crude stereotypes. Progressive world is a funny place. Are all cultures equally true and valid, or equally false and invalid insofar as they stand in the way of progress?

David Begley said...

I don’t care what tribe she is in. She’s a no talent artist with neon blue hair. Laughing her ass off as she sells her junk for five figures to liberal NYC loons.

Michael K said...

I guess the Asian mother was not a "Tiger Mom" or her daughter would not be this ridiculous.

tcrosse said...

Being a white woman with a mattress was, as it turns out, not that special.

Fernandinande said...

Michael K pontificated...
I guess the Asian mother was not a "Tiger Mom" or her daughter would not be this ridiculous.

Well, I know this is shocking, but you got it backwards.

"The verdict on tiger-parenting? Studies point to poor mental health"

MadisonMan said...

Laughing her ass off as she sells her junk for five figures to liberal NYC loons.

Are people actually buying it though? If so, it seems like the same kind of purchase as buying Hillary's ridiculous post-election book: To demonstrate virtuous right thinking. Book that is never read, art that is never commented on. But there it is, for the neighbors to see.

richlb said...

Mattress Lady goes by "They" as her preferred pronoun.

Anonymous said...

As of now there are only two comments on the article at HuffPo, but I'm heartened by their content:

James Rousseau
I want to see nungessers performance piece about being falsely accused, and tormented.
Like · Reply · 9 · 1d

Jennifer Jones ·
Princeton University
Agreed. It's amazing how little coverage that aspect of this grave injustice has received.
Like · Reply · 1 · 22h

Sulkowicz: “It’s hard to be taken seriously as [blah blah victim blah]..."

She should be grateful. If society took her seriously as an adult and a moral agent, she'd be in deep shit, not making money off stupid shit.

Lucien said...

Some lawyers make jokes about expert witnesses who come with mattresses attached to their backs.

Jaq said...

“It’s hard to be taken seriously as Asian woman in art world,”

And you ain’t helping honey.

Are people actually buying it though?

Like those liberals who bought the Dixie Chicks album in support, but never listened to it.

richlb said...

And as much as I respect you, Althouse, eating a banana with a knife and fork makes you a crazy person. Why do you not use the peel to keep your fingers clean.

Jaq said...

In fact, she sounds a lot like those Dixie Chicks who were so upset that their fans didn’t want to hear about their politics, or to be insulted by them on foreign soil.

Darrell said...

She will always be a victim of something or other.
Hope this will make her life better--there, there!

Henry said...

Awfully stereotypical objects — tea for Chinese/Japanese and bagel for Jewish.

The bagel and coffee is her father's "Sunday Tradition" . Does her mom drink tea? Maybe her mom eats bagels?

Jaq said...

I have to agree with Althouse entirely, and if I ever ate Cheetos, I would hope I had the presence of mind to eat them with chopsticks.

Jaq said...

I don’t know if she is pretty or not, but often being pretty leads to this kind of nonsense because nobody wants to tell her the truth if it lessens their chance of getting some. And men around pretty women are like a Labrador in the kitchen, there is always hope!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Sulkowicz tells us what men tell Sulkowicz, that Sulkowicz is pretty.

As men do to young women all the time.

Why didn't Sulkowicz leave us any room to judge for ourselves — whether Sulkowicz is pretty?

Because this is not what she is saying. She only referred to the habit of men telling young women that they are pretty, irrespective of whether or not they actually are.

rhhardin said...

Never be seen eating a banana, is Dagen McDowell's advice to on-air women.

JML said...

She is not so pretty on the inside.

James K said...

I want to see nungessers performance piece about being falsely accused, and tormented.

It might start out: "Someone must have made a false accusation against Paul N, for he was suspended one morning without having done anything wrong...."

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

"A suspended tea ceremony represents their mother, who is half Chinese, half Japanese..."

We've already seen Emma having sex on film as an art project. The only thing I would really be interested to know more about in this woman's life is the story of her mother's heritage.

The Japanese and Chinese generally harbor much dislike for each other -- from Wiki:

"Anti-Chinese sentiment in Japan has been present since the Tokugawa period. Anti-Chinese sentiments in Japan have been on a sharp rise since 2002. According to Pew Global Attitude Project (2008), unfavorable view of China was 84%, unfavorable view of Chinese people was 73%."

I'd be curious to see how this couple got together, and the impact and reactions their union had upon their family and friends.

It would most likely be much more interesting than repurposing bananas and Cheetos as art.

Although the art described made me think of Yoko Ono's art exhibition when John Lennon met her (from Wiki):

There are two versions of the story of how Lennon and Ono first met. According to the first account, on November 9, 1966 Lennon went to the Indica Gallery in London, where Ono was preparing her conceptual art exhibit, and they were introduced by gallery owner John Dunbar.[16] Lennon was initially unimpressed with the exhibits he saw, including a pricey bag of nails, but one piece, Ceiling Painting/Yes Painting, had a ladder with a spyglass at the top. When he climbed the ladder, Lennon felt a little foolish, but he looked through the spyglass and saw the word "YES" which he said meant he didn't walk out, as it was positive, whereas most concept art he encountered was "anti" everything.[17]"

Lennon was also intrigued by Ono's Hammer a Nail. Viewers hammered a nail into a wooden board, creating the art piece. Although the exhibition had not yet opened, Lennon wanted to hammer a nail into the clean board, but Ono stopped him. Dunbar asked her, "Don't you know who this is? He's a millionaire! He might buy it." Ono supposedly had not heard of the Beatles, but relented on the condition that Lennon pay her five shillings, to which Lennon replied, "I'll give you an imaginary five shillings and hammer an imaginary nail in."

It is easy to mock Yoko's art, but I see it as coming from a positive space, a way to realize you don't need permission to interact with the world. It was inclusive, rather than art that simply exists to sophomorically symbolize cliché differences with clichéd thinking.

A piece from Yoko's "Grapefruit", a collection of poems suggesting the creation of artworks:

Let people copy or photograph your paintings. Destroy the originals.

1964 Spring"

Just by copying and pasting this from Wiki, which copied it from however many iterations of the original piece, means I have now have actually participated in that piece's instruction: I find that rather whimsical, and -- again -- inclusive.

As for Emma: sometimes a banana is just a banana.

The Germans have a word for this.

Roger Sweeny said...

More than half of humanity lives within a small circle centered on southeast China.

But I'm supposed to put everyone living there in a big box called "Asians" and think of them all similarly.

When I was growing up, we used to complain how the right did that. Now the left seems fond of it.

Unknown said...

I wonder, what’s it like to come from Asia-America with a bagel for a dad? -willie

tim maguire said...

Westernized Asians are called bananas? Ms. Sulkowicz did teach me something!

CWJ said...

"It’s hard to be taken seriously..."

Correct. If she had stopped there, and reflected on why, she might realize that it is hard because it requires talent and effort. The one she does not have, and the other she's unwilling to do. Instead, she presents a collection of demographic identities with no human agency informing them represented by hackneyed stereotypes, and tries to pass them off as original insight into the human condition. People used to grow out of this phase rather than revel in it.

Michael K said...

The stalker has to get a silly word in.

Michael K pontificated...
I guess the Asian mother was not a "Tiger Mom" or her daughter would not be this ridiculous.

Well, I know this is shocking, but you got it backwards.

"The verdict on tiger-parenting? Studies point to poor mental health"

Sulky already has "poor mental health."

That's what I said. Try thinking. It might help you.

Francisco D said...

Re: Fernandistein link

"Research shows authoritarian parenting, which can include tough academic pressure, can lead to poor mental health outcomes for kids and teenagers."

Two "can"s in the same sentence. That is pretty weak tea.

Did you read the article in the Berkley paper or just the headline?

Do you believe that social science research can prove anything to be true?

Shades of Inga!

buwaya said...

It is an interesting condition, being an Asian in America.
People who are in an odd in-between state in the American cultural wars. And who are in very different in-between states, as of course each Asian ethnic group is unique.

But their resentments dont run according to her description.
The banana thing is not really a thing among the real Asian-Americans, it is rather an academic trope forced on kids in schools. There is a huge lot of what amounts to agitprop forced on them.

You readers here have no idea of the malice with which kids, especially non-white kids, are being educated. They are being required to hate themselves and each other, and not least white people.

Its a revelation, seeing a well-meaning white teacher telling a class of Asian kids, all of them intensely upwardly-mobile, that they are actually a downtrodded lot of second-class citizens with identity issues. They have no identity issues, but after that constant bombardment they certainly might acquire some.

Her mother being Chinese-Japanese points to a mixed-up identity problem there too. Thats not a very common combination in fact. Chinese-Jewish or Japanese-Jewish is quite common though, I know many cases of both.

Jaq said...

Yeah, while she is certainly adequate girlfriend material, I would rank her somewhere around Flo in the looks department, but utterly lacking Flo’s charm.

Funny how when there is no Kennedy or Clinton involved, Beloved becomes so concerned for young women.

Jaq said...

Just like he cares about the deficit when there is no Obama involved.

Curious George said...

"Laughing her ass off as she sells her junk for five figures to liberal NYC loons."

Smarter than giving her for free on the second date.

buwaya said...

To put it another way, Asians will (and this really is a common trait among such diverse peoples) do what it takes to get ahead. If they have to jump through a given hoop to get an A, they will. They may retain a mental reservation about it, but they won't tell you.

If the school (or their employer) makes them recite back a litany of absurdities, they will.

Oso Negro said...

Geez, Buwaya. If Asians, taken as the large mass of humanity they are, are so goddamned willing to do what it takes to get ahead, why isn't "Asia" what the rest of the world aspires to be? Or did you just mean the self-selected Asians who made it to America?

MadisonMan said...

eating a banana with a knife and fork makes you a crazy person

Agreed. Maybe not crazy, but why would you want to dirty dishes when the fruit has a perfectly excellent built-in wrapper?

MD Greene said...

CWJ said:

"People used to grow out of this phase rather than revel in it."

Ms. Sulkowicz took millennial self-absorption and fondness for memoir to its apogee with their first project without stopping to think along the way. This latest bit is a conversation with theirself that could benefit from interrogation (our new word for analysis, not psychoanalysis) by other persons or artists.

They is a perfect celebity for the Huffington Post age, as intellectual as a Kardashian but without the marketing instinct for monetization.

buwaya said...

You will find the same sorts of Chinese you have here all over SE Asia, being the same un-downtrodded lot they are here, and nobody in those places thinks they are any sort of victim.

Until someone actually kills them that is.

US education is, as I say above, perverse. It can make people crazy.

MayBee said...

I would like us all to take a moment to re-evaluate the ethics of falsely accusing a real live man as rape as a way to garner (!) attention for yourself.

Also, why does Sen Gillbrand not pay any price for boosting this woman?

The Drill SGT said...

Didn't somebody tell her that Israeli's are "Asian". Just not "East Asian"?

Bill R said...

"Sulkowicz uses "I" repeatedly"

It's her favorite pronoun.

John henry said...

So the whole mattress thing was just promotion for her career as a phartist? (Phony artist).

Or should it be "phartiste"?

All credit to the commenter here who came up with the phart concept.

John Henry

Bob Boyd said...

If Sulkowicz goes into politics maybe she'll have to start a banana garden.

MayBee said...

Also, I want to point out that when I lived in Tokyo there were plenty of Japanese Cheeto-esque snacks. So the idea of eating "American trash" is incredibly hollow.

MayBee said...

"Sulkowicz uses "I" repeatedly"

Shouldn't they use "we"?

buwaya said...


Things are changing so fast out there that those parts of Asia may indeed turn out what everyone aspires to be. Maybe. In a way.

Many thought that being Japanese, for instance, could be a thing and some still do. Singapore has been, for a long time, a politico-economic model. Maoist China was an extremely popular model, purely as a result of propaganda.

As for being Chinese or Korean you could get a lot of takers on that sale even now. As for the rest, at the rate they are going, every one growing at the rate of "economic takeoff", well, give it time and lets see.

The problem with any of them, or all of them, is they are not the same, it is not in any way a unified culture across the region, there is no such thing as an Asiansphere as there is an Anglosphere, and the cultures themselves are not welcoming. Its a pain to learn Chinese and the Chinese wont accept you as Chinese even if you do.

Mary Beth said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Sulkowicz tells us what men tell Sulkowicz, that Sulkowicz is pretty.

As men do to young women all the time.

Why didn't Sulkowicz leave us any room to judge for ourselves — whether Sulkowicz is pretty?

Because this is not what she is saying. She only referred to the habit of men telling young women that they are pretty, irrespective of whether or not they actually are.

That's not what she's saying either. What she's hearing from men is, people aren't paying attention to you because your art is good, it's because you're pretty.

It's not about complimenting her looks, it's about demeaning her art.

buwaya said...

Senator Gillibrand is protected from her foolishness by an MSM that likes her.

Power relations. They have power, and can be foolish.

The Drill SGT said...

buwaya said...
You will find the same sorts of Chinese you have here all over SE Asia, being the same un-downtrodded lot they are here, and nobody in those places thinks they are any sort of victim.

Hell, the Chinese middle class is the heart of many SE Asian country's.

Singapore is 75% Chinese. 10% Malay

Malaysia is 25% Chinese

Vietnam used to have a good sized Chinese pop, but the fall of South Vietnam caused most to fell. 79-80 of Saigon businesses were owned by Chinese before the fall.

Anonymous said...

Oso Negro: If Asians, taken as the large mass of humanity they are, are so goddamned willing to do what it takes to get ahead, why isn't "Asia" what the rest of the world aspires to be?

Maybe because having a critical percentage of the population being willing to "do what it takes to get ahead", on a strictly individual level, is a necessary but not sufficient condition for creating enviable societies - societies with high social capital, societies with low levels of corruption, societies where ordinary people "can have nice things"? Maybe there's a whole helluva lot more going on with the people in those enviable places, above and beyond the first-order requirement of smarts, a work ethic, and personal ambition?

Just a guess.

tcrosse said...

Vietnam used to have a good sized Chinese pop,

A lot of them are now here, and doing quite nicely, thank you very much.

John henry said...

So, since she is speaking for all "Asians", could she define what the word means? On the surface, it means a person from Asia. So I guess that includes Kim Kardashian, right? She is part Armenian. Does she take credit for Joseph Stalin? (Georgia)

What about Mao, Pol Pot, the Kims?

She is 25%, I understand, Japanese. Does she accept guilt for her grandparents and great grandparents genocide, cultural and human over 40 years in Korea? Does she accept her guilt for what they did in the Philipines to Buwaya's ancestors? 4 years of atrocities culminating in the murder of a couple hundred thousand civilians in Manila, an open city.

Will she duke a couple bucks to Buwaya as reparations?

Not to stir up trouble but are Philipinos even Asian? Some claim they are Hispanic. (Another stupid, meaningless term)

Does she accept guilt for what her grandparents and great grandparents did to the Chinese during WWII? a quarter million civilians murdered in reprisals for the Doolittle raids. "The rape on Nanking" are a couple of the lesser atrocities. Few people realize how many troops Japan had in China. A couple million at one point.

If she is going to trade on her heritage as an Asian "victim", she also has to bear guilt as a Japanese rapist, murderer, defiler.

John Henry

jwl said...

I wonder if Sulkowicz is schizophrenic or something, she refers to herself as they\them\we, she sees herself as more than one person?

Oso Negro said...

@ Buwaya said...

A lot of farangs aspire to Thailand, that's for sure. But I think it is more do to the easy sexual mores rather than the hard-charging Thai culture. The high end of Chinese society is indeed impressive. I used to teach Sinopec execs who were bound for international assignments and as I sometimes use to tease them, they didn't send me the stupid Chinese, only the very smart ones. I think Japanese culture is broken and isn't coming back anytime soon. Lots of folks like Singapore, up until the gum is spit onto the sidewalk. A real interesting cultural experiment would be to see if Singapore Chinese could clean up Chicago, for example. I am not keen on my time in Malaysia. So I conclude you are pretty much talking about the overseas Chinese, who will be racing the Patels to see who opens the first shop on Mars.

buwaya said...

Its interesting hearing about Asian this and that, here, from white people, or even US-born Asians some of them.

And having come from Asia.

The perspectives clash. What they say isn't Asian, it is American cultural politics.

Lyle Smith said...

Not big enough to fit into the britches she has sewn for herself.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Mary Beth said...
It's not about complimenting her looks, it's about demeaning her art.

I think this was self-evident. But the way of doing is mundane, routine, not something related directly to her personal appearance.

Michael K said...

Or did you just mean the self-selected Asians who made it to America?

There is an interesting trend going on. I see lots of Chinese nationals joining the US Army to get citizenship.

The Army has a program for those on legal visa to join the Army and get citizenship upon completion of the enlistment.

In Los Angeles the numbers are high, almost 15 to 20% of all recruits. They are well educated, for the most part.

A week ago I interviewed two of them. One has a BS in EE and is working on a Computer Science Masters.

The other had an MBA. Both are enlisting in the program.

About a quarter of them are females.

Why are they coming here and getting citizenship ?

I think they are voting with their feet.

buwaya said...

Like I said Oso, things are changing fast.

I have seen the Philippines (for instance) and its people change over a half-century and more, and what I would not have believed possible now is. There are now go-getters that can give the Chinese a run for their money.

Ann Althouse said...

"And as much as I respect you, Althouse, eating a banana with a knife and fork makes you a crazy person. Why do you not use the peel to keep your fingers clean."

The peel seems useful but has several problems:

1. Once you understand something about the chemicals that are on the peel, you would not want to hold it. If the peel were edible, maybe I'd take the trouble to wash it, but with a banana, you can remove the peel and get rid of it and be free of the problem of chemicals and wash your hands before entering into the leisurely experience of banana-eating.

2. If you keep the peel with you during the eating experience, you will have to wash your hands when you are done, unless you believe the peel has served the function of keeping your hands clean. It has not.

3. If you keep the peel with you during the eating experience, you are going to have the task of disposing of the peel to do soon, and I don't like that when I'm sitting, perhaps reading. If I keep the peel with me instead of immediately searching for a disposal place, I'm hanging around with obvious garbage that begins to look and smell bad.

4. If I have a fully exposed banana on a plate and a fork, my hands are freer. I don't have to keep holding the thing. I can stretch out the pleasure of banana-eating, while I hold a book or use my keyboard.

5. I like to eat my banana with peanut butter, so the plate has a big gob of peanut butter, which I combine with each mouthful of banana. You can't do that very easily with a banana inside the peel.

I don't need a knife to do any of this, by the way. A fork is enough. If you can't cut a peeled banana with a fork, you've got a bad banana.

John henry said...

Blogger Oso Negro said...

Or did you just mean the self-selected Asians who made it to America?

We had a large influx of Chinese/Asians in the late 19th century. Many came to work on the railroads.

They were "self-selected" only in the sense that when the labor contractors came to their town signing up workers they came. They came on the expectation that they would come home after the railroad was completed but got stranded, unwillingly in most cases, in the US. Their families were still in China. Since there were almost no Chinese women, it was a pretty miserable existence.

Then, since they could not be employed most places due to discrimination, they had no choice but to be entrepreneurial.

It is also worth noting that virtually all the Chinese who came to the US in the 19th century came from one sector of one province. They did not represent China as a whole.

Chinese emigres tend to be very entrepreneurial. In his The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Heinlein has a great line where he says that you could send two Chines to the far side of the moon and within a year both would have gotten rich selling rocks to each other.

Thomas Sowell has written extensively about this in his Migrations and Cultures trilogy.

We also have only to look at what China has accomplished economically in the past 40 years or so. It is nothing short of astonishing. Here's some pics of Shanghai in 1987 and in 2013.

John Henry

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

"I like to eat my banana with peanut butter, so the plate has a big gob of peanut butter..."

If the banana represents a penis what then does the gob of peanut butter represent?

I will refrain from extrapolating.

The Germans have a word for this.

buwaya said...

The Philippine identity as officially stated in the schoolbooks, and taught to many generations now, is Asian.
The Spanish policy until almost the end was to preserve and use the native languages, not Spanish.

For a while there the upper classes aspired to be European, and the intelligentsia made a solid try at it. They went to Europe and studied in Madrid, Paris, Heidelberg, acquired French mistresses, fought duels, won prizes at salons, published in Spanish and French, all that.

But then the Spanish shot Rizal, their leading light (and a very fine Spanish writer, Unamuno had a high opinion of him), and they turned away decisively. From that time they were Asian. The more radical anti-American nationalists would hang out in Tokyo, and pretended to pan-Asian this and that, until the Japs went nuts. Then they became communists.

They never identified as Latin-American. Those two concepts arose independently and their paths never crossed. The place was administered from Mexico, but not by Mexicans, nor did it have Mexican clergy. Mexico never had native Mexican clergy to spare.

jwl said...

China/Korea/Taiwan are all Han, one of richest/smartest ethnic groups in world.

jwl said...

buwaya - my family is all Anglo and my sister had daughter with Thai man. My sister lives in Canada and she has gone to the school many times to complain to principal about how teachers are trying to make her daughter neurotic. There is so much focus on colour of skin and who oppressed, it is making everyone more tribal and that bad for multicultural societies like we have in Canada and America.

John henry said...


Re voting with their feet. True that but an even more interesting question is why? Fear of political instability? Partly. Today's Chinese are only 2 generations away from forbears who had to eat their dead children to survive.

More natural catastrophes? 3-4 generations from famine that routinely killed millions. Wikipedia lists famines killing 25mm just in the 20th century. If the famine didn't kill you, flooding might. Up to 4mm killed in the Yellow river flood of 1931. (As one example)

Earthquakes are another big killer.

And so on.

But perhaps freedom? Trite as that may sound.

In 2003 I spent a week riding around with a woman from Hewlett-Packard calling on clients. Got to know her a bit.

She was born in China and had been told all her life that she would be a teacher. I was unclear on the process but the govt made teaching the only option available so she became one.

Then they sent her to study in Wisconsin. She was dutifully studying teaching and somehow got interested in engineering. She did not realize that she could actually study engineering until someone told her "In the US you can study anything you want." Anyway, she wound up with a ChEng degree, a Masters in papermaking then a doctorate in ink.

She married a Chinese man who has a doctorate in papermaking technology from some WI school IIRC.

Amazing woman. Lots of fun to be with and extremely knowledgeable, if in a very specialized area, ink. She could not see a piece of printing without whipping out a loupe, looking at the printing then commenting at some length on it. I learned a lot from her.

John Henry

John henry said...

Re peanut butter and bananas:

The Germans do have a word for it and the word is urkomisch

John Henry

Ray - SoCal said...

Overseas Chinese dominate the economies of many Asian countries. Thailand, Indonesia, Ph for example. Vietnam threw them out in 79 after a war with China.

Tiger moms I see as more a culture that values education, sets high expectations, and actively works as a family. Basically Chinese or Korean. Confucianism has an influence with the honor of education.

And as you have more tiger children in elite colleges, they marry other elites. Hence the many Chinese Jewish marriages, such as the original Tiger Mom.

Emmas S. Father and mother Both NY psychiatrists.

Anonymous said...

re my comment @10:01: not implying that there are no "enviable" "Asian" places. There certainly are.

buwaya said...


Correct. The stuff I have seen in San Francisco...

Sebastian said...

"I’m Asian and told not to have emotions"

I call BS. In fact, I call BS on all the "I was told" not to do x or "they said a y couldn't do z" tropes.

It's always a form of self-aggrandizing pity-posturing.

Michael K said...

"But perhaps freedom? Trite as that may sound. "

My Chinese medical student was very knowledgeable. Her mother was a professor at Beijing U. Her father was a physicist who worked as an auto mechanic because he was Christian. I learned about about China from her.

She told me she came here to be able to care for her parents whebe ousted and it might be violent.
n they got old. There is no reliable pension system in China she told me.

My daughter has been there multiple times and has friends there. One couple consisted of an American guy teaching English and one of his students who he hooked up with. He later came back to get a Masters and she came along. They got married. I see lots of Chinese women marrying Caucasian men.

I think they may also see China as unstable in the future, Someday the Communist Party is going to ousted and it might be violent.

rcocean said...

She's Asian when she wants to be. Jewish when she wants to be. White when she wants to be.

As the Church Lady would say "How convenient".

BTW, almost all my "Asian" friends/Acquiescence/Relatives do NOT consider themselves "ASIAN" - they are Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.

JaimeRoberto said...

Given that a US Senator invited her to attend the State of the Union address, I'd say that Sulkowicz's "art" has been taken all too seriously.

John henry said...


I confess to being a bit tongue in cheek. I do not think of Philipinos as hispanic. Their circumstances are similar to many other, South American countries that are universally thought of as hispanic.

Why is Argentina thought of as Hispanic, for example? It should be thought of as Italian or German or even Irish. All contributed more immigrants than did Spain by a fairly large multiple. So many Italians that Argentines to this day speak a very distinct sounding Spanish. The words are Spanish but pronunciation and rhythm is Italian. As late as 1940 Buenas Aires had 6, count 'em, 6, daily newspapers in German.

Or Brazil. It is officially and legally considered "Hispanic" by the US govt even though it was colonized by Portugal. Or, more properly, by the millions of Africans brought there as slaves.

Or Mexico. Most Mexicans have more Indian than European blood.

I find the term Hispanic very annoying. Puerto Ricans have little in common with Cubans who have little in common with with Chileans and so on.

Even moreso because people from Spain at NOT considered Hispanic by the govt definition.

John Henry

tcrosse said...

Apropos of nothing, the NBC affiliate here in Vegas has a Filipina news anchor, Marie Mortera, who apart from her newsreading skills is adorable. At least my wife and I think so. Being adorable is not in the job description, but it doesn't hurt.

Owen said...

These comments are why I just keep coming back, learning so much. Thanks.

Owen said...

John Henry: re Argentina, lots of Welsh went to Patagonia to herd sheep. Plaid Cymru!

buwaya said...

Re Chinese self-selection.

This is an interesting idea, that what you are seeing is the "best" of them. Maybe today in the US you are, these students and the like. But mostly that is recent, and you are still getting plenty of the South China lower classes, people who snuck into the hives of Kowloon and wanted out.

The overseas Chinese in East Asia, those that run the economies, most of them, did not come over as a merchant class but as indentured laborers. My grandfathers first posts in Asia (coming from Spain) was running rubber and later palm oil plantations in British Malaya staffed by Chinese under indenture, men who had more or less sold themselves into slavery.

In Manila - I am, I think, of the last generation who can recall that people had Chinese servants, and that there were Chinese rickshaw-men in its Chinatown. There was, once, a Chinese lower class.

John henry said...

Blogger tcrosse said...

Being adorable is not in the job description, but it doesn't hurt.

Sexist pig! (Jes' kidding)

Come on, tcrosse. They may not be able to actually write it into the job description and they will deny it all day long but being adorable (cute, sexy, advertising, call it what you will) is the principle qualification for female newsreaders.

John Henry

veni vidi vici said...

I have an acquaintance/fb-friend of about Sulkowicz's age who fancies herself a very highly motivated, politicized feminist, and who's pursuing a career of sorts in comedy and writing. She writes for one or two websites/collective blogs periodically.

Like Sukowicz, her writing is "obvious and heavyhanded" in its ostensible humor (that's really just blaring outdated reductionist stereotypes at the reader, klaxon-like). I'm beginning to think that either kids these days just aren't that smart that they'd know how to do this in a truly funny-ironic way a la Archie Bunker, or that this "heavyhanded obviousness" schtick is a thing - worse yet, a thing that's supposed to be funny.

If that's all that's left in humor anymore post-political-correctness, I'll just quietly retreat to my Redd Foxx album collection. This new generation of proto-moral scolds are unbearably BORING!!!

buwaya said...

My Chinese classmates in engineering school were for the most part sons of poor men that became wealthy.

One got wealthy scavenging scrap metal from US military base junkyards.

Another was a tinsmith.

John henry said...

Blogger Owen said...

John Henry: re Argentina, lots of Welsh went to Patagonia to herd sheep. Plaid Cymru!

Re your previous comment about learning stuff here, me too. Then you zing me with a perfect example.

I did not realize there were Welsh shepherds in Patagonia. I didn't realize, because I had never thought about it, that there were any shepherds in Patagonia.

1) I thought of Patagonia as pretty bleak

2) I thought all emigre shepherds were Basque. Yes, a stereotype.

John Henry

MD Greene said...


Also re voting with their feet. I hadn't considered the famine thing, but it makes sense.

Two of my siblings have done business in China since the early 2000s. At that time, one said, getting a second country's passport and dual citizenship was a "thing" for Chinese professionals. In one case, a man paid for a passport from some little country that later recognized Taiwan's independence. The passport became a problem rather than an opportunity, and he was stuck.

Chinese people, like Jews, have moved to all corners of the world and thrived. I talked with one who is "halfway to a green card" two weeks ago. The CCP is so controlling that "Animal Farm" and "1984" are banned, and the internet is so restricted that it is difficult to keep with research even in pure science.

The apotheosis of Xi seems be increasing the sense of urgency, especially among young adults who have studied abroad. We've trained a lot of them, and if we were smart, we'd welcome them as immigrants.

tcrosse said...

There was, once, a Chinese lower class.

There still might be, in China. Somebody has to do all those jobs Americans won't do.

buwaya said...

My (Basque) grandfathers two brothers were shepherds in Nevada and Idaho, came over in the 1920s-30s. My grandpa was the brains of that family, he went to the local ag college on a Royal scholarship.

buwaya said...

There most certainly is a Chinese lower class, in China.
But not overseas, as there used to be.

A common nationalist political trope, in the Philippines, was that the Chinese had to be kept out because they would work for "coolie wages" and drive down the wages of the working class.

They found other reasons to keep the Chinese out, or try to, later. Not that it worked.

Earnest Prole said...

You could tell Sulkowicz is half Asian by taking one look at her.

YoungHegelian said...

If Ms Sullkowicz was half black & half Japanese, every Dec. 7 she'd attack Pearl Bailey.

Michael K said...

My comment was garbled and I didn;t see it until now.

whebe ousted and it might be violent.n they got old.

It was that the communists will eventually be ousted and it might get violent.

Also she wanted to care for her parents when they got old. She said China does not have a reliable pension system such as her mother might expect here. (Like Ann's)

buwaya said...

Re "hispanic" -

Leaving Brazil (and Portugal) aside,

There is indeed a "Hispanosphere", that is a cultural unity across Spanish-speaking countries. This definitely exists.

It is exactly like the concept of an Anglosphere. That too exists. Thats why you have British TV shows in the US and British/Commonwealth writers making big sales publishing in the US, why the Beatles were popular, why Hollywood has English and Australians, and the reverse flow also, ad infinitum. All of them study Shakespeare in English lit. Anglosphere.

The Hispanoshpere is the same. Writers, songs, television, go back and forth and all over. Latin Ametican composers write sterotypical Spanish music (Lara, a Mexican- "Granada", Lecuouna, a Cuban -"Malaguena"), and Spaniards "Latin" music, as Yradiers "La Paloma". When the Philippines was a colony they were writing Habaneras there also.
And no Spanish lit class anywhere can avoid Cervantes.

holdfast said...

Skankowitz isn’t really pretty, but she does have the most beautiful brown eye.

Or so I’ve heard.

Temujin said...


Marcus Carman said...

Why are we continuing to talk about this awful human being?

Howard said...

YH: No racial changes necessary. The punchline is: Pearl Schwartz

Richard Dolan said...

"Banana sliced with a knife"

When I was a student in Paris decades ago, there was a dessert common in the places that served a student clientele. It was a banana sliced in half, sugared and served flambé. It was called la reve des jeunes filles.

CWJ said...

Re: Hispanosphere.

Seville, Spain hosted the Ibero American Exposition; a world's fair of the Hispanosphere countries only. Anglos need not apply. I believe it was sometime in the 1920's.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

It's not about complimenting her looks, it's about demeaning her art

Umm. I guess if you are into trite, on the nose, overly obvious symbolism, then her art doesn't demean itself and somebody with at a minimal amount of taste needs to do it in a way you might understand.

tcrosse said...

There is l'Organization International de la Francophonie, a group of French-speaking countries. They are somewhat scattered.

tcrosse said...

It's not about complimenting her looks, it's about demeaning her art

Art, schmart. It's a matter of public record that she puts out.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Who didn't know they was at least part Asian? It shows clearly in their face. Given her name, and that both their parents are psychiatrists, I also correctly guessed that their father was Jewish. As for being "pretty", I'd say it is okay, but no great shakes.

They is half Jewish, half Asian, and all crazy.

Rabel said...

"I don't need a knife to do any of this, by the way."

Yeah, but that's the fun part, isn't it. Especially if you're doing it while responding to one of Chuck's comments.

But seriously, if I may, your concern about chemicals on the peels is a bit overblown. The fruit fly eggs are a different matter.

Unknown said...

Such BS from a true BS artist (and amateur pornographer.) Plenty of unattractive people are successful at fine art. You do have to dress well, though. I’d love to see an unrehearsed reaction from Emma if a man were to congratulate her for succeeding without conventional beauty. So many offenses, which gets the first reaction?? -willie

chickelit said...

Does it identify as plural because it enjoys anal?

chickelit said...

Really, that guy should have sued her ass into poverty.

chickelit said...

Actually, he should have sued Columbia U - deeper pockets of abscess.

Jaq said...

I always figures that if you could explain your "art" in a few simple declarative sentences, maybe it isn't "art" but rathe some kind of tasteless decorations? Or maybe she thinks of us like a coat of arms.

A large shield with a symmetrical podium-like top and a symmetrical droplet shaped bottom is supported by a banana on either side. All of which rests on a mountainous landscape of rice.

A lavish bagel, or byali, rests atop the shield, it's a crown of raised sesame seeds, it has a lox cap and two rows of various gems decorate the outer sides.

On top of the bagel sits a bascinet helm, which itself supports the crest, in this case an exquisite samurai head. The Bagel and crest are decoratively bound by a roll of fabric, or torse, which carries the main colors used on the shield.

Lastly, tied to the helmet is an enormous drapery, or mantling, in the shape of a small cloak and colored in the main colors, just like the torse.

The shield itself has 2 colors which are painted in a diagonal cross pattern. 1 lion head serves as the emblem, or charge, and a modest ribbon, partially covering the bottom of the shield, carries the motto, which reads: "Justice, honesty, integrity.".

There is l'Organization International de la Francophonie, a group of French-speaking countries. They are somewhat scattered.

What's the percentage of them that are shitholes, BTW?

tcrosse said...

What's the percentage of them that are shitholes, BTW?

Depends whether you count France and Canada. But seriously, probably no worse than the percentage of former British colonies that are shitty, hole-wise.

Original Mike said...

”Reminds me of how I eat a banana with a knife and fork. And I want to stress that I do that because I like to keep my hands clean,”

Fingers are quicker to clean than dishes.

Paul Zrimsek said...

the knife cutting through the banana comes from a place of anger as well

Sulkowicz uses "I" repeatedly

Epic battle for Least Surprising Phrase ends in dead heat.

Unknown said...

I hold the mostly-peeled banana in my left hand and spoon peanut butter onto it one bite at a time. -willie

Balfegor said...

“Banana is a term for Asians who are too Americanized. That’s a source of vulnerability,” Sulkowicz said, explaining that the knife cutting through the banana comes from a place of anger as well.

It's certainly a source of vulnerability -- it's the sense that people in the communities that matter to you will look down on you as inferior for having gone native. Letting the side down in front of the natives and all that. I guess maybe that makes her feel angry. But seriously, she's half-White and so am I. We will never be accepted as properly Asian. We will always be the subaltern vis-a-vis our pureblooded kinfolk back "home," whether that imagined "home" is China, Korea, or Japan. And she must surely have known this since she was a little girl.

“It’s hard to be taken seriously as Asian woman in art world,” they said. “I feel highly sexualized. I’m so sick of men who come up to me after a performance and say, ‘Do you think anyone would care about your artwork if you weren’t pretty?’ When will you leave any room for my artwork to speak for itself?”

One of her previous art projects was her getting tied up and beaten in a BDSM show. And she became famous for an "art" project that consisted of her lugging around a matress while claiming she had been raped. Her art is intrinsically heavily sexualised. Her entire schtick depends on her as a sexual object -- specifically, as an object of sexual violence (not as a being with sexuality of her own). I . . unless she's just totally lacking in self-awareness, she must be joking here.

Rigelsen said...

It seems to be a collection of obvious stereotypes and heavy-handed symbols that don't really say anything about the large group of individuals that are being aggressively clustered into a set called "Asians."

Three fifths of humanity make their home on the continent of Asia. How arrogant must one be, and how lacking in imagination, to imagine their individual circumstance to someone be reflective of all of that. An “Asian”. I wonder how many people actually from Asia would even identify themselves as Asian. It seems more something more common among those who are far removed from the continent. Not surprising when all one has are vague notions and attenuated cultural ties.

But what is it with art these days, or even literature? “Obvious stereotypes and heavy-handed symbol[ism]” seem to be the overwhelming majority of what it’s all about. It’s like a bunch of left-brained people pretending to be right-brained, but not really getting the concept. Or a bunch of talentless hacks never having been told they might be better off doing something else.

tcrosse said...

Is this a banana which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.

Ken B said...

Eye of the beholder and all that, but to me she is not pretty at all. Reminds me of an old character actor in the 30s, Richard Haydn.

Scientific Socialist said...

What's an "Asian woman"?

tcrosse said...

If she's so Asian, how did she manage to get into Columbia ? Don't they have quotas ?

tcrosse said...

Oh, wait. Being Asian is a Social Construct. Never mind.

5M - Eckstine said...

You intersect the banana with vanilla ice cream then oppress it with chocolate syrup. Spooning resolves the social conundrum.

buwaya said...

"We will never be accepted as properly Asian. We will always be the subaltern vis-a-vis our pureblooded kinfolk back "home,"

Depends, of course, on the Asian country. Korea and Japan, yes.

Chinese, not so much. Certainly not overseas Chinese.

As in many very wealthy families -

And Filipinos, not at all, the precise opposite. It is good to be the mestizo.

Jon Ericson said...


Bruce Hayden said...

“Sulky already has "poor mental health."”

My memory of her from her mattress days was that the guy wanted anal, she was there to do vaginal, but did the anal anyway to get the guy. Which was, of course, stupid, because vaginal is more intimate, and thus, I suspect, more likely to end up long term. And the guy thought that it was just a one night stand. Once she figured out that he just wanted to stay friends (with benefits), she had remorse, and ended up making him pay.

It has always been her mental health that turned me off big time with her. Too willing to trade sex for a relationship, even sex she didn’t want. And way too willing to go cra-cra if rebuffed.

RichardJohnson said...

She is an attention hound. Three years ago she was in the news as mattress girl. Now she is in the news as an artist. Three years from now she will still make an effort to be in the news. As what, is the only question.

FIDO said...

Her 'art' has spoken. She is an attention whore. Things which ordinary people would prefer to NOT be public fodder, she demands be out there so SHE can once again be the subject of conversation.

She had her stupid 15 minutes of fame. She is ridiculed by half the population and lauded by the other. Now, having tasted the nectar of adulation, she had become an addict and seeks to stretch her unexceptional life into the public perception.

I am content to leave her to fall into obscurity and normality. But instead, she seeks to commit more and more outrages to garner 'relevance' (which explains 90% of academia, actually).

She will follow Bill Ayers into the Academy as an 'edgy' choice and commit cultural atrocities (whatever few remain) simply like a 4 year old jumping up and down saying 'look at me mommy!'

Spare us such shenanigans.

Ray - SoCal said...

By picking the right major...

And probably lots of virtue signaling,

>Blogger tcrosse said...
>If she's so Asian, how did she manage to get into Columbia ? Don't they have quotas

Unknown said...

Good artists don't explain their art, they just let you experience it. This woman is all about attention, not art.

mikee said...

Some say she acquired "fame" by her performance art with the mattress, while others prefer the more accurate word "infamy" to describe her defamation of her sex partner.

Howard said...

I have a racist brother who calls Asians "Ornamentals". Just thought some of you cucks could use it to impress your cuck friends.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

ORNAMENTALS! Hah, that's a good one. I'm gonna use it!

Biotrekker said...

This article in Huffpo about a talentless, solipsistic worshipper of victimhood and Leftwing gibberish, replete with hackneyed symbolism, and topped off with the ridiculously misused "they" pronoun perfectly distills everything wrong with the Left. In trying to read those sentences with the misplaced "they" pronouns, I am reminded of poor Winston in 1984, trying to see the "right" number of fingers.

Kirk Parker said...


"In trying to read those sentences with the misplaced 'they' pronouns, I am reminded of poor Winston in 1984."

It put me more in mind of the story in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 5:

Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?"

"My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many."

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