March 23, 2018

At Diana's Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.

And you can buy what you want though the Althouse Portal to Amazon.


gilbar said...

so there's that Hogg kid from Florida that's always on the news.
I watched on of his interviews were he keeps talking about how 'disgusted' he is with EVERYTHING...

Am i the only one who thinks that we should be concerned about Him buying guns? He sure seems creepy enough to be a problem.

MadisonMan said...

Boss Hogg's kid?

Hagar said...

AA should be in great form tomorrow about this march thing and using kids for politicking.
It is getting out of hand.

George said...

Hogg - 15 minutes of fame

rcocean said...

I"m surprised more peeps aren't upset at McCabe for investigating Sessions.

Its incredible. The FBI investigating the Attorney General for lying under oath at the request of two political opponents.

I wonder if Sleepy jeff sessions has been able to rouse himself and get upset at AL -dog faced boy - Franken and Pat - Asshole -Leahy for trying to get the FBI to destroy him.

Probably not. Probably thinks they're "Good people". And goes back to sleep.

rcocean said...

And did Rosenstein know and approve an FBI investigation of Sessions?

madAsHell said...

I have to believe David Hogg is being used by the usual suspects.

I remember being 18 years old. My dick was harder than Chinese arithmetic, and I struggled to find the appropriate every situation.

Somewhere, somehow......There's a dead hooker, or a live boy in his bed.

wildswan said...

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from voting for those rotten, RINO Republicans; but he that stands by the only chance we have for reform which is to vote for those same RINOs in this upcoming election, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

The Republicans were never going to get their act together. So Trump funded the military in the budget and gave the Dems what they wanted in return for the Dems voting to fund the military. The military was Trump's priority and that is funded way ahead now. This cave-in on social issues is what comes of Republican party divisions. But it's too late to fix anything before the 2018 elections. This is hard. But did Lincoln give up when McDowell lost at Bull Run? Did Churchill surrender when Europe went Nazi? Did Washington give up at Valley Forge? IF YOU LIKE TRUMP, VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS [bastards THOUGH THEY ARE] this fall so Trump doesn't have to fend off impeachment. In 2020 after three years of Republican rule we'll be in a better place to replace Never-Trump Congressmen.

Sydney said...

Diana is going to kill that girl and take her clothes.

traditionalguy said...

A very good man died here today. Governor and Senator Zell Miller. Zell was a fighter for all the right things. But what else could we have expected. He was a Scots-Irish, USMC Sgt. raised in the north Georgia Mountains and he rose through the political ranks of the old fashioned Southern Democrats. He knew character when he saw it. He expected efficiency in Government Agencies. And he never took bribes. But he still fought until he won.

Big Mike said...

I see that David Hogg’s sister Lauren was advocating that the kids demonstrate their commitment by wearing red armbands. Presumably with boots and brown shirts to complete the look.

Those two are hogs right through to their souls.

eddie willers said...

I see that David Hogg’s sister Lauren was advocating that the kids demonstrate their commitment by wearing red armbands.

Did you see where their high school is going to require clear backpacks. THAT drove the little darlings into proclaiming their rights are being stepped on.

From CNN:

Tyra Hemans, 19, a senior, told CNN she supports parts of the new policy, such as the ID requirement. But she believes other security measures, such as forcing students to carry clear backpacks, don't adequately address the real problem with school safety, which she says is lax gun laws.

"I'm not happy with it. Why are you punishing me for one person's actions?" she said.

As Dave Barry likes to say..."I am not making this up".

bolivar di griz said...

When there is one monolithic take on a subject, ignore it:

With all the Russia Russia foolishness:

Bay Area Guy said...


"I"m surprised more peeps aren't upset at McCabe for investigating Sessions."

I have a smidgen of insider knowledge on this:

1. The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) is part of the DOJ and is akin to the Internal Affairs Division of a Big City Police Dept. For FBI agents, you do not want to fuck with OPR. A mere investigated, even if "cleared" puts a dark cloud over your career.

2. OPR has no subpoena power and doesn't threaten indictment. But they basically say, look, we know you're freelancing on something. You'd best fess up now, come clean and name names. Or we will fire your ass and take away your pension. And we know how much you make, and how much you own, and how much you spend, and you can't afford that. Any "lack of candor" (that's the phrase they use) will be a fireable offense. So, let's play ball!

3. McCabe refused to play ball, so OPR nailed him, big time, for some lie or omission. What for?

4. My theory: McCabe's flunky (Strzok) is singing like a bird, singing to stay alive. He has no defenders left, and not enough clout in or outside the FBI to resist the OPR steamroller. He's toast.

5. So, Strzok fesses - I leaked, McCabe authorized it.

6. From McCabe's pitiful statement:

"The OIG investigation has focused on information I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor. As Deputy Director, I was one of only a few people who had authority to do that."

7. In English, "yeah I leaked, but Comey told me it was ok."

So, it doesn't surprise me that McCabe tried to nail Sessions. He failed, and now he is toast. Now, the question is whether Sessions puts further screws back on him with a bona fide DOJ indictment, based on whatever the OPR has on him.

This is all reasonable speculation, but its quite fun.

Michael K said...

"A very good man died here today. Governor and Senator Zell Miller."

Hear, hear.

The last good Democrat,

Michael K said...

" My theory: McCabe's flunky (Strzok) is singing like a bird,"

I think it is Priestap, Strzok's boss. No mention of him since this all began.

Scott said...

Adults who use children as sock puppets for their political agendas are one step away from being pedophiles.

rcocean said...

Thanks Bay Area Guy. "Inside Knowledge" is always interesting.

Scott said...

The only good Democrat is now a dead Democrat.

MountainMan said...

Here is a Parkland/Broward County story that has not gotten much traction. Much worse than was originally thought.

Broward County's Reverse Jail-to-School Pipeline

Big Mike said...

@Scott, please let’s not go there.

buwaya said...

Peter Thiel talk on trade, etc.

Economic Club of NY - last week.

Peter Thiel - Trade

madAsHell said...

I think it is Priestap, Strzok's boss.

I've read a fairly compelling explanation of Comey throwing Priestap under the bus, and Priestap immediately blowing-the-whistle to the Inspector General. I think Comey threw Priestap under the bus as a leaker. Unfortunately, I don't remember the source of the document, and it might have been here at Althouse, or the.....shudder.....Conservative Tree House.

Scott said...

@Big Mike, are you saying that adults who use children as sock puppets for their political agendas are far less morally repugnant? Right, maybe we should avert our eyes from the adults who are grooming children for their statements on CNN or their Time magazine cover shots, and co-opt the fictions being presented. The power dynamic is SO different.

le Douanier said...

Bay Area Guy said...

@Dr. Michael K,

"I think it is Priestap, Strzok's boss. No mention of him since this all began."

I have no doubt that Priestap is cooperating. But I'm not sure he was part of the cabal. He may be innocent, saying that McCabe (his superior) and Strzok (his subordinate) were circumventing him. Or he may be part of it. It's still an open question.

But we know Strzok was the main errand boy for the cabal. Strzok helped exonerate Hillary, nailed Flynn, and joined the Mueller team to either cause mischief or report back to the cabal. Sneaky little bastard.

I think Brennan's ridiculous, emotional, overwrought tweet tells us something. It's a signal, possibly to Comey,"Don't cave"

“When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history,”

Neither OPR nor the IG have jurisdiction over Brennan. But it'd be nice to get Brennan under oath, and have Trump waive executive privilege, and grill him about his communications to Comey or any FBI subordinates. Recall that ex-DCI Richard Helms was convicted of perjury for lying to Congress - although it was at the end of his career and didn't really matter.

Hagar said...

I suspect that this report about McCabe investigating Jeff Sessions is "Fake News" in some fashion. As crazy as these people were/are, surely they could not be that absurd.
It would be the Deputy Director of the FBI "investigating" the Attorney General, his direct supervisor two or three levels up!

Bay Area Guy said...

Former Bay Area resident killed in fiery crash at Travis Air Force Base

"Officials said a 51-year-old former Bay Area resident who drove a flaming minivan loaded with propane tanks and gasoline cans through the main gate at Travis AFB has been identified"

Anyone wanna guess the guy's name?

Anyone? Bueller.....Bueller ......Bueller......

Bad Lieutenant said...

Furthermore, I'll repeat an irony I observe. Having been investigated, and cleared, Jeff Sessions would seem to be perfectly entitled to un-recuse himself, firing Rosenstein if necessary, and resume full control of his Department.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Sydney said...
Diana is going to kill that girl and take her clothes.

3/23/18, 8:14 PM

I don't know you, but if you are a woman, I'll marry you.

Big Mike said...

@Scott, my response was to your comment at 8:52. Democrats couldn’t be more despicable if they tried, and those who use the aptly named Hogg kids are about the worst. Democrats do not, will not, negotiate in good faith; are utterly impervious to facts, logic, or plain reality; and lie as a matter of routine. If any Democrat accidentally tells the truth, it’s because they think they’re lying about something. But let’s not go where you went.

Big Mike said...

@eddie willers (8:34), I read that too. Young Ms. Tyra should try to buy a gun herself. That way she can find out how lax our gun laws aren’t.

William said...

By what bizarre alchemy did it become fashionable for high school kids to work out their angst by shooting up schools? I don't think this phenomenon occurred before Columbine. All that publicity and, yes, sympathy for the shooters set a lot of wheels in motion, and they're still spinning. It's a natural phenomenon for a certain percent of high school kids to feel alienated and resentful, but it's extremely unnatural for those grudges to metastasize into shooting fantasies. I'm not sure how but all this glorification of the Hoggs and demonization of the NRA somehow feeds into the gastalt that creates school shooters. I think publicity about school shootings should, like school suicides, be de minimis. These school shootings feed on each other.

Chuck said...

eddie willers you made my day.

Much obliged.

Lewis Wetzel said...

It's really nice that the museum people gave Diana a hollow plinth. This is a place where she can keep her necessities. A change purse, a pack of kleenex in case she cries, a lipstick in a neutral tone, her cell phone . . . no tampons though. What use is it to be a goddess if you still menstruate? Goddesses aren't subject to original sin. Giving birth was not always a female thing to the gods and godesses. Pluto and Posoiden were disgorged from the belly of Kronos, and Kronos must have been male, or else Zeus wouldn't have been able to castrate the old man.
To Diana there is only power, meaning the will of Zeus, and he is quick to anger, but sentimental, and easily manipulated, especially by women.

WK said...

David Hogg reminds me of Obergruppenfuhrer Smith’s kid from “Man in the High Castle”.

Leon said...

Did althouse really not blog today?

Laura said...

"By what bizarre alchemy did it become fashionable for high school kids to work out their angst by shooting up schools?"

Say hello to my little friend, circa 1983. Not the only culprit, but a contender.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Althouse is probably traveling. Isn't this spring break?

Yancey Ward said...

MadasHell wrote:

"I think Comey threw Priestap under the bus as a leaker."

Perhaps, but Comey did claim in Congressional testimony that it was Priestap, to whom he only referred by job title, that was the reason he, Comey, didn't inform the joint gang of 8 in Congress about certain aspects of the investigation of the Trump campaign. Comey claimed he didn't inform Congress because of Priestap's recommendation. That is definitely bus-tire level work.

Yancey Ward said...

"Anyone wanna guess the guy's name?"

Oh, please tell me it isn't Mohammed.

Yancey Ward said...

And the Republicans sealed their fate this November with this omnibus bill. The House is gone, and the Senate will probably be lost too even with the favorable nature of the races for the party. I predict every single "endangered" Democrat survives in the Senate races, and the Democrats pick up seats in both Nevada and Arizona, with an outside shot at one in Tennessee.

Big Mike said...

@Yancy, no it wadn’t, but apparently he is — was — a Muslim.

Jaq said...

By what bizarre alchemy did it become fashionable for high school kids to work out their angst by shooting up schools?

Too bad there isn’t a good way to do a Google Trend on “boys are worthless” and “men are shit” type stories in the media and popular culture, but I repeat myself. Add in a mix of stories that everything about girls is superior, and that men and women are identical except in those ways that women are better.. It adds up.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

All the bitching about the the spending bill by much of the right is unconvincing theater. If they had been serious about deficits they would have been organizing and protesting against the bill for weeks. But no, nothing was said until the last minute and now it will be immediately forgotten. I have not seen a single congressman threatened with a primary challenge over this. Imagine if it were gun control instead of deficit control. The wailing and rending of garments would have been deafening.

Big Mike said...

If they had been serious about deficits they would have been organizing and protesting against the bill for weeks. But no, nothing was said until the last minute and now it will be immediately forgotten.

Well, less-than-beloved idiot, most of us were unaware of the bill until it came out to a vote. Hell, most Congress-critters were unaware of the contents of the bill until just before they were supposed to vote on it. Drudge links to an article that claims the PDF file that contains the contents of the bill was added just slightly before 8:00 on the 21st, with voting on the 22nd. The lede is the money quote:

"Members of the House of Representatives had 1,000 minutes—overnight—to read a 2,232-page bill that spends $1.3 trillion."

As for primary challenges, my own Republican Congress-critter is already facing one. Meanwhile I am drafting a letter to go into the envelope next time she sends out a request for a campaign contribution, telling her that it makes little sense to send her a campaign contribution if I can't see any particular difference between her votes and what I'd expect from a generic Democrat.

Sydney said...

By what bizarre alchemy did it become fashionable for high school kids to work out their angst by shooting up schools?

I read a persuasive argument that it is a combination of two things: 1)Glorification of slaughter in movies/television/video games (think those slo-mo slaughter in some movies where they linger on the bullet ripping through flesh and blood slowsly spurting out of the wound behind it) and 2)the zero-tolerance for fist fights in schools. Boys no longer understand what it is to inflict and receive physical pain.

Jaq said...

Trump got played like a kazoo by Pelosi and Ryan.

Just as the Industrial Revolution created the working class, automation could create a “global useless class,” Mr. Harari said, and the political and social history of the coming decades will revolve around the hopes and fears of this new class. - New York Times

Not to worry though, Pelosi and Ryan are all over this problem. We need more and more low skilled workers in the US because they will never be truly useless as long as they can vote!

Humperdink said...

Best description yet of school boy David Hodd - a liberal wind up toy.

Jaq said...

I have not seen a single congressman threatened with a primary challenge over thi

Well, fuck ‘em. They are doomed anyway. It’s going to e a Democrat Congress in a few months, and you can go back to your customary silence on deficits. I din’t hear you raising the alarm on this bill either, BTW. Personally, I din’t know it was coming until it was too late. Ryan and Pelosi played it perfectly, and Trump either never saw it coming, or ignored it. It doesn’t matter. This is the end, this is the breach under the waterline. I am done caring.

Jaq said...

Who knew that the constant posts from Beloved about Milo and Stormy Daniels were really motivated by a sincere desire to lower deficits, and not just a means to seize control over that spending so that it would go to the “right” people?

Jaq said...

Ulimtately, this was a stunning demonstration of raw power by Ryan and Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell.

Jaq said...

Oh yeah, and the press that kept totally mum on the whole thing until it was too late to react.

Bay Area Guy said...

Another pitiful statement by Andrew McCabe, this time as a WaPost piece .

Memo to Andy: Not a good idea to attempt regicide with a rubber knife.

Humperdink said...

From recently fired deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe's op-ed: "At worst, I was not clear in my responses, and because of what was going on around me may well have been confused and distracted ..."

That's an incredible statement from a guy in an FBI leadership position. You know, the governmental agency who jails people for "not being clear in their responses".

Humperdink said...

Bay Area Guy ...... ha ha. Reading the same thing.

Ann Althouse said...

"Did althouse really not blog today?"

Do I really normally blog so much that 8 posts in a day pretty much equals not blogging???

GWash said...

tim, i think you correct, the dems will win in the next cycle and come to the rescue ONCE AGAIN... how many times do we need to go through this scene... the rep/cons/tea party get power run the country into the ditch and then the dems have to clean up the mess.. i'm thinking reagan deficit, bush2 wars/deficits/recession and now trumps mess... it's not that trump didn't see it coming/ignored it or didn't care - he is just that ignorant that he didn't know/understand .. he's as dumb as a hammer... i hope you folks are finally getting it.. his great negotiating powers come from the dozens of bankruptcies he's had... he is a wanna be mob boss and acts that way...
watch your wallets !... how's your 401k doing? Trade wars are easy to win...

walter said...

Slow day at Trump Twitter..

walter said...

That's funny GWash.
If only we had Hil to save the day.
It was high time.
She wanted it.

walter said...

It's posts like GWash's that will bring folks back to Trump as the lesser evil.

Humperdink said...

@GWash. So many talking points, so little punctuation. You forgot Stormy What's-Her-Name!!!!

FullMoon said...

Ann Althouse said...

"Did althouse really not blog today?"

Do I really normally blog so much that 8 posts in a day pretty much equals not blogging???
3/24/18, 7:56 AM

The Diana statue was used on 3/20.
That is what confused him

Paco Wové said...

And in other we can't possibly begin to imagine a motive for this event news, another guy in France kills some people.

bolivar di griz said...

Redone lakdim, he wanted the participant in bataclan freed.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Big Mike ... idiot, unaware of the bill

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