March 9, 2018

"5 reasons why Donald Trump's massive North Korea gamble makes total and complete sense."

Chris Cillizza, you got me with that headline (CNN). The 5 reasons:
1. Trump the deal-maker... he has to try to tackle the biggest dealmaking challenges in the world... a more stable and de-nuclearized North Korea is about as big as they come.

2. Trump the history-maker... He loves to go where no one has gone before -- or, at least, where he believes no one has gone before...

3. Trump the unorthodox... Trump revels in the idea of freaking out the political establishment...

4. Trump the freelancer... In the opening to the "Art of the Deal," Trump wrote about how he liked to start his day -- clean desk, empty schedule. He didn't like to make plans. He liked to react at whatever the day threw at him. His grand strategy was just a bunch of tactics sewed together. Trump has brought that same mentality to the White House. Trump has bridled under attempts by his staff to keep him on message for a day or even a week. He values his "Executive Time," when he putters around the residence, watching television and tweeting. He trusts his gut -- even if it says something different than all the eggheads in his administration.

5. Trump the reality TV star... Trump knows that a meeting between him and Kim will have the eyes of the world on it....


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Michael said...

Back here in the real world new facts emerge regarding the cost of the California high speed railway. Worth looking into. So get your berets ready to pop on for a quick European coffee before you board out there in the Central Valley. Europe is coming. Ever so slowly. But coming.

buwaya said...

A European style train would have been BART to San Jose, and then on to Gilroy.
Which is feasible.
Or maybe parallel route down the coast of San Mateo Penninsula, Pacifica-Half-Moon Bay. Expensive but opens up living space.

And something something somewhere around the LA basin. Maybe.

These would be boondoggles, but not huge ones.

LA-SF was crazy in any case, and worse at what they are citing, and those costs are certain to escalate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Drago is a blind partisan. All facts must be filtered through his desperate RINO lenses."

So much anger and lashing out when you are exposed.

Oh I know. So much anger in that quote.

Now you're just saying shit just to prove that you can write something - anything - in response.

How does it feel to be so irrelevant?

How does it feel to not be capable of holding Trump accountable for the debt he racks up when there's no recession?

Questions like these that Drago doesn't know how to answer. You know. Simple questions. Obvious questions.

Constantly avoiding the truth must make someone really crazy like that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Southerner Michael is really up in arms about California infrastructure - I guess because his own Southern region leads the U.S. economy development in, well, precisely nothing. But Alabama and Mississippi have come a little ways since the days of slavery, I hear. All that wealth. Talk about ever so slowly. The amount of wealth that's not there could actually tempt an investment banker to live within a normal person's means. Oh well. If only those slick venture capitalists knew the untapped potential of hog farming. Or tea and lemonade production, while sitting on a porch. It's good that a region so lazy has a banker as lazy living in its lap to match.

Drago said...

TTR: "How does it feel to be so irrelevant?"


Drago said...

So, to summarize TTR: the Trump/North Korea talks will fail because Stormy Daniels, $21T in debt that Trump gave us, republicans are stupid and leftists only built our world.

That sounds about right for TTR.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No one cares about Trump or North Korea. Those two will make their own dramas as they will and we will either all die tomorrow or we won't. No one has the interest or inclination to invest themselves constantly in how two psychopathic nutcases with nuclear destructive capability entwine each other in their dramas. People have lives to lead and they'll do that regardless of how those two fuck up the global order. We already lived through a real cold war and don't have the time to worry about this made-up drama between a superpower whose leader wants to make into a banana republic and a micro-kleptocracy that wants to be a superpower.

Friendo said...

TTR, you are a colossal bore and a dick.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But what I say is true and you should try jerking off less. Especially when you watch your boyfriend Trump on the screen.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And I'm pretty certain that the last people you ever entertained "Friendo" were Winkin, Blinkin and Nod.

And no one thinks you're a nice person either.

Now go remind us of how entertaining and kind your orange scalp rug is! Lol.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There are toupees that get treated better by Trump than he treats people.

Well, maybe not that toupee that blew up the backside when he climbed Air Force One.

But in general, he treats his wigs better than he treats anyone.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

TTR: "No one cares about Trump or North Korea."

That explains the wall to wall coverage.

Gee, I guess that makes your opinion "irrelevant".

How does that make you feel?

Drago said...

TTR: "But what I say is true..."

No, its not.

But that's understandable, all things considered.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That explains the wall to wall coverage.

Right. Because whatever media you watch cares about is actually what a whole lot of people in general care about.

And you have yet to point out one thing I said that wasn't true.

Understandable? Being coerced to pretend you like Trump sure has given you one hell of a case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Big Mike said...

No one cares about Trump or North Korea.

I have friends living on the West Coast; I care about North Korea’s efforts to build ICBMs capable of hitting targets on the West Coast and nuclear warheads for those missiles. I wish Trump well in his negotiations and hope for their sakes that he succeeds. Even if they are unrepentant and irredeemable liberals.

I voted against Hillary Clinton more than I voted for Trump, but he has taken on some very challenging problems and so far he’s doing well in resolving them. He has earned my support and the full support of everyone who genuinely cares about the United States.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I wish Trump well...

Well, wishes seem to be what this is all coming down to at this point. Certainly his closest advisors have realized that reining him in is a full-time job and a necessary one for the sake of basic national security.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

TTR: "And you have yet to point out one thing I said that wasn't true"

The most hilarious example is your laughably false assertion that "everyone knew" the Soviet Union was going to collapse.

The other laughable example is that only the lefties built the US of the 1950's.

But the night is still young and I'm sure you will add more to the list.

Good luck!

Big Mike said...

Dear Toothless. Never drink your own bath water. Especially not after you’ve farted in it.

Just sayin’

Drago said...

The lefties get really testy when their access to raw 702 intercept files are cut off and can't be weaponized for political purposes.

It makes it much more difficult to pull off the Stasi-like "stuff".

I'll bet KJU would love access to those files. Why doesn't he just put a Podesta on the board and/or kick a few mil over to the clintons?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Which of course doesn't affect you since you're unemployed and barely employable.

But one hell of a fanboy!

DOW +441...

Wow. It's like the 1920s all over again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"everyone knew" the Soviet Union was going to collapse.

The people who mattered knew. The president's best intel and advisors by the early 1980s said and knew as much. Reagan went ahead with an arms build-up anyway so that he could sell the idea of having had a hand in it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dear Toothless. Never drink your own bath water. Especially not after you’ve farted in it.

Just sayin’

Try considering the possibility that President Gameshow Host might actually not be your savior. No matter how much trouble he gets himself into with the other immature leader in North Korea. You can wish for whatever you want. I understand that you're desperate for Trump to avoid WWIII. I accept the likely possibility that unrestrained loose human canons might actually not be best positioned to avoid major conflicts.

His advisors commit to themselves the mission of restraining him and it's a full time job.

JackWayne said...

Another thread destroyed by a troll.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lewis Wetzel said...

I had to tear the nuclear football from Trump's hands myself, once, TTR. It wasn't easy. He thought it was some kind of primitive smart phone and Trump was trying to access his twitter account with it. I very possibly prevented World War Three. You owe me your infinite gratitude, but I doubt that I will be able to collect it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The other laughable example is that only the lefties built the US of the 1950's.

Oh... like the slaves building the pyramids you conservaturds played your part.

But you weren't a force or in charge of anything, thank god. You first had to wait for Buckley to write in his magazine about the "cultural superiority" of whites, then change and purge the Birchers out (whom you've gladly invited right back in - Hi Alex Jones!) and lose an election with Goldwater and wait for RFK's assassination and a split southern coalition with the Dixiecrats before the lowest common denominator Nixon won his plurality.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You're not repeating yourself often enough, Full Moon. People might actually start assuming you have anything original to say.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You keep using the word "boring" while repeating yourself for the third time in a row. Apparently you seem to know that you stand a good chance of going unread.

FullMoon said...

RECORD 155,215,000 EMPLOYED...
DOW +441...

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. Like the idiot Trump who does whatever the last person he spoke to told him, HalfMan Full Retard thinks that if he keeps erasing his post and reposting it to be the most recent one, that will make it the best one! (Or at least one worth reading).

Like a doll with a drawstring at its neck. What a talent.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Does FanBoy get paid for his free advertising or is it enough compensation for the unemployable FullManBoob to just dream of fellating the 71-year old fat guy?

With every one of those caps-locked Trump pumps the thought of Trump's little pee pee slides another millimeter down Full Moon's mouth.

Hey, if he'll believe what Trump tells him then obviously I'm right that he'll like the taste of whomever's shitting in his mouth. He's proving my point and swallowing it whole!

Love it!

Full Moon the Shit-eating fanboy. What a legacy!

His gf will roll her eyes at him now.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cf said...

Don't feed trolls

I came on to say that it looks like Althouse question yesterday whether the press can denuclearize? this is evidence that they cannot. It is a competition now for who can most imaginatively piss on this astounding feat of "diplomacy" on a most vexing and precipitous situation.

Bitches and sons of bitches, shitting on the US in their reporting like toothless does to us commenting on this blog.

To trump's ambitions, I say "Hip! Hip!"

He has earned our trust.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Eating a lot of shit there, are you Fanboy FullNoob?

All I have to do is comment and you chime right in.

Trump's got a real funnel of shit mudslides going right into your mouth, doesn't he Fanboy?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fanboy FoolMoon will swallow anything Trump sells him. Whole!

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FanBoy Full Moon said:

"It's good to know that the stupidest voters (like me) are just ripe for Trump's election-jacking. He'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on any one of the conservaturd fanboy brain droppings that suit his fancy."

You should post the extended quote, next time. I'll turn it into something even better!

Make my old quotes great again!

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's right, Noob. Keep your circle jerk going!

FanBoy Full Moon said:

"It's good to know that the stupidest voters (like me) are just ripe for Trump's election-jacking. He'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on any conservaturd fanboy's brain droppings that suit his fancy."

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Proving my point again.

Maybe if your childless wanna-be baby momma had rolled her eyes at you earlier in the evening you might have left in time to catch the local circle jerk!

But you can't help yourself. You like me too much.


FullMoon said...

Perennial Renter Fat Short Lazy Stupid Loser Cumguzzler

TOOTHLESS Ritmo Brasileiro confesses..

It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy.
10/16/10, 10:28 AM

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So how many deleted posts of yours does that total, Fanboy FullMoon Circle Jerk Champion?



Don't let anyone think you don't have any talents in life, now!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

RECORD 155,215,000 EMPLOYED...
DOW +441...

You forgot the best one:

White Americans are living shorter lives!

They're dying sooner.


FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bolivar di griz said...

The problem began with cilizzas premise even among thevjournoliat, has a dumb as a bag of hammers like yglesias or fisher, the latter now graces the NY times

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Most dates end at my place but I can see why a pussy-whipped circle jerker like you needs to leave the house to get some action.

Here's a hint: When your wife rolls her eyes at you - that's your cue.

Time to leave the house.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ooohhh... ATM. Looks like someone's been watching a lot of porn!

And all those homoerotic fixations seem to be showing.

When you think of Trump do you get turned on? You are after all his biggest fanboy!

Is he as fat and pasty as Stormy Daniels found him? Or do you prefer to imagine a younger, hunkier (hypothetically) Trump?

FullMoon said...

Inbred Ritmo , Useless, tootless, all talk, no action.
Supported by mommy and daddy
Short fat ugly and stupid

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol! Those sputtering one-liners are the best you can come up with.

Rage devolving into spittle-flecked imaginary insults.

Pretty soon you'll just be blowing raspberries. Ha ha.

Dumb cunt. You know that what I said was true. You need to leave the house to find any.

Your wife rejects you. She's turned off by you. You don't get any. You had to rely on her to learn about the concept of a real-estate investment, and how it held hope that even an underemployed moron like you might make a little cash.

She's just waiting for the day when she leaves. Probably before you can claim any stake in all the houses she'll take with her.


FullMoon said...

Useless Toothless
No date
No woman
No apartment
No house
No job
No talent
No skill
Fat short ugly stupid
Parental Nightmare. Grown annoying child who never moves out.

FullMoon said...

Useless Toothless
Mommy and Daddy pay the bills
TTR never bought furniture,
Never paid rent,
Never paid for insurance,
Never had a steady girlfriend,
Never had a good friend.
Useless, lonely, ugly weak

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So I was right about you.

What's your wife up to, FullGoon?

Putting on makeup, rolling her eyes at you, and leaving the house? Again?

Out for a night on the town "by herself" or "just with her girlfriends?"

Shit. You really are one lowly little pussy-ass cuck, aren't you?

Don't answer until you can prove where she's at, porno-watcher. LOL. ATM!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who taught you about ATM, Full Cuck?

FullMoon said...

Still sleeping in his childhood single bed.
Mommy changes his sheets and does his laundry
No job
Poor education
No friends
Never bought an appliance
Never paid for soap or shampoo
Still drinking koolaid and eating Goldfish crackers
Can't cook
Short, fat, ugly, alone and lonely

FullMoon said...

No savings account
No checking account
No employment
No skills
No degree
No personality
No awareness

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Does that imagination entertain you while your lady's out, Trump Cuck-Sucker Fanboy?

When Full Mooned made his transition from Half Cuck to Full Cuck was the day that Trump won.

FullMoon said...

Useless Toothless
No credit card
Never bought his own shoes or socks
Mommy cuts his hair.
Little boys bedroom; Single bed, Starwars sheets, Disney Princess comforter single four drawer forty year old knotty pine dresser with Pacman stickers on it.
Crude plastic model airplane hanging from ceiling
Round bowl with cloudy water an two goldfish
VHS tapes Matrix and Hogans Heroes

No degree dropout
No job
No money
No future
Sad, ugly alone and lonely...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yep. Keep talking about fruit juice and crackers. You obviously know whereof you speak - personally anyway.



the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.

see "FullMoon"

verb: cuckold; 3rd person present: cuckolds; past tense: cuckolded; past participle: cuckolded; gerund or present participle: cuckolding
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So FullCuck. Exactly how many other men has your hot lil gal been with?

I know it excites you. That's what you liked about her in the first place.

Time to join your circle jerk. They're wondering why you're late and where you are.

Birkel said...

Call it a tie.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Awww.... thank you very much.

Michael said...

The California high speed train to nowhere is considered "infrastructure". Would that be now or upon completion? Which will be never. No one will ride that high speed choo choo from SF to LA. Meanwhile real "infrastructure" in California will have to wait. Water, by way of example, requires said "infrastructure". The Hetch Hetchy won't cut it forever. The dykes are, to put it mildly, in need of beefing up. Anything less than an SUV on the 101 from the Hospital Curve to LA will have riders with their teeth loosened.

Michael said...

LOL. Autocorrect makes dikes dykes. California!!

Big Mike said...

If one mathematically extrapolates from the way the projected completion date keeps shifting to the right and projected costs keep going up, the California bullet train will be completed some time after the year 3500 and it will cost an infinite number of dollars.

Rusty said...

I see Kesslers was giving out samples.

FullMoon said...

Toothless ! Toothless!!

Now, where is that boy?

Mommy made your favorite pancakes, wih raisens for eyes and mouth, arranged like a smiley face,
Come and get 'em.

No job.
No degree
No apartment
No house
No Dates
No friends
No money
No talent
No hope.

Rusty said...

Imaginary friends!
His real ones are made of vinyl and keep bursting at the seams.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It makes sense for a FullCuck to return to a thread nine... almost ten! hours after the last comment to repeat his last repetitive sloppy seconds sideswipe. Obviously he's not very used to being permitted having the last word. That's why he keeps saying the same thing over and over.

And his friend Rusty's here to complete the circle jerk. Hi Rusty! You and FullCuck getting along this time? Remember to play nicely in your circle jerk. Don't do anything to provoke the local circle jerk leaders into breaking the two of you apart from each other again! Last time was so traumatic. You were both crying for days. So attached to each other!

FullCuck woke up at 6 AM PST on a Saturday just to read a thread that ended the day before and post an insult about how no one has as much of a life as he does. Rough night in the wife's bed, FullCuck.. or was it her couch? Remember, once she divorces your ass you aren't getting a thing. Better start finding a good lawyer quick.

FullMoon said...

Big date with your lubricated right hand tonight Useless?

Not going to comment tonight, pretending to be on a date?

No talent
No skills
No degree
No courage
No money
No property
No responsibilities
No progress
No change
No hope
No future

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

His programming's malfunctioning. A glitch in the matrix is causing him to repeat himself over and over again.


I hear the ladies like that! A grifter with a parrot's conversational skills.


Rusty said...

Worse FM
No tire repair kit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

To you one of those things must be a luxury.

What's it like living in a van down by the river, Rusty?

Bad Lieutenant said...

OMFG I can't even. Why so you people do this? Everyone participating is the loser for it. Go to a SF&F con or something. Life is beautiful, why waste a perfect day like today on, not even topics or issues, but vile personal abuse?

The mind reels.

TTR, if I understand you correctly, you don't care about these developments, because they are not relevant to President Trump's being a poopy head?

I do have to ask why you are throwing around a $21T debt number as if PDJT had run up that bill from zero. Don't you know that trick never works?

Speaking of debt, why spend good money on such a boondoggle when there are much more low risk, high ROI public goods that could be funded by those means instead?

Jim at said...

Don't feed trolls

Typically good advice.
But this particular asshole feeds himself.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I do have to ask why you are throwing around a $21T debt number as if PDJT had run up that bill from zero.

Why does it have to start from zero? Whatever number it started at gives him even less of an excuse to keep running it up further - and at an ever greater and greater rate. There's not even a recession. All they do is talk up what an awesome job they're doing economically. If that's the case then for him to keep running it up like this is the height of irresponsibility.

Granny said...

Months ago, upon the Donald's "Rocket Man" tweets, you posted a videocast of a fellow who, counter to conventional panning, said it was brilliant. The obtuse sense of humor creating a middle ground and basis for negotiation. I think it was the Dilbert guy. I'm searching. Do you recall?
Most prescient.

Granny said...

Yes... it was Scott Adams.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Nutty as a squirrel turd.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
I do have to ask why you are throwing around a $21T debt number as if PDJT had run up that bill from zero.

Why does it have to start from zero? Whatever number it started at gives him even less of an excuse to keep running it up further - and at an ever greater and greater rate. There's not even a recession. All they do is talk up what an awesome job they're doing economically. If that's the case then for him to keep running it up like this is the height of irresponsibility.

3/10/18, 5:38 PM

Okay, I'm not going to despair of your mendacity. Allow me to explain. Let us say no more than that Trump continues the debt increasing policy of Obama, and of all his predecessors, but let's confine ourselves to Obama, who I don't remember you have been criticized for it. Let's also ignore that revenues are up and debt growth is decreased.

For the trillion dollars a year Obama shoveled out the door, we got anemic growth and Recovery. The place now is taking off like it's on fire, but at a steady burn, and all kinds of good things seem possible now. You know what, if we grow THAT much, maybe we can even have some more immigration! As suits us. Under control.

So if Trump is not improving upon the debt performance (as in fact he is in short and long term), at least we're getting something for it. I think it is the economic consensus that growth is the best if not the only solution for debt.

And the people who are involved, are often much the better for it. As opposed to going on disability, the new, medicine -corrupting variation on welfare or public assistance. Often drinking or drugging themselves into oblivion. Watch out for soma. (Is pot soma or does it lead to soma?)

But I digress. Did you have facts beyond that to suggest that PDJT's economic performance was at an all time low? Or more masticating thespian stuff? The. News. Is. Good. Your stab at a hot take is cute, really, but you've got better stuff than this. I don't feel like working either, but absent a Levain 🍪 to shove my face into like a snow mask, I have to play the 🎲.

Rusty said...

Bad LT.
You know you;re talking to a child, right?
How many times have you, me and just about everyone else here with a clue tried to explain basic economics to our resident Che enthusiasts?
The left is hopeless,They are a class of people that never had to actually do anything. They therefore never actually learned anything.
But they're experts.

HipsterVacuum said...

"All facts must be filtered through his desperate RINO lenses."

TTR, have you been told recently that you're a worthless turd who should be mercilessly beaten and if you still show signs of life, beaten even more, to the delight of every decent human being on the planet?

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