[Kim Jong-un sent] his only sister, Kim Yo-jong, whom news outlets in the South instantly called “North Korea’s Ivanka,” likening her influence to that of Ivanka Trump on her father, President Trump....ADDED: In case you, like me, are lost in contemplation about what is a "sphinx-like smile," Here's "Oedipus and the Sphinx," by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres:
Flashing a sphinx-like smile and without ever speaking in public, Ms. Kim managed to outflank Mr. Trump’s envoy to the Olympics, Vice President Mike Pence, in the game of diplomatic image-making....
Ms. Kim, who is believed to be 30, was a natural choice for the trip to South Korea. Her clout, because of her shared bloodline, is unmistakable....
Commentators analyzed her no-nonsense hairstyle and dress, her low-key makeup and the sprinkle of freckles on her cheeks...

Ingres painted that, we're told, "to show his mastery of the male nude," but the Academy in Paris deemed the figure insufficiently idealized.
ALSO: How do we even know that is Kim Jong-Un's sister? That could just be an actress.
It's easy to accomplish great things if you have a media that is focused on making you look like you accomplished great things.
"This too is misogyny: Imagining that a woman is accomplishing great things when she's just sitting there or standing there looking glam." - A. Althouse
The fawning over the totalitarian bitch is disgusting.
I put it down to coddling women's fragile egos.
Motivating a nation of slaves is hard work.
They don't beat themselves you know.
Not sure about the ROK press's motivation, but for CNN it's all about poking Trump in the eye. Ditto the VP. CNN really is demented.
She could wind up dead. Will the same a-holes who mocked Otto, mock her? The Democrat hack press love her only because they hate Trump and Pence more. Think about that.
The hack press love them some totalitarian brutality. Because Trump hate, trumps.
"This too is misogyny: Imagining that a woman is accomplishing great things when she's just sitting there..."
Mona Lisa.
- james james
If she didn't say anything, what's the story?
That a bunch of the journalists have a crush on her? What did she do that makes her so appealing to be more so than the VP? Like, what do we know about her?
"What else could account for articles like "Kim Jong-un’s Sister Turns On the Charm, Taking Pence’s Spotlight" (in The New York Times)?"
Run of the mill, everyday, standard issue leftist/liberal worship of every mass murdering communist totalitarian dictator/cult that ever existed.
There really aren't any other relevant factors.
Misogyny if you criticize a woman, misogyny if you speak well of her?
And who decides whether she’s not doing anything other than “looking glam”?
You can’t have it both ways Professor.
Besides, this isn’t Misogyny, it’s typical leftist BS being thrust upon the olympics viewers by the MSM. They love themselves some dictators and communists...
I give our proggy-D leftwing press and all the coordinators who aid the leftwing press tons of credit. Some bureaucratic decision-maker inside the Olympic committee sat Pence and NoKo together for the exact reason being played out by the D-press.
Choreography works! Gold medal.
Meanwhile, the Japanese Foreign Minister has not allowed himself to be bamboozled by a pretty face.
From the Telegraph:
"Speaking in Brunei one day after meeting Mr Moon and Ms Kim, he told Kyodo news agency: “Without being swayed by [North Korea's] smile diplomacy, Japan will firmly coordinate with [the US and South Korea] towards the ultimate goal of denuclearising the Korean Peninsula.”
He added that North Korea had conducted a military parade “on the eve of the opening of its Pyeongchang Winter Olympics as if to show off its missiles. Its intention regarding nuclear and missiles development has not changed”.
His remarks appear to reflect Japan’s increasing discomfort over Seoul’s conciliatory stance with Pyongyang, amid fears it could destabilise trilateral co-operation with the US to increase pressure on the regime."
"Kim Jong-un’s Sister Turns On the Charm, Taking Pence’s Spotlight"
-- If she's so important, why don't they use her name in the headline?
...but the Academy in Paris deemed the figure insufficiently idealized.
So his Oedipus was too complex?
@ Matthew "That a bunch of the journalists have a crush on her? What did she do that makes her so appealing to be more so than the VP? Like, what do we know about her?
According to the left, we do not need to know anything about her! That's the point. She's glamourus, because said so. Actual authentic intellectual curiosity? Nah - there's a narrative to build. The job of the modern D-Journo is to create the big Potemkin village of Gotcha.
Michael Wolff and Michael Moore approve.
I get the impression Pence is scurrying while she struts. She needs a nickname
She’s the Director of the Proganda and Agitation Department. She wasn’t just sitting their looking glam, she was doing her job, and quite well.
This too is misogyny:
Lurking behind every tree and under every rock. There's a word for that.
What else could account for...The New York Times)?
People keep reading it...? For some reason.
All that Pence did was sitting and not standing. So isn’t the misogyny all Althouse?
It's hard to look glam when you're starving. It's nice that the rulers have food to eat.
"Ms. Kim, who is believed to be 30, was a natural choice for the trip to South Korea."
-- A non-public speaker without enough public persona that the press even knows how old she is was a "natural choice" to engage in public diplomacy? I mean, I guess she was, since journalists are swooning about her freckles and smile, but... uh, maybe they should try and be journalists and schoolboys with crushes.
And not schoolboys with crushes. But, hey.
Kim Jong-un’s Sister Turns On the Charm, Taking Pence’s Spotlight
Well. she's the sibling Kim Jung-un has had killed... yet.
And exactly how and why would the US Vice President ever take the "spotlight" at the Olympics in the first place?
The "spotlight operators" in the press would criticize him if he did.
Feminism is the primary cause of misogyny.
Borrowed from a FB friend.
I suggest dropping the bitching for a while and seeing if the situation improves.
The West is so rich and decadent that we have created a job for women called "Professional Bitching."
Left Bank: "...she was doing her job, and quite well."
Ni, she wasnt.
Representing a mass-murdering Commie regime just means she "had the liberal media at "Hello"'
I have been waiting for one of the NBC commentators to just say something honest like, "Look, all of us really expected her to be fat, ugly & suffering from gout, like KJ, but she's much better looking. OTOH, we expected Mike Pence to look like the rich evil villain on those soap operas we used to watch, and he still does! So, in comparison, she's really much more charming."
Wait. Journalists are literally fawning over the woman whose job it is to sell them on North Korean propaganda?
How did that work out for Walter Duranty?
On reflection, her smile is a bit like Aunt Polly’s in Peaky Blinders
"How did that work out for Walter Duranty?"
Quite well. He got a Pulitzer and the approbation of his lefty peers.
The Democrats, main stream media, academics, our Ivy League elite, Leftists all, hate Donald Trump more than they hate the evil, murderous North Korean dictator. So this reaction this has little to do with misogyny.
In many respects Progressives like North Korea much more than the United States.
Anything to pander to tyrants. Trademark of Democrats, MSM,
Headline from Moscow, late 1932,
"Continued good health being experienced by Ukrainians as region's weight loss program pushes ahead"
Times be lovin 'dem commies.
How people has she killed?
"What do you mean, an African or a European swallow?"
Everything is misogyny. Even pointing out examples of misogyny is misogynistic, if done with insufficient anti-misogynistic zeal.
AlbertAnonymous: Misogyny if you criticize a woman, misogyny if you speak well of her?
"Undeservedly," in both cases, and there's no problem.
What does one expect from the New York Times?
You keep using that word misogyny. I do not think it means what you think it means.
The media and the the announcers are a part of why I'm not watching the Olympics. Useful Idiots.
For the NYT and the rest of the MFM, it's all about Trump and "the enemy of my enemy is my BFF". So naturally North Korea and Iran are their BFFs.
Plus of course the NYT and other MFM outfits have a long history of sucking Commie cock. So there's a comforting nostalgia factor too.
At the end of the day, they'll do and write ANYTHING if they think it somehow makes Trump look bad or even just takes the spotlight off him. Of course, they have no clue how badly they are be-clowning themselves in the process.
"Actual authentic intellectual curiosity? Nah - there's a narrative to build. "
Yes. That plus the average media person is not very bright and very poorly informed.
The media has Trump googles. They are so drunk with animus, they can't see straight. That's how you wake up in bed with a totalitarian. It's what happened to the Germans, Russians, Chinese, Cubans, Venezuelans, etc.
With all those countries there to fawn over and hit on, they pick the ugliest one in the place becuase she smiled at them. Go home and sleep it off.
I could be wrong,but isn't this the same appeal that Jackie Kennedy had for the media?
How does a mother sphinx nurse her babies?
Are you not entertained?
The media siding with North Korea in order to stick it to Trump has been truly frightening. What if NK really did nuke Guam or something? I suspect the media would rationalize NK's actions and blame Trump.
Trump seems to have a sixth sense for saying controversial things that are eventually proven true: The media truly would be the enemies of the People in that case.
I hope that doesn't come to pass.
Seems an unfair comparison. Mike Pence has his qualities, but not for silent fashionable presence
They need a silent glam-off between Kim Yo-jong and Melania Trump.
Any doubt who'd win?
I know this post was more about how Slay Gulag Queen outmaneuvered Pence by giving "side eye" (an American "anthropomorphizing" (Americanomorphizing?) a gesture that a North Korean wouldn't understand anyway, so I will say that I don't even consider Kim Jong Un's sister to be beautiful or glamorous in any sense. Her skin is wan, her teeth too short, her hair lanky.
See better looking Koreans on 38th Street every day.
"Oedipus and the Sphinx" is an intriguing picture. Firstly, there's that cloak, or whatever it is. It's evidently pretty big. Why doesn't Oedipus just wear it? Trying to keep it over his shoulder must be at least inconvenient. Then there are those two javelins, why bother riddling with the sphinx? Why not just stab her and get it over with? Maybe they are just too blunt to pierce her hide, which brings up the question of the care and maintenance of weapons, a class the young Prince of Thebes evidently cut too often. Next, there's that mysterious thing on his right. Is it a shield? If it is he's wearing it on the wrong side. Greek infantrymen were trained to carry the hoplon on the left. Men who were naturally left-handed had to adapt to the use of the spear in the "weak" hand because the integrity of the phalanx demanded shields on the left and spears on the right. Lastly, there's that lone left foot in the lower foreground. Where's the other one?
Perhaps all those ambiguous distracting details are why Inges didn't get the approval of the Academicians. Or maybe they just wanted to see his wee-wee and were disappointed.
All the fawning over Lil Kim's sister might just set him off. He doesn't like competition. If I were her, I'd consider defecting.
Wouldn't it be sad if the media's attempt to poke Trump in the eye ended up getting her killed? I wonder if the sphinx-like smile is caused by the tightening of her sphincter?
This NK apparatchik is anything but "glam." By the accident of birth she's where she is. It ain't through any personal effort.
A smiling sphinx is what you see just before she pounces and rips your throat out. A "sphinx-like" smile bodes nothing good.
Kim Yo-jong is but a pale shadow of Hillary Clinton, who often accomplished great things when she was just sitting there or standing there and not even looking glam.
Calling Kim Yo-jong "glam" is a subjective lie, just like calling Michelle Obama the new Jackie.
It's all political fantasy, based on wishful thinking.
I heard she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. And deservedly so.
I wonder if 20% of the women who attend college in North Korea are raped?
She is accomplishing something significant. A great propaganda coup for North Korea. Instead of focusing on the vicious brutality of the rulers and the horrible poverty, we get this ridiculous reaction.
The Norkos have planned and executed this coup with great skill. All they needed was our lame brained help, which seems to be nearly a given. Even Trump is maintaining silence on this.
Quaestor said...
...why bother riddling with the sphinx?
Because motorboating the sphinx would have been anachronistic.
I wonder if there is anyone at the NY Times who remembers Jiang Qing ?
She was more murderous than Mao.
Before Mao's death, the Gang of Four controlled many of China's political institutions, including the media and propaganda. However, Jiang Qing, deriving most of her political legitimacy from Mao, often found herself at odds with other top leaders. Mao's death in 1976 dealt a significant blow to Jiang Qing's political fortunes. She was arrested in October 1976 by Hua Guofeng and his allies, and was subsequently condemned by party authorities.
They had to get rid of her before she got rid of them.
Well, that does it. Time to remove all of our troops out of SK. Fuck all of those people.
Considering she is in charge of the ministry of propaganda and agitation is it any wonder that the NYT and CNN are so servile in their "coverage"?
"You keep using that word misogyny. I do not think it means what you think it means."
It means what I use it to mean. Catch up.
Misogyny is literally the hatred of women, but what is hatred? It's not a word you understand by looking it up in the dictionary. It's a complex topic, and to use it the way I did is to imply an argument about the nature of hatred. It's not an argument about words. It about the manifestations of hate and the scope of hate. I understand the urge to keep hatred narrowly defined, but that urge is not based on knowledge of the meaning of words.
Remember how the fashionable progressives swooned over Castro when he came to visit in the '90s?
Or that embarrassing article in Vogue about Asma al-Assad in 2011?
Now, swooning over Kim Yo-jong. A few smiles, and she is all of a sudden a crafty master diplomat.
Who would have even noticed her, if not for the extensive coverage by the Times?
Who cares how many murders she has orchestrated, we misogynists just can't resist a no-nonsense dress with a sprinkling of freckles.
When speaking of Asians, one does not say "Sphinx-like"; one says "inscrutable".
"You keep using that word misogyny. I do not think it means what you think it means."
It means what I use it to mean. Catch up.
"When I use a word,' Althouse said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."
North Korea is a personality cult state, and there is only room for one personality at a time.
Kim Yo-jong had better not presume to speak in public.
So now I begin to understand Althouse a little more....
"The question is,.....which is to be master— that's all."
I'd like to thank that artist, where ever he is right now, for that raised thigh.
It means what I use it to mean. Catch up.
Said the ex-prof, apparently having a not-remembered memory of submissive students to browbeat.
Misogyny is clearly a form of witchcraft - "vague and invisible forces that are oppressing people."
I'd better for everyone if we banned crutch words like "misogyny" "racism" "Sexism" because I they mean nothing and everything and just enable stupid people to sound intelligent without saying exactly what they mean.
Trump should drop the 922 commenters to that article on North Korea as a show of farce.
ALSO: How do we even know that is Kim Jong-Un's sister? That could just be an actress.
High likelihood they would have chosen someone prettier if it were an actress. I mean, South Koreans are the target of this offensive as much as anyone else, and South Koreans care a lot about superficial appearances.
ALSO: How do we even know that is Kim Jong-Un's sister? That could just be an actress.
Lenin's Widow, Nadezhda Krupskaya, was a big deal in the Soviet Union in the 1930's, until she fell out with Stalin. He suggested that it wouldn't be hard to find another Lenin's Widow.
Boy have we defined hatred down when projecting glamour onto a visiting mute is called “misogyny” with no irony. It’s poor journalism and bad taste, fueled by true hatred for Trump. I don’t see any smidgeon of “hate” in progressive journalists swooning over her. Like “racism” “misogyny” is used conversationally more than it is actually demonstrated in actions.
[fixed spelling]
Also, I think the celebration of North Korea's chief of Volksaufklärung und Propaganda is only partly in a misogynistic (or condescending) vein specific to her sex. She's essentially serving the same function as a British royal, where her being there in a particular place for a particular function conveys the symbolic message.
That and the reporters there are probably kind of relieved to see that North Korea has sent someone of her stature, since she's a hostage against North Korean good conduct as long as she's around.
What is hatred? It's not a word you understand by looking it up in the dictionary.
I take your point.
You should see the words come by the Althouse house on Thursdays for their wages.
This is why you shouldn't leave your weapons just lying around where any damned hillbilly can pick them up.
I wish there were a way to tag J Farmer to make sure he sees this post.
He was just challenging me to find press praising the regime. I'd like to see his comments on this.
I dispute that it is misogyny. While I agree that judging a woman solely on her looks is misogyny, she is being judged here by her politics or, more specifically, the politics of journalists who project good things on anyone who is opposed to Trump. It is just as biased, bigoted, and small-minded, but it is not gender based.
Remember all that Hoo-Hah about journalists as enemies of the American people? Anyone who is pushing this line is an enemy of humanity in general. Take names. Act accordingly.
I will say that comparing her to the sphinx seems apt. The Greek sphinx was a monster that strangled and ate travelers. She might be an improvement on the current North Korean government.
Now that I think of it, living in North Korea while remaining generally healthy and well-fed is an accomplishment.
"What else could account for articles like "Kim Jong-un’s Sister Turns On the Charm, Taking Pence’s Spotlight"" Faux question, right? You mean, other than prog propaganda and TDS?
If a young hot receptionist walks in a restaurant followed by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, the people in the restaurant are NOT looking at Damon or Affleck.
All one needs is to be female and beautiful to suck up all the attention.
Though honestly, Kim's sis is distinctly average for Asian ladies. But it is not that the bear dances well, it is that the bear dances at all.
It means what I use it to mean. Catch up.
So says Humpty Althouse. Though I'd rather misattribute it to The Red Queen, as it seems more fitting.
Accomplishing great things isn't women's strong point.
Pence Charming and Princess Kim.
I was wondering at if she had been forced to a 'fat camp' so she looked suitably glam for this occasion (or, just live like the normal people of Nork).
I mean, look how plump Prince Kim is and she has access to everything he does. So one wonders if this was her trying to put her best waist forward.
And wondering that, I wonder if she was given a choice to look good...
Chris Mazdzer is hot. :-) Great personality, too.
Misogyny is literally the hatred of women, but what is hatred? It's not a word you understand by looking it up in the dictionary. It's a complex topic, and to use it the way I did is to imply an argument about the nature of hatred. It's not an argument about words. It about the manifestations of hate and the scope of hate. I understand the urge to keep hatred narrowly defined, but that urge is not based on knowledge of the meaning of words.
Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to Gabby Althouse for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particulary glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic academic gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.
There's also mesogyny, not any extreme.
What in heaven's name is the NYT thinking? This is just babbling by MSM creeps who hate Trump, Pence, and most of the GOP. I note that such slights of Pence by NYT and CNN demonstrate that the tune would be no different of any other Republican were in the White House.
What can one say about nitwits who praise a terrorist state that starves, imprisons, and tortures its own people? Willie Geist (of all people) got it right with this tweet:
"I can report South Koreans here in Pyeongchang are not as enthralled with Kim Yo Jong and the North Korean cheerleaders as it seems some media are back home.
Something about N.K. killing, starving, & imprisoning its people while threatening South Korea with nuclear annihilation."
There is nothing either glam or drab, but reporting makes it so.
I wish there were a way to tag J Farmer to make sure he sees this post.
He was just challenging me to find press praising the regime. I'd like to see his comments on this.
I just read the article, and I think it would require an immense leap to read it as "praising the regime." It's actually pretty standard reporting that manages to capture both sides of the issue. For example:
At a protest on Sunday in central Seoul, where a few hundred anti-North Korea demonstrators waving South Korean and American flags gathered and shouted slogans denouncing Kim Jong-un, Yang Sun-woo, 55, said, “I’m afraid a lot of Koreans have been fooled by Kim Yo-jong’s visit.”
“It’s very unfortunate that the Pyeongchang Olympics are becoming the Pyongyang Olympics when South and North Korea are still at odds with each other over ideologies,” added Mr. Yang, who carried a foam head depicting a bloodied face of the North Korean leader.
Others said they were horrified by the notion that Ms. Kim could lull South Koreans, or anyone else, into forgetting the North’s repression and human rights abuses.
“That’s the face of the Kim family, which wouldn’t even flinch when tens of thousands of people died for it,” one Twitter user wrote. “I see the arrogance and ruthlessness that one cannot find in people who grew up in a free society.”
A group of university students who had come to cheer on the Korean women’s hockey team Saturday night (the Koreans lost to Switzerland, 8-0), said that they were excited about the historic moment and having the chance to see women from the two countries play together.
But they drew a sharp line between the athletes and citizens of North Korea, on one hand, and the dignitaries sitting in the stands representing Kim Jong-un’s regime on the other.
“I think Kim Jong-un is really a bad person and a villain,” said Park Keon-ho, 24, a computer science student at Korea University of Technology and Education. “But I love North Koreans. I think North Koreans and South Koreans were all together as one family, and we come from the same root.”
Plus, the authors of the article are Motoko Rich, a Japanese woman and the NYT Tokyo bureau chief, and Choe Sang-hun, a Korean journalist. The notion that either of these two have a desire to "praise the regime" is ridiculous given even a fleeting familiarity with their work.
kim jong-un and kim yo-jong are showing trump that they own the american media just as much as hillary and the dems owns them.
watch dems and hillary colluding with norks now.
this could be vietnam all over again very easily.
" but what is hatred?"
The opposite of indifference?
To distil the comments here that explain it completely, the media are just saying that the enemy of my enemy is a friendly dancing bear.
Trump is their enemy.
What else could account for articles like "Kim Jong-un’s Sister Turns On the Charm, Taking Pence’s Spotlight" (in The New York Times)?
Progressives are fans of police states that spy on and persecute political opponents.
They did it here and are squealing like pigs when caught.
J Farmer -
[Kim Jong-un sent] his only sister, Kim Yo-jong, whom news outlets in the South instantly called “North Korea’s Ivanka,” likening her influence to that of Ivanka Trump on her father, President Trump....
Flashing a sphinx-like smile and without ever speaking in public, Ms. Kim managed to outflank Mr. Trump’s envoy to the Olympics, Vice President Mike Pence, in the game of diplomatic image-making....
How in the world can you say that does not praise the regime?
In fact, the first 14 paragraphs of that article are either complimentary or neutral about Kim Yo-Jong, and negative about Mike Pence. Including the headline.
Come on.
Ann Althouse said...
"You keep using that word misogyny. I do not think it means what you think it means."
It means what I use it to mean. Catch up.
This makes using language for it’s primary purpose, communication, difficult.
As usual, David Burge (Iowahawk) gets to the heart of the matter regarding the Nork charm offensive:
"Hitler's It Girl Eva Braun Wows Swells at 1936 Olympics!"
J. Farmer said...
I wish there were a way to tag J Farmer to make sure he sees this post.
He was just challenging me to find press praising the regime. I'd like to see his comments on this.
I just read the article, and I think it would require an immense leap to read it as "praising the regime." It's actually pretty standard reporting that manages to capture both sides of the issue. For example:
The article was good.
The editor that made the headline who works for the NYTs proves her point and completely destroys your point.
The NYT is an enemy of freedom.
Our TV broadcasters are not neutral observers. They hate us, they do.
Feeling = Mutual.
Achilles - you need to verify your lying eyes with an obscure poll.
Starving children, death camps for entire families caught defying the regime...
To the Democrat Media Industrial Complex and Hollywood - that's Trump, not NoKo.
When Lil' Kim launches a missile, the Democrat Hacks pee the bed and assume Trump really launched it.
The fundamental problem with that Nooyawk Times article is the plain fact that Kim Yo-jong (or whoever she is) didn't steal VP Pence's spotlight. The spotlight is firmly in the grasp of the purveyors of anti-Trump propaganda. They choose to focus on Lil' Kim's sister and to snub Mike Pence. This crap is no more legitimate than Leni Riefenstahl's National Socialist interpretation of the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
The notion that either of these two have a desire to "praise the regime" is ridiculous
Obviously both of them came to bury Caesar, not praise him.
Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to Gabby Althouse for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particulary glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic academic gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.
It's not misogyny. It's the soft bigotry of low expectations and misanthropy toward the people her brother is oppressing.
This makes using language for it’s primary purpose, communication, difficult.
But it makes it much easier to win arguments.
Ms. Kim, who is believed to be 30, was a natural choice for the trip to South Korea. Her clout, because of her shared bloodline, is unmistakable....
In North Korea a shared bloodline isn't something you want to lean on very hard....
Did Kim Jong Un really feed his uncle alive to 120 starved dogs?
In North Korea's version of the story, nope. "He was shot to death," the country's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Hyun Hak Bong, tells Sky News in what may be the first English-language interview with a top Pyongyang official, Fox News notes.
The editor that made the headline who works for the NYTs proves her point and completely destroys your point.
The headline is pretty accurate...and what it describes should be totally obvious to anyone remotely familiar with the situation. Of course she is going to draw more attention than Pence given where the games are hosted and the historical nature of the visit, being the first member of the Kim dynasty to vist the South and the invitation to Moon to attend a summit in the North. She was in the country for 3 days, and the South Korean press covered her trip extensively. And it was considered controversial in the South that Pence did not meet with the delegation, and many commenters felt it was a wasted opportunity. Agree with it or not it takes major histrionics to view this piece as praising the North Korean regime.
It means what I use it to mean. Catch up.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that's all.”
Obviously both of them came to bury Caesar, not praise him.
They did neither. They described the reaction in South Korea to her visit, which was an accurate description. What in the reporting do you believe was incorrect?
What in the reporting do you believe was incorrect?
Incorrect reporting? I said no such thing! I would never question the actions or the motives of those who inform of us what we need to know, especially when praised by you.
Look at all of those millions of people who disagree with you about, well almost everything, because they remain mired in their ignorance. One day, God grant, your writings will be taught at every institution in our land, and the people of the world will finally live in peace and freedom.
I would never question the actions or the motives of those who inform of us what we need to know, especially when praised by you.
Your childish sarcasm aside, you should always read any individual piece critically. What you should not do is start with a foregone conclusion and work backwards form there.
Look at all of those millions of people who disagree with you about, well almost everything,
Oddly enough I never chose what to believe based on what is popular. If you require being in the majority to have confidence in your opinions, I feel badly for you. There are millions of people who disagree with the pro-life side and there are millions who disagree with the pro-abortion side. What does that have to do with the position?
J Farmer would have you believe that the media is a helpless pawn at who is given attention.
This is not the case as was seen in even as basic a circumstance as the Orlando or Santa Barbara shootings, where Muslim shooters hated Gays and Liberals, but Republicans were blamed.
Mr. Farmer, you can choose to believe what you'd like, but don't abuse our intelligence by pretending the rather clear inferences we make are without any merit.
You can do that, but not credibly. Sort of like defending the honesty of Hillary: the mounted evidence of media bias is already too well established and your apologetics for the same just besmirch yourself.
You can do that, but not credibly. Sort of like defending the honesty of Hillary: the mounted evidence of media bias is already too well established and your apologetics for the same just besmirch yourself.
I have never defended "the media." The entire notion of that is nonsensical. What I am prepared to do, however, is defend or critique any individual piece. And seeing as I am familiar with both of the articles' author's work, I am quite confident that neither are interested in praising North Korea. If someone has some evidence to the otherwise, present it, and I will give a response. The point of the article was to describe the reaction to Kim Yo-Song, both positive and negative, in South Korea, and the portrayal was accurate. And if you doubt that, just read the English-language Korean press, such as the Korea Times, the Korea Herald, the Korea JoongAng Daily, or the English-language version of The Chosun Ilbo.
I feel badly for you.
I'm not worthy.....
I don’t mind being charitable to those less forunate than myself.
The Media is obligated to support Madame Minister out of professional courtesy.
Willie Geist, for one, doesn’t seem to think the reports we got in the US accurately described the reaction in SoKo to Kim Yo-jong’s visit.
Unless they were describing the reaction of most American journalists in SoKo, I guess.
I don’t mind being charitable to those less forunate than myself.
Your well known charity is exceeded only by your humility. Praise be upon you.
Willie Geist, for one, doesn’t seem to think the reports we got in the US accurately described the reaction in SoKo to Kim Yo-jong’s visit.
Willie Geist's "reporting" consisted of a single tweet: "I can report South Koreans here in Pyeongchang are not as enthralled with Kim Yo Jong and the North Korean cheerleaders as it seems some media are back home. Something about N.K. killing, starving, & imprisoning its people while threatening South Korea with nuclear annihilation."
So Geist's amorphous "South Koreans here" have negative attitudes towards the reception of the delegation. This is not news. The linked article makes that same point. Nonetheless, there has been overwhelming coverage of it in South Korea. There is a complex relationship between the South and the North, and while this is an obviously symbolic, propagandistic overture, it can still potentially lay the ground for further engagement and deescalation of tensions. That would be a welcome outcome.
Unless they were describing the reaction of most American journalists in SoKo, I guess.
Sister act: Kim Yo Jong visit dominates South Korea headlines
'Humble' Kim Yo-jong has charmed the media, but the glow is unlikely to last
Insufficiently idealized?
No Long Dong Un.
It's not an argument about words. It about the manifestations of hate and the scope of hate.
To spell out what others implied, the hatred here is of Trump and Pence. If the term that describes that is misogyny then surely you are correct: the scope of hate these days is really, really yuge.
@J Farmer:
Thank you for that first link, which I believe generally supports Geist's "not as enthralled" comment, though it does suggest that SoKo media types may be nearly as enthralled as their American colleagues.
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