February 14, 2018

"Teacher who called military 'lowest of our low' explains himself — with little success."

"On Tuesday night, [Gregory] Salcido... sat for an hour as an overflow crowd of veterans, former students and others berated him at a council meeting, calling for his resignation, denouncing him as a disgrace to the town," WaPo reports.
While offering to apologize if he had offended anyone, he stood by his words,* and tried to say what he really meant. Salcido said he was a pacifist, “with a capital P.” He remembers, he said, looking at pictures of relatives who had gone to war on his great-grandmother’s wall and wondering “for what.”...

“My goal as it relates to my students is to get them to do everything to get through college,” he said. “It’s not just the military. I wouldn’t want them to work at a fast-food restaurant either... I don’t think it’s at all a revelation to anybody that those who aren’t stellar students usually find the military a better option. That’s as plain as that it’s Tuesday night.”
The highest-rated comment at WaPo is:
This teacher abused his position and actually seems slightly off balance. He should definitely be fired. However, I am always surprised at how many people take things so personally. “Love it or leave it” is just ridiculous. One can kneel during the National Anthem, protest a war or military actions, disagree with adding tens of millions to military defense, etc., and still love and appreciate this country and support our vets.
"Love it or leave it" is a Vietnam Era slogan. I don't hear it said these days. I hear critics of America threatening to leave it as if they'd adopted the old taunt. That commenter seems slightly off balance. The man wasn't protesting a war. He was insulting the people who choose to enlist in the military.

* There are, he'd said (reacting to a teen in a Marine Corps sweatshirt), "a bunch of dumbs–––s over there... Think about the people who you know who are over there. Your freaking stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They’re dumbs–––s. They’re not like high-level thinkers, they’re not academic people, they’re not intellectual people. They’re the lowest of our low."


Henry said...

This guy, apparently, does not know any actual Marines.

rhhardin said...

There are acceptance standards, which mostly are pretty high, academicwise.

rhhardin said...

PC is PC however, whether on the left or the right.

Say what you think is a good plan. The nation can survive it; in fact can't survive without it.

mezzrow said...

"You may not be interested in the dialectic, but the dialectic is interested in you." - a well-known non-pacifist

He'll be more careful with his words, or he'll just be another private citizen. His strategy for winning hearts and minds has proven to be flawed.

Bob Boyd said...

Somebody should ask him who else he considers "our low", the ones who are just a shade above our military. He has a basket, it sounds like.

Leland said...

I know several people who have been over there. When I was competing with them to get a Commission, one thing was clear; the volunteer military was able to attract many people and could well select exactly who they wanted. When you hear about recruiting challenges, it is usually not because they don't have enough applicants, but enough that meet their high requirements.

In the few cases that I knew people that I considered not so bright that went of to war; all of them came back with a wisdom I can't match. By the way, fire fights are more rare than humanitarian missions.

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

Don't you ever ask them why.


Ralph L said...

He's also on the town council. Destined for Sacramento.

John Cunningham said...

What would you bet that Salcido has high respect for the PLA and the Red Army?

MikeR said...

As usual, he has freedom of speech, but no one in their right mind wants this guy teaching anyone they care about.

tcrosse said...

Who thinks of school teachers as the cream of the intellectual crop, except for other school teachers ?

mockturtle said...

I watched the video of this asshole last week and noted the nervous laughter from the students. The student who taped it should be given some kind of award. It's time people learned what their kids are being taught these days.

Barry Dauphin said...

His word make clear that he is no "high level thinker".

mockturtle said...

Tcrosse, you're looking more Mature these days.

Henry said...

He remembers, he said, looking at pictures of relatives who had gone to war on his great-grandmother’s wall and wondering “for what.”...

To defeat Nazis?

Hagar said...

This would include Tammy Duckworth - former Apache gunship pilot in Iraq?

Curious George said...

I wouldn't fire him for what he said, but when he said it, and to who. Whom? WHat do I know, I went to school on a ROTC scholarship.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He insults starter jobs in fast food, he rudely berated that boy to his face insinuating his relatives serving in the military were, as John Kerry once warned in a California school, “got stuck” in the military because they were too dumb to know any other way forward. His rant had nothing to do with pacific feelings and everything to do with his rage at peaople who take up arms to protect this country. He’s such a privileged piece of shit he forgot he was in the real world. He forgot diversity means that a lot people he was insulting would react to his foolish words. You can tell his internal definition for diversity is a lot of different looking people who all agree with him. He doesn’t have enough common sense to be allowed to teach but this Mexifornia now.

Barry Dauphin said...


Oso Negro said...

Simple ignorance isn't a crime. But it seems criminal to perpetuate and encourage ignorance in public education.

Wince said...

"a bunch of dumbs–––s over there... Think about the people who you know who are over there. Your freaking stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They’re dumbs–––s. They’re not like high-level thinkers, they’re not academic people, they’re not intellectual people. They’re the lowest of our low."

Sounds like he was channeling John Kerry.

“You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Sebastian said...

"The man wasn't protesting a war. He was insulting the people who choose to enlist in the military."

Distinction without a difference. War protests and disdain for the military are all of a piece for progs: contempt for the country matched to a desire to see it weakened.

I will start taking "pacifists" seriously when they start marching against Palestinian terror, NK nuclear weapons, and Syrian use of chemical weapons.

Trashhauler said...

I wouldn't fire the man. Everyone is entitled to be wrong, especially when speaking not in their area of expertise.

And he is wrong. The military is more highly educated than its civilian cohorts.


They are also more law abiding.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So if this asshat and ARM are in charge, what happens when Japan bombs Pearl Harbor? What happens when Rocket Man lobs one at us? Nothing? Talking? What!?

Buehler? Anyone?

The Drill SGT said...

Hagar said...
This would include Tammy Duckworth - former Apache gunship pilot in Iraq?

Of course not. She's a female (D), thus immune from criticism. She is "our best and brightest"

PS: Tammy flew Blackhawks.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m serious about that question? How do pacifists respond to those who wage war on us?

stevew said...

He's arguing for a nation full of high level thinkers and academics. What does he propose be done to fill all the other needs of society and its people? Where will the food come from? Who will manufacture commonly used items? Who's going to build and repair housing and infrastructure? And if we outsource all that somehow, who's going to pay for it? The high level thinkers and academics don't actually make anything, the people that do produce are the ones that pay, but if there aren't any producers...?


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

It must be startlingly disorienting when your bubble pops and you hadn’t even realized you were living in one. Can’t be bothered to see how old this fool is, but he must have living in a smug Leftist cocoon for many years to so blithely say this shit to his students. It simply never occurred to him that anyone would push back.

stevew said...

"I’m serious about that question? How do pacifists respond to those who wage war on us?"

They die.


Carol said...

Standards are lower for Marines and Army than for AF and Navy. But...wow they sure reject a lot of applicants. And if you do get in they will general discharge you in 3 mo or so if you can't cut it. Just had one of my shirttail inlaws come home after washing out. She's still at her folks' home, not working.

So, not a plan if you're a screwup.

Michael K said...

Who thinks of school teachers as the cream of the intellectual crop, except for other school teachers ?

Bottom quintile of college students.

I examine and interview recruits. The Marine recruiters do not get credit unless the recruit completes basic training (which Dan Rather failed to do ).

The Coast Guard has the highest physical standards.

I see college graduates enlisting in the Navy to be SEALs. Officers with the SEALs do not stay with them and they know know this. Their ambition is to be CPOs and stay SEALs for the career.

Last week, I saw several guys applying to be officers. One had his BS in Astrophysics and was getting an MS in Computer Science.

Another had done an enlistment in the AF as an avionics technician, then went to the U of Alaska, Fairbanks and got his BS in Electrical Engineering. He was going back into the AF.

That teacher is pretty stupid.

etbass said...

Up until recent times, most of our presidents were former military members.

Colin said...

I'm for him being fired. He has the right to say what he said. But the venue on which he subjected his rant, the vitriol involved in it, say quite a bit about the character and mind of the instructor involved. Everything else equal, I just don't believe this is in the character of a quality instructor, or heck, even an average one. He was objectively doing a terrible job, and got caught doing it.

CWJ said...

"He's arguing for a nation full of high level thinkers and academics. What does he propose be done to fill all the other needs of society and its people?"

Cyber enhanced helper monkeys.

Bob Boyd said...

"How do pacifists respond to those who wage war on us?"

Wars are caused by "our low". No one would attack us if we were all high.

FIDO said...

When the Academy EMBRACES a man who mailed BOMBS to his fellow citizens, the idea that they will take this man to the woodshed without their arms being twisted is laughable.

Michael K said...

"Standards are lower for Marines and Army than for AF and Navy."

Disagree. Marines are high physically and Navy fairly low physically.

Army is the lowest as they try to build up from the Obama nadir.

FIDO said...

Wars are caused by "our low". No one would attack us if we were all high.

This assumes everyone else is 'high' too. Facts not in evidence.

It is like Asimov. A smart guy, but his 'violence is the last refuge of the incompetent' only works as a literary trope when you can write your characters out of their predicament by pacifistic means.

Fernandinande said...

I'm shocked that anyone would hold the son of first-generation Mexican-Americans accountable for whatever.

Heartbroken, too.

Trashhauler said...

That site is a great demonstration of cherry-picking statistics, presenting them in a confusing manner and playing whack-a-mole with terms, e.g. swtiching between whole U.S. military vs "officers" in the middle of a sentence.

But it does make clear that the military seems to be overpaid - 88% more than silly-villains with a BA? Almost double? Does that sound right?

rhhardin said...

Teachers get smart by comparing themselves to students.

William said...

I grew up in a housing project and joined the military immediately after high school. You climb the ladder available to you. Also, the opportunity for travel is especially appealing if you live in the projects. It wasn't the dumbest decision I ever made...........I agree with him that, more often than not, wars are pointless and futile, but I wouldn't trust him to decide on the issue. Wars of national liberation, especially those coupled with Marxist ideology, are especially futile, but you can bet he would never describe the soldiers in those causes as dumb,

Ralph L said...

How do pacifists respond to those who wage war on us?
The Quakers in Pennsylvania imported Scots-Irish and Germans.

Bob Boyd said...



Tommy Duncan said...

Michael K said: "That teacher is pretty stupid."

Actually, Mike, he is that deadly combination of both stupid and ignorant.

My son and my son-in-law are in the Army. They were both Dean's list students and college athletes. This teacher has insulted a lot of people who are much smarter and civil than he is.

prodigal said...

He is the poster child for "those who can, do; those who cannot, teach"

Freeman Hunt said...

The Air Force sent my pilot grandfather to Stanford for a master's degree to study computers. My other grandfather, who also served in the Air Force, was a chemist. My stepfather had a master's degree before he joined the Navy.

I don't think this teacher knows many people in the military.

Jamie said...

I've been listening to some of Jordan Peterson's lectures - right now going through his Maps of Meaning lectures on "marionettes and individuals." In simplest terms, he's deconstructing Pinocchio for its archetypal themes. But the particular thing that struck me this morning was his statement that ideologues (of any stripe) are marionettes: their movements and speech are severely constrained and externally controlled. A real boy (using "boy" generically), in contrast, has agency, judgment, and freedom to say and do what he thinks is best. I love that analogy.

This teacher is clearly a marionette, with a Marxist or Marxist-adjacent ideology working his strings.

M Jordan said...

Liberals and atheists (but I repeat myself) have this thing about intelligence that belies a secret fears. It’s kind of like the little king who builds the huge spire to compensate for some hidden smaller parts. And the thing is, they’re wrong in how they assess intelligence. I taught for 35 years. If I learned one thing about intelligence it’s that one socioeconomic group has no advantage over another. Rednecks are pretty darn sharp, that I can tell you. And snotty middle class libs can be dumb as a box of Rubik’s cubes.

Ralph L said...

A neighbor in the 70's got a degree from MIT before 4 years at USNA. Retired as a Commander then worked for Bechtel. Then there's Fred Smith.

Gahrie said...

Does anyone think the Obamas or Clintons think differently from this guy?

Gahrie said...

Who thinks of school teachers as the cream of the intellectual crop, except for other school teachers ?

I'm a teacher and I don't.

jwl said...

George Orwell - “One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool.”

The Drill SGT said...

Michael K said...
"Standards are lower for Marines and Army than for AF and Navy."

Disagree. Marines are high physically and Navy fairly low physically.

In the spirit of fun... I'm related to Marines, but as a soldier, feel entitled to tease:

MARINE = Muscles Are Required. Intelligence Not Essential

A John McCain joke: "At the Academy, I tried to join the Marines, but wasn't eligible. My Parents were married

A John McCain Son (a Marine) Joke: returning from Recruit training. "Dad, did you know that the Marines are part of the Navy Department? - the Men's Department"

On the topic of the teacher, fire his ass. Bigoted remarks have no place in the classroom..

Lewis Wetzel said...

So Salcido believes that people like him are smarter than people that are not like him.
And I hate digs at fast food workers. They are low skilled workers earning an honest wage. It's not punishment for being stupid.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Trashhauler said...
I wouldn't fire the man. Everyone is entitled to be wrong, especially when speaking not in their area of expertise."

I would have agreed with you 10 years ago. But that was before Brendan Eich lost his job because he dared to give money to a non-PC cause. I'm really tired of the left successfully applying pressure to shitcan people because they have un-PC political beliefs, while conservatives cut leftist teachers slack because of First Amendment rights.

What, exactly, is a teacher's area of "expertise" besides creating lesson plans? They major in education, not the subject matter they are teaching. The education majors I knew in college were dumber than sticks of gum.

LYNNDH said...

Good thing i wasn't around. He insulted my Father, my Father-in-Law, my Grandfather, by Brother. I guess he even insulted me since I too am a Navy Vet. As my Daddy would say "He doesn't have the brains God gave to a Pissant."

The Drill SGT said...

Trashhauler said...
I wouldn't fire the man. Everyone is entitled to be wrong, especially when speaking not in their area of expertise."

Nobody should be allowed to use his position to inflict ignorance on his subordinates. Particularly preaching about a topic which he had no knowledge. If instead of the military, he had called blacks, or Gays, "the lowest of our low", he'd be gone today.

Humperdink said...

Two anecdotes. A friend of the family has a son who could not afford college. Highly intelligent and home schooled. Joined the Army. Became an Army Ranger and served several tours in Iraq. Accepted at West Point and graduated. Fluent in Arabic. Back to the Middle East. Now teaches at West Point.

Our Pastor came from a dysfunctional family. He is a retired Marine officer. Princeton graduate.

The teacher/city councilperson is insecure.

Fred Drinkwater said...

My father was a Marine in Korea and a reserve squadron CO, had a Physics MS, and was Chief Pilot at NASA Ames Research Center. His brother is a retired Marine and has a Chem E MS.
If the teacher's remarks were made during work hours he should be fired.

Roughcoat said...

Fire him. He's bad at his job. That alone is grounds for termination.

I'm a civilian contractor who works with and sometimes for the military. I like my work and I like the people I work with. They generally good people, smart people.

Academics even at the highest levels are often cases in point of a phenomenon that has long intrigued me: how is it that smart people can be so dumb?

Buckley's famous remark springs to mind: " I would rather be governed by the first 2000 names in the Boston phone book than by the 2000 members of the faculty of Harvard University."

Victor Davis Hanson described the U.S. armed services as a "bourgeois military." He meant that as compliment, a good thing. I take it as such.

Fire the teacher. Maybe he can get a job in a fast food joint, and learn something truly useful.

PDM said...

I don't care if he gets fired. Leave that to the left. But I'd like to force on him a comparison of teachers, including even college professors, to ROTC, NROTC, or any service academy graduates. I don't think it would be close by any reasonable metric, from entering ACT/SAT scores, to high school GPAs, to extracurricular activities and/or athletic accomplishments, to flat-out IQs.

I served with naval officers and enlisted men from all over the country. They were smarter than your average bear. And a good bit smarter than your average teacher. (No offense meant to teachers.) The reason the American military shines is because it relies on "smarts," including individual creativity, at the lowest possible level, down to the squad or to the division on a ship. This guy will never get that.

Humperdink said...

Isn't it funny how teachers assume a superiority complex when in front of teenagers, while at the same time belong to union to insure incompetence is shielded.

Amadeus 48 said...

"I am a pacifist, with a capital 'P'"

He is a moron with a capital "M".

Michael K said...

" A friend of the family has a son who could not afford college."

I see some pretty interesting kids joining the military. It's one reason I still do this.

One kid I saw a couple of years ago was African, from Uganda, I think. He was a legal immigrant enlisting in the Army program that provides citizenship after completion of the enlistment. Then he planned to go to college on the GI Bill, then he wanted to go to medical school.

He had his whole life planned out and seemed like he could do it.

JohnAnnArbor said...

"I am a pacifist, with a capital 'P'"

He is a moron with a capital "M".

And a narcissist with a capital "N." He has a VERY high opinion of himself. He is just so much better than other people, he thinks, because he has the right opinions.

mockturtle said...

He may spout that crap with confidence in front of a captive group of kids but I double-dog dare him to do it in the local pub.

JohnAnnArbor said...

but I double-dog dare him to do it in the local pub.

He'd never mix with "that kind" of people. Beneath him.

dbp said...

If a teacher was a Catholic with a capital C and told his students that homosexual acts were sinful, he would be fired in a California second. Why does the Pacifist get to be an anti-military bigot on the taxpayer's dime?

I was enlisted in the Marines as an avionics tech. Later, I went to a decent state university. My impression was that the two groups were on par intellectually. The Marines were more fit (even though more of them smoked) and had a better work-ethic than the university students.

Kevin said...

While offering to apologize if he had offended anyone

Can we just cut that shit out now? The Obama Administration is over.

The country is moving beyond fake apologies and taking the fifth while proclaiming your innocence.

Kevin said...

My impression was that the two groups were on par intellectually.

My impression is there are far more people in colleges and universities who can't read or write than are in the armed forces.

The rising number of students enrolled in college remedial courses support my assertion.

Fernandinande said...

M Jordan said...
Liberals and atheists (but I repeat myself)

No you don't. You delude yourself.

have this thing about intelligence that belies a secret fears.

Fear of inconsistent plurality?

And the thing is, they’re wrong in how they assess intelligence.

Ah, yet another expert on intelligence. Let's hear what he has to say.

I taught for 35 years.

"Teachers get smart by comparing themselves to students."

If I learned one thing about intelligence it’s that one socioeconomic group has no advantage over another.

Since you're talking about groups, that's obviously false.

Rednecks are pretty darn sharp, that I can tell you. And snotty middle class libs can be dumb as a box of Rubik’s cubes.

Inconsistent plurality strikes again since now you're talking about individuals.

Unlike your group observation, your observation about individuals is trivially true; I expertly observed that some women are taller than some men because if I learned one thing about height it’s that one sex has no advantage over another.

Luke Lea said...

That's the trouble with a meritocracy. People who are smarter think they are better.

Humperdink said...

Love or it Leave it? What to make of the legion (ha) of Hollywood celebs who were going to head north of the border if Trump was victorious. Would that be "Hate it and Leaving, but now have second thoughts"?

Big Mike said...

Pacifists, with or without that capital ‘p,’ are fundamentally parasites. They cannot exist without the presence of, as Orwell put it, “rough men [who] stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” For the pedantic among you, yes I am aware that it is questionable whether Orwell used these exact words, but there is another Orwell quote that is even more devastating:

“PACIFIST. Those who ‘abjure’ violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf.”

Big Mike said...

@Luke Lea, that teacher was neither smarter nor better.

Clyde said...

He's walkin' on the fightin' side of me.

Bob Boyd said...

This teacher strikes me as a bully and a blowhard, a weak little man inside.

Deb said...

I'd like to see him take the test required to be accepted into the Navy. I can tell you from experience it is difficult.

"And I hate digs at fast food workers. They are low skilled workers earning an honest wage. It's not punishment for being stupid."

I hate this too. I don't understand people who ridicule what others do for a living, as long as it is honest. My parents taught me that. They taught me a lot of things that I see lacking in people today.

Comanche Voter said...

In most things in life you have to pick your spots. Salcido is a high school teacher--and also a city councilman, in a Los Angeles suburb where a high percentage of the residents either served in the military, or had someone in their extended family who served in the military.

I once had a secretary who was the daughter of a USMC gunnery sergeant. Her daddy had an expression which she used from time to time about, "You don't sh@t where you eat."

Salcido ignored that rule---hundreds of people appeared at a recent city council meeting demanding that Salcido resign. The story made the LA Times this morning.

Matt Sablan said...

Having worked with a lot of officers and enlisted NCOs/servicemen and women in various branches, they're... really quite smart. This whole "the military is dumb" is backwards thinking.

FIDO said...

He is very likely to prove or disprove that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

I think that the next city council election will have a very large turn out of 'dumb people'. Funny how someone supposedly SO smart is able to shoot himself in the foot so totally.

RichardJohnson said...

The teacher deigns to inform the doofuses.
* There are, he'd said (reacting to a teen in a Marine Corps sweatshirt), "a bunch of dumbs–––s over there... Think about the people who you know who are over there. Your freaking stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They’re dumbs–––s. They’re not like high-level thinkers, they’re not academic people, they’re not intellectual people. They’re the lowest of our low.

The teacher is an ignoramus who believes that he knows a lot- a dangerous combination. Who Serves in the U.S. Military? The Demographics of Enlisted Troops and Officers informs us about enlistees.

Enlistees are much more likely to finish high school than their civilian peers.Only 1.4 percent of enlisted recruits in 2007 had not graduated from high school or completed a high school equivalency degree, compared to 20.8 percent of men ages 18 to 24. America's soldiers are less likely than civilians to be high school dropouts.

Regarding the charge of enlistees being "dumb s__..the lowest of our low," the performance of enlistees on the Armed Forces Qualifying Test says otherwise.

Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT) that the military administers to all recruits. Over two-thirds of enlisted recruits scored above the 50th percentile on the AFQT. The military tightly restricts how many recruits it accepts with scores below the 30th percentile, and only 2.3 percent of recruits in 2007 scored between the 21st and 30th percentiles (Category IVA; see Chart 3). The military does not accept any recruits in the bottom 20 percent.

The armed forces do not enlist the "lowest of our low." Far from it. They take from the middle and upper middle. (I wonder how this teacher scored on the SAT. I very much doubt he scored 1200 or above. My bet would be 950-1000 at best. His claiming to know more than he actually knows doesn't show me he is a "high level thinker.")

There is also information about the class origins of enlistees. Suffice it to say that enlistees are more likely to be from the middle part of the income sector than from the lowest fifth of the income sector.

This teacher is far from the only person who believes the armed forces consist of "dumb s---" I once had an online conversation with a Eurosneer to dissuade him of that assumption- and used the same source. Easy to find it with a search engine.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Big Mike:
Remember Heinlein's distinction between "P"acifists and pacifists? He called them Large mouth and Small mouth pacifists.
The small mouth kind tend to shoot back.

William said...

It's easier to get laid while going to college than while serving in the military. That's the argument he should have used. College or the military is not really the choice for most prole kids. They pick the military because it's the best available option. I knew some extremely bright people while serving in the military, but, boy, there were some exceptions. I suppose the same could be said of MacArthur Grant winners.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

He wouldn't want them to work at a fast food restaurant, either.

Did both, not ashamed of either.

Fuck you, teacher.

Michael K said...

" I knew some extremely bright people while serving in the military, but, boy, there were some exceptions"

I had one in the lower bunk below me in basic training.

He was so dumb we all had to divide up his chores. One made his bunk, another polished his boots and the rest.

He wouldn't bathe so one night after lights out we all dragged him into the shower and scrubbed him.

He was one of a whole barracks, though.

tcrosse said...

" I knew some extremely bright people while serving in the military, but, boy, there were some exceptions"

There was a LT on my ship who was dumb as a post, although he went to the Academy. Scuttlebutt had it that the only reason he hung on to his commission is that he was politically connected. The Old Man put him where he could do the least harm. That was 50 years ago.

langford peel said...

I don't understand this story.

He sounds like your typical Democrat.

John Kerry and Bill De Blasio say stuff like this all the time.

What's the big deal?

JaimeRoberto said...

Don't fire him for his viewpoint. Fire him for berating a student about his family.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Luke Lea said...
That's the trouble with a meritocracy. People who are smarter think they are better.

Should be "People who think they are smarter think they are better."
The people at the top define merit as being born into a higher social class.

Nancy Reyes said...

If the photos were on his "Great Grandmother's wall", that means those were men who fought in World War II.
Yeah. Another useless war according to narcissists.

cubanbob said...

“My goal as it relates to my students is to get them to do everything to get through college,” he said. “It’s not just the military. I wouldn’t want them to work at a fast-food restaurant either... I don’t think it’s at all a revelation to anybody that those who aren’t stellar students usually find the military a better option. That’s as plain as that it’s Tuesday night.”

Someone should ask this LA Mexican about importing more illegal Mexican field workers and their Honduran and El Salvadorian counterparts.

Karen said...

God bless the non-academics among us.

Ralph L said...

If the photos were on his "Great Grandmother's wall", that means those were men who fought in World War II.
Mine were girls during the Civil War.

richardsson said...

What Henry said. I taught in a community college for 22 years not far from El Rancho High School and I had Gulf War Vets, Marines, who were among my best motivated students. El Rancho High School serves a "lower middle class" community. The GI Bill makes a big difference in whether or not those young people can afford to go to college, even to community college. I think Salcido is the ignorant one here.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Fred Drinkwater said...
Big Mike:
Remember Heinlein's distinction between "P"acifists and pacifists? He called them Large mouth and Small mouth pacifists.
The small mouth kind tend to shoot back.

2/14/18, 12:23 PM

Cite please? I love a good piece of Heinlein.

The Drill SGT said...

Fred Drinkwater said...
Remember Heinlein's distinction between "P"acifists and pacifists? He called them Large mouth and Small mouth pacifists.

"The most noble fate a man can endure is to place his own mortal body between his loved home and the war's desolation."
Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois (Ret.),

Zach said...

The French system of conscription brings together a fair sample of all classes; ours is composed of the scum of the earth — the mere scum of the earth. It is only wonderful that we should be able to make so much out of them afterwards.

--The Duke of Wellington, who apparently meant it in a nice way.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Heinlein: The small mouth kind tend to shoot back.
Bad Lieutenant:
Cite please? I love a good piece of Heinlein.

10 minutes of searching did not turn up that quote, but various references to "small-mouth" and "large-mouth" anarchists or pacifists are all over the web.
Hmm. I'd bet that it's from Lazarus Long.

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