Where’s Rand Paul’s neighbor when we need him?
— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) February 9, 2018
ADDED: A poll, which assumes you understand the context:
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Where’s Rand Paul’s neighbor when we need him?
— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) February 9, 2018
Progressives sure have a sick sense of humor. Almost like they’re incompletely sane.
He should visit Nancy Pelosi first.
We are in the era of identitarian politics. Our multicultural, multiethnic empire is unstable. Turchin and other social scientists believe we are in for a period of political violence. The last time our politics were this violent was the eve of the civil war. I don't expect to see armies marching through the countryside, but wide spread guerrilla and terrorist activity is possible.
Bette and her ilk would be prime targets.
Where was pitch correction software when we needed it?
On the plus side, we should be thrilled she's not holding Rand Paul's severed head.
What a pleasant group the opposition has revealed itself to be. Makes you just want to go join hands with them doesn't it?
Where's Judge Reinhold when we need him?
My reaction?
Give us all a break. What's the basis for all this angst? Paul dares to make a speech and because Congress has failed to do its job for a dozen years, it momentarily results in a "government shutdown" in the middle of the night when the government was already shut down and will be shutdown tomorrow night and the following night and so on. Oh the horror!
Did anyone, except the shrieking Midler, notice or even care that government workers were not on the job at 3 a.m.?
And people tell me that the difference between Fascists/National Socialists (Nazis) and progressives is that progressives don't believe in murder.
Progressives are just too squeamish to actually do anything. For the most part. The guy who attacked Rand Paul and the guy who shot Rep Scalise apparently not. If progressives ever ever got real power, I am sure they would be able to find enough toothy, unsqueamish, people to do murder on a massive scale.
Bette Midler won't be one. She will let others get their hands dirty. But she will sing songs about how sad and necessary the murder is.
If a few people have to die for the good of humanity or for the good of Mother Earth/Climate/Gaia etc it is a small price to pay.
John Henry
Old joke from the Soviet Union: Comrade, what is the best method to explain communism? Answer: Fists.
Meanwhile it is nice that somebody had some debate over a two-year measure that was wholly created in secret in a backroom by a handful of people.
@Sally, your comment took me back to the days when Hollywood made comedies that were, you know, funny.
Blogger Tim in Vermont said...
Old joke from the Soviet Union: Comrade, what is the best method to explain communism? Answer: Fists.
Best way to explain progressivism? Death camps.
John Henry
At least she didn't bring up Hodgkinson. If he'd survived, he wouldn't have fallen down the memory hole so quickly. Bravo to Trump for bringing it up at the SOTU when people were still fresh and watching.
The joke consists of an allusion, not of violence. It would have been the same if the neighor had bested him an in argument.
I remember when eliminationist rhetoric was bad.
Sidenote: It was at least creative and not "I want to hate ---- Sarah Palin. Laugh peasants."
Did shutting down the government interrupt an awards ceremony, oh Betty?
I say shut the shit-hole down for good.
The usual suspects greet the Stolypin cars. machine pistols in hand, they yell,"Everybody off the train! Line up! Right turn! Forward march! Keep in line! One step to the right you will be shot! One step to the left you will be shot!" And off into the taiga the hapless citizens go.
It's fun to watch ELITIST wealthy progressive communist-socialist 1%er whine about government shut-down. She understands the pain of the common man so well.
I still want to make a movie where everyone in Hollywood dies.
It's just a movie. Revenge porn.
@Dickin’Bimbos, could it please be a documentary?
Hey, Bette! What do you think about my joke?
Morons who pay attention and worship celebrity culture are just that - morons.
Wrong time for joke as we need him to point out the absolute hypocrisy of the never increase the deficits republicans who took a 180 degree turn to plunge our country into greater debt.
Where's George Costanza when we really need him?
"republicans who took a 180 degree turn to plunge our country into greater debt."
Just as long as you don't squeal when our entitlements get reformed.
Everything that happens in Congress is about fundraising.
Voted 3 but really between 3 and 4. Personally, I am tired of the overreaction to every bad joke.
I need some muscle over here!
Dear Hillarywoodland,
Go die in a fire.
A nation who is sick to death of your leftwing Venezuelan socialist corruption excusing hypocrisy.
It's who they are, it's what they do.
Eggs/omelette: it was ever thus with the left.
After 100 million, what's a few broken ribs?
I voted for 4, but really wanted something between 3 and 4. "Crude and utterly predictable." And also can we just stop with entertainers needing to inflict their politics on us at all times?
"Progressives are just too squeamish to actually do anything. For the most part. The guy who attacked Rand Paul and the guy who shot Rep Scalise apparently not. If progressives ever ever got real power, I am sure they would be able to find enough toothy, unsqueamish, people to do murder on a massive scale."
The people who want us dead are the same people who want to take our guns away.
Their feigned horror over school shootings and gun violence has nothing to do with their true motives.
The left is murderous and always has been.
roesch/voltaire said...
"Wrong time for joke as we need him to point out the absolute hypocrisy of the never increase the deficits republicans who took a 180 degree turn to plunge our country into greater debt."
Oh, NOW you're concerned about the debt. Where the fuck were you when Obama shifted the debt racer into overdrive? So STFU hypocrite.
The joke is a cliche.
The reference is appalling.
I wonder how many armed bodyguards Midler has?
Who are the 7 (so far) clowns who think Rand didn't get hurt enough?
Some people go to very dark places in their souls.
republicans who took a 180 degree turn to plunge our country into greater debt
Greater debt happens anyway. The budget isn't balanced and nobody's talking about balancing it, just whether the imbalance should be bigger.
Not a big deal. Rand's little stunts can be annoying even though his concerns are spot-on. I'm no pearl-clutcher.
Debt has a slight plus, in that it signifies a reluctance to inflate the currency. The money the government spends is taken out of the economy before being put back into it.
Didn't vote, but not funny on Twitter.
I think if I saw Midler say this in person, with that wonderful smile crinkling up her face (if her face still crinkles), it would be funny.
Therein lies the problem with Twitter.
Rand is my senator. Midler is not funny
One thing I have never understood about the hard left is their tendency to endorse, and in some cases act on, "revolutionary violence." America had revolutionary violence, a bit over 200 years ago. Out of that came a nation whose political philosophy most closely resembled that of the modern Tea Party. Are you so sure you want that revolutionary violence again, or that it will have the outcome you desire? Hint: who tends to have the guns?
Hey Bette, hope your car flies off a cliff and you die slowly as you are too injured to crawl away from being burned to death in the flaming wreckage.
Get it? [Nudge-nudge, wink-wink.]
See, we all can tell jokes.
Except I don't really think that...
I laughed because it has always been obvious the left's standards are created only as partisan attacks and so clumsily revealing so shows they're stupid too.
I didn't see this option in your poll.
Gee...would someone please punch Nancy Pelosi in the face and throw her down a flight of stairs?
Kidding! Yuk yuk. Hey! I'm as funny as Bette Midler!
What do you expect from "liberals"? However they try to sugar coat it, their political philosophy is based on coercion. They may have started with love beads, incense and pot, but they end up with the nightstick, the bayonet and even the gun (a devil-stick in private hands but an instrument of love and progress in the hands of the State). "Progressives" may indeed normally be squeamish about the violence inherent in their coercion, but the mask falls when you see their sneaky--and sometimes outright--admiration for Mao, Ho, Fidel and Fidel's hit man Che and other dictators. These gangsters have the cojones to follow through with the dirty work our "liberals" would prefer--for now--not to soil their hands with. At least Midler is being honest and not hiding behind the usual Peace, Love and Brotherhood smokescreen.
Midler is a pig. And so is Rosie.
Yes CG that seems to be the plan increase the debt now so later the Republicans can claim we need to cut social programs in their efforts to increase inequality in the country. Who would have thought?
Midler's always worked blue, now its black n' blue. I can easily see her performing "Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do" with a week-old black eye and a fat lip.
Rand's father, Ron, is on Varney right now talking about the problem of deficit spending and the GOP and puts the blame squarely where it belongs: Keynesian economics! This has been my contention for years.
mockturtle, have you seen the "Hayek vs. Keynes: Fight of the Century?" videos?
Poor Hayek isn't very popular. He's not as much fun as Keynes!
Thanks, exiled. I'll have a look.
Meanwhile it is nice that somebody had some debate over a two-year measure that was wholly created in secret in a backroom by a handful of people.
I agree...the whole "we have to pass it in order to know what is in it" thing was pretty bad.
Yes CG that seems to be the plan increase the debt now so later the Republicans can claim we need to cut social programs in their efforts to increase inequality in the country
Why do the Republicans want to "increase inequality in the country"?
By the way, wouldn't importing millions of poor, ignorant peasants from shithole countries do a better job of that?
That's great, exiled! :-) The argument will never cease, the debate never won.
Why do the Republicans want to "increase inequality in the country"?
...when the Democrats in California are doing such a good job of it.
I wonder if she'd find it funny if Chuck or Nancy's neighbor had beaten the shit out of one of them, breaking a few ribs in the process? I have to admit I did snicker over Harry Reid's "weight room accident", so I'm not perfect.
In a vacuum, it is a funny quip.
In the context of the Hodgkinson shooting of several Republicans or BLM snipers shooting and killing Dallas cops or the asshole neighbor's vicious blindside hit on Paul which broke several ribs, well, the Left has some crazy fuckers who should not be stirred up.
You left off "I'm going to be LMAO when Bette gets a neighbor like Rand Paul's"
If they want a world of violence, we'll give it to them.
Before they decide they want a world of violence, they should ask themselves "what happened to Antifa?" Because IIRC, once the new rules became clear, the Right responded under them, and Antifa lost.
And now the cops who were ordered to look the other way while antifa attacked people, are ordered to stop the violence before it starts, which means the cops are fighting with antifa (which is how it should have been in the first place), but now there's "Right wing militia" suited up and ready to jump in if the cops don't do their job
"And now the cops who were ordered to look the other way while antifa attacked people, are ordered to stop the violence before it starts, which means the cops are fighting with antifa (which is how it should have been in the first place)"
Where did this happen, Gregg? I am only aware of incidents where the cops were told to stand down and look the other way if an Antifa brat hit someone.
Gee...would someone please punch Nancy Pelosi in the face and throw her down a flight of stairs?
Looking for Richard Widmark?
It's a funny quip in isolation- and I laughed even knowing the full context of everything, but I get how it isn't funny to some.
About 25 years ago, when I was still in grad school, my family had taken in my grandmother's small poodle because she was burdened with the care of my step-grandfather at the time. My parents had three dogs of their own at this time, after a couple of days my grandmother's dog bolted out of the front door one day and was hit by a car and killed. I didn't find out about this until months later when I was visiting over the holidays, and I made the joke that the other dogs put out a hit on my grandmother's dog. I was persona non grata for days afterwards.
Yancey, it's like the woman with the 'emotional support' hamster who flushed it down the toilet on a Spirit airline flight. Sad for the hamster but amusing evidence that people who require 'support hamsters' probably shouldn't be allowed on a plane. Link
I must admit that there have been times recently when I wished that Rand Paul's neighbor would move to Arizona next to John McCain and Jeff Flake.
Why is anyone surprised.
Bette Midler has been a piece of crap for a long, long time.
She has been a longtime advocate of the gay lifestyle ever since her days in the bathhouses with Barry Manilow.
You have to realize she has no morals or judgement and can safely be ignored.
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
"Yes CG that seems to be the plan increase the debt now so later the Republicans can claim we need to cut social programs in their efforts to increase inequality in the country. Who would have thought?"
Obviously not you. Do you have something to contribute besides marxist boilerplate?
Rusty (to R/V): "Obviously not you. Do you have something to contribute besides marxist boilerplate?"
Over/under on number of times R/V complained about the debt during the entirety of the obama administration?
I'm going with "0".
Wrong time for joke as we need him to point out the absolute hypocrisy of the never increase the deficits republicans who took a 180 degree turn to plunge our country into greater debt.
I hardly ever agree with you, but in this... I agree wholeheartedly. I wonder if elected Republicans realize they are, once again, flushing their credibility.
Clyde writes: I must admit that there have been times recently when I wished that Rand Paul's neighbor would move to Arizona next to John McCain and Jeff Flake.
Senatorial candidate Kelli Ward [AZ] is a deficit hawk and is working with Rand Paul to return the GOP to its senses. Let's support her efforts and her candidacy!
I was on the phone with my niece today and we were discussing economics, national debt and deficit spending and both wondered what happened to Trump's plan to carefully examine every federal government department for waste and redundancy. Was this every done? What were the findings? Has the Deep State quashed the whole plan?
Another thing we discussed was the new Fed chairman and the fact that the market fell the very day he took over. I postulated that it was because he's not Jewish [my niece is Jewish, BTW]. She agreed that Wall Street seems to have little confidence in him. ;-)
Keep pushing it, leftists.
Keep it up.
"Liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellators") discovering the deficit. Priceless. The ghost of Lord Keynes smiles ruefully and shakes his head sadly
As someone much more clever than me recently said; "Come see the violence inherent in the leftism!" (Monty Python was prescient in so many ways.)
Over/under on number of times Drago rejoiced about the shrinking debt during the entirety of the Clinton administration?
I'm going with "0".
I imagine we can't agree on the context. I mean I know that Rand Paul's neighbor tried to seriously injure him and that what that man did could have paralyzed Rand Paul. I know that it was done in cold blood. I assume the man was angry, but there was no argument that preceeded that attack.
I assume but do not know that it was motivated by politics. I assume that this was a literal expression of the hatred that many people on the left feel for people on the right.
I know that most of the media lied about and misrepresented the event when it first occurred. I don't the details of what the media knew at the time, but I believe it was a willful misrepresentation of what happened aimed at the 90% of the public that would only hear the media's initial account.
Didn't Lord Keynes also say governments should run a surplus in good times? Our Keynesians are half-assed.
There's a hot tub in hell for people like Midler. All eternity with Harvey in a hot tub. She wears a bikini. He's in a speedo. Fitting punishment for both.
I wish there was an option for, I didn't laugh but it is obviously a joke and nothing to get upset about.
Blogger William said...
Don't forget the bottomless bowl of Viagra.
Milwaukie guy said...
Didn't Lord Keynes also say governments should run a surplus in good times? Our Keynesians are half-assed.
I don't know but I think that if a government was running a surplus then Keynes would say that taxes are too high.
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