February 4, 2018

Just when Democrats are pushing the talking point that the FBI should not be disparaged...

The talking point is so blatant that, on "Meet the Press" this morning, NBC News political analyst Eugene Robinson was laughing about it:
It is fascinating that you see people on the left of the Democratic Party saying, "How dare anyone attack the F.B.I." And you see people and people on the right, of the Republican Party, or virtually the entire Republican Party saying, "The F.B.I. is violating our civil liberties!"
Obviously, that's some very partisan reaction to the Nunes memo. But given the intensely strong Democratic Party commitment to demanding respect for the hardworking rank and file of the FBI,* I want to give the NYT some neutrality credit for frontpaging the story, "As F.B.I. Took a Year to Pursue the Nassar Case, Dozens Say They Were Molested":
For more than a year, an F.B.I. inquiry into allegations that Lawrence G. Nassar, a respected sports doctor, had molested three elite teenage gymnasts followed a plodding pace as it moved back and forth among agents in three cities. The accumulating information included instructional videos of the doctor’s unusual treatment methods, showing his ungloved hands working about the private areas of girls lying facedown on tables.

But as the inquiry moved with little evident urgency, a cost was being paid.... The silence at times drove the victims and their families to distraction, including Gina Nichols, the mother of the gymnast initially known as “Athlete A”: Maggie Nichols, who was not contacted by the F.B.I. for nearly 11 months after the information she provided sparked the federal inquiry....

The F.B.I. declined to answer detailed questions about the speed and nature of its investigation, or to provide an official who might put the case in context.... The agency left unaddressed the oft-repeated claim by U.S.A. Gymnastics officials that after initially presenting the sexual assault allegations to the F.B.I. in July 2015, they came away with the impression that federal agents had advised them not to discuss the case with anyone. The ensuing silence had dire consequences, as the many girls and young women still seeing Dr. Nassar received no warning.

* Here's former C.I.A. Director John Brennan on the same episode of "Meet the Press": "And the ones I'm concerned about are the families of C.I.A. officers and F.B.I. agents. They're the ones who sacrifice on behalf of their loved ones. And to hear people like Mr. Trump and others denigrate the work that they do, and they're trying to make distinctions between the rank and file and the senior members, well, I think, you know, C.I.A. officers and F.B.I. officers know that these are institutions that I believe have been well-led over the years and that really are so important and critical to keep this nation safe and secure. So I just am appalled by the things that are being said."


Michael K said...

The people in the FBI being criticized, and I hope prosecuted, are the DC politicians at the top of the pyramid.

There is an old saying in the military, "Trust no one over O-6."

Generals are all politicians and FBI DC officials are as well.

cubanbob said...

It is fascinating that you see people on the left of the Democratic Party saying, "How dare anyone attack the F.B.I." And you see people and people on the right, of the Republican Party, or virtually the entire Republican Party saying, "The F.B.I. is violating our civil liberties!""

The fear among the Democrats is palpable. They tried to rig an election and failing that have been caught trying to use the various agencies of the government to undermine the Trump presidency. This will not end well for the Democrats.

Lyle said...

They will be fortunate to not be lined up on a wall and shot. Merica.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Dem talking heads ignore the substance of the Nunes Memo - that rogue elements in the FBI/DOJ used a "salacious and unverified" bullshit opposition research to mislead the FISA court to sanction spying on Trump.

Rob said...

Given the narrative that the Nunes memo and Trump's statements are attacks on law enforcement, one is compelled to ask, why is The New York Times attacking law enforcement?

Sebastian said...

"And the ones I'm concerned about are the families of C.I.A. officers and F.B.I. agents."

He forgot to mention "the children."

To think that tools like him were in charge.

Henry said...


AlbertAnonymous said...

F. Brennan. He’s part of the problem.

If there are rotten apples in the FBI top ranks, fire them or prosecute them. Everyone (left right or otherwise) should be in favor of that.

But now we have to listen to the “you’re denigrating the good line level police officers that no one should denigrate, except that we’ve been doing it for years now, but don’t look at that... look over THERE!

Sanctimonious pricks!

Lucien said...

Except for the fact that the Nunes memo is embarrassing to the DOJ and FBI, I have not seen anyone specify anything it contains that was cause for "grave concern" or that made its disclosure to the public "extremely reckless".

Instead the argument seems to be that it ought to contain more facts. But it will be interesting to see if the Democrats continue to push for disclosure of their own memo after the Republicans have read it -- and also to see if the DOJ and FBI will oppose publication of the Democratic memo too.

They contunine to push the tendentious argument that the real reason for writing and publishing the Nunes memo must have been to undermine Mueller's investigation and (assuming the truth of their own conjecture), that the memo fails to do so in a convincing manner.

Lewis Wetzel said...

As usual, the Left is mischaracterizing the beliefs and opinions of those on the right.
Conservative distrust of the policies and practices of all federal law enforcement goes back a quarter of a century, to Waco & Ruby Ridge. The complaints are remarkably consistent -- federal law enforcement is a tool of the JD which is a tool of whoever sits in the oval office.

Rabel said...

"And the ones I'm concerned about are the families of C.I.A. officers and F.B.I. agents."

Strzok and Page's families would like to have a word with Mr. Brennan.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrat party and the MSM are one.

Henry said...

Is it possible to simultaneously believe in #BlackLivesMatter and #MenInBlackMatter? Why yes it is.

David Begley said...

MTP today: Three lefties and Hugh Hewitt. And John Brennan is now a paid shill for NBC so he can spout banal talking points to protect himself and his pals like Rice, Power and Comey.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The response to the response.

Anonymous said...

"And the ones I'm concerned about are the families of C.I.A. officers and F.B.I. agents. They're the ones who sacrifice on behalf of their loved ones. And to hear people like Mr. Trump and others denigrate the work that they do..."

Think of the children!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If we clean house at the FBI, CIA and DOJ, alotta hacks gonna lose their jobs.

Is it any wonder they are in full panic mode?

Sessions needs to go first.

MikeD said...

As far as FBI & DoJ under Democrat administrations go I'll just leave you with Ruby Ridge/Waco/Elian Gonsolves/Fast 'n Furious/Cliven Bundy & others I've forgotten. As far as CIA and "Intelligence Community" go, all that needs saying is Clapper/Brennan.

robother said...

Whitey Bulger demands that Republicans stop badmouthing the FBI. He has known and worked with many upstanding FBI agents in the Boston area, some of whom he still sees in the yard every day.

Rabel said...

"Three lefties and Hugh Hewitt. And John Brennan is now a paid shill for NBC..."

So is Hewitt.

Paul Zrimsek said...

How's the saying go? Show me the people you're not allowed to criticize, and I'll show you who your real rulers are.

David said...

Sure. Let's make the most powerful investigative agency in the country above reproach. We should be ashamed for thinking the people who work there might do anything wrong.

donald said...

Not to quibble, but Ruby Ridge happened in 1992.

Don’t mean they haven’t been grotesquely corrupt.

Jaq said...

Whitey Bulger demands that Republicans stop badmouthing the FBI. He has known and worked with many upstanding FBI agents in the Boston area, some of whom he still sees in the yard every day.

You think Whitey is a Pats fan?

Bay Area Guy said...

Famed FBI agent Mark Felt - famous for being "Deepthroat" in Watergate was later criminally prosecuted and convicted for illegal spying on the Weathermen.

He was later pardoned by Reagan.

Jaq said...

I loved reading in the WaPo about how Comey and Mueller both were guided in their careers by Eric Fucking Holder. “Brothers in Arms!”

Jaq said...

Trump should host a viewing of Black Mass in the White House.

That’s the first time I noticed that Mass had a double meaning, gosh I am slow.

Hagar said...

John Brennan is a very bad hombre.

readering said...

Finally an interesting comment.

readering said...

(Referring to BAG)

Jaq said...

But remember, only racists support the cops against Black Lives Matter.

In order to be a liberal, you have to have an exquisite sense for the ethics depending on the situation.

tcrosse said...

As we used to say in the old neighborhood, quis custodiet ipsos custodes.

Fabi said...

"May you live in interesting times."

Sebastian said...

"Think of the children!" Hey, Angel dear, I was there a full 7 minutes earlier. Just sayin'.

Great minds, and all that.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I think, you know, C.I.A. officers and F.B.I. officers know that these are institutions that I believe have been well-led over the years

You have got to be shitting me. Attempt to get MLK to commit suicide. LSD experiments. J. Edgar Hoover. As someone above mentioned, Ruby Ridge and Waco. More recently that whole thing with the Bundy family.

And then their are the multiple failures in regards to moles in the intelligence agencies.

The FBI and CIA agents are civil servants. Not interested in their "how dare you sir" attitude.

YoungHegelian said...

I think, you know, C.I.A. officers and F.B.I. officers know that these are institutions that I believe have been well-led over the years and that really are so important and critical to keep this nation safe and secure.

Well, yes, there is some truth to this, but, on the other hand, these agencies owe we the taxpayers an awful lot more contrition & introspection than we've seen out of them since forever. Let me tell you a story about the wonderful masterminds at the C.I.A:

Back in the first part of 1980, The future Mrs YH & I made the acquaintance at university of a Soviet Jewish refugee who got himself enrolled in the Physics Dept. For some strange reason, the three of us got along, so we'd sit in the physics lab & drink blistering hot tea that he cooked up with a beaker & a Bunsen burner. YR was from Byelorusse, & had all sorts of stories, such as the difference in how the Jews were treated in Byelorusse vs Russia, Poland, & the Ukraine (not so bad for White Russian Jews vs the others). He could not stand Polish & Ukrainian Jews, as he thought their history of abuse had in turn made them hard & uncaring.

One day, over a cup or two of second degree burn Lapsang Suchong, YR made a portentous declaration: "The Soviet Union will fall apart in ten years. It simply can do nothing else".

"Y, I read quite a bit of international politics stuff, and nobody says that. Not the CIA, not NSA, not MI6, not the Mossad. Matter of fact, it seems the Brezhnev years were the high water mark for the Soviet population, consumer-wise & a relative easing of systemic repression."

"I don't care. I've lived there. You don't understand: they can't do ANYTHING right. They can't dig a ditch right."

Well, I knew this wasn't going anywhere, so I said "I hope you're right, Y." & changed the subject.

YR got it right with a year to spare. The Soviet analysts in the CIA, NSA, & military intelligence found out about the fall of the Soviet Union when they walked out in their bathrobe & slippers to pick up the Washington Post & read Dushko Doder's exemplary reporting from Moscow. The intelligence agencies that we, the taxpayers, had spent hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars on in the Cold War, had failed in their primary task: understanding the workings of our primary opponent on the world stage, the USSR. The American people were so happy with the course of events that all was forgiven & forgotten. Had it been wartime, no doubt scads of the intelligence community would have been court-martialed & put away.

There needs to be a looooot more humility on the part of these agencies, & believe me, it ain't happening yet.

Comanche Voter said...

And I am appalled by and at the things that sleazy hack John Brennan has said over the last two years. Integrity and intellectual honesty are absolutely not present in the man.

campy said...

I'm so old I can remember when lefties said "Question Authority!"

Jupiter said...

Where did this idea suddenly come from, that the FBI is or ever was a highly ethical and competent organization? Isn't it common knowledge that J. Edgar Hoover was corrupt in his bones, and only held onto his job because he used the FBI to gather the wherewithal to blackmail all the corrupt bastards in DC?

whitney said...

That Brennan quote is pure emotional manipulation. Nothing else

sane_voter said...

Apparently Adam Schiff is now claiming the Nunes memo release will lead to another OKC-style bombing since people won't call the FBI anymore to report suspicious activity. YGBFKM

Fabi said...

Has Maureen Dowd granted the FBI absolute moral authority?

sane_voter said...

Brennan is a tool and Clapper is a singularly unimpressive individual. I am glad they are no longer running things.

Jupiter said...

Back in the 90s, a woman was seen being forced into a pickup truck at a convenience store not far from here. At about the same time, a woman went missing up in the Cascades. The FBI sent a task force to search for the woman in the Cascades, and she was found chained in a van, whose owner is probably still in prison somewhere. The FBI made no attempt to find the woman from the convenience store, and she was never seen again.

Why the difference? The woman in the Cascades was a Summer intern with the Forest Service, and thus a "Federal Employee". The agents of the federal government are happy to pay themselves vast quantities of your money to rescue a fellow Real Person. The woman at the convenience store was merely a citizen of the United States of America, and thus of no concern to the agents of the federal government, unless she could be shown to have lied to one of them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Sebastian: "Think of the children!" Hey, Angel dear, I was there a full 7 minutes earlier. Just sayin'.

Sorry, Sebastian. And here I am one of those people always rolling her eyes, thinking, "Sheesh, don't people read threads before they post?".

Rabel also got in early with a good one on that theme.

rhhardin said...

Speed reading the post left me baffled. The memo and the sports doctor massage parlor don't seem connected, except maybe by hysteria as a unifying force.

rhhardin said...

Call the scandal investi-gate.

John Cunningham said...

Is this the same FBI whose forensics lab falsified thousands of tests used to convict people for decades? The same FBI whose Boston office had agents murdering people for the Bulgur mob family?

Night Owl said...

Is it too late to get Beyonce and some BLM backup dancers to do a salute to the FBI at the Superbowl halftime?

Kathryn51 said...

My one FBI story:

Years ago, my company was under investigation/Grand Jury. We were lucky - the FBI/DOJ did not haul all of our records away and they were willing to interview all employees in our facility and with a company attorney present if the employee wished. (All low-level employees granted immunity).

So, I sat in a whole lot of interviews, taking notes, etc. Since I was not the attorney for any of the employees, I was not allowed to advise or ask questions.

For the most part, the FBI was courteous and professional. But I'll never forget one interview where the employee was offering up suggested rationale for certain company decisions (in other words, not the answer the gov't wanted to hear) - the FBI agent leaned back in his chair enough so that the employee could see the gun at his waist. Fortunately, that employee wasn't intimidated - but I always thought it was a nasty trick.

MountainMan said...

@Paul Zrimsek: That quote is from Voltaire: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

That was actually the subject of an Althouse post on June 26, 2014, taken from a comment from an article in the Daily Mail about Gary Oldman's criticism of the Hollywood elite. You can read about it here:


Anonymous said...

Ron Winkleheimer: The FBI and CIA agents are civil servants. Not interested in their "how dare you sir" attitude.

Anybody remember those people always so indignant over Trump's unbefitting tweeting? This week they must all be abed with the flu or out of the country, considering the lack of response to the impressive levels of puerility and sheer thuggery recently coming out in the tweets and commentary of the "how dast you, sir" crowd.

Bill Peschel said...

"I think, you know, C.I.A. officers and F.B.I. officers know that these are institutions that I believe have been well-led over the years"

I don't care if they were fuckin' angels and perfect in mind and body. Our system of governance is based on the checks and balances system, in which nobody is trusted to act appropriately.

What we're seeing is a major fault of the system: Nobody can hold the FBI accountable for their crimes.

Michael K said...

"He was later pardoned by Reagan."

I thought Nixon had pardoned him in an excellent example of irony.

Nope, you are right about the pardon.

Humperdink said...

I'm old enough to remember a television called "The FBI", starring Efrem Zimbalist Jr.. The most used line in the show was: "We don't make deals". Their reputation, even with Hoover at the helm, was above reproach. Those were the days.

Now it's a collection of hacks. Look at Comey's tweets since his ouster. How in the world did this guy come to lead the FIB?

Mary Beth said...

Women and children hardest hit?

So I just am appalled by the things that are being said.

I'm appalled by things they've said and done. When information comes out that makes people lose respect for the FBI, that's not the fault of the people who are reading/hearing the information.

Tommy Duncan said...

Otter was a Democrat:

Otter defends Delta House

Christopher said...

The funniest part of this current cycle is seeing the media insert "Law Enforcement" into their headlines when what they mean is "FBI".

The intent behind this is quite simple as they're trying to tap into the generally positive feelings people have for law enforcement.

If Trump is merely being critical of one agency then people might be inclined to be more sympathetic given some of the things we've learned about those in charge; but if he's attacking all law enforcement then he's being reckless.

JaimeRoberto said...

There's a couple of docudramas currently running that paint the FBI in an unfavorable light: Waco and The Assassination of Gianni Versace. Maybe Brennan should get on that.

That said, I'm willing to believe that most of the FBI is made up of good and decent people doing a good job. But it's a big organization, and some of them won't be so good and decent, which appears to be the case with this Russia investigation.

Gk1 said...

It would be so very satisfying to me to see John Brennan "frog marched" off to a federal slammer for leaking classified information. Would it surprise anyone he helped engineer this coup against Trump?

Humperdink said...

Subsequent to the Nunes memo release, I watched Tucker Carlson interview Eric Swalwell (D-Far Left Coast). Carlson asked him (paraphrasing), since the memo does not reveal any security issues or secrets, should the D leadership apologize for their comments leading up to the release of the memo.

Swalwell's response was worthy of a certain commenter on this site. Swalwell (Swallowell?) said Carlson was revealing national security secrets just by talking about it on his show.

You just can't debate a lefty - a complete waste of time and effort.

Note: It should be pointed out that Swallowell replaced Pete Stark in congress, which explains a lot.

David Begley said...

YH is absolutely correct. The CIA fully got the economic, political and military strength of the USSR completely wrong. Steve Hayward at Power Line had the story of the single guy who got it right. One guy! And he was mostly ignored. He knew that trucks of food were getting hijacked all of the time. Other facts like that. The experts were clueless.

Big Mike said...

Well, if Brennan's CIA is who informed Barack Obama that ISIS was just a "JV" effort and not of major concern, then Brennan and his agency have a lot to answer for. I they instead told him that it was a serious threat and Barack Obama ignored their intelligence estimate, then he has a lot to answer for.

It's important to remember that J. Edgar Hoover was originally brought in to head the FBI as a reformer to clean up the bribery and corruption, and that he was quite effective in cleaning up the agency before he turned around and corrupted it politically. Louis Freeh was loved by the Post journalists, but he was a severe computer-phobe and when Mueller took over the agency it was the least automated and most computationally backward agency in town. Fortunately, most computer crimes of a financial nature are investigated by the Secret Service. The selective leaks of "person of interest" in the Atlanta bombing and the anthrax letters was a scandal. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Vicki Weaver in the chest while she was holding her baby in her arms. The FBI itself concluded that this shot "did not meet the standard" of objective reasonableness for legal use of deadly force. Thanks to the 9th Circuit (who else!), Horiuchi skated on a charge of manslaughter. In her own words, the FBI sold Janet Reno on the assault of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco because of the need to protect the children. Of course the children were the first to die.

The list of FBI scandals goes on -- the FBI's hair analysis turned out to be vastly less reliable than presented in court, the comparable falsity of bite mark pattern analysis, the total lack of scientific rigor in the FBI's formerly vaunted labs.

And that takes us to James Comey. For any of us who have held high security clearances, the notion that what Hillary Clinton did with her server is anything less than gross negligence is ridiculous. And here's the key thing -- the law doesn't even require that the perpetrator have criminal intentions, so we don't have to guess whether Hillary Clinton was deliberately flouting the law or merely ignorantly flouting the law. An ordinary, accidental screw-up is treated pretty much the same as espionage under the law. Though I will concede that Comey is right -- no prosecutor in Loretta Lynch's Department of Justice would take the case.

The FBI needs fixing.

Gk1 said...

The other thing I have observed the last few days after the memo was published was how the media has circled the wagons around the democrats and refuse to talk about the substance of the memo. Just like the wikileaks publication of Hillary & the DNC rigging the election against Bernie Sanders, Donna Brazille leaking CNN questions to Hillary etc. Luckily no ones fooled this time either. Its still galling to witness.

Kep Hartman said...

Cry me a river.

It is clear to anyone with eyes to see that the CIA/FBI/DOJ/IRS, etc. are led by DeepState Democrats. (Check donations to candidates for proof, which I have seen.)

It is completely understandable --- and duplicitous --- for the current and past leaders of these "non-partisan" institutions to be claiming victimhood and that their reputations are being besmirched. Engage in arrogant corruption, and it will come back to get you.

But they made their bed, and now they have to sleep in it.

This goes for Silicon Valley technocrats too.

Big Mike said...

@John Cunningham, damn! I forgot about Whitey Bulger having his own string of FBI agents on retainer (not to mention control of the Massachusetts State Senate through his brother Bill.

The FBI needs fixing. Hope Chris Wray and Jeff Sessions are up to it. I fear that they aren't.

Robert Cook said...

"It is clear to anyone with eyes to see that the CIA/FBI/DOJ/IRS, etc. are led by DeepState Democrats."

Kep Hartman, the Deep State has no political party. It uses both political parties for its ends. Both political parties are servants of the Deep State.

Anonymous said...

If you think the Democrats are going to criticize you, and the Republicans are going to support you unconditionally, who do you think you can manipulate more?

bgates said...

The funniest part of this current cycle is seeing the media insert "Law Enforcement" into their headlines when what they mean is "FBI".

Especially funny if you make a second substitution: "Trump Criticizes Politicized Leadership of FBI, which is to say Law Enforcement, which is to say The People We And President Boyfriend Have Been Calling Stupid Racist Murderers For The Past Ten Years".

I don't remember any of this concern about "institutions that I believe have been well-led over the years and that really are so important and critical to keep this nation safe and secure" when Obama suggested blacks and hispanics were right to feel police discriminate against them, a few hours before a BLM fanatic assassinated five police officers in Dallas.

Anonymous said...

It was such a short time ago the FBI and DOJ pretended they had to take out references to Allah and ISIS from the Pulse Nightclub shooting transcripts. They showed themselves as political then, and everyone saw it.

bgates said...

(I missed it - when did Maybee join the Nation of Islam?)

JML said...

Blogger Michael K said...

There is an old saying in the military, "Trust no one over O-6."

Michael, do you know what's worse than a lousy O-5 trying to make O-6?

Neither do I...

Anonymous said...

bgates- hahahhahhahhaha!

(Google is being really weird for me, so I'm using an old Typepad account.)

Phil 314 said...

Do you think the FBI leadership had drifted leftward or was it that they believed Trump was dangerous because he was not steeped in the ways of Washington?

Jupiter said...

MountainMan said...
"@Paul Zrimsek: That quote is from Voltaire"

Not. Actually, it has a more recent and rather more interesting provenance;


traditionalguy said...

The FBI has always been politicized and while they spent most of their time and effort doing good PR campaigns on how perfect bureau-crats they were under J. Edgar's command, the only thing they actually perfected was covering up the evidence and changing the witnesseses testimony under threats of Federal Jail time for any truth telling.

If that rubs your cat the wrong way, you need to turn your cat around.

pacwest said...

One word. Eric Holder.

Chas S. Clifton said...

It's still OK to disparage the FBI ;)


sdharms said...

brennan and the dems are the Menendez brothers asking for mercy because they are orphans.

Narayanan said...

It is very simple: wolves need sheep to hide among and stock their wardrobe.
Need fibbies to keep bodies undisclosed.

Achilles said...

It is fascinating that you see people on the left of the Democratic Party saying, "How dare anyone attack the F.B.I."

I think we need to go back to October/November 2016 when the entire democrat party was blaming the FBI for announcing that Hillary is a criminal and causing her to lose the election.

I remember right before Trump firing Comey pretty much every leftist in the world was calling for Comey to be fired/arrested for interfering in an election.

Narayanan said...

Democrats definition of law enforcement: gun holding / subpoena waving goons protecting us while we write the laws for them.

Kep Hartman said...

Robert Cook: "the Deep State has no political party. It uses both political parties for its ends. Both political parties are servants of the Deep State."

While your statement is entirely true, it is indisputable that they have been weaponized under the Obama administration for Democrat purposes. It was weaponized for the Clinton's (see "filegate"; WACO; Ruby Ridge). I fail to recall any similar weaponization against the opposition party under Bush.

That is because the three-letter agencies are government. The Democrat solution to all problems is "MOAR Government!" Until Bush, the GOP answer to (most) problems was nominally "less government." Hence the tribal antipathy by FBI/CIA/NSA/DOJ/IRS/DOT/DOE/EPA/DHS/HUD/etc to the GOP.

Achilles said...

Kep Hartman said...
Cry me a river.

It is clear to anyone with eyes to see that the CIA/FBI/DOJ/IRS, etc. are led by DeepState Democrats.

Not true. Rosenstein and Mueller are both Republicans.

This isn't about party. You people have to stop reflexively defending the Republican party. The neocons are all about impeaching Trump. Probably pissed he hasn't started any wars.

The worst people in DC are republicans because they are lying about their intentions. At least the democrats are honest about creating a stalinist state.

PhilD said...

"The Soviet Union will fall apart in ten years. It simply can do nothing else".

Young Hegelian, that was the thesis of Amalrik's "Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984?" (1970). I too was skeptical when I read that book but then 1989 happened.
Alas, what Amalrik and others didn't foresee is the way the fellow travellers in the West would take over.

Achilles said...

Kep Hartman said...
Robert Cook: "the Deep State has no political party. It uses both political parties for its ends. Both political parties are servants of the Deep State."

While your statement is entirely true, it is indisputable that they have been weaponized under the Obama administration for Democrat purposes. It was weaponized for the Clinton's (see "filegate"; WACO; Ruby Ridge). I fail to recall any similar weaponization against the opposition party under Bush.

The NSA was just caught deleting information they had about programs spying on american citizens during the Bush administration that they were court ordered to preserve.

Nothing is being said. Bush wrote the patriot act. Nobody is more into abusing civil rights than the neocon never Trump camp.

Bush made a pretense of being a republican. He created just as many giant taxpayer funded entitlements as Obama did.

Narayanan said...

Papa Bush headed up CIA during those economic intelligence assessment needed for defense appropriation and generals fighting previous wars..

Proposition for debate:. Edgar was trying to dam the swamp which eventually overwhelmed him. And Trump is giving it another effort - swamp fighting back.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Achilles said...

"At least the democrats are honest about creating a stalinist state."


gpm said...

YH: A. Amalrik, Will the Soviet Union Survive until 1984? (1970). I have a copy somewhere.


Clyde said...

They were obviously far more interesting in someone who was fingering Trump ("J'accuse!") than in someone who was fingering little girls.

langford peel said...

Leave Scott Baio alone.

langford peel said...

I sign on totally to what Robert Cook is saying and I as far right as he is far left.

We need a new Church Commission headed by Rand Paul to get to the bottom of the abuses of the National Security State. That is if we want to keep our Constitution.

Unknown said...

The FBI is now "Dreamers"!

They deserve Amnesty.

They are hardworking genius protectors of righteousness who were put into the FBI by their parents.

Why else would Schumer and Pelosi love them so much?

Like Corny Booker, their hearts are three times bigger than yours and you need to see their tears.

Unlike the Mark Felt days where an FBI agent on a vendetta leaked selective info to the press to destroy a President

These new guys bravely used a trumped up case from the DNC/Hillary to wiretap the opposition campaign 3 weeks before the election

while dismissing the crimes of the resigning party

"hey Hillary what are we even doing here - you co-conspirator is your personal attorney? Ha ha, good one, immunity for all"

at the direction of the First Black President and his sidekick the First Black Attorney General and his successor the First Black Woman Attorney General (All are Firsts due to their Jackie Robinson-like competence and integrity and not simply because we need Firsts NOW)

Now the Dreamer FBI bravely creates a smokescreen to cover it up to protect themselves, the previous administration who directed it, and to preserve the fake "collusion" counterintelligence operation.

The Dems have morphed the counterintelligence (non-criminal) into "obstruction" criminal investigation for process crime and even "find anything and leak it" gambit. They crafted the narrative, to use a phrase from creative writer and national policy setter Ben Rhodes.

Hey did you note Trump and the Repubs re-upped fisa just days before the memo? What does that say about this affair?

BUMBLE BEE said...

tcrosse said @2:32 As we used to say in the old neighborhood, quis custodiet ipsos custodes.

Damn! That musta been one mean hood there dude!

Unknown said...

> Bush made a pretense of being a republican. He created just as many giant taxpayer funded entitlements as Obama did.

So the base though "Why bother to vote since they are all the same", especially to vote for Old Man Maverick McCain, the Democrats favorite Senator, Queen of Reaching Across the Aisle in a Bipartisan Process?

Turns out things can be MUCH worse, and after 8 years of Obama and facing 8 more years of Hillary the primary voters sent in their Pirate King, War Chief Donald Trump.

And he hasn't disappointed...

Spaceman said...

While Trump was gigging the FBI top brass, the NYT article on Nassar was trashing the rack and file. I guess it's OK to criticize the FBI as long as you're not Trump. Top guys bad, the staff bad, apt to cause the Amuricans to lose confidence in the professionalism of the FBI or something. I figure the poor working FBI guys out in the regional offices awfully busy hunting down Russkies threatening the welfare of the Nation as we known it for the last 200 odd years rather than molesters - so give em a break. I'm thinking the parents would have got a lot quicker response if they had just called the county sheriff down there in Texas. Them deputies not real keen on men molesting teenies.

Robert said...

The FBI is, and always has, been filled with sanctimonious shits who are willing to believe their self righteousness makes them above the law.

Jaq said...

...what Robert Cook is saying and I as far right as he is far left.

I doubt it, you believe in the Constitution, for one thing.

Humperdink said...

We know the FIB leadership is tainted. No mystery there.

How about the rank and file FIB in the Clive Bundy case?

"(Judge) Navarro had suspended the trial earlier and warned of a mistrial when prosecutors released information after a discovery deadline. Overall, the government was late in handing over more than 3,300 pages of documents. Further, some defense requests for information that ultimately came to light had been ridiculed by prosecutors as “fantastical” and a “fishing expedition........
Navarro said Monday it was clear the FBI was involved in the prosecution and it was not a coincidence that most of the evidence that was held back – which would have worked in Bundy’s favor – came from the FBI, AZCentral reported."


Narayanan said...

@spaceman ... Know many gymnastics parents who appreciate Podunk depties?

Sebastian said...

What hasn't been fully addressed is the reasoning of the FISA court/judge. How could it/he possibly have approved an application based on unverified (according to Comey) and probably unverifiable (because unknown) sources?

The issue is not Steele or the FBI or DoJ, but the actual factual basis of the dossier. But its factual basis consists of hearsay allegations by Russian sources, thus far not identified in any reporting and most likely unknown even to the FBI.

Regardless of any false representation by McCabe, Rosenstein and the whole malicious Deep State crew, any judge should have been able to spot the fatal weakness. Unless a prog judge was just as eager to Get Trump as Strzok, Page, and Comey. If that is the case, the rot goes even deeper than we thought.

Achilles said...

Tommy Duncan said...
Blogger Achilles said...

"At least the democrats are honest about creating a stalinist state."


Um... yes.

They are all over the TV defending Obama's spying on a political opponent. They are very clearly stating what they want for the country. They want a Stalinist police state where anyone who disagrees with the uniparty has the law selectively applied to them.

Max Boot and Billy Kristol want republicans to lose elections knowing it will lead to the same thing. They just say they support conservative values while trying to make conservatives lose. They are traitors and they are dishonest about their intentions.

Quaestor said...

So I just am appalled by the things that are being said.

Not appalled by the things that were done.

It's Special Prosecutor time, folks. If any situation was made for an SP, it's this one. No one in the Department can be trusted to go where the evidence leads

So, how many FBI and DoJ careerists get indicted? Taking bets. Even money says it's five, two turn state's evidence and three get the perp walk.

Darrell said...

Decertify the FBI. It's been a shitshow since Lew Erskine was canned.

EMyrt said...

Over on some left Twitter thread just now on this topic.
Someone said, well, yeah we've always hated the FBI, but it's all we got left between us and Trump.

Bilwick said...

This discussion makes me think of Rob ("Meathead") Reiner. Meathead circa 1970: "You're paranoid about the Russians, Arch! We need to abolish HUAC!" Meathead Today: "The Russians own Trump! We've got to have a Congressional investigation on this!"

Likewise I'm sure Meathead circa 1970 was arguing with Archie that the FBI was a gang of jackbooted fascists and should be abolished. Now Meathead Today is likely saying, "Thank Gaia for the FBI! It's all that stands between us and that fascist Trump!"

Kirk Parker said...

Fen's Law Fen's Law Fen's Law Fen's Law Fen's Law

Surely no one is genuinely surprised here...

Fernandinande said...

John Brennan: ..well, I think, you know, C.I.A. officers and F.B.I. officers know that these are institutions that I believe have been well-led over the years and that really are so important and critical to keep this nation safe and secure.

You know he thinks that officers know that he believes these institutions have been well-led.

"So I just am appalled by the things that are being said."

I "just am" appalled by Brennan's incoherent rambling.

Robert Cook said...

"'...what Robert Cook is saying and I as far right as he is far left.'

"I doubt it, you believe in the Constitution, for one thing."

Hmmm. It's readily apparent from my posts here that I support the Constitution, (without thinking it's perfect and could not bear some amending...as many others have believed and acted on over two centuries). In fact, many of my criticisms of American behavior have to do with our violations of constitutional law. So, your remark suggests you are either an imbecile for not perceiving this, or simply dishonest, for making an insult you know is counterfeit.

Martin said...

Interesting that Brennan does not say that any specific thing in the Nunes memo was actually, you know, wrong or wildly misleading.

If they did what it appears they did, they are the ones who should have thought about what it would mean to their families if uncovered. Not my responsibility to excuse malfeasance because of their children.

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