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blogging every day since January 14, 2004
An Outer Party prole talks about her hate.
(Fixed a typo)
From Quaestor's link (pussy hat Trump hater gets help from deplorable):
" As I drove home, I felt the full extent to which Trump has actually diminished my own desire to be kind. He is keeping me so outraged that I hold ill will toward others on a daily basis. Trump is not just ruining our nation, he is ruining me."
Trump isn't ruining you, lady. You're ruining yourself.
Even when leftist think they're engaging in self-examination, they're not, because they never find fault in themselves.
Watching the Carter Page interview.
On Fox. Boy, I haven’t watched cable news in years, it’s kind of weird to me.
It’s so low bandwidth.
OMG, Who does Pelosi’s makeup? The local funeral parlor?
Re: Quaestor's link.
Thanks for the link. While the article was quite amusing, the comments following the article were hilarious.
The Dossier said that the Russians were going to give Carter Page 11 billion dollars if he could get the sanctions lifted? Boy, Hillary has to be pissed at that lost revenue opportunity!
You know what I would really love? You know how Shatner did that version of Rocket Man? I would love to hear Trump do a spoken word version of Positively Fourth Street.
11 billion dollars or 11 billion rubles ($17.84)?
Who presents a stronger case for collusion with the Russians: Carter Page or Alger Hiss?
Michael Isikoff interview over the weekend:
“I talked to a senior U.S. law enforcement official who was well aware of these allegations,” Isikoff said. “For me, the key piece, the reason that this was a story, was the fact that the FBI was investigating Page."
So, didn't just run with the story based upon his meeting with Steele. He talked to a "senior U.S. law enforcement OFFICIAL" as well. I want a name. The FBI playing innocent and claiming "we didn't know Steele was talking to the media is a lie.
"As I drove home, I felt the full extent to which Trump has actually diminished my own desire to be kind. He is keeping me so outraged that I hold ill will toward others on a daily basis. Trump is not just ruining our nation, he is ruining me."
Trump isn't ruining you, lady. You're ruining yourself.
It's been said that those who survived concentration camp tended to be the crueler, more selfish individuals. Likewise, the condition of being forced into the camps was blamed on the victims/inmates.
Trump, and his cronies here, clearly feel that America's worst problem is that it is not cruel enough. In the aggregate, the society will respond by encouraging the traits that are selected for in His America.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Trump, and his cronies here, clearly feel that America's worst problem is that it is not cruel enough. In the aggregate, the society will respond by encouraging the traits that are selected for in His America.
Actually, we feel that most leftists are assholes who want to take our stuff, give it to other people, tell us what to do, take away our guns, and attack us when we don't do as we are told.
This woman was admitting she was an asshole and just being dishonest about the cause.
The cause isn't Trump.
The cause is she is an asshole and a lefty. Kinda the same thing.
I love how you think cruel is not taking other peoples stuff and giving it to someone else.
Actually, we feel that...
No one cares about your feelings, little boy.
Especially as long as they're negative and immature ones, like: anger, fear, greed, cruelty and insecurity.
...want to take our stuff...
Like a retarded child who cannot learn, for the hundredth time, no one's taking away "your stuff." Poverty cases like you don't have any "stuff" in the first place to "take" away.
Once you become the billionaire that you stupidly believe yourself to be, let everyone know - and then you can worry about having more stuff to be taxed.
Other than that, it was predictable to keep hearing you beating your fat, thick, thoroughly confused head against the wall as always.
If the woman from Charlotte thinks Trump ruined her life, she should see what Obama did to mine. Oh wait, he didn't really affect it that much at all. Even though he was an incompetent empty suit who I believe did all in his power to destroy the US, its economy and it's institutions over eight years of my life, I knew he too would pass. Nor did I hate him with the irrational, visceral hatred that this woman projects. Someday it would be nice for leftists to actually delineate precisely what Trump has done to them, personally and ideologically, to cause them to hate him with all their hearts and beings. And, I don't want to hear that it's because he's a racist, or misogynist, or homophobe, or Nazi. For once can the leftists just dispense with the hyperbole and actually list the specific actions that he has taken that make him the devil reincarnate? Could I just get a readout on what a gay person can't do today that he or she could have done during the Obama years, or which abortions have been foregone, or which blacks have been marched back to the plantation, or which undocumented alien has been illegally deported, or how many more Muslims are now imprisoned in the US than two years ago, or how many more pussies have been grabbed this year in Hollywood than in 2016? Why can't the left just acknowledge that they despise him because of his ideology and let it go at that? Like I did with Obama. Why are they hell bent on bringing down the republic and what do they think they are going to get in its place? Is that too much to ask?
If the FBI is still listening, I'm asking for a friend.
I love how you think cruel is not taking other peoples stuff and giving it to someone else.
Someone so morally discombobulated as to think that billionaires are in greater need of government policies geared toward their benefit than the working poor is too evil, morally perverted and outside the norms of decency to have a rational discussion with.
Kathryn51 astutely observes what Isikoff said:
"I talked to a senior U.S. law enforcement official who was well aware of these allegations,” Isikoff said. “For me, the key piece, the reason that this was a story, was the fact that the FBI was investigating Page."
I think we will eventually learn it was worse than even the above quote suggests: I think Steele's handlers at the FBI directed him to Isikoff, and to Isikoff specifically. The fact of using Isikoff's story as corroboration for Steele's relayed accusation is mind-boggling all on its own, even if Isikoff had gotten the information from someone not named Christopher Steele. I mean seriously, this is what serves as corroboration? We are expected to believe that this detail was added to the warrant application with no effort whatsoever to determine whether or not Isikoff got the story from Steele in the first place? This, I think, is at the heart of the referral that Grassley made to the FBI- I think Grassley thinks this story is bullshit and that the FBI literally lied about what Steele told them about his media contacts- it is hard to understand why Steele would lie about that in such a circumstance- what was to be gained?
I don't believe that story at all, and the very fact that it was Michael Isikoff is just a bit too much of coincidence for me considering what Isikoff's biggest career story was. Could you pick out a journalist that might go with this story, but has a history of helping to break one of the most damaging stories about the Clintons? Can you see the writers of this application thinking to themselves- "Well, the judge has got take this true- it is written by journalist that is no friend to the Clintons."
And it now appears that Carter Page helped the Obama DoJ prosecute the Russian agents that tried to recruit him by working undercover for the FBI. Page served in this capacity until March of 2016, and was, 8 months later, claimed to be a Russian spy by the very same agency. You don't believe me- read the court filings- there is a description of an FBI undercover employee that fits Carter Page to a tee.
As for the NYTimes pushing for publication of the applications- they have no choice now- that battle was lost when they couldn't prevent the IC committee from releasing the generalizd description of the applications. The attacks on the Nunes Memo leave no room for secrecy calls any longer, and the editors of the NYTimes are now trying to get out in front of the story so that they have at least some credibility in attacking the details of the application itself when it is made public. Nunes wins this battle.
Achilles: Concern troll to the working class whose #1 concern is that billionaires are not getting a fair shake in America.
So now we know who he's really been working for all along.
Taxing away 100% of the last dollar a billionaire earns has huge perverse side effects.
You can't just take his money. You do something much bigger as well.
It’s impossible to have a discussion with a person who thinks that everybody is lying but his toothless self.
Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Monday that she intends to continue fighting for women´s rights and to "remain on the front lines of democracy," despite her 2016 election loss to President Donald Trump. “Advancing the rights, opportunities, and full participation of women and girls is the great unfinished business of the 21st century,”
Yes, her husband hasn’t had them all yet.
Like AllenS said, just imagine if he had only one mere tooth, all that he could be.
A Russian pilot who was forced to eject from his stricken jet over Syria killed himself with a grenade to avoid being captured by jihadists — as he shouted, “This is for our guys!” Maj. Roman Filipov’s Sukhoi 25SM fighter was struck by a portable surface-to-air missile
One of those Stinger missiles the CIA gave to the “moderates” in Syria during the Obama era? Like the one used to shoot down an American helicopter in Afghanistan? Obama and Hillary thought it was a great idea to escalate a civil war, make the sides more equal so that, they could fight longer are raise the level of violence. But we had the sage advice of Sidney Blumenthal, and when has he ever been wrong?
It took me unusually long to figure out this cartoon this morning
Me too, but then I remembered a joke from an episode of Wings made when the fat guy lied about his weight to get on the plane.
As long as Hillary Clinton keeps pushing her much-lifted face in front of the cameras the longer “Democrats are the party of corruption” will be the obvious conclusion. I hope she lives forever!
As an owner of some stocks, I desperately want Congress to flood the labor market with immigrants so the Fed doesn't have to worry about wage inflation. Wage earners want the opposite. Seems as clear a class divide as you can have.
6:52 PM - Feb 5, 2018
Mickey Kaus on Twitter
Of course we know that the “liberals” here are all rooting for the owning classes.
"It's been said that those who survived concentration camp tended to be the crueler, more selfish individuals. Likewise, the condition of being forced into the camps was blamed on the victims/inmates. "
Uh huh. You leftists in Trump's America are suffering just like concentration camp survivors.
What an asinine thing to say. What an insult to Holocaust survivors, to compare yourself to them and use your "suffering" under Trump to excuse your own hatred, as if you were Mr. Nice Guy until Trump was elected.
How stupid your hatred has made you.
^^^^^^ This.
I expect this story to fade soon:
CNNVerified account @CNN
Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson and another man were struck and killed in a suspected drunken driving accident. The man believed to have hit them is an undocumented immigrant who has been deported twice, police say. http://cnn.it/2BXiV5I
Stocks are affected by interest rates not so much by direct competition from bonds but because the value of a stock is the present value of all the money it will ever earn, and the present value of future earnings is discounted more deeply the higher the interest rate assumed.
Hardee's restaurant tweet to the city of Philadelphia after the Super Bowl:
"We are excited to serve everyone biscuits tomorrow morning at our Philadelphia location but in order to do that it needs to be not burned down please."
So if I walk out of a store with stuff I took but never paid for, can I claim I just made “undocumented purchases”?
"It's been said that those who survived concentration camp tended to be the crueler, more selfish individuals
YMMV. Just looking back at my childhood, Mr. Salt, who ran the local candy store, was a bit of a grouch, but he did me a favor once. Mr. Paul, the old man by the pool, was as Teddy a bear as you could ever wish to meet. What a sweet old man.
I think the dynamics of the camps were a little more complicated than that.
Imus, quoting somebody: Christianity would have better success if the stories in the Bible weren't so wacky.
Sid, responding: It's like the Russian dossier. The golden showers made the whole thing ridiculous.
Also, you are perverse, here:
TTR said...
Trump, and his cronies here, clearly feel that America's worst problem is that it is not cruel enough. ...
2/6/18, 12:03 AM
Blogger Achilles said...
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Trump, and his cronies here, clearly feel that America's worst problem is that it is not cruel enough. In the aggregate, the society will respond by encouraging the traits that are selected for in His America.
Actually, we feel that most leftists are assholes who want to take our stuff, give it to other people, tell us what to do, take away our guns, and attack us when we don't do as we are told.
2/6/18, 12:42 AM
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Actually, we feel that...
No one cares about your feelings, little boy.
You did at 12:03am.
It’s highly amusing to see the liberals get their panties on a wad over the stock market when everybody knows the proximate cause of the widely anticipated correction has been the fantastic jobs report that came out on Friday. Now it looks like interest rates paid to savers is going to have to go up, so the “free money” that investors have been taking from little old ladies and well, basically anybody who saves regularly, is going to dry up.
The last 2,000 points of the run-up of the DOW was a little bit crazy, as many had commented here while it was happening, but it does raise a question. Has the lack of inflation been due to the massive influx of cheap labor, forcing down low end wages, and the increases in productivity due to the ever expanding power of software mind multipliers at the high end? Does the wall break that bargain with the devil where our working classes have been treated like serfs?
"It's been said that those who survived concentration camp tended to be the crueler, more selfish individuals
Of course you have Roman Polanski, so there's that.
Quentin Tarantino gave an interview, and it is as I thought, Uma Thurman is a New Yorker and can't drive - any car; she takes taxis.
I wonder how many of our devoted lefties on this site would admit to having screamed at the sky at the one anniversary of Trump's election. Be brave and admit it.
"figure out this cartoon"
Having a woman in the house helps.
Is the fact that the labor market is tightening, indicated by the rising wages that TTR claims do not exist, an indication that the stock market had foolishly priced in an unlimited supply of labor in the US economy?
The Fed is taking money out of the economy because there's too much of it being cashed in for services now.
Taking money out results in higher interest rates for money. In fact the Fed uses the interest rate to regulate how fast it takes money out. The interest rate is a market response to taking out, and is useful for the Fed in making the smallest possible disturbance with taking out.
Money isn't wealth but a ticket in line to say what the economy does next, presumably something for you. If there are more tickets than the economy can do at once, you have to take some tickets out of circulation. The Fed does this by selling debt and destroying the tickets it gets.
There's too much optimism relative to what the economy can do now.
"Imus, quoting somebody: Christianity would have better success if the stories in the Bible weren't so wacky."
Yeah sad. It's filled with truth, no wonder it's viewed as wacky.
Speaking of the market, I an amused by what's happened to UVXY the last few days.
I think we should get rid of tax collection completely and just have the fed print money. Inflation would be the tax. Each week, for example, when you have the SS taken out of your pay, they should burn the money, same with income taxes. Then when it comes time to pay you your refund or SS, they should print some money, never attempting to match up the difference. Imagine the savings in overhead!
Tucker Carlson had some clips of Adam Schiff speaking to the faithful last night that were just unbelievable. Schiff is a very smart man, and there is no way he believes this crap.
How about the "regular" Democrats? Will they put up with this?
The trouble with inflation as a tax is everybody stops planning and really bad capital allocataion decisions get made. So the economy goes to hell.
See also Hillary!'s claim that "Trump's tax law" will cause the nation's housewives to go foraging in the woods for food to feed their families.
The market goes up, the market goes down. I graduated from high school in 1964, and iirc, the stock market was a little over 800 at that time.
ACK! Forgot to add that it goes up far more than it goes down, evidently.
"Imus, quoting somebody: Christianity would have better success if the stories in the Bible weren't so wacky."
Yeah, like the one about the guy who rose from the dead. And on Easter, at that.
"The Dow dropped briefly to zero today in inter-day trading"
In bitcoin, the market is going up.
Hagar said...
See also Hillary!'s claim that "Trump's tax law" will cause the nation's housewives to go foraging in the woods for food to feed their families.
2/6/18, 6:44 AM
Hillary forages for vodka.
I thought I knew just how incestous the left Establishment is but I was still startled to find out that Schiff's sister was married to a spawn of Soros. Now imagine what the left would say if a close relative of Nunes was married to one of the Koch brothers* offspring?
*By no means would that be identical, since the Kochs are pro-open borders globalists who opposed Trump. But the Koch Brothers have been the big corporate boogeymen for the Left since the Walker recall (unlike those nice woke billionaires like Bezos), so they'd be more than happy to ignore that little fact.
I'm laughing at the Dow Joans twitter storm.
Says a lot, that something so fake went viral so fast. DJT really is messing with people's minds!
jaydub - I agree - people need to get a life!
rhhardin said..."In bitcoin, the market is going up."
"Imus, quoting somebody: Christianity would have better success if the stories in the Bible weren't so wacky."
etbass said: "Yeah, like the one about the guy who rose from the dead. And on Easter, at that."
Are you aware how many people witnessed this event and wrote about it? And it was on passover. For a reason.
rhardin dirigiste, whodathunkit?
There's some questioning of the propriety of a girl scout selling girl scout cookies outside a marijuana dispensory.
"There's some questioning of the propriety of a girl scout selling girl scout cookies outside a marijuana dispensory."
I think the word is *dispensary*. I personally like the Peanut Sandwich Cookie. You can use Althouse's Amazon portal to buy them.
See, rhhardin’s jokes are too subtle for you Trumpit. Not explaining it for you. Sorry, stay on your own half of the D/K line.
But it’s sure refreshing to see a liberal spelling Nazi on the interwebs, they are such a rare find! I think it’s liberal’s relentless quest for conformity and submission to authority that drives it.
AllenS is the best commenter at Althouse.
I love the rest of you dorks too but I'm a sucker for intelligent drollery.
Something for Inga, ARM and ritmo. Howard too.
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