It’s another scary day for the people who can’t tell when President Trump is joking. #POTUS— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) February 6, 2018
ADDED: It can be scary even when you recognize that he was joking. He's President and in the position of enforcing the law, and from that position punching down. He really should not be joking about treason. And I get that he's punching back, and that's his style. But people aren't just idiots if they feel afraid of a President who isn't continually assuring us that he's aware of his profound responsibilities.
1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»I love to watch Erin Burnett, but I can't stand to listen to her talk about politics.
I hope that some day she quits CNN and then just interviews celebrities about show-business stuff.
This is what heads-popping looks like!!!
I love the full range of emotions on their faces. Mr. Adams is very perceptive.
They refuse to grant him the tiny sliver of human sympathy it would take for them to understand his jokes. They are not in charge and that’s not funny!
Well, some are un-American. They want the US to be a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, bisexual, atheistic, socialistic enclave (in theory), but then they get upset when many folks prefer a more, ahem, "traditional" approach to America.
The middle one looks sort of amused and embarrassed that she works with the other two clowns, if you ask me. But that’s just from the single screenshot. I have zero idea who any of them are.
It'd be nice to see Trump's actual comments. Too bad it's Twitter.
In human history has there ever been a hackier hack than Joan Walsh? She quite literally has never spoken a word in her life that wasn't a DNC talking point; compared to her, Democratic Party officials are wildly unpredictable free thinkers.
The middle one looks sort of amused and embarrassed that she works with the other two clowns, if you ask me
She used to present herself as a legitimate news personality before CNN became a clown show. Now, I can't imagine many people will ever take her seriously again. It almost makes you feel sorry for her. Almost.
Senator Tammy Duckworth calls out "Cadet Bone Spurs" after "treasonous remark:
A Scott Adams "kill shot." Wait, there aren't any kill shots versus Trump for Scott Adams, right?
But don't get too excited about "Cadet Bone Spurs," because I think Senator Duckworth was only joking.
Besides, Trump just passed a physical with flying colors, and no signs of bone spurs. He wasn't even obese.
I love to watch the faces of these lib t.v. people. So sad, so concerned, so....scared.
I watched CNN this morning with the sound off as the stock market opened. Half the screen was devoted to the DOW and they were thrilled when it opened down 500+. Within 15 minutes it had climbed into positive territory and their faces had fallen and they took down the DOW as it climbed.
As the progs are wont to say...sad.
That’s the one that persuaded me you really are a Republican, Chuck!
Somebody wanted to see Trump's full remarks in context:
Hamilton Sperger continues his relentless prosecution of Trump!
Now everyone is talking about how the Democrats didn't applaud or stand up during SOTU. Sure, that fact just tags along with the Cray-Cray Donald Trump Treason statement, but what will be remembered? That the Democrats didn't applaud or stand up.
I watched the video you provided Chuck, he was joking, and, like all good jokes, his joke had a point. You can’t see it because your hatred blinds you.
You should listen to Chuck when he talks about treason.
He knows from whence he speaks.
I liked the part about the one Democrat who cautiously applauded his remark that the US is enjoying the lowest black unemployment rate in the history of the measure. Yeah, it has been trending down over time, but it has dropped below the trend line significantly.
Tim in Vermont said...
That’s the one that persuaded me you really are a Republican, Chuck!
You think that Jeff Flake is not a Republican?
What will be remembered is that they didn’t applaud his factual statement that black unemployment is at record lows. Of course CNN will never remark on that, but they have to keep Chuck glued to the screen, you know, a few inches from the screen, mesmerized, talking to the screen as if they can hear him, when they get off a good shot at Trump he cheers and drools, and says “punch him again, punch him again!” and giggles uncontrollably.
Face it, CNN is the Gorilla Channel for Democrats and the one Republican, of course.
Trump just used the wrong word. Seditious is the best - and most accurate -description of the Dems, but no one knows what it really means. Maybe we'll find out when some of the FBI scum goes on trial!
Can we blame peoples' current inability to understand/appreciate humor on feminism? It is certainly part and parcel of that currently grim movement.
Madison Man probably has it absolutely right on the result of this.
Flake is just deliberately misunderstanding Trump, same as you are. And it is a little un-American to begrudge what is certainly good news for all Americans, and black and Hispanic Americans in particular.
But Flake, he’s the soul of the party? Oh yeah: “Criticizing President Donald Trump, Flake announced on October 24, 2017 that he would retire from the Senate at the end of his current term and would not seek reelection in 2018.[3][4]” - Wikipedia
@Chuck Neither Flake nor his compatriot McCain are really Republicans. They are essentially each members of a party of one. Neither can be gone too soon.
Jeff Flake is being run out of the party for being a traitor.
He can't run again unless he is honest with himself and runs as a Democrat.
You should do the same chuckles.
But we have some compassion for you. You are still transititioning. Why not take the plunge and cut your balls off and become a Democrat?
Be true to your true nature. Isn't it so difficult to be living a lie?
I see LLR, "Accidental Leftist" and #StrongStolenValorDemLiarDefender Chuck is, once again, 110% on board with whatever lefty/dem talking points of the day happen to be.
And, for the record, LLR Chuck is such a "courageous" patriot he almost, almost, joined the military but after reconsidering he decided not to.
How many obvious tells does Trump have to give to say he is joking? Chuck would sit on his hands if Trump announced that he had just made a deal with Jesus Christ to come down to Earth and give us world peace and universal prosperity, with Jesus Christ standing beside him to take questions.
MadisonMan said...
Now everyone is talking about how the Democrats didn't applaud or stand up during SOTU. Sure, that fact just tags along with the Cray-Cray Donald Trump Treason statement, but what will be remembered? That the Democrats didn't applaud or stand up.
Last night, what I saw on CNN when I purposely turned away from the unlistenable Sean Hannity was video of Republicans at an Obama SOTU, sitting on their hands in exactly the same way that Trump complained about. One after another a half-dozen or more examples. Enough to make the viewer laugh at Trump. Some "joke."
So maybe it's true; that 30 or 35% of the country that really likes Trump might just think that this is the first time it has ever happened, that an opposing party sat on their hands at a State of the Union.
But another big chunk -- a larger percentage, I'd say -- will think, "What the hell is Trump talking about? He's wrong, and it is an awful thing to make such a bland and factless allegation of 'treason'."
The part in the State of the Union when I actually wished that Trump really had been joking was when he promised to lower prescription drug prices, presumably by using federal and/or executive branch power (Medicare?) monopoly power to force lower prices.
And if you want to know how I know LLR Chuck "almost" joined the military, it's because LLR Chuck thought it was so relevant he wrote about it on this very site!
"almost" joining the military is quite commendable and certainly comment-worthy!
It's always fun when LLR Chuck's beloved dems take timeout from calling republicans nazi's and traitors 24/7 to complain that Trump joked about them behaving treasonously!
Good job Chuck. Maddow would be proud of you!
They have a big red button on their backs that says "Push Me", and he does. It's pretty funny, really, how they can't stop themselves. Imagine if one of them had the presence of mind to retweet and add, "Hey, Donald, Fuck off". Now that would be entertaining.
LLR Chuck exhibits the same level of passion attacking Trump for his joke treason remark as LLR Chuck does defending Li'l Dickie "us soldiers are Gestapo" Durbin.
You can always count on Chuck to be very consistent!
Tim in Vermont said...
How many obvious tells does Trump have to give to say he is joking? Chuck would sit on his hands if Trump announced that he had just made a deal with Jesus Christ to come down to Earth and give us world peace and universal prosperity, with Jesus Christ standing beside him to take questions.
No kidding; that will be a Trump campaign promise I expect if he makes it to 2020. He loves the evangelicals. Two Corinthians.
I wouldn't need a visitation from Christ -- but I would hail it as a miracle -- if Trump had simply made good on his promise to lower healthcare premiums, lower deductibles, cover "everybody," and provide great coverage.
Another scary day.......yes, it is!
Just wait until Trump makes the LLR Chuck's beloved dems march right up to the edge of another shutdown over their treasonous open-borders behavior.
Chuckie is going to absolutely melt-down when Trump takes those idiot ems to the "shouldn't have helped MS-13" woodshed!
You think that Jeff Flake is not a Republican?
I think he's an ass.
LLR Chuck: "I wouldn't need a visitation from Christ..."
Any one of your saved and framed magazine covers of the "magnificent" obama with a halo should be sufficient for you.
You can just see Trump speaking to those midwest voters in their language and nailing those states down for the republicans for 2020.
No wonder LLR Chuck is so upset!
I'd normally cut Senator Duckworth some slack---she is after all a double amputee after an Iraqi RPG shot down her Blackhawk Helicopter in Iraq in 2004.
But she is totally out to lunch on that "Cadet Bone Spurs" crack. Trump was born in 1946. He graduated from college in 1968. Along the way he received a II-S student deferment each year for his four years of college. "Four Deferments". I would point out that so did every other full time college student during the years 1964 to 1968. So there was nothing unusual in that.
Duckworth herself was bornin19678--in Bangkok Thailand. So maybe there's a reason for the state of her ignorance about the U.S. draft law at the time.
At age 22 in 1968 --with the demands of Viet Nam, Uncle Sam was probably interested in you--if you were male.
But a draftee who was going to go to Viet Nam (after 6 months or so of training) was most likely going to be an infantryman--who would be asked to hump 110 pounds or more of gear up a steep jungle hillside. (I should add that I went through infantry basic and advanced infantry training at Ft.Polk Louisiana in the summer of 1969). If your Military Occupational Specialty is one in the 11 Series (11-Bravo, 11-Charlie, or 11-Hotel --I was an 11-Hotel myself) your feet had better be good. When the time came to say "feets do your stuff" those "feets" had better work. And as a result, young men with bone spurs or flat feet were routinely classified 4-F in 1968 and 1969.
Now Ms. Duckworth (and for that matter John McCain, Jimmy Carter, John Kerry and Jack Kennedy) went to war riding in a seat or on a boat. "Feets" don't and didn't matter so much to them. So Ms. Duckworth,"Cadet Bone Spurs" is cute--but says more about your ignorance than about Donald Trump.
I wish people would back off the casual use of words like "treason" and "traitor." It's a very, very serious crime, people! That goes for dumbshit liberals as well as President Trump.
Drago said...
And if you want to know how I know LLR Chuck "almost" joined the military, it's because LLR Chuck thought it was so relevant he wrote about it on this very site!
Because one of you jackasses asked me about it. And I answered with about three sentences.
Which is a funny thing. I get asked a whole lot of questions about who I am or what I do or what I've done.
When I don't care one bit about any of you. Wait; there's an exception to that of course. I remember this blog, pre-Trump. And how many thoughtful lawyers there were, posting interesting comments about Scott Walker, Wisconsin protests, the detestable Wisconsin John Doe law, the Wisconsin Supreme Court battles, etc. And I probably asked a few of them what sort of law practice they had.
Has anyone run a search on althouse to see if LLR Chuck has ever, and I mean ever, complained about dems calling republicans terrorists, nazi's, traitors, etc?
You don't have to. You already know the answer!
LLR Chuck: "Because one of you jackasses asked me about it. And I answered with about three sentences"
The nation thanks you for the deepness of your thoughts which is only matched by your astonishing "courage"!
LLR Chuck: "...the detestable Wisconsin John Doe law..."
Good one. (wink wink)
CNN continues to beclown themselves. What annoys me is that people abroad watch CNN and think it's the American news source. I'm hoping they learn that CNN is about as reliable as Le Monde or Der Spiegel and probably less reliable than Al Jazeera.
mockturtle: "CNN continues to beclown themselves."
Uh oh.
Now you've done it.
If you think LLR and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck is going to let you get away with that, you've got another thing coming.
He might even give you the Greta treatment! Which would be terrible. Although, it's better that then the Maddow treatment, which involves alot of heavy petting.
Comanche Voter: the problem with your comment is that you are assuming that the young Donald J. Trump actually had bone spurs, and that he did not concoct a phony excuse with the help of a friendly New York City doctor.
I was a 98C20 MOS and served from Sep 69 to May 72 in Nam and Ethiopia.
I don’t quote Duckworth.
LLR Chuck takes time out from counting his medals for valor to attack Trump for something for which there is no proof.
Attacking Trump for something for which there is no proof.....gee...that sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it?
It's a real mystery how LLR Chuck ends up on the lefty narrative team every single day, isn't it?
What exactly was your point at 5:16 pm, Drago? Are you saying that no one should believe me now, when I suggest that the Wisconsin John Doe law was an inexplicable monstrosity?
I'm just waiting until LLR Chuck picks up the political attacks on decorated war vet Tom Cotton (again!) in order to protect noted slanderer of US Troops Li'l Dickie Durbin.
So, just so you know: if you are a principled republican standing up for conservative values in government, a fantastic war record will in no way protect you from attacks from LLR Chuck.
Just so you know.
LLR Chuck: " Are you saying that no one should believe me now, when I suggest that the Wisconsin John Doe law was an inexplicable monstrosity?"
Of course not lifelong republican.
Of course not.
Never. In. A. Million. Years.
Perish the thought.
(wink wink)
We are literally almost 18 months into an administration where the dems have accused Trump and his campaign of treason every single day, so we should really be worried and fret about this joke at the expense of dems...(who very much want to "fundamentally transform" our nation through open borders and replacement of the current US voting population......patriotically)
Meade said...
Until Trump steps on a certified scale, we haven't yet sorted out "Girtherism."
Birtherism, on the other hand, was never valid, and never in doubt; it only took Trump a bit longer than most people to get that one.
Poor Chuck.
He's really flailing now, isn't he?
It's a shame he couldn't have "flailed" his own rear end down to a recruiting office a few years back......
Come to think of it, by NOT joining "Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck probably did his nation a favor.
Spurtherism... girtherism...
Gotta hand it to you, Chuck: You are the original spurthist/girthist. Congratulations.
Comanche Voter said...
5:13 PM
Good post on background.
@Mary Beth, I beg your pardon, but Jeff Flake is not an ass. He is an asshole. Indeed, is a gastroenterologist's dream: a perfect asshole.
Drago said...
LLR Chuck: " Are you saying that no one should believe me now, when I suggest that the Wisconsin John Doe law was an inexplicable monstrosity?"
Of course not lifelong republican.
Of course not.
Never. In. A. Million. Years.
Perish the thought.
(wink wink)
Well, here you go, Drago. You cheesy, moronic douchebag.
Me, in 2014. Before Donald Trump. Before I began to wonder about Althouse's sanity, before I became the subject of daily personal attacks on these comments pages too numerous to count anymore. Before Althouse abandoned her rules, er, suggestions, er, instructions for commenting. Back when I was an ordinary Republican loyalist on the Althouse blog:
Chuck said...
I am hard pressed to think of a state statute anywhere in the country that is more richly deserving of a court challenge, than Wisconsin's mystifying (if not terrifying) "John Doe" investigatory statute.
What were they thinking when they enacted this monstrosity?
5/30/14, 6:06 PM
May 30, 2014, that was. Link:
You are such a nasty piece of work, Drago. Among a couple of dozen rude and insulting commenters, you are in a class by yourself for persistent stupidity.
LLR Chuck: "You are such a nasty piece of work, Drago. Among a couple of dozen rude and insulting commenters, you are in a class by yourself for persistent stupidity."
Just think.
All I'd have to do is change party affiliation and malign our troops and I could have a great new booster in Chuck!
But you know, that's simply a price I'm unwilling to pay for LLR Chuck's unwavering support.
Do you figure paid trolls get bonus pay for every mention of their name by another poster?
LLR Chuck: "What were they thinking when they enacted this monstrosity?"
They were thinking maybe we (the dems/left/LLR's) ought to test drive our new weaponization of government agencies and bodies strategy to see how it works.
And we can see that they have taken this strategy to "11", with the full support of the LLR's.
Christy: "Do you figure paid trolls get bonus pay for every mention of their name by another poster?"
If so, I'll have to be very careful in the future when I reference *** *****.
Drago said...
I'm just waiting until LLR Chuck picks up the political attacks on decorated war vet Tom Cotton (again!) in order to protect noted slanderer of US Troops Li'l Dickie Durbin.
I never had any political loyalty to Dick Durbin. And you, Drago -- you liar, you troll -- can't find one line of writing from me expressing political support for Dick Durbin.
You also can't find one line of political criticism of me aimed at Tom Cotton.
What I have told you many times now, and which you are too mendacious to admit to these readers, is that there is just one single issue on which I side with Durbin and against Cotton. It is of course the question of whether Trump said, "shithole countries." I believe Durbin. And all that Tom Cotton can do is say that he "didn't hear it."
On that one point, I think Durbin is telling the truth, and Cotton is lying.
And now, by making your customary personal attacks on me, you've cluttered up another comments page.
Chuck, who gives a shit that you defended Walker in 2010? You think that should grant you some sort of lifetime credibility?
There was a time when I agreed with many things Bill Kristol said. I thought he was a strong conservative - until he said he'd rather have the Deep State and Hillary than Trump in office. A conservative who hates a duly elected Republican President who has had a remarkably good first year by conservative standards he'd be happy to see him impeached is NOT a conservative but a liar.
Now Kristol is a mainstay on MSNBC - their pet "conservative." I read his pathetic Tweets from time and time and he sounds no different than you do - with one exception. At least Kristol is honest enough to admit he never voted for Trump.
LLR Chuck: "I believe Durbin."
I'm picturing that emblazoned on a banner and hanging across your home.
Later LLR Chuck: "And now, by making your customary personal attacks on me, you've cluttered up another comments page"
2/6/18, 5:47 PM
Earlier LLR Chuck: "A Scott Adams "kill shot." Wait, there aren't any kill shots versus Trump for Scott Adams, right?
But don't get too excited about "Cadet Bone Spurs," because I think Senator Duckworth was only joking.
Besides, Trump just passed a physical with flying colors, and no signs of bone spurs. He wasn't even obese."
2/6/18, 4:30 PM
Nice try #StrongDemDefender.
Spurther... girther... shitholer.
"Chuck would sit on his hands if Trump announced that he had just made a deal with Jesus Christ to come down to Earth and give us world peace and universal prosperity, with Jesus Christ standing beside him to take questions."
"No kidding; that will be a Trump campaign promise I expect if he makes it to 2020. "
I expect it too.
And I will take even odds on it; of course the moment he is out of office ...
"Before Althouse abandoned her rules, er, suggestions, er, instructions for commenting."
Stop lying about Althouse, Chuck.
So here's your chance Chuck.
What are your thoughts about Li'l Dickie Durbin calling US troops gestapo?
What are your thoughts about democrats calling Trump a traitor non-stop for 18 months now?
Go ahead Chuck!
You know Chuck, some of the dems calling Trump a traitor did not serve their nation! "5 Deferment" Biden himself said in the debate with Ryan: “These guys bet against America all the time”.
Yeah, we are all very upset that your beloved open borders dems got called out.
Meade said...
"Before Althouse abandoned her rules, er, suggestions, er, instructions for commenting."
Stop lying about Althouse, Chuck.
What is the lie?
I asked about Althouse's removal of what I called "rules" that used to exist in print at the bottom of her comments pages.
You wrote that they were "instructions," never "rules."
She removed the printed copy, and has not replaced it, and has not done much of anything to enforce any sort of code of conduct for commenting.
So what exactly was my "lie"?
LLR Chuck: "She removed the printed copy, and has not replaced it, and has not done much of anything to enforce any sort of code of conduct for commenting."
Perhaps Althouse should be reported to the Blog Commenting Control Board.
Remember when Reagan said he was going to start bombing the Russians in 5 minutes? The media had grand mal seizures over that one too. "He joked about NUCLEAR WAR!!!!!"
Chuck shouts:
I never had any political loyalty to Dick Durbin
Prove it.
exiledonmainstreet: "Remember when Reagan said he was going to start bombing the Russians in 5 minutes? The media had grand mal seizures over that one too. "He joked about NUCLEAR WAR!!!!!"'
Hey! LLR Chuck totally, like TOTALLY, supported Reagan then.
Liberals are notorious for being humorless scolds. How can people who have no sense of humor understand when someone else is joking?
Drago said...
So here's your chance Chuck.
What are your thoughts about Li'l Dickie Durbin calling US troops gestapo?
That whole episode was humiliating for Durbin. And he deserved every bit of humiliation that came his way. Just personally, that's not even in my Top Ten List of Reasons to Fear and Loathe Dick Durbin. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals nomination of Miguel Estrada would be my own #1.
What are your thoughts about democrats calling Trump a traitor non-stop for 18 months now?
Go ahead Chuck!
Who said that? When? Under what circumstances? I can think of about a lot of devastating entitlements for Trump. "Traitor" doesn't come to mind. I'd stick with "liar," "fabulist," "dummy," "pig" and "sociopath." For openers.
Somewhere else on this blog, I have a vague recollection of saying that a charge of "Treason" in the case of Trump was a silly charge.
LLR Chuck: "That whole episode was humiliating for Durbin. And he deserved every bit of humiliation that came his way. Just personally, that's not even in my Top Ten List of Reasons to Fear and Loathe Dick Durbin. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals nomination of Miguel Estrada would be my own #1"
Not a smidgen of actual criticism of the dem.
Nor will there ever be with our lifelong republican.
Thank you for demonstrating conclusively precisely what you are #StrongDemDefender.
FullMoon said...
Chuck shouts:
"I never had any political loyalty to Dick Durbin"
Prove it.
You're a miserable waste of my time. Go complain to somebody who cares.
LLR Chuck: "Somewhere else on this blog, I have a vague recollection of saying that a charge of "Treason" in the case of Trump was a silly charge."
Wow. That's some heavy pushback......
Drago, do you even know what I am talking about, with the DC Circuit?
Not a smidgen of actual criticism of the dem.
Do I have to spell everything out for you? I expect smarter and better-informed students of politics and the law here.
LLR Chuck: "Do I have to spell everything out for you?"
Yes. The request was for explicit, spelled out, criticism of the dems. You decided that was a bridge too far!
LLR Chuck: "Drago, do you even know what I am talking about, with the DC Circuit?"
LOL again. Deflection again.
And always for the same reason: refusal to offer any, much less strong, direct criticism of the dems.
You really do think you are being clever, don't you?
(wink wink)
I am beginning to think that Chuck is a reformed (dry) drunk who feels like a failure in his career.
He now gets his kicks, in a masochistic way, from getting negative attention on this web-site.
FullMoon said...
Bruiser Chuck said...
..... I am not going to "deny it." I say again; I propose to grab Greta exactly the way that Corey grabbed Michelle. I expect Greta to be surprised and offended, and maybe even a bit frightened. Good. That's how Michelle felt, no doubt. But Greta thinks it was frivolous in Michelle's case. Again, good for me when I do it to her.
How does that have anything to do with the subject of the Althouse post, and alternatively, how does that flow from any of the foregoing comments/
DO YOU SEE, LAWRENCE MEADE? YOU SEE WAHT I AM TALKING ABOUT, WITH AN ABANDONMENT OF COMMENTING DECORUM? Althouse complains about "clutter" on her comments pages. Just look at this page. Completely run into a rhetorical ditch with personal attacks on me, with nothing whatsoever to do with the original Althouse post. it is now more "clutter" than content.
My first post at 4:30 had nothing to do with any other commenter. I aimed a comment at the substantive response to Trump by Senator Duckworth on this issue, and combined it with a comment aimed at Scott Adams.
"Tim in Vermont" tried to draw me offsides, but I deflected back to the topic at hand, in the form of Jeff Flake's response to this very issue. (4:53 pm.)
Then it became something of a donnybrook, with a dozen or more of Althouse's commenters making personal attacks on me. Leading up to the comment from Full Moon, of a kind that I have specifically raised with Althouse in email.
Well it's not as if his entire presidency isn't a joke.
But people shouldn't use words like "treasonous" and "un-American" jokingly. Unless they take those concepts jokingly.
Which someone might. But not the president. Unless, again, he's a joke president.
Narcissists do not see people in three-dimensions, but as cartoon cut-outs.
Trump's way of coping is obviously to make a joke out of everything he does, as well.
I need to start a band called “An Abandonment or Commenting Decorum”.
Possibly in all caps.
LLR Chuck: "How does that have anything to do with the subject of the Althouse post, and alternatively, how does that flow from any of the foregoing comments/"
How does this have anything to do with the subject of the Althouse post:
LLR Chuck: "Besides, Trump just passed a physical with flying colors, and no signs of bone spurs. He wasn't even obese."
Physician heal thyself.
If you had told me that this was possible a year ago I would have said, 'on the balance of probabilities, most likely not'.
Most Republicans believe the FBI is “working to delegitimize Trump”
It is genuinely extraordinary how quickly attitudes have changed on this issue.
Looks like the Republican circular firing squad is getting all fired up. On today's agenda: The Usual. How un-partisan Chuck is. Why a Republican who changes his mind and has his own independent thoughts on things can't be trusted at all.
This is the fascist version of the PC thought police. Republican partisanship clearly means that your motives and criticisms will be questioned at all times. Good thing these wacko children's clubs don't care whether they can sustain a majority of the voting public or anything. Then things might be a problem for them.
But for now, ostracism, paranoia, 100% partisan dependency and subservience rules the day. There is no room for independent thought or judgment when you pull the (R) lever for two election cycles in a row, apparently.
Chuck is to Republicans as Shaun King is to black people.
Yes, Chuck is our very own Talcum X. Wearing Republicanface, not cool Chuck, not cool.
Republicans run their loyalty rewards program like a meth lab runs its customer service base. Unless you run back to them for all your needs then they just shut you out. Anyone whose dedication to the Republican leader stops short of something less than a full-blown addiction they will drum right out with merciless nastiness and terror.
LLR Chuck: "It was Senatorial piracy, to block Estrada. And the pirate captain was Dick Durbin."
The best part of LLR Chuck's comments is the contrast between his assumed aura of superiority in making pronouncements about our political environment which turn out to be hilariously incorrect combined with his presumptions that he alone is aware of well-publicized "insider" type "stuff".
TTR: "Republicans run their loyalty rewards program like a meth lab runs its customer service base."
This is, of course, false.
We offer many more S&H Green Stamp programs.
Plus, Club Med discounts.
TTR: "Looks like the Republican circular firing squad is getting all fired up."
Assumes facts not in evidence.
I winced at the outrageous tweet too. But not as much as Jane and Joe American will wince when they listen to Democrats defending not clapping at good economic news.
"It was Senatorial piracy, to block Estrada. And the pirate captain was Dick Durbin."
Coming from Chicago and being a Bush supporter, I am well aware of that, as are most politically aware people. As with some of your other comments, we are on the same page.
However, I wonder what your motivation is here, Chuck.
You are vulgar, very uneven and often totally contradictory.
The best part of LLR Chuck's comments
Low bar, my friend.
Although I do prefer these pronouncements to his giddy discovery that Ivanka and Jared are Jewish (snort, snort).
ARM: "Most Republicans believe the FBI is “working to delegitimize Trump”"
Running a fake counter-intelligence OP to overturn an election is bound to garner some negative attention.
Republicans look at loyalty (to partisanship of all things!) with all the maturity of The Little Rascals' "He Man Woman Haters Club."
Poor Chuck just didn't get the memo on how he was falling short on the blood oaths, the swearing on his children to Donald's Kids here, the monitoring activities on his Republican record, etc., etc., etc. They audit these things, you know, and are all subject to quarterly partisanship performance reviews.
Republicans are fucking crazy. Their relationship to their purported adherents borders on Glenn Close/Fatal Attraction level of weirdness and maniacal lunacy.
TTR: "Poor Chuck just didn't get the memo on how he was falling short on the blood oaths,.."
We do accept Travelers Cheques in lieu of blood.
Sometimes you have to "know" somebody.
Chuckles, the problem with your comment re "bone spurs" and "friendly doctors in New York" is that neither you, nor I, were in the doctor's office where bone spurs were diagnosed.
Were there doctors in 1968 and 1969 who would find a convenient medical "excuse" for a young middle class male who didn't want to get drafted. Your are absolutely correct.
Were there draft law specialists (yes they existed at the time--there was a loose leaf law service edited and published by a very prominent and very able lawyer named Michael Tigar) who knew which medical examiners at which induction centers were likely to find which medical problems would yield a 4-F classification. I did some draft law work for my law firm at the time. If you thought your client's son or employee had "X" sort of problem for example, you tried to have him take his induction physical at "Y" induction station.
But your assertion that Trump didn't have bone spurs is based on absolutely nothing but your own bias--you're not the doc who examined him and wrote the letter at the time.
You're also not the ROTC colonel who got a letter from young William Jefferson Clinton expressing his desire to "join up" and asking for help in getting a deferment. That desire evaporated the day Slick Willie got a high number in the draft lottery.
TTR: "Republicans are fucking crazy."
That's right...Ice----man....we are dangerous....
If anyone ever had a doubt that our MSM is an arm to the democrat party, well...
TTR: " They audit these things, you know, and are all subject to quarterly partisanship performance reviews."
Not to worry amigo.
I have a few connections at PwC AND D&T. Trust me, we are good to go.
So you think it's funny, Drago?
I think you people are revealing some serious mental illness, right here.
Chuck is Michael Douglas and you whack jobs are Glenn Close.
Just get over your selves. There are more Chucks out there than just Chuck.
I'd say, "Deal with it," but obviously independent judgement, reason, and disagreement with how you partisan ninnies run your politics show are things you have massive problems dealing with.
Just a total people-hating party.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "If anyone ever had a doubt that our MSM is an arm to the democrat party, well.."
The MSM is clearly an arm to the democrat party.
LLR Chuck is their ottoman.
Face it, CNN is the Gorilla Channel for Democrats .
In the last month or two I remember reading Chuck's first post of the day and appropriately asking him "Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning?".
Fen's law applies: "The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about."
TTR: "The Toothless Revolutionary said...
So you think it's funny, Drago?
I think you people are revealing some serious mental illness, right here."
Outstanding online psych eval TTR.
Lefties are good at that. Of course, you are not quite up to Soviet standards yet, but with a bit more work and "nose to the grindstone", I'm confident you can make it.
TTR: "Just a total people-hating party"
That's why we only hang out with the Deplorables and others deemed "untouchable" by the left.
Chuckles, the problem with your comment re "bone spurs" and "friendly doctors in New York" is that neither you, nor I, were in the doctor's office where bone spurs were diagnosed.
WHAT. the. FUCK. does that matter?
Blonde Pageant Policeman Trump reiterated the diagnosis himself. In public. At a press conference. With reporters.
When they asked him what foot it was he told them they could look at the record for themselves, because he clearly couldn't remember.
It was on Comedy Central. Jon Stewart responded in a slack jawed Queens accent, "Uh, right or left. One of those two. Probably the one that isn't in my MOOOUTTTH).
Check it out. You fools will believe anything, except for what's right before your very eyes.
Gullibility is important in Republican circles. Makes for easier "leadership."
Good followers make for an easy time leading.
"But Flake, he’s the soul of the party? Oh yeah"
I really don't understand Flake. Maybe he is running for bishop.
TTR: "Check it out. You fools will believe anything, except for what's right before your very eyes."
For instance, when the lefties all laughed and called republicans conspiracy theorists and idiots for daring to entertain the notion that Hillary and the DNC paid for the hoax dossier, I originally thought, hey, the dems are probably right here.
Man! Did I ever feel stupid and gullible when it turned out that the dems had indeed paid for it!
Boy, fool me once....
Outstanding online psych eval TTR.
Oh yeah, that's right.
You fuckers are so crazy that you'd demand a professional opinion on Charles Manson before coming to a conclusion on his sanity.
Denial is a virtue to a Republican.
The glaciers aren't melting, the atmosphere is unnecessary for climate, the wealthy are dependent on tax breaks to do anything and apparently good mental health should be assumed of every walking, talking head case until three professionals agree otherwise.
Maybe you should ask a judge and jury to approve your de-Facebooking of any "friend" who strips naked and asks where all the kids are hanging out at.
I'm so old, I remember way back to 2008 when Limbaugh said, responding to Obama's hope to "fundamentally change" the nation, that he hoped Obama would fail. OMG! The weeping, the gnashing to teeth! The cries of "Respect the office if not the man!" "Limbaugh wants the USA to fail!"
Liberals are without shame. Today, calls for Trump's death are commonplace, even as he digs the car out of the ditch while the Democrats enjoy their Slurpees.
It could only be a circular firing squad if Chuckles was indeed a Republican.
It is obvious he is not and is trying to pretend to be something his entire nature cries out against with every fiber of his being.
He is the Chastity Bono of the Althouse blog.
Ya' know. Some comment threads are completely un-readable. This is one.
TTR: "You fuckers are so crazy that you'd demand a professional opinion on Charles Manson before coming to a conclusion on his sanity"
Well, to be fair, I do believe one or two of those WAS actually completed.
I mean, so there's that.
TTR: "Maybe you should ask a judge and jury to approve your de-Facebooking of any "friend" who strips naked and asks where all the kids are hanging out at."
You know, that sounds awfully bureaucratic.
Could you possibly identify a more streamlined business process to handle scenarios like that?
It was the Democrats who had the slaves and the Republicans that freed them.
Now you might argue that was a big mistake but it still is a fact.
langford peel: "It was the Democrats who had the slaves and the Republicans that freed them."
He's on a roll.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Charles Manson was the Harvey Weinstein of his day.
With just a smidge more talent he would have been a star.
Dennis Wilson certainly thought so.
Or maybe he just like the freaky pussy.
I do enjoy Chuckles crying to the teacher and ratting out the kids who are giving him a wedgie at recess.
It was the Democrats who had the slaves and the Republicans that freed them.
Now you might argue that was a big mistake but it still is a fact.
That was before Republicans stopped calling themselves "progressives," as Mt Rushmore fixture Teddy Roosevelt did.
Now you might argue that was a big mistake but it is still a fact.
You might also be an idiot, though.
Ideas and party priorities change. But idiocy is a lifelong condition, and is remarkably stable through the generations.
If you didn't want Democratic voters then let me know when you're ready to renounce your fixation with the Reagan Administration.
What's the difference between an unfunny, oblivious comedian who gets booed off the stage and Drago?
Drago has the Republican establishment to pay support to his ridiculously futile, stupid attempts at comedic deflection.
It's "Bad Idea Welfare."
Can you imagine a Democrat writing the Battle Hymn of the Republic, organizing a war to go down south and free the slaves? Nope, the Democrats would be demonstrating at recruiting stations telling everybody that slavery was none of our business and it was just evil corporations who wanted them to fight in the war and it was all over money.
Parties haven’t changed that much.
You know where there are slave auctions going on right now? Libya? Whose fucking idea was that?
Drago proves that Republicans cannot break their dependency to bad ideas.
Let me know when one of you fool weirdos shows up in Chuck's house with a rabbit dangling over a pot of boiling water.
You are just wrong Tuttie.
President Trump is a Populist not a Republican. He goes wrong when he follows the Republican primrose path that he is led down by McConnell and Ryan. He is on to something by being for the American People and not the Deep State. That is why they have to destroy him.
The true test is if he follows what Miller and Cotton has set up on immigration. He has to follow through on his main campaign promise to build the wall and end the endless open border migration that destroys the economy for working class Americans. If he can hold fast he will win even more bigly the next time he runs.
Of course he should wait a little bit so more drunken illegal immigrants can run down NFL players. Bonus points if they get one that kneels for the Anthem.
I just watched a replay of the Falcon Heavy rocket liftoff. I am not much of a rocket fanboy but both the launch and then the landing of the boosters were pretty impressive.
I don't think putting men into space or on the moon/mars is a great idea. It's kind of a terrible idea, humans are too fragile for those environments. But, the technology is fantastic.
From Ritmo: "I think you people are revealing some serious mental illness, right here."
I am speechless.
Can you imagine a Democrat writing the Battle Hymn of the Republic, organizing a war to go down south and free the slaves? Nope, the Democrats would be demonstrating at recruiting stations telling everybody that slavery was none of our business and it was just evil corporations who wanted them to fight in the war and it was all over money.
Parties haven’t changed that much.
Can you imagine a Republican organizing an effort to go down to the south to make sure that voting hours weren't restricted? Nope. The Republicans would be tucking their nuts between their legs while letting election laws be written by an organization that tried to re-segregate Wake Forest schools and telling everybody that it was none of our business and that it was just George Soros trying to get them embroiled in an issue of basic justice and democracy.
Parties have changed massively.
Fixed that for you, non-thinker.
Lets combine the idea and ship the Dreamers to Outer Space.
I bet they will go for it. Even the surface of the moon would be better than the shithole countries they come from.
Who can be the first Mexican on the Moon?
President Trump is a Populist not a Republican.
Right. A "populist" with a 30% approval rating.
The rest of what you wrote was just boilerplate nonsense. The propaganda rhetoric that chokes horses and makes right-wing blowhards feel all warm and tingly.
But no doubt you imagined that you were writing it from inside a gulag with a shoelace dipped in blood. No doubt about that.
You're all just a bunch of regular Thomas Jeffersons. Or at least one of his retarded little brothers.
Ritmo thread. Gonnite,
Somewhat Tolerated ARM: "I just watched a replay of the Falcon Heavy rocket liftoff. I am not much of a rocket fanboy but both the launch and then the landing of the boosters were pretty impressive.
I don't think putting men into space or on the moon/mars is a great idea. It's kind of a terrible idea, humans are too fragile for those environments. But, the technology is fantastic"
It was positively exhilarating.
We are going back, and the right way with industry leading the way with Govt in a supporting role.
I am out as well.
Anybody who disagrees with Ritmo is a liar, a cheater, a racist, a “non-thinker” etc, etc, etc...
We are so blessed to be alive in the time that this god-like man walks the earth.
Michael K and Francisco D achieved groupthink on a second objective tonight, as well.
And TImochek in Vladivostok gets offended at facts.
They're not Republican enough for him.
Make the facts more Republican, he protests.
Polls are bullshit so I won't point out that he is at 49% approval rating right now. None of that matters. The only poll that matters is on election day. When that day comes Donald Trump will have a record of solid achievement that will insure his reelection.
You can see it coming a mile away. The economy. Jobs coming back. Money being repatriated because of the changes in tax laws. Massive investments like the one China is making in West Virginia. America becoming a net energy exporter. Soon infrastructure spending targeted at red states instead of the blue states that we need to write off as dead losses.
Against which the Democrats can send out of the bullpen:
Camel Ass Harris of the failed Maxist state of Venzu....err California.
Creepy Uncle Joe MeToo Biden.
Bernie I am a Commie and I don't care who knows it Sanders.
Andrew Fredo Cuomo.
Or if we are really lucky a reprise of Felonia Von Pantsuit.
Good luck with that.
Even though I frequently disagree with them, I don't mind reading comments from Chuck and Inga (I did prefer Laslo, Titus & James James,however)-- but It's really not that much fun reading scores of posts that are ABOUT Chuck or Inga. Not that I intend to earn a "civility bullshit" tag by calling for more restraint, but how 'bout a little less of the boring repetitive ad hominem attacks?
TTR:"And TImochek in Vladivostok gets offended at facts."
That SOB owes me 50 rubles.
TTR: "Parties have changed massively"
Parties, panties.
It's a fine line.
TTR: "Michael K and Francisco D achieved groupthink on a second objective tonight, as well."
Any self-respecting groupthink effort requires a 90% hit rate on raw numbers greater than 10.
Actually - Trump stated that the D-side of the room had bad energy.
True, That. Crumb lady looked like her dentures were loose again.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "Actually - Trump stated that the D-side of the room had bad energy."
It was like there was an entire party made up of Jebs.
Personally, I was waiting for all the white liberals to scream "Uncle Tom!" at the parents who had the unmitigated gall to be bothered by their children being brutally murdered by MS-13 Dreamers.
Not that I intend to earn a "civility bullshit" tag by calling for more restraint, but how 'bout a little less of the boring repetitive ad hominem attacks?
Respectfully disagree. Drago was anything but boring tonight.
Do you have a point chuck
TTR: "Let me know when one of you fool weirdos shows up in Chuck's house with a rabbit dangling over a pot of boiling water."
Allowable substitutions: Possums, very large squirrels, wombats, a box kite.
I strive for original and humorous ad hominem attacks.
You dick.
I give Jeb credit. Unlike the criminal Hillary, Jeb knows how to go away.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "I give Jeb credit. Unlike the criminal Hillary, Jeb knows how to go away"
No, he stuck around.
It's just that nobody noticed.
Trump is fine as long as they show the actual video, which is why they would rather “summarize” it according to their own interpretation. It used to be that the media could enforce that kind of discipline, nowadays, Trump goes over their heads to the people.
All facts have contexts and fit into a larger picture. You can’t just pick out a couple of them absent any broader context and assign arbitrary levels of importance to them, unless you are TTR, of course! We are blessed to have this man in our midst!
Thanks for the re-tweet Dickin’!
Drago - I didn't even notice. ;)
Sorry Lucien I apologize.
I was in fight club mode.
Job seems to have forgotten about the 94 governors race against Layton chilies, the threw everything but the kitchen sink against him. He wasc a developer in south Florida, which entailed dealing with some sketchy people there and as dade GOP party chief, a crooked Colombian banker, a dubious homo operator,
Big Mike said...
"I wish people would back off the casual use of words like "treason" and "traitor." It's a very, very serious crime, people! That goes for dumbshit liberals as well as President Trump."
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."
Once more but in English Amigo.
Being a much brighter than average child, I always found the Roadrunner cartoon tiresome and repetitive. But I have to say, watching Chuck open an endless stream of boxes marked Acme that the DNC has mailed to him, and watching them blow up in his face, has proven to be pretty darn entertaining.
What was it that Lawton Chiles said...
"Cracker," Gov. Lawton Chiles once told a Jeb Bush supporter, “is a plain-spoken language of the country, spoken from the heart so anybody can understand."
Jeb has to be tearing his hair out to lose to these guys.
You bet, Tim.
"Face it, CNN is the Gorilla Channel for Democrats."
Is hilarious because it's true.
I missed that Laslo gem at the time he posted it. If he's lurking I wish him good health and high spirits.
Full Moon quotes a Laslo classic. I wish I had kept the one where he analyzes the correlation between Chuck's advancing inebriation and the deterioration of his comments. A brilliant piece of commenting.
"Jeb has to be tearing his hair out to lose to these guys"
I can't help but wonder why he wasn't 50 points ahead!
"Leading up to the comment from Full Moon, of a kind that I have specifically raised with Althouse in email."
Although not his intent, CHUCK can be just as amusing as Laslo.
Hmo operator, a business partner who owned an s&l.Francisco gave me the inspiration for a new nic inspired from a character from harry harrison
Note the lAst redaction on the page:
The author of the newest nombshell:
Bolivar! How's your dad Slippery Jim! Bust out any joints with thermite lately?
Now learn to fucking type, my friend.
Working on it,
Drago said...
TTR: "Let me know when one of you fool weirdos shows up in Chuck's house with a rabbit dangling over a pot of boiling water."
Fucking Ritmo is mocking others as obsessive. This is the light speed barrier for lacking self awareness. Nothing can ever break it.
"Fucking Ritmo is mocking others as obsessive. This is the light speed barrier for lacking self awareness. Nothing can ever break it."
Oh, TTR is harmless.....(but I do make sure all the rabbits are accounted for....)
Numbshell is probably more like it.
I heard Trump's treason remark on C-Span. Obviously a joke. Any outrage is either dishonest or based on ignorance.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I just watched a replay of the Falcon Heavy rocket liftoff. I am not much of a rocket fanboy but both the launch and then the landing of the boosters were pretty impressive.
I don't think putting men into space or on the moon/mars is a great idea. It's kind of a terrible idea, humans are too fragile for those environments. But, the technology is fantastic."
Got to admit you are spot on on this. Still, we all have a vicarious thrill with manned space flight.
LLR wrote: You think that Jeff Flake is not a Republican?
The Republicans of Arizona say he isn't.
The way those two rocket boosters landed was like out of a sci fi movie, a sight to see.
As for this thread, predictable.
ARM wrote: I don't think putting men into space or on the moon/mars is a great idea. It's kind of a terrible idea, humans are too fragile for those environments.
175 years ago experts said humans were too fragile for sustained speeds in excess of 20 miles per hour. Those who will colonize distant worlds will chuckle at ARM's quaint notions.
The man on the far right in the CNN panel looks like a cross between Joe Scarborough and Lawrence O'Donnell.
langford peel said...
I do enjoy Chuckles crying to the teacher and ratting out the kids who are giving him a wedgie at recess.
I don't give a rip about "the teacher." I'm not going to get any help from her. Good thing I don't need it. Doesn't matter.
I'm not talking to "the teacher." I'm addressing the reasonable people who read the Althouse blog and who may or may not comment at all. Pointing out to them, what a narrow, bullying little shithole the Althouse commentariat has become.
“I'm not talking to "the teacher." I'm addressing the reasonable people who read the Althouse blog and who may or may not comment at all. Pointing out to them, what a narrow, bullying little shithole the Althouse commentariat has become.”
Not too many left in this Age of the Trump Cult. Sadly you’re right.
Full Moon is so dependent on quoting other people to provide him with comments worth posting that I half-wonder if he uses another man's penis to fuck his little wifey. Maybe more than one.
Republicans are fans of outsourcing. The only thing they do themselves is "roll up their sleeves." And then nothing.
Three heavy hitters in a row!
Gad Zooks Pugsly!
It's like the All Star Game.
TTR: "Republicans are fans of outsourcing. The only thing they do themselves is "roll up their sleeves." And then nothing."
This is unfortunately quite true.
Clearly LLR Chuck has outsourced his online comments to the democrats.
When TTR is right, I'm the first to admit it.
Chuckles that is what protesting too much looks like.
Next thing you know you are going to tell us that your daughter was named "Republican of the Year."
I look forward to the moment a fopdoodle and a mother of dozens of imaginary children disagree.
Always forward.
I can take a joke. I can even guffaw. And, at the very same time as doing those two previous things, I can laugh my ass off at multiples of folks, including--yet not limited to--Adams.
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