The negotiations between Mr. Trump and Mr. Schumer, fellow New Yorkers who have known each other for years, began when the president called Mr. Schumer on Friday morning.... In a lengthy phone conversation, both men agreed to seek a permanent spending deal.... Less than an hour later, Mr. Schumer was meeting with Mr. Trump over cheeseburgers in the president’s study next to the Oval Office....He's the same President Trump, the deal artist who touches your heart and then leaves you crying and wondering what went wrong.
As the meal progressed, an outline of an agreement was struck, according to one person familiar with the discussion: Mr. Schumer said yes to higher levels for military spending and discussed the possibility of fully funding the president’s wall on the southern border with Mexico. In exchange, the president agreed to support legalizing young immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.....
“In my heart, I thought we might have a deal tonight,” Mr. Schumer recalled later.... As the evening wore on, Mr. Schumer got a call from Mr. Kelly that dashed all hopes....
“What happened to the President Trump who asked us to come up with a deal and promised to take the heat for it?” Mr. Schumer asked on the Senate floor. “What happened to that President Trump?”
Is he saying he got RubioSchumered?
Why would I trust what either of these guys says?
So no deal on cheeseburgers, and they'll become rare.
Well done, Congress.
Shouldn't all of these Schumer contentions be "according to Schumer."
Time for a knickname Mr. President.
Who believes Schumer? No different than Durbin.
These government shutdowns prove only one thing: Congress is dysfunctional.
Schumer would have us believe the deal would only legalize 800,000 "dreamers", but in truth, every time the Dems put things on paper it always ends up being full amnesty for all illegals and open borders forever.
Oh, and the real number of "dreamers" is over 3 million.
According to the NYT: " Mr. Schumer said yes to higher levels for military spending and discussed the possibility of fully funding the president’s wall on the southern border with Mexico."
Yeah, I believe that. *cough*
Who released the news that Schumer got an amnesty promise in exchange for a vague promise of future funding? Oh, it's in the NYT. At least it's not RT.com
Yeah, what others said. I don't believe Schumer either
John Henry
according to one person familiar with the discussion
a leprechaun...
Noun: whole cloth (uncountable)
The fictitious material from which complete fabrications, lies with no basis in truth, are made.
Funny, I thought cheeseburgers always solved the most intractable problems. Guess not.
"Senate Democrats put politics above national security, military families, vulnerable children, and our country’s ability to serve all Americans. We will not negotiate the status of unlawful immigrants while Democrats hold our lawful citizens hostage over their reckless demands."
White House
NB:Congressmen are protected from arrest while the Congress is in session, but not when the government is in shut down. Schumer is the one needing comfort food now.
There is no way any democrat in the Senate was going to vote to approve money for a border wall.
No way.
Without Net Neutrality and a government shut down, how is this thing still working?
What a rotten negotiation; Trump is going to trade away Republican positions on immigration just to get funding for his stupid border-wall stunt?
Why does Congress need to approve any funding for a wall? Somebody told me last year that Mexico was going to pay for that wall.
Gahrie said...
There is no way any democrat in the Senate was going to vote to approve money for a border wall.
No way.
1/20/18, 7:35 AM
Your right. The story is pure propaganda by the Left/NYT's.
"Chuck said...
What a rotten negotiation; Trump is going to trade away Republican positions on immigration just to get funding for his stupid border-wall stunt?"
Cuck of course takes Schumer's truth as gospel. Hey Chuckles, name the Dem Senators that would fund the wall.
How is it that the Senate leaders of both parties are so charismatically challenged? One with waddles, the other oozing unctuousness?
"Trump is going to trade away" There's always that chance. But in this case, the fact is he didn't. Looks like he stuck to his guns, after signaling flexibility, the better to pin the outcome on the other side: SchumerShutdown and so on. Unlike lame GOPe efforts in the past, the WH is at least trying to fight the propaganda war. Something an actual LLR should appreciate.
My understanding is that Schumer had let himself be snookered by Graham & Co. Kelly called around and found thy did not actually have the votes to deliver as Schumer promised. So, no deal.
What a rotten negotiation; Trump is going to trade away Republican positions on immigration just to get funding for his stupid border-wall stunt?
Could you please identify the Republican positions on immigration? JEB's position is "Whatever the Democrats want...just don't call me a racist". The GOP Establishment's position is "open doors and amnesty for all...whatever the Chamber of Commerce wants" Some Republicans want a wall and enforcement. Some Republicans are sympathetic to the DREAMers.
Surely one of them is funding for the wall?
Cuck of course takes Schumer's truth as gospel. Hey Chuckles, name the Dem Senators that would fund the wall.
I am not taking Schumer’s word for anything. What about my comment made you think I was accepting the word of Schumer?
If the story is completely fake, so be it. I don’t know why Althouse posted it if it is a completely fake story. Trump did meet with Schumer, we know. I guess I don’t care one way or another. Anybody know what they did talk about?
Two unreliable people have a negotiation.
What do you expect?
Government shutdowns screw up savings bond purchases.
Cheeseburgers? I guess that means Schumer isn’t Orthodox.
As heard from the White House where Trump and Schumer met for lunch...
"Border wall, border wall, border wall. CHIP. Pepsi, no amnesty."
Luke Lea asks: How is it that the Senate leaders of both parties are so charismatically challenged? One with waddles, the other oozing unctuousness?
My theory: Majority and minority leadership is a reward for being good fundraisers. There seems to be no other explanation.
Wait. Were the cheeseburgers fromMcDonld's?
The Democrats think they are scoring points with the American people by shutting down the government to benefit illegal aliens. Brilliant.
As we hear from one side of the meeting. And it IS lying Schumer.
Dealus interruptus leaves Schumer whiny and irritable.
Michael Wolff met Trump once in the 70’s and he said it was a pizza party.
traditionalguy said...
NB:Congressmen are protected from arrest while the Congress is in session, but not when the government is in shut down. Schumer is the one needing comfort food now.
1/20/18, 7:35 AM
Out of session? Can President Trump then make a whole slew of recess appointments? Woohoo!
Republican positions about immigration.
See Democrat positions.
Trump Trump Trump
Deport Deport Deport
Trump knew Schumer was lying through his teeth--that's why the "deal" fell through.
From what I read Schumer after the meeting avoided the cameras.
This tells me the meeting did not go Schumer’s way. Schumer usually can’t resist a camera...
You said: "What a rotten negotiation; Trump is going to trade away Republican positions on immigration just to get funding for his stupid border-wall stunt?"
The wall is an issue that Republican VOTERS support. Not building the wall is an issue that the Republican ESTABLISHMENT supports. Not listening to Republican VOTERS is how ESTABLISHMENT guys like you get more Trump.
Interesting. Then the Democrats did the sh**hole thing to try to humiliate Trump. Now he is letting them shut down the government.
You watch. This is going to make Trump look good. The previous government shutdowns were the people's representatives daring to challenge the government. So they were structured to be as annoying as possible, like a labor strike. At whose behest is never discussed or probed.
Schumer asks what happened to the President Trump who asked [senators] to come up with a deal and promised to take the heat for it? Durbin happened. And Cory Booker. When you fuck with Trump he makes you pay for the privilege. His last name is NOT Bush.
A true Mexican Standoff
From what I've heard this morning, it sounds as if only the 'nonessential' government workers will be sent home. So, if they're nonessential, why bring them back???
I would declare every worker at the Department of Education non-essential. 100% of them, including Betsy de Vos.
I would declare all drivers of Senators non-essential too. No car service. No cafeteria. Nothing but security workers in the buildings.
Every EPA worker not a research scientist and their direct support staff is non-essential. Caveat: but keep the permit process moving.
It's YOU, Schumer; not Trump.
I could believe a taco bowl. A cheeseburger? Yo quiero Taco Bell.
"Mr. Schumer said yes to higher levels for military spending and discussed the possibility of fully funding the president’s wall on the southern border with Mexico. In exchange, the president agreed to support legalizing young immigrants who were brought to the United States as children....."
The burger summit!
So, according to "sources" Trump was willing to sell out on DACA, chain migration, and the lottery for some vague possibilities and a CR. Idiocy. The Dems are better sticking with the shithole angle. Gotta admire them Dems for their 'vicious' politics. LMAO.
Feral Gummit shutdown? What was it Br'er Rabbit said to Br'er Bear? "Please don't throw me in that briar patch!"
Checking the classical reference. Seems it was Br'er Fox, not Br'er Bear.
Other commenters have got it- why, exactly, do we believe Schumer's story? In any case, it isn't Trump Schumer should have been negotiating with yesterday- it was the other senators and representatives he needed to make an agreement with.
Anybody know what they did talk about?
One thing Trump knows is that Schumer is a walking talking lie. A male version of Mary McCarthy's Lillian Hellman. There is no way Trump would deal straight up with a guy like Schumer. Trump must be amazed that as President he has to sit in the same room as scumbags like Schumer and Durban.
I agree with you, Althouse:
little should be said on this manufactured NewsTheater. From listening to @NPR "news" one could see the script was pre-loaded. My theory: "what can we do to sewer Pres. Trump's Anniversary? To completely erase any acknowledgement from the news cycle."
Therefore, I will stick with the theme the Gleichschaltungers would distract me from:
Long Live the @realDonaldTrump President of the United States of this amazing America in this Amazing Year.
hurrah hurrah and hurrah
Clink! . . wait for it ... Ahhhhhhhh.
Even if we believe Schumer's story, there's nothing there on the Dem's side of the trade. Trading actual legislation in favor of DACA, for the "possibility of funding" the wall, is not a deal anyone should sign up for.
Sebastian: ""Trump is going to trade away" There's always that chance. But in this case, the fact is he didn't."
Trump is holding firm and LLR Chuck hates that. LLR Chuck wanted a total republican capitulation to his beloved dems for many reasons, including these 2:
1) Permanent dem majority (may already be baked in, time will tell but I think it is)
2) **(Most important) LLR Chuck would then be able to gloat and celebrate Trump caving (even though that is really what LLR Chuck wants...because its what the dems want) and LLR Chuck wants so very very very very badly to lord something like that over everyone here
What you see here with LLR Chuck is anger that Trump is sticking to his guns.
And I just love how LLR Chuck purposely lies and mischaracterizes what Trump and the conservative repubicans want. Chuckie pretends its just the border wall.
What a sad and pathetic lie Chuck....but par for the course for you now.
"and discussed the possibility of fully funding the president’s wall on the southern border with Mexico."
Donald: "what about the border wall?, are you going to pay for that?"
Schmuck: "no fricking way!"
These, we've 'discussed' it
Wait, haha, in full jolly form, let me do this rightly.
[ *Please note if you think this is off-topic, let me assign it also as:
"May this Diversion by the True Supremacysts, the Gleichschaltungers -- may this #SchumerShutdown flood of coverage -- FAIL!!!]
January 20, 2018
I raise a glass
to salute President Trump
and his family
and his people
and his heroic thinking
And fearless doing
In This particular year.
Only in Amazing America in this Time could this be happening. May all Thrive in this Great Revival.
Clink! . . . (Drink!) . . . Wait for it . . . Ahhhhhhhh! :^)
"Trump must be amazed that as President he has to sit in the same room as scumbags like Schumer and Durban."
Just guessing, but I think Senator Turban will not be spotted inside the White House for the next seven (7) years. Unless, of course, he lured in to be arrested for treason.
Schumer sounded ill at ease at today's press conference. I'll wager the Dems have been hearing from their constituents.
Althouse comments. The place to go to for latest DJT fan fiction.
Let them shut it down and let Trump stand up for us and say he will not betray his voters by signing anything that includes amnesty for any illegals... including Dreamers. I think Congress will blink long before Trump.
Dreamers already have a loving home in Mexico. Which is not a shithole because the Democrats told us so.
I never believe Schumer. He's Harry Reid with brains.
Ban Dreamers from ever voting. Make them "special guests." See how fast the Democrats abandon them.
What happened with Trump was that he led Schumer to reveal what he'd give up. This was a fact-finding mission, not a negotiating session.
I think you're right, Leigh.
Here are my thoughts on this.
Right now, there are no losers in the shutdown parade.
The losers will be those who compromise. If the Republicans agree to DACA, the base will be demoralized and won't show up in 2018. If the Democrats agree to open the government without DACA, their base will be demoralized and won't show up in 2018.
Blogger mockturtle said...
From what I've heard this morning, it sounds as if only the 'nonessential' government workers will be sent home. So, if they're nonessential, why bring them back???
Because some have been injured while on duty and are currently in a "light duty" status, which is considered non essential. Once you are healed, you return to full duty status.
Trump tweeted this after the meeting: "Excellent preliminary meeting in Oval with @SenSchumer - working on solutions for Security and our great Military together with @SenateMajLdr McConnell and @SpeakerRyan. Making progress - four week extension would be best!"
"Excellent" and "Making progress" both sound to me as if he and Schumer did have some points of agreement at that meeting.
This whole thing assumes you believe Schumer. Why anyone would do that is utterly beyond me. The only time he tells the truth is accidentally, when he thinks he's lying but he isn't.
There's enough misunderstanding out there that I think I should do some mansplainin' here.
The government has a formal list of criteria for determining who is and who is not essential. This is a good summary. The criteria are applied by each agency to its own staff in order to determine who is and who is not essential under the formal definition of the term.
Fundamentally, if you are a sailor at sea, you are essential. No staying in your berth while the ship floats around rudderless until it sinks. If you are a yeoman holding down an administrative job in the Pentagon, you are non-essential. You'll just have to do the paperwork when you get back. If you are directly involved with getting out federal disbursements, e.g., Social Security, you are essential. If your job is to process a new Social Security application, you are non-essential and the application has to wait. If you are a prison guard at Leavenworth, you are essential and you have to show up for work. If you are a prison librarian at a federal penitentiary, you are non-essential. If you are a law enforcement agent you are essential (though any particular agency can designate certain types of sworn agents non-essential).
Essential employees are guaranteed their salary, though they may not be paid until the shutdown is over. Non-essential employees often receive back pay after a shutdown, but this is not guaranteed under the regulations.
Hope this helps.
I don't believe a word Chuck says. Not a fucking word, not even "the" and "and."
Thanks, Mike. Consider me informed.
if they're nonessential, why bring them back???
It's an old joke.
But the truth is, you don't need production workers, but you still need the building engineer, and the gate guards to make sure the workplace will be available when production returns.
Until then, the producers are nonessential.
Here's what I don't get: Schumer is complaining that Trump reneged on a deal -- but from this report, they completely cut the House out of the deal. And it's the Senate that's got that silly Gang of 6 proposal in which the so-called dreamers' parents get legalization, where the House's proposal is much more hard-line.
Really late to the thread but....
Does any one know the specifics of "the path to citizenship" for the "Dreamers" according to Democrats. I certainly haven't seen anything.
Shuttle diplomacy. Nether side knows how to bargain. The Rs want to go to the old playbook - offer the reasonable solution and compromise from there. The Ds like that approach, which was the Durban-Graham “bipartisan” agreement. The heat Trump is willing tho fade is for allowing the dreamers, sans chains, to stay. Putting CHP funding for 6yrs on the table was brilliant, it’s what the Ds would’ve pushed as the reason to vote no. Gutted.
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