January 31, 2018

Do I have to read this? The hand gesture seems to say it all.

That's her "like with a cloth?" gesture. (It's a photo from December, not a picture of her making this new statement.)

Here's the link to the article. Maybe you'll read the details. Ugh! Okay. I'll force myself:
“I’ve been given second chances and I have given them to others,” she explained. “But sometimes they’re squandered...."
Now, that is funny. It was a horrible mistake to give her that "second chance" to run for President. She was an awful candidate who somehow got treated — twice — as if she was entitled to the Democratic Party nomination. And she squandered it.
"Would he have done better ― been better if I had fired him? Would he have gotten that next job? There is no way I can go back 10 years and know the answers. But you can bet I’m asking myself these questions right now...."
Would Bill Clinton have done better if you had divorced him? Would you?
“Over the past year, a seismic shift has occurred in the way we approach and respond to sexual harassment, both as a society and as individuals,” Clinton said. “This shift was long overdue. It occurred thanks to women across industries who stood up and spoke out, from Hollywood to sports to farm workers to the very woman who worked for me.”
The shift was long overdue in large part because you worked to minimize the problem of sexual harassment in pursuit of your own political power, power leveraged by a husband to whom you subordinated yourself.


David Docetad said...

What difference, at this point, does it make?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama made her his Secretary of State.

Big mistake.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How many times did Bryan Pagliano, Hillary's secret private, private server IT guy, plead the 5th?

Jaq said...

Don’t forget the cover her and Bill’s friendship gave to Harvey Weinstein, even to the point of getting Farrow’s story spiked at NBC.

What difference, at this point, does it make?

I think we are getting to the point where that is becoming true. But not yet, she still has a large number of partisans or the article would have been written completely differently.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She persisted. Hillary and the corruptocrat party will run with her again in 2020. Those donor paybacks and Russian interests are waiting.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I feel a Stormy Daniels approaching.

Cannot hold back...

gspencer said...

"The shift was long overdue in large part because you worked to minimize the problem of sexual harassment in pursuit of your own political power, power leveraged by a husband to whom you subordinated yourself."


Pure selfishness. Defines the Democrat Party.

MadisonMan said...

Nice timing on the release of the story. Right before SOTU. I am so sure the timing is a big coinkydink -- that's just when she happened to finish writing it.

I have noticed that any support she has is slowly eroding. She's standing on a sand dune, and at some point the whole thing will come down and bury her. It can't happen soon enough IMO for the Democratic Party that desperately, desperately needs new and visionary leaders. It's too bad Trump has co-opted almost all traditional Democratic Values - that's what happens when your Democratic party is leaded by the old, the jaded, the corrupt. History jumps way ahead of you, and you're left asking What happened!?

Ryan said...

Watch the wiping video with the sound off.

MadisonMan said...

That NYPost headline is terrible. Confusing. Would she not not fire the guy still?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

What will it take for Establishment Dems to get the message? Hillary can never, ever, be credible on the subject of sexual harassment. It doesn’t matter how many times they trot her out.
The Democrat Party has become like the Republican Party of ‘96. Nothing new to say and, even worse, no one new to say it.

Wince said...

Maybe it's her posture, but she looks flat-chested with a big gut.

mockturtle said...

How much press did John McCain get when he lost his Presidential bid?

Jaq said...

Hillary can never, ever, be credible on the subject of sexual harassment. It doesn’t matter how many times they trot her out.

“Out, out, damned spot!” - Lady MacBeth.

You won’t see MacBeth played by Shakespeare in the Park with LM made up to look like Hillary anytime soon, but it would be pretty good.

Big Mike said...

If the Democrats were smart they'd escort her offstage, at gunpoint if need be. If the GOP was smart they'd do everything they could to keep her front and center.

And since she's still front and center, either the Democrats are stupid or the Republicans are smart. Maybe I should embrace the power of "and."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Portrait of a lady on the wrong side of history.

Fernandinande said...

The Cracker Emcee Activist said...
Hillary can never, ever, be credible

Quit while you're ahead!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary 2020! Because butt-hurt, Hollywood, persistence and resistance... and Russian financial interests.

rhhardin said...

Sexual harassment is a woman hangup, not a public problem.

MaxedOutMama said...

What difference can it make now? You know that's all we can see in that hand gesture. Unfortunately it sums up Hillary's tendency to sprout fairy feminist wings and flit off into the distance toward some beautiful flowers any time a knotty question of accountability emerges. This is the person for whom I am supposed to vote on the basis that she is a woman? She is an anti-feminist, not a feminist!

If she were not so dangerously corrupt, I would be horrified at the idea that a person with this long history of complete public irresponsibility was nominated. Then I look at Trump, and I'm feeling "Oh, my God." We were forced into dangerous territory indeed.

Although I voted for Trump, and although his presidency is working out better than I could ever have hoped, I still will not forgive the Democratic party for sticking Hillary in my face and forcing me to vote for Trump. I want a new Democratic party in which this nasty old bimbo has no place.

And Ann, it was not a "somehow got treated ... as if she were entitled to the Democratic candidacy". That was a carefully engineered seizure of an apparently neutral party apparatus, accomplished mostly with money raised in a context that is objectively horrifying in a political sense. I still believe that Sanders ran in order to save the soul of the Democratic party.

320Busdriver said...

Democrats and Trump haterz are OK with corrupt law enforcement agencies and politicians like crooked Hillary. If you are OK with that scheiss then you are dead to me.

JPS said...

DB@H, 8:33:

"Hillary and the corruptocrat party will run with her again in 2020."

Behind the fairly united front of how (a) she really won the popular vote and (b) Trump conspired with the Russians (who apparently know us better than we know ourselves) to steal the election, there are powerful Democrats who recognize that she got the opponent they were just praying for, and lost to him. That their core voters were so hungry for an alternative as to make Bernie Sanders a rock star, and a plausible alternative. That she doesn't inspire anyone who didn't already love her.

They're not going to give her another chance to blow it.

Derek Kite said...

> How much press did John McCain get when he lost his Presidential bid?

He had the decency to disappear.

Someone should whisper in her ear two words. "Jimmy Hoffa".

Jaq said...

They're not going to give her another chance to blow it.

Who’s “they”? Donn Brazille’s book shows that the Clintons are “they.”

JPS said...

Tim in Vermont:

Interesting that she wrote that book, don't you think?

traditionalguy said...

Great closing argument, Professor. Ever think about doing Trial work?

As for Clinton not firing a wrong doing man, that is her MO. You keep them and the dirt you have on them in order to control them. That is Russian Compromat that the DC guys all use all of the time. It has been the Raison D'Etre for the FBI since J. Edgar taught them how to do it. Remember, the first thing the First Lady Clinton did in 1993 was command delivery to her of all FBI files on everybody in DC.

Etienne said...

She dresses like a clown. Are those simulated boobs? Does she even look in the mirror?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Who’s “they”? Donn Brazille’s book shows that the Clintons are “they.”

Good point. Kind of the modern version of "We are the ones we have been waiting for."
BTW, do the Clintons still own the DNC?

Jaq said...

That move by “Andy” McCabe against Prince Reibus was classic Kompromat. If it happened as reported. I really think that if rank and file Democrats ever got to hear that story, they would be horrified, which is why they never get to hear them. It’s “unhelpful.”

Jaq said...

If you know many black women of Donna Brazille’s age, you won’t ask why she wrote the book. Woe betide he or she who tried to stop her.

Bay Area Guy said...

What Happened?!!?

madAsHell said...

All I see in that picture is contempt.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'd still like to know who killed Seth Rich. DNC staffer.

iowan2 said...

America, evil because slavery =we must pay for past sins today

Democrats defending Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy =long ago in the past, times have changed, move forward


tcrosse said...

That is a gesture of "Fiddle dee dee"

Jaq said...

Yes, and Frankly Hillary, we don’t give a damn.

320Busdriver said...

If what McCabe did(slow walk the hrc email invest. maybe more) is true, then damn it, he needs to be stripped of his pension.

Jaq said...

Why wouldn’t Democrats go with a candidate who has a chance of picking of a few Republicans? Because they don’t just want to win, they want to rub Republican’s noses in it.

I think that is why “Gordon Bombay” <<-- (what bar did the move get outlined on a napkin in? Who drinks gin martinis anymore?) Anyway, the reason he was forced to coach The Mighty Ducks was for behavior like that in the courtroom.

Jaq said...

then damn it, he needs to be stripped of his pension.

So did Lois Lerner, who pled the fifth time after time.

Gahrie said...

The shift was long overdue in large part because you worked to minimize the problem of sexual harassment in pursuit of your own political power, power leveraged by a husband to whom you subordinated yourself.

Yet somehow she is still a feminist icon.

readering said...

Althouse's Presidential vote pretty clear by now.

Jupiter said...

"Would Bill Clinton have done better if you had divorced him? Would you?"

Hey, she threw a lamp at him.

cubanbob said...

MaxedOutMama let me get this straight, you were forced to vote for Trump because the Democrats only offered you a choice between a grifter and a Communist? What do you think they are going to offer you in 2020? What are they going to offer you this November? In case you didn't notice, Trump is the Democrat you were hoping for. The Democrat Party you were hoping to vote for no longer exists.

Gahrie said...

Up with bitches!

Bay Area Guy said...

As penance and payback, Husband Bill has to tenderly rub her cankles every Tuesday evening.

Jaq said...

Althouse’s Presidential vote pretty clear by now

I don’t think so readering, she just wasn’t unpersuadable, the way you are. Not everybody mede the decision not to accept the results of the election, and to resist the will of the electorate. I would bet a decent amount of money that she voted for Hillary, based on statements she has made. I think she was really angry about the hands on vulva thing. Go back and read the blog from the time it came out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

People who voted FOR Hillary, voted for corruption and anti-feminism.

Darrell said...

Do people in Upstate NY still encounter her in the woods?

MD Greene said...

If your political career is based on joining the popular stampede of every moment -- as in, say, proposing legislation to criminalize flag burning --you're going to expose yourself as lacking a central core.

Promoting yourself as a women's rights champion after 40 years spent enabling a horndog is going to be a problem. Climbing on the #metoo bandwagon is not going to be persuasive.

The most charitable reading is that she doesn't get out much. She's surrounded herself with hangers-on and yes-persons for so long that she has no idea how normal people think. Not that she was interested anyway.

This is how she ended up losing to a man of the people who lived in a New York penthouse decorated like Versailles.

tcrosse said...

Do people in Upstate NY still encounter her in the woods?

Occasionally children find H>er gingerbread house, and are unfortunate enough to fall into H>er oven.

Martin said...

At this point, H. Clinton carries so much bad history that she can hardly open her mouth without putting her foot in it. Anything she says or does is belied by something in her past.

JPS said...

Tim in Vermont, 9:23:

"If you know many black women of Donna Brazille’s age, you won’t ask why she wrote the book. Woe betide he or she who tried to stop her."

I do, and I didn't mean to suggest someone would have tried to stop her. I just find it interesting that she chose to come out with that, and I consider Brazile one of the Democrats who don't intend to say, Next time will be different, next time she'll surely win.

Sebastian said...

"This shift was long overdue. It occurred thanks to women across industries who stood up and spoke out"

No. It occurred because she lost.

The Clinton machine lost its grip on Dem politics. Some lefties could afford not to cover for them any longer.

We await a full Reckoning --when they get to Bill for real.

But that's hard, because it exposes them as the shameless power-hungry progs they are: for decades, they justified him, for decades she stood by and went after the bimbos. #theyknowweknowtheyknew.

n.n said...

Clinton, but also professional female chauvinists. #SheKnew #SheProgressed

Anyway, men and women are equal in rights, complementary in nature.

Real American said...

in other words, the question polls differently, so she would do it differently.

William said...

I have read the comments here of many who think that the #metoo movement is overdone and that some consideration should be given to the man's side of the story. Well, here we have a woman who's willing to give a measured, nuanced response to charges of sexual harassment. Ok , there's some baggage to be gotten over, but this woman is clearly our champion. She's got a strong history of defending men against these charges. I think aggrieved men have found their voice in Hillary.

MathMom said...

She has been doing that pose since she was young. No microphone, or this would be the same picture.

William said...

Is it any wonder that Harvey loved her so.

Achilles said...

You people have it all wrong. Hillary is a symptom, not a cause.

She is a banal evil compared to Obama and the people who pulled his strings.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Well, here we have a woman who's willing to give a measured, nuanced response to charges of sexual harassment

Well, as long as she personally benefits from it, anyway.

Matt Sablan said...

Second chances worked out so well for Bill, Weiner and this guy.

Matt Sablan said...

> How much press did John McCain get when he lost his Presidential bid?

-- The press didn't desperately want him to run again.

Matt Sablan said...

"Well, here we have a woman who's willing to give a measured, nuanced response to charges of sexual harassment."

-- Sure, that's what's happening here. Oooor, we could believe what the woman who said she wanted Clinton to fire him and was vetoed thought, which was that Clinton didn't want the story leaking during the campaign.

Which sounds more like Clinton to you? Sacrificing other women to her political allies for a leg up, or graciously granting second chances to people who have wronged the little people who work for her?

PackerBronco said...

With that nonchalant look and the words behind her, the photo looks like her saying: "so, sue meeeee".

Drago said...

readering: "Althouse's Presidential vote pretty clear by now"

Uh oh.

Looks like someone is going to report Althouse to Party Central HQ.

BTW readering, better luck next time on the "train accident".

Yancey Ward said...

This piece is just another indication in a line of hundreds of them in the last 14 months that she is running again in 2020, and unless she ends up in court facing criminal charges, it will take Michelle Obama running to stop Clinton from getting the nomination again.

Drago said...

In the end, Clinton and her pals probably hold massive raw data/info on political "friends" and "enemies".

If Hillary wants the nomination again she will get it, which is why the dems who should be her biggest attackers (I'm looking at you Gillibrand) still hem and haw and refuse to confront her head on.

They know what we know: Hillary runs the show and in the end the dems always do precisely what they are told and believe precisely what they are told to believe.

The dems can't even bring themselves to truly confront Billy boy yet.

That tells you everything you need to know about what the REAL power structure is on the dem side.

The Far left will scream but in the end they can't do anything. At all. Except scream.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "This piece is just another indication in a line of hundreds of them in the last 14 months that she is running again in 2020, and unless she ends up in court facing criminal charges, it will take Michelle Obama running to stop Clinton from getting the nomination again"

Sounds about right.

Who else beside Michelle could stop her?

Matt Sablan said...

"Who else beside Michelle could stop her?"

-- I think if she runs, Bernie runs again too, this time giving a damn about her damn emails. Joe Biden gets in the ring, and they effectively crowd out all the bench, just like she did last time she ran.

Achilles said...

“That tells you everything you need to know about what the REAL power structure is on the dem side.“

Hillary will be indicted by then. McCabe will sell her out for 10 years off his sentence.

William said...

Triangulation was how Bill Clinton did it. There's no reason to believe that Hillary cannot triangulate above the interests of feminists and sexual harassers. The model for this is Hollywood and Meryl Streep, Look at how Meryl has stood for the aspirations of women and the interests of child rapists. Hillary has hips wide enough to bear the burden of both Harvey and Cher. They're with her.

JPS said...

William, 11:14:

"Ok , there's some baggage to be gotten over, but this woman is clearly our champion. She's got a strong history of defending men against these charges."

There's your everyday dry humor, and then there's William. Well done, sir!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Matthew Sablan said...

"Who else beside Michelle could stop her?"

-- I think if she runs, Bernie runs again too, this time giving a damn about her damn emails. Joe Biden gets in the ring, and they effectively crowd out all the bench, just like she did last time she ran.

Ah yes, the Democrats might as well run the cast of 'Cocoon'

readering said...

Just started watching season 6 of VEEP. It starts one year after the election Selina Meyer lost and she expresses wish to run again (starting with appearance at traditional Iowa political dinner). No one besides Gary thinks it a good idea. Looking forward to seeing how that plays out. (No spoilers, please!)

Drago said...

readering: "Just started watching season 6 of VEEP."


Did you run out of "West Wing" episodes?

readering said...

Never got into West Wing. Do you recommend it?

Drago said...

readering: "Never got into West Wing. Do you recommend it?"

Actually, it was a joke.

In reality, the first couple of seasons were rather quite good, before they turned the show into a "ripped from the headlines" on-going commercial for the dems.

readering said...

I've started WW and stopped a few times. Maybe after VEEP (which I'm finally watching because I feel like I "invested" in 5 seasons) I'll try again. But not 7 seasons for sure.

Francisco D said...

What I read int the gesture:

I am the Queen and you are my amusing subjects.

When she makes the nasty face, she is not amused.

BJM said...

What the hell is with her jacket? The pattern, style and the fit are awful. Is her stylist trying to make her look fat & frumpy?

Big Mike said...

Drago asks, “Who else beside Michelle could stop her?”

How about the voters in the primaries?

Drago said...

Big Mike: "How about the voters in the primaries?"

Well, yes. Voters do vote....but for whom?

Something tells me the Clintons are very comfortable with the idea of taking on any potential candidates in the dem primary, with the possible exception of Michelle.

Bilwick said...

"Never got into West Wing. Do you recommend it?"

I only saw a few episodes and was favorably impressed with it as drama, but soon realized it was "liberal" wish-fulfillment. I enjoyed the fact that the "liberal" president was an economist. Probably on his first day in office he advocated repealing the Law of Supply and Demand. At least that would have been a realistic portrait of the average "liberal's" grasp of economics.

I was also favorably impressed when they had Alan Alda, of all people, playing a conservative Republican presidential candidate. Far from being the usual agitprop caricature, the guy was smart and (unlike many real-life Republicans) knew his stuff and was consistently pro-freedom. I e4specially liked when, during a press conference, one of the reporters asked him how he intended to create jobs. He answered something like, "A president doesn't 'create' jobs. That's something private business does when the government stays out of its way." Zing!

Paul said...

Same SOB "What difference, at this point, what difference does it make" shit.

And she wonders why she lost.

Big Mike said...

@Drago, in 2008 the “anybody but Hillary” candidate turned out to be Barack Obsma. In 2016 it almost was Bernie Sanders but in the end it was Donald Trump. My point is that there will always be an “anybody but Hillary” candidate and the voters always have the last word.

phantommut said...

There are few more depressing thoughts than Clinton v. Trump in 2020.

Gahrie said...

"Never got into West Wing. Do you recommend it?"

It was my guilty pleasure...I never missed it and own the box set. lots of witty repartee which I enjoy.

However I was disappointed with the way they ended the series. I wanted them to have the Republican win the election (with someone other than Alda as the Republican) and then continue the series with a Republican administration. (and presumably a new writing staff)

Comanche Voter said...

Ah if Hillary could just "wipe out the past" like "with a cloth". But some of the stuff that sticks to her (and sticks in many people's memories)couldn't be wiped out or blown away with a truckload of nitroglycerin.

I mean Hillary, some things are both never forgotten--and most likely will never be forgiven. Get thee to a nunnery or a nice quiet cabin in the woods. Sort of like Hester Prynn's abode in the woods. She didn't bother society and society didn't bother her. Of course she wore a scarlet letter. You'd have to wear a puce colored capital "P" for Prevaricator.

Drago said...

Big Mike: "My point is that there will always be an “anybody but Hillary” candidate and the voters always have the last word."

I dont believe that has any bearing on whether or not she runs again.

I think she clearly intends to and that only Michelle could stop her on the dem side in the primary.

wildswan said...

The Dems are beginning to resemble a board game. RUN three steps from Hillary. BACK UP three steps from Donald Trump. JUMP LEFT to BERNIE. LOSE ALL your points at SOCIALISM. MOVE BACK to Hillary. AT THIS POINT what difference does it make? DRAW 7 DWARF candidates card. PASS VALJAR mysteriously. Neighbour DIES mysteriously. PASS Hillary to left side neighbour. Neighbour GOes TO JAIL. Neighbour GETS OUT OF JAIL FREE. Those within three steps of neighbour, DIE. VALJAR turns RED. MANCHIN + PUT ME IN COACH loses to HILLARY + MONEY.

Quaestor said...

That's her "like with a cloth?" gesture.

Orange suits her.

BJM said...

Michelle was on Ellen today...testing the waters?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clinton Corruption Update: The Converging

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Some key factors... not mentioned by the Democrat Press (the press)

" How could Lynch in the middle of an election have been so silly as to allow even the appearance of impropriety? Answer: There would have been no impropriety had Hillary won — an assumption reflected in the Page-Strzok text trove when Page texted, about Lynch, “She knows no charges will be brought.” In fact, after a Clinton victory, Lynch’s obsequiousness in devising such a clandestine meeting with Bill Clinton may well have been rewarded: Clinton allies leaked to the New York Times that Clinton was considering keeping Lynch on as the attorney general.

How could former deputy director of the FBI Andrew McCabe assume an oversight role in the FBI probe of the Clinton email scandal when just months earlier his spouse had run for state office in Virginia and had received a huge $450,000 cash donation from Common Good VA, the political-action committee of long-time Clinton-intimate Terry McAuliffe?

Again, the answer was clear. McCabe assumed that Clinton would easily win the election. Far from being a scandal, McCabe’s not “loaded for bear” oversight of the investigation, in the world of beltway maneuvering, would have been a good argument for a promotion in the new Clinton administration. Most elite bureaucrats understood the Clinton way of doing business, in which loyalty, not legality, is what earned career advancement. "

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

" Some have wondered why the recently demoted deputy DOJ official Bruce Ohr (who met with the architects of the Fusion GPS file after the election) would have been so stupid as to allow his spouse to work for Fusion — a de facto Clinton-funded purveyor of what turned out to be Russian fantasies, fibs, and obscenities?

Again, those are absolutely the wrong questions. Rather, why wouldn’t a successful member of the Obama administrative aparat make the necessary ethical adjustments to further his career in another two-term progressive regnum? In other words, Ohr rightly assumed that empowering the Clinton-funded dossier would pay career dividends for such a power couple once Hillary was elected. Or, in desperation, the dossier would at least derail Trump after her defeat. Like other members of his byzantine caste, Ohr did everything right except bet on the wrong horse.

Earnest Prole said...

The gesture says Moi?

Paul said...

EDH said...

"Maybe it's her posture, but she looks flat-chested with a big gut."

Her tits hang loose like the balls of a Moose....

And she is the most sorriest excuse for a Democrat.

Zach said...

"We can't go back, but we can certainly look back, informed by the present."

F. Scott Fitzgerald said it better:

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

MD Greene said...

Thank you, Zach.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Paul said...
EDH said...

"Maybe it's her posture, but she looks flat-chested with a big gut."

Her tits hang loose like the balls of a Moose....

Archival data indicate that the college age HRC indeed had bewbs. She had to offer the young Bill *something*.

And she is the most sorriest excuse for a Democrat.

1/31/18, 9:00 PM

Ah contraire, she exemplifies them, she is their apotheosis... Until and unless they repudiate, spurn, spit that lukewarm whitewater out of their collective mouth, Hillary Rodham Clinton is THE Democrat.

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