December 1, 2017

"These new FBI documents show the FBI was more concerned about a whistleblower who told the truth about the infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting than the scandalous meeting itself."

"The documents show the FBI worked to make sure no more details of the meeting would be revealed to the American people. No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these documents over until Judicial Watch caught the agency red-handed hiding them. These new documents confirm the urgent need to reopen the Clinton email scandal and criminally investigate the resulting Obama FBI/DOJ sham investigation."

Said said Judicial Watch President Tom Litton, quoted in "Judicial Watch Releases 29 Pages of FBI Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents Previously Withheld by Justice Department."


Big Mike said...

Agreed! Back in 1924 a young J. Edgar Hoover was made head of the FBI to clean up a thoroughly corrupt agency. We clearly need to do that again, after Mueller and Comey corrupted it. I'm sure there are honest agents in that agency, but do they even constitute a majority anymore?

Francisco D said...

One gets the impression that Comey and Mueller are part of the Clinton Crime Family.

rehajm said...

Ooooohhhh.....popcorn ready!!!!

Said fictional republican acting like a democrat.

DrMaturin said...

The Clinton-Lynch meeting was supposed to be
secret. We only know it happened because a single enterprising local reporter got a tip and broke the story. Hillary's 9/11 collapse was supposed to be secret. We only know about it because a random guy took a cell phone video. You have to wonder what else they successfully kept secret.

campy said...

Of course they were concerned. The story was harmful to democrats.

eric said...

When it's a Democrat, the focus is all about the leak.

When it's a Republican the focus is on the wrongdoing.

Tarmac meeting? Who leaked!!!!

Spying on General Flynn? He lied!

Michael K said...

The FBI has certainly gotten corrupted the past 40 years. Mark Felt overthrew the duly elected President Nixon by manipulating the WaPoo and its two young reporters. The fact that he had all the dirt on Nixon, weak as it was, means they had been surveilling US presidents at least back to Johnson and Kennedy.

The Clintons seemed to be able to swing them from self preservation, like Felt, to active cooperation with the CCF, the Clinton Crime Family, I wonder what Obama skeletons they know of ? Valerie's connections ?

Achilles said...

It isn’t just the democrat party that wants to destroy the rule of law. It is most of their voters as well.

Bay Area Guy said...

Despite its storied history, the FBI does have factions within its ranks - the leftwing faction is headed by Andrew McCabe.

The "tarmac meeting" was clearly crooked. Lynch gave her assurance to Bill, that Hillary would not be indicted, Bill gave his assurance that Lynch would either get re-appointed AG under a Hillary administration, or a cushy position elsewhere if Hillary somehow lost.

Feeling a sense of guilt for acquiescing to McCabe and the leftwing faction, Comey accepted the non-indictment, but proceeded to trash innocent Hillary anyway at the press conference calling her 'extremely careless." Unintentionally, this pierced her with a devastating political wound.

In the end, the bogus "non-indictment" and crooked tarmac meeting turned out to be Hillary's downfall.

Gotta love DC, Baby!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

""These new FBI documents show the FBI was more concerned about a whistleblower who told the truth about the infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting than the scandalous meeting itself.""

Of course they were.

Anonymous said...

Used to work at the JEH Building

Five important rules.

1. FBI hates being lied to.
2. FBI has no sense of humor
3. I have a high opinion of themseleves
4. They hate to be embarrassed
5. The FBI has no bad agents. just agents whose professionalism can improve

ps: they have some strange security quirks

Curious George said...


jwl said...

FBI agent battling Deputy Director McCabe - August 30 2017:

Former Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was one of the bureau’s top intelligence analysts and terrorism experts but resigned from the bureau five years ago after she said she was harassed and her career was blocked by top FBI management. She filed a formal sexual discrimination complaint against the bureau in 2013 and it was Flynn, among many others, who publicly came to her aide ....

“They’ve poisoned the 7th floor,” said Gritz, referring to the actual floor where management is housed in the FBI’s Hoover Building. “There’s a cancer there of a group of people. You’ve seen it with some of the recent reports of leaks, conflicts of interest, you see it in my case. The level of integrity is lacking. I have never seen or heard of the amount of conflicts of interest, or leading by fear" .....

Earlier this year, a highly-classified phone conversation between Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak was leaked to the press, prompting his removal as top national security advisor for President Trump. The classified leak and the fact that McCabe plays a central role in the Russia investigation has left Gritz deeply concerned for Flynn ....

Jaq said...

More insanity. Bill may have been a rascal ( See, I am not defending them! ) but what is it with this crazy obsession with these two long suffering public servants who live so simply and barely get by on their crusts of bread!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Now that Flynn has flipped it is hard to understand why Trump didn't pardon him.

Bay Area Guy said...

The new Director Chris Wray needs to fire McCabe or transfer his ass to SAC Anchorage Alaska.

Jaq said...

No need to worry about the abuse of the Patriot Act, just renew it.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Is this one of the leakers President Trump wants to prosecute?

madAsHell said...

local reporter got a tip and broke the story

From where did the tip come?? Comey??

Jaq said...

ow that Flynn has flipped it is hard to understand why Trump didn't pardon him"

Only if you assume that Trump is guilty of something.

Gk1 said...

I can already see the MSM headlines of "Republicans POUNCE on old news". Thats basically the medias job isn't it, protecting democrats and crafting narratives to hurt trump. So we need to ask why is not Jeff Sessions & the DOJ looking into reopening this?

Jaq said...

I think that the tip came from someone who worked at the airport and called the local news.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Huffington Post has been in serious decline for some time but this is a good headline

Flynnter is Coming

320Busdriver said...

We desperately need a convention of states to wrest power away from DC and the swamp creatures. This is waaay out of control.

MacMacConnell said...

Of course the FBI wasn't concerned about the illegal surveillance and leaks concerning the Trump campaign. The FBI wasn't concerned about IRS crimes. The list is long. The FBI is only concerned about the truth when it makes them look as like the political hacks they are, then they cover it up.

I wonder if the FBI has any actual underlying crimes on Flynn related to Trump or is lying about a political non-crime all they got. My guess is that those crimes will have nothing to do with Trump.

Collusion with the Russians isn't a crime unless money change hands with a foreign national. It wouldn't have been illegal for the Russian Ambassador to be the Trump Campaign's Manager, if the position was not paid. Foreign nationals can volunteer for American campaigns, they just can't vote or donate money or receive money.

The FBI has become so politicized, they are now the swamp's political secret police.

Bay Area Guy said...

Trump needs to get this tax bill passed, pronto. This will enable him to build up the political support to fight Mueller.

Flynn has a tightrope to walk. If he goes full John Dean, (who I believe was a lying asshole), then he's gonna get hit back hard by Trump and his supporters. If he withholds, Mueller will squeeze, threaten his son with jail, and bleed him dry.

Sucks to be Flynn.

Michael K said...

"Now that Flynn has flipped it is hard to understand why Trump didn't pardon him."

There are many things you find hard to understand, ARM.

Beginning with why Trump was elected.

Gahrie said...

It's time to clean house at the FBI. Fire everyone and start over.

Jaq said...

Hasn't oversight been a duty and right of Congress based on the Constitution since the founding? I am just wondering what gave Hillary the right to evade that? Same thing that gave Lois Lerner the right, I guess.

MacMacConnell said...

Trump will pardon Flynn in time as long Flynn didn't take any bribes. He'll do it after the midterms or after these "collusion" investigations find nothing to hurt him.

If I was Trump I'd have a Special Council appointed to investigate Hillary's emails, the Uranium One sale and whether any Hillary campaign funds were paid to foreign nationals. That's just a start, fight fire with fire. Make the left think twice about this attempted slow roll coup.

Chuck said...

Isn't this just a perfect story, for someone like me? At least in the sense of providing me the chance to say, "Good. I'd love a reconsidered investigation of the Clintons, the entire Clinton enterprise, and any partisan Democrat sinecures in the DoJ. I've been a fan of Juducial Watch for a long time, and I wish them happy hunting. And, none of those feelings make me reconsider my loathing of Trump."

I love it.

Jupiter said...

Gahrie said...
"It's time to clean house at the FBI. Fire everyone and start over."

I like the "fire everyone" part, but the "start over" seems unnecessary. Note that What Flynn is charged with is "lying to the FBI". Same as Scooter Libby. Same as Martha Stewart. Of course, "lying to the FBI" actually means "pissing off an FBI agent". Anything you say can and will be lied about to destroy your life in a federal courtroom, by agents who are careful not to record the statements they testify are lies.

Gk1 said...

A fun parlor game out here in the bay area was to hear hillary supporters try to come up with an alibi as to why bill clinton was meeting with the Attorney General on a secluded part of a runway while Hillary's email "matter" was still under investigation. The excuses where priceless. Good times.

Michael K said...

There is no need for a pardon.
I argued early this year, it remains unclear why the Obama Justice Department chose to investigate Flynn. There was nothing wrong with the incoming national-security adviser’s having meetings with foreign counterparts or discussing such matters as the sanctions in those meetings. Plus, if the FBI had FISA recordings of Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak, there was no need to ask Flynn what the conversations entailed.

Andy McCarthy.

It was a setup by Obama and Lynch to punish Trump for winning the election.

Humperdink said...

LLR comments on the Clinton-Lynch meeting, but can't resist concluding his comment with the obligatory Trump bash. Of course, totally unrelated to the thread.


Fabi said...

"And, none of those feelings make me reconsider my loathing of [the person I voluntarily voted for,] Trump."

I love it more.

Sebastian said...

"it remains unclear why the Obama Justice Department chose to investigate Flynn." The name of the game was Save Hill. Now the name of the game is Get Trump.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Michael K,

"It was a setup by Obama and Lynch to punish Trump for winning the election."

That's true. But here's the problem. Flynn has a lot of [bleeping] secrets. He was the Director of Defense Intelligence Agency for 2 years under Obama. Then, he formed his private Intel group, and then he joined up with the Trump campaign, speaking at the RNC convention in July 2016.

And, now he's gonna have to sing to Mueller. The Guilty plea stems from post-election conversations, but the squeeze will be on all pre-election conversations. And once he starts singing, you have to cross your fingers as to what he shared with Trump during the campaign, and, worse, whether Trump acted on them.

I love Andy McCarthy. But I'm more pessimistic than him.

Gk1 said...

All I can say after millions of dollars spent, habitual leaks from Mueller's office and 24/7 wishcasting by the press and this is all they got? Flynn was a shortimer by any stretch of the imagination so I am not clear how much he would know about trump's "collusion" plans one way or the other. But as our favorite Althouse troll once said "Keep hope alive!"

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Good. I'd love a reconsidered investigation of the Clintons, the entire Clinton enterprise, and any partisan Democrat sinecures in the DoJ."


President-Mom-Jeans said...

"I'sn't this just a perfect story, for someone like me?"

I don't know, what does a spergy douchebag who pretends to be a lawyer and Republican from behind a computer screen find enjoyable?

DanTheMan said...

Hillary was interviewed by the FBI. No Miranda, not under oath, no video, and no transcript.
Of course, this occurred when everyone knew she was going to win....
The fix was in.

Jaq said...

I hope Chuck is watching the Golf Channel. Tiger is co-leader the second day at -8. Just made a fantastic shot.

Jaq said...

Not even no transcript, but not even any notes. Talk about taking precautions! He knew he was dealing with a blithering idiot. What a bullet we dodged!

Tiger alone in the lead at -9. Fucking ay! as us old guys say.

Jaq said...

From behind he looks like the model for the Oscar.

MacMacConnell said...

Bay Area Guy
This is all about a coup / impeachment. I imagine the real dirt on Flynn is his prior foreign operations not the Trump campaign. Like Manifort's problems.

There is nothing illegal even if Trump managed Flynn's Russian conversations. The conversations weren't illegal and lying about them is just politics, which is no business of the FBI.

Truth is we all knew Flynn and the Trump transition team was in contact with the Russians. We now know Flynn kept Putin from retaliating against the USA for Obama's sanctions. Jesus! Trump's foreign policy was successful prior to being sworn in. WINNING!

Kevin said...

“I hope Chuck is watching the Golf Channel. Tiger is co-leader the second day at -8. Just made a fantastic shot.”

The kind Trump brags about but certainly can’t make.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Corruption - D/FBI. Who will investigate the investigators?

Infinite Monkeys said...

"Thank you for the response. I'd like to think I learned a little about security, watching the high level of professionalism of your team."

I'm trying to figure out if that is meant seriously.

Leland said...

it is hard to understand why Trump didn't pardon him

Not hard at all to understand if you remember why Trump fired Flynn. Trump fired Flynn for lying. Why would Trump then pardon Flynn for also lying to the FBI? That would be dumb and unreasonable.

Right now, Trump look like the honest broker who thinks liars should be punished. On the other hand, Mueller has as a star witness an admitted liar that was first identified as such by Trump months ago.

MacMacConnell said...

Even after Trump had fired Flynn Trump asked Trump to go easy on him because of Flynn's past service.

Trump will pardon Flynn after the midterms or after his re-election, it's about political timing. Maybe Flynn can talk his Russian connections to donate a shit load of cash to the Trump Residential Library.

The Republicans should in time shut down their Russia investigations and officially report Trump has done nothing illegal, Trump then fires Mueller for running beyond his purview. Then Trump tells NSA to survail all Obama and his past national security appointees for the next four years, including Comey and Mueller. You do know Obama is shadowing Trump's world travels and talking to world leaders. FBI could interview Obama, catch him in a minor lie and indict. Hell trump could pardon him too.

hombre said...

Judicial Watch is great.

The Obama/Mueller/Comey FBI is corrupt and politicized. The leftmedia doesn't care. The Democrats don't care.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Mac McConnell,

"This is all about a coup / impeachment."

I fully agree. But the question is how does one stop it? The Trump kids who ran his campaign were probably not savvy to the fact that their words and actions at the time (Fall 2016), would be later hyper-scrutinized by zealous prosecutors from the Get Trump squad.

MacMacConnell said...

"Trump asked Comey", have no idea how I did that

"Trump Presidential Library", well there's BBQ sauce on the R making it look like P, yes I peck. Biggest regret not taking typing in HS.

Quayle said...

When I watch this whole thing I get the sense that it wasn’t going to be enough for Hillary to win the election, they were sowing the seeds to try to absolutely destroy trump and anybody associate with him after Hillary had won the election. My observation is that is how the Clintons play the game.

The plan was obviously complicated by the fact that Hillary didn’t win election.

Then there were some tracks that had to be covered in the Obama administration, And they turned to trying to sew seeds to get trump later.

That’s kind of what I think happened

Freder Frederson said...

Now that Flynn has flipped it is hard to understand why Trump didn't pardon him.

Putting aside the fact that pardoning Flynn would be an abuse of the pardon power, and may be grounds for impeachment, pardoning Flynn (or anyone involved in this mess) is a double edged sword. Once a pardon is granted their is no Fifth Amendment claim against self-incrimination.

MacMacConnell said...

Bay Area Guy
So true, it's hard to fight back without the media on your side, see Nixon vs Clinton impeachments.

I think Trump will just ride it out, if he did what I would do the media would accuse him of obstruction and "illegally" firing Mueller just like they did with the firing of Comey. Fuck the fact that Trump ultimately is their boss, they serve at his pleasure.

I just hope even if he gets kicked out he has already stacked the judiciary and rolled the shit out of regulations. The is real reason for the Get Trump Squad, they fear him .

Joe Veenstra said...

I read all of the documents, it shows the DOJ being concerned about multiple items, including the meeting itself, how B. Clinton got there, how it was secured, whether there was any issues with local LEOs, and if there was in fact something done by any LEOs/FBI that prevented people from taking photos, etc. I see nothing really wrong with the concerns raised nor any evidence of any cover up. The only thing stupid is why the documents weren't released in the first place...

Chuck said...

Blogger Kevin said...
“I hope Chuck is watching the Golf Channel. Tiger is co-leader the second day at -8. Just made a fantastic shot.”

The kind Trump brags about but certainly can’t make.


I watched the whole first round yesterday. Fascinating. Fun. Good to see. I had bar ores some do rd about whether we'd ever see anything like that again.

It is a limited-field event, but this stat was amazing:
Tiger Woods' professional wins = 79.
Professional wins among the entire rest of the field combined = 80.

Similarly with majors:

Tiger = 14.
Rest of the field combined = 8.

Chuck said...

...I had bar ores some do rd about whether we'd ever see anything like that again.

Whoa! Somehow, that was supposed to be, "... I had harbored some doubt about whether we'd ever see anything like that again."

MacMacConnell said...

Is there anything Trump can't do? Seems the round Tiger played with Trump on the 24th of November paid off. WINNING!

Qwinn said...

"An abuse of the pardon power"

Marc Rich could not be reached for comment. Nor anyone else on the political left for the last 17 years.

MacMacConnell said...

"The only thing stupid is why the documents weren't released in the first place..."

Because it's embarrassing to the FBI that they were actually on site as the ex-president colluded with FBI's boss to save Hillary ass.

Michael K said...

"Once a pardon is granted their is no Fifth Amendment claim against self-incrimination."

Attorney General Freder weighs in on the law.

There is no reason to pardon Flynn as he was set up by the Obama DOJ which was recording and un,asking US citizens. Flynn was doing his job. His mistake was to respond to the FBI.

They only reason they asked him about the call they were not supposed to know he was a party to was to entrap him in a perjury trap. Just like Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart.

This is the last sting from the dying Obama adder.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

...I had bar ores some do rd about whether we'd ever see anything like that again.

Whoa! Somehow, that was supposed to be, "... I had harbored some doubt about whether we'd ever see anything like that again."


A Covfefe moment for Chuck!!!!

Darrell said...

A Covfefe moment for Chuck!!!!

Can't happen accidentally. Trump must be an idiot!

Bets on when Chuck will send this one down the memory hole when it hits the archives.

Darrell said...

Scooter Libby's testimony agreed with the phone records, but not with the reporter's notes--which he confessed-- under cross-examination--were made weeks later from memory. Scooter Libby never lied to the FBI, Mueller and Comey's little pal Patrick Fitzgerald just got a tainted jury to believe that he did. Juror's spoke out after the verdict and it sounded like they got their news from Ritmo and Inga's sources--The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground.

LincolnTf said...

I doubt Flynn has much of anything on anyone, nobody seems to have liked or trusted the guy in the brief time he was with the Trump Administration. More importantly, did we get our national pay raise yet? Come on, pass the tax bill, for crying out loud.

Bay Area Guy said...

I think Trump has to a get a new AG. Sessions is too ineffectual. How stupid was it to recuse himself?

A new AG may be able to provide some well-needed blocking and tackling against the Get Trump Squad.

Fabi said...

"It is a limited-field event, but this stat was amazing:
Tiger Woods' professional wins = 79.
Professional wins among the entire rest of the field combined = 80.

Similarly with majors:

Tiger = 14.
Rest of the field combined = 8."

That is really something! He's made at least a few shots that are true to his peak form. That's also really something.

Chuck said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
I think Trump has to a get a new AG. Sessions is too ineffectual. How stupid was it to recuse himself?

A new AG may be able to provide some well-needed blocking and tackling against the Get Trump Squad.

Well there ya go! Super idea!

The way to handle (what I agree is) the politicized DoJ is to reverse its politics and turn it against the Current Occupant's political opponents.

Lock her up!

Jaq said...

Cheap gas is as good as a pay raise. Better for the working poor. Putin is working his hardest with OPEC to restrict supply, now that Hillary doesn't have the power to restrict cracking like she promised, or to keep Keystone dead.

Jaq said...

Chuck wants to call off the dogs against Clinton. What a surprise. Let three Democrats abuse the power and never make them pay!

Bruce Hayden said...

“Putting aside the fact that pardoning Flynn would be an abuse of the pardon power, and may be grounds for impeachment, pardoning Flynn (or anyone involved in this mess) is a double edged sword...”

Let me remind everyone here that Crooked Hillary’s husband sold pardons, and the pardons of Marc Rich and the Puerto Rican terrorists were far more egregious usages of the Pardon Power than anything that Trump could do for Gen Flynn. We aren’t talking process crimes there, but in Rich’s case, massive fraud, and in the terroristis’ cases, murder.

Bay Area Guy said...


Well there ya go! Super idea!

The way to handle (what I agree is) the politicized DoJ is to reverse its politics and turn it against the Current Occupant's political opponents.

Lock her up!

Chuckles is full of mirth today!

I wouldn't phrase it quite like that. I would say that Team Trump has a very weak link (Sessions) in a very ruthless contest for supremacy. The Comey leak to get Mueller appointed stinks. Having Rosenstein as Deputy AG also stinks. But admittedly, it is a self-inflicted wound.

The power game requires leverage. Getting leverage on Clinton or Obama or Comey may slow down the Get Trump Squad. Sessions can't get leverage. He's too weak.

Sessions, please resign! Make up something about wanting to spend time with your family, jeez. Just go.

Drago said...

Freder: "Putting aside the fact that pardoning Flynn would be an abuse of the pardon power..."


And issuing executive orders is apparently beyond Trump powers as well.

And, oh yeah, he's not supposed to be appointing conservative judges. Or enforcing existing immigration law. Or keeping unvetted immigrants out of our country. Or appointing the heads of executive agencies pursuant to law...and ...and ...

You know, if I didn't know better I'd almost swear that the dems and their LLR allies were trying to keep Trump from exercising his duly constituted executive authority.

But that can't be because the lefties have assured me that they are always correct on matters of Law and are exceedingly honest and balanced in analyzing these situations.


Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Bruce: "We aren’t talking process crimes there, but in Rich’s case, massive fraud, and in the terroristis’ cases, murder."

As we saw yesterday, the lefties do not really care about holding people accountable for murdering American citizens.

And if you happen to be an illegal alien committing murder, even better for the left.

This is why we have to redouble our efforts to import additional islamist extremists.


Chuck said...

You call it "the Get Trump Squad" like it was a bad thing. 🤔

Michael K said...

Juror's spoke out after the verdict and it sounded like they got their news from Ritmo and Inga's sources--The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground.

DC jury which will be a problem with a federal civil rights case against the killer of Kate Steinle.

San Francisco jury.

Michael K said...

"You call it "the Get Trump Squad" like it was a bad thing. 🤔"

You and Patterico should get a room together.

And, of course, Bill Kristol.

Drago said...

Michael K: "San Francisco jury"

Secret Chuck: You say that like it was a bad thing.

Drago said...

"And, of course, Bill Kristol."

Indeed. They could all get jiggy with their "inner socialist".

Drago said...

The good news thus far is that none of LLR Chucks pals have (yet) pulled the rug out from under the Tax Cut bill.

You know, for "conservative" reasons....

Browndog said...

It was a setup by Obama and Lynch to punish Trump for winning the election.

Now you know Mueller's mandate. To punish everyone possible that aided in the election of Trump, a family member being the ultimate goal.

Bay Area Guy said...

"You call it "the Get Trump Squad" like it was a bad thing"

It's a terrible thing. If you lose on the merits (which the Dems did), you politely fade away. That's what Al Gore did in 2000 (correctly and graciously, in my view).

The permanent campaign is bad for our country and our institutions, you know that.

The Dems tried to hijack electoral college voters, tried to sue, tried to get recounted, boycotted the inauguration, all this chickenshit stuff -- just because they lost.

It'd be better if the "Get Trump Squad" disbanded, ratcheted down, and tried to win the next election, fairly and squarely. Instead, these idiots are ready to impeach, and manipulated the judicial process to find the grounds to do so.

My 2 cents.

Drago said...

"It'd be better if the "Get Trump Squad" disbanded, ratcheted down, and tried to win the next election, fairly and squarely"

No way!

With this much support from the LLR's, why NOT try and overturn the election?

Drago said...

"The Obama/Mueller/Comey FBI is corrupt and politicized. The leftmedia doesn't care. The Democrats don't care"

The LLR REALLY don't care. Well, that's not true. The LLR's care....and are all for it.

David said...

"This is not the scandal you are looking for."

Static Ping said...

Is there any part of the government that is not corrupted beyond redemption?

buwaya said...

The stakes are much too high for normal politics.
Too many ricebowls at risk. This is why both official sides of politics and every institution are doing everything possible to impede Trump.

You all left normal politics some time back. Part of this is the gradual expansion of the regulatory state eventually shifted things decisively, part of it most likely started in the Clinton administration, when critical decisions seem to have been taken that put the US in a cycle of very absurd bubbles. Money moved decisively away from productive investment into one round after another of intangible speculation.

gbarto said...

I have known a few lifelong Republicans who just can't get over Trump. I am aware of them because I supported Trump specifically to get such lifelong Republicans out of the driver's seat. I always felt that some of these Republicans were jerks who missed the point, but that doesn't mean I doubted they were Republicans. For example, there is no doubt in my mind that Jonah Goldberg is a lifelong Republican.

If Chuck says he's a lifelong Republican, I have no reason to doubt him. He is no different from a number of other lifelong Republicans I have known. Rather than fussing about if he's really a Republican, we should be focusing on why his wing of the party lost when it became apparent that the McCain-Romney types lacked what it takes to lead the party to victory and the country to something other than a continuation of the Clinton-Obama decline.

buwaya said...

Note; regulatory reform is ephemeral.
All that has been cleared (and its not that much) will back and far worse, the moment they get rid of Trump, to restore what was lost and to create as many new rice bowls as possible. The hunger for rents and monopolies is insatiable.

Fabi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya said...
The stakes are much too high for normal politics.

As ever, pouring aviation fuel on troubled waters.

PDM said...

Joe Veenstra wrote, "I read all of the documents, it shows the DOJ being concerned about multiple items, including the meeting itself, how B. Clinton got there, how it was secured, whether there was any issues with local LEOs, and if there was in fact something done by any LEOs/FBI that prevented people from taking photos, etc. I see nothing really wrong with the concerns raised nor any evidence of any cover up. The only thing stupid is why the documents weren't released in the first place..."

Joe got it right. I was hoping for a smoking gun here because I think the meeting was nefarious. If you read the primary documents, and not the breathless headline, however, it's pretty much a nothing burger.

Michael K said...

" Money moved decisively away from productive investment into one round after another of intangible speculation."

Yes and this is why the GOPe and their donors are hostile to Trump.

They have done well under the ZIRP and they are agile in avoiding taxes.

Th fact that the stock market is still going up might be enough but they feel they would be fine anyway, and they have focused, at least the New York and California branches, on the culture war.

I don;t know why the culture war is a s important to them but it is. Maybe its angry atheism as we see in a commenter or two here.

Punish those deplorables who believe in God.

buwaya said...


I urge you all to prepare for a crisis.

It cannot continue like this. You are in another bubble, much of it made of optimism that the administration will finally pull you out of your growth trap. But the administration is weak, and if it is overcome by overwhelming institutional power the optimism will vanish instantly. Then you will have yet another recession, a very desperate one, as you are already mortgaged to the gills. There will be no Bush/Obama option to spend your way out of it.

Janet Yellen, of all people, is yelling about it. Which she very conveniently didnt 2014-16.

Politics changes in a real economic crisis.


Sam L. said...

I would never have guessed that in 2 seconds.

FullMoon said...

Off topic golden oldie;

Chuck said...

With your Scalia murder conspiracies, Mick, I suspect you're not worth any engagement. But I will be watching for you meltdown when the Trump landslide that you have predicted in a hundred different posts turns into an historic defeat on election night. I am not going to call the suicide prevention hotline for you.

10/14/16, 10:54 AM

What happened to Mick,anyway? He should be here gloating.

FullMoon said...

Mick stomps Chuck:

Mick said...

Chuck said...
"With your Scalia murder conspiracies, Mick, I suspect you're not worth any engagement. But I will be watching for you meltdown when the Trump landslide that you have predicted in a hundred different posts turns into an historic defeat on election night. I am not going to call the suicide prevention hotline for you".

Obviously you support Treason, for the sake of your Democrat "team". The defeat of the political establishment and establishment is coming, and coming big. The Crooked Old Lady is in hiding, letting the media carry her water, because she has no real support, and most sane people hate her, and besides she is very sick (mind and physical). The polls are a lie. For instance, the head of the company that does the poll for NBC (Hart) donated $278K to Clinton's campaign.
Some of the accusers of Trump even work for the Clinton Foundation.
Of course that means nothing to you.

10/14/16, 11:12 AM

buwaya said...

Mick did come back for a few days last November, but IIRC he was very restrained about taking credit.

He had a singular obsession about Obama and once Obama was gone the whole thing was moot, I think, and he lost interest.

That, or he was a moby finally hoist by his own petard. I don't think so, his birtherism was quite intricate. But perhaps I underestimate the urge to work at being a moby.

FullMoon said...

Chuck challenges Crazy Mick to a bet on election outcome:

Chuck said...

Mick, I have only one thought when it comes to you: How can I profit, off of your stupid braggadocio? I have begged you for a private wager on the outcome of the election. You won't do it. You just don't have anything else that is worthwhile for me.

10/14/16, 11:26 AM

How did that work out, Chuck?

FullMoon said...

Chuck bookmarks Mick for future "told ya so's:

Chuck said...

Mick said...
I don't "wager" and really don't care what you think. Obviously you are irredeemable and hopelessly anti American. Will you be moving to Canada when Trump wins by Landslide?


10/14/16, 11:44 AM

How did that work out for ya, Chuck?

Equipment Maintenance said...

I think the only thing that can save the country now from the corrupt FBI and other entities, is nationwide jury nullification. Let 'em indict all they want, one not guilty is all it takes to get a mistrial.

bgates said...

Now that Flynn

You should also make sure that the reminder about how a former Democratic president and the then-current Democratic Attorney General had a clandestine meeting apparently to make a corrupt deal to keep the then-current Democratic presidential nominee out of legal jeopardy for her blithe indifference to national security doesn't make people forget that Rep Joe Barton was not faithful to the spirit of his marital vows.

FullMoon said...

My sides hurt from laughing,

My sides hurt from laughing, here's the link

FullMoon said...

In the midst of country wide sexual assault, let's remember reaction to pussygate
Pussygate Might Be the Final Straw For Donald Trump

"Really, what's the difference between this abhorrent thing said by a GOP icon and several appalling things said by the W./Cheney regime? Only that W. "won" and Trump is losing. In the GOP, might makes right because shut up."

MacMacConnell said...

"Rep Joe Barton was not faithful to the spirit of his marital vows."

I agree, let's not forget Mika and Joe "I like to knock the bottom out of married women" Scarborough.

Jaq said...

Joe Barton isn't running again. ARM hardest hit.

Big Mike said...

If Chuck says he's a lifelong Republican, I have no reason to doubt him. He is no different from a number of other lifelong Republicans I have known.

@gbarto, I have every reason to doubt Chuck. I've been active in local Republican politics for years, and he's like no other Republican I know.

pacwest said...

I don't understand why any American citizen would not be intensely interested in rooting out corruption in government.

How can anyone (not involved in the corruption) not be in favor of this? It should be priority number one of the people ruled by that government. LLRs, and Ingas included. (TTR gets a pass because he is just plain ass nuts). None of us are going to have the government we want until this happens. Buwaya, your pessimism is misplaced, we will get this done.

If the comeback is 'Trump first', fine. That is already happening. Why the disdain for looking at Clinton's/Obama's part in all this? (It's the central issue when talking about government corruption, imo, especially if you think Trump is a lightweight).

As said above - evidently logic is on holiday.

Jaq said...

I think Chuck is a genuine Republican. I think he is a Cruz supporter, which is one reason that the only possible way I would vote for Cruz is if Hillary somehow got the nomination.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

"If Chuck says he's a lifelong Republican, I have no reason to doubt him. He is no different from a number of other lifelong Republicans I have known."

I do not accuse Chuck of being a democrat.

I have simply noted his nearly 100% operational alignment with democrat narratives and talking points, even when those talking points shift almost hourly.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Of course the FBI wasn't concerned about the illegal surveillance and leaks concerning the Trump campaign.”

They weren’t concerned because they were the ones doing it. Apparently, the FISA wiretaps of Gen. Flynn were apparently installed and operated by the FBI, or at least orchestrated by them. And they appear to have been involved in taking the fake Trump Dossier to the FISA Court to get the FISA warrants - even after questioning the providence, validity, and accuracy of the Dossier. And may have even helped Crooked Hillary and the DNC fund it. Which is to say that the FBI appears to have been somewhere between complicit and an active participant in working with Russians to swing the election to Clinton, or at least discredit their new boss.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Etienne said...

I just wish the free-ranging insane would target Washington with their rifles, and not school children

I can handle a high body count up the federal food chain. I can't handle a high body count of people trying to learn to read and write.

Sadly, the insane like unarmed targets. What can we do to enhance their hatred and direct it where it can do the most good?

Maybe we can import some Mexicans?? They seem to kill and get away with it, even with a fucking public defender.

The Internet said...

“I would rather have my daughter in a whorehouse than my son in the FBI.”8

Narayanan said...

Lynch and Bill. ... Do we have timeline on how the coincidentally intersecting flight plans came about? Are they not considered secure items for parties at that level?

Narayanan said...

Could be FBI did not want public to know this coincidence was not looked into since they knew it was not.
The other half of their calculation was disrupted by local news hound. Kudos to him.
In a just world that is worthy to honor.

Michael K said...

They weren’t concerned because they were the ones doing it. Apparently, the FISA wiretaps of Gen. Flynn were apparently installed and operated by the FBI, or at least orchestrated by them. And they appear to have been involved in taking the fake Trump Dossier to the FISA Court to get the FISA warrants - even after questioning the providence, validity, and accuracy of the Dossier.

Yes. I'm going to have to have a talk with my FBI agent daughter about this.

As usual, never trust anyone above O-6.

narciso said...

Don't you feel confident:

About that quatrelsomr couple:
And what is actually going on:

MacMacConnell said...

ABC managed to temporarily tank the Stock Exchange today when Doug Ross announced that Mueller had caught Flynn being directed by the Trump campaign to contact the Russians. Layers of fact checkers, professional journalist, ABC doesn't know the difference between candidate Trump and President Elect Trump.

narciso said...

Quarrelsome, that's the mist charitable interpretation.

narciso said...

Why do you think he didnt know, he also burned our detention facilities in. North Africa a, and published the names of our less interrogators

narciso said...

This example for instance

narciso said...

As well as this one:

They kept another Madrid or London type mass attack, from happening

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Damn it feels good to be a Clinton

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's Brian Ross - not Doug Ross. - but that's Ok - he's a democrat hack pretending to be a journalist.

Ross is the asshole who rushed to run a story blaming the "tea party" for a mass murder. It wasn't true at all, but when you're a democrat hack, you get paid to pedal the fake and the lies.

Jaq said...

ABC News issued a correction Friday on a report published earlier in the day that stated former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was instructed by President Trump to contact Russians while Trump was still a candidate.


FullMoon said...

Meanwhile, Good news:
Global warming has not accelerated temperature rise in the bulk atmosphere in more than two decades, according to a new study funded by the Department of Energy.

University of Alabama-Huntsville climate scientists John Christy and Richard McNider found that by removing the climate effects of volcanic eruptions early on in the satellite temperature record it showed virtually no change in the rate of warming since the early 1990s.

“We indicated 23 years ago — in our 1994 Nature article — that climate models had the atmosphere’s sensitivity to CO2 much too high,” Christy said in a statement. “This recent paper bolsters that conclusion.”

Christy and McNider found the rate of warming has been 0.096 degrees Celsius per decade after “the removal of volcanic cooling in the early part of the record,” which “is essentially the same value we determined in 1994 … using only 15 years of data.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here's Brian Ross(D) being the fucking hack that he is.

What's a few wrong words sprinkled here and there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Candidate Trump had all access to all the levers of power. *insert evil laugh* OMG - he really IS Hitler!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ABC's Brian Ross has a history of being a hack.

Aurora Shooting: ABC’s Brian Ross Incorrectly Suggests Tea Party Link (VIDEO)

Note that Brian Ross still has a job at ABC.

FullMoon said...

The White House said on Friday that it was the Obama administration that authorized former national security adviser Michael Flynn's contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during President Trump's transition, according to CNN.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

But Comey was an honorable man

narciso said...

Yes in the way, marc Anthony (Not the singer intended)

Yancey Ward said...

FullMoon wrote:

"The White House said on Friday that it was the Obama administration that authorized former national security adviser Michael Flynn's contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during President Trump's transition, according to CNN."

This is almost certainly true. A transition team consists of members of the outgoing administration, too. The contents of what Flynn said were not approved and were certainly not put up for approval, but the incoming administration is perfectly within its rights and responsibilities to discuss policy changes are going to occur with foreign governments. I went over every lie Flynn is said to have told, and not one of the items undercuts Obama Administration policy. Flynn told the Russians to not overreact to the sanctions Obama issued because Trump would undo them in January anyway, and he asked them and others to delay a UN resolution that the US wasn't even going to vote on in any way- just abstain. There isn't even a Logan Act violation here.

Jaq said...

meeting last year between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton triggered a hunt within the FBI for a source who talked to a reporter about the controversial encounter, newly released government emails show. The emails, released by the watchdog group, Judicial Watch, show that FBI agents in the bureau’s security division were miffed about an article that appeared in the New York Observer detailing the logistics of how Lynch and Clinton came to meet on the tarmac at Phoenix’s airport on June 27, 2016.

Remember how they lied and said that the meeting was coincidental and that they talked about grandchildren?

These are the people that Inga and ARM stick up for. Liars.

Jaq said...

I guess this confirms the New York Observer story then too. I guess I will go read it.

Jaq said...

Looks like the meeting was engineered by Clinton.

Chuck said...

How did that work out, Chuck?

Better than I could have imagined; Mick never took the bet. Refused it, in fact. Unlike Fabi who bet me and lost. (Meade, by the way discourages such wagering.)

Now my question is how is the Scalia "murder" investigation coming along? And what additional news would Mick have for us on the pizzeria child sex ring that Hillary was running?

Birkel said...

Anybody else read about the FBI agent(s?) removed from Mueller's team because he put his anti-Trump thoughts in E-mail to at least one colleague? And that was the one stupid or conceited enough to get caught.

In all seriousness, would anybody be surprised by a revelation of a child sex ring in Hollywood, the MSM, or in DC? No way can I imagine Weinstein, Weiner, Epstein, Lauer, or Clinton doing that sort of stuff.

Stanley Bolten said...

Corrupt FBI boss in Greensboro, NC blocks duty agent from interviewing victim and three other witnesses.

Please blog my whole article about a whistleblower that has leaked correspondence and written a letter to Congress about the FBI boss in Greensboro, NC resident office has ignored federal crimes committed by corrupt judicial employees. Actual perjury, obstruction of justice by cover up or destruction of prosecution records and sweeping a perjury case under the rug since the perjury was conducted by a witness of the US Attorney in a criminal case that they maliciously prosecuted in bad faith. This isn't the only case the FBI has ignored. They also ignored a case reported by U.S. Congressman Mark Walker (R-NC) regarding Phil Berger Junior. accused of campaign money laundering. The FBI in Greensboro is refusing to investigate cases of public corruption. If anybody in Government or campaign offices may be engaging in criminal behavior, tjhe FBI boss in Greensboro will likely say all of them are "merit-less". So any proof of a witness saying multiple false statements in federal court is "merit-less" in a Greensboro FBI case?

A whistleblower has revealed corruption of the FBI boss at the Greensboro, North Carolina, FBI office at 1801 Stanley Road.

He has revealed that the duty agent was already set to have the leaker come down to the FBI to give a statement in regards to his federal criminal complaint against a Assistant US Attorney witness that has committed perjury in order to wrongfully punish that witness and interfere with his ability to timely file his actual innocence claim for his 2255 motion. "LEAK: Docs regarding Greensboro, NC FBI shut down of perjury case, Wikileaks letter"

Cover up and destruction of some of prosecution files as admitted by Cheryl Sloan, intimidation and gag order request by corrupt Asst. US Attorney Anand P. Ramaswamy. They are trying to gag order and seal all records proving that the Government's criminal case was absolute BS (yes Bull you-know-what) and was meant to taken down an journalist that was featured in a New York Times article before he was wrongfully railroaded on a crime that he didn't commit. So he leaked all documents through his mother to my blog. The FBI ain't too happy about that so they may come after him for what he did. We need all whistleblower support blogs to cover this issue. Please!

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