December 14, 2017

Morgan Spurlock goes proactive in The Reckoning and declares "I am Part of the Problem."

"As I sit around watching hero after hero, man after man, fall at the realization of their past indiscretions, I don’t sit by and wonder 'who will be next?' I wonder, 'when will they come for me?'..."
Over my life, there have been many instances that parallel what we see everyday in the news. When I was in college, a girl who I hooked up with on a one night stand accused me of rape. Not outright. There were no charges or investigations, but she wrote about the instance in a short story writing class....

Then there was the time I settled a sexual harassment allegation at my office. This was around 8 years ago, and it wasn’t a gropy feely harassment. It was verbal, and it was just as bad. I would call my female assistant “hot pants” or “sex pants” when I was yelling to her from the other side of the office. Something I thought was funny at the time....

And then there’s the infidelity. I have been unfaithful to every wife and girlfriend I have ever had....

I am part of the problem. We all are. But I am also part of the solution....


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Ann Althouse said...

I think this might be an example of grandiose humility.

Anonymous said...

I think this is an example of a someone trying to save his rear end before the roof caves in.

David said...

He's a total asshole. Assholes are part of nearly every problem.

Fernandinande said...

I am part of the problem. We all are.

Fuck off, whoever you are.

Fernandinande said...

I am part of the problem. We all are.

Fuck off, whoever you are.

Unknown said...

Rending of the garments, hair-shirts, etc etc.

- james james

Michael K said...

Humble brag,

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I am part of the problem.

Yes, you are.

We all are.

No, we are not. And fuck you, asshole.

tcrosse said...

It's time to dig out and reread my old copy of Jules Feiffer's 'Harry, the Rat with Women'.

William said...

I've had my hand brushed away. Does that count as sexual assault?....My jokes weren't in the best of taste at all times. Is that sexual harassment?......There are a lot of cringe worthy moments in my sexual history, but rape and public masturbation are pretty easy charges to duck. Maybe it's an alpha male thing. I'm more towards the omega end of the alphabet.

chuck said...

> But I am also part of the solution

Dream on, big fella.

Matt Sablan said...

He may be part of the problem, but since I don't call my co-workers or subordinates (if I had any) hot pants or sexy and keep my hands to myself, well, I'm not. So, don't speak for me.

William said...

I've always been more eager to avoid rejection than to get over. That helped to keep my behavior in check. It's a delta male thing.

Fernandinande said...

Michael K pontificated...
Humble brag, [sic]

Your attempts at such usually omit the first part.

Fernandinande said...

Michael K pontificated...
Humble brag, [sic]

Your attempts at such usually omit the first part.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Gives "Super-Size Me" a whole new meaning.

Layers! Art!

Standing O?

Martin said...

His "We all are" may speak volumes about the industry he works in and the people he works with, but it is incorrect about the majority of American men.

Or maybe he doesn't believe it and he just wants to avoid responsibility for his own boorish behavior.

Matt Sablan said...

"We took off our clothes. She said she didn’t want to have sex, so we laid together, and talked, and kissed, and laughed, and then we started having sex."

-- Let me let you in on a secret: If you're with someone, and they say they don't want to have sex... you end the physical portion of the date then and there. You can cool off, etc., etc. -- but that's it. The sexy part of the night is over. Your partner has made it clear what they want -- respect it. Yeah, sure, there's some flirtyness or whatever that goes on -- but if it is a one night stand and he/she ever says "no," you end it. Then and there.

You think: "Matt, that's prudish behavior! Sometimes people play hard to get."

And I say: "Yes. But if he were me, he wouldn't be accused of being a rapist and having to admit: 'She said no and to stop, but I didn't, but it wasn't rape.'"

In that exchange, I say I'm winning.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Also, if he's a vile blackout drunk, maybe that's why he had all the GI trouble while he was doing the McDonald's hit piece.

Freeman Hunt said...

Is this a secular come-to-Jesus moment?

"I am part of the problem. We all are."

We all are? No. Some of us, yes. Not all of us.

Spurlock wishes he weren't in the minority.

Bill Peschel said...

Good career move.

rhhardin said...

The DSL repairman is standing me up for appointments. 12-5pm yesterday, no repairman. 8-5pm today. Just stay home and wait.

It's repairman rape.

Peter said...

"I am part of the problem. We all are."

Every decade needs a new pick-up line. How many sleazebag guys are going to get hugs and more with this prattle? Maybe homeruns if they remember to add "But I know that this wasn't who I really am."

Note how his multiple infidelities to his wives are reduced to a tagline. Presumably there was consent, so I guess they were basically ok.

Matt Sablan said...

I like how he starts with the rape, moves down to sexual harassment and caps it off with consensual affairs.

Also, he's a moron: "I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years, something our society doesn’t shun or condemn but which only served to fill the emotional hole inside me and the daily depression I coped with."

Society shuns drunks. They condemn them; drunks are frowned upon. The Simpsons made fun of Barney *because he was a drunk.* The only reason Cheers worked is because Sam Malone is a recovering alcoholic and society realizes the dangers of drinking, and our heroes AREN'T drunks, but in control of their alcohol.

His problem seems to be he doesn't understand society at all. If he honestly thinks society approves of drunkenness, that might explain why he thinks when a woman says no, she means yes.

virgil xenophon said...

Who in the Hell is Morgan Spurlock?........And exactly why should I care?

mockturtle said...

He is both bragging and rationalizing while at the same time patting himself on the back for his enlightenment. What an asshole!

whitney said...

It will be interesting to see if public confession prior to accusation works for him. And if it's spurs more men to do the same. But he should definitely leave off the 'we' talk and focus on the 'I' talk. It sounds more like he's taking responsibility for his actions than trying to dilute his actions.

Nonapod said...

Yeah, what's this "We all are"? I can honestly say that I've never engaged in any of that sort of behavior, not even close. Not only that, but the vast majority of my male friends and acquaintances haven't either. If it's so common that he feels confident saying "We all are" I can only assume that the entire entertainment industry is peopled with self deluded narcissists, sex crazed perverts, and predators (none of those are mutually exclusive).

MadisonMan said...

Oh, poor him. And we're all like him, so he can feel better about himself.


Spurlock, you are the problem. Good and decent people -- male and female -- are not. Fix your own self and realize this and you'll be happier.

Marc in Eugene said...

Am feeling quite pleased with myself for never having bothered to read his book about eating at McDonalds.

tcrosse said...

I wonder if this guy is pleading guilty to a lesser offense.

mockturtle said...

Virgil, I'd never heard of this jerk, either, but that applies to most of the subjects of these harassment threads.

Kevin said...

I am part of the problem. We all are.

So we're back to #YesAllMen.

The avalanche of preemptive self-outing was destined to happen, if for no other reason that some people can't live with the uncertainty of whether people will come forward about them. We should now start to see people "coming out" as past abusers in an attempt to control the narrative around them.

The result will be that to be a good man - a good feminist man - is to recite on demand the ways you've harmed women in the past. To not do so is to not admit your part and to be in denial, thus someone who is inherently not a good person.

It will start with celebrity interviews where the person plans to be asked and what they will say - tearfully - on camera. They may even have a few women from their past follow up to say that the man has overstated his actions and they weren't really as bad as he portrayed them. He was just a guy acting within the boundaries of social norms. He is one of the good ones.

Thus, those in power will be maintained in power. And let's be clear, the women in their lives benefit from keeping them very much in the powerful positions they currently inhabit.

Jake said...

Go eat some McDonald's

Matt Sablan said...

His laundry list of excuses/reasons for behaving that way is ridiculous. He's not admitting to being part of the problem; he's trying to make SOCIETY the problem. We made him that way. Then the way he says: "The only individual I have control over is me," makes me wonder if he really believes it. He doesn't, since he wondered if it was the drugs, the abuse or any number of other things that made him act that way.

This isn't a humble brag; this is desperately trying to cover himself with enough sympathy that people won't realize that he's just an asshole.

Lots of people were abused as a young age, or had parents split up or have drug problems that have overcome it without sexually harassing or raping people.

He's the problem.

MadisonMan said...

Who in the Hell is Morgan Spurlock

I don't know either, so I'll look him up for the both of us.

(time passes on google)

Film-maker. Made 'Supersize'. Middle name is Valentine, but he was born in November, so I wonder if he was conceived on 2/14.

So, a non-deplorable because he lives on the Coast. And yet, he shows deplorable behavior.

BarrySanders20 said...

Hero after hero? He can start there if he wants to begin solving his now self-identified problem.

Barry Dauphin said...

Maybe he should just stick to eating at MacDonald's. He gains weight well.

MadisonMan said...

Confess. Confess. Confess.

tcrosse said...

I'm a man, but I can change, If I have to, I guess.

Hunter said...

Morgan is a victim too. He had no choice about being born a toxic predatory male. It's the way "we all are" and we just have to accept that and cope with it.

Sorry, ladies. We're trying our best to overcome our inferior gender.

Kevin said...

He's not admitting to being part of the problem; he's trying to make SOCIETY the problem. We made him that way. Then the way he says: "The only individual I have control over is me," makes me wonder if he really believes it. He doesn't, since he wondered if it was the drugs, the abuse or any number of other things that made him act that way.


We already have a culture of rehabilitating people who do terrible things bases on factors "out of their control". I imagine a growth industry in helping people understand why they did such terrible things so they can "be in recovery" and resume their exalted lives.

mockturtle said...

According to NNDB, he was arrested for shoplifting at Bloomingdale's.

Gospace said...

A number of people have alreadt expressed my thoughts on this. Fernandistein @ 9:07 AM was the most succinct.

CJinPA said...

I am part of the problem. We all are.

Cram it.

This reminds me of that grainy video of Saddam Hussein seated in front of a large political assembly, calling out "traitors" and having them removed and sent to death as they cry for mercy. Eventually, men start standing up and screaming their loyalty to Saddam, in an effort to pre-empt similar action. Each one tries to outdo the last. Pitiful, and in this case, aggravating.

MadisonMan said...

I think I'd ask Mr. Spurlock: Why were these people your heroes?

Saint Croix said...

"There is no such thing as bad publicity."

- P.T. Barnum

Rick said...

Cheating is public business again huh?

Everything is whatever it needs to be to support the narrative, no more and no less.

buwaya said...

#metoo - not harassing, but being harassed.
I am a victim, girls and women have always treated me callously, with lust in their hearts. Groped and felt and kissed and "massaged", my life has been a continuous barrage of such. I still have to worry, getting in an elevator with a woman, that I will be battered with unsought flirtation.
Ladies of a certain age are the worst.
Hey, see this ring on my finger?
Its been very, very hard.

Henry said...

I would call my female assistant “hot pants” or “sex pants” when I was yelling to her from the other side of the office.

I cannot imagine those words being yelled in any job I've ever had by anyone, male or female, boss or peon. But then, I don't work in a talent industry.

Birches said...

Ugh. Spurlock fits right in with the betas on your reactions to the Cat People story. Pathetic. Seriously. There is nothing attractive about this public reeducation /navel gazing.

Amexpat said...

I think this might be an example of grandiose humility.

Yes, and there's a good chance that a fair number of women he wants to seduce will fall for it.

MacMacConnell said...

Fuck! There is no one left at PBS for an insightful interview with Morgan Spurlock.

Steve said...

Who will stand up and say, "This is not who we are"? These problems are easily avoidable for anyone who follows even a tiny bit of the advice from Amy Vanderbilt or Miss Manners. And avoidable for anyone with any respect for those around him or her, which is a concern since our world is as full of rude women as it is of rude men.

Jon Burack said...

Eh. I am not the problem. I am not the solution. At this point, I am like Tommy Lee Jones in the Fugitive - I DON'T CARE!!!

Darrell said...

I recently learned that you can't just go up to a woman you think is beautiful and start performing cunnilingus on her. Consider me woke.

Gahrie said...

It is almost as if the abandoning the culture we had in the 1950's and early 1960's was a mistake........

The Baby Boomer generation sure fucked things up.

Henry said...

I think this might be an example of grandiose humility.

In firefighting this is called a controlled burn. Torch yourself and live to make another movie.

traditionalguy said...

The times they are a changing. Sexual Assault by Eyeball is the new crime of Trump who as a beauty pageant owner walked into his dressing room full of Beauty Contestants about to sell their sexual appearance on his world wide TV show.

The closest that comes in anthropology would be the Hawaiian Royalty that declared it a death penalty for a commoner Hawaian to look at them.

Women now think they are Pele volcano gods.

donald said...

These guys are pussies.

Biotrekker said...

We are NOT all part of the problem. Gotta keep reminding assholes about that little fact.

Kate said...

When you're in a professional environment don't refer to your co-workers' covered body parts or their undergarments. And don't stand there smiling and nodding like a gobsmacked doll if the body parts in reference are your own. There. The Reckoning solved.

tim in vermont said...

"we all are..."

Fuck you asswipe. You're a real asshole. An honest to goodness fucking jerk. Don't drag me into your shitty behavior, and if I were your boss, I would fire you today.

MacMacConnell said...

When is Senator Kirsten "Tina" Gillibrand going the publish her "Little Blue Book" for the New Cultural Revolution?

buwaya said...

The proper female vengeance for this behavior is to do likewise to men. They have an unrestricted license, now, to flirt, grope, and take liberties. That is the road to justice, and may heaven help us all.

Luckily for the rest of you fellows, I have already absorbed a good bit of that, sparing you that portions of the stress and humiliation.

Thank me.

Renee said...

I guess I will take the minority view, I agree we are all a part of the problem. How about that. Our sins may not be as terrible as Morgan's, but we are all apart of the problem and we should all re-examine our own lives.

He may be trying to just cover his rear end, it's a start of something to work with even if you think he really isn't sorry. If he isn't really sorry, that's his problem but in the mean time we someone who just outright is willing to admit it. And even if it is a false sorry, at least we can start changing our culture for the better.

Leland said...

I can agree with Spurlock that I have had woman claim harassment or discrimination. But the charges against me were all investigated and found to be unsubstantiated. Because I would never do something as inappropriate as yell across a room that a female coworker was wearing sex pants. It just wouldn't even come to my mind to embarrass myself or her in such a fashion. Or for that matter, think about sex with a woman while she is trying to work. This probably explains why, unlike Spurlock, I've never been unfaithful to my wife.

I guess I'm not seeing where I'm the problem here.

mezzrow said...

Sounds like a lack of impulse control. Kind of like what led him to write this confessional.

tim in vermont said...

guess I will take the minority view, I agree we are all a part of the problem.

So you have shouted things like "Hey! Sex Pants!" at a women at the workplace, and this is a common thing you see everywhere? You have been accused of rape? The more he writes, the more I believe the woman. The guy is a predator. Full stop. He is not "all men," most men, or even the plurality of men. He is a singular creep who, like many creeps, has risen to some point of power.

Rick said...

I agree we are all a part of the problem. How about that. Our sins may not be as terrible as Morgan's, but we are all apart of the problem and we should all re-examine our own lives.

I don't think you're agreeing with anyone. People pushing the reckoning aren't saying everyone is part of the problem, they're saying all men are part of the problem.

Unknown said...

"I am part of the problem."

He is not Spartacus.

-james james

glenn said...

Just another Dude who took all that 60’s era “If it feels good do it” stuff seriously. Have a nice day.

buwaya said...

And I don't even dress immodestly.
My wife calls my style "Cuban taxi-driver".
Maybe its because I look like I can cha-cha?

Rusty said...

Try acting like a gentleman.

Big Mike said...

Maybe that’s how “all men” are in Hollywood. Out in the real world, not so much.

Yancey Ward said...

One suspects he is trying to get out in front of something worse.

YoungHegelian said...

I am part of the problem. We all are.

I'm not.

When I was a boy, it was drilled into us by the nuns that every potted plant was a Temple of The Holy Spirit, & I have lived my life accordingly.

Amadeus 48 said...

What the heck was he thinking?

Rick said...

Let me let you in on a secret: If you're with someone, and they say they don't want to have sex... you end the physical portion of the date then and there. You can cool off, etc., etc. -- but that's it. The sexy part of the night is over. Your partner has made it clear what they want -- respect it

Why do you deny women the right to change their minds? Is this a right only men are responsible enough to have?

pacwest said...

I saw that Super size Me documentary where he check with a doctor after a month of eating every meal at McDonalds. His liver was shot was the point he made. Turns out he was a drunk? Meat is back on the menu!

Yancey Ward said...

Kevin wrote:

"The result will be that to be a good man - a good feminist man - is to recite on demand the ways you've harmed women in the past. To not do so is to not admit your part and to be in denial, thus someone who is inherently not a good person."

Yes, and the media will use this opening to ask politicians of a certain political ideology whether or not they plan on admitting their past abuse of women, and they will also produce the lists of men who have refused to come clean.

Virgil Hilts said...

There's kind of a cock of the walk aspect to this apology. Why is cheating on all of his girlfriends and wives relevant? Isn't infidelity a different issue than harassment? The guy really wants you to know that he scores a lot.

Bobber Fleck said...

"I am part of the problem. We all are."

This crap is just part of the endless progressive soap opera where reality is blurred by guilt and emotion.

If you were an asshole, just say "I was an asshole and won't do it again." Don't drag the rest of us into your self-pity party.

Amadeus 48 said...

Religious conversions are always interesting for the convert; they are merely entertaining for the congregation. It is nice to see Brother Spurlock get off the Anxious Bench and come forward to be saved.

America is a great country. You can become anything.

Bill said...

The Reckoning is entering its mannerist phase.

Matt Sablan said...

"I saw that Super size Me documentary where he check with a doctor after a month of eating every meal at McDonalds. His liver was shot was the point he made. Turns out he was a drunk?"

-- Did he mention in Super Size Me that he never went more than a week sober in his life? Because... uh... if he didn't... that's... that's pretty big information.

buwaya said...

Vengeance is the way. Women deserve their revenge.
Its open season on men.

They have license to sexually harrass us right back.

You fellows CAN survive this. Be strong.

Matt Sablan said...

"Why do you deny women the right to change their minds? Is this a right only men are responsible enough to have?"

-- No, but if the partner wants to change their mind, that's what the next date is for.

Again: If he'd listened to me, he wouldn't have to defend himself from credible charges of rape.

Renee said...

First off, I even admitted I was a part of the problem. I am woman. I have never raped or sexually harassed anyone either, but this rape culture didn't pop up out of thin air. What do we do through out our lives that the permitted this culture, in how we passively accept things as is.

Yeah, you're all saints. Instead of #metoo, we have a bunch men running around #notme #notme #notme

Yay, you didn't rape anyone. Do you all want a trophy?

buwaya said...

"I am a woman. I have never raped or sexually harrassed..."

Now is your chance!

Matt Sablan said...

"Yay, you didn't rape anyone. Do you all want a trophy?"

-- No. I just don't want to be treated as the same as someone who did.

DanTheMan said...

First, he tells us he's a complete creep, a habitual drunk, and cheats on his wife all the time.
Next, he lectures us on how we must change.

Is he delusional enough to think his confessing to being a total scumbag gives him the moral high ground????

tim in vermont said...

"Good feminist men..."

Is at least this trope been ridiculed to death yet?

So every man now must answer the question "When did you stop harassing, raping, and oppressing women!?!"

tim in vermont said...

He is part of a solution though, he could become a hermit.

Rob said...

It seems only yesterday that Mike Pence was ridiculed for avoiding even the appearance of any impropriety with women. He’s not part of the problem.

Comanche Voter said...

Grandiose humility? Or bloviating BS?

mockturtle said...

So a man today is either a predator or he is a feminist? God help us! Plenty of men here on this blog reflect solid values that speak of strength and manly fortitude without letting women define them.

Gahrie said...

Yay, you didn't rape anyone. Do you all want a trophy

I'd be happy if feminists just stopped talking shit about me.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Hey, he lied about McDonald's. Why not everything else?

dgstock said...

So many women, so many women. . . yes. I laid them all, cheated on every one of them, roughed them up a bit, called them names. God, it was fun. But of course, I'm sorry now and I realize that I'm the problem. And you are too. Even though you probably haven't done half, or even any, of what I've done. You pussy

DanTheMan said...

"I've had 3 DUI's, hit a couple of kids, and smashed up my car many times. Hardly a day goes by without me speeding, running people off the road, or blowing through stop signs.
Now let me lecture you about why all of you are the cause of traffic accidents and must change."

Michael said...

At 10:39. Thank you.

MikeR said...

"I am part of the problem. We all are." :O Speak for yourself. Some of us actually _didn't_ do these things.

JAORE said...

He is both bragging and rationalizing while at the same time patting himself on the back for his enlightenment. What an asshole!


Another of the preach to the deplorables is outed.

walter said...

Super Sigh Me

Think said...

"We all are."

No we aren't. I am a male who has never cheated on my spouse, called a woman a derogatory name, touched a woman without consent, or discriminated against a woman. As far as I know, my closest male friends can say the same. In fact, I think males who do the kind of stuff this jerk mentions in his confession are the exception. The are vocal, loud, and in the media, so they look more prolific than they really are. They taint every workplace they inhabit too. This smug jerk thinks he can be part of the solution. That is only true if he shuts his mouth, grows up, and starts acting like a real man. He, and those like him, need to fade into obscurity as far as I am concerned.

Unknown said...

"I'm a Hollywood male! I'll save us!"

Rick said...

If he'd listened to me, he wouldn't have to defend himself from credible charges of rape.

So your mandate is only to protect yourself, you agree the line you drew is not the correct moral line?

Renee said...

Actually men wouldn't be men, if women didn't exist. We're complementary to each other.

So we define each other.

Matt Sablan said...

It seems to me to be a perfectly reasonable line; if someone says they don't want to do something, stop and do something else. You can apply it to anything besides sex, too. They may change their mind later. If they do, well, there's always next time. For now, it is off the table.

Renee said...

You guys in absolute hysterics... #notme #notme

Everyone is apparently Jesus on Ann's blog.

walter said...

I hope his "coming out" was discussed with the mother(s) of his 2 kids first.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The result will be that to be a good man - a good feminist man - is to recite on demand the ways you've harmed women in the past. To not do so is to not admit your part and to be in denial, thus someone who is inherently not a good person.”

If you haven’t sexually harrassed any woman, or man, you don’t need to worry that The Reckoning is coming for you. If you feel the need to preemptively out yourself as a harrasser, you’re either very worried that someone is about to accuse you, or you have to relieve your conscience. In the latter case, I suggest just keeping your head down and being a decent person henceforth.

I think men coming out and exclaiming in some group guilt exercise, if indeed they aren’t guilty, is hilariously disturbing. I doubt anyone would expect that as it would just be pandering for some misguided reason.

Matt Sablan said...

"Everyone is apparently Jesus on Ann's blog."

-- I'm not Jesus, but I'm also not Harvey Weinstein.

Tommy Duncan said...

Renee said: "Yay, you didn't rape anyone. Do you all want a trophy?"

There is no polite or rational response possible to your bitter statement above.

There any many men who, while imperfect, have generally managed to avoid scurrilous behavior. VP Pence is a good example. And no, we don't want a trophy from you.

Tommy Duncan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

"I hope his "coming out" was discussed with the mother(s) of his 2 kids first."

-- Mattering on how old the kids are, they probably already know and have come to terms with who their dad is.

buwaya said...

"Do you all want a trophy?"


buwaya said...

Medals would be even better, if you don't mind.

Tommy Duncan said...

Inga said: "If you haven’t sexually harrassed any woman, or man, you don’t need to worry that The Reckoning is coming for you."

Tell that to the lacrosse team at Duke.

CJinPA said...

This is like those Public Service Announcements from NFL players telling men not to beat women - the spots produced because NFL players keep demonstrating a habit of beating women.

mockturtle said...

Renee, if you are a male, why the female spelling of Rene?

Renee said...

I am a woman.


Renee said...

Inga said: "If you haven’t sexually harrassed any woman, or man, you don’t need to worry that The Reckoning is coming for you."

Tell that to the lacrosse team at Duke.


They hired strippers, guess what they WERE a part of the PROBLEM!!!!

What good and noble men!

mockturtle said...

Anyone familiar with the account of Potiphar's wife in the Bible? She wanted Joseph to have sex but he refused so she accused him of attempted rape and he was thrown in prison.

Matt Sablan said...

"They hired strippers, guess what they WERE a part of the PROBLEM!!!!"

-- While I've never hired or gone to a strip show, I think saying, "you hired a stripper, so you can be accused of rape," is dangerously close to blaming the victim.

Fernandinande said...

Renee said...
I am a woman.

So you already have the trophy.

Gahrie said...

Everyone is apparently Jesus on Ann's blog.

Jesus was literally a Patriarch, and founded the most Patriarchal organization in Western Civilization.

Fernandinande said...

Renee said...
I am a woman.

So you already have the trophy.

Renee said...

Tommy Duncan,

Thanks that I want to hear. We're all imperfect. No one is getting a free pass on their bad behavior, simply because they aren't as bad as a rapist.

Fernandinande said...

Renee said...
I am a woman.

So you already have the trophy.

Darrell said...

Strippers agree to remove their clothes for money. Can't women do what they want to do?

mockturtle said...

Renee responds: I am a woman.


Sorry. Duh.

theribbonguy said...

"They hired strippers, guess what they WERE a part of the PROBLEM!!!!" even a consensual contract in the "RECKONING" means nothing.

Got it.

Darrell said...

Renee/Inga. Inga/Renee.

Gahrie said...

They hired strippers, guess what they WERE a part of the PROBLEM!!!!

Hiring a stripper is sexual harassment? Rape?

How about Chippendales..was that sexual harassment or rape?

That being said...I have never understood strip clubs.....I can be sexually frustrated for free thank you very much.

MayBee said...

I don't know exactly what he is saying.

I think he might be subtly saying: I am part of the problem because in the current climate, normal behavior is deemed guilty. If he was unfairly accused of rape for what he considered consensual sex.....what is he "guilty" of? What is his accuser guilty of?
What about the hot pants comments he considered funny? Perhaps they had that kind of relationship. A jocular, jokey relationship. If they did, perhaps he is saying he is afraid he is guilty because anyone can be called guilty in the current climate.

That's what it sounds like to me.

Rick said...

There is no polite or rational response possible to your bitter statement above.

No kidding. You try to work toward understanding and the result is the standard accusation that not accepting your guilt proves you're guilty. Another one who can't participate in a discussion.

Gahrie said...

They hired strippers, guess what they WERE a part of the PROBLEM!!!!

Were the strippers part of the problem??

Ha ha ..of course not...women are never responsible for their choices or actions.

Freeman Hunt said...

"Everyone is apparently Jesus on Ann's blog."

They aren't claiming to be Jesus. They are specifically denying Spurlock's self-serving attempt to confess to sexual harassment and then lump everyone in with himself.

"I am a predator; it's everyone's fault."

No, it isn't, and people are right to push back against that.

Darrell said...

Disappeared comment--
Strippers agree to remove their clothing for money. Can't women do what they want to do?

Bill said...

To all the girls I once caressed
And may I say, I've held the best
For helping me to grow, I owe a lot, I know
To all the girls I've loved before . . .

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Renee/Inga. Inga/Renee.”

Really? Wow, what a fast typist I must be!

mockturtle said...

They hired strippers, guess what they WERE a part of the PROBLEM!!!!

Renee would put strippers out of business. While I deplore the career choice I support these women's right to choose it.

MacMacConnell said...

I'm waiting for all the confessions of women who harass.

Gahrie said...

She wanted Joseph to have sex but he refused so she accused him of attempted rape and he was thrown in prison.

Eh..he's just a splooge stooge.

Darrell said...

Really? Wow, what a fast typist I must be!

You had three minutes to type that.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Renee said...

You guys in absolute hysterics... #notme #notme

Everyone is apparently Jesus on Ann's blog.

12/14/17, 10:58 AM

Blogger Inga said...
“The result will be that to be a good man - a good feminist man - is to recite on demand the ways you've harmed women in the past. To not do so is to not admit your part and to be in denial, thus someone who is inherently not a good person.”

If you haven’t sexually harrassed any woman, or man, you don’t need to worry that The Reckoning is coming for you. If you feel the need to preemptively out yourself as a harrasser, you’re either very worried that someone is about to accuse you, or you have to relieve your conscience. In the latter case, I suggest just keeping your head down and being a decent person henceforth.

I think men coming out and exclaiming in some group guilt exercise, if indeed they aren’t guilty, is hilariously disturbing. I doubt anyone would expect that as it would just be pandering for some misguided reason.

12/14/17, 10:59 AM

LOL, Darrell, Darrell and his brother Darrell.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

The bubbles these people live in that are so different from my world. I could count on one hand the number of men I've encountered in my almost 38 years who behave that way. Maybe every man Morgan Spurlock knows is indeed part of the problem, which would not surprise me. But it's not like that among the people I know, or from the sounds of it that you folks are or know.

Men I know who treat women (well, everyone) with respect and courtesy: my husband, my dad, my first husband, my grandfather, my ex-father in law and ex-brother in law, the 8 brothers in law I currently have, every man I've ever worked with save one or two, my priest, the hundred or so men at my church, men who volunteer in our cub scout pack, all the men who have coached my kids over the years, my dentist, my doctor, my kids' numerous male teachers and school administrators, dozens and dozens of active duty military members, all the men who serve the community with my husband in his Rotary and city government roles....on and on and on.

Maybe the problem, Spurlock, is you, and the company you keep. If you're going to have a come to Jesus moment, do it right. Diagnose the actual problem.

tcrosse said...

Now Tavis Smiley is pushing back, denying that he's Part of the Problem. He does not claim to be Jesus.

stevew said...

"We all are." Um, no WE are not.


Darrell said...

LOL, Darrell, Darrell and his brother Darrell.

How witty! Halfway, anyway.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I think Renee's position which she's not articulating but that I recall from her previous posts here (she's been around a long time) is a more general criticism of a sexual culture in which people use and cheapen each other. She's Catholic and believes that hiring strippers is just as problematic as sexual harassment because both instances involve removing the dignity of the human person, and that is the root problem that pervades our culture.

I'm not endorsing that position, just identifying it. Would you say that's correct, Renee?

Renee said...

They call it locker room talk for a reason, men have **the potential** to behave differently when they are not around their mother, wife, and so on.

I use the word **potential** because well even if you are not that man, you have witnessed it.

My husband is a good man, but he has witnessed things he rather not and being a subordinate he wasn't in the place to speak up either.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
They hired strippers, guess what they WERE a part of the PROBLEM!!!!

Renee would put strippers out of business. While I deplore the career choice I support these women's right to choose it.

12/14/17, 11:17 AM


Yeah, Crystal Mangum, when not lying, framing and murdering, was only shaking her African-American ass to put food on the table for her family. Why do you hate black people? She chose this career freely. Why y'all want to put them back in chains?

More seriously, WTF is wrong with ecdysiasts? A good one can make as much as a doctor, in cash, without a brain in her lovely head. You want to deprive women of that opportunity? Why do you hate women?

buwaya said...

Really, this whole business is built on obsolete premises.
Modern science as it exists in our top universities clearly establishes that there are no differences between men and women.

The science is settled. And if you say different you will be mobbed, expelled, or fired, as with Mr. Damore of Google.

Therefore, why is this trope out there that men harrass women?
And if so, isn't the solution to have women sexually harrass men right back? Serve them right, the bastards.

Why weren't women sexually harrassing Weinstein?

Curious George said...

"Inga said: "If you haven’t sexually harrassed any woman, or man, you don’t need to worry that The Reckoning is coming for you."

Tell that to the dude Mattress Girl let fuck her in the ass on the second date.

Sebastian said...

We are now in the confession phase of the cultural revolution. Of course, the function of such confessions is to enforce the new orthodoxy.

For now, the intended targets can still fight back, as illustrated in the comments: #NoNotAllMen, just #YesAllUProgAssholes. But women's feelings of being scorned are a powerful force.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Tell that to the dude Mattress Girl let fuck her in the ass on the second date.

She practically begged him to do so and had to talk him into it. So undignified.

MacMacConnell said...

"They call it locker room talk for a reason, men have **the potential** to behave differently when they are not around their mother, wife, and so on."

Renee must not have any girl friends. I do, the shit they talk about would embarrass most men in locker rooms. In most locker rooms men talk in generalities, they don't name names. Women do. The only group of people worse are gay men.

Ken B said...


AlbertAnonymous said...

I'm finding myself saying "F You" a lot more lately.

I said it about this Morgan person as I read the article. I said it this morning to the TV as they sputtered on about another congress critter sexual allegation or another. I say it each time I read about "Campus Rape Culture" and "the Patriarchy" and my supposed "White Privilege" and on and on and on...

You do you, people. Leave me the F alone.

I am NOT part of whatever problem you are trying to allege for political gain, or for changing the culture to your progressive socialism or whatever the F you think you want and the country needs.

F You!

Tommy Duncan said...

Inga, the point you missed about the Duke lacrosse team is they were falsely accused. You said we had nothing to fear if we are innocent. Your mis-directional comment about the stripper simply changes the subject.

Drago said...

Inga: "If you haven’t sexually harrassed any woman, or man, you don’t need to worry that The Reckoning is coming for you."

All men are guilty...#ToxicMasculinity, and must be "re-educated" by the leftists.
All whites are guilty...#ToxicWhiteness, and must be "re-educated" by the leftists.

Is there anything more easily predictable than leftists with their thought control, re-education camps Maoist "Struggle Sessions" and Stalinist self-criticism?

The answer is: No.

Darrell said...

Disappeared comment--

LOL, Darrell, Darrell and his brother Darrell.

How witty! Halfway, anyway. . .

JAORE said...

Wow Inga. That last guy who chewed through the ropes must have been your one true love.

No we are not all Jesus. Yes, we are all likely guilty of some level of sexual impropriety (I was taught a thought is as sinful as the act, so I'm REALLY sinful). But THIS guy says that he was credibly accused of rape. He shouted demeaning things to women at work across the room as a matter of routine.

Sooooo, unless you demand perfection in us all, I can say, "No, I am NOT you" to this ass hat.

Tell me true, are YOU Jesus?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Modern science as it exists in our top universities clearly establishes that there are no differences between men and women.

The science is settled. And if you say different you will be mobbed, expelled, or fired, as with Mr. Damore of Google.”

Nonsense. Why is there such need to exaggerate what is happening in The Reckoning? Why are some of you men feeling so threatened? There is really no rational reason to feel like the sky is falling because we are seeing a long overdue change in the normalization of sexual misconduct. It’s not normal to sexually harass, assault or engage in sexual misconduct. Women are feeling braver reporting this behavior, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be false accusations. We all know that and false allegations can be fought and won in court. I don’t see a huge wave of false allegations coming and I think the fear of it is overblown.

Ken B said...

"Super Sigh Me."

Thread winner!

tcrosse said...

Maybe we should define The Problem that we may or may not be part of. Broadly speaking, I think it's that Hillary Clinton lost the election. Had she won, none of The Reckoning would have occurred, and Weinstein, would have continued their wicked, wicked ways in silence.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Wow Inga. That last guy who chewed through the ropes must have been your one true love.”

Sorry, but I didn’t speak of anyone being Jesus here, I know better, lol.

n.n said...

The Reckoning is of female chauvinist pigs colluding with male chauvinist pigs for financial, social, and political progress. It includes the exploitation of female sluts in walks, and on street corners and offices to predators. It includes the sexualization of prepubescent and adolescent boys and girls by social liberals. It includes violations of civil rights that creates super classes (e.g. diversity) and denies civil rights, including due process and proportionate sentencing. It includes the denial of women's agency by placing conception before choice. It includes abortion rites in selective-child and recycled-child policies.

Renee said...

Mac, I have girl friends. I had to deal with the whole 50 Shades of Grey ordeal. How awkward.

My first post at 10am

"I guess I will take the minority view, I agree we are all a part of the problem. How about that. Our sins may not be as terrible as Morgan's, but we are all apart of the problem and we should all re-examine our own lives. "

Then I was mistaken for a man, ironicaly.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Your mis-directional comment about the stripper simply changes the subject.”

I made no comment about a stripper, what are you talking about?

Dan in Philly said...

I'm not part of the problem, stop projecting.

Henry said...

Renee said...

Everyone is apparently Jesus on Ann's blog.

Tim in Vermont said...

He is part of a solution though, he could become a hermit.

See, I actually am a hermit.

* * *

The problem with "we're all the problem" is answered by Syndrome in The Incredibles:

"When everybody's one will be."

Morlock knows quite well what he is doing.

Curious George said...

Actual Inga: "If you haven’t sexually harrassed (sic) any woman, or man, or are Bill Clinton or Bob Menendez you don’t need to worry that The Reckoning is coming for you from me."

Renee said...

Oh those wonderful Duke Lacrosse players.... let's refresh people's memories

"The team's co-captains have acknowledged hiring the stripper and serving alcohol but have denied that anyone was sexually assaulted at the party.

On Wednesday, authorities unsealed documents from a search warrant for McFadyen's residence, stating that less than two hours after the alleged rape, McFadyen sent an e-mail saying he was planning an encore to "tonights (sic) show." The message, addressed "To whom it may concern," said, "however there will be no nudity."

"I plan on killing the bitches as soon as the(y) walk in and proceeding to cut their skin off," wrote McFadyen, a 6-foot-6, 225-pound Atlantic Coast Conference honor roll player who was one of five Duke players from the exclusive Delbarton School in Morristown, N.J., adding in vulgar terms that he would find the act sexually satisfying. The e-mail was signed with McFadyen's jersey number, 41.

buwaya said...

But the whole "reckoning" is premised on DIFFERENCE, the scientifically false idea that male and female behavior is inherently different.

If the science (as upheld by modern corporate practice, such as Googles), is correct, then this cannot be. It must mean that women are just as guilty, and this whole witch-hunt is highly selective in targeting men, and is in itself proof of terrible bias.

AllenS said...

If someone knows how to get ahold of Morgan Spurlock, tell him to get over here and read these comments. Please.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

curious George, if Inga's son were falsely accused of harassment, I'm sure that's what she'd tell him, right? "sorry, sonny boy, but if you were innocent you wouldn't be accused. I believe this stranger more than I do you because she's got a vagina, and I have to stand with the Sisterhood."

These harpies never seem to consider the harm and suffering liars like mattress girl and Jackie at UVA caused not only their male victims but the families of those victims. Imagine being the mom or sister or wife of someone wrongly acused of rape or harassment or assault. Pussy-hat airheads like Inga never consider those people, never think it could happen to them, because they can't see beyond their shallow, stupid slogans and cliches. If I'm mean to her, that why- because she thinks she is compassionate, but is in fact coldly vicious and completely indifferent to the suffering of anybody outside of her favored little victim groups.

MacMacConnell said...

Weinstein would have been sipping champagne in the WH Rose Garden with FHOTUS Bill Clinton and sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom had Crooked Hillary won, for lots of cash of course.

Tommy Duncan said...

Inga, my apologies. I should addressed Renee with the Duke comment.

I'd love to blame my deteriorating vision, but instead I simply didn't read carefully enough.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“... if Inga's son were falsely accused of harassment, I'm sure that's what she'd tell him, right? "sorry, sonny boy, but if you were innocent you wouldn't be accused. I believe this stranger more than I do you because she's got a vagina, and I have to stand with the Sisterhood."”

“Women are feeling braver reporting this behavior, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be false accusations. We all know that and false allegations can be fought and won in court. I don’t see a huge wave of false allegations coming and I think the fear of it is overblown.”

12/14/17, 11:48 AM

buwaya said...

And, in fact, the whole premise of "patriarchy" makes no sense if there are no inherent differences. It is an absurdity to posit an entirety of human history as male (as a category) dominance of women (as a category), if these are purely culturally determined. There are (and have been many more) great varieties, of human cultures, many substantially isolated from any others.

So, if there is a disproportionate tendency for men to harrass women, and not vice versa, or if there is such a thing as a "patriarchy" at all, then that is proof of difference, which violates scientific consensus.

buwaya said...

In other words, the fundamental concepts of feminism are irreconcilable. One or the other must be chosen.

And there is no possibility of integration of concepts here, they are mutually exclusive.

MacMacConnell said...

No Inga would bankrupt herself paying for lawyers to exonerate her son, which might happen or not years after her son's life is ruined.
The Dem leftist feminist have already declared that if they have to destroy ten men's lives to find the two actually guilty it will be a worthy endeavor. Sound Maoist?

gspencer said...

So he paid a black-mailing[*] thinking that'll be the end of it. Maybe, maybe not.

[*] Don't care if anyone calls that racist, cuz it ain't.

Drago said...

Inga: "Nonsense. Why is there such need to exaggerate what is happening in The Reckoning? "

This is the part where Inga feigns complete ignorance on what is now lefty orthodoxy on campus and in the society.

As usual.

tcrosse said...

I don’t see a huge wave of false allegations coming and I think the fear of it is overblown.

There's nothing to stop them from occurring, and plenty of incentive for them to occur.

Think said...

"You guys in absolute hysterics... #notme #notme"

Well, the truth is the truth. I am not going to lie and say I have done reprehensible things so you can confirm your world view that all men are evil.

n.n said...

the scientifically false idea that male and female behavior is inherently different

Yeah, today, two males or two females can procreate.

The transgender/homosexual/bisexual/transvestite/crossover/fluid spectrum calls into question the distinctness of the feminine and masculine genders, and even Nature's male and female binary sexes.

Babies are delivered by stork at the time of viability (a.k.a. spontaneous human conception), subject to choice (i.e. deemed worthy, convenient, or unprofitable).

And human life is interchangeable, disposable, recyclable, and, in fact, diverse.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“No Inga would bankrupt herself paying for lawyers to exonerate her son, which might happen or not years after her son's life is ruined.
The Dem leftist feminist have already declared that if they have to destroy ten men's lives to find the two actually guilty it will be a worthy endeavor. Sound Maoist?”

Overblown reactions and fear mongering as to what is happening in this societal change (The Reckoning) won’t help. Do men here feel that this change wasn’t needed? That there wasn’t a problem? That we should just go on as we were?

n.n said...

paying for lawyers to exonerate her son

Denial of individual dignity. Morning after epiphany and regrets.

Fabi said...

"Super Sigh Me."


Birches said...

I agree with Pants on this re: Renee.

Our culture is the problem, but not The Patriarchy, as Spurlock would probably define it.

I think Matthew Sablan's rules for dating are smart but also ultimately wrong. When people stop sleeping with strangers the problems of consent and changing minds melts away. Marriage for the win.

n.n said...

violates scientific consensus

Ah, yes, the flat-Earth society. One step forward, two steps backward. Unqualified progress or perhaps liberalization/divergence.

buwaya said...

Feminism cannot exist as a reasonable concept. One must choose either -

- That all of human history as we know it is wrong or grossly misinterpreted - that there is no "patriarchy" - and that observed contemporary human behavior is likewise misunderstood or misinterpreted.

- Or that the scientific consensus and the cultural consensus regarding "difference" are wrong.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

the proponents of the 60s Sexual Revolution have realized its created quite a mess and are trying to reintroduce a moral code without reference to Judeo-Christian mores. In other words, they're reinventing the wheel.

it's not going well.

n.n said...

Marriage for the win.

Self-moderation and responsible behavior are prerequisites for liberty. Commitment helps. That, or the force of National Socialism, Communism, Maoism, Fascism, etc.

n.n said...

reintroduce a moral code without reference to Judeo-Christian mores

A Pro-Choice religious/moral/legal philosophy, which is logically and actually selective and opportunistic. The progressive corruption and dysfunction was not only predictable but inevitable.

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