After publishing that, I noticed that Time was doing a poll, and: "Vying for the top position — each with only 7% — are Carmen Yulín Cruz, Taylor Swift, and (the nonperson who I think will actually win) #MeToo."
But I had a problem with #MeToo as the winner:
I'm okay with #MeToo getting the honor, even though I'd like to see something more precisely focused on all the women (and men) who spoke out about sexual abuse. The fact that there's a hashtag mixes up the bigger story with the existence of social media. (If you want to give the honor to social media, give it to Twitter.) And #MeToo has some problems with it, chiefly #MeToo what? Not everyone who uses the tag really belongs in the category that ought to be defined as the problem. There's a real danger that the category will be diluted to the point where people will stop caring about victims of abuse and start worrying about the moral panic and the urge to delete flawed human beings from the midst of the supposedly good people.Now, I see that Time — despite its use of #MeToo in the poll — reframed the idea as I'd suggested, focusing on all the women (and men) who spoke out about sexual abuse. In fact, Time got even more precisely focused and highlighted the women who spoke first and broke the silence:
Time's article explains its move away from #MeToo as the best way to encapsulate the sprawling story:
Like the "problem that has no name," the disquieting malaise of frustration and repression among postwar wives and homemakers identified by Betty Friedan more than 50 years ago, this moment is borne of a very real and potent sense of unrest. Yet it doesn't have a leader, or a single, unifying tenet. The hashtag #MeToo (swiftly adapted into #BalanceTonPorc, #YoTambien, #Ana_kaman and many others), which to date has provided an umbrella of solidarity for millions of people to come forward with their stories, is part of the picture, but not all of it.One more thing, and I don't think this is in Time's article. You've got the problem of women who were not heard from for so many years. If the idea is that they are finally getting heard, it seems really contradictory to put the hashtag (an abstraction) on the cover rather than real human individuals. Don't hide them. And the Time brand is "Person of the Year." Time has deviated from using an actual human being a couple times — "the computer" in 1982 and "The Endangered Earth" in 1988.
But it would be bad in a special way to go abstract this year, when the story is about women finally getting seen in the press after so many decades — so many millennia — of invisibility.
"You've got the problem of women who were not heard from for so many years."
Of course, one reason many of them were not heard from was because they were, you know, not talking. And some of them were not talking because they took money to keep quiet. All of which, naturally, is men's fault. Because really, what isn't?
Not one mention of Gretchen Carlsen, the "silence breaker" who really got the ball rolling in 2016. I find that odd.
No Juanita, no Kathleen. The cover is a coverup. The Narrative takes precedence over the Reckoning.
I guess it would kind of mess up the narrative if they named Ronan Farrow.....Also, there are dark rumors on the Internet that so many actresses wanted to be named as victims of Harvey Weinstein that Ronan used an "unethical" way of vetting which names he would choose to use in his article. I hope this rumor proves to be false, but it's out there.
It should be Ronan Farrow. Would any of this have broken without him?
This must be the one time each year when anyone looks at Time.
Agreed - it should have been Ronan Farrow. These women have been silent for many years and would have gone on being silent if not for him.
the story is about women finally getting seen in the press after so many decades — so many millennia — of invisibility.
Women are invisible because they're not actually interested in anything important.
"It should be Ronan Farrow. Would any of this have broken without him?"
No, embodying the story in the person of a privileged white male would lead to criticisms that I don't think Farrow would even want. In fact, I believe that if they contacted him about being the person, he would have said no, focus on the women (they're the ones with the courage, they're the ones who suffered).
"they were, you know, not talking."
Judd talked quite a bit. Of course, until the day before yesterday, she talked mostly about “I feel Hitler in these streets” and being a "nasty woman," back when accusations of harassment were still a useful tool agains conservatives in general and Trump in particular.
Were pussyhats and vagina monologues really such a good idea, or will the Reckoning reckon with the degrading of women's bodies for political purposes?
Ever since they made me "Person of the Year" in 2006, it seems like their standards have declined. I suppose just as Marx (Groucho, not Karl) would've predicted.
R Emmitt Tyrrell covered the outbreak of the women's movement in his chapter on Betty Friedan in _Public Nuisances_ cited here.
"Together [the women] deliberated, as rage feathered the linings of their bowels."
"Not one mention of Gretchen Carlsen, the "silence breaker" who really got the ball rolling in 2016."
And only one mention of Hillary Clinton, the silence machine part, who really got rolled in 2016.
"Megyn Kelly, the NBC anchor who revealed in October that she had complained to Fox News executives about Bill O'Reilly's treatment of women, and who was a target of Trump's ire during the campaign, says the tape as well as the tenor of the election turned the political into the personal. "I have real doubts about whether we'd be going through this if Hillary Clinton had won, because I think that President Trump's election in many ways was a setback for women," says Kelly, who noted that not all women at the march were Clinton supporters. "But the overall message to us was that we don't really matter.""
Talk about pathetic. If this situation is going to be the nexus for Person of the Year, then let me second those who are saying it should point to Farrow, not to the countless women who kept silent about it for years or decades, and are only coming forward now that someone else has broken the trail.
Ashley Judd said she let Harvey f*ck her so he wouldn't rape her!! So freaking brave!! NOT!! THESE are the women who should be on the cover...(but Hillary and the left scorned them, called them names and humiliated them)Juanita Broaddrick | Kathleen Willey | Paula Jones | Sandra Allen James | Eileen Wellstone | Christy Zercher | Carolyn Moffet | Helen Dowdy | Becky Brown | Regina Blakely Hopper | Monica Lewinsky | Elizabeth Ward Gracen | Gennifer Flowers | Connie Hamzy | Dolly Kyle Browning | Sally Miller (Sally Perdue) | Lencola Sullivan
Mike observes: Not one mention of Gretchen Carlsen, the "silence breaker" who really got the ball rolling in 2016. I find that odd.
Gretchen Carlsen who broke the silence only when her contract wasn't renewed. Hypocrisy, thy name is woman.
Ann Althouse said...
"It should be Ronan Farrow. Would any of this have broken without him?"
No, embodying the story in the person of a privileged white male...
You mean the guy who did the hard work, him? No, can't be him.
"embodying the story in the person of a privileged white male would lead to criticisms" Right. "Privileged white male." Can't have that. "Criticisms." Can't have that either.
Of course, for all his privilege, it took him a long time and a lot of work to get the story out. The point of avoiding the "criticisms" is that it would make women uncomfortable: why #metoo so late? why did it take a man, again? why did we #coverup so long? what made #mecomplicittoo?
The Time "Man (Person) of the Year" is supposed to be the individual who has most influenced the news coverage throughout the past year. It is not supposed to be an "honor" and definitely not just the sensation du jour.
They don't refer to the times, which covered up the story for 13 years and new York who did so last year or NBC pdhaw
And only one mention of Hillary Clinton, the silence machine part, who really got rolled in 2016.
Time should have a "Not Person of the Year" award. Hillary would be repeat winner.
If they are the "Silence Breakers," was Time magazine among the "silencers"?
"No, embodying the story in the person of a privileged white male would lead to criticisms that I don't think Farrow would even want. In fact, I believe that if they contacted him about being the person, he would have said no, focus on the women (they're the ones with the courage, they're the ones who suffered)."
I agree with all of this, but I want to point out how false media generally is. Ronan Farrow is objectively deserving of huge accolades for this. (Much to the embarrassment of certain media outlets forced to chase the story after him.)
"The Time "Man (Person) of the Year" is supposed to be the individual who has most influenced the news coverage throughout the past year. It is not supposed to be an "honor" and definitely not just the sensation du jour."
They could never hold to that. It would be Trump over and over.
I don't have Time to read he article. Was the Sinatra kid mentioned?
Women are invisible because they're not actually interested in anything important.
Says the guy who won't shut up about his DVD collection.
Ronan Farrow is objectively deserving of huge accolades for this. (Much to the embarrassment of certain media outlets forced to chase the story after him.)
Let's see if he gets a Pulitzer.
What is Time ... Magazine?
Time (its management, its editors) knew.
They could have done these stories at any time in the last three decades.
Why are they all dressed in black? Is that meant to be emblematic of being in the shadows? But they're out of the shadows, are they not?
Agreed about Ronan Farrow. If the "optics" are embarrassing, suck it up.
Ronan Farrow is objectively deserving of huge accolades for this. (Much to the embarrassment of certain media outlets forced to chase the story after him.)
They didn't have to chase far. "Everybody already knew about it," remember?
Let's see if he gets a Pulitzer.
He won't.
I think the POY is normally nonsense but within its context this selection is excellent. This is truly a momentous change, we're watching the dam break practically on live TV. It's about time these retrograde industries caught up with the rest of America.
Also, there are dark rumors on the Internet that so many actresses wanted to be named as victims of Harvey Weinstein that Ronan used an "unethical" way of vetting which names he would choose to use in his article.
Why would he cut out any credible assertions, and if he did why wouldn't they have come forward after the fact? This seems to me something of a joke - someone suggesting wouldn't this be ironic - which others then advanced as true or possibly true.
"In fact, I believe that if they contacted him about being the person, he would have said no, focus on the women (they're the ones with the courage, they're the ones who suffered)."
Yeah, because before the story -- mirabile dictu! -- turned out to have legs, there was no chance whatsoever that Farrow would have been squashed like a bug for daring to accuse Weinstein publicly. (Granted, he might have SAID "they're the ones with courage," but only because the women have to be the heroes of the story.)
What's Time magazine?
So the conspirators who allowed this shit to happen for twenty or thirty years are awarded this (honor?) for speaking out now? How fucking lame!
If The Reckoning would not have occurred had Hillary been elected, and it was a result of Trump's election, then can we not assume that Trump's election was better for Women than Hillary's would have been ?
It should be diversity that denies individual dignity; abortion rites that deny human value; Choice that denies women's agency; and feminists that reduce women, men, and babies to the sum of their parts. The cover should feature the state-established Pro-Choice Church.
That said, where are the male whistleblowers who exposed male transgender/homosexual sexual assaults?
Reading about Matt Lauer's Roast, where everyone joked openly about his office sex dungeon proclivities, including sodomizing his co-hosts Curry, Couric and Roke, its hard to take seriously the fiction that silence was pervasive no one knew. But I suppose Ann Curry and Katie Couric both get to MeToo# absolve themselves. History is just a palet the Left gets to paint over to suit present power politics.
"(they're the ones with the courage, they're the ones who suffered)"
Are they? Let's say I take a class with you, and you and agree to sleep with you, and then I get 100% in the course. Because of that mark I get a scholarship. Am I the one "who suffered", or are the other students in the class? I think it's the other students, and that I was actually helping to victimize them.
I think you would see this clearly in an academic context. It's remarkable you can't see it in the Hollywood context.
Is any one of these women one who got to Harvey's room, saw him naked, laughed, walked out, and now waits tables somewhere? Or is it only those poor victims who put career first for 20 years before "bravely" joining the mob now that we are supposed to honor?
History is just a palet the Left gets to paint over to suit present power politics.
Yes. The first step to reform is to reject their framing, which they have used to manipulate perception to self-serving and progressive success. Look for the logical inconsistencies; the constructed congruences; the principals before principles; the denial of science and conflation of logical domains; the violation of civil and human rights; short-term smoothing vs long-term sustainability; treatment of symptoms vs causes; moral hazards; etc.
Women have been silent?????????
How did I miss this???????
Time has deviated from using an actual human being a couple times — "the computer" in 1982 and "The Endangered Earth" in 1988.
so what happened to the earth in 1988?
how it's doing?
maybe I should buy a card or something
I hope you're feeling better, earth!
Time for #ThemToo hashtag:
"Matt Lauer’s office sexcapades known to media elites, who roared with laughter over lewd jokes at 2008 ‘roast’"
Women have been silent
The female chauvinists have been anything but silent, painting men and women with broad strokes. It wasn't just millions of wholly innocent human lives aborted for social and political progress.
These women disgust me. They KEPT QUIET FOR YEARS allowing others to be victimized by these pervs. They are not heroes, they are enablers and shoukd be prosecuted along with the men. They should have gone to the authoritues when it happened, not 20 years later.
so what happened to the earth in 1988
Earth... Excuse me, Gaia, or Mother Earth, has a recurring fever that is closely correlated with the prevailing winds.
They KEPT QUIET FOR YEARS allowing others to be victimized by these pervs. They are not heroes, they are enablers and should be prosecuted along with the men. They should have gone to the authoritues when it happened, not 20 years later.
What exactly happened to those who accused Harvey Weinstein's good friend Bill Clinton?
Would you put yourself through it? They press enabled this stuff. They would have been written off as nuts and sluts, like Broaddrick, Paula Jones, the whole lot of them. They were already cooking up a story to defame Monica Lewinsky when she came up with the dress.
Their names are still kind of icky, aren't they? I notice that they didn't get invited to the photo shoot.
The whole media industry stinks of corruption of every sort.
They are not actually reforming, hysteria just redirects the channels through which the refuse flows.
The problem is not some limited set of bad actors with a restricted set of bad behaviors, but of the fundamental character of all the participants - and by this we must mean all the employees, the contractors, the consultants, and the talent in any way involved, plus everyone who educated or trained them, or who have solicited their services. It is an entire caste of people.
I was pointing out that halperin one of the accused, and he was employed by time, and they have singing spaceys sociopathy weinsteins deviancy promotion for 20 years now.
I was looking to find Gretchen Carlsen, too, Mike.
The real catalyst, though, was Ronan Farrow. Without him, nothing you saw revealed the last 2 month sees the light of day- none of it.
I think I voted for ManBearPig in 1988! Some kinda primary. He wasn't ManBearPig yet.
He lost the nomination, went home, moped around, read about the endangered earth, found a new reason for living, no wait, he became vice president for eight years, lost another election, then found a new reason for living, and somewhere along the way he assaulted a few massage therapists.
ManBearPig needs a chakra release, damn it!
For the earth, woman! For the earth!
Who was it that first began shouting "We are here, We Are Here! WE ARE HERE!"
Juanita Broaddrick. And most of the liberals on this blog still wish she would just shut up already.
Mary Joe Kapakne, of course, couldn't make the photo shoot, nor could Marilyn Monroe.
Jon Burack asks: Is any one of these women one who got to Harvey's room, saw him naked, laughed, walked out, and now waits tables somewhere? Or is it only those poor victims who put career first for 20 years before "bravely" joining the mob now that we are supposed to honor?
Spot on!
Noted on Instapundit - one of Conyers accusers, a former intern, says he (Conyers) in his attempt at seduction, mentioned that he had inside information about Chandra Levy. This whole mess may put that case in an entirely different light. We can assume there is a universe they know and we don't.
Cynicism and paranoia are mere common sense.
Actually a good choice; along with Donald Trump, this has had a huge impact this year.
My favorite part of the whole Al Gore story was when the massage therapist said her friends told her to shut up and take one for the planet.
Althouse wrote: But it would be bad in a special way to go abstract this year, when the story is about women finally getting seen in the press after so many decades — so many millennia — of invisibility.
One wonders how many accusations of "inappropriate touching" and sexual assault stem from men innocently colliding with those pesky invisible women.
California police say Corey Feldman’s 1993 recordings naming alleged Hollywood sexual predators located (Fox)
Corey Feldman claimed in October that he had given the names of sexual predators in Hollywood to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office in 1993 during the Michael Jackson investigation. The sheriff’s office denied those claims, saying they had no records of Feldman revealing such information, until now.
Whoo boy!
Is Rose McGowan on that cover? Why not?
Sebastian: The Narrative takes precedence over the Reckoning.
Nicely put, but I would go further and say that there is no "Reckoning" going on in the first place. There is no "reckoning" re "women finally getting seen in the press after so many decades — so many millennia — of invisibility", no "reckoning" about harassers and abusers, no "reckoning" about men, women, and sexual mores. #MeToo is for the most part just so much "feminist" click-bait being fed into The Narrative, and it will be sanitized of anything interesting or deeper than that before the year is out.
Narrative purveyors being a bit knocked off balance as things churn (attention grabbing, score-settling, cynical positioning) is hardly an indication of some great social enlightenment (in equali-tay!) in the offing.
One "silence breaker" who was ahead of the curve - two years ago (maybe more) the female singer Ke$ha (yeah, she spells it with that dollar sign) sued her producer Dr. Luke (Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald) for infliction of emotional distress, gender-based hate crimes and employment discrimination. There was a lot of #MeToo-type activity that Luke had apparently been engaging in. She was speaking out about this type of behavior in the music industry.
In the 70s, they speculated that Gaia had hypothermia. Today, it's hyperthermia.
re: prevailing winds
Should be: prevailing political winds.
Plus ça change...
I wonder how many stores regarding the sexual exploitation of women Time has sat on over the years?
Ashley Judd...who kept silent to protect her supposed to be viewed as brave?
Should've put Ronan Farrow there and called it a day.
wonder how many stores regarding the sexual exploitation of women Time has sat on over the years?
We know that Newsweek gave Drudge his big break by spiking one in particular.
Of course there is nothing else they are not telling us. Nothing.
Why is invisibility a negative.
unseen, imperceptible, indiscernible, indistinguishable, unperceiveable.
Think concealed and hidden,the feminine positives.
I'll bite: What is Ronan Farrow said to have done to verify the stories?
I have a problem with Ashley Judd being in there. She said something- and I get it, I might say something similar to get someone away from me- but she said something I'm sure Harvey heard all the time in all seriousness. And something I'm sure he made good on with others.
So he never bothered her again, but she never got an award, and now she speaks out?
It's not like her career has been so big in the past 10 years that speaking out sooner would have ruined it.
I'll bite: What is Ronan Farrow said to have done to verify the stories?
Ronan Farrow did the investigative reporting that broke a lot of details of Weinstein in the New Yorker. this point we should really value awards given by the MSM...
It's funny to imagine the graphic artist working a photoshop file with muted layers for Farrow and Pence.
This is the same time magazine and new York and and abc news, all employers of halperin, who were on 24/7 against Crosby, what came of that, while Einstein wee sauntering like a sultan through two continents
The hysteria, note, is only about a certain class of misbehavior. And that weakness is one that even in those corrupt circles is likely to afflict only a few. Most of these people probably get their personal satisfaction in more conventional ways.
There is not much being said about financial crimes and conflicts of interest, or of related misbehavior. Even from just the extended Clinton circles there are heavy plumes of smoke. This sort of thing is enormously greater in scale and public impact than sex crimes.
Juanita Broadderick spoke up -- was ignored, then denigrated by the Left as a "bimbo eruption."
Call me when Time ever gets serious about the issue.
Is Rose McGowan on that cover? Why not?
Excellent question. And Rose was the one who did not cover for the rapist.
The women, including soft core porn queens, who spoke out - belatedly.
Awesome, just awesome.
“Not one mention of Gretchen Carlsen, the "silence breaker" who really got the ball rolling in 2016. I find that odd.”
Gretchen Carlson is standing up with Democratic women in front of cameras, as I type this, in support of a new Bill which would make it easier for women to make charges of sexual harassment in the workplace.
I hope that Ronan Farrow got a mention. If he didn't expose Harvey Weinstein exposing and imposing himself on women, there would be no #metoo movement.
“I believe that if they contacted him about being the person, he would have said no, focus on the women (they're the ones with the courage, they're the ones who suffered)."
I agree, it’s doubtful that he would want the Me Too movement to receive second place to him. Everyone knows what role he played and honor him for it. He and Gretchen Carlson should’ve taken second place.
Making it easier to charge sexual harassment in the workplace simply makes it harder and riskier to be at work in certain occupations. Imagine the disincentive for men to teach in schools. Its already hostile and perilous.
This is the use of a hysterical reaction to a culture of impunity in an elite, coddled caste being used to create yet another club with which to beat the ordinary working man. This is tyranny.
Nice to see the lefties have decided its time to stop calling Gretchen Carlsen dumb.
Will wonders never cease?
"Current anchor Gretchen Carlson is not actually a dummy, but she plays one beautifully on TV."
Amazing all this new found respect for women....right about the time we discover that every single lefty institution is a misogynistic enterprise.
The ordinary American worker has suffered 50 years of cultural clubs to the skull. This is, of course, how you got Trump.
buwaya said...
Noted on Instapundit - one of Conyers accusers, a former intern, says he (Conyers) in his attempt at seduction, mentioned that he had inside information about Chandra Levy. This whole mess may put that case in an entirely different light. We can assume there is a universe they know and we don't."
Well, well, now that is interesting.
You know things most Americans don't know just by dint of living in DC and knowing Capitol Hill staffers. Because they do gossip. The Kennedy-Dodd “waitress sandwich” story was all over town two days after it happened. That Conyers is a horndog is not news to anybody in DC. However, that’s a tiny fraction of what actually goes on. Unconstitutional and criminal activity on the part of our rulers? Well, that’s not the stuff that 20-something staffers giggle about over drinks at the Hawk and Dove, or whatever the trendy Capitol Hill bars are these days.
In the UK, the. Wave has claimed at least one government minister and the life of one labor back bencher
Henry: "And Rose was the one who did not cover for the rapist."
Well, except for the ten, or so, years when she did cover for him while she spent the $100 grand she was paid to do so.
“Nice to see the lefties have decided its time to stop calling Gretchen Carlsen dumb.”
Nice to see the righties embracing Ronan Farrow who was denigrated by them as a leftie wimp.
I'm sure Mary Jo Kopechne would have spoken out -- except Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass) drove his car off a bridge, escaped, swam to shore, and let her drown in the back seat.
Also, he didn't tell anybody about it for 12 hours -- hoping nobody would find her.
But, in fairness, he was a very important man.
Speaking of Conyers, has Blake Farenthold resigned yet?
There is no lack of rules as it is. A normal business has more than enough exposure to such troubles. They are not the problem. This situation is about a culture of impunity, where a special caste held itself above the law and regulation.
Adding more rules will just make more trouble for the machinist or carpenter, or their foremen, or their line manager.
Inga: "Nice to see the righties embracing Ronan Farrow who was denigrated by them as a leftie wimp."
He was a leftie wimp.
Unfortunately for you, he grew so tired and angry over the corruption of your misogynistic pals on the left that he decided he would become a warrior over this issue.
He is a rare leftie who decided the transgressions of his fellow leftists was no longer tolerable.
Good for him.
Obviously, OBVIOUSLY, he was and is an exception on the left, as we can see from the fact that lefties in all kinds of institutions dominated by the left are still keeping their mouths shut.
The numbers of enabling and complicit lefties number in the THOUSANDS.
Such a regulatory campaign should be seen for what it is, simply class war.
It’s interesting to see men here blame the victims for not coming forward for so many years. That’s precisely why we need a new law to help women come forward in the workplace and be given stronger protections when they report sexual harassment.
BAG: "But, in fairness, he was a very important man."
A leftie ICON actually.
Lefty ICON's get to whack chicks and still run for President.
Inga: "It’s interesting to see men here blame the victims for not coming forward for so many years."
Lena Dunham is no victim, and she kept her little progressive mouth shut for years.
That’s precisely why we need a new law to help women come forward in the workplace and be given stronger protections when they report sexual harassment.
The Convenience for Cunts law.
Inga: "That’s precisely why we need a new law to help women come forward in the workplace and be given stronger protections when they report sexual harassment."
The old laws didn't stop entire industries full of leftists from doing this, why would new laws do any better?
“Unfortunately for you he grew so tired and angry over the corruption of your misogynistic pals on the left that he decided he would become a warrior over this issue.
Why would this be unfortunate for me? I’m a woman and I don’t care what side of the isle you hail from if you’re a sexual molester or assaulter.
Drago, you have such a massive problem dropping the spear against the left that it discolors every single thought and comment you present here.
6 women democratic women Senators are calling for Franken to resign. I called for him to resign on Day One.
I’m a woman and I don’t care what side of the isle you hail from if you’re a sexual molester or assaulter. . any more...
You forgot that part Inga.
“The old laws didn't stop entire industries full of leftists from doing this, why would new laws do any better?”
Drago, there are numerous industries outside of show business in which sexual harassment has been under reported and women have been unprotected adequately from retaliatory dismissal. You do realize that conservatives own industries and businesses, right?
buwaya said.
A normal business has more than enough exposure to such troubles. They are not the problem. This situation is about a culture of impunity, where a special caste held itself above the law and regulation.
Hey now..
You can't build a zeitgeist with that sort of attention to detail.
I’m a woman and I don’t care what side of the isle you hail from if you’re a sexual molester or assaulter.
No man is an island. Men are more of a peninsula.
The problem with feminists and their groupies defining morality is that they have no better understanding of transcendent morality, honor, chivalry or sportsmanship than their accused harassers.
Witness the Clinton, Duke, and Title IX "rape" case scandals, abortions, pussy hats, etc.
“I’m a woman and I don’t care what side of the isle you hail from if you’re a sexual molester or assaulter. . any more...”
You are making assumptions. I could say the same for rightists who covered for Mark Foley for so long.
Every business has an HR and Legal department, or contracted services, that deal with such claims SOP. Its also SOP that this is a career-ender for middle managers.
Heck, I have seen VP's of F500 walked out of the executive suite for far less than any case brought up in these revelations.
rago, there are numerous industries outside of show business in which sexual harassment has been under reported
Bill Clinton. Newsweek. You were defending him until a month ago Inga. "He wasn't as bad as Louis C.K! Monica loved him!"
""The Endangered Earth" in 1988."
Whew. Dodged a bullet 29 years ago.
I recall one, two decades ago, where five managers and one VP were fired over a single practical joke email to a lady in HR.
Inga: "Drago, there are numerous industries outside of show business in which sexual harassment has been under reported..."
Nothing comes close to the legions of harassers, enablers, and intimidators the left has constructed.
Which is why, as usual, you and the rest of the left are all over the -lets not criticize any one group its a societal problem- tactic.
The good news is that no one is fooled anymore. Which is why the standard old lefty playbook doesn't work any longer.
Who can forget what the lefties/liberals did to Mitt Romney for simply stating a fact, that he had binders full of womens resumes that he kept for the sole purpose of ensuring women got a fair shake for openings in his organization.
Your team turned him into a monster for that.
Again, just because you don't know or can't remember anything that happened prior to 12 hours ago doesn't mean we have to forget.
“The problem with feminists and their groupies defining morality is that they have no better understanding of transcendent morality, honor, chivalry or sportsmanship than their accused harassers.”
The problem is that the Right has been so busy craning their necks to point out the sins of the Left that they’ve not seen their own failures. How well have the Family Value movemnt members stood up to scrutiny? Lost of failures on that side also.
The MSM also tolerated Foley.
There is no real right wing media capable of doing investigative work. That takes money. The money in media has been leftist for two generations at least.
And Fox doesnt count, the one correct criticism against them which does not also apply in spades to their accusers, is that they are almost entirely editorial and rarely look for news.
When Leftist Collectivists promised you would be made to care, the unstated assumption was that Leftist Collectivists could also make you NOT care. Inga got both memos.
Inga: "You are making assumptions. I could say the same for rightists who covered for Mark Foley for so long."
Are you really trying to claim that there were hundreds of enablers of Mark Foley and that they all kept his secrets for decades?
Don't worry, just keep pressing on with Mark Foley references. That's gotta work!
Thimbles of water against the lefty sexual harassment tidal wave.
Blogger richlb said...
"Is Rose McGowan on that cover? Why not?"
Photoshopped images from her sextapes were likely deemed unsuitable.
"You are making assumptions. I could say the same for rightists who covered for Mark Foley for so long."
Kirk Fordham, Chief of Staff to Tom Reynolds and former Chief of Staff to Foley, said that he was with Foley on September 29, 2006, when ABC confronted him with the explicit messages before they were publicized.[30] Fordham then visited GOP headquarters to inform Reynolds and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert; he returned with a one-sentence resignation letter that Foley signed. Hastert and Reynolds let it be known that if Foley didn't resign, he would be expelled from the House.
For. So. Long.
A plant manager at General Electric is a man who walks very carefully. He is under tremendous oversight, and he knows it. Some of the stuff coming out today shows that media managers are under no such oversight. They seem to have gotten away with things that GE plant manager would not dream of attempting.
But these industries both exist in the same regulatory regimes. Why is that?
"Who was it that first began shouting "We are here, We Are Here! WE ARE HERE!"
Juanita Broaddrick. And most of the liberals on this blog still wish she would just shut up already."
Yes, and fools like Inga wonder why no one takes her seriously.
We have a heroine epidemic.
At this point the sheer number of leftist celebrities, newsreaders, pols, and fundraisers that are shown to be either sexual perverts, corrupt beyond belief, or just batshit crazy is reaching a critical mass. I know a lot of apolitical people, and most of them are sickened by these scandals and have properly assigned blame to the culture of leftism and the kind of people who gravitate towards it. One has to be sick in the head and the soul to subscribe to the culture and beliefs of the Left.
You need to take Inga seriously.
She is a type of which there are millions.
Which is one reason I have established a foreign hedge.
They replaced with a guy with two mistresses, foleys behavior was consensual but not well advised. We had a congressman in south Florida who has misrepresented the source of his income, for some 10 years as a state rep. But he was for amnesty so the state fatty let him skate.
Inga said that Bill Clinton was not as bad as Louis C.K. Nobody ever accused LCK of forcible rape. So Inga thinks that these women were all liars. Then she lectures us about why other women might remain silent about attacks by a close friend of the Clintons.
Buwaya asksBut these industries both exist in the same regulatory regimes. Why is that?
Varney and guest [whose name escapes me] discussed this very question this morning.
“Bill Clinton. Newsweek. You were defending him until a month ago Inga. "He wasn't as bad as Louis C.K! Monica loved him!"”
Why do you want to mischaracterize what I said about Monica Lewinski? It was not as defense of Bill Clinton, I said Clinton misused his power to seduce this young woman. She did state in her memoirs that she loved him. How many of Louis CK’s victims said they loved him? I did not say that Clinton was not “as bad” as Louis CK, that is a lie.
My comment at 9:13 about Ronan Farrow was meant as joke. The point of the joke was that sexual scandals are so pervasive in Hollywood that it's only a matter of time before Ronan gets fingered and that you can't believe everything you read on the internet, particularly my observations. Sorry for any misunderstanding. Ronan looks and acts and probably is a true Galahad.
"Made the WOMEN who spoke out" Person of the Year. On the other hand, those whiny boys abused by Kevin Spacey et al. can just shut the fuck up and go back in their closet. They probably asked for it. Plus they're homophobic.
Inga: "How well have the Family Value movemnt members stood up to scrutiny? Lost of failures on that side also."
Family values folks are not fabricating a zeitgeist out of whole cloth, Inga, nor are they using a sliding scale and covering for transgressors for years, if not decades.
“Inga said that Bill Clinton was not as bad as Louis C.K. Nobody ever accused LCK of forcible rape.”
Why do you continue to LIE? No cogent argument?
“So Inga thinks that these women were all liars.”
Another lie.
“Then she lectures us about why other women might remain silent about attacks by a close friend of the Clintons.”
Tim thinks that Roy Moore’s penchant for 14 year olds isn’t a problem and there is no reason that Moore shouldn’t become the Senator from Alabama, because Republicans need his vote.
Why haven’t Rightists here on this thread called for Blake Farenthold’s resignation?
there are numerous industries outside of show business in which sexual harassment has been under reported and women have been unprotected adequately from retaliatory dismissal.
It's revealing people simply assert such things as faith. A better analysis would be to understand why certain industries seem to be more prone than others. I'm sure mine is not.
Industries which venerate the specialness of the of a single individual above all replacements grant far more power than other industries. This seems a likely explanation why Silicon Valley, media, Hollywood, and politics are having a rash of problems but grocery stores aren't. Effective grocery managers are valuable but does anyone believe a business is at risk because you have to find a replacement? So it's very easy to replace that person compared to Matt Lauer or Harvey Weinstein (or Bill Clinton).
"The Time "Man (Person) of the Year" is supposed to be the individual who has most influenced the news coverage throughout the past year. It is not supposed to be an "honor" and definitely not just the sensation du jour."
It's just difficult to say what it's "supposed to be." It is true that 1938's Man of the Year" for 1938 was none other than His Mustached Majesty, Adolph Hitler. But then there's 1982, when "man/person" was "the computer" (following the release of the IBM PC in Aug., 1981).
What it's always been is a clever stunt to provide publicity for Time Magazine. Then again, hasn't Time Magazine always been to journalism what pop-tarts are to fine cuisine?
Blogger buwaya said...
"You need to take Inga seriously.
She is a type of which there are millions.
Which is one reason I have established a foreign hedge."
It's why I maintain dual citizenship with New Zealand.
Didn't they just eject an sjw prime minister.
>Industries which venerate the specialness of the of a single individual above all replacements grant far more power than other industries.
Also, science. I have no special knowledge here but there were a few scandals there.
Abby Someone wrote: Why haven’t Rightists here on this thread called for Blake Farenthold’s resignation?
Because they'd rather point at you and laugh. There's only so much time in a life.
The more I read the comments here, the more disgusted I get about this Time cover. There is indeed a "Reckoning" called for. It is nowhere in sight. Instead of these women, here is my list of feminists who ought to be on such a cover if any real Reckoning regarding the actual issues facing women, west and east, matter a single bit to Time.
Phyllis Chesler, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Camille Paglia, Azar Nafisi, Christina Hoff Sommers.
Wake me when this wave of feminism washes ashore. Until then, I will lie on the beach and sun myself.
Inga (in bold): "Tim thinks that Roy Moore’s penchant for 14 year olds isn’t a problem and there is no reason that Moore shouldn’t become the Senator from Alabama, because Republicans need his vote."
Roy Moore's "penchant for 14 year olds" is asserted by one woman who claims, without corroboration, that Moore molested her 40 years ago. She is recently bankrupt and Dems are spending millions on the campaign against him. Other allegations either involved no wrongdoing or have been contradicted by witnesses or both. Additionally, the accusation is completely antithetical to Moore's behavior for the past three decades or more.
So, yeah, there is no reason Moore should not become the Senator since being a pro-life Christian only disqualifies him with the Ingas and her ilk.
Look, I think it's great women are speaking up and outing these assholes. However, the smug looks on the faces of the women on the Time magazine cover almost, but not quite, makes me feel like they asked for it. Just be careful ladies with this meetooo# stuff because we might decide to stop taking out the trash and unstopping the commode... I call it Schneider Shrugged
@Jon (12:26): Although she may not have been a feminist, I would add Kate Steinle to your list.
But then she was only murdered by a man, a city and its people.
hombre, it's nice of you to correct Inga, but the truth means nothing to her. She would have had him lynched 5 minutes after the first accusation. Ironically, she has the exact same mentality as those who lynched Emmett Till and Bobby Frank - except the targets have changed. "He's guilty! Proof not necessary!"
You could add Sarah Palin to the list.
If any woman in politics has been treated in such a misogynistic manner as Palin, by the MSM Wurlitzer, I don't know who it is.
"And Rose was the one who did not cover for the rapist."
Well, except for taking money to keep quiet for years. And then coming forward after the story became big news to criticize everyone else who stayed quiet.
Unsolicited advise to women:
If some guy grabs your ass or titty:
1. Smack him, elbow him or kick him in the balls -- right then and there.
2. If it's not safe to do 1, get to safety.
3. Write out a statement on what precisely happened, make 5 copies, give one copy to a trusted friend.
If any woman in politics has been treated in such a misogynistic manner as Palin, by the MSM Wurlitzer, I don't know who it is.
Palin should be on the Time cover. A woman, a wife, a mother, who is personally, professionally, and politically successful, and is the role model women and girls need and deserve. A celebration of the success of equal and complementary moral philosophy (e.g. Christianity). A woman who withstood female chauvinist and establishment attacks on her personal and professional life. As well as the savagery of the mainstream press and journolists, up to and including stalking.
Perhaps a woman: Sarah, a man: Todd, and Trig, their child deemed worthy of life and dignity. A human rights story that is often repeated but suppressed, ironically, under a layer of privacy.
"He's guilty! Proof not necessary!"
A principle of the Pro-Choice doctrine that denies due process (i.e. presumption of guilt/innocence), lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable.
If some guy grabs your ass or titty:
Yes, but not limited to guy. Women don't have to indulge the culture of "friendship with benefits", sexualization/indoctrination (e.g. sexual education in lieu of biology), and should feel empowered to stand their ground against bullies (e.g. virgin and dignity shaming).
What kind of law would make it easier to come forward?
"What kind of law would make it easier to come forward?"
And who's gonna hang the bell on the necks of the predators in the "watchdog" media?
The right people made the cover, and it will be business as usual after the right people get elected.
Make that, after the right people get elected, and the right person gets impeached.
This is the same TIME ragazine that called O'man the Prince of Peace in 2009? Yes?
What do y'all expect?
"and the right person gets impeached."
Sorry, You are hallucinating. Hillary did not get elected.
a privileged white male
This is the stupidest fucking meme the Left has ever come up with.
So the conspirators who allowed this shit to happen for twenty or thirty years are awarded this (honor?) for speaking out now?
Women must never be held responsible for, or be made to feel bad about, any choices they have made.
so what happened to the earth in 1988?
At least in the eastern 2/3rds of the US, that summer was quite hot. That's the only year, for example, where it's been 100 in all three summer months. It was also dry -- Madison went 40 days without measurable rain in May/June.
It was 102 on 15 August that year -- the year that all the student leases start. That was a warm move-in day.
I'm not sure how far outside the midwest and southern Plains the heat extended.
What kind of law would make it easier to come forward?
It would help to establish a standard of evidence required for a conviction. The biblical standard is three independent pieces of evidence. Testimony from an eyewitness is one, including the self-declared victim. Forensic evidence is another. In the case of sexual harassment, without other eyewitnesses, without observable forensic evidence, what would be the second and third?
I echo others here asking why Rose McGowan isn't pictured.
I discount the assertion that it's because she initially took a settlement or was silent for a while--Judd was silent/did not name names for a while, either.
Possibly not all victims are equally worthy of note? I dunno--seems like a bad oversight.
Make that: The "right" people made the cover, and it will be business as usual after the "right" people get elected, and the "right" person gets impeached. FIFY.
If the media were serious about this sexual harassment scandal, there would be front page apologies to Bill Clinton's accusers by the predatory media figures who thus enabled Harvey Weinstein. The metaphorical bells were to signal to whom women could bring their stories and be believed.
It felt heavy handed to use the quotation marks.
"Possibly not all victims are equally worthy of note? I dunno--seems like a bad oversight."
Possibly not all victims are equally photogenic. Heroines must also be cover girls, and Bill Clinton's accusers and Sarah Palin have aged. They are also reminders of when this story should have broken.
What kind of law would make it easier to come forward?
A clear line of evidence is one point. Since it's a criminal case, protections similar to that with eminent domain could be another. However, easier is not the only goal. In order to reduce false positives, both accuser and defendant should have positions in jeopardy. As should witnesses. Also, in order to overcome time-related accuracy, there should be a statute of limitations, which requires a reasonable time frame to submit evidence (e.g. testimony). Yeah, that exists, selectively. Also, society should encourage people to be moderate, responsible, and accountable.
Christ Althouse. You used "I" more in this post than Obama did in an average State of the Union speech. It almost sounds like you think Time should have named you "person of the year".
funny- I didn't see Juanita Broadrick or Kathleen Wiley or Paula Jones in the group.
Women love gossip and discussing their plumbing. Just combine them at some come forward website.
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