“So look,” the text from Page to Strzok reads, “you say we text on that phone when we talk about Hillary because it can’t be traced, you were just venting [because] you feel bad that you’re gone so much but it can’t be helped right now.”...We're talking about a senior FBI lawyer and a senior counterintelligence agent.
People familiar with the matter said that, although Page’s message may appear to suggest that she and Strzok used a separate communications channel for discussing the Clinton case, the point of her text was to advise Strzok how to explain to his wife why the two of them had been texting each other.
Page and Strzok used their work on the Clinton case as a cover story for the affair, these people said, adding that there was not a separate set of phones for untraceable discussions of the Clinton case. The text had nothing to do with the Clinton investigation, these people said.
“What people are forgetting is the human foible of a having an affair — they forget that the system itself will betray you and your texts,” said David Gomez, a former FBI counterterrorism official. “Using language like that is something a lot of people who have affairs do, but it does create problems with people who are conspiracy minded.’’We're asked to believe sex made them this stupid. And we're asked not to look too hard because it must have been about sex, and we're "conspiracy minded" if we see anything but their getting stupid because of sex. But their sexual desire — however profound and stupid-making it may have been — doesn't make us stupid. Keep looking.
And Washington Post, come on. You need to do better. The second-to-last paragraph of this story is an embarrassment:
The issue has come up before. In 2014, an FBI agent was caught texting on the witness stand at a trial and then lied under oath about it. She killed herself hours after the incident. Law enforcement officials said her texts were innocuous messages exchanged with her husband while passing time in court.I'm not saying you ought to kill yourself over that, and I'm sorry for family of the woman who killed herself over lying on the witness stand about texting in 2014, but that's a cheap, lame, overreaching effort to make us lay off Strzok and Page. "The issue has come up before" — what issue?
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 261 of 261@Fullmoon...c mills was also proved to have lied to the fbi about knowing of the existence of HRC's pvt server as she had emails questioning the functionality of the server with others including the guy who set it up.
In some ways, I almost feel sorry for Agent Strozk, My God, it's bad enough when your wife or GF won't STFUA, but they're your main squeeze & a guy's gotta soldier through. But, when your mistress can't put a cork in it?! Kiss discretion good-bye!
Note to the ladies: being the "other woman" means not being able to pick up the phone at all hours & start blabbering to the paramour. That is, unless you just like a future that involves lawyers.
PS: When Prof. Althouse posted the article & I saw the photos, I realized that I'm pretty sure that, somewhere, sometime, in my 35 years in IT in DC, I have met Ms Page. Don't remember where or when, but I have.
Cheryl Mills: Cleared despite telling untruths
Mills was chief of staff and counselor to Clinton when she was Secretary of State.
Strzok summarized the interview with her which he conducted in April 2016, saying: 'Mills did not learn Clinton was using a private server until after Clinton’s tenure. Mills stated she was not even sure she knew what a server was at the time.'
In fact a series of emails from the time demonstrated that neither assertion by Mills could be true.
'hrc email coming back — is server okay?' Mills emailed to Justin Cooper, the IT aide in February 2010.
Despite that email, Strzok accepted that she did not know what a 'server' was at the time.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5152171/The-FBI-agents-lover-seen-time.html#ixzz51S2zZn4c
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@YoungHegelian, that happens with all bureaucracies at all times. It’s one of many good reasons for restricting government size
My question, and this MAY extend to conspiracy theorizing, relates to this wife of Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr. She was being paid/working for Fusion GPS during that summer and in an odd turn for a 60 year old woman decided that she would apply for a ham radio license.
If she were using a shortwave radio to communicate with C Steele for example she would know that it would likely evade collection by the NSA et al. Maybe Rhhardin can shed some light as to a motive for applying for the license.
Inga, like a good hiverminder, does not believe anything negative about her precious holy party. Strozk is a poor hero and Hillary did nothing wrong.
Let's not stop there and miss the heart of the issue.
Liberals do not find the discovery of Strzok's "insurance policy" abhorrent. They find it hopeful and intriguing.
Their only issue is it doesn't seem to have been fully implemented at this late date.
'hrc email coming back — is server okay?' Mills emailed to Justin Cooper, the IT aide in February 2010.
More sex talk, we'll be assured.
"hrc email" being the weekly hotel room they shared, and "server" being the pet name Mills had for Cooper's penis.
Just like yoga videos and wedding invitations,
@Big Mike,
that happens with all bureaucracies at all times.
Yep, I see it here in DC everywhere.
There's a bureaucratic process I rudely call "let's stand around & suck each others dicks & tell each other IT WAS SOOOOO BIG!" It happens in all sorts of organizations & across organizations in the same "vertical market". It involves organizations telling themselves that they're so important, that the world can't live without them, that their expertise is irreplaceable. The organization then institutes processes that reward its members, not for accomplishing the corporate mission, but rather for finding better ways to echo & to amplify the "IT'S SOOOO BIG" message.
Every organization needs a sense of esprit de corps, but esprit de corps can quickly morph into "IT'S SOOO BIG". In organizations that don't have metrics that employees live & die by (i.e. Civil Service), unless an organization is actively & forcibly restrained from "So big-ism", it will inexorably go down that path. The more credentialed the staff must be, the more inexorably it'll happen (e.g. Foreign Service).
I think this insight is so brilliant I should be giving lectures on it at the Wharton School. But, hey, that's just me.
Many articles refer to Lisa page as strozyks "mistress".
So what is strozyk? Is he pages "mister"?
Seriously, what is the male equivalent of mistress?
John Henry
Young Hegelian warns: Note to the ladies: being the "other woman" means not being able to pick up the phone at all hours & start blabbering to the paramour. That is, unless you just like a future that involves lawyers.
Not to mention that your behavior is both despicable and stupid. Some might call you a victim, though. All women are victims. Of something or someone.
Bottom line is the average American is learning that it cannot trust our highest law enforcement institutions to operate with integrity.
We saw this in spades here in WI where the LEO's were able to silence their targets with threats of further prosecution for speaking up during a secret JDoe investigation. Some were denied the ability to call an attorney while their homes were ransacked.
This in America.
Drown the leviathon in the bathtub.
Not to mention that your behavior is both despicable and stupid
Well, yes, but it's part of the fallen human condition we're all stuck in down here.
I actually feel sorry for women like this on some level. For the guy, what he wants is sex, & sex is easy to do, relatively speaking. But, often what the woman wants is attention & affection, & that takes time no one has. It's basically impossible to do if you're asking it from a man who, oh, you know, is married to someone else & has kids! It's a sure-fire recipe for present heartbreak to become greater future heartbreak, even without being FBI employees in a controversial presidential investigation.
On the other hand, you're a woman, & if I was female, I, too, would have an awful lot less sympathy with the sleazy bimbo who was horning in on my hubster, whatever her goddamn reasons were!
YH, I don't see them so much as 'sleazy bimbos' as naive and self-destructive.
And I think most of them really believe the guy will divorce his wife and marry them. I wonder what makes them think he will be faithful. Certainly not his track record. ;-)
Inga reminds me why I chose not to pursue a tenure track academic job - too many grad students who cut and pasted others' thoughts because they were either too lazy or too stupid to come up with an original analysis.
“Peter Strzok has two phones:
1) His personal cell phone
2) The cell phone issued to him by the FBI.
The second phone is the phone that "cannot be traced".”
Yeh, well, it is also the phone whose text messages, call logs, and voice mail can be searched by the FBI without a warrant, since they, coincidentally, owned the phone.
“Inga reminds me why I chose not to pursue a tenure track academic job - too many grad students who cut and pasted others' thoughts because they were either too lazy or too stupid to come up with an original analysis.”
Francisco completely missed the point of why I posted the excerpts. So I’ll have to tell him, because maybe his thought processes have slowed down in his old age. These were opinions from CONSERVATIVES. Get it? There are conservatives who actually are not conspiracy theory hysterics, like you are and some others here are. My own take on the matter would immediatly be dismissed as coming from a liberal. Why should I bother? I’d rather present to Trumpists and conservatives here a rational point of view by other conservatives.
Oh, and whose messages can be trurned over to the OIG, and thence Congress, for the same reason.
Why these NeverTrumpers continue to immolate their own credibility is beyond me.
Good comment by Lloyd W. Robertson's @7:21. He summed up by saying:
"...firing Comey was probably a mistake--but somehow, maybe inadvertently, he is bringing fresh air and sunlight to the swamp."
Which led me to this: Was the firing a mistake?
If Trump hadn't fired Comey, the Mueller investigation might not have happened, and we wouldn't be finding out about this FBI bias and corruption. If Trump knew there was no Russian collusion to find, but knew there were lots of FBI and Obama administration dirty tricks during the campaign, why wouldn't he want someone to do some digging? He's letting his opponents dig their own grave. Maybe when he fired Comey he was handing them the shovel.
Actually, Inga had to cut and paste from conservative sites because the liberal ones aren't even reporting on this.
Oh lordy. This is precious. Really? This is the best they could come up with? What next, that Strzok and Page were actually playing "the opposite game" on their phones and saying the opposite of what they really felt about trump? If Strzok isn't fired before his hearing I would love to hear him explain away all of these texts and what he meant by "insurance policy" with Andy McCabe.
The Washington Post is flailing. They're not getting their talking points and they're confused about how to report the issue so that it exonerates the FBI and makes it into an attack on Trump.
How awful to be their spouses!
I can just imagine the toxic atmosphere inside their respective homes. Because at the end of the day, while they can say this was political pay back, they still put Tab D in Slot V for real and they have to live with that fact
The problem with cutting and pasting is that you miss the context of the author's writing, assuming (perhaps foolishly) that you have read and understood it. Since you probably got your quotes from a DNC source, I suspect that you are once again displaying your unwavering ignorance and leftism. That's the problem with psych nurses. They know just enough to be dangerously stupid.
I doubt if you have read much of Andrew McCarthy's writing. I respect him, although he writes for a never-Trump magazine that I read almost daily - The National Review.
McCarthy tends to argue both sides of a question (appropriately in my mind) and leaves himself open to new evidence and interpretation. You should read what he wrote today about the anti-Trump FBI.
From Andrew McCarthy today,
"Was the August 2016 decision to spy on a Trump associate based on a Clinton campaign screed’s claim of a corrupt Trump-Russia deal? Did FBI and Justice Department officials lose their professional objectivity because Steele’s information fit their anti-Trump bias? Was the Steele dossier, in effect, the “insurance policy” Agent Strzok had in mind? President Trump can provide the answers to these questions: He just needs to order the FBI and Justice Department, led by his appointees, to cooperate with Congress’s investigations."
You are welcome, Inga.
Hump said: "Trumpism = Cutting taxes, cutting regs, appointing Gorsuch, forcing NATO member to own up, sealing the border, withdrawing from the Paris climate fraud, retracting Obambi's Utah monument designation, stopping chain immigration.
Trumpism? Sign me up.
Chuck responded: "~ "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated..."
~ "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."
~ "Grab 'em by the pussy."
~ Flynn, Gorka, Scaramucci, Bannon, Omarosa, etc.
~ "I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!"
~ "mean" (Trump on the House Republicans' Obamacare replacement.)
~ "moron" (Secretary of State Rex Tillesron on Trump.)
~ Trump on the New York Times, in October '16: "the failing @nytimes..."
~ Trump on the New York Times, in November '16: "The Times is a great, great American jewel..."
~Trump on the New York Times, in December '17: "Another false story, this time in the Failing @nytimes..."
I feel sorry for you Chuck. I list ACTIONS Trump has taken. You respond with negative STYLE points. You don't care what he has achieved, which has been significant. You only care about presentation. Give me action every time.
Trump drove them fucking crazy.
I'm sure that "insurance policy" is just a code term for "use a condom".
@Humperdink -- you must know by now that Chuckles wants his Republican Party to be filled with club men. Breeding, my good sir. Results be damned! The very idea of political power is repulsive to the genteel. Graciousness whilst in the minority is the solitary noble calling.
The last paragraph
---snip--The issue has come up before. In 2014, an FBI agent was caught texting on the witness stand at a trial and then lied under oath about it. She killed herself hours after the incident---snip--
is just getting us ready for the inevitable double suicide...floating the idea to them and to us.....and to Hillary who with with her sub-cortical vascular dementia may have forgotten that it is an option.
Perhaps a tad off point, yet: Were Trump to be removed as a result of this wandering witch-hunt, there would be heck to pay in so many ways, the least of which might be a stripping of that layer of civility in our society. Trump struck a cord that many of us felt and which many also felt was a push back against the establishment (Whatever that term, establishment, is supposed to mean! Seriously, define that term such that it has a concrete meaning, which is not clear now!).
Also, more directly on a point: The Special Prosecutor Statute provides an open ended hunt for any dirt or hint of dirt or even hint of poor manners, of which any could be presented as a charge, or if not that, as a "gotcha" bulletin. It's, from my lay person point of view, a way of using RICO techniques just because the prosecutor can. Search for wrong doing in any person's life and something can be found, and our federal government will pay for that sewer search.
Mueller's charge is open ended, scooping any aspect of an opponent's life. Pure bullshit, and a brilliant way to avoid looking at Lady Hillary's record.
I finally fogired out who Chuck reminds me of. Wesley Crusher.
Shut up Wesley.
Chuck with a thought cloud above his head: "Speaker Ryan .... good looking, articulate, never a nasty word, gracious, always smiling, physically fit, gets nothing done. My kind of Republican."
Bruce Hayden at 1:53 AM
Yeh, well, it is also the phone whose text messages, call logs, and voice mail can be searched by the FBI without a warrant, since they, coincidentally, owned the phone.
Page told Strzok to tell his wife that his FBI phone could not be traced. It was an explanation for the wife.
On second thought, maybe my explanation is wrong.
It now seems to me that "a phone that cannot be traced" is a cheap one that you buy to use only a few times and then throw away. Your brief ownership of the phone cannot be determined.
If Peter Strzok ever went into politics and ran for office against Barack Obama, then Obama would petition a court to open all of Strzok's divorce records so that he could publish them in newspapers.
Trump likes to give people nicknames. For Strzok I suggest 'Stronzo'. It's Italian for asshole.
Mike Sylwester
I'm not buying the "Let's cover my communications from the wife" BS. Who with the type of job at the FBI Strzok has doesn't constantly get texted or called hourly? I've got a small accounting business and my cell rings constantly. Do you think my dates know who I'm talking to while we're laying in bed?
Every corrupt democrat was cleared. The whole line of them.
It pays to be a corrupt democrat. As Markos Mulitsas said - lying is important when you're on the left.
"The issue has come up before" — what issue?
The Issue of Covering for Democrats when they do illegal stuff.
Ya got mud on yer face
You're a big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place
Singin' We will, we will, Strzok you
We will, we will, Strzok you.
"The Issue of Covering for Democrats when they do illegal stuff."
Now, now. Allegedly doing illegal stuff. Allegedly.
As I scroll through the comments I see several links to the UK Daily Mail covering servers and timelines and testimony.
And none of that information appears to be available in US MSM, though it is in numerous blogs. Anyone else wonder, or know, why that is? Why we have to rely on foreign newspapers for accurate stories about US politics?
"As I scroll through the comments I see several links to the UK Daily Mail covering servers and timelines and testimony.
And none of that information appears to be available in US MSM, though it is in numerous blogs. Anyone else wonder, or know, why that is? Why we have to rely on foreign newspapers for accurate stories about US politics?"
The thing I wonder about is lots of people on the left have to know their favorite news sources aren't telling them everything. You'd think that would be a giant 2x4 upside the head. It would be for me. Why do they tolerate it?
Humperdink said...
I feel sorry for you Chuck. I list ACTIONS Trump has taken. You respond with negative STYLE points. You don't care what he has achieved, which has been significant. You only care about presentation. Give me action every time.
Your Trump "actions":
Hump said: "Trumpism = Cutting taxes, cutting regs, appointing Gorsuch, forcing NATO member to own up, sealing the border, withdrawing from the Paris climate fraud, retracting Obambi's Utah monument designation, stopping chain immigration.
Congressional Republicans wrote the tax bill. They negotiated it, worked on it, worked the politics. I don't know why the puffy fatass Trump would get credit; he was playing golf. More golf, by a mile, than "Obambi."
"Cutting regs"; yeah, I'd give Trump's cabinet credit for that. Trump's cabinet, of former Congressional Republicans and Wall Streeters.
"Appointing Gorsuch"; Trump NOMINATED Gorsuch. As Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society suggested. The Senate, led by Mitch McConnell, confirmed Gorsuch. I've said many times that I liked that nomination.
NATO? I suppose that there's been some productive jawboning there, on member contributions. Not sure to what effect, so far. I think our overall relations with NATO allies are badly deteriorated under Trump.
"Sealing the border"? How has the US-Mexico border been "sealed"? I can tell you from here in Michigan, we don't want to seal the border with Canada. We've got more trade, with auto supplies, parts and assembly operations going back and forth between Detroit and Ontario, than any other trading partner in the world.
Trump hasn't stopped chain migration. Not yet. It'll take legislation to do that. And between Trump and Bannon, we might not have a Republican Congress after 2018.
Paris climate treaty? Uh, it wasn't a treaty. Which is why Trump could do that. And why it didn't make a lot of difference either way. I don't mind Trump having done it; I'm just not impressed by Trump's contribution to the intellectual fight. He's a caricature, with his trashtalk about how climate change is a Chinese-generated "hoax." He's denied it, but his own Tweets say otherwise:
Fake denial from Donald Trump.
Which leaves a really terrific accomplishment for Trump; rescinding the national monument designations for the Utah federal lands, etc. Fantastic.
I love it when LLR Chuck goes completely off the rails.
Everything that is happening in DC has NOTHING to do with Trump.
Meanwhile, all of Chuckies leftist operational allies are telling us that Trump has already ruined everything!!!
I'll just sit right back and enjoy the 3 to 4% GDP growth that LLR Chuck's lefty allies told me was impossible just 12 months ago.
Literally impossible they said!! We would never recover they said!! And they are so "informed" and "educated" and "knowledgeable" and "insightful"!
LLR responded: ""Cutting regs"; yeah, I'd give Trump's cabinet credit for that."
Ha ha Trump's cabinet, but not Trump. Love your logic Chuck. Remove the scales from your eyes before you walk into something and you hurt yourself.
All the proof you need to prove they are all lying crooks is still not enough.
McCabe - the D-hack who must be fired.
Make it happen.
"The point man running interference for the #Resistance in the FBI seems to be deputy director Andrew McCabe. No matter where you go in looking at the FBI’s actions you turn up McCabe and his cronies. We know that McCabe carried a personal grudge against Mike Flynn for supporting a female FBI agent who was suing the FBI over wrongful termination and sex discrimination. We know McCabe is currently under investigation for violating the Hatch Act because he electioneered for his wife, who was running for a Virginia state senate seat with the backing of Hillary Clinton and her long time bag man, Terry McAuliffe, we know that the guy who seems to have put the Trump dossier into play as a “counterintelligence” finding, Peter Strzok, hung out in McCabe’s office discussing politics with his partner in adultery. He was in charge of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. And on and on.
Last Tuesday, McCabe was scheduled for closed-door testimony with the House Intelligence Committee. He suddenly discovered a “scheduling conflict” when it was revealed that associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr had met with one of the principals of Fusion GPS to discuss the Trump dossier AFTER the election:"
If our resident lefties and LLRs had as much smoking gun evidence of conspifacy and obstruction and corruption against Trump as we have on the Left's heroes in all this, impeachment would pass easily even with a Republican congress.
As it is, after a solid year of tainted investigations, never ending hysterics and a 24/7 fake news cycle, they have literally nothing on Trump, and claims by idiots like Rob Reiner that it would somehow be wildly inappropriate for Mueller, McCabe, Strzok and the rest of the clown show to be fired are hilariously pathetic. It's disturbingly inappropriate that they were allowed to stay on this long. But it's funny to hear them shouting indignantly that they literally cannot be prosecuted for any crimes no matter how high the mountains of evidence pile up as long as a Republican is in office. Good luck with that!
But..can we risk the taking to the streets of George Takei?
He appears to be made of Teflon...
“So look,” the text from Page to Strzok reads, “you say we text on that phone when we talk about Hillary because it can’t be traced, you were just venting [because] you feel bad that you’re gone so much but it can’t be helped right now.”...
Womansplaining. Class A womansplaining.
Meanwhile, things continue to heat up. Predictions, that I find maybe more wishful than plausible, that Mueller is fired by Christmas, with Congresss out of town. And that the Mueller investigation got its hands on the entirety of the Trump transition team’s email from GSA, which was hosting such. They had thoughtfully identified what they believed to be privileged and unprivileged (it isn’t, of course, their call - it is Trump’s). Didn’t matter - the FBI apparently took the entire thing, privileged and non privileged, and Mueller’s partisan prosecutors and investigators apparently sifted through it - without a warrant. A fairly gross 4th Amdt violation. Maybe even grosser than the Constitutional violations by Lois Lerner and the IRS. If this is true, it could be more than sufficient to justify firing Mueller and some of the FBI involved, and maybe land some of them in jail, as having been both illegal and grossly political. We shall see. The first is a rumor, while the latter was from a statement by one of Trump’s attorneys.
Honestly though, isn't this just an attempt at the Bill Clinton, "It is just sex," defense again?
You younger readers may not remember, but once upon a time, Democrats were pretty sure that sexual misbehavior was disqualifying for government service.
Folks of my generation remember that period of our history as "between Thanksgiving and this past Tuesday".
Humperdink said: Trumpism = ...withdrawing from the Paris climate fraud
and The Only Real Republican Around Here responded:
Paris climate treaty? Uh, it wasn't a treaty.
Advantage: Humperdink.
Congressional Republicans wrote the tax bill. They negotiated it, worked on it, worked the politics. I don't know why the puffy fatass Trump would get credit; he was playing golf. More golf, by a mile, than "Obambi.". - Life Long Republican
This is the kind of stuff you hear at the pub after Tea Party meetings all the time people!
It's almost as if Chuck hates success! Another thing he has in common with all of the lefty trolls is that none of them voted for Hillary either!
Blogger Humperdink said...
"LLR responded: ""Cutting regs"; yeah, I'd give Trump's cabinet credit for that."
Ha ha Trump's cabinet, but not Trump. Love your logic Chuck. Remove the scales from your eyes before you walk into something and you hurt yourself."
I'm beginning to think that Chucks hardon for Trump is a real hardon and hes yearning for Trumps attention.
David P. Goldman — who has long written perceptive political treatises under the name “Spengler” — assesses Trump’s first year: “Trump’s courage and cunning confound his opponents,” such as our very own LLR.
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