"I arrived on the set the day we were to shoot the scene that I believed would save the movie. And for the first and last time in my career, I had a nervous breakdown: My body began to shake uncontrollably, my breath was short and I began to cry and cry, unable to stop, as if I were throwing up tears. Since those around me had no knowledge of my history of Harvey, they were very surprised by my struggle that morning. It was not because I would be naked with another woman. It was because I would be naked with her for Harvey Weinstein. But I could not tell them then. My mind understood that I had to do it, but my body wouldn’t stop crying and convulsing. At that point, I started throwing up while a set frozen still waited to shoot. I had to take a tranquilizer, which eventually stopped the crying but made the vomiting worse. As you can imagine, this was not sexy, but it was the only way I could get through the scene."
From "Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too" by Salma Hayek (NYT).
Is there any chance whatsoever of someone saying Yeah, I had to do whatever, but it was no big deal, it was fun?
I can’t but think that Judi Dench liked that sort of thing and even got her ass tattoo’d for Harvey.
Salma slut-shamed herself. For Harvey.
Weinstein-Hillary-Menendez 2020, baby. We all need to vomit like that, every day.
Strzok me Strzok me.
I have often wondered if scripts were changed mid movie to get actress to remove their top. Topless for no particular reason to advance the narrative. Then, actress has her boobs out for friends, relatives, maybe even future children to see. Imagine going to school and having other kids tease you about seeing your mom's tits on TV
Money for speculative ventures like "film" or "oil exploration" should be easier to get than this.
I don't remember it. Either I haven't seen the film or it's unremarkable; a passing tit scene put in for ratings or something.
Unable to load NYT page with dial-up, bailed out after 15 minutes loading.
Salma Hayek's model was Frida Kahlo, who had her own Weinstein, and worse, Diego Rivera.
There is considerable overlap, Weinstein/Diego Rivera.
But Kahlo actually loved her monster.
Makes you wonder how much of this scene from the sitcom Action was based on real life experience. Except she got to beat up and humiliate the producer in the TV Version.
The big story most of the MSM are skipping:
The FBI’s Trump ‘Insurance’
More troubling evidence of election meddling at the bureau.
"Democrats and the media are accusing anyone who criticizes special counsel Robert Mueller as Trumpian conspirators trying to undermine his probe. But who needs critics when Mr. Mueller’s team is doing so much to undermine its own credibility?
Wednesday’s revelations—they’re coming almost daily—include the Justice Department’s release of 2016 text messages to and from Peter Strzok, the FBI counterintelligence agent whom Mr. Mueller demoted this summer. The texts, which he exchanged with senior FBI lawyer Lisa Page, contain expletive-laced tirades against Mr. Trump. Such Trump hatred is no surprise and not by itself disqualifying. More troubling are texts that suggest that some FBI officials may have gone beyond antipathy to anti-Trump plotting.
“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office—that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Mr. Strzok wrote Ms. Page in an Aug. 15, 2016 text. He added: “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.” "
These revelations are negatively affecting my movie watching experience. I'd already had a rule about not watching movies that have explicit rape scenes because I find them offensive. But now when I see a young woman doing any nude or semi-nude scene I can't help but wonder how she felt about it. It's distracting and disconcerting. I'd already started to prefer classic old movies to the newer ones because I find the stories and dialogue more entertaining. And now I have another reason to avoid the current crap coming out of Hollywood.
OT: Corrupt Democrat hacks infest everything. The media. The FBI.
We rally are a banana republic.
Trey Gowdy grills Rob Rosenstein
Golly. It's a shame what a woman has to go through to make a movie celebrating a woman who adored Stalin.
FullMoon said...
Imagine going to school and having other kids tease you about seeing your mom's tits on TV
Meh. LA's full of private schools where everyone's mom has had her boobs out on TV.
I must be hard hearted. A woman who trades sex for money is upset that the man paying the money treats her like a woman who trades sex for money rather than treating her like an artist who doesn’t. A rich and influential woman decides not to blow the whistle on a man she thinks is a monster, because it might cost her a bit of that great wealth.
"I had to say yes." Why? Movie and career mean more than personal strength and dignity?
Night Owl
I too find modern sex scenes just slow stuff down. A great sex scene is a door pushed closed with a foot IMO ...
There’s a wonderful “sex” scene in The More The Merrier (1943)
My comments keep disappearing. I guess pointing out our hostess’s hypocrisy on Rose McGowan is a no no.
The question I ask is -- where were all these actresses menfolks during this cascade of abuse from Weinstein? I know Brad Pitt told Weinstein that if he messed with Angelina again there'd be trouble, but the rest?
As Laslo is to Scarlett Johansson, so am I to Ms Hayek. If I was errr, "involved" with Ms Hayek, I would let a miscreant like Weinstein know that if he bothered her again that the LA homicide squad would be scraping his brain matter off a wall in short order.
And, let me tell ya, if the lawyer asked me on the stand why I dunne it, I'd say "Shit, no way I'm gonna let some sorry-ass motherfucker horn in on my action with boo-tay that fine." There is absolutely no all-male jury in the world that would convict. "Your honor, we the jury find that the victim just needed killin', is all".
Ms. Hayek fails to acknowledge the women who have spoken out, and continue to speak out against their abusers, but were not feted because their charges were not politically expedient. Women are not speaking out because they "finally can," but are being put forth by a partisan media that finally has use for them.
Before that, the women were just trailer trash aiming high. Now, they still are inconvenient because they persisted. Tell their stories, Ms. Hayek, if you dare.
Dickin' offers: Trey Gowdy grills Rob Rosenstein
Masterful! I pleaded with President elect Trump to appoint Gowdy as AG and I really would like to see him replace Sessions.
There might be brief spike in the rental of that movie..
Not a lot of empathy here. They say bloggers get the commenters they deserve, but in Althouse's case that seems grossly unfair.
The female chauvinists sacrificed women, girls, men, boys, and babies for social and political progress. Now they are reckoning with the shame.
Maybe the wider the spread the Harv stories, the greater the questions regarding folks keeping quiet for selfish reasons.
Salma was already a big star by the time she made Frida. She wasn't some up-and-comer who felt she had to do a nude lesbian scene to make it in Hollywood, or to make her next rent payment. Hayek smells of bullshit.
Was thinking the same, char char.
What was her net worth at the time?
She had name recognition.
She didn't want to fund it herself or go indy.
Hell..as cooperative as Mexico was, they would have likely ponied up $$.
She wanted to go big with a Miramax stamp.
As the Left is fond of saying: "1st world problems"
Salma Hayek?
She's an actress, correct?
Yes, we need to believe women. I have daughters. Yes we need to shut down sexual harassment...on a proportionate basis.
But...women lie. Sometimes. They lie about work, they lie about their vacations, they lie about what they eat, they lie about what they don't eat, they lie about their age, they lie about who they are dating, not dating won't date.
The thing I am noting about a lot of these actresses is that they aren't Taylor Swift: at the top of their career. Most of them are in that 40+ age range, which means they aren't getting any parts. Period!
Want to know who I want to see nakiee? Scarlett Johansen. So if I want to, I am sure that some big exec wants to as well.
Is SHE speaking out besides nebulous platitudes? Well...no. Not really. Are we to believe that NO ONE is asking her to show her goodies? In Hollywood? In the last 6 years?
This beggars belief.
Meanwhile Salma (I had to do 5 auditions even for Wild Wild West because I am a HPOA but a horrible actress) Hayek when she is NOT marketable, comes up with this.
Just...can we get back to due process? Please? Can we have a valid statute of limitations?
I don't want to hear about something that happened 20 years ago when your boobs were still attached to your chest. I want to hear about it in a TIMELY fashion.
Because women are supposed to be adults. For her stuck up flaws, at least Taylor Swift is dealing with this nonsense NOW!
It's all about meeeeee, it's all about meeeeeee....
How wonderful for everyone else on the project, especially for the actress who has to kiss her. Salma's pitching a hissy fit, slamming doors, and throwing up. Oh, not because she didn't want to kiss the other girl. Because that would be, you know, gay bashing or something if she said that. No, she has to throw up before kissing the other girl because of Harvey! The evil bastard who makes successful art movies, and who made it possible for Salma to play the role she's always wanted, because let's be clear, the studios weren't lining up to bid on a movie about a Stalin-worshiping Mexican artist with a mustache or Kahlo's hubby, either.
Mind you, Diego could paint. Freida, not so much.
I had to say Yes
Well, I'll say that's not really true -- and that she knows it.
No is a simple word, and it works really well.
It sounds like her conscience was trying to tell her something, and she wasn't listening.
There is your "Letter from the Birmingham Jail" for Hollywood.
buwaya said...There is considerable overlap, Weinstein/Diego Rivera.
But Kahlo actually loved her monster.
As most here probably know, the monster Kahlo loved was Joseph Stalin, even after he had her friend ice picked for spite. Hayek celebrated a monster and wants us to feel bad for her for what she went through to do it?
Salma was already a big star by the time she made Frida. She wasn't some up-and-comer who felt she had to do a nude lesbian scene to make it in Hollywood, or to make her next rent payment. Hayek smells of bullshit.--Char Char Binks
There are three basic tiers of Hollywood salaries. The top now is around $15 million upfront and more later, if the film makes it. Salma was looking to move up from her middle spot.
Actresses in these stories have presented themselves as sexually innocent as cloistered nuns. Everything is shocking and traumatic.
Powerful story. But it's amazing how almost any story about anything negative these days, has the obligatory Trump Slam in it. Admittedly, it actually fits into this story as far as the subject matter goes, but it's practically become boilerplate language now. The Trump Slam significantly reduces the credibility and power of almost any story in which it appears. At least I think it does for normal people as opposed to those suffering from TDS.
Salma would draw the line at feltching, I believe. Even if it were in the script--which she doesn't read, apparently.
I saw that movie, but I can't remember anything about it.......Maybe catering to Harvey helped her with the process of getting into character. Frida gave blowjobs to Trotsky. I, personally, would rather watch Harvey masturbate than give Trotsky a blowjob, but it's all part of the creative process for a talented artist like Salma.....Do you think it would be possible to show a revolutionary icon as a sexual predator? Che and Fidel were world class horn dogs, but this aspect of their personality is never mentioned in biopics. Maybe in another generation. They're starting to mention that JFK liked women in period dramas.......The persona that Salma projects onscreen is not that of a person who would submit to Harvey's demands. I can see where she would be reluctant to publicize this......It's a horrendous story, and I feel genuinely sympathetic for her predicament.
"Want to know who I want to see nakiee? Scarlett Johansen."
Watching part one of "Darjeeling Limited" will cure you of that desire.
Hollywood magic isn't limited to CGI.
I think she's making a point - that she couldn't "move up" to Tier One without being forced into these situations. The question is whether any woman, even a woman with a track record of success, could "move up" in the entertainment business without being assaulted and perhaps raped. Look at the stories about Russell Simmons. The commonality is that those women had proved their ability and still he raped several of them, got it done and got away, because the women wanted to succeed in a field he dominated. The Reckoning is about changing things so that there is no droit de seigneur in the entertainment business. It shouldn't be the road to serfdom Hayek writes about. Can The Reckoning produce change? I think we'd have better music and acting, yes and better literature, if the young women succeed in making a change.
That doesn't mean I believe every story I hear. There are vicious liars out there. And this is why the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights are important - our justice system is about "Equal justice under Law." But just listen to the songs from rap and hip hop, just look at the movies, just listen to the jokes. You know women are being assaulted.
The top now is around $15 million upfront and more later, if the film makes it. Salma was looking to move up from her middle spot.
That comes perilously close to, "We have established what you are. Now we are haggling over the price".
"That comes perilously close to, "We have established what you are. Now we are haggling over the price"."
BINGO! All of this sounds exactly like that.
BINGO! All of this sounds exactly like that.
Except perhaps Harvey Weinstein's threat to murder her.
"Except perhaps Harvey Weinstein's threat to murder her."
Oooo. DRAMA!!!!
So she sez.
this ain't news stiff, and classy actresses knew how to handle it.
"I have often wondered if scripts were changed mid movie to get actress to remove their [her] top."
If the justification for making possession of child porn is because making it harms children and because it probably wouldn't get made if there were no market for it, might the same justification criminalize possession of some mainstream movies if they couldn't or wouldn't have been made without criminal harm to adults?
To rip Freddie Mercury,
You brought me fame and fortune and all that goes with it, so fuck you all...
To rip Freddie Mercury,
You brought me fame and fortune and all that goes with it, so fuck you all...
I still return to the 'Scarlett Syndrome'.
Okay, conceded: it is possible in the past, with some people, the truth would be squelched. Some model had a wire made of Harvey (Adam Carolla had it on his radio show...he sounded pathetic, not scary, begging for sex) and STILL that got ignored.
Okay. NOW, if Scarlett blew the whistle on guys, SHE WOULD BE BELIEVED AND IMMUNIZED from retribution...for the most part.
So...where are the people naming names TODAY? Right now?
No mainstream actress is doing this. Has beens are regaling us of sins gone by decades ago against (for the most part) washed up or third tier directors. There may be a few exceptions. Not many.
Granted, there is no win here. It seems most of the reactions I am seeing is one of outrage toward the serious sinners...but also women suddenly #MeTooing as frankly, and for the most part, overreacting and making society a little (or a lot) worse.
So there is no 'win' here, it seems.
Double post, don't know how/why.
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