November 12, 2017

"'We're having a menstrual liberation': how periods got woke."

By Abigail Radnor in The Guardian. Excerpt:
I wait with [Chella] Quint in a classroom in a London academy at the end of the school day.... When Quint explains she is a comedian who likes to talk about periods, one student says she must have the “most awkward job ever”. Three boys come in and huddle around a table, sniggering.... She gets them playing “period knowledge twister” and doing the “menstruation mambo”, where the recently mortified 12- to 13-year-olds dance in a circle as they sing “internal, external, disposable, reusable”, teaching them about the different products available. The group of 13 then set about creating their own period stains out of red felt. Soon they are all wearing them as badges – Quint calls it “leak chic” and says it is all about challenging the idea of periods as shameful. “Leaking should be as boring as accidentally spitting on someone...”...

The students bound out of the classroom, wearing their period stains with pride. Soon the school’s co-principal pops in to say he’s never had a year 8 student come up to him before declaring, “Look, sir, this is my period stain.” They are “buzzing”, he says....


bagoh20 said...

When are they going to cure that shit?

wendybar said...

Wow.... This is disgusting and sad. Wait until they get into the real world....NOBODY is going to care about their period stains.

Henry said...


Gahrie said...

Wow...wait until they get to nocturnal emissions!

wendybar said...

What's next?? Poop stains??

Mary Beth said...

I hate when someone accidentally spits on me and feel terrible when I accidentally spit when I'm talking. As uncomfortable as those things are, the discomfort passes quickly. A leak is a rest-of-the-day (or until you can change your clothes) thing.

Having any stain on your clothes is uncomfortable because any stain draws the eye, and menstrual leaking means people are looking at your crotch or your ass all day.

BJM said...

What value does any of this have other than creating an alternate reality? How are these students going to become functioning, self-supporting adults in the real world?

Sarthurk said...

Common core biology. Wonderful.
I felt awkward about teaching the Facts of life in marine biology for K-12 classes, but I had the kids full attention, so that was good.
This tripe here teaches nothing but fantasy and liberal propaganda. Parents are, in my opinion, negligent at best to let these so called educators brainwash their children like this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wendybar - yes.

Laslo Spatula said...

Edible panties should not be worn At That Time Of The Month.

I am Laslo.

Oso Negro said...

This sort of thing is what produces a story like "Dave the Period Fairy". Women are much more freaked out about the fact of their menstruation than they imagine men to be.

Mr Wibble said...

These people are a fertility cult by another name.

Oso Negro said...

@Laslo - Don't the Japanese sell menstruated-in edible panties in vending machines? There is good money in that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I was never taught that periods were shameful. But you don't want to wear white on those days,,, just in case. Because a stain is a stain.

If you spill coffee or spaghetti lunch on your shirt, are you excited? no - you're embarrassed. You do what you can to hide the stain so you don't look like a slob.

Teaching young girls about periods is all fine and dandy. But you know what - the worst part of a female period is the cramping. Yay cramps!

MayBee said...

Hahahhahahha! But we don't care about your super-common semen, men!

LordSomber said...

Pride in a bodily function is *almost* shallower than pride in skin color.

buwaya said...

Its not a fertility cult.
The opposite actually.

Darrell said...

And thus the Empire ended.

Darrell said...

Old enough to bleed, old enough to butcher.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

LordSomber said...
Pride in a bodily function is *almost* shallower than pride in skin color.

11/12/17, 10:17 AM

Hey, teenage boys! Don't bother with Kleenex anymore. Just aim for your pants leg or shirt and then tell the world that you're having a "ejaculation liberation!" Ashamed of those pajamas the morning after a wet dream? Don't rush to wash them before Mom finds out, wear them to school! Why should semen stains be confined to Monica's blue dress, when you can decorate your own clothes with your golden sperm?

If a boy actually did that, he'd be suspended for sexual harassment, although if he said he was gay, they'd give him a pass.

William said...

Is it possible for a female comic to feel so privileged and entitled that she works through her exhibionistic fantasies by throwing used tampons at her fans and admirers? Is is possible that those fans are so besotted with her genius that they feel flattered and, well, liberated to be allowed to share in the effluvia of her talent? Perhaps this should just be looked at as reparations for Louis C.K.

CStanley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CStanley said...

I wonder what was wrong with normal advice from older women to young women? If you're regular, be prepared a few days ahead of the time your period is expected and wear at least a thin pad in case it starts a bit early. If your periods are more erratic, you should at least keep pads or tampons with you all of the time and consider whether you need a thin pantiliner all of the time.

If you do get a stain, and especially if you're prone to sudden heavy periods, keep a sweater or sweatshirt at school and tie it around your waist, or if possible have a change of clothes available.

It's really not that complicated.

bagoh20 said...

Many years ago my girlfriend and her girlfriend were out at a club dancing. As they were leaving and getting into their car, a young guy who was showing interest inside the club, ran up to their car and dove in the front seat landing on top of them while masturbating and immediately ejaculated on them and in her friend's purse. Apparently, he was just ahead of his time. I still ask them about this incident, unable to get my head around the gall, motivation, and logistics of such an act. They insist that's exactly how it happened, despite my skepticism at how such a thing could be "pulled off", so to speak.

bagoh20 said...

I think it's time that men start taking responsibility and carrying feminine hygiene products with us at all times. This unfortunate function is something that is necessary for the entire species, and the burden should not be placed solely on women alone, but shared by us all.

stevew said...

What problem is this fixing?


J. Farmer said...

Hmm...this all seems very transphobic. And do they have a version where the boys don codpieces to learn not to be ashamed of their mid-day classroom erections?

Pinandpuller said...

Are they teaching any other punctuation?

Yancey Ward said...

As a man I can tell you women- we don't care. Life if chock full of embarrassing things we have happen to ourselves.

Pinandpuller said...

Men can carry feminine products for GSW's.

Homeless people are the most liberated of all.

RNB said...

The girls get educated and the boys get humiliated. That's a win-win in modern pedagogy.

Peter said...

Behind all the good sense public health points in the article, there is an underlying theme I've never been able to figure out: Why are women so fascinated by their biology and why do they love testing men about it? For a lot of women, it can almost be a marker of true love for a man to get into this sort of thing and it obviously is seen by the author and activists quoted as some kind of test of a man's belief in gender equality. I've attended several pre-natal courses and, behind all the pap about partnership and "co-birthing", there was a stern nurse lecturing the fathers-to-be stonily on the endlessly fascinating mysteries of female biology and an undercurrent of competition between the mothers-to-be as to whose partners succeeded in pretending to be "into it".

walter said...

"12 women, all of us squeezing menstrual cups against our cheeks. The blinds are down, the wine has been flowing for the past hour, and after a few people have taken selfies, Mandu Reid, an expert in “cupography”, explains how to use our menstrual cups."
"Wait..this wine doesn't taste right."

bagoh20 said...I think it's time that men start taking responsibility and carrying feminine hygiene products with us at all times.
Dave the period Fairy

walter said...

"The language surrounding menstruation is a real bugbear for Quint. “We are not unsanitary. Periods are no dirtier than other things. Anything that comes out of your body is not necessarily hygienic, but nothing else is called that. There are no baby hygiene nappies or sanitary men’s deodorant.”

Howard said...

Menstrual Merkin?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

It's odd that feminists have developed such a high regard for menstrual blood. After all, regular periods are a sign of fertility. The biological purpose of menstruation is not to provide women with something to be either proud or ashamed of; it's part of the process of procreation. Which is not something they have a high regard for.

rhhardin said...

What about IUD spotting.

George Grady said...

Women, understand this: Your period isn’t gold. The majority of us do not want your period. Why? Because your period is the most average thing on earth.

n.n said...

This puts a whole new spin on potty training.

Haters gonna hate.

No Judgment.


walter said...

wendybar said...What's next?? Poop stains??
Not if Cottonelle has a say about it: Dare to go commando

walter said...

Blogger J. Farmer said...
do they have a version where the boys don codpieces to learn not to be ashamed of their mid-day classroom erections?
Women have no concept of that sort of battle between involuntary hydraulics and pants...kinda err..hard to simulate.

wendybar said...

And then there is this story....of a woman who makes bread using her yeast infection....We really are in trouble.

sean said...

Not quite Homer and Virgil, or even Austen and Dickinson, nor yet integral calculus and Kepler's laws, but I guess it's what passes for learning in the academy today.

Zach said...

She gets them playing “period knowledge twister” and doing the “menstruation mambo”, where the recently mortified 12- to 13-year-olds dance in a circle as they sing “internal, external, disposable, reusable”, teaching them about the different products available.

Shades of the painfully earnest youth minister at the local church.

walter said...

She's a few slices short of a loaf..

MacMacConnell said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
"I was never taught that periods were shameful. But you don't want to wear white on those days,,, just in case. Because a stain is a stain."

So what about all those Tampax ads growing up with the girls in white pants riding bicycles?

Susan said...

Well since the students have already mastered algebra, grammar and geography they don't really have anything better to do with their time.

n.n said...

Given that female chauvinists celebrate liberation from the "burden", it cannot be surprising that they would attempt to normalize natural secretions that symbolize the social progress that has been associated with uncommitted love and freedom from babies.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

So what about all those Tampax ads growing up with the girls in white pants riding bicycles?

11/12/17, 3:46 PM

That was to show how great Tampax tampons were - don't worry, you can wear white!

Smart girls didn't risk it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

wendybar, how utterly disgusting.

Dude1394 said...

Look sir, holding up a stained sock. Here is my masterbation stain!!

Anonymous said...

People think periods are shameful (if they do) because we are a culture that likes people to keep their bodily fluids inside.

If the levels of shame you're experiencing are enough to actually interfere with your life and/or identity (as opposed to merely being uncomfortable enough to provide a nice little incentive to keep your bodily fluids under control), your period isn't the problem; your dysfunctional environment is.

It's amazing how all the stuff the left wants to 'liberate' us from - including shame and modesty and even sanctity - so often happen to be things that evolved to keep us safe from real threats.

John henry said...

I was going to mention Dave the period fairy but Oso Negro beat me to it. I find the whole story incredibly bizarre on a number of levels.

For those not familiar: A 20 something woman is on a hike with some guys, including Dave. Her period comes on unexpectedly. Dave senses the problem, asks her about it and asks "Tampon or pad?" Then whips a tampon out of his backpack.

1) Why is a woman, between puberty and menopause, ever without a tampon/pad in her purse or backpack? Seems like just common sense to be prepared.

2) When asked later why he had a pad and tampon in his backpack he replied "Do you think this is the first time I've ever been hiking with a woman?" Implying that women are too bubbleheaded to take care of their own needs but must rely on men to do it for them. I doubt that was the way he meant it but it is the way it came across to me.

3) Instead of the feminist community being up in arms over a man thinking that women are too stupid to take care of themselves, they are falling all over calling him a hero.

Two other thoughts:

Someone here, male, has mentioned that they wear a sanitary pad in their bike helmet to soak up sweat. Too bad it didn't happen around you. You could have offered Ms bubblehead your grungy sweatsoaked pad as the only alternative. Take it or leave it.

All anyone needs to know about life is covered in Seinfeld:

George is wonder whether Susan is his "girlfriend"

Jerry: It depends on many factors
George: Such as?
(Discussion of a couple factors)
Jerry: Let me ask you this, Is there any Tampax in your house?
George: Yeah.
Jerry: Well I tell you what you got here, you've got yourself a girlfriend

John Henry

Trashcan O Man said...

Here's my Obama period stain, created in 2012, called 'Second-Term Curse.'

(Materials: Kotex ultra thin pantiliner, D/P Martin concentrated (crimson) watercolor, includes a hint of aloe & Vitamin E.)

Scott X said...

Women, understand this: your blood isn't gold. The majority of us do not want your blood. Why?
Because your blood is the most average thing on earth.

Martin said...

Can anyone tell me why Osama bin Laden should NOT have been concerned about Western cultural values degrading Islamic countries?

Not talking about what he did about it, but that he was concerned about what he saw as a threat.

Freeman Hunt said...

Reality of it: Not that great. Sorry, kids.

Darrell said...

Dave carries tampons and pads in the forest to treat gunshot wounds. Don't ask why.

Michael said...

Private is not the same thing as shameful.

Ken B said...

It will be unpopular to say so but Martin has a point at 7:02. Bien pensant culture in the west literally repels and disgusts most of the world. Why do you think the Chinese like Trump so much? This stuff is part of it.

Skippy Tisdale said...

it is all about challenging the idea of periods as shameful.

Shameful? Since when? What a crock.

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