I️ dont cook much these days, but managed this Chocolate Pecan Pie for Thanksgiving at the family farm! pic.twitter.com/rO8nFxtly7— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) November 23, 2017
The reader writes:
A blogger at something called the PalmerReport apparently did a reverse image search of the claimed "Huckabee" pie and came up with no matching images and therefore concluded that the allegation of April Ryan was false.A couple hours later the same reader emails again:
But look at the website of the Whaley Pecan Company...
Wtf? Is Sanders a colossal liar or the most unusual troll in Washington?
I sent the email below from my iPhone. I've looked at the Whaley Pecan Company 9" pecan pie photo and it isn't Sarah Huckabee Sanders' photo. Extremely close, but not the same.My response:
It was always obvious to me that Sanders's photograph was not done by a professional because the photographer's shadow is on the pie.I guess other people are looking very closely at the arrangement of the pecans and the details of the crust crimping. Stare deeply enough into the face of a pecan pie and the pecans stare back at you.
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»Sometimes I think I have too much time on my hands. When I start spending hours on the Internet comparing pie images to prove somebody I don't like is a dirty dirty liar, I will know it for certain.
Pecan pie is rich. I can't imagine chocolate pecan pie.
I make them every Christmas for my neighbors.
just to show them that I'm not an asshole all the time.
I wonder whether you have partially identified the emailer, as a reader, knowing taking into account all of humanity plus the supernatural would narrow the absolute identity down by an extremely large number, hence adding "further" before your use of indentify would have made the concept you are conveying clearer?
Sarah has become the superstar of Trump TV. No doubt Hillary and the gang have put out a contract out on her.She has perfect tone and the dangerous skills of a drug sniffing dog around the drug industry. She can see fake news faster than the Donald does.
Olbermann stared into that pie until it told him to go to his room and be quiet for the next twenty years. Good pie. I am the unusual southerner who is not a pecan pie fan, but that's maybe the best pecan pie I've never eaten.
Nobody can be an asshole when they're making a tasty pie, Rusty. If you're overcome by assholiness, just stop and make a tasty pie. Sounds like I have a new year's resolution...
Since Satan recalled Helen Thomas April Ryan has filled the void. What a loathsome imbecile.
Indentify? I wrote identify. Damnit.
The pies are obviously different. Along with having the photographer's shadow, the first has a crimped crust and you can see the (disposable) pie tin. Nut pies are easy. Why would someone lie about making one? Why would someone suspect her of lying about it?
I also see some crumbs in the photo.
April D Ryan, of the WH press corps, is the person who made a federal case out of this pie. Ryan, of course, missed the important details noted by Althouse.
This incident further proves that not only is the MSM insane with TDS, they also aren’t good reporters or very smart.
Ryan has two books one can buy through the Althouse AMZN portal. Not that you would want to.
And I thought the Crabtree-Talib fight was embarrassing.
We can extrapolate the cooking skills of a large part of America by their disbelief that someone can competently bake a pie.
Evidently Marie Callender is a Witch who uses Secret Baking Magic.
It's Bush's plastic turkey all over again.
Your pie, not your pie, it doesn't matter. It's the need to show it off, the humble bragging, the need to get the most meaningless drivel on twitter/facebook as if it's important, which is just psychopathic.
But since you ask, I think she bought it, the crust at least. The pan looks like the aluminum kind you buy in the frozen foods section.
If you are in IL and trying to not act like an asshole, then you are a/the Catch-22 boy acting like a Chinaman in Rome.
When in IL, act like the Illini act, which has asshole written all over it, present company exempted natch.
I agree with Mary Beth. A casual glance at the crust reveals these pies to be different. If I were to guess, I'd say the crust is store-bought, but that is because I don't have mad crust skilz. The crimping is very even on Sarah's pie. I can't do that, but maybe she can.
I hope she brings one for this ridiculous reporter, and "accidentally" drops it in her lap when trying to deliver it to her.
This WH Press Corpse behaves like a bunch of mean 6th-grade girls.
Pecan pie is best as plain and as simple as possible. Worship the pecan -- they don't come in every year.
Wahington Post followed her to the Safeway.
Why does that pie make people think she's lying?
This is so funny!! Reminds me of poor Sullivan's public breakdown over Palin.
Now it is true that one pecan pie looks much like another, because let's face it, it's pecan pie. You see a lotta pecans. But these aren't even CLOSE. Guide for those non-Southerners to whom all pecan pies look alike: If one looks at the two pics, you will see, for example, that the Sanders pie has a crimped crust and the other one does not. The Sanders pie has a small crust gap at the bottom.
Piegate. We need a special counsel NOW.
I wonder if it is sexist to assume she can't bake a pie? Would it be a gendered insult if she weren't in a Republican administration? I've baked cakes and pies and had people ask who made it implying it couldn't be some guy who enjoys baking.
At least we know the level of proof needed for baking a pie.
It's a pre-made crust -- and that's okay, there are some very good examples available. I draw the line at "whomp" biscuits. Those are fighting words!
Seems obvious to me that the elite press was suspicious because who the hell has a pure white countertop any more? Where is the granite, the pearl quarry, the custom-colored cast concrete?. And it doesn't look like a cutting board unless it's huge, and then why have a pure white cutting board instead of a John Boos? That is the only thing that made me suspicious.
I think the press took the "you didn't make that" talking point to the absurd. Are those homegrown pecans?
Sanders could post a photo of her bowel movement in the toilet and there are people who will rush to confidently say it is not hers.
The picture would obviously have been stolen from Sheisserhub.
They knew they saw that picture before.
If you want to criticize her, then complain that it should be a walnut chocolate pie instead of pecan chocolate pie. (Derby Pie, FTW!)
As Mollie Hemmingway said, a press that gets caught up in this pie frenzy does not have the emotional distance needed to cover this presidency.
(will news organizations stop pretending April Ryan is an unbiased news reporter of interest?)
Do not get into details about women's pies. Just say mmmmmm, good!
Kind of brings to mind the time when Elizabeth Warren contributed her family recipe to a Native American cookbook. Except she copied it from a magazine. And, like her, it wasn't particularly Native American.
So much for family lore.
BTW Sarah's pie looks yummie.
Freeman Hunt said...
Why does that pie make people think she's lying?
As I understand it, Twitter uses a PBS address to host photographs. So when Huckabee posted the picture with a pbs link, they thought she had linked to picture on the PBS website. Once they were told they were incorrect, they couldn't let it go.
I was accused of buying a pie I baked for a reunion with an old friend and their family. It got kind of vicious. Then came the cognitive dissonance with the Williams Sonoma stamp at the bottom of the tin.
Yeah, but did she make her own crust? Hmmmmmm?
We have truly reached peak political idiocy when our journalists are researching the provenance of a pecan pie.
Seriously it should be bourbon pecan pie.
No way are the two images the same. Anyone who thinks that is either a lying propagandist or a moron.
Surprising April Ryan would get this wrong. She looks like she's seen a lot of pies.
"Stare deeply enough into the face of a pecan pie and the pecans stare back at you."
I think I see the Virgin Mary.
What's more, she spelled "don't" without the apostrophe! Impeach! IMPEACH...!!!
Freeman Hunt said...
Why does that pie make people think she's lying?
Because some millennial saw PBS in the url, then took to twitter to proclaim the pie photo was a Public Broadcasting stock photo. Before she was informed that PBS was the hosting platform for twitter photos, it spread like wildfire in Libland, now here we are.
Liberals will never believe Sarah didn't lie. We even have a commenter here calling her a liar, saying it's store bought.
We must get to the bottom of it!
Forget Hillary's financial crimes and Bill's sexual harassment and abuse. Forget it. Because... Piegate.
Her tweet says she "managed" the pie, not that she cooked the pie. Another Trump quality troll? A+++
This is, to coin a phrase, a big fat nothing-burger. The EXIF data tagged in the picture shows it was taken with an iPhone. Sanders uses an iPhone.
The only thing she's guilty of is using a store-bought pie shell.
Going for a double blue check mark on Twitter?
Bingo Professor. Excellent post.
A reader, whom I won't identify...
You're not sayin', you're just sayin'...
If your pecan pie recipe doesn't have salt in it (store bought ones usually don't), then your pie will be too sweet.
We had an early crop this year, most falling before the leaves dropped. It must have been the dry weather. I've got more than I'll shell, but picking them up decreases next year's squirrel population.
Sanders is quite good at her job. Quite.
"We must get to the bottom of it!"
-- How deep does this pie dish go?
Am reminded of Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death.
Spoiler: Agatha didn't make the Quiche.
This pie episode does not reflect well on the DC Press Corps.
Piegate. We need a special counsel NOW.
I disagree. We need a banana cream pie in April Ryan’s face. Pronto!
I thought the same thing as you. Any professional picture wouldn't have a shadow.
Democracy dies in pecan pie.
April Ryan should absolutely apologize to Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Wouldn't you?
You women commenting about the crust make me feel bad. My late mother made perfect-looking crimps just flip flip flip flip with her right thumb while rotating the dish with her left hand (she was a lefty) and she took much less than a minute. I never appreciated her skill level because she made it look so easy. Three decades too late to express my appreciation.
Rumor has it that Warrant didn't bake their Cherry Pie.
April Ryan is not a journalist, she's a hack for some obscure black radio network. She's had several contentious exchanges with the WH press spokesman, including a recent one which started with her asking "does the President believe slavery is wrong?" The she follows up trying to explain the Missouri Compromise but only shows her ignorance once again. Sara should be commended for attempting to answer stupid questions from this woman rather than just telling her to sod-off.
Do not try transporting that pie on an elevator with Franken and Conyers present!
Derangement syndrome at its finest.
I don't think anybody's mentioned the most obvious "tell" that it wasn't a stock photo: It's unevenly cooked. Darker on the edges, lighter in the middle.
No self-respecting food photographer would feature an uneven cooked pie.
Pecanpiegate joins the long list of Washington scandals.
Did Sarah Sanders have pecan traces on that blue apron? What did the president know and when did he know it?
Sources close to the Mueller investigation tell WaPo that Mueller has opened a new line if inquiry by subpoenaing all of Sanders's cookbooks and computerized recipes and has scheduled depositions of Janet Huckabee, Sarah's mother, and Bryan Sanders, Sarah's husband, to determine what, if any, knowledge Ms. Sanders has of pie-making. WaPo has been told that Mueller is particularly interested in Sanders's connections to Russian tea cakes, vodka gimlets, and borscht.
"This investigation has a long way to go," said one source.
The version that Twitter haters are sending around is cropped square, with the countertop defects and shadows bleached out (though otherwise matching down to the nut placement). Someone did some work to make a real photo look like a studio product shot.
April Ryan sounds like the Lavar Ball of the WH Press Corps.
robother: "April Ryan sounds like the Lavar Ball of the WH Press Corps"
On behalf of Mr. Ball, how dare you Sir? How. Dare. You?
Elizabeth Warren lies about her heritage for personal gain and the media yawns....Sanders posts a picture of a pie she baked and the press corps melts down and embarrasses itself.
food network throw-down - sanders v ryan
She didn't say she made it, she said she managed it.
this wasn't the big news about sanders yesterday.
They are legit heroes. Shouldn't have had to share the stage with those comments. It made international news. The engagement was first up, then the other story.
I've been able to ignore most of the stupid shit he says and tweets. This one depressed me. Those men deserved better.
Takes about a second to see that the pie in the Whaley ad and the Sanders' pie are not the same. Note the different shape at the bottom as a starting point.
I was the person who emailed Althouse.
And to her, for misleading her (?!) for 79 minutes (if in fact she looked at my first email the moment it was sent and immediately began researching it in vain), I apologize. (I expect she was not misled at all, and looked at both emails together this morning.)
I could have made it a post on her open cafe' comments page from yesterday -- where I did leave a comment; and more on that in a minute -- but I chose to email Althouse privately. I actually thought it would make for good blogging and it seems to have been just that but for reasons I did not originally plan. (I email Althouse about once a month or every other month or so, with ideas for blog posts. They get used with less and less frequency. Maybe because Althouse and I are less and less on any sort of similar personal frequency.)
I won't be apologizing to Sarah Huckabee Sanders or her boss. I'd do that, if it ever seemed that Trump was the sort of person -- a human person -- who is in the custom of giving and receiving apologies. Personally, I still don't believe Sanders about almost anything in her current role. Including this pie story.
What I wrote to Althouse, but which she edited (presumably to help protect my identity) was that I began my email to her by noting that I was completely unaware of the controversy until another reader used it to taunt me. Here:
I didn't respond. I was by then on my iPhone, on the road and away from a computer. I did go to the Whaley Pecan Company website as someone else online had suggested it and I was so struck by the photos' similarity on the little iPhone 4s (sorry! I prefer a smaller phone to carry) screen, I shot an email to Althouse. I thought, Sanders must know somebody at Whaley, which is in Troy, Alabama, and she's trolling the national press corps for the benefit of Whaley's pie business...that will be the Althouse take...
As soon as I got off the road, I looked at the two pictures more closely on a large screen and immediately emailed Althouse about my error. I think she looked at both emails together this morning; that's when I got her reply.
What Althouse never blogged, of course, was anything about my comment in the café post, which led to the piegate taunt of me, and led to my grabbing a piece of piegate. In my café post I wondered at what time, yesterday, would Trump and/or Sanders be asked about Trump's reported claims that he's been telling people privately that the Access Hollywood tapes are not legitimate? I now have the answer; it was about 3:25 pm EST. And Sarah Huckabee Sanders' response was, as usual, laughable bullshit. Even better will be the moment when Trump himself is asked about it.
Althouse gave me the chance to hide out on this; I'm grateful to her for her grace, but I'm not taking it. I don't give a rip what many of you think, but I do care what Althouse thinks. This comment is for Althouse. And all I want to do is to be nothing like Donald Trump. I want to be clear in my writing. I want to give and to get well-earned apologies. I want to share meaningful ideas with other intelligent people who are skilled with words.
More media lunacy in the late stage Republic.
"I email Althouse about once a month"
Lucky her.
Chuck: I was the person who emailed Althouse.
Who could've guessed?
I had read about pie gate and thought it made The press look like idiots.
I did not know about the shadow, and why this makes it look like an amateur photo.
Good post.
As Mollie Hemmingway said, a press that gets caught up in this pie frenzy does not have the emotional distance needed to cover this presidency.
That tweet was my favorite commentary on this absurd topic, for introducing the phrase 'pie trutherism' to my consciousness.
Chuck won't be apologizing, despite acknowledging he levied a huge and false accusation against Sanders (liar or troll?) cause Trump doesn't apologize.
Then he says all he wants is to be nothing like Donald Trump.
You fail, Chuck. You fail catastrophically. Your fail is so obvious and self evident that it's amazing you didn't spontaneously combust in an explosion of self loathing.
But don't worry. We'll all pick up the slack and loathe you for you.
No one who knows anything about pecan pies would pick a company from Troy, Ala as the source of the subject pie. A yankee, perhaps, or a person who pronounces pecan as pee-can as opposed to the correct pah-kahn. Huckabee is from Arkansas where there is slim understanding of pecan pies and thus I think the subject pie is store bought. An authentic pie would have as its provenance the Tucker Pecan Company of Montgomery, Ala. A lot wrong with this story.
What's with the Democrats masquerading as journalists and their fake food fetish during Thanksgiving?
I'm old enough to remember when they accused George Bush of delivering a fake turkey to our military in Iraq.
In Trump's America pie manages you.
Btw, Chuck? We won't be loathing Trump, or Sanders.
We just loathe you.
In case you thought you were hilariously taking Trump down with you or something, and picturint yourself as some self sacrificng hero..
Cause, no. The only human being whose reputation you have ever tarnished here is your own. If anything, you've helped Trump by making it even more clear how utterly without ethics his enemies are.
So, embrace your fail, Chuck. Embrace it. You won't be able to salvage any respect, but maybe you can get a job in the MSM.
" I want to be clear in my writing."
Okay, then, what is this supposed to mean.
"In my café post I wondered at what time, yesterday, would Trump and/or Sanders be asked about Trump's reported claims that he's been telling people privately that the Access Hollywood tapes are not legitimate? I now have the answer; it was about 3:25 pm EST. And Sarah Huckabee Sanders' response was, as usual, laughable bullshit. Even better will be the moment when Trump himself is asked about it."
You seem to act as if we are following all sorts of little stories and keeping up with all the comments threads in the past. That is delusional.
Yeah Chuck, we all knew.
Only you could be so petty.
Literally anything you can do to attempt to discredit Trump or this administration, you will do.
There is nothing beneath you.
You ought to read Mollie Hemingway's twitter page. She recently tweeted that anyone who thinks being a PieTruther is a good plan of attack is probably not emotionally mature enough to criticize Trump. Or something to that effect.
Maybe you should take a break . . .
Big Mike said...
I disagree. We need a banana cream pie in April Ryan’s face. Pronto!
I can see it now; Trump hires the Three Stooges (the Curly version) as press secretaries and their first White House briefing turns into a pie fight where the press corps gets their asses handed to them by Trump and the Stooges!
Too bad SNL has no cojones anymore, they could probably get a 10 minute taped segment out of that idea.
“And all I want to do is to be nothing like Donald Trump. I want to be clear in my writing. I want to give and to get well-earned apologies. I want to share meaningful ideas with other intelligent people who are skilled with words.“
You just spent several hundred words saying you want to be nothing like a straw man you have created and admitted you would be dishonest to accomplish that.
America’s Mom wins again!
Althouse that part of my comment was aimed at you. Your editing choices. Which are absolutely yours, just as the editing of the New York Times, Breitbart News and the National Enquirer are all up to each of them, respectively.
I don't believe that anyone is "following all sorts of little stories." I wasn't following the #Piegate story until, as I say, one of your commenters used it to taunt me after I wondered about something that seems to have been a rather big story -- not a little story -- about the truly bizarre story that Trump has been privately claiming that the Access Hollywood story was based on inauthentic tapes and may not be his voice, or whatever weird thing it might be that Trump has claimed. (btw: Maggie Haberman of the Times was on CNN last night, and stated that a third person has now supplied her with the same information about Trump's private claims.)
It is one of those things that seems to go straight to the innermost parts of Trump's exaggerated Id. Like Trump's hanging up the phone on an interviewer who asked Trump about his "John Miller/John Baron" tapes.
You chose not to blog it. That's your right. You graciously offer your commenters a place, in the "café" posts, to talk about what they wish. That is what I did.
Chuck said...
"And all I want to do is to be nothing like Donald Trump."
Well, mission accomplished, Chuckles.
Aaaaand it was Chuck!!!! Lulzulzulzulz
Seriously, Chuckles. At what point do you realize how twisted your pathetic, deranged obsession has made you?
Achilles (to "Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck): 'You just spent several hundred words saying you want to be nothing like a straw man you have created and admitted you would be dishonest to accomplish that."
LLR Chuck has proudly assumed the role of the althouse Blig's Mathew Iglesias.
Its moments like this however where the infinite sadness of being Chuck becomes most apparent.
Lefties B cray cray.
Start carrying a 34 oz framing hammer in your carpenter jeans. Both available on the Althouse Amazon Portal.
Althouse not only has to see Chuck's dropping here, but she has to be inundated with his unsolicited emails. Classify them as "junk." If he wants to get around the filter, make him work for it by getting new email accounts. Then "junk" those.
LLR Chuck: "...a rather big story -- not a little story -- about the truly bizarre story that Trump has been privately claiming that the Access Hollywood story.."
The really big story is the former Inspector General for our intelligence agencies coming forward exposing the astonishing corruption of the intelligence services under obama in support of Hillary.
Catherine Herridge is all over that important story. Of course, along with the clear exposure of many many more democrats for sexual harassment and payoffs and the Cokie Roberts-admitted massive media enabling of those dems, its clear the lefts strategy is to flood the zone with BS to cover it up.
And lo and behold, LLR Chuck, once again, finds himself on the same operational and narrative side as the left.
Unexpectedly and "accidentally"!
Quite frankly, I'm pleasantly surprised that LLR Chuck hasnt physically threatened Sanders (..yet) and has refrained from spreading rumors about her children (...thys far...)
Althouse does not get paid enough to deal with likes of Chuck.
Why dont we just cut out the middleman and put Althouse directly in contact with Chucks psychological counselor.
If Chuck took off his clothes and went to a crowded public space and began shitting on the sidewalk--then smeared the shit all over his face while shouting that Trump is a bad man--that would be the beginning of the end of the Trump reign of terror. Say "I accuse" when they drag you off, Chuck. Your work is done.
Will Sanders receive a titty-twister threat from Chuck? Women that cross Chuck in his mind do.
Chuck is the the Wile E. Coyote of the Althouse Blog.
I feel no hate for Sarah just sorry for someone who has to lie so often; I can see why she needs to take refuge in a pie-- at lest it is round and honest.
I sure hope Chuck is on the Secret Service's radar screen.
Jersey Fled said...
Kind of brings to mind the time when Elizabeth Warren contributed her family recipe to a Native American cookbook. Except she copied it from a magazine. And, like her, it wasn't particularly Native American."
You mean to tell me crab with tomato mayonnaise dressing is not an ancient Cherokee recipe, passed lovingly from squaw to squaw down through the generations?
Sometimes I will text out pictures of Sunday’s dessert. When I do I usually end up with one response along the lines of, “Pretty! Too bad it’s going to taste like crap”.
There are times you need to let stuff roll like water off a duck’s back.
I want to share meaningful ideas with other intelligent people
about the provenance of dessert photographs.
Chuck wrote: I don't believe that anyone is "following all sorts of little stories."
Chuck, I'm starting to envision you staring at a wall covered with diagrams and post it notes you've written to yourself over the past year and a half, following "all sorts of little stories" and connecting them all - the pie story, the two scoops of ice cream story, the Melania in high heels story, oh, yes, you are keeping track of them all. And also, exact times!! "it was about 3:25 pm EST"
Just like John Nash in "A Beautiful Mind," except that Nash, as crazy and paranoid as he was, was also a genius whose insights benefitted us all.
The benefits of your insights? Well, I've consulted my trusty Magic 8 ball and it tells me "Very doubtful."
R/V = blind to the lies of Obama, even blinder to the truths of Trump.
Never change, buddy.
I hear that Sanders didn't even gather the pecans herself- she bought them in a grocery store! Ryan is, as I write, trying to determine whether or not Sanders made her own sugar.
KY please show me where I was blind to the lies of Obama in some post etc. I like to think I keep and open and critical mind with a lean to the left but not blinded by excessive claims--for instance single payer will solve our health problems which are so much more complicated and need reform in so many areas. I understand that this is the age of I know I am but look at your side, which somehow excuses all excesses such as lying from the White House.
Jason asked:
"Seriously, Chuckles. At what point do you realize how twisted your pathetic, deranged obsession has made you?"
On his deathbed in January 20th 2029 when President Ivanka Trump gives her second Inaugural Address.
Exiled at 11:37: Nice riposte!
Exiled, I wouldn't be surprised to read in the future that "a Michigan Republican was found dead from apparent dehydration when he was found fatally entangled in string that crisscrossed between the Trump evidence boards in his basement." "Friends and family said they became concerned when they hadn't heard anything from him in over a week after he had excitedly told them he had found some new incriminating evidence about Baron Trump's autism diagnosis and attempts by the White House to suppress this evidence."
I am accused of choosing not to blog something I’d never heard of.
That makes no sense. At best. At worst, it’s deceitful and mean spirited.
If only the press could expend as much energy on any Clinton or Obama scandal.
R/V: "I like to think I keep and open and critical mind with a lean to the left but not blinded by excessive claims-"
All leftists like to think this of themselves.
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
I was the person who emailed Althouse.
1. Trump derangement Syndrome
2. Mentioned several times emailing Althouse
3. Questioned many times "why don't you blog about...?'
4. No problem attacking women ,( Greta meltdown.)
>Chuck is the the Wile E. Coyote of the Althouse Blog.
Pitch perfect and well said.
If there’s a story I haven’t blogged and you want to call my attention to it, you should show it to me in a respectful way, not insult me and lie about me, which makes it harder for me to blog even if I wanr to. Chuck’s remarks about me preceded my seeing the story and now I resist blogging it because I don’t want to look like I’m blogging it in self defens. I would probably eventually have seen it on my own and blogged it. Annoying!
I am curious how many of the other commenters figured out who the unnamed commenter was before Chuck outed himself? When I read it, I figured it had to be Chuck- not even Inga or ARM could have written it.
Yancey: I have to admit Chuck did not occur to me. Lack of imagination on my part.
"Maybe because Althouse and I are less and less on any sort of similar personal frequency."
What frequency would that be, Kenneth?
My only question is: Wtf? Is Chuck a colossal liar or the most unusual troll on the Althouse blog?
Actually, I fibbed. It's not a real question. To answer it, one only need replace "or" with "and" and it answers itself.
This entire debate belongs in the TDS/1st World Problems bin, but for what it's worth, I'm a little suspicious about the aluminium foil baking tray. Surely if baking at home, you would use a more substantial tin, or overnproof ceramic? It is very hard to press pastry into a receptacle that is so malleable as a thin foil container.
For a moment I felt remorse about that last post, and considered apologizing to Chuck. Then it occurred to me that Trump never apologizes, and I know Chuck wouldn't want me or anyone else to be like Trump. So, never mind. Chuck is gerbil vomit, and I'm not sorry, because Trump.
At first I thought of Inga, but she never would have sent the second email owning up to getting it wrong.
Ann Althouse said...
I am accused of choosing not to blog something I’d never heard of.
That makes no sense. At best. At worst, it’s deceitful and mean spirited.
Again, Althouse; this began when I posted a comment on your café thread of yesterday. I did and said nothing disrespectful toward you. I basically wondered when and how the Trump Administration would be responding to the story that much of the press was wondering about for the previous 24 hours; what the hell was up, with the NYT reporting about Trump's claiming in private that the Access Hollywood audio was somehow not legit?
I didn't criticize you for not blogging the story. I'll readily confess that I hoped that you would read the café comments and pick up on the story yourself if you hadn't already noted it. If you had chosen not to post about it, I'd probably have never written another thing about it.
But because I had mentioned the possibility of Sarah Huckabee Sanders being asked about it (and that is exactly what happened, within a couple of hours about my positing the question on your blog), and because one of your other commenters taunted me with the story that I had not heard about at all -- the #Piegate story -- it prompted me to look at it. And then I emailed you. See, professor? Like you, I haven't followed every story. Piegate was unknown to me until yesterday's taunt.
My retelling of yesterday's events was simply to put it all in context for several of your notoriously idiotic commenters. I didn't obsess over the Piegate story; my problem was that it was thrown at me, and then I spent too little time checking it out. Not too much time.
I didn't demand that you blog the story in a public comment; I sent you a private email wondering about it and supplying you with a couple of links as a starting point.
Since I already explicitly acknowledged your blogging editorial choices as yours and yours alone, I wonder where you got the idea that I was being rude to you. I don't mind saying here and now, as I have written in previous comments, that your editorial choices seem to slant very much toward the meta-messaging of Trump (i.e., the world of Scott Adams) to the exclusion of Trump's terrible and almost deliberately sloppy use of English. On too many occasions to count, I have congratulated you on your insightful criticism of English usage... and noted that you have almost never turned that spotlight on Trump.
I have further acknowledged that it is entirely up to you, to focus on the sexy clickbait stories like Trump's tweets, and to ignore the boring stories like the hard choices in health care reform. Your editorial choices in that regard are, I presume, consistently winning choices for you and your QuantCast scoring. Again I say, the choices are yours and yours alone and further that the reason that I read your blog so regularly (and post comments on a small percentage of your posts) is because your editorial choices are interesting and compelling.
They are clearly not the same pie based upon any number of things including the background, the lack of shadows, a multitude of differences in the crust and the pecans themselves.
Now that last post was probably confusing. Chuck wouldn't want me to be like Trump, and Trump doesn't apologize, so shouldn't that have meant that I SHOULD apologize? But you see, Chuck showed me the way. He insulted Sanders viciously, knew it was all wrong, but his disdain for Trump (who never apologizes) made him unwilling to apologize to Sanders. Now, this may seem completely inconsistent and illogical, but Chuck - who is so much smarter and more logical than all us vile Trumpskis - has surely worked out the seemingly irreconcilable ethical imperatives and sussed out a way. It is only my deep respect for Chuck's awesome mind that makes me comfortable calling him a colossal liar AND the most unusual troll at Althouse AND a steaming pile of gerbil vomit, without apology, content that if it makes sense to Chuck that he doesn't owe Sanders an apology, then he can't possibly object. Thanks, Chuck.
Chuck is the the Wile E. Coyote of the Althouse Blog.
Not quite.
Wile. E. is amusing and worthy of some pity.
Here's a rich comment, from one of Althouse's most obnoxious and worthless commenters:
Darrell said...
Will Sanders receive a titty-twister threat from Chuck? Women that cross Chuck in his mind do.
I never made such a threat, and never in my life wrote the phrase "titty-twister" until about the tenth time that another obnoxious Althouse commenter made the false accusation against me as it appears here. Never -- not ever -- did I make such a threat, and that characterization of me is so beyond the pale that I don't know what more I can say about it. I have in the past repeatedly and pointedly shot this story down. That it comes up again in this context is pure malice.
The commenter who invented the phrase in relation to me, and who repeatedly fantasized about my making such a threat has admitted that I did not ever use such wording. Right, "Full Moon"? For any of the Althouse commenters who are still so stubborn and so stupid as to persist in the belief (and the stupidity and stubbornness of some of the Althouse commentariat is pretty remarkable) that I ever wrote such a thing, I urge you to search it. As I did with "Full Moon," who agreed that he/she/it must have created it, and that I didn't. Not for lack of diligent searching, no doubt.
Chuck apologizes:
Again, Althouse; this began when I posted a comment on your café thread of yesterday.
TLDR (496 words):
I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!
The obvious crack in the edge of the crust. Jeezum. This is some serious derangement.
Darrell... don't apologize, even if Chuck is right. Chuck hasn't apologized to Sanders, knowing he was completely wrong. In fact, I think it is incumbent on all of us to state that Chuck threatens women with titty-twisting. Without apology, even if we're wrong. Thanks Chuck. Your lack of ethics is indeed liberating.
Qwinn: "Thanks Chuck. Your lack of ethics is indeed liberating"
Lack of ethics, just like the leftists.
Wow. Another utterly unexpected similarity between LLR Chuck and his lefty operational allies.
Darn it!
I can't believe Chuck threatened to twist Sanders' nipples! Dear God, man, have you no decency?
"What was the name of that site? Golfshack, or something similar?"
"Nipple-Twisters Anonymous"?
"Chuck said...
For any of the Althouse commenters who are still so stubborn and so stupid as to persist in the belief (and the stupidity and stubbornness of some of the Althouse commentariat is pretty remarkable) that I ever wrote such a thing, I urge you to search it."
Search it? You forgot "lazy" in your bleating.
Chuck threatened Sanders AND Greta with titty twisting?!?
I had no idea! How crass! How vulgar! How Trumpian!
Chuck said...
Fuck you, Full Moon. I am not going to "deny it." I say again; I propose to grab Greta exactly the way that Corey grabbed Michelle. I expect Greta to be surprised and offended, and maybe even a bit frightened. Good. That's how Michelle felt, no doubt. But Greta thinks it was frivolous in Michelle's case. Again, good for me when I do it to her.
"Chuck said...
Fuck you, Full Moon. I am not going to "deny it." I say again; I propose to grab Greta exactly the way that Corey grabbed Michelle. I expect Greta to be surprised and offended, and maybe even a bit frightened. Good. That's how Michelle felt, no doubt. But Greta thinks it was frivolous in Michelle's case. Again, good for me when I do it to her."
You're a sick fuck you titty-twisting motherfucker.
Btw, Chuck, if you had apologized to Sanders immediately and sincerely upon realizing you were guilty of slander, I wouldn't have said a word to you in this thread. Might even have respected you a bit for it.
Thankfully, Chuck never gives us reason to feel we should owe Chuck an apology.
FullMoon said...
See, Chuck, titty-twisting has become, in your case, analogous to "busting my balls".
Of the thousands upon thousands of comments on this blog, you are the only one stupid enough to fantasize about attacking a woman for agreeing with Trump.
More bullshit from you. I never fantasized "about attacking a woman for agreeing with Trump." I made the carefully-measured proposal to do precisely the same to Greta van Susteren, as the Trump manager Corey Lewandowski did to Michelle Fields. (After which both Trump and Lewandowski lied about it.) Greta said on-air that the action by Lewandowski was clearly not criminal. My notion was fine; it's clearly not criminal in Greta's opinion so why not see how she likes it being done to her?
It got better, when Greta started whoring herself to MSNBC instead of FNC, and observed that an anti-Trump protester was clearly the victim of an assault when she was physically ushered out of a Trump rally.
Greta will say whatever is convenient for the next paycheck.
Or maybe, while we dislike boorish behavior, we think the outright treason that the Left gets away with for 4 decades, and the politicians on the Right refuse to pursue or punish because it wouldn't be collegial to do so, has caused us to correctly calibrate our priorities.
But not Chuck or, presumably, you. He is fine with the Left's treason, or at least, he'll nevet get angry about it. All anger is reserved for Sanders talking about a pie she made, absolutely none for selling 20% of our uranium to the Russians. If you think those priorities are sensible, well, wnjoy being Chuck's only friend. Well, aside from Inga. And all the other lefties.
Oh, and, thanks for your concern.
It could have only been Chuck. It was so obvious that I decided calling him out in my very first comment was unnecessary.
SHORTER CHUCK: "Ahh, but the pecan pie! That's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the White House break room icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled Tim Kaine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow staffers..."
I ran a Google:blog query for "Chuck + titty-twister" and it returned twenty seven hits.
"Don't titty-twist me, bro!"
LOL, Jason.
Twisted sister titty twister ? Watch it, Mister !
I did not even try to guess who sent the email to Althouse.
Why would I care? Either something is interesting or it's not. The source is irrelevant for me.
This discussion was interesting when it was about pie, stock photography, and lighting. Then it got hijacked.
Freeman Hunt said...
Why does that pie make people think she's lying?
1) Start with the presupposition that Trump and his associates always lie.
2) See a picture of a pie on a white background, which makes it look like a stock photo.
3) See "pbs" in the link.
4) Don't look for any contradictory evidence.
Chuck is on the spectrum.
Teams of medical professional confirmed it.
The titty-twister spectrum.
Althouse's Most Obnoxious and Worthless Commenter™ (Title Wrestled From Chuck)
Elizabeth Crain: "This discussion was interesting when it was about pie, stock photography, and lighting. Then it got hijacked"
Ten vitamins and minerals-that's what it packs.
Just like Hitler.
Godwins Law: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1"
Then it got hijacked.
By Chuck.
He was only trying to help!!
He was only trying to help!!
Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, he's the "Charlie Brown-iest"
I was completely unaware of the controversy until another reader used it to taunt me.
It wasn't a comment to taunt you, Chuck. It was pointing out the inanity of the White House Press Corps. With everything going on in the world, they were most interested in "busting" Huckabee for her "fake" pie.
It should have stopped you dead in your tracks to contemplate that whatever big story you thought they should be covering - my vote would have been the reauthorization of the government's ability to spy on its citizens - they were completely focused on proving to the world that Ms. Huckabee "did not bake that".
Each reporter could feel a Pulitzer being awarded as the giant pie picture filled the stage behind them:
Thank you. Please.
Your applause is tremendous, but please.
We do have other honorees tonight.
I know you came to honor me and my honorable colleagues tonight, so I will endeavor to keep this brief.
You know what a dangerous world we live in.
You know how power corrupts and the powerful are protected from justice.
You, and often you alone, have woken every day to do work of the highest calling.
For there can be no higher calling than to protect innocent people from the evil that would do them harm.
You checked underneath your car each morning before you started it.
Worried that each ride might be your last.
You took different routes to the office each day.
Because you knew that it was routine which makes us vulnerable.
And you waited for your chance.
To wake up the world to the evil it faced and strike a single, deadly blow for The Resistance.
(Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!)
Yes, yes, Hillary. Please. Please. We are all among friends here.
So when this thing. This symbol of hatred. This physical impossibility was so casually thrown in our faces.
We had no choice but to act.
Because a fake pie is only the first step to mass murder!
And mass murder is only the first step to killing the planet!
And killing the planet is how the patriarchy will be maintained!
And goddamn the patriarchy does love pie!
So act we did.
(collective cheer)
Thank you.
(Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie!)
Did you ever hear of the Venona Intercepts? It is literally proof positive of leftists conspiring with the Soviets for 50 years.
Are you aware that Ted Kennedy attempted to literally conspire with the Soviet Union to defeat Reagan in the 1984 election? It was as clear an example of treason is as pretty much possible. Do you recognize what he did as treason? To me, it takes a treasonous level of partisanship to deny it. Yet leftists never cease to make excuses for him. And thus they are implicated. There's hundreds of other examples.
Every-time the "Kick Me!" sign falls off, Chuck dutifully pins it back on.
NOT CRAZY CHUCK calmly explains why it is ok to threaten Greta the Whore:
More bullshit from you. I never fantasized "about attacking a woman for agreeing with Trump." I made the carefully-measured proposal to do precisely the same to Greta van Susteren, as the Trump manager Corey Lewandowski did to Michelle Fields. (After which both Trump and Lewandowski lied about it.) Greta said on-air that the action by Lewandowski was clearly not criminal. My notion was fine; it's clearly not criminal in Greta's opinion so why not see how she likes it being done to her?
It got better, when Greta started whoring herself to MSNBC instead of FNC, and observed that an anti-Trump protester was clearly the victim of an assault when she was physically ushered out of a Trump rally.
Greta will say whatever is convenient for the next paycheck.
Umm, riding the elevator alone, I suspect?
Chuck, YOU LIE! You fantasized about frightening Greta. You not only admitted it, you said it would make you feel good.
I expect Greta to be surprised and offended, and maybe even a bit frightened. Good.
"As people have posted, the thread was interesting when it was discussing pie and photography."
I don't know. I think this thread is only interesting due to the TDS angle. I mean, other than Chuck (and the press) who really gives a fig whether Sanders baked the pie?
When I stare at the pie, I get hungry! Am I the only one?
This may have been the left's best unintentional self-parody since criticizing President Trump for looking at the sun during an eclipse.
Kevin said...
I was completely unaware of the controversy until another reader used it to taunt me.
It wasn't a comment to taunt you, Chuck. It was pointing out the inanity of the White House Press Corps. With everything going on in the world, they were most interested in "busting" Huckabee for her "fake" pie.
It wasn't covered as any sort of story, as I now understand it. Not at first. Sanders put up the Tweet, claiming the pie as hers. Then April Ryan questioned it, in another Tweet. That's it. April Ryan wasn't reporting on any story; few people ran with any sort of story at all. As I have now said about three or four different times, I was blissfully unaware of the story until you brought it up in response to my café comment.
This story really became big, when pro-Trump media decided it could be used against April Ryan and others who clearly don't like Trump and who also got on Twitter to question the provenance of the photo.
It was first and foremost a Twitter thing, not a reported story. And Twitter will never be a problem for me. I don't have an account.
I say we declare that Chuck wins the thread and go home.
few people ran with any sort of story at all.
Really? My comment was on the 27th. A quick Google search finds plenty of examples in major media outlets two and three days before that. To cite just a few:
The LA Times wrote about it on November 25th, two days before my comment.
How #piegate is the latest example of the Trump administration's credibility being called into question
The Daily Mail wrote about it the day before that.
Real pie, fake news?: White House Press Secretary accused of using a stock photo of a perfect looking pecan pie for Thanksgiving and the press pool hilariously piles on with Piegate conspiracy theories
Here is The Hill on the 25th.
Trump spokeswoman jokes about #piegate, promises she bakes her own pie
And the NY Daily News on the 24th.
No one believes that Sarah Huckabee Sanders baked this pie
I say we declare Chuck mentally insane and go home.
Kevin I've Googled the story numerous times, and I saw all of those. Again I say to you; this started NOT as any sort of "story" by April Ryan. It started as a Tweet by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, followed by one by April Ryan, followed by a minor Twitter war between the two of them. And the press' reporting on that Twitterfight.
Yes, it became a story. A story of such little note that neither Althouse nor I were aware of it. At least not until you mentioned it, and then I emailed Althouse with my own take. (Correcting myself on the discrete issue of Whaley Pecan Company's website within an hour and a half -- as soon as I got off the road -- and before Althouse had opened my first email.)
My retrospective of the Trump years will be Koi Fish and Pies: How the Media Surrendered Credibility in the Age of Trump.
Again I say to you; this started NOT as any sort of "story" by April Ryan. It started as a Tweet by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, followed by one by April Ryan, followed by a minor Twitter war between the two of them. And the press' reporting on that Twitterfight.
I'm glad to know you feel this way about what is news and what is not.
The next time something starts as a Tweet by Trump, followed by one in return, followed by a minor Twitter war between the two of them. And the press' reporting on that Twitterfight. It's good to know that it is NOT any sort of "story".
That alone should cut your posts on Althouse down by approximately 96%.
One word; Covfefe.
I pray to Almighty God that we never again see another stupid Tweet from Trump. And I expected to be mightily disappointed within a matter of hours.
Chuck, you are such a phoney. You had time to search the internet and come up with Whaley Pecan Company and then present it to Althouse as evidence of Sanders being either a colossal liar, or an unusual troll. What a dumfuk you continue to be.You are "on the scale alright, the asshole scale.
But look at the website of the Whaley Pecan Company...
Wtf? Is Sanders a colossal liar or the most unusual troll in Washington?
FullMoon if you ask Althouse, she will confirm that my first email to her indicated "Sent from my iPhone." My second email 79 minutes later was from a laptop. It took me that amount of time to finish my trip, log on to a larger screen and see for myself how close the two pictures were, but that they were not the same. It fooled someone else on the 'net, which is how I came up with it in haste. I did not do any elaborate search; it was not me who came up with Whaley Pecan Company; I did not have a screen large enough to adequately compare the two photos.
So, no. Short version: When you say that I had "time to search the internet and come up with Whaley Pecan Company," you're wrong. I didn't. It was suggested by someone else and in any event it was all on my iPhone.
She's the baddest Press Secretary since Tony Snow. That's why they hate her so much.
This entire Chuck thread is so very, very awesome.
Not for the reasons he imagines certainly, though who amongst us, or anyone really, can truly plumb those "depths"?
"She's the baddest Press Secretary since Tony Snow. That's why they hate her so much"
She gives it right back to the lefties.
Naturally, that enrages LLR Chuck.
Chuck explains:
So, no. Short version: When you say that I had "time to search the internet and come up with Whaley Pecan Company," you're wrong. I didn't. It was suggested by someone else and in any event it was all on my iPhone.
11/28/17, 6:02 PM
Righto Chuck. Somehow your usual scrupulous attention to detail was left behind in your haste to accuse a woman of being a liar.OK, good to know. Interesting also is how you failed to credit "someone else" for finding Whaley when you thought it was evidence.SAD
Drago said...
This entire Chuck thread is so very, very awesome.
Not for the reasons he imagines certainly, though who amongst us, or anyone really, can truly plumb those "depths"?
11/28/17, 6:06 PM
Does Dust Bunnys husband do plumbing work on septic tanks? Not sure he goes that deepthough.
FullMoon in my email to Althouse I gave her all the relevant links and suggested to her she look at the whole thing.
So yeah, you're wrong again.
As for my "haste to accuse a woman of being a liar," Sarah Huckabee Sanders did that 14 times over, just one month ago:
If you thought pies were going to set LLR Chuck off, wait till Chuck hears about this: https://twitter.com/CNBC/status/935628310222163968
Yikes! We're likely to have a Chuck meltdown over this setback for the left.
Chuck says he corrected his first email “as soon as he got off the road”. I think we now have a reasonable suspicion that Chuck was sending emails while driving.
Left Bank: "I think we now have a reasonable suspicion that Chuck was sending emails while driving."
You mean, like this?
Drago, that ruling by the District Court will indeed be a huge setback for the left.
And it isn't any sort of setback at all for me. I'd love to see the whole agency/act reformed drastically. If my disappointing you in this regard ruins your evening, that's wonderful.
And if there are any other ways that I can ruin your evening, please get back to me right away. Nothing's too great to ask for, if ruining your life is what is at stake.
It started as a Tweet by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, followed by one by April Ryan, followed by a minor Twitter war between the two of them. And the press' reporting on that Twitterfight.
That's a pretty poor summary of what happened. It did start with a simple tweet by Sarah Huckabee Sanders showing off her pie, followed by a snarky tweet from April Ryan, followed by an offer on Sanders' part to bake a special pie just for Ryan, followed by a suggestion on Ryan's part that any such pie would surely be poisoned, followed by pretty much the entire press corps piling on Sanders.
Now, if April Ryan really understood women, she'd know better than to insult a real woman's cooking skills. Or maybe she is just a despicable, dare I say deplorable, bitch who meant all along to be an insulting piece of cow snot and got caught out.
Then you decided get involved with the Whaley piece of misdirection. Now either you have way too much time on your hands (did you get laid off?) or perhaps you surf on company time (which might get you laid off), but surely finding the sort-of-if-you-don't-look-too-close match at Whaley must have taken hours. You did all that with an iPhone? Well more power too you, but even a superficial (iPhone?) look at the Whaley picture shows that the pecans are different, the crust is more uniform on the Whaley pie (there's a discernable break in the crust of Sarah Sanders' pie but not in the Whaley) and you can easily see the pie pan in Sanders' pie but there is no pie pan showing in the Whaley pie. Plus, as Althouse noted but I didn't catch, the photographer's shadow shows on Sanders' picture.
This is something you shouldn't have bothered getting involved with if you had the slightest lick of common sense.
One word; Covfefe.
OK Chuck let's be clear.
You thought this was a story because you - just like April Ryan - thought you caught Sanders lying. That was why you brought it to Althouse's attention in the first place. That's why we're all here.
But look at the website of the Whaley Pecan Company...
And then once you realized you didn't have the goods on Sanders, you decided it wasn't a story at all. No biggie. Nothing to see. Move along. Just a few indiscriminate Tweets.
Again I say to you; this started NOT as any sort of "story"
You changed your interest when you found out Sanders was telling the truth. That's the heart of the matter. And that's why people don't take you seriously as anything more than a Trump hater when you post here.
If it was a story when Sanders appeared to be lying, it's just as much a story when April Ryan is found to have falsely accused her of doing so.
You can't have it both ways. When you do, that's when the Althouse commentariat comes down on you. And they have every reason to do so.
Chuck, like the press, is a cat who chases Trump's tweets like a lazer pointer. And like the press he still does not get it. Sad.
"Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck: "And it isn't any sort of setback at all for me."
Of course not. Perish the thought. Why would anyone think that a Trump admin victory would upset you? That would be inexplicable!
Can you imagine the hoops you could get Chuck to jump through if Trump claimed to eat a piece of this pie while golfing?
The mind boggles.
Kevin: "If it was a story when Sanders appeared to be lying, it's just as much a story when April Ryan is found to have falsely accused her of doing so."
Uh oh.
Now you've done it.
In a blink of an eye Chuck can switch from #StrongCNNDefender to #StrongLeftyMSMMemberDefender. And he wouldn't even break a sweat doing it.
April Ryan embarrasses herself. Chuck embarrasses himself. Both with minimal self awareness.
Chuck, your very first comment was as unnecessary as it was verbose. Everything else directed to you in response is your own damn fault. Please! Stop digging!
Do you not see your obsession? If you could wait to get off the road to send your apology to Althouse, do you not see how deranged you appear that you could not similarly wait to condemn Sanders? What the fuck was so time sensitive that you just HAD to send that email to Althouse then and there. If the time between first email and correction was trivial as you claim Althouse saw both emails before responding, then why could email number one not wait until you could safely be off the road. We know the answer. Your obsession is so intense that confirmation took a distant second place. The image of you net surfing, incompetently pie photo comparing, and immediately Althouse emailing, all while on the road (worse if you were driving) because time was of the essence is truly scary!
Just stop it. You're a very very creepy obsessed person.
The comments became too tiresome to read. Did anyone answer the real question - whipped cream or warm with ice cream?
Ice cream!
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