November 29, 2017

Judge Roy Moore unleashes the hashtags.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Never go the full child-molesting anti-babykiller.

Qwinn said...

I'm surprised they keep paying ARM to push that bullshit even after it's obvious no one is buying it, for good reason.

Guess they've got CFPB money to burn.

Wince said...

He should change his last name to Bean.

Hari said...

He's coasting.

brylun said...

Those indeed are the real issues. Isn't it all about the judges?

Matt Sablan said...

Can't they both lose?

Humperdink said...

Sounds like Judge Moore found the keys the Clinton war room. This will be as entertaining as the Trump presidency has been.

Big Mike said...

He’s right.

Hari said...


They can both lose, if Moore wins and the senate refuses to seat him.

n.n said...

no one is buying it, for good reason

To be fair, American conservatives are not, in principle, Pro-Choice. So, at the very least, we subscribe to the constitutional right of due process, which implies an presumption of innocence, and to a right of proportional judgment. In the age of social progress and sexual liberation, even if the allegation as reported by the Washington Post is established, there is still discovery and a courtship cut short, and there does not exist a progressive pattern to indicate a trend. So, the prudent course is to reject the Pro-Choice doctrine, embrace constitutional principles, and assume Moore is viable until proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt.

Oh, and replace sexual education in grade school, with human biology and a suitable religious/moral philosophy that encourages self-moderation and responsible behavior.

Anyway, no witch trials in public, and no baby trials under a cloak of privacy. Both practices are outdated, outmoded, and rational people can do better.

Darrell said...

Will Gloria Allred be disbarred for creating that false yearbook signature. Will she even be called on it?

brylun said...

How can the Senate refuse to seat Moore and allow Al Franken a seat?

Matt Sablan said...

"Will she even be called on it?"

-- She'll insist it was real and refuse to have it validated. We'll never *know*, which will be enough to protect her. I don't even know if I believe it is fake, but... she's not helping.

brylun said...

Bill Clinton lied under oath and was disbarred. Gloria Allred has not lied under oath.

Ann Althouse said...

Yeah, I think the implicit argument is: If you really care about children, you’ll oppose the abortion candidate.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Here’s one for the Judge.


Gusty Winds said...

In Alabama this probably sells. The Senate seat is too important to give to a smarmy Dem in a deep red state.

I expect Alabama will give the big FU to the media and still elect moore.

Original Mike said...

Allred hasn't allowed inspection of the yearbook? What's her excuse?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Here’s another.


Darrell said...

I don't even know if I believe it is fake

It's an exact copy of the rubber-stamped signature on the woman's divorce papers--where Moore adjudicated--including the initials of his secretary. From what, twenty years after the fact. If you think it has any chance of being legitimate, you need professional help.

Original Mike said...

I see no reason to believe Allred's client if they are hiding evidence. In fact, I have reason to not believe her.

Darrell said...

Here's another--#RealIngaComeBackToAlthouseAndKickTheImpostorToTheTouch

n.n said...

The signature is critical to establish a relation. The yearbook is critical to establish an age. Neither has been established, and then there is the additional burden of combining everything after several decades to establish motive, opportunity, and action. Fortunately, Americans are not, in principle, Pro-Choice, but rather constitutional, which precludes presumption of guilt, disproportionate judgments, and lower standards of jurisprudence including bullhorns and circumstantial evidence including a preponderance of allegations.

That said, the Pro-Choice Church has suffered some severe setbacks in recent days, not limited to a clear and progressive schism among its faithful.

Widmerpool said...

Ross Douthat identified that this would be a problem for the Dems back in October. Moore wins easily.

"Consider recent developments in the state of Alabama, where the Republican Party has nominated a Senate candidate manifestly unfit for office, a bigot hostile to the rule of law and entranced with authoritarianism.

And who have the Democrats put up against him? An accomplished former prosecutor, the very model of a mainstream Democrat — and a man who told an interviewer after his nomination that he favors legal abortion, without restriction, right up until the baby emerges blue and flailing from the womb."


"But given that a clear majority of Americans, women as well as men, favor banning abortion after 20 weeks, it might behoove liberals to bracket the Gilead scenario for a moment, and try to imagine what it’s like to believe that at least some abortions are tantamount to baby-killing. And I mean really make the imaginative leap: Imagine that whenever a politician says, “There shouldn’t be any restrictions on the right to choose,” you hear, “I think infanticide should be legal in America.”"

Excellent column.

etbass said...

Roy Moore's opponent Doug Jones has been campaigning with no identification as a Democrat. His TV ads and neighborhood signs carry absolutely no indication that he is a democrat. He obviously is ashamed of it and knows it is a death sentence in Alabama voting.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Here's another--#RealIngaComeBackToAlthouseAndKickTheImpostorToTheTouch“

I swear that the real Inga gave me permission to use her name.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“ received a copy of the letter in person from Corfman. She declined to comment beyond what was contained in the letter.

Mr. Moore,

When the Washington Post approached me about what you did to me as a child, I told them what happened, just as I had told family and friends years before. I stand by every word.

You responded by denying the truth. You told the world that you didn't even know me. Others in recent days have had the decency to acknowledge their hurtful actions and apologize for similar behavior, but not you.

So I gave an interview on television so that people could judge for themselves whether I was telling the truth.

You sent out your spokesmen to call me a liar. Day after day.

Finally, last night, you did the dirty work yourself. You called me malicious, and you questioned my motivation in going public.

I explained my motivation on the Today show. I said that this is not political for me, this is personal. As a 14-year old, I did not deserve to have you, a 32-year old, prey on me. I sat quietly for too long, out of concern for my family. No more.

I am not getting paid for speaking up. I am not getting rewarded from your political opponents. What I am getting is stronger by refusing to blame myself and speaking the truth out loud.

The initial barrage of attacks against me voiced by your campaign spokespersons and others seemed petty so I did not respond.

But when you personally denounced me last night and called me slanderous names, I decided that I am done being silent. What you did to me when I was 14-years old should be revolting to every person of good morals. But now you are attacking my honesty and integrity. Where does your immorality end?”

Bad Lieutenant said...

Inga said...
Here’s another.


11/29/17, 2:23 PM

Oh please, you were an alle drei when you were her age, whatever that was.

Original Mike said...

Is the 14 year old the one with the yearbook?

pacwest said...

"I think infanticide should be legal in America.”

But it already is. But let's not use that word because it sounds so bad. I support infanticide, but I'm just saying, call it what it is.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Well, apparently Moore's latest accuser has ties to WaPo, as well as to drug dealers Moore put behind bars.

Lefties just couldn't resist piling on the accusations, and it might very well ensure that Moore wins.

Nice work, assholes.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Alle drei?

All three?

I have no idea what you mean.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Is the 14 year old the one with the yearbook?”

No, the 14 year old is Leigh Corfman.

The one with the yearbook is Beverly Nelson, she was 16.

Original Mike said...

Thank you, Inga.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

"No, the 14 year old is Leigh Corfman.

The one with the yearbook is Beverly Nelson, she was 16."

Both are lying?

Qwinn said...

Corfman claimed she spoke to Moore on her bedroom phone. Corfman's own mother says she didn't even have a bedroom phone.

Ya know, if Corfman's own mother doesn't believe Corfman, I wonder why Inga and ARM do.

dreams said...

Roy Moore is going to win.

Bay Area Guy said...

A few thoughts:

1. At the outset, I find it totally weird and creepy that a grown man would hit on, date, or romance a 14-year old girl. Even if 14 was the age of consent at the time. Perhaps, it's because I have teenage daughter who was recently 14, so I know the ins and outs of raising, guiding and protecting teenage girls.

2. I don't know the ins and outs of dating practices in Alabama circa 1977.

3. 40-year old allegations made during a political campaign season are highly suspect. Period. Full stop. I can see why female employees at NBC would not speak out about Matt Lauer - for fear of job loss. Here, it appears that Moore's accusers had no interaction with him for 40 years, and just waited, waited, waited to unload during a 2017 general election. Well, that's weak.

3. According to Wiki, Moore went to West Point, served in Vietnam, married his wife 32 years ago, and has 4 adult children. No evidence of anything crooked or rotten in his personal life for these 32 years.

4. Yes, he has controversial views about law and politics.

Trump was right to support Luther Strange in the primary. Moore has made things politically complicated -- to say the least. The Senate is 52-48. The tax bill hangs by a thread. The midterms will likely be wins for the Dems.

The Democrat toggle is to argue that allegations are sufficient when levied against their enemies, but unproven when levied against their allies. That's why Bill Clinton skated on Juanita Broaddrick -- the rape allegation was unproven, just a mere allegation.

Moore's effort to deny/explain his behavior on Foxnews didn't work out so well, either.

I'm glad I don't have to vote in Alabama. I would struggle with this. Probably, I would stay home and not vote.

Why can't Moore win, resign, have the Gov appoint Jeff Sessions to the vacant seat, get a new kick-ass AG, and then make Moore Ambassador to Turkmenistan? That would solve many different problems.

Qwinn said...

Actually, I really don't wonder. If ARM and Inga knew the accusations were false, beyond even unreasonable doubt, I have no doubt they'd continue to claim Moore was guilty anyway.

dreams said...

Roy Moore is going to win and the liberals will keep losing. Thanks Donald J Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Corfman claimed she spoke to Moore on her bedroom phone. Corfman's own mother says she didn't even have a bedroom phone.”

Corfman’s mother said the phone could easily reach her daughter’s bedroom. Long cords...under the door.

Qwinn said...

"The midterms will likely be wins for the Dems."

Dems defending 25 Senate seats, 10 in states Trump won. Republicans defending 8 seats, 6 of them considered "safe Republican.".

Please show your work.

Unknown said...

Tell us, Inga: Even if everything you and your leftist pals say is true about Moore: Why should we care? The left revels in abusing women. The Feminists are famous for offering Bill Clinton blow jobs as long as he supported abortion.

Moore will fight you and yours. You love Ted Kennedy and all the rest of the leftist rapists because they were leftists.

So where do you have anything to complain about Moore? You and yours screamed for decades that character didn't matter, that sex is unimportant and now you are having a hissy fit? Please.

Besides, all of the stuff Moore is supposed to have done was when he was a Democrat. He was clearly being a Democrat then, wasn't he? Abusing women sexually appears to be what Democrats do, so how can you possibly complain? You cheer loudly every other Democrat sex abuser, so why do you have a problem with Moore's issues when he was a Democrat?

Now that he's a Republican, he's clearly gotten over his Democrat problem.


dreams said...

Based on what I know, I would vote for Roy Moore.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“In one article, Breitbart Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein says that Wells "contradicted a key detail of Corfman's story," namely that Corfman talked to Moore on "her phone in her bedroom." When Breitbart asked Wells if Corfman had her own phone in her bedroom, Wells said no, "but the phone in the house could get through to her easily." Wells also told Breitbart, if you read down far enough, that the Post's report is "truthful and it was researched very well."”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Besides, all of the stuff Moore is supposed to have done was when he was a Democrat.”

So why are you defending him then?

traditionalguy said...

For a dumb southern fundamentalist, he sure is smart in his handling of this campaign. Interestingly this West Point graduate and Vietnam Nam veteran is a good fighter. But somehow he never managed to get a teenage
Woman’s clothes off one until he went ahead and married her. A Weinstein
He is not.

tcrosse said...

Moore might be ahead a bit in Alabama polls, but that ignores the all-important votes coming in from precincts in Wisconsin.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But somehow he never managed to get a teenage Woman’s clothes off one until he went ahead and married her.”

He didn’t marry Leigh Corfman.

Henry said...

Cry "hashtag" and let slip the camelCase of war.

Unknown said...

Because it's all a pack of lies, concocted by liberals with the help of GOPe people. That's abundantly clear.

I was asking you why you care, since you support Democrat sexual abuse of women. Assuming everything said against Moore is true (which it's not), why do you care? Democrats abusing women is the entire point of the Democrat party, and everyone knows it. It's one of the great pillars of the party, along with legalized theft, murder of children, and exercising power over the little people.

We all know why you are pushing the anti-Moore stuff: because he opposes abortion. That's it. You don't care one whit about any of these alleged victims of Moore, except as a tool to bash him. But if he was still a Democrat? You'd be a-ok with all of this. You know it, we know it, and everyone else knows it.

So again I ask, why are you attacking Moore when he's done nothing that you don't support and promote when done by Democrats?

Just flat out admit it: You are just using these women's fake tales in an effort to prevent Moore from winning, not because you actually care if Moore really did talk to a 14 year old girl 30 years ago. If a story came out tomorrow and Moore said, "yep, I've paid for at least 50 abortions from young teen girls and as such I'm now in favor of unlimited abortion on demand..." you'd be cheering and urging people to vote for him so that more babies can be killed, and defending his preying on those girls.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

So why are you defending him then?

11/29/17, 3:11 PM

Because he left The Dark Side.

dreams said...
Roy Moore is going to win and the liberals will keep losing. Thanks Donald J Trump."

If Moore wins he also needs to thank liberals like Inga, not to mention Pelosi and every other leftist who said Franken and other grabby Dems should not resign. I've always given Inga credit for helping Scott Walker survive the recall. I wouldn't be surprised if dozens of people privately decided to vote for Walker after listening to Inga for 5 minutes.

I'm hard on her, I know. I don't always appreciate the work she has done and will continue to do to keep our state bright red. Gee, thanks! I really mean that too.

MadisonMan said...

They can both lose, if Moore wins and the senate refuses to seat him.

That would be hard to do with Senator Franken in play.

Bay Area Guy said...


Me: "The midterms will likely be wins for the Dems."

Qwinn: "Dems defending 25 Senate seats, 10 in states Trump won. Republicans defending 8 seats, 6 of them considered "safe Republican.

Please show your work."

1. The GOP will probably lose 20-25 House seats. Betting markets say Dems have 53% shot at re-taking House.

2. The Senate, Yes, is much more favorable to GOP. But: Nevada (Heller) and Arizona (Flake) could blow the seats by loss or retirement, resulting in messy 50-50 tie.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So again I ask, why are you attacking Moore when he's done nothing...”

I believe the women. They aren’t all lying and neither are Trump’s 15 accusers.

“....since you support Democrat sexual abuse of women.”

Really? That’s news to me.

“We all know why you are pushing the anti-Moore stuff: because he opposes abortion.”

Here’s my stance on abortion and has been for quite sometime. I’m in favor of a 20 week limit, like many conservatives do in many states. Tell me how Roy Moore will abolish abortion? As a US Senator, he would not have that power.

steve uhr said...

Moore was a disgrace long before he was outed as a child abuser. It is disgusting that people like Unknown would vote for him even if they believed the allegations. Shows you how far the republican base has fallen.

Darrell said...

Here's what white Leftiea have to say--

Tim Wise‏Verified account
Follow Follow @timjacobwise
If white people elect Roy Moore in Alabama, no decent human being should ever spend another dime in that state, unless it is with a black owned business, or the Birmingham Civil Rights Museum. If Moore wins, it's time to destroy white Alabama like we should have 150 years ago.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Shows you how far the republican base has fallen.”

Not as nearly as morally upright as they’d like to be seen.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I am very glad I am not an Alabama voter, but if I were, I would reason that if the Senate refuses to seat Moore, the Republican governor will choose a conservative replacement. I would not want to vote for some leftist who would not represent my views at all and would serve as Chuck Schumer's butt boy. I would also resent the media and asshole liberals telling me how I should vote (of course, the moral decision happens to be the one that benefits them.) I don't like Moore and didn't like him even before the scandal broke, but -lesser of two evils. Voting for a leftist is a greater evil.

HT said...

The suburbs will figure largely in this one. Many women can't stand Moore. Jones had more of a chance before Franken. After Franken, it seems a little tougher. The women are completely believable, it's funny how people go into denial about it.

There are other civil rights museums in Alabama besides the one in Birmingham. Birmingham's is newer than Montgomery's for instance.

HT said...

The Democratic Party is a shambles in Alabama. Jones's campaign is disorganized. Say what you will, but Doug Jones is definitely not your typical Southern Democrat. He's actually a good guy. But I get it - demonization.


etbass said...

Roy Moore's opponent Doug Jones has been campaigning with no identification as a Democrat. His TV ads and neighborhood signs carry absolutely no indication that he is a democrat. He obviously is ashamed of it and knows it is a death sentence in Alabama voting.

11/29/17, 2:33 PM

Jaq said...

Since Democrats, nearly to a person, including Unknown/Inga supported Clinton and defended him until a couple of weeks ago, and still defend Franken the Masher, I have to really question how deeply held their beliefs are.

dreams said...

"Not as nearly as morally upright as they’d like to be seen."

Revealing, actually Republicans are not about virtue signaling, that's liberals.

Inga...Allie Oop said...



Qwinn said...

Um, Nelson's story has so many massive holes in it that it's embarassing her claims were ever aired. The fact that they WERE absurdly aired makes every other claim suspect.

HT said...

pacwest, the word you are really after is fetus-cide. (If you want to be at all accurate.)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“....and still defend Franken the Masher...”

Wrong. I called for Franken and Conyers to resign on the day the news about them came out.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"David Sweeney, chief news editor for NPR, has just stepped down over harassment charges."

The hits just keep on coming.

dreams said...

These poor troubled women are being exploited by the crooked Washington Post and the corrupt Democrats.

Jersey Fled said...

Moore will win because the people of Alabama hate the Democrat/Media complex more than they hate someone who (maybe) dated young girls 40 years ago. They also want Senators who will confirm conservative judges. It's as simple as that.

Unknown said...

Yes, we all know that Moore is a disgrace! Why, he doesn't support Moloch, Ashtoreh, and Aphrodite like all good Leftists do! He supports --gasp!-- Jehovah! And he appears to actually mean it!

That's the real reason why leftists are so determined to smear Moore so much: he would actually move the needle back towards the right.

And Inga, you do support Democrat abusing women. Why else do you support Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton? You are a fan of Chris Dodd, no doubt. Well after their problems with women were brought forward.

Plus: You fully supported the attacks on Sarah Palin, no matter how disgusting, sexist or vile they were. Just like every racist attack on Clarence Thomas is no big deal either. And you certainly support the rest of your side when they engage in these attacks.

HT: The women are believable? When they are caught in lies, like claiming they had never seen Judge Moore since they were teenage girls... only to have it come out he was the judge over their divorce? That kind of believability?

mockturtle said...

I expect Alabama will give the big FU to the media and still elect moore.

I hope they do.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Revealing, actually Republicans are not about virtue signaling, that's liberals.”

Oh please, lol. Family Values Party. Josh Duggar and the Family Research Council.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Matt Lauer had a button on his desk that automatically locked the door so he didn't have to get up and lock himself when he wanted to make the beast with two backs with some woman. That's according to Vanity Fair, which also reports:

"As the co-host of NBC's "Today," Matt Lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy as a present. It included an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her, which left her mortified.
On another day, he summoned a different female employee to his office, and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis. After the employee declined to do anything, visibly shaken, he reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act."

He's a liberal. Liberals are sooooo much more moral than us deplorables. Why, oh, why, won't the people of Alabama listen to them?

Jaq said...

At least you stopped denying that you defended Bill Clinton.

traditionalguy said...

If Moore wins we should definitely exclude Auburn and Alabama from football. Teams business I know most UGA fans will
Appreciate that and help
enforce it.

But the Cake House in Andalusia , Alabama has to be an
Exception for Atlanta folks on their way to Destin.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“....dated young girls 40 years ago.”

Undressed her and had her rub his erect penis through his tighty whiteys. Just harmless dating activity between a 14 year old and a 32 year old. Nothing at all wrong here.

Bay Area Guy said...

Package deal: Moore and Franken both go.

madAsHell said...

Juanita Broderick, and Kathleen Wiley have stormed Franken's office, and are demanding his resignation. Film at 11.

Some NPR exec has been escorted to the door as well.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“As the co-host of NBC's "Today," Matt Lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy as a present. It included an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her, which left her mortified.
On another day, he summoned a different female employee to his office, and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis. After the employee declined to do anything, visibly shaken, he reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act."

Who is defending Matt Laurer here? Sounds like he was a pig.

madAsHell said...

Today, I just can't stop thinking of "Blazing Saddles".....

Governor Lepetomane: [pointing to a member of his cabinet] I didn't get a "harrumph" out of that guy!
Hedley Lamarr: Give the Governor harrumph!
Politician: Harrumph!
Governor Lepetomane: You watch your ass.

Unknown said...

Yes Inga: Stuff your politicians do every single day, much to the great merriment of you and yours. Right?

I mean, Ted Kennedy did it and far, far worse. You and yours call him the "Lion of the Senate."

Inga, why did you never, ever call for Ted Kennedy to resign after murdering a girl and then joking about it?

Bill Clinton raped several women, and even the "Consensual" ones were far worse than what you just accused Moore of. And yet you spent the entire election season telling us how it was no big deal and we should vote for Hillary who attacked these women.

Remember how Hillary laughed and laughed when she got off a child rapist? No big deal you said! Not a problem! The girl was asking for it anyway! Vote for Hillary, the rape enabler!

And now you have the effrontery to attack Moore based on discredited attacks? Please.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Package deal: Moore and Franken both go.”

Deal! I’ll throw in Conyers for good measure.

Qwinn said...

For the record, Inga was aggressively defending Nelson's claims too, until it was pointed out that Moore was the judge at her divorce years later, and that the yearbook signature matches the divorce records signature, right down to the D.A., which were the initials of the clerk filing the divorce records.

Inga stopped talking about Nelson after that.

Jim at said...

Here's an even better one:


Darrell said...

Nobody could possibly think that the Lyin'Left would get women to make false charges against the Republican candidate since they have made Alabama the hill to die on--spending untold millions on it and making it a do-or-die referendum on Trump. Nah.

Hagar said...

They have made this a swamp creatures vs. swamp drainers thing, and it is backfiring on them.

Besides, I don't like the looks of this Doug Jones guy; looks, voice, and body language make me think he is a rather shifty character.

madAsHell said...

Governor Lepetomane: Gentlemen, affairs of state must take precedent over... affairs of state.

Nancy Pelosi couldn't have said it any better.

Darrell said...


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“For the record, Inga was aggressively defending Nelson's claims too, until it was pointed out that Moore was the judge at her divorce years later, and that the yearbook signature matches the divorce records signature, right down to the D.A., which were the initials of the clerk filing the divorce records.

Inga stopped talking about Nelson after that.”

For the record, I still believe Beverly Nelson and have absolutely NO reason to disbelieve her. Your bogus yearbook yammering are just idiotic.

Jaq said...

That package deal still gives the Democrats another seat. Of course she'll take it. It's about power.

traditionalguy said...

Smart the accuser PR gang is not. The have 8 now and all but 1 fit the harmless pattern but for s 14 year age gap. The outlier is the 14 year old whose story is not that believable at all unless you throw in the 6 others as if they , with no similarities, prove the kill
That ran
As headlines in
Day one of this dirty trick.

Maybe it all comes from
The same imagination
That found Nicki Haley had a secret affair a few weeks before Election Day in South Carolina

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Gloria Allred, the attorney representing one of Roy Moore's accusers, is demanding that he testify under oath about sexual misconduct allegations against him in exchange for handing over a key piece of evidence to third-party experts.

Allred said Tuesday she will only have Moore's signature in the 1977 yearbook of accuser Beverly Young Nelson authenticated if Moore agrees to testify about incidents that occurred when he was in his 30s.

"If he's willing to testify under oath, yes," Allred told host Alisyn Camerota on CNN's "New Day”.”

If Moore has nothing to hide, he’ll testify under oath and put this all behind him.

Darrell said...

Jaq said...

Moore has bounced back. No wonder Inga is so mad at Franken and Conyers!

Jaq said...

Nancy Pelosi, the gift that keeps on giving.

Jaq said...

Doug Jones can proudly stand beside Al Franken, champion of women's equality!

Anonymous said...

Ann Althouse said...
Yeah, I think the implicit argument is: If you really care about children, you’ll oppose the abortion candidate.

Great question from Twitter:

It's 1850

How bad does the personal behavior of an anti-slavery candidate have to be, before you'll vote for a pro-slavery candidate over him?

So far as i can tell, Jones opposes any law restricting abortion in any way, will fight for US Gov't funding for Planned Parenthood, and will vote against any and all Trump judicial picks.

So far as I can tell, Moore is the opposite on all these.

Now, if you believe that killing an 8 month old "fetus" is murder, how can you possibly vote for Jones?

Unknown said...

Hah, how stupid do you think we are, Inga? Do you honestly expect us to believe that Allred would do that? Please. Do you honestly expect anyone to think you'd drop it if Moore testified under oath? Not a chance.

It doesn't matter at all what Moore does or does not do or say: you and your leftists are determined to have yourselves a hanging party regardless of the truth. You know it, we all know it. Moore could be endorsed by Jesus Himself and you'd still accuse him of stuff that you defend your side every day of the week.

I note you don't deny defending Hillary's getting rapists off with laughter. I note you don't deny your love for the Swimmer and his murdering rapist ways, Ted kennedy.

By the way, if you are so concerned about women being abused, why are you a leftist right now? One thing is abundantly clear: leftists abuse women as a rule, not as an exception. And leftist women cover for them! And all you can do is shriek at the sky about Moore?

Leftist thought leader Matt Laurer literally trapped and locked women in his office to abuse them, and this was an open secret! You don't care though, because hey, he's a leftist and all those women who allowed him to rampage were leftists too.

You've got more important things, like peddle fake accusations against a Republican! Can't let that go, no sirree. I mean, it appears every single Democrat male in the media is a perverted sex abuser, but who cares, since Moore is out there!


dreams said...

“Package deal: Moore and Franken both go.”

"Deal! I’ll throw in Conyers for good measure."

No, that isn't how it works, the voters of Alabama will decide who they want for their senator.

Darrell said...

Comrade Doug Jones is a bad man.

Anonymous said...

Inga quotes:
Allred said Tuesday she will only have Moore's signature in the 1977 yearbook of accuser Beverly Young Nelson authenticated if Moore agrees ....

Thank you, we're done, the "signature" is a fake.

Because if the signature is real, you WANT it verified.

If I were an Alabama voter, that, right there, would cause (perhaps "allow" is the right word) me to ignore all the anti-Moore allegations.

Is that fair?

I don't know, or care. You do not reward liars. If you're going to bring an allegation as serious as this, you do not cheat on anything.

Or else you get tossed by the wayside.

The Godfather said...

Like many here, I'm glad that I don't live in Alabama. If I did, I would have voted for Strange in the Strange v. Even Stranger primary. But now, faced with the Strange v. Jones choice, I would ask myself: Do I know enough bad stuff about Moore to justify turning a Republican Senate seat over to a Democrat where the Senate is very close to, or at, deadlock already?

My best guess about the 40 year old facts is that Moore, in his early 30's, dated or was interested in dating some teenage girls. I think that's weird, but not a crime of moral turpitude so long as the girls were over the age of consent. He is accused in a couple of instances of carrying that interest in teenage girls to the point of abuse (in one case, child abuse as the complainant was under the age of consent). He denies these charges. Some reasonable questions have been raised about the charges, and they are four decades old. Given that, since that time, there has been no evidence of such misbehavior by Moore (and child abuse I think is generally a compulsive behavior), I would give the Scottish Verdict of "Not Proven", and vote for Moore.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Inga said...
“....dated young girls 40 years ago.”

Undressed her and had her rub his erect penis through his tighty whiteys. Just harmless dating activity between a 14 year old and a 32 year old. Nothing at all wrong here.

11/29/17, 3:56 PM

1) If the tables were turned, the "molester" D and his organization, and the media (but I repeat myself), would be running this ex-girl through the coffee grinder to nuts-and-sluts her, find any members of her family with weaknesses, etc., in order to silence or discredit her.

2) Likely, she was a slut. (Alle drei means "all three" as you say - sure, she was probably a virgin - in her left ear. LMK if you need more detail.) Now, I like a slut, but at the same time, I can't really get lit up over a frisky teen pushing her own personal envelope. Plus I could see some lying going on in that mix, like I assume she didn't tell her folks she was going out necking. Falsum in uno, falsum in omnibus.

3) I've known 13yos (not even Hispanic girls who are known faster maturing) with bosoms you could serve Thanksgiving dinner on. Romeo and Juliet were 15 and 13. A Bat Mitzvah for girls is at age 12. Federal law has the federal age of consent as 12. I'm not emotionally invested in the notion that whatever he did was the end of the world, unless indeed he hurt anyone, which I am not seeing. Second base is not hurting anyone. Moore's apparent taste is not mine, but I'd have to see the girl to judge.

4) Falsum in uno part II - generally too much junk in the air not to suspect that this is all hooey, smoke.

5) The timing denies Moore, and the voters, due process. Elect him then see what happens. Or go back in time and air these charges years ago, or at least months so that it all could be aired.

6) Totally convinced of your side's (if not yours personally) inimical intent, total hypocrisy and situational ethics, so fuck your side, if not you personally. I'm sorry but it is necessary to deny you(r side) power. As Toothless sometimes says, the middle of a fight is not the time to part one's hair.

7) Jones is probably a lowlife himself. If Rs didn't suck at politics they would have already opened him up.

Mo(o)re later, gotta run.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Moore wins, easily. It's Alabama folks.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So far as i can tell, Jones opposes any law restricting abortion in any way, will fight for US Gov't funding for Planned Parenthood, and will vote against any and all Trump judicial picks.

So far as I can tell, Moore is the opposite on all these.”
“Jones said. "To be clear, I fully support a woman's freedom to choose to what happens to her own body. That is an intensely, intensely personal decision that only she, in consultation with her god, her doctor, her partner or family, that's her choice.

"Having said that, the law for decades has been that late-term procedures are generally restricted except in the case of medical necessity. That's what I support. I don't see any changes in that. It is a personal decision."”

Bad Lieutenant said...

oh, 8) - the party that cried wolf --> you guys. Fool people once, shame on you. Fool 'em again and again, well, it should stop sometime. You know what, I'll give you Moore when you give us Ted Stevens back. Throw in the chump they framed in VA. Doubtless many others who escape me. TTFN

Bad Lieutenant said...

AReasonableMan said...
Conyers wins, easily. It's Detroit folks.

11/29/17, 4:28 PM


Darrell said...

This link shows the evidence--a color photo of the yearbook and the stamped signature on the divorce papers. It's not all talk like a Lefty link.

Henry said...

If Moore has nothing to hide, he’ll testify under oath and put this all behind him.

Discovery means that all the evidence is provided to the defendant. That assumes that there's an actual case.

What Allred seems to be saying, is if you pretend you're on trial, I'll pretend that I have evidence.

I very much hope Moore loses. I would hope that based on his idea of judging if he wasn't facing accusations of harassment. But this ploy to withhold potentially exculpatory evidence unless Moore voluntary puts himself in legal jeopardy is vile.

Darrell said...

Since Moore never met the two women with the stories involving crimes, it would be rather difficult to come up with exculpatory evidence. The almost-forty-year time lag doesn't help, either.

Henry said...

@Darrell -- I'm referring to Allred withholding the yearbook.

Henry said...

In other words, any evidence supporting the claims against Moore should be disclosed as it would if there were an actual trial.

Qwinn said...

"Your bogus yearbook yammering are just idiotic."

Which part of what I said is "idiotic" or "bogus"? Did Nelson not claim that she never saw Moore again, until we found out that he presided over her divorce? Cause both are proven fact. Does the yearbook signature not say "D.A."? That is proven. Is the "D.A." not also in the divorce paper signature? That's proven. Are they not the initials of the clerk who produced the divorce papers? This is fact.

I didn't even bring up that everything after "Roy" in the signature is a different ink color.

Please, be specific about what I said that is "yammering", "bogus", or "idiotic".

Also, everyone else, please try to imagine if these accusations were being made against any current Democrat, that all the facts and pictures I listed above were available to Inga in order to defend the Democrat, but that she would dismiss it all as "bogus" and "idiotic" in the same situation.

Henry said...

Just to clarify: I very much hope Moore loses the election. I would hope that based on his idea of judging even if he wasn't facing accusations of harassment.

n.n said...

If you really care about children, you’ll oppose the abortion candidate.

It's a tautology, isn't it? Abort the baby, deny the child.

The first rule of evolution, is you don't deny evolution.

Elective abortion denies due process. Abortion is a cruel and unusual punishment, disproportionate to the chosen burden conceived.

Democracy... the People and our Posterity dies under a clock of privacy... in darkness, indeed.

I wonder if women would actually resort to aborting their babies in the public square to protest the end of abortion rites. That's really what it's about. A stable environment.

Individual dignity. Intrinsic value. Moral, natural, and personal imperatives... then we reconcile.

Normalize what has a redeeming value to humanity and society. Tolerate individual choices that can be reasonably reconciled. Reject everything else.

Fabi said...

Is Mary Jo Kopechne still dead?

Sebastian said...

"His TV ads and neighborhood signs carry absolutely no indication that he is a democrat. He obviously is ashamed of it." Dems are not ashamed of anything. If they have to hide being Dem to get elected, they will.

"I don't see any changes in that." Ah, yes, he doesn't "see" them. Until he gets to DC and suddenly "sees" lots of things his Dem colleagues want him to "see." Lo and behold, he'll vote for any Dem folly. Surprise!

Michael K said...

"neither are Trump’s 15 accusers."

This is why Inga and the other lefties always lose. They can't keep from piling on.

If you oppose open borders, you're a Nazi.

If you get enough arrogance, yiu lose.

Moore wins, easily. It's Alabama folks.

Why in the world would anyone in Alabama pay any attention to a leftist creep like ARM. He hates them, no matter where they live or what their education or life experience is.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Scalia wasn't pro-life.

Darrell said...

Who had the resources to get someone that could copy that signature from the divorce papers into the yearbook? Beverly Nelson? Unlikely. Allred, the Washington Post, or Republican operatves are reasonable guesses. Subpoenas of bank records would fill in the blanks. Since Allred refuses to let independent examiners look at the yearbook, she already knows the answer and she is therefore the most likely culprit.

Ken B said...

If he wins it’s due to Nancy Pelosi and the full court press of hypocrisy from the democrats.

Ken B said...

Some Democrats don’t agree we should believe the women, because the women are white.

Matt Sablan said...

Moore should agree to testify and then say nothing, as is his legal right. Then insist on the validation. There is no reason that signature was not validated BEFORE we even heard the accusations.

Matt Sablan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Mary Joe is in Heaven servicing Teddy Kennedy daily out of gratitude for his exemplary treatment of women.

Jaq said...

Look at all of those extra years Teddy gave her in Heaven.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


“Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore (R) “co-authored a study course, published in 2011 and recently obtained by ThinkProgress, that instructs students that women should not be permitted to run for elected office.

If women do run for office, the course argues, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them. The course is also critical of the women’s suffrage movement, which in 1920 secured some American women the right to vote.”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“For at least a decade, dating back to 1999, Moore served on the “faculty” of Vision Forum’s so-called “Witherspoon School of Law and Public Policy.” Not a school at all, Witherspoon was instead a series of four-day crash courses that taught men — and only men — that the Bible is the source of “law and liberty and the only sure foundation for addressing the challenging ethical questions of the twenty-first century.”

He [Roy Moore] also openly praises both Phillips and Vision Forum, saying, “As I think about what’s going on here at Vision Forum and what Doug’s doing and has done, I’m a little envious because I admire Doug and the fact he can round up these young men that are going to make a difference in our nation.

Vision Forum closed in 2013 after Phillips resigned, having admitted to a “lengthy” and “inappropriately romantic and affectionate” relationship with a woman who was not his wife. Shortly thereafter, that woman, Lourdes Torres-Manteufel, sued Phillips and Vision Forum, detailing an emotionally, psychologically, and sexually abusive relationship that started when she was just 15 years old.“

Birds of a feather.

Darrell said...

Inga stays on top of what Lyin' Lefties like ThinkProgress have to say.

Gahrie said...

The course is also critical of the women’s suffrage movement, which in 1920 secured some American women the right to vote.”

You say that like it's a bad thing.....

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Well, Ingas idolizes a whore and a traitor, so I'm surprised she draws the line at child molesting.

I'm sure she was outraged when the Hollywood liberals gave Polanski (who is guilty of much more than "he said/she said") a standing O.

Darrell said...

Comrade Doug Jones thinks girls are stinky and have cooties.

MacMacConnell said...

Moore should just keep running to win even if he just turns out to be a place holder for the Governor's pick later, he's reportedly leading by +5%. Some PACs are currently paying for polling and will soon engage in the final stretch. Fuck the Democrats and WAPO.

n.n said...

Women and girls have suffered under social progress where female chauvinists and their male chauvinist conspirators denied women's agency by placing conception before choice, sexual liberation before moral moderation, and denied lives (due process and violated the constitutional proscription of cruel and unusual punishments - only at the twilight fringe) deemed unworthy for the Democratic cause and tax revenue. The progress of "rape culture" enabled through the normalization of social liberalism has created many victims, including: women, girls, men, boys, babies, and families, invented many criminals (e.g. denied due process, trial by bullhorns (e.g. press, advocacy), and produced unprecedented collateral damage (e.g. tomb of the Planned baby).

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Ostensibly, left-wing female voters (and their male conspirators) enabled "casting couch" relationships, liberal humor (e.g. molestation of unconscious women), civil and human rights violations (e.g. due process, cruel and unusual punishments, denial of lives deemed unworthy), sexualization of prepubescent (e.g. transgender conversion therapy) and adolescent children, and progressive diversity (e.g. sexism, racism). Pro-Choice (i.e. selective, unprincipled, and opportunistic) is not good for women, men, children, babies, or human and civil rights.

Wait, what were we discussing?

Oh, yeah... cowbell. We need more cowbell, baby.

mockturtle said...

Inga's cute little avatar makes it even easier to skip past her posts.

Francisco D said...


It's time to take your mood stabilizer. You have been clearly in a manic phase.

As to Roy Moore, I am not fond of bible banging fundamentalists, but I am less fond of tax and spend liberals. No good choices here, but I am not a citizen of Alabama. Thank the Lord.

Francisco D said...


It's time to take your mood stabilizer. You have been clearly in a manic phase.

As to Roy Moore, I am not fond of bible banging fundamentalists, but I am less fond of tax and spend liberals. No good choices here, but I am not a citizen of Alabama. Thank the Lord.

Francisco D said...


It's time to take your mood stabilizer. You have been clearly in a manic phase.

As to Roy Moore, I am not fond of bible banging fundamentalists, but I am less fond of tax and spend liberals. No good choices here, but I am not a citizen of Alabama. Thank the Lord.

Francisco D said...


It's time to take your mood stabilizer. You have been clearly in a manic phase.

As to Roy Moore, I am not fond of bible banging fundamentalists, but I am less fond of tax and spend liberals. No good choices here, but I am not a citizen of Alabama. Thank the Lord.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Francisco D needed to post it four times, because that’s a very normal thing to do.

Francisco D said...

Either Blogger is acting up or I am too impatient.

Either Blogger is acting up or I am too impatient

......... 1000 more times.

Mea Culpa.

Jaq said...

t's time to take your mood stabilizer. You have been clearly in a manic phase.

Now don't be stealing her material!

Francisco D said...


Take your meds and turn on your favorite household appliance.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Francisco take your Geritol and have your wife put on your Depends.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga's calling another commenter old.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga’s calling another commenter old.”

I’m younger than Althouse, so you’re calling her old, if you think I’m old. As a matter of fact you’re only a couple of years younger than me, lol!

Francisco D said...

Inga wrote: "Francisco take your Geritol and have your wife put on your Depends."

I have to give you credit, Inga. I laughed at that one.

You need to get more in tune with the times. Geritol was advertised on the Lawrence Welk show. In the 80's it was cocaine. Now it is Viagra, Cialis, etc.

Have you checked the expiration date on your favorite household appliance? It might be dangerous.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You need to get more in tune with the times. Geritol was advertised on the Lawrence Welk show. In the 80's it was cocaine. Now it is Viagra, Cialis, etc.”

I’m trying to avoid sexual connotations. Too much sexual harassment. Take a hint.

“Have you checked the expiration date on your favorite household appliance? It might be dangerous.”

So I should check the expiration date of my dishwasher?

Drago said...

Inga: "So I should check the expiration date of my dishwasher?"

Your time would be better spent checking the expiration date of lefty sexual harassment "outrage" which demands immediate action!

That lasted about 3 weeks and until democrats and lefties began falling into line with the new directives from lefty central about hey, maybe we shouldn't believe all accusations.

Which was followed up today with other dems suggesting that WHITE accusers cannot be trusted!!

Those dems/lefties! They sure are something, aren't they?

Hey, isn't Inga white? I'll bet she is. That would mean that every single accusation Inga makes on these boards can now be officially, per BRAND NEW DEMOCRAT RULES, be ignored.

Thanks dems!

Drago said...

You know, I'm so old I can remember when the Kennedy's used to kill their women one at a time.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Alabama should vote for Roy Moore so that Donald Trump can’t put prochoice Justices on the Supreme Court later in his term. Isn’t that what Roy’s tweet is saying?

chickelit said...

Darrell retweeted:
If white people elect Roy Moore in Alabama, no decent human being should ever spend another dime in that state, unless it is with a black owned business, or the Birmingham Civil Rights Museum. If Moore wins, it's time to destroy white Alabama like we should have 150 years ago.

Wowza!! What an asshole!! So Tim "Wise" cannot see his own racial bigotry and hatred. This is as hypocritical as leftie men getting caught mistreating women. We clearly have a very long distance to go on both sides.

Drago said...

Left Bank: "Alabama should vote for Roy Moore so that Donald Trump can’t put prochoice Justices on the Supreme Court later in his term. Isn’t that what Roy’s tweet is saying?"

Try harder.

Anonymous said...

Inga said...
I said: “So far as i can tell, Jones opposes any law restricting abortion in any way, will fight for US Gov't funding for Planned Parenthood, and will vote against any and all Trump judicial picks.

So far as I can tell, Moore is the opposite on all these.”
“Jones said. "To be clear, I fully support a woman's freedom to choose to what happens to her own body. That is an intensely, intensely personal decision that only she, in consultation with her god, her doctor, her partner or family, that's her choice.

"Having said that, the law for decades has been that late-term procedures are generally restricted except in the case of medical necessity. That's what I support. I don't see any changes in that. It is a personal decision."”

“Jones said. "To be clear, I fully support a woman's freedom to choose to what happens to her own body. That is an intensely, intensely personal decision that only she"

We're done. Because "that said", there's no possibility that you can agree with laws restricting HER "right".

So, I'm right that Jones will never vote for a new law restricting abortion, I'm right he'll vote for Planned Parenthood funding, I'm right he will vote against any judge who would repeal Roe, and the only remote argument is "would Jones vote to repeal laws blocking 3rd trimester abortions?"

Which isn't going to happen, so it doesn't really matter. The others will come up, do matter, and Jones is on the baby killing side on all of them.

Hold your nose and vote for Moore. If the Democrats want to win in teh South, they're going to have to accept pro-life candidates.

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