Said Debbie Wasserman Schultz, reacting to pressure to respond to the many accusations of abject mismanagement lodged against her by Donna Brazile.
Debbie's answer resonated. I felt I heard the voice of Bill Clinton... And I need to go back to work for the American people...
I'm a constituent of hers.
She can figuratively drop dead.
Rush Limbaugh nailed it when he came up with the sobriquet Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz.
Little Debbie is a fighter. And the voters want her to keep up the fight. Now, if only the Panhandle could be made into a separate State.
Florida is an insular and hostile place unless you are willing to fight all of the time. The new Florida football coach was too nice a guy to last. He mentioned that his players and his family were receiving death threats for only winning the SEC East twice in 3 years. So the Florida guys fired him for saying that.
If Democrats had only listened to us, they could have a Democratic president today, and locked up the SCOTUS for years to come. Instead they defended the obvious moral turpitude of that pair.
The full extent of her corruption needs to be uncovered. That IT staffer and his family were possible spies and surely thieves.
I have no great love for the Republicans, but the Democrats make my skin crawl.
Well, if that doesn't work for her, there's always the word "is".
The party she ran had the most horrific and shambolic presidential race of all time. She presided over what appears to be record levels of corruption and malfeasance. Billions wasted. They suffered humiliating defeat and their adherents are reduced to screaming at the sky.
By all means, Debbie, get back to work. The country needs you.
I felt I heard the voice of Bill Clinton...
DWS should have continued, "No attack ever fed a starving child."
I agree with Dave Begley. I still would like to know what went on with the Pakistanis at the DNC.
You keep using that word.
I do not think it means what you think it means.
The clinton hold on the party is incredible. McClintonAuliff is the next in line.
The media refuse to discuss clinton corruption. No mention of the corrupt IT guy hired by Wasserman. He was arrested trying to flee the country and the media will not touch it.
No mention of the corrupt Menendez trial.
What difference, at this point, would not make?
DWS was hired because she was a bad manager. If she had been a good manager, the DNC wouldn't have needed to sell itself to the Clinton Campaign. Brazile was also a bad manager. In the midst of a crisis she was vacationing in Martha's Vineyard.
What level of deep doo-doo does it take to drown DWS? Will she run unopposed in her next election...........I voted in NYC yesterday. Cyrus Vance was on the ballot. He's the DA who accepted the $10,000 campaign contribution from Harvey's lawyer. Cyrus ran unopposed.
Like Hillary and Pelosi, I want Debbie to hang around and be in the news for at least the next 18 to 24 months, if not the next 48. The RNC could not have come up with a better plan if they were the evil geniuses that the left think they are (versus the bumbling idiots the right knows they are).
Meanwhile it looks like the meeting with Don Jr might have been a setup to justify NSA surveillance.
unnamed source told Fox News that "hours before the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Fusion co-founder and ex-Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson was with Veselnitskaya in a Manhattan federal courtroom." Court records, email correspondence, and published reports corroborated this meeting.
Furthermore, the source also told Fox News that Simpson and Veselnitskaya met again after the meeting.
Funny how actual evidence of Obama administration corruption keeps piling up, and all we get re Trump and collusion is ominous sounding conjecture.
Wilbur said...
I'm a constituent of hers.
She can figuratively drop dead."
Same here. If only she would go away. But if she did, there would probably an even worse Democrat to replace her.
She's got bigger problems than Brazile throwing her under the bus.....
Cyrus Vance was on the ballot.
From the Carter Administation?
- Local story
- Right-wing paranoid fantasy
- Asked and answered
- An isolated case
- Everyone does it
- Old news
- Why are you obsessed by this?
- Backlash building against Republicans
- Let's move on
- Focused on the issues of hard-working, middle-class Americans
"...there would probably an even worse Democrat to replace her." I understand Cynthia McKinney is available.
I do not think Blabbermouth Schultz is an evil person; I think she is a nut case and not that responsible for what she says or does.
How does she continue to get elected and appointed to responsible positions?
I believe that the quote was taken out of context/mis-quoted. (I believe) the full quote reads as follows:
My focus, which is what my constituents elected me to do, is to make sure that I can fight for the things they care about [no matter how stupid, trivial, inane, and antithetical to the Constitution of the United States, up to and including doing all in my power to throw a monkey wrench (we can say that now) into the machinery of the Republican administration, which is only fair as all of those Republican Nazis want us dead].
Said Debbie Wasserman Schultz, reacting to pressure to respond to the
She continues to get elected because her district is carved to assure her election. Broward County is a liberal county anyway, and her district includes a huge percentage of Jewish voters, who think she can do no wrong.
The Republican State Legislature created a district for her where a Democrat cannot lose, concentrating Democratic voters into that district. I was gerrymandered into it. The only threat to her is a primary challenge from her own party, which may succeed to oust her.
Number one shop-worn phrase: "the American people."
Hagar said...
I do not think Blabbermouth Schultz is an evil person; I think she is a nut case and not that responsible for what she says or does.
How does she continue to get elected and appointed to responsible positions?
I don't think she's evil either; I think that of very few politicians (one is Hillary Clinton). DWS is doing what she genuinely thinks is best. I just have a diametrically different view of the world and our nation, and think she's dead wrong on almost everything.
We need to know how and why DNC colluded with Russian, British, and Ukrainian agents, and the mainstream press (Washington Post et al), in order to influence elections with the probable intent to disenfranchise American citizens.
It resonated only because it's boilerplate.
The most obvious follow-up question to her statement would be where her focus was when she was the DNC chair AND representative for the 23rd district. Apparently, she's chewed-gum and walked before, so...
Brazile was just on MSNBC being grilled but standing up to the best Dem Propagandists with courage. She was a mini-Trump. Go figure.
@madison man: Cyrus Vance Jr. His father's dead though. The circumstances of his death were not remarkable.
Imagine being named Cyrus and then deciding "that's the best name for the new baby boy!"
From here performance chairing the DNC during the 2014 and 2016 elections, and coupled with the Pakistani IT staff scandal, I’d say Debbie’s best isn’t all that good.
@Bob Ellison
The original Cyrus created the largest empire in history until that point basically by force of personality. Not a bad name to give your kid.
Political parties usually choose their chairpersons and leaders from extremely safe districts. It's a good strategy for maintaining leadership, but as evolution shows, it's a bad strategy for choosing leaders.
I always thought DWS wasn't actually a person but rather a robot programmed to emit DNC talking points. Sort of like Disneyworld's animatronic Lincoln, just more advanced. That's why she couldn't answer the question about the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist. It wasn't in her programming.
Rumpletweezer said...
I have no great love for the Republicans, but the Democrats make my skin crawl."
I have contempt for the Republicans. The Democrats are repulsive.
"Brazile was just on MSNBC being grilled but standing up to the best Dem Propagandists with courage"
Brazile's about-face is welcome, but puzzling. person with integrity would have cut ties with the Clintons a long time ago and I'm not convinced that she had some sort of St. Paul-like conversion moment after the election. I can't figure out what her motives are or why she decided to spill the beans now. Did she think the media would back her because black female trumps white female when the Dems play Victim Poker? It looks like a big misjudgment if that was the case.
She knows that defending herself against Brazile's accusations would be racist.
"I always thought DWS wasn't actually a person but rather a robot programmed to emit DNC talking points"
I hope they are working on more advanced robots that know how to wash their hair.
And possibly homophobic. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Or, wait ... is there something wrong with that?
Did she think the media would back her because black female trumps white female when the Dems play Victim Poker? It looks like a big misjudgment if that was the case.
Time will tell. If that was her calculus, my gut feeling is that she will be proven correct in the end.
"Did she think the media would back her because black female trumps white female when the Dems play Victim Poker? It looks like a big misjudgment if that was the case."
This is a question of power struggles in the Democratic Party. The media will back whoever wins. You may recall that it was Brazile who gave Hillary the debate questions in advance. She is very publicly leaving the sinking ship.
Donna Brazile on Clinton campaign arrogance: ‘It was a cult’
I can't figure out what her motives are or why she decided to spill the beans now.
The Clinton and Brazile books are an attempt to get ahead of the news cycle, and control the flow of bad news into the narrative (aka re-write history). The books also put a framework around any testimony either might provide.
Greg Hlatky said...
- Local story
- Right-wing paranoid fantasy
- Asked and answered
- An isolated case
- Everyone does it
- Old news
- Why are you obsessed by this?
- Backlash building against Republicans
- Let's move on
- Focused on the issues of hard-working, middle-class Americans
And that other old Clinton stand-by "That's been out there already"
Why isn't she in jail?
Tank said...
"Why isn't she in jail?"
Which one?
IMO Brazile is a lifelong Southern Democrat, which went extinct with Zell Miller. But she made a career of politics turned progressive. You see, the southern Scots Irish culture actually accepts any courageous person of any skin color that stands up and fight with us for the Jacksonian values, the ones that that Trump appropriated.
What Brazile just did was give her Party a smelling salts of harsh truth. If they wake back up, Trump will lose much of his base.
"I can't figure out what her motives are or why she decided to spill the beans now."
If I may play pop-psychologist for a minute: My guess, her motive is revenge and perhaps some hope for redemption. Maybe she hates herself for the embarrassment of getting caught feeding Hillary questions during the debate, and she hates Hillary even more for making her do it. Just like Weinstein's victims, people who are compelled to degrade themselves for a job--even if they did it "willingly"-- likely experience self-loathing and resentment toward the powerful person, especially if the payout they were expecting doesn't materialize.
If she's being honest now she'll come out a stronger person... assuming Hillary's loyal minions in the media don't totally destroy her. And she'll redeem herself in her own eyes.
Of course that may be only part of it-- another part is the "rats leaving a sinking ship" analogy, and she's in CYA mode. People have many things motivating them. But I go with revenge as the strongest motivation.
Is this the new spin on "That's old news, let's move"
Night Owl said...
Maybe she hates herself for the embarrassment of getting caught feeding Hillary questions during the debate, and she hates Hillary even more for making her do it.
Probably the best explanation for what Brazile is doing that I've heard. It makes so much sense.
"I can't figure out what her motives are or why she decided to spill the beans now."
-- My theory: She wants to back a non-Clinton horse in the next presidential election, but knows that can't happen as long Clinton exists as a political force. With both Obama and Clinton, she has seen how powerful the DNC can be in influencing the nominations. She wants to use that power for whoever else she wants to back. But the only way to free up the political resources and money is to knee cap Clinton now, otherwise you have 2016 all over again with candidates sitting out to not burn good will/money against the Clinton machine.
That Clinton video was hysterical - hard to believe it's been nearly 20 years I remember it vividly. A classic lie by omission and misdirection.
"But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.."
Unspoken words: "Instead, I fondled her big titties, stuck a cigar up her snatch, and shot my wad on her blue dress. But that's not sex, and if you were married to a crusty ole, power-hungry, Harpy like I am, you'd do it too!"
If you were married to a crusty ole, power-hungry, Harpy like I am, you'd do it too!
Bill Clinton was never wildly popular with the American people until after he nakedly lied to them about sex with Monica Lewinsky. You propose a pretty good reason why they may have cut him a whole lot of slack.
Night Owl said...
Maybe she hates herself for the embarrassment of getting caught feeding Hillary questions during the debate, and she hates Hillary even more for making her do it.
I question the premise she's embarrassed. It's standard Dem procedure to pull crap like this.
Joe Biden knew he was capable of beating Hillary Clinton in the presidential race - but decided not to run fearing a ´stop at nothing´ campaign by her backers, the former vice president has revealed in his new memoir.
Popcorn! Moar POPCORN!
That video is what created my life long hatred for that pair. I believed him. Who was Matt Drudge anyway? After it came out that he was lying and got right past my lie detector senses, such as they were, I knew he was just plain scum, and unlike their supporters, I don't have to keep making up new excuses to support my opinion of them each time a new revelation comes out, and I don't have to keep believing that everybody is a liar but them.
"I question the premise she's embarrassed. It's standard Dem procedure to pull crap like this."
Yes, but she actually got punished. She was fired by CNN, after she had done interviews denying she fed questions to Hillary. The Hillary shills at CNN didn't cover for Brazile and made her look like a liar. That had to sting. She probably felt betrayed. I'm sticking with revenge.
Debbie's problem(s) are not so much that she's vicious--although she certainly is that, and was happy to serve as the Democrat's attack dog for quite a while, it's that she's dumb and doesn't know it. Down in Texas one might say of Debbie's management ability, "She couldn't organize a two car funeral, bless her heart." And they would be right.
Additionally, had Hillary won Brazile would have rationalized that she did the right thing, and felt no remorse. The ends justifies the means, and all that. In my theory, the self-loathing and embarrassment are because Brazile gained nothing for her public disgrace, since Hillary lost.
"What Brazile just did was give her Party a smelling salts of harsh truth. If they wake back up, Trump will lose much of his base."
Brazile is preparing to go full populist.
Additionally, had Hillary won Brazile would have rationalized that she did the right thing, and felt no remorse. The ends justifies the means, and all that.
For any political consultant to do otherwise would mean they belong in another line of work.
Donna Brazile, from time to time in her career, has shown brief flashes of non-robotic independent thought, and even integrity and humanity. She's on the wrong side, to be sure, but more of a Fred Kinnan than a Wesley Mouch. I'm glad if she is having second thoughts, she could be a second Whittaker Chambers if she lifted the whole rug.
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