When I'm in the field I'm after food, not a trophy. I have a digital scope on my .300 AAC. If a thirty-point buck ever came in my sights I would snap his portrait and wish him many happy returns.
I know a plenty of hunters. One is a bow hunter, and he's my favorite. He's really skilled. Anyhow, they talk of a freezer full of fresh delicious lean meat that will ruin you for cow.
My new neighbor has a compound bow that cost $1,000. The arrows are some kind of composite material and very thin. With the power of the bow and the thinness of the arrows, when he shoots deer, the arrow goes right through them.
Anyhow, they talk of a freezer full of fresh delicious lean meat that will ruin you for cow.
11/19/17, 9:25 AM
Yes, I don't get venison very often, but when I do it's a treat. Perhaps the best game meat -the best meat, period - I've had is elk steak in Colorado.
exiledonmainstreet said... I must praise Vicki from Pasadena because she keeps her dumb, inane comments brief and she shows up infrequently. That makes her the best left wing troll on Althouse and one that should serve as a model for others.
Gee, exile, having my comments called dumb and inane is quite a compliment, coming from a right wing lemming like you. At least i don't follow blindly the missives of a misogynist like Trumpy.
Yes, Vicki, a little dig was my purpose. There was an assumption on my part that you thought Walker was an idiot because he was hunting. I hunt and therefore sought to tweak an anti-hunter a a little. Maybe you think he is an idiot for other reasons. I trust that you were not calling me an idiot because, although I might be, you do not know me that well.
Unless, or even if, you are a vegetarian, I am sure you have a concept of where meat comes from. Someone enjoying the out of doors while, possibly, adding something to the freezer and sharing his outsideesness with folks need not be condemned.
I am baiting you again but really am a rank amateur compared to the some of the Master Baiters on this thread.
Meanwhile CWD continues to spread, showing up in more and more WI counties every year.
Not a lot of folks hunting southern WI for meat anymore. My hunter friends all head far north, where people complain of lack of deer now because a majority of hunters are concentrated there instead of spread throughout the state.
Phil 3:14 said... I'm not sure I'd call that a happy face.
I do a lot of fishing in cold crappy weather. I'm always surprised at how unsmiling most of the pictures of me are holding large fish. I'm happy inside, but cold and tired tend to dominate the picture.
"My new neighbor has a compound bow that cost $1,000. The arrows are some kind of composite material and very thin. With the power of the bow and the thinness of the arrows, when he shoots deer, the arrow goes right through them."
I find your description of brutality and animal cruelty, uncouth, savage and grotesque. Hunting is murder. If you partake, then you are a murderer as well. I would sentence you to death by bow and arrow through your callous heart.
"My hunter friends all head far north, where people complain of lack of deer now because a majority of hunters are concentrated there instead of spread throughout the state."
I used to hunt up north (Drummond area) as a teenager with family and friends in the 60's and 70's. The hunters complained back then of lack of deer, too. Not a new thing.
"I would sentence you to death by bow and arrow through your callous heart."
It would be a much better, quicker death than being attacked and eaten by wolves or coyotes, starving to death in the woods, or getting hit by a car, which is how those deer unfortunate enough to escape usually die. News flash: animals do not die of old age in the wild. Those who only wound the deer and let them get away are bad hunters and I agree that that is cruelty.
I don't hunt myself, but know plenty of hunters. If you eat meat and condemn hunting you are a hypocrite.
vicki said: blah, blah, blah, stale left wing cliche...
But, like I said, at least she keeps her stupidity brief. Perhaps writing more than a few sentences overtaxes her vapid brain and she has to go take a nap after such exertions.
If you have a freezer full of deer meat, you have a very small freezer, or if you have a large freezer, you need about 10-15 deer to fill it. You cannot eat deer meat all year long unless you hunt deer all year long. Most deer are not that big.
"The poor fucker is just doing his job. He has to hunt and he has to get his picture taken to prove it."
I think you're confusing him with John ("Can I get me a hunting license here?") Kerry. In Walker's case, it appears he actually does hunt. But yeah, he needs to get the picture out. He is a politician, after all.
"I don't hunt myself, but know plenty of hunters. If you eat meat and condemn hunting you are a hypocrite."
You're known by the company you keep. You are a hunter. You're on the hunt for hypocrites. I suggest you look in the mirror and you're sure to find one. Most cows come from a feed lot. They may be killed, but they aren't hunted. So, one can eat farm-raised meat, oppose hunting, and trapping, and not be a hypocrite. Meat is unhealthy, and unnecessary in my opinion. I would outlaw hunting and the tools of death, i.e. guns, except for home protection, and suicide.
Ceowens, I have no problem with hunters who hunt for food, not for sport. Little sport with an assault rifle against a deer. Just because i live in California does not make me a vegetarian. I am not, i am a proud carnivore and I know where meat comes from, and it is not at the meat counter at Whole Foods.
Never called you an idiot. I do reserve that for those who really, really deserve it. I would never presume to know everything about you but, on the contrary, there are many here who think they know me just because I call out hypocrites when i hear or see them.
Liberal is not a dirty word, though, from looking at some of the comments, i am one step away from Satan. I am most assuredly not.
I am not a pro when it comes to insults or defaming people's character. Lets leave that to the professionals.
Hi Wednesday: The hams are the best part. Because of the low fat content, the rest of the pig is too gamey for polite company, it is usually ground up and mixed with conventional pork fat and made into a mix of fresh and smoked sausage. If you do get an unusually fat wild pig, you can smoke the chops as well as the ham.
We have a local market that will do all of this for about $0.75 per pound. They also make and sell all sorts of conventional and wild meat sausages.
Little Old Lady from Pasadena said: "Little sport with an assault rifle against a deer."
Lord, how stupid is this? Do you think hunters are out there firing 50 rounds into a deer like the final scene of "Bonnie and Clyde?" Sure would make for some challenging cooking. What makes a bullet from an "assault rifle" so much less sporting than a bullet shot from an old bolt action rifle? And what constitutes an assault rifle exactly?
Please inform us. It's always fun to read ignorant jackasses who don't know the butt of a rifle from their own butt talk about firearms, especially when they're addressing people who do know something about them.
A little nit to pick on the "assault rifle" reference. I will defer to Wikipedia for the definition but suffice it to say that while the Modern Sporting Rifle might look like an assault rifle, it does not have the continuous fire capability. A deer shot with an assault rifle would not have much left to consume.
Although the MSR comes in many, many configurations and calibres the most common is .223 or 5.56mm NATO. While these are sufficient to bring down a deer they are not usually preferred. Google ".308 automatic" and look at the images. The wood ones and the black ones do essentially the same thing.
Please, Exile, inform me. Teach me all of your wise ways. Educate me on firearms because, i am from the big bad city and know nothing about nature. I am so ignorant of second amendment rights. Please, teach me the "right" way.
Trumpit, for someone who has suffered a great deal because of the death of your mother, you sure spend much time wishing violent death on others.
No, wishing violent death on killers is a "luxury" that I don't have much time for. Someone commented in this thread a veiled threat to kill me because I believe that hunters deserve to be killed just as they kill defenseless animals. That is the kind of lowlife scum that floats around here. I will continue to try to get justice for the murder, by two M.D.'s, of my mother with a morphine overdose while I was at her bedside in the hospital. Poisoning someone to death in California is murder with special circumstances #19, and the perpetrators can face the death penalty, or life in prison without parole.
I believe that if the death penalty were used more frequently in California (it not used at all really) that the doctors would have thought twice about killing her in such a premeditated manner. I can't prove that, I just have a gut feeling.
The last execution in California was: Clarence Ray Allen (January 16, 1930 – January 17, 2006) was an American murderer who was executed by lethal injection at San Quentin State Prison in California for the murders of three people.
Out here, in the western edge of Virginia (and very near to the eastern edge of West Virginia), people hunt because they want to supplement the food they can buy with their salaries. Their salaries being vastly less than limousine liberals like Vicki receive for the smidgen of work she does in Pasadena, hunting literally puts meat on the table.
It would be nice if Vicki could stop hating people who work for a living, but they make her feel uncomfortable so she can't stop the hatred.
Gotta agree with Exile... "assault rifles" not best hunting rifles. Don't know any hunter who uses those, although I'm sure some do. You only get one shot. If you need a second shot, that's usually after a hike to find the wounded animal, then you take a another single shot.
I find your description of brutality and animal cruelty, uncouth, savage and grotesque. Hunting is murder. If you partake, then you are a murderer as well. I would sentence you to death by bow and arrow through your callous heart.
Oh, grow up, ya wuss. Hunting is not murder, otherwise other animals are just as guilty of murder. What a blithering moron.
They may be killed, but they aren't hunted. So, one can eat farm-raised meat, oppose hunting, and trapping, and not be a hypocrite.
No, they can't. They're moronic hypocrites. An animal gets killed in both situations, and dying one way isn't any easier than dying another.
Meat is unhealthy, and unnecessary in my opinion. I would outlaw hunting and the tools of death, i.e. guns, except for home protection, and suicide.
Yea, it's OK for people to kill themselves, but not put food on their table. Trumpit is a perfect example of the idiocracy we'll have people like it ever get to fully run things.
And I am not an expert on long guns, since I only own handguns (although that might change soon, since I enjoy target shooting so much, I'd like to try my hand at skeet shooting.), but even I know enough about rifles to see the idiocy of that statement.
"An animal gets killed in both situations, and dying one way isn't any easier than dying another."
You're the insulting know-it-all redneck moron. I don't approve of either method of killing, but I want humans to leave the natural world alone. They've fuck this planet up enough already and need to be stopped. Your shooting of bambi is a crime. I'd rather you'd eat a Big Mac, that kill a beautiful deer in the wild. Of course, because hunting is legal, many hunters kill not for food, but because they are sadist like Trump's nitwit sons. Those who kill for sadistic fun, should die after being tried and convicted for their murders.
How would you rather be killed, Trumpit, being torn about by mountain lions (who will start gulping pieces of you down in front of your eyes before you are dead) or one clean shot?
If we are no better than animals by your reckoning, than we do not have to be any more humane than they are. Since we are better, we try to kill them quickly.
Your goofy sentimentality about "bambi" aside (all Trumpit knows about animals he learned from Disney cartoons), nature is brutal - even to cute little deer.
And venison is lean, organic, healthy meat, much better for you than Big Macs.
@exiledonmainstreet, Kim Rhode has demonstrated that American women can excel at shotgun sports. I have enjoyed my sojourn into the North-South Shooting Ass’n. Target shooting, but with mid-19th century black powder weaponry. Quite a challenge to shoot heavy muzzleloaders or Sharps or even Spencer or Henry repeating rifles, but the joy of making a plastic bottle full of water explode is worth it.
The catch is that they expect you to dress the part, in replicas of Civil War uniforms.
You obviously know nothing about me and what i have or haven't done in my lifetime. Let it remain so. Your ignorance is indicative of your lack of brain power. I have been a proud working person since the age of 10, starting with newspaper routes at 5:00am, on a bike without the aid of a parent driving behind me. I actually worked my way through college, holding as many as 3 jobs while maintaining a reasonably good GPA. I worked for the same company for over 30 years, because i believe that loyalty to the employee insures excellent work from the employee.
I may be what you call a "Limousine Liberal" so what? I got an education, worked hard for all those years for the right to be called anything I want to be called.
Don't think that anything you "work" for is anymore noble than what I have done over my career. I smell a touch of jealousy from you, I'd rather live in Southern California than where your pitiful self resides. Color you green with envy. It's cool.
"Perhaps the best game meat -the best meat, period - I've had is elk steak."
I used to think that until a friend bagged a young moose when I lived in Idaho.
FWIW, the most common semi auto rifle (assault rifle to those NOT in the know) caliber is .223. That is too small to legally use for deer hunting is some jurisdictions. I also think it's too small to have a good outcome (one quick, clean kill) in the hands of most hunters.
Not knowing things like this does not make one ignorant. Not knowing things like this and opining on gun issues with preening moral authority makes one ignorant.
Just a note for people trying (vainly) to talk sense to Vicki or to Trumpit. You and I use the correct formal definition for an assault rifle, which is a long gun that is fed from a detachable magazine and capable of either semi-automatic or fully automatic fire. They have been taught to conflate the term "assault rifle" with any rifle that is magazine-fed from a detachable magazine and which has polymer shoulder stock and a vertically-oriented handgrip, even if the weapon is not capable of fully automatic fire.
Why would someone prefer to hunt with a semi-automatic rifles? Reasons include the possibility of meeting a dangerous predator such as a grizzly or mountain lion while hunting food items. At least one prey animal -- wild boars -- can be very dangerous all by itself when charging. Modern semi-automatic rifles also have the advantage of an adjustable butt stock, so that one's wife can use the rifle for home defense (set the stock for her length of pull and slide it all the way back if you're the one shooting at the home intruders).
And I think that's really the rub -- women can use these guns the same as men. And liberal women don't like women who can and will fight back. Same goes for the Democrat politicians who like to harass young women -- the chance that their victim will turn out to be well-armed is a very scary proposition.
@Vicki, I worked my way through college too. It was, admittedly, easier in the 1960s when I attended. So that doesn't make you special. My son had a TDY assignment in Southern California a couple years ago. He loved the ocean and the weather, but otherwise despised the state and the traffic and the taxes and the sorry condition of roads and other infrastructure.
@JAORE, the .223 or 5.56 mm rounds are strictly for home defense, and I might add that the .223 round can certainly be handled by a petite woman with a properly adjusted length of pull and butt stock aligned with the barrel -- and who is defending her life or the lives of her children. I don't hunt and have no use for a semi-automatic rifle because I prefer my 12 gauge for home defense, but I won't criticize anyone who owns one.
I have no problem with hunters who hunt for food, not for sport. Little sport with an assault rifle against a deer.
Go Granny, Go Granny, Go Granny Go! Obviously, you haven't met up with a herd of whitetails crossing an otherwise deserted stretch of highway in the dark of night. (Yes, there really are stretches of highway in Wisconsin not teeming with people.)
It is a war out there in the fall with the gathering of whitetails during the deer rut season. More than two million are loose, overrunning roadways, wrecking vehicles and killing and maiming people.
I never said it made me special, just doing what i had to do to get to where i wanted to go. Sorry for your son's bad experience. I have lived here since the late '60's when i started college and I can't think of anywhere else i would rather live. It will be 92 her on Thanksgiving day. I am from the east and midwest, lived my life there until college, and I can't remember a Thanksgiving that was anything but cold wet and miserable.
And as far as that gun stuff, I could care less whether the person shooting the gun is a man or a woman. As for fighting back, you ignorant jackass, you have absolutely no idea how a liberal or conservative woman would react to being attacked by either a liberal or conservative. Your assumptions hold no water when talking about what women do or don't do in any harmful situation. Trust me, there are as many conservative perverts as there are liberal. Packing heat? Seriously, do you actually think that there are no liberals that own weapons. Shame on you.
Too bad for you, living in the boonies. We've got plenty of those places too, just with better weather. Come on out here, live here for about a month and you will never want to go back. No change of seasons? Who cares. Highly overrated. Saw them. I can now watch that on TV, with my AC on and swimming in the pool. Taxes, roads, all that bull,excuses for bad taste. I've driven plenty of roads in Alabama, Tennessee, and Virginia, and on the east coast. Roads just as bad there, but the people are nicer here.
Pay for your meal with U.S. currency rather than with bullets used to shoot defenseless deer that you shamelessly throw in the pack of your pick up like a cord of wood. If it means getting a job to feed your family, then get a damn job. Don't give me that bull about hunting to put food on your kid's plate. Do you grow your own wheat to make your own bread? Do you grow your own peanuts to make peanut butter? What about the grape jelly? You grow the grapes and make that too? Stop your shameless lying. You kill bucks for their antlers. That's disgusting.
Doc Mike: Drinking early? You only get one shot at a time... automatic fire is not well aimed. I use a Model 700 7mm Remington mag bolt action (4+1)with hard sights.
Pay for your meal with U.S. currency rather than with bullets used to shoot defenseless deer that you shamelessly throw in the pack of your pick up like a cord of wood.
If it means getting a job to feed your family, then get a damn job. Don't give me that bull about hunting to put food on your kid's plate.
You don't get to dictate to me what my morals should be. I'll hunt when I see fit, and if you don't like it, you can get bent.
Do you grow your own wheat to make your own bread? Do you grow your own peanuts to make peanut butter? What about the grape jelly? You grow the grapes and make that too?
Some people do things just like that. The fact that you can go down to the local lefty food coop and buy the organic kinds of these things just means that someone else, who actually works, did all of the above things for you. Which makes them a ten times better human being than you.
Stop your shameless lying. You kill bucks for their antlers. That's disgusting.
Another caricature. You sure do believe a lot of nonsense. Wondering where you get this knowledge. Because it sure isn't from the rural part of the country.
I like to hunt and fish for the sport. Trumpit is 100% correct, I don't need to do it for the food. It's a very primal experience and a great excuse to get out in the bush or on the water. It's also better for you and more effective than Prozac.
" You kill bucks for their antlers. That's disgusting."
There is one of the lefty idiots, Howard.
I winder if any of you know about the hunting "wildlife management zones" in Alaska?
There are quite a few people who do live at the subsistence level.
As for baking your own bread or grinding your own flour, yes I do know how and learned to be prepared for when the crazy left destroys the economy. So far, I have not had to use the mill for hard red wheat but I know how.
Most city dwellers think food comes from Gelson's.
I grew up at a time when my father bought beef by the side. We had a freezer and kept a year's supply. We had a farm and sent a 12 dozen egg crate to the farm every few weeks to be filled. The tenant farmer collected them and we had fresh eggs all winter. If you don't refrigerate eggs, they stay alive and don't spoil. If they are not incubated, they don't hatch.
I think I might know a few more things about subsistence than lefty "activists."
Get off my Lawn bedtime stories with Grumpy Grandpa Mike. I can't wait for the one about the emergency field repair of an anal hemorrhage at a San Francisco bath house.
Original Mike: Oh, Ok. I wasn't aware that a wild animal, upon being shot would not immediately bolt. What you describe sounds like target shooting at the range.
@Vicki, considering that piss-ignorant lefties like you have no qualms about tarring every Republican as misogynistic racists I see no reason to offer you the benefit of any doubt. I know that liberal women used to tell young women not to resist a rapist, though we know now — and some knew than — that fighting and yelling are the best way to avoid being raped. How many young women were raped and then murdered following that advice? Do they weigh on your conscience? Do you have anything at all that approximates a conscience?
I know that Democrat female politicians have told young women agitating for the right to bear arms to protect themselves on campus that they would be afraid to shoot in self defense. That’s your side, Vicki, not mine. I know that Senator Feinstein wants to make illegal every long gun that an ordinary woman might use for self defense. That’s your side, Vicki. Own it.
With the power of the bow and the thinness of the arrows, when he shoots deer, the arrow goes right through them.
But then you lose them don't you? (Can you re-use arrows?)
My best friend growing up hunted, and I had venison at their cabin a couple times. Not a fan. My college roommate brought venison steaks that I cooked. Not a fan then either. So I'm predisposed against eating deer. I probably just have never had it cooked right.
Original Mike: Oh, Ok. I wasn't aware that a wild animal, upon being shot would not immediately bolt. What you describe sounds like target shooting at the range.
I know all about tracking your wounded deer. I also know what it's like to not find that wounded deer (it sucks). Lastly, I know what it's like to not have to track your deer because the second shot took him down. The likelihood of not having to track goes way up if that second shot can be taken without having to manually put a second round in the chamber.
"I winder if any of you know about the hunting "wildlife management zones" in Alaska?"
Late to the discussion (shot 6 over today!!(and yes for 18:)), but yeah I'm very familiar with Alaska Fish and Game. They have managed over the years to do an excellent job of wildlife management despite enormous pressure from outside groups (Trumpit type idiocy) and from over harvesting. If you ever hunt in AK make sure you are up on the regs. Do not, repeat, do not fuck with AFG. Best to hire a guide these days just to avoid the possible trouble.
I grew up on beef, but mooseburger is ok if it is mixed with a lot of beef fat. Never cared for it otherwise. I knew a lot of folk raised on moose that didn't care for beef.
As for hunting for sport, you hike in 15 miles over three mountain ranges, and back out with an extra 100 lbs of goat on your pack and then tell me about the unfairness. I nursed my knees for two years after that one. (Trophy hunt, but you pack out the meat.)
Trumpit would really have a fit if he/she was old enough to remember when you tied your buck to the front fender of the car rather than throw it in the pick-up bed.
I always thought it would be exciting to drop down from a deer stand on to the deer's back with a Bowie knife in my teeth, slit their throats and ride them down. Sort of like my tennis racket pheasant hunting expeditions to South Dakota, the birds are so thick.
Truth is hunting and fishing are sports with many advantages to the natural balance than just the acquirement of human food. In most parts of the country there are vastly more deer than when the Pilgrims landed, culling the herds actually promote their health and sustainability.
MadisonMan I agree deer taste the way I imagine dog shit taste. I've shot lots of them for sport and given the meat away to those that won't waste it. I must say I can stand it in chili or sausage.
MadisonMan said: " I agree deer taste the way I imagine dog shit taste. I've shot lots of them for sport and given the meat away to those that won't waste it."
You don't know how to prepare it then. I thought venison was awful when I was a kid because my mother didn't know how to cook it properly. When I had it as a adult, prepared by someone who did, it was delicious. I rank properly prepared venison with beef - and I do love a good ribeye.
"I always thought it would be exciting to drop down from a deer stand on to the deer's back with a Bowie knife in my teeth, slit their throats and ride them down. Sort of like my tennis racket pheasant hunting expeditions to South Dakota, the birds are so thick."
Mac, you are a sadistic monster. This is precisely why hunting should be outlawed. You belong in a mental hospital for the criminally insane, hopefully in a straitjacket on frequent mind-numbing Thorazine injections.
Your're right O Mike, I've only had to track down one and it wasn't far either because I got one lobe of his lung... he made it about 100-yards. Maybe you should wait to take a better shot than rely on your tracking skills. I'm sure your stock has gone up with the non-hunters concerned about the cruelty of hunting because you aim to wound.
Trumpit At least my quarry have a fighting chance. Your veggies don't. As it says in Gaelic on my family crest, "Go Fuck Yourself".
Have you ever walked out late at night after the threshing machines shut down and listened to the bean plants moaning and heard the gurgle of the plants death. I thought not.
While James Bond and Gala Brand are having their afternoon together and getting to know one another a little bit in Moonraker, Gala picks a bee orchis.
“You wouldn’t do that if you knew that flowers scream when they are picked,” said Bond.
Gala looked at him. “What do you mean?” she asked, suspecting a joke.
“Didn’t you know?” He smiled at her reaction. “There’s an Indian called Professor Bhose, who’s written a treatise on the nervous system of flowers. He measured their reaction to pain. He even recorded the scream of a rose being picked. It must be one of the most heartrending sounds in the world. I heard something like it as you picked that flower.”
Without deer hunting, within 5 years you would need 5x more auto body shops, farmers would all go broke because the deer would eat most of their crops.
AllenS: I can think of at least 5 occasions within the past few years where I came close to hitting a deer on the roads. And that was in Milwaukee County. I can't imagine what it must be like in more rural parts of the state. Now that I am in Ozaukee County, I'm being extra careful on the roads that wind though farmland.
"I have no problem with hunters who hunt for food, not for sport"
And how should we determine this? Should the government grill hunters before issuing licenses?
"Are you hunting for food or for sport? Are you going to eat all that meat, or give it to a shelter or are you just out to get a 12 point rack to hang on your wall or because you like to get shooty with guns? Because trophy hunting is wrong, wrong, wrong and we have to make sure you're not just out there to have fun. No hunting for frivolous reasons. "
The truth of the matter is its' nobody else's damn business WHY someone is out there deer hunting. Just be glad that's one more deer you won't have to worry about hitting when you're on the road.
It was 29 deg at Ray Norbuts FWA last sunday. That doesn't sound too cold but try sitting stock still for a couple of hours as the sun gets higher in the sky. No joy though. Got to see a lot of nature. Just might take up bow hunting at this late stage.
Trumpit said... Pay for your meal with U.S. currency rather than with bullets used to shoot defenseless deer that you shamelessly throw in the pack of your pick up like a cord of wood. If it means getting a job to feed your family, then get a damn job. Don't give me that bull about hunting to put food on your kid's plate. Do you grow your own wheat to make your own bread? Do you grow your own peanuts to make peanut butter? What about the grape jelly? You grow the grapes and make that too? Stop your shameless lying. You kill bucks for their antlers. That's disgusting.
It's called self sufficiency. You should try it. I do buy wheat from people who grow their own to make flour which I make into bread. I have made grape and other jellies and am consideing starting bees next spring. It isn't hard to make peanut butter, but peanuts don't grow well up here. This weekend I had some nice venison jalipeno summer sausage and som venison brats.
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I'm not sure I'd call that a happy face.
I'm not sure I'd call that a happy face.
He's from Wisconsin remember...that's actually exuberance.
It's Wisconzuberance.
Walker looks content. I hope he shoots the tirty point buck.
Looks cold.
Sorry, that should be "turdy" not tirty.
Sorry, that "sorry" should have been an uff da. Dang, I did it again.
When I'm in the field I'm after food, not a trophy. I have a digital scope on my .300 AAC. If a thirty-point buck ever came in my sights I would snap his portrait and wish him many happy returns.
Men are attracted by the word, probably.
I know a plenty of hunters. One is a bow hunter, and he's my favorite. He's really skilled.
Anyhow, they talk of a freezer full of fresh delicious lean meat that will ruin you for cow.
My new neighbor has a compound bow that cost $1,000. The arrows are some kind of composite material and very thin. With the power of the bow and the thinness of the arrows, when he shoots deer, the arrow goes right through them.
Speaking of hunting...
This year's motto could be "bad will hunting."
Maybe he's elephant hunting.
Vicki from Pasadena
Mining the deplorable vein.
Anyhow, they talk of a freezer full of fresh delicious lean meat that will ruin you for cow.
11/19/17, 9:25 AM
Yes, I don't get venison very often, but when I do it's a treat. Perhaps the best game meat -the best meat, period - I've had is elk steak in Colorado.
Hello Vicki,
I wasn't going to sit today but you have inspired me.
You're welcome, ceowens. i aim to inspire.
I know that was meant as a dig but i couldn't resist another case of idiocy. Rampant.
Vicki from Pasadena
exiledonmainstreet said...
I must praise Vicki from Pasadena because she keeps her dumb, inane comments brief and she shows up infrequently. That makes her the best left wing troll on Althouse and one that should serve as a model for others.
Gee, exile, having my comments called dumb and inane is quite a compliment, coming from a right wing lemming like you. At least i don't follow blindly the missives of a misogynist like Trumpy.
Vicki from Pasadena
Blogger victoria said..."Idiot."
I've always been amused that it's the left who call the right haters.
Leftists just *know* that meat comes from a grocery store.
Clearly, the Left follows people who love women like Chris Dodd, Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton.
But the Left does not follow blindly. Oh, no! The Left marches toward power that corrupts absolutely with a great deal of vigor.
Vigor. And malice aforethought.
"She's the terror of Colorado Boulevard."
--Beach Boys
I'm wrong. It's not the Beach Boys, it's Jan and Dean. (Don't you wish they had Auto-Tune in 1964?)
Yes, Vicki, a little dig was my purpose. There was an assumption on my part that you thought Walker was an idiot because he was hunting. I hunt and therefore sought to tweak an anti-hunter a a little. Maybe you think he is an idiot for other reasons. I trust that you were not calling me an idiot because, although I might be, you do not know me that well.
Unless, or even if, you are a vegetarian, I am sure you have a concept of where meat comes from. Someone enjoying the out of doors while, possibly, adding something to the freezer and sharing his outsideesness with folks need not be condemned.
I am baiting you again but really am a rank amateur compared to the some of the Master Baiters on this thread.
Your turn.
"I trust that you were not calling me an idiot because, although I might be, you do not know me that well."
Why would that stop her?
Meanwhile CWD continues to spread, showing up in more and more WI counties every year.
Not a lot of folks hunting southern WI for meat anymore. My hunter friends all head far north, where people complain of lack of deer now because a majority of hunters are concentrated there instead of spread throughout the state.
Phil 3:14 said...
I'm not sure I'd call that a happy face.
I do a lot of fishing in cold crappy weather. I'm always surprised at how unsmiling most of the pictures of me are holding large fish. I'm happy inside, but cold and tired tend to dominate the picture.
"My new neighbor has a compound bow that cost $1,000. The arrows are some kind of composite material and very thin. With the power of the bow and the thinness of the arrows, when he shoots deer, the arrow goes right through them."
I find your description of brutality and animal cruelty, uncouth, savage and grotesque. Hunting is murder. If you partake, then you are a murderer as well. I would sentence you to death by bow and arrow through your callous heart.
That's the look of someone posing for a photo after sitting in a tree stand for a couple of hours. It's not his best look.
"My hunter friends all head far north, where people complain of lack of deer now because a majority of hunters are concentrated there instead of spread throughout the state."
I used to hunt up north (Drummond area) as a teenager with family and friends in the 60's and 70's. The hunters complained back then of lack of deer, too. Not a new thing.
Trumpit thinks meat comes from the grocery store. You sentence yourself to fragility and low T.
Trumpit wrote:
"I would sentence you to death by bow and arrow through your callous heart."
It would be a much better, quicker death than being attacked and eaten by wolves or coyotes, starving to death in the woods, or getting hit by a car, which is how those deer unfortunate enough to escape usually die. News flash: animals do not die of old age in the wild. Those who only wound the deer and let them get away are bad hunters and I agree that that is cruelty.
I don't hunt myself, but know plenty of hunters. If you eat meat and condemn hunting you are a hypocrite.
vicki said: blah, blah, blah, stale left wing cliche...
But, like I said, at least she keeps her stupidity brief. Perhaps writing more than a few sentences overtaxes her vapid brain and she has to go take a nap after such exertions.
What a silly woman.
The poor fucker is just doing his job. He has to hunt and he has to get his picture taken to prove it.
Eland porterhouse is the best, although smoked wild boar ham is a close second.
If you have a freezer full of deer meat, you have a very small freezer, or if you have a large freezer, you need about 10-15 deer to fill it. You cannot eat deer meat all year long unless you hunt deer all year long. Most deer are not that big.
"The poor fucker is just doing his job. He has to hunt and he has to get his picture taken to prove it."
I think you're confusing him with John ("Can I get me a hunting license here?") Kerry. In Walker's case, it appears he actually does hunt. But yeah, he needs to get the picture out. He is a politician, after all.
"I don't hunt myself, but know plenty of hunters. If you eat meat and condemn hunting you are a hypocrite."
You're known by the company you keep. You are a hunter. You're on the hunt for hypocrites. I suggest you look in the mirror and you're sure to find one. Most cows come from a feed lot. They may be killed, but they aren't hunted. So, one can eat farm-raised meat, oppose hunting, and trapping, and not be a hypocrite. Meat is unhealthy, and unnecessary in my opinion. I would outlaw hunting and the tools of death, i.e. guns, except for home protection, and suicide.
*Yawn* Whatever, Trumpit.
Howard said: "smoked wild boar ham is a close second."
I've never had boar. How close is it to pork from a domesticated pig?
I have heard that moose meat is absolutely delicious, but of course that's very hard to come by.
I would sentence you to death by bow and arrow through your callous heart.
Come get some.
I've got four bows. I'll let you have your pick.
30 yards.
I have no problem with hunters who hunt for food, not for sport. Little sport with an assault rifle against a deer. Just because i live in California does not make me a vegetarian. I am not, i am a proud carnivore and I know where meat comes from, and it is not at the meat counter at Whole Foods.
Never called you an idiot. I do reserve that for those who really, really deserve it. I would never presume to know everything about you but, on the contrary, there are many here who think they know me just because I call out hypocrites when i hear or see them.
Liberal is not a dirty word, though, from looking at some of the comments, i am one step away from Satan. I am most assuredly not.
I am not a pro when it comes to insults or defaming people's character. Lets leave that to the professionals.
And i am the terror of Colorado Blvd.!!!
Vicki From Pasadena
"Little sport with an assault rifle against a deer."
Trumpit, for someone who has suffered a great deal because of the death of your mother, you sure spend much time wishing violent death on others.
I don't think we are the ones you are really mad at.
Hi Wednesday: The hams are the best part. Because of the low fat content, the rest of the pig is too gamey for polite company, it is usually ground up and mixed with conventional pork fat and made into a mix of fresh and smoked sausage. If you do get an unusually fat wild pig, you can smoke the chops as well as the ham.
We have a local market that will do all of this for about $0.75 per pound. They also make and sell all sorts of conventional and wild meat sausages.
Corralitos Market
What is an "assault rifle"?
Howard reading their web page made me hungry!
Little Old Lady from Pasadena said:
"Little sport with an assault rifle against a deer."
Lord, how stupid is this? Do you think hunters are out there firing 50 rounds into a deer like the final scene of "Bonnie and Clyde?" Sure would make for some challenging cooking. What makes a bullet from an "assault rifle" so much less sporting than a bullet shot from an old bolt action rifle? And what constitutes an assault rifle exactly?
Please inform us. It's always fun to read ignorant jackasses who don't know the butt of a rifle from their own butt talk about firearms, especially when they're addressing people who do know something about them.
Thanks for being civil.
A little nit to pick on the "assault rifle" reference. I will defer to Wikipedia for the definition but suffice it to say that while the Modern Sporting Rifle might look like an assault rifle, it does not have the continuous fire capability. A deer shot with an assault rifle would not have much left to consume.
Although the MSR comes in many, many configurations and calibres the most common is .223 or 5.56mm NATO. While these are sufficient to bring down a deer they are not usually preferred. Google ".308 automatic" and look at the images. The wood ones and the black ones do essentially the same thing.
Please, Exile, inform me. Teach me all of your wise ways. Educate me on firearms because, i am from the big bad city and know nothing about nature. I am so ignorant of second amendment rights. Please, teach me the "right" way.
Excuse me while i hurl.
Vicki from Pasadena
"Sure would make for some challenging cooking."
Vicki, we're still waiting for your definition of "assault rifles."
OM: Yeah, Kerry probably not much of a hunter... I know a few combat vets who don't like to hunt since they got their fill of killing.
Trumpit, for someone who has suffered a great deal because of the death of your mother, you sure spend much time wishing violent death on others.
No, wishing violent death on killers is a "luxury" that I don't have much time for. Someone commented in this thread a veiled threat to kill me because I believe that hunters deserve to be killed just as they kill defenseless animals. That is the kind of lowlife scum that floats around here. I will continue to try to get justice for the murder, by two M.D.'s, of my mother with a morphine overdose while I was at her bedside in the hospital. Poisoning someone to death in California is murder with special circumstances #19, and the perpetrators can face the death penalty, or life in prison without parole.
I believe that if the death penalty were used more frequently in California (it not used at all really) that the doctors would have thought twice about killing her in such a premeditated manner. I can't prove that, I just have a gut feeling.
The last execution in California was:
Clarence Ray Allen (January 16, 1930 – January 17, 2006) was an American murderer who was executed by lethal injection at San Quentin State Prison in California for the murders of three people.
Out here, in the western edge of Virginia (and very near to the eastern edge of West Virginia), people hunt because they want to supplement the food they can buy with their salaries. Their salaries being vastly less than limousine liberals like Vicki receive for the smidgen of work she does in Pasadena, hunting literally puts meat on the table.
It would be nice if Vicki could stop hating people who work for a living, but they make her feel uncomfortable so she can't stop the hatred.
Gotta agree with Exile... "assault rifles" not best hunting rifles. Don't know any hunter who uses those, although I'm sure some do. You only get one shot. If you need a second shot, that's usually after a hike to find the wounded animal, then you take a another single shot.
Looking in the mirror again, Vick?
I find your description of brutality and animal cruelty, uncouth, savage and grotesque. Hunting is murder. If you partake, then you are a murderer as well. I would sentence you to death by bow and arrow through your callous heart.
Oh, grow up, ya wuss. Hunting is not murder, otherwise other animals are just as guilty of murder. What a blithering moron.
They may be killed, but they aren't hunted. So, one can eat farm-raised meat, oppose hunting, and trapping, and not be a hypocrite.
No, they can't. They're moronic hypocrites. An animal gets killed in both situations, and dying one way isn't any easier than dying another.
Meat is unhealthy, and unnecessary in my opinion. I would outlaw hunting and the tools of death, i.e. guns, except for home protection, and suicide.
Yea, it's OK for people to kill themselves, but not put food on their table. Trumpit is a perfect example of the idiocracy we'll have people like it ever get to fully run things.
Little sport with an assault rifle against a deer
Dear Lord, can anyone be more ignorant?
Can you point me to where ANYONE uses (what you'd call) an assault rifle for hunting?
" If you need a second shot, that's usually after a hike to find the wounded animal, then you take a another single shot."
So, you hunt with muzzleloaders ?
You people are so humorous.
Do some reading.
"Meat is unhealthy, and unnecessary in my opinion. "
A case of kwashiorkor has your name on it.
Lefties are so amusing.
And I am not an expert on long guns, since I only own handguns (although that might change soon, since I enjoy target shooting so much, I'd like to try my hand at skeet shooting.), but even I know enough about rifles to see the idiocy of that statement.
"An animal gets killed in both situations, and dying one way isn't any easier than dying another."
You're the insulting know-it-all redneck moron. I don't approve of either method of killing, but I want humans to leave the natural world alone. They've fuck this planet up enough already and need to be stopped. Your shooting of bambi is a crime. I'd rather you'd eat a Big Mac, that kill a beautiful deer in the wild. Of course, because hunting is legal, many hunters kill not for food, but because they are sadist like Trump's nitwit sons. Those who kill for sadistic fun, should die after being tried and convicted for their murders.
How would you rather be killed, Trumpit, being torn about by mountain lions (who will start gulping pieces of you down in front of your eyes before you are dead) or one clean shot?
If we are no better than animals by your reckoning, than we do not have to be any more humane than they are. Since we are better, we try to kill them quickly.
Your goofy sentimentality about "bambi" aside (all Trumpit knows about animals he learned from Disney cartoons), nature is brutal - even to cute little deer.
And venison is lean, organic, healthy meat, much better for you than Big Macs.
@exiledonmainstreet, Kim Rhode has demonstrated that American women can excel at shotgun sports. I have enjoyed my sojourn into the North-South Shooting Ass’n. Target shooting, but with mid-19th century black powder weaponry. Quite a challenge to shoot heavy muzzleloaders or Sharps or even Spencer or Henry repeating rifles, but the joy of making a plastic bottle full of water explode is worth it.
The catch is that they expect you to dress the part, in replicas of Civil War uniforms.
Big Mike,
You obviously know nothing about me and what i have or haven't done in my lifetime. Let it remain so. Your ignorance is indicative of your lack of brain power. I have been a proud working person since the age of 10, starting with newspaper routes at 5:00am, on a bike without the aid of a parent driving behind me. I actually worked my way through college, holding as many as 3 jobs while maintaining a reasonably good GPA. I worked for the same company for over 30 years, because i believe that loyalty to the employee insures excellent work from the employee.
I may be what you call a "Limousine Liberal" so what? I got an education, worked hard for all those years for the right to be called anything I want to be called.
Don't think that anything you "work" for is anymore noble than what I have done over my career. I smell a touch of jealousy from you, I'd rather live in Southern California than where your pitiful self resides. Color you green with envy. It's cool.
Vicki from Pasadena
"Perhaps the best game meat -the best meat, period - I've had is elk steak."
I used to think that until a friend bagged a young moose when I lived in Idaho.
FWIW, the most common semi auto rifle (assault rifle to those NOT in the know) caliber is .223. That is too small to legally use for deer hunting is some jurisdictions. I also think it's too small to have a good outcome (one quick, clean kill) in the hands of most hunters.
Not knowing things like this does not make one ignorant. Not knowing things like this and opining on gun issues with preening moral authority makes one ignorant.
Just a note for people trying (vainly) to talk sense to Vicki or to Trumpit. You and I use the correct formal definition for an assault rifle, which is a long gun that is fed from a detachable magazine and capable of either semi-automatic or fully automatic fire. They have been taught to conflate the term "assault rifle" with any rifle that is magazine-fed from a detachable magazine and which has polymer shoulder stock and a vertically-oriented handgrip, even if the weapon is not capable of fully automatic fire.
Why would someone prefer to hunt with a semi-automatic rifles? Reasons include the possibility of meeting a dangerous predator such as a grizzly or mountain lion while hunting food items. At least one prey animal -- wild boars -- can be very dangerous all by itself when charging. Modern semi-automatic rifles also have the advantage of an adjustable butt stock, so that one's wife can use the rifle for home defense (set the stock for her length of pull and slide it all the way back if you're the one shooting at the home intruders).
And I think that's really the rub -- women can use these guns the same as men. And liberal women don't like women who can and will fight back. Same goes for the Democrat politicians who like to harass young women -- the chance that their victim will turn out to be well-armed is a very scary proposition.
@Vicki, I worked my way through college too. It was, admittedly, easier in the 1960s when I attended. So that doesn't make you special. My son had a TDY assignment in Southern California a couple years ago. He loved the ocean and the weather, but otherwise despised the state and the traffic and the taxes and the sorry condition of roads and other infrastructure.
@JAORE, the .223 or 5.56 mm rounds are strictly for home defense, and I might add that the .223 round can certainly be handled by a petite woman with a properly adjusted length of pull and butt stock aligned with the barrel -- and who is defending her life or the lives of her children. I don't hunt and have no use for a semi-automatic rifle because I prefer my 12 gauge for home defense, but I won't criticize anyone who owns one.
Blogger victoria said...
I have no problem with hunters who hunt for food, not for sport. Little sport with an assault rifle against a deer.
Go Granny, Go Granny, Go Granny Go! Obviously, you haven't met up with a herd of whitetails crossing an otherwise deserted stretch of highway in the dark of night. (Yes, there really are stretches of highway in Wisconsin not teeming with people.)
It is a war out there in the fall with the gathering of whitetails during the deer rut season. More than two million are loose, overrunning roadways, wrecking vehicles and killing and maiming people.
Big Mike, tsk tsk tsk,
I never said it made me special, just doing what i had to do to get to where i wanted to go. Sorry for your son's bad experience. I have lived here since the late '60's when i started college and I can't think of anywhere else i would rather live. It will be 92 her on Thanksgiving day. I am from the east and midwest, lived my life there until college, and I can't remember a Thanksgiving that was anything but cold wet and miserable.
And as far as that gun stuff, I could care less whether the person shooting the gun is a man or a woman. As for fighting back, you ignorant jackass, you have absolutely no idea how a liberal or conservative woman would react to being attacked by either a liberal or conservative. Your assumptions hold no water when talking about what women do or don't do in any harmful situation. Trust me, there are as many conservative perverts as there are liberal. Packing heat? Seriously, do you actually think that there are no liberals that own weapons. Shame on you.
Too bad for you, living in the boonies. We've got plenty of those places too, just with better weather. Come on out here, live here for about a month and you will never want to go back. No change of seasons? Who cares. Highly overrated. Saw them. I can now watch that on TV, with my AC on and swimming in the pool. Taxes, roads, all that bull,excuses for bad taste. I've driven plenty of roads in Alabama, Tennessee, and Virginia, and on the east coast. Roads just as bad there, but the people are nicer here.
Vicki from Pasadena
Pay for your meal with U.S. currency rather than with bullets used to shoot defenseless deer that you shamelessly throw in the pack of your pick up like a cord of wood. If it means getting a job to feed your family, then get a damn job. Don't give me that bull about hunting to put food on your kid's plate. Do you grow your own wheat to make your own bread? Do you grow your own peanuts to make peanut butter? What about the grape jelly? You grow the grapes and make that too? Stop your shameless lying. You kill bucks for their antlers. That's disgusting.
Doc Mike: Drinking early? You only get one shot at a time... automatic fire is not well aimed. I use a Model 700 7mm Remington mag bolt action (4+1)with hard sights.
Pay for your meal with U.S. currency rather than with bullets used to shoot defenseless deer that you shamelessly throw in the pack of your pick up like a cord of wood.
If it means getting a job to feed your family, then get a damn job. Don't give me that bull about hunting to put food on your kid's plate.
You don't get to dictate to me what my morals should be. I'll hunt when I see fit, and if you don't like it, you can get bent.
Do you grow your own wheat to make your own bread? Do you grow your own peanuts to make peanut butter? What about the grape jelly? You grow the grapes and make that too?
Some people do things just like that. The fact that you can go down to the local lefty food coop and buy the organic kinds of these things just means that someone else, who actually works, did all of the above things for you. Which makes them a ten times better human being than you.
Stop your shameless lying. You kill bucks for their antlers. That's disgusting.
Another caricature. You sure do believe a lot of nonsense. Wondering where you get this knowledge. Because it sure isn't from the rural part of the country.
I like to hunt and fish for the sport. Trumpit is 100% correct, I don't need to do it for the food. It's a very primal experience and a great excuse to get out in the bush or on the water. It's also better for you and more effective than Prozac.
Doc Mike: Drinking early? You only get one shot at a time... automatic fire is not well aimed.
Do you know that automatic weapons are not legal ?
Have you ever fired an AR 15 ? Do you know the difference between an AR 15 and an M 16 ?
I'm just curious. I wonder if you have ever fired a muzzleloader or a flintlock. I have both.
There are quite a few lefties around here who spout uninformed opinions. I wondered if you were one.
" You kill bucks for their antlers. That's disgusting."
There is one of the lefty idiots, Howard.
I winder if any of you know about the hunting "wildlife management zones" in Alaska?
There are quite a few people who do live at the subsistence level.
As for baking your own bread or grinding your own flour, yes I do know how and learned to be prepared for when the crazy left destroys the economy. So far, I have not had to use the mill for hard red wheat but I know how.
Most city dwellers think food comes from Gelson's.
I grew up at a time when my father bought beef by the side. We had a freezer and kept a year's supply. We had a farm and sent a 12 dozen egg crate to the farm every few weeks to be filled. The tenant farmer collected them and we had fresh eggs all winter. If you don't refrigerate eggs, they stay alive and don't spoil. If they are not incubated, they don't hatch.
I think I might know a few more things about subsistence than lefty "activists."
Blogger Howard said..."You only get one shot at a time... automatic fire is not well aimed."
The second shot, without having to lose the target, is crucial.
Blogger Howard said..."I like to hunt and fish for the sport."
Hunt? I don't believe you.
Get off my Lawn bedtime stories with Grumpy Grandpa Mike. I can't wait for the one about the emergency field repair of an anal hemorrhage at a San Francisco bath house.
Original Mike: Oh, Ok. I wasn't aware that a wild animal, upon being shot would not immediately bolt. What you describe sounds like target shooting at the range.
Hunting is murder.
Get backto me when you start prosecuting tigers and lions...
Meat is unhealthy, and unnecessary in my opinion
Why do humans have incisors?
I know a few combat vets who don't like to hunt since they got their fill of killing.
What does that have to do with Kerry?
@Vicki, considering that piss-ignorant lefties like you have no qualms about tarring every Republican as misogynistic racists I see no reason to offer you the benefit of any doubt. I know that liberal women used to tell young women not to resist a rapist, though we know now — and some knew than — that fighting and yelling are the best way to avoid being raped. How many young women were raped and then murdered following that advice? Do they weigh on your conscience? Do you have anything at all that approximates a conscience?
I know that Democrat female politicians have told young women agitating for the right to bear arms to protect themselves on campus that they would be afraid to shoot in self defense. That’s your side, Vicki, not mine. I know that Senator Feinstein wants to make illegal every long gun that an ordinary woman might use for self defense. That’s your side, Vicki. Own it.
With the power of the bow and the thinness of the arrows, when he shoots deer, the arrow goes right through them.
But then you lose them don't you? (Can you re-use arrows?)
My best friend growing up hunted, and I had venison at their cabin a couple times. Not a fan. My college roommate brought venison steaks that I cooked. Not a fan then either. So I'm predisposed against eating deer. I probably just have never had it cooked right.
Original Mike: Oh, Ok. I wasn't aware that a wild animal, upon being shot would not immediately bolt. What you describe sounds like target shooting at the range.
I know all about tracking your wounded deer. I also know what it's like to not find that wounded deer (it sucks). Lastly, I know what it's like to not have to track your deer because the second shot took him down. The likelihood of not having to track goes way up if that second shot can be taken without having to manually put a second round in the chamber.
I don't think you know any of this.
"I winder if any of you know about the hunting "wildlife management zones" in Alaska?"
Late to the discussion (shot 6 over today!!(and yes for 18:)), but yeah I'm very familiar with Alaska Fish and Game. They have managed over the years to do an excellent job of wildlife management despite enormous pressure from outside groups (Trumpit type idiocy) and from over harvesting. If you ever hunt in AK make sure you are up on the regs. Do not, repeat, do not fuck with AFG. Best to hire a guide these days just to avoid the possible trouble.
I grew up on beef, but mooseburger is ok if it is mixed with a lot of beef fat. Never cared for it otherwise. I knew a lot of folk raised on moose that didn't care for beef.
As for hunting for sport, you hike in 15 miles over three mountain ranges, and back out with an extra 100 lbs of goat on your pack and then tell me about the unfairness. I nursed my knees for two years after that one. (Trophy hunt, but you pack out the meat.)
Trumpit would really have a fit if he/she was old enough to remember when you tied your buck to the front fender of the car rather than throw it in the pick-up bed.
I can't wait for the one about the emergency field repair of an anal hemorrhage at a San Francisco bath house.
Laguna, Howard, Laguna.
Was that you ?
Hunting and fishing are outdoor sports that lefties like trumpit don't get.
As long as they get no political power, it's OK. Howard is bragging about his prowess with guns, then starts on bathhouses.
I always thought it would be exciting to drop down from a deer stand on to the deer's back with a Bowie knife in my teeth, slit their throats and ride them down. Sort of like my tennis racket pheasant hunting expeditions to South Dakota, the birds are so thick.
Truth is hunting and fishing are sports with many advantages to the natural balance than just the acquirement of human food. In most parts of the country there are vastly more deer than when the Pilgrims landed, culling the herds actually promote their health and sustainability.
@Michael K, so did you ask Steve Bannon what I asked you to ask him?
I agree deer taste the way I imagine dog shit taste. I've shot lots of them for sport and given the meat away to those that won't waste it. I must say I can stand it in chili or sausage.
MadisonMan said:
I agree deer taste the way I imagine dog shit taste. I've shot lots of them for sport and given the meat away to those that won't waste it."
You don't know how to prepare it then. I thought venison was awful when I was a kid because my mother didn't know how to cook it properly. When I had it as a adult, prepared by someone who did, it was delicious. I rank properly prepared venison with beef - and I do love a good ribeye.
Buttermilk. That's all you need.
"@Michael K, so did you ask Steve Bannon what I asked you to ask him?"
I didn't get to ask him anything. He was surrounded by local pols., I am not good at shoving my way to the fro We didn't even get a photo.
Nice speech though., Quite casual.
"I always thought it would be exciting to drop down from a deer stand on to the deer's back with a Bowie knife in my teeth, slit their throats and ride them down. Sort of like my tennis racket pheasant hunting expeditions to South Dakota, the birds are so thick."
Mac, you are a sadistic monster. This is precisely why hunting should be outlawed. You belong in a mental hospital for the criminally insane, hopefully in a straitjacket on frequent mind-numbing Thorazine injections.
You'd be better off with an insult rifle.
@Trumpit, Mac is playing with your brain. What there is of it.
Your're right O Mike, I've only had to track down one and it wasn't far either because I got one lobe of his lung... he made it about 100-yards. Maybe you should wait to take a better shot than rely on your tracking skills. I'm sure your stock has gone up with the non-hunters concerned about the cruelty of hunting because you aim to wound.
At least my quarry have a fighting chance. Your veggies don't. As it says in Gaelic on my family crest, "Go Fuck Yourself".
Have you ever walked out late at night after the threshing machines shut down and listened to the bean plants moaning and heard the gurgle of the plants death. I thought not.
While James Bond and Gala Brand are having their afternoon together and getting to know one another a little bit in Moonraker, Gala picks a bee orchis.
“You wouldn’t do that if you knew that flowers scream when they are picked,” said Bond.
Gala looked at him. “What do you mean?” she asked, suspecting a joke.
“Didn’t you know?” He smiled at her reaction. “There’s an Indian called Professor Bhose, who’s written a treatise on the nervous system of flowers. He measured their reaction to pain. He even recorded the scream of a rose being picked. It must be one of the most heartrending sounds in the world. I heard something like it as you picked that flower.”
Without deer hunting, within 5 years you would need 5x more auto body shops, farmers would all go broke because the deer would eat most of their crops.
Die Bambi, die!
AllenS: I can think of at least 5 occasions within the past few years where I came close to hitting a deer on the roads. And that was in Milwaukee County. I can't imagine what it must be like in more rural parts of the state. Now that I am in Ozaukee County, I'm being extra careful on the roads that wind though farmland.
"I have no problem with hunters who hunt for food, not for sport"
And how should we determine this? Should the government grill hunters before issuing licenses?
"Are you hunting for food or for sport? Are you going to eat all that meat, or give it to a shelter or are you just out to get a 12 point rack to hang on your wall or because you like to get shooty with guns? Because trophy hunting is wrong, wrong, wrong and we have to make sure you're not just out there to have fun. No hunting for frivolous reasons. "
The truth of the matter is its' nobody else's damn business WHY someone is out there deer hunting. Just be glad that's one more deer you won't have to worry about hitting when you're on the road.
Blogger Michael K said...
Looks cold.
It was 29 deg at Ray Norbuts FWA last sunday. That doesn't sound too cold but try sitting stock still for a couple of hours as the sun gets higher in the sky.
No joy though. Got to see a lot of nature.
Just might take up bow hunting at this late stage.
"You people are so humorous.
Do some reading."
Do some hunting.
Trumpit said...
Pay for your meal with U.S. currency rather than with bullets used to shoot defenseless deer that you shamelessly throw in the pack of your pick up like a cord of wood. If it means getting a job to feed your family, then get a damn job. Don't give me that bull about hunting to put food on your kid's plate. Do you grow your own wheat to make your own bread? Do you grow your own peanuts to make peanut butter? What about the grape jelly? You grow the grapes and make that too? Stop your shameless lying. You kill bucks for their antlers. That's disgusting.
It's called self sufficiency. You should try it. I do buy wheat from people who grow their own to make flour which I make into bread. I have made grape and other jellies and am consideing starting bees next spring. It isn't hard to make peanut butter, but peanuts don't grow well up here. This weekend I had some nice venison jalipeno summer sausage and som venison brats.
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