I have not watched sports or new movies in years. The product is just not interesting. So I can't withhold as a protest. I will still watch Seinfeld reruns when I am feeling down. And there are many old movies I have been meaning to watch.
Much of British tele is devoid of American virtue signals. We’ll go for Countdown, Tattoo Fixers, Catastrope, Top Gear. The Walter Presents series are sometimes fun B level entertaining.
Rehajm - exactly. There's all sorts of entertainment out there that isn't crap American fantasy or depressive "manchester by the sea" Weinstein/Miramax garbage.
Saturday Night Live is DNC TV. Not a single joke about Harvey? Not one? Nope. If Harvey W. were a Republican, it would be an avalanche of mocking on SNL.
Now that the NHL is fully cranked up, I'll go there. But then I always have. The difference this year is that it will not include any NFL viewing on Thurs, Sunday or Monday. Especially Monday (ESPN). ESPN is about to crash and burn.
Interestingly, the NHL does not go head-to-head against the NFL on Sundays afternoons, so last Sunday, I took Ziggy, the German Shepherd pup for a several mile walk/run through the woods. What a great time. We were both spent.
Giving up the watching NFL games is pretty easy for me. I generally only watched maybe 1 game a week on Sundays anyway. And the teams I half heartedly followed are all playing horribly this year anyway. What to do with that 3 hours on a Sunday afternoon? I'm trying to get better at woodworking. My next project is building two nightstands.
Beyond that, it's not like there isn't an endless faucet of content. There's always books. There's also podcasts. I can spend hours on youtube watching videos on guitar gear and music production, or interviews, or comedians, or video game speed runs, or videos on any number of other passing interests I have. I have subscriptions to Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Crunchyroll (Japanese Animation Streaming). Not to mention just web browsing blogs like this one.
There was a recent survey done in the Dallas/Ft Worth area parking lots for cars with football fan decals. TCU beat the Dallas Cowboys hands down. These College football teams are still fun and have more stars than all of the burned out NFL millionaires combined. And the Coaching is far superior, such as Gary Patterson has done in Ft Worth.
Locally, UGA under Kirby Smart is falling into place as a contender.They have recruited the nations #1 QB three classes running, while they are still Tailback U with the #1 Tailback in the nation arriving next fall.
I'm working on writing a screenplay. It's very depressing and dark. I'm trying to compete with Hillarywood's current standards for "good" entertainment. Anyway - it's about a large group of very wealthy famous actors and actresses who are all leftwing totalitarian neo-fascist Statists who worship the STATE and try hard to force their propaganda on the masses. Many of them have direct contacts with the Castro's and the Maduros, and even Kim Jong Un, who they greatly admire. I'm working out all the stories that lead up to the dramatic ending. I shouldn't give it away, but, they all end up trapped in a burning building.
I already mostly just read and play video games, assuming I'm not out at the park with my daughter. Or the zoo, the planetarium, the aquarium, the arboretum, taking her to a play date at a friend's house....
I got to the movies maybe 3-4 times a year, and I can't recall the last time I watched a pro game. My dad didn't like pro ball when I was growing up in the 80's so he only watched college games anyway, and I just never took to it. To any sports watching, really.
I've never watched a football game, preferring to use my free time sending good vibes to the tired, poor, huddled masses of the world yearning to breathe free so they won't come here.
You can't stop watching sports if you didn't watch them in the first place. I don't watch a lot of TV and seldom go to the movies. I'll keep watching the few things I do watch, but now I'll have the added entertainment of guessing who had to put out to get the job. What did Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn have to do to get gigs on Project Runway? We already know how Georgina Chapman got there. Alyssa Milano? She co-starred with Rose McGowan at one point. How do you go from Bond Girl to lawyer on Law and Order or become Dr. Quinn? Shows I've never watched before could become highly entertaining.
What is this thing you call "Sports"? Does that answer the question me watching football or any other sport? Now, I do watch some of the Olympics when they come around.
I watch SC games and go if I can. I have had season tickets for 50 years but gave them to family,
I like golf on TV and I read in my chair in front of the TV so I can look up at times.
My wife is the NFL fan and she has quit watching in protest. She reads more.
I have three books going most of the time. "Lincoln's Boys" in the living room, The Johnson biography on audio in the car and I started the first of the "Outlander" novels on the Kindle. Slow so far.
"Blogger David said..."Movies? Hardly ever go so I can't quit. I watch the Packers and the Badgers in football. No changes planned. Two relatively sane programs in the insanity that is football."
And another thing... it’s all well and good and specially fun to expose hypocrisy double standards and that... but, I can’t help but feel uneasy about all the kind of celebratory high fives going on; some of which i myself engaged in last night.
It’s good that it has been exposed but the reaction to it perhaps should not be one of elation? I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong about this.
I lived in Colorado for 27 years. There isn't much in the way of college football there, so over time I became a Denver Broncos fan. Work requirements caused me to move back to Alabama five years ago. We have good college football here. The local NFL coverage is of the Atlanta Falcons and Tennessee Titans which frankly, I find uninteresting. They show a Broncos game a few times a year. Gradually, I've watched less NFL football and this year, hardly any at all. I don't watch Sunday sports outside of the NFL season, go finding other things to do isn't that hard.
I probably watch more college football now than I ever did of the pro game. It's more interesting.
This week instead of watching football I read a book and went for a long walk.
I'm not sure my movie watching habits are going to change much. I do not see many contemporary movies in the theater anyway. In addition, I already thought that Hollywood was a cesspit. There worse things - a lot worse things - than Harvey still prowling around there. My opinion is that the large majority of the talent are either horrible people or shallow dimwits.
We will watch the autophagy as Hollywood and DC start eating each other in a fight to determine which is the most diseased and sex-driven center of power: Hollywood or DC? Since Hollywood will dominate, having decentralized it's sex abuse to far flung locations like NYC and Pedophile Island, DC will need to be seen as "the opposing force" and set about regulating the raMPANT SEX ABUSE IN hOLLYWOOD. tHROW IN sILICON vALLEY, WHICH JUST BY YTHE NUMDBERS IS DISCRIMINATORY, AND THERE'S A LOT OF MATERIAL WITH WHICH dc CAN WORK OVER THE NEXT FEW POLITICAL CYCLES.
Sorry. Got carried away. Nothing will happen. We will spend more time here.
As other commenters have posted, I have watched neither in years, but that is not one of the choices given in the poll. But hey, it's not my blog, so I've got that going for me.
I am reading the new book about art and philosophy: The Art of the Donald by Christopher Bedford. And it is surprisingly good.I spent $11 to get Kindle, but did not add $10 for the audible add on. But now the wife wants that too.
I don't watch football but the movie DVDs are a great entertainment, originally catching up on stuff from the 70s and beyond that I never saw, my last theater visit.
I don't mind lefty crap. It's really not part of the structure, just a generic plot motivator.
The problem films are writer-idiot difficulties, like the guy has a drinking problem. Just fucking stop drinking. I don't need to see an hour of bad acting until it happens.
More new DVDs come in than I watch, for some reason. I mostly prefer at the time to rewatch an older one that I've forgotten the details of but didn't bail out of.
I'll probably watch the Super Bowl. I wonder if the anthem issue will be settled then.. .....I like big budget sci-fi movies with lots of special effects. Wonder Woman was pretty good. So was the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel. Some of the others not so much. There seems to be a huge gap between the talent and inventiveness of those who do special effects and those who write dialogue.......The Queen Victoria series with Jenna Chapman was entertaining. Jenna is the right height to play Victoria......It's comfortable to settle down with a series you can binge watch. One less difficult decision to make in this complex, confusing world. The Good Place with Ted Danson and Kristen Bell is worth watching.
I like the 1930s screwball comedies, like "My Man Godfrey." They were so well written.
I have a lot of problems with stuff from the early 60s and before because I don't accept the acting conventions. "As you can see I'm delivering a line as an actor."
I ought to like The Shop around the Corner as a precursor of You've Got Mail but the acting is unbearable to me. Without being bad acting, just a different convention for acting.
I never watch Woody Allen movies anymore as a direct consequence of the scandals. But it took me awhile to realize I wasn't liking them anymore. So I think the long-term consequences for Hollywood have not even begun to be felt. But imagine if you started to become aware of a sort Miramax-type scene where something happens with a stripper club or wild a New York party as background - and this kind of scene is everywhere - and immediately you began to picture Harvey Weinstein assaulting the female star plus all the others who didn't get the lead role. And employees, female and male, turning away from what they knew was happening. And the lawyers hounding some woman who resisted. I think that over time, it'll ruin a lot of movies and TV shows which copied Weinstein's style. And I'm not even talking about how "Deplorables" feel when they remember some celebrity who was covering up for Weinstein denouncing them as misogynistic bullies. I picture a lot of time reclaimed.
But this new social phenomenon has consequences. Like loss of easy vegging.
One thing I missed when current movies and TV lost me was vegging. It's harder to veg with a walk, or a book. But if you read a series you get a lot of the same effect - if you read Earle Stanley Gardner or if you read Churchill on World War I or II or Shelby Foote on the Civil War - you get a demi-veg because you don't have to keep shifting your perspective.
The Great War - WWI week by week, in enormous detail, tactics, strategy, politics, society, personalities, and a huge amount of the stuff overlooked in most histories. Worth a library on the subject. And Indy makes it go down with an effective mix of grim reality and charm. What the old ITV "World at War" could have been, If it had had this enormous attention to detail and especially time to produce it.
Wildswan, if you want to veg, try listening to books. Get a book that just entertaining - like a good mystery or historical fiction or whatever else you find interesting and relaxing.
There are a couple this fall that might be OK. The theater we go to is having a "classics revival" the next few months. I suspect the theater owners can't find anything their upper middle class clients will come to.
I'm approaching my twelfth year as a non-viewer. I gave up TV primarily as an act of self-discipline. I was keeping a Neilsen "diary" (more of a logbook, actually) when I resolved to yank the cable. I averaged 5 hours and 41 minutes per day. WTF?! A quarter of my life?! It had to stop.
If first I reasoned I could be more selective. I'll use the TiVo to record everything I truly enjoy and forego the rest, said my left hemisphere. But I'm still paying for the stuff I don't watch, cautioned my right. The corpus callosum voted present as usual. How my nominally dominant left semi-brain came to defer to the judgments of my inarticulate yet supremely dispassionate right half is a story for another time — a story much like one of those Star Trek episodes with Spock in command of the ship, Kirk off horndawging an alien gladiatrix on some remote planet, and McCoy going ape yelling "Damn it, Spock, do something!" — yet the important point is the cable service had to go and did.
Going dark is pretty tough. The cable companies can't seem to fathom the concept. They reason they've priced you out somehow. Consequently, your mailbox waxes corpulent with offers of new plans with incentive. Cash back! No payments for six months! You can't afford to miss NBC's new fall lineup! Free dish! Free TiVo! Beautiful girls watch CNN! Handsome men never miss ESPN! — on and on. Eleven years and some months later and I still get that shit. I weep for trees. (sniffle).
Pulling the cord meant losing daily — nay, hourly! — contact with all kinds of spectator sports. No football, college or pro. No baseball. No basketball. No golf. No fucking "Texas Holdem" poker! Without the deluge of scores, statistics, and arrest reports I quickly lost interest in the whole sorry megillah. From thence a sport became something I do, not something I watch. There are caveats. Conversation at parties can be difficult. Conversations with clients can be too. But I have the constant reward of freedom as compensation.
Humperkink: I have never in my life watched a hockey game and only realized yesterday that my now home state of Arizona has a team! I'll give it a try as I do like to watch competitive sports and baseball will be over soon. Hockey might see me over until the Winter Olympics. Of course, I do watch some Pac12 football--especially as my Huskies are doing well.
I know PBS is liberal, but I really like much of the Sunday night programming. It's a lot of the British stuff. Masterpiece Theater, Downton Abbey, Poldark, etc... Create TV, also a PBS station - has Rick Steves, other travel shows like Rudy Maxa and Richard Bangs, cooking shows, Bob Ross, This Old House, etc... It works for me as an alternative to mainstream American TV, which is total crap.
I piggy-back Acorn TV on Amazon. It's only 5 bucks a month and works nicely to fill the void during the boring dark-early cold nights of winter. It's much easier to find distraction during the summer months than winter. right? I'm grateful for PBS. It's the only TV I watch. The Frontline a few months back on North Korea was very good. They didn't give it the sugar-coated lair CNN treatment. The horror of NoKo's Potemkin Hermit kingdom was all there without standard left wing propaganda and excuse making. I was sort of shocked.
I’ll be waiting to see if Goodell’s letter stops the desecration of the flag. I will watch the news the day after to see if Goodell’s letter stops the desecration. If ANY player does not stand for the flag my non-watching will continue.
Last week, in an attempt to trick the viewers the NFL simply televised the shows AFTER the anthem so the TV viewers could not observe the players kneeling during the anthem. Out of sight – out of mind – right?
Wrong. Trump and Pence screwed up the NFL’s stupid deception when Pence walked out of a game after the players knelt. I think the NFL realized then that Trump, Pence and company were going to continue to cost the NFL millions until the political demonstrations using the flag and anthem as backdrop are stopped.
Reminder: This all started with Colon Kaeperfuck breaking the NFL’s own rules against demonstrations during the anthem. Kaeperfuck was never admonished, fined or even politely asked to stop.
Why did Goodell and the owners allow Kaeperfuck to continue? Two reasons:
Firstly, the NFL owners and Goodell seemed to agree with the players on Kaeperfuck’s original stated reason for his fatuous posturing – that America’s cops are a bunch of murdering pigs. This silly meme is treated as gospel by the Left and the elite class that the NFL owners belong to seem to always agree with the Left.
Secondly, the kneeling started in San Francisco with the 49ers. To have silenced Kaeperfuck at that time in that place would have cost the NFL some temporary bad local publicity so Goodell opted for staying in the good graces of the locals.
Goodell forgot that the locals do not pay the bills. Television contracts pay the bills and the television advertisers keep a close watch on ratings.
And Goodell forgot that Obama was no longer POTUS. During an Obama regime no doubt Kaeperfuck would be hailed by our POTUS as a speaking-truth-to-power hero. If Obama had a son, he might even look a lot like Kaeperfuck. But in Trump, as opposed to Obama, we have a POTUS that is unapologetic in his patriotism.
I think the kneeling, albeit much attenuated, will continue for awhile longer. As my algebra teacher used to say: Some concepts are difficult for the slow learners to grasp. But Trump will continue to tweet their sorry asses into oblivion, gaining popularity as he goes - so unless they WANT to destroy the NFL at the same time elevating Trump’s poll numbers - they will eventually desist in the desecration.
The NBA and MLB need to study this self-generated shit-puddle the NFL is wading through very carefully.
A playpen set up during half-time where all the players with grievances towards, Trump, the flag, the police, fake news infected misconceptions - can express that grievance. Any player who wants to enter the playpen and rage-out with Emminemmy and pig socks for 15 minutes- go for it.
Unknowns interest in matters Korean is to be applauded. Perhaps Unknown should acquaint itself with the subject. It has its interest.
NK likes saying things like "sea of fire" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/n-korea-threatens-south-with-sea-of-fire/
This is in 2011 mind you. Actually, there has been something like this out of them every week since, well, 1946 more or less.
And sometimes they shoot them up with artillery - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombardment_of_Yeonpyeong or sink a ship - http://www.bbc.com/news/10129703 Or there is a naval battle - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Limit_Line_%28film%29
Kim jong Un fires missiles and threatens neighbors (leftists yawn)- Trump threatens Lil' Kim right back. The collective left wet their pants. Stop it, Trump! waaaaa*
I don't like Frontline's sinister-sounding narrator--or Burns' Peter Coyote. New blood needed in the business. Surely they used their familiar voices for intimidated sex.
Gee, get yer own blog, Unknown, or does it bother you that much what other people are reading? Do you have a sneaking suspicion that somebody somewhere is having fun? Is that what's bothering you, Punky?
I’m down to Turner Classic, almost exclusively. I keep trying series streaming, but my amazon prime and Netflix queue are full of recommended series that I discontinued after episode one. The graphic sex and violence, steady stream of f-bombs and dark sensibility —even something called Mozart in the Jungle is unwatchable! By and large, Hollywood has made sex banal in its clinical, thorough depiction. Insodoing, there’s no sexual tension anymore in dramas or romantic comedies, because couples are rutting like animals halfway through the first encounter. When was the last time you saw a character struggle against temptation? Or struggle to do the right thing— to stay in an unsatisfying marriage, to sacrifice ambition for the good of his community, to do the right thing? Even masterpiece is ruined, appropriated by storytellers who insist on churning out Wartime Feminine Empowerment stories or British Investigator Feminine Empowerment Stories, or Royal Family Feminine Empowerment Stories....you get the idea— in which marriage and family is always depicted as a refuge for losers, and sex was always carefree, casual and extramarital no matter the era. Give me a good Ernst lubitsch or Preston sturges any day. Hek, , a middling Ernst lubitsch or Preston sturges would beat any of these. Next in my Dvr queue is Sullivan’s Travels, about a famous Hollywood director who sets out on a journey to discover The Real America so that he can make a movie of Gravitas ...instead of the frothy, successful comedies he’s known for.its such a perfect metaphor for Hollywood. We just want them to entertain us and keep their lefty sermons out of our movies and late night monologues. It isn’t lost on me that my entire entertainment menu comes to me thanks to another well known Lothario, Ted Turner. The past few days I have pondered.. what’s the difference between Ted Turner, Warren Beatty Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy and Harvey Weinstein, bob Packwood and Anthony Weiner? They have all used and discarded scores of women. The former group, I suspect, were just a little slicker and better looking, and thus more successful.
As Instapundit often says, culture is upstream of politics. This is true. It is also the ancient conservative POV, from whatever tradition one comes, you will find the idea from Cato the Elder to Confucius.
Instapundit has also suggested that the best use of conservative political funds would be to buy up all the womens magazines. I can't say this is wrong. It would have been more effective probably than all the political spending in 2015-16 for certain.
So from this point of view the Weinstein thing is quite significant.
Unknown said... Congratulations to Althouse for her exemplary coverage of the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Let no minute tidbit of information go unnoticed! Pay no attention to North Korea saying Trump has lit the “wick of war”. What is a nuclear conflagration compared to a nice big juicy sex scandal, especially if it involves Democrats!
NKorea has always been talking about war with the US. They are always going to attack someone.
They threatened Clinton with war. Clinton gave them Oil and nuke technology.
They threatened Obama with war. Obama gave them oil and money.
They threaten Trump with war and he is backing them off and working to denuclearize he peninsula.
If Hillary was president she would probably give them oil and the missile technology to hit the US with Nukes.
Democrats and leftists are really just enemies of the American people.
Congratulations to Althouse for her exemplary coverage of the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Let no minute tidbit of information go unnoticed! Pay no attention to North Korea saying Trump has lit the “wick of war”. What is a nuclear conflagration compared to a nice big juicy sex scandal, especially if it involves Democrats!
I stopped watching football with the change to HDTV. The hassle in programming the remote for the changeover wasn't worth my average TV viewing of 1-2 hours a week. I rarely watch movies. All this brouhaha about football or movie stuff will make no difference to me, except when those subjects turn up in blogs. I already read a lot.
“If Althouse doesn't want to cover what I want her to, she should get her own damn blog.... oh, wait.”
I don’t care what Althouse chooses to blog on, but I do wonder why she consistently chooses to ignore most things that don’t reflect well on Trump, which are most things actually.
I spend 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours a day listening to morse code practice files on my bicycle, having downloaded them into an MP3 player that feeds the line-in jack on a disabled radio.
I used to use the radio live but the ham bands have been so dead in the daytime recently that the downloaded files are better. Also more consistent and faster.
I found a couple of years ago that if I bicycle listening to morse code I no longer arrive anywhere out of breath. It's a different mental space.
Unknown claims to have had "no knowledge" of who this Weinstein fellow was or is or anything and, similarly, Unknown is clearly unaware that the North Koreans have been using colorful language to call for our doom since the 50's!
Unknown apparently has a policy of practiced, studied, ignorance.
That level of obliviousness is not a result of random selection or chance. It has to be cultivated...and it's clear Unknown is up to that challenge!
I'll take a few of the above options. TV with other stuff, like other sports, docs, etc. Old movies or ones I've not seen. Going (gasp) outside! And working on my crafts, but some of those can be done while watching.
I don't care about the NFL, and I don't care so much that I'm going to write about how much I don't care, and paste it in every thread, because that will prove I don't care.
(Note: I am not really going to paste the same thing all over the place)
Pay no attention to North Korea saying Trump has lit the “wick of war”. What is a nuclear conflagration compared to a nice big juicy sex scandal, especially if it involves Democrats!
10/11/17, 1:47 PM
A nuclear conflagration will surely be averted if Althouse blogs about it.
Remember that, Ann, and choose your blog topics wisely. You hold the fate of the world in your hands.
Foreign media is always an option, as with the foreign news media.
The British/Australian/Irish papers have always been more likely to complete reasonable coverage of US affairs. The BBC less so.
Entertainment - well, foreign movies are not quite as uniformly culturally tinted as US ones. There are biases but these do not conform to US biases. This can be interesting.
The NBA and MLB need to study this self-generated shit-puddle the NFL is wading through very carefully.
10/11/17, 12:39 PM
I rather doubt MLB, which never completely recovered from the '94 strike and the steroids scandals, is particularly eager to wade into another controversy and risk losing more of their fan base. Also, the player demographics are very different from the NFL.
The NBA might have a tougher time of it, considering the overwhelming majority of their players are AAs.
I haven't watched it in many years, but this year I will take a peek at the Academy Awards. It will be entertaining to watch those smug bastards eat shit and die. Do Roman or Woody have any films in contention?
If you allow political demonstrations in your stadiums during the games you are going to lose an enormous amount of money.
I believe you will eventually forbid political demonstrations during the anthem because NOT to do so is both indefensibly unpatriotic AND highly expensive - but you will also try to mollify your spoiled, angry millionaire players by allowing them to demonstrate during the games at times other than when the anthem is playing. This tactic will not work. It might have worked last year but the controversy you yourself have created has now made that tactic ineffective.
The only way I see this ending is that after perhaps a couple of seasons of losing at least millions, perhaps billions, is that political demonstrations of any type at any time during the games will finally be forbidden by a new Commissioner and you, the newly enlightened owners. You could save yourself money by forbidding all demonstrations at this time but you have proven that you have neither the social awareness nor the courage for such leadership tasks.
Dear players:
I know and you know that if the owners levy fines that you will cave – which is a shame. You see, I have grown to dislike you so much that I actually hope the controversy will continue indefinitely. I want to see your futile consternation and psychic pain drawn out for as long as possible. I want you to realize how unimportant you truly are. I want your arrogant virtue-signaling to turn off millions more fans as it has me. I want you to be an object lesson for customer service in the entertainment industry.
"Pay no attention to North Korea saying Trump has lit the “wick of war”. What is a nuclear conflagration compared to a nice big juicy sex scandal, especially if it involves Democrats!"
Inga considers North Korea a credible source. Go figure.
I don’t care what Althouse chooses to blog on, but I do wonder why she consistently chooses to ignore most things that don’t reflect well on Trump, which are most things actually.
It's just her passive-aggressive way of pissing you off.
I'll watch old movies, especially ones where everyone in it is dead. I'll watch other sports — baseball, volleyball, etc. I'll watch TV. Stuff without actors and protesters, like the news, nature shows, and "Jeopardy." Reading. Lots of reading.
And I'll go deer hunting, fishing, walks in the park with my wife, estate sales, and just, you know, get a life.
William said... I haven't watched it in many years, but this year I will take a peek at the Academy Awards. It will be entertaining to watch those smug bastards eat shit and die. Do Roman or Woody have any films in contention?
Haha, does Harvey Weinstein? What will the absence of his promotional efforts mean? If you look past his unfortunate fate, for I don't think he will be feted as Roman Polanski was, although polanski's offense seems worse than anything reported about HW so far,
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Movies? Hardly ever go so I can't quit.
I watch the Packers and the Badgers in football. No changes planned. Two relatively sane programs in the insanity that is football.
Throw me into the lots of reading camp. I hardly ever turn my TV on anymore......
Play games - video games and tabletop RPGs. Go to the beach.
I have not watched sports or new movies in years. The product is just not interesting. So I can't withhold as a protest. I will still watch Seinfeld reruns when I am feeling down. And there are many old movies I have been meaning to watch.
I am starting to warm up to Clemson too. It's my home state now, and I might as well get with the program.
I really don't watch movies much anymore because they are crap. Football, depends what I'm doing.
Much of British tele is devoid of American virtue signals. We’ll go for Countdown, Tattoo Fixers, Catastrope, Top Gear. The Walter Presents series are sometimes fun B level entertaining.
I've been done with Hillarywood for years. It's easy.
"jeopardy" is written by democrats. You can tell by the questions.
So many books, so little time.
I will intensify my efforts to inform readers of this blog about the true state of the world.
Where is online porn in that poll?
I already watch baseball. I had a blast playing volleyball back in the day, but I have no interest in watching it on TV.
I read a lot now. I'm planning on reading more.
Oh, by the way, I am not Laslo either.
Rehajm - exactly. There's all sorts of entertainment out there that isn't crap American fantasy or depressive "manchester by the sea" Weinstein/Miramax garbage.
Waste time online. THat's what I do.
Saturday Night Live is DNC TV. Not a single joke about Harvey? Not one? Nope.
If Harvey W. were a Republican, it would be an avalanche of mocking on SNL.
22 1/2?
I just remembered who you remind me of, with your tiresome preoccupation with Althouse's topic choices. Hi once written!
Now that the NHL is fully cranked up, I'll go there. But then I always have. The difference this year is that it will not include any NFL viewing on Thurs, Sunday or Monday. Especially Monday (ESPN). ESPN is about to crash and burn.
Interestingly, the NHL does not go head-to-head against the NFL on Sundays afternoons, so last Sunday, I took Ziggy, the German Shepherd pup for a several mile walk/run through the woods. What a great time. We were both spent.
Now I Know aka Once Written will continue to play scoldy blog monitor.
"Althouse, why are you writing about this? Write about what I tell you to write about!!!"
I picture Now I Know aka One Written painstakingly counting on her fingers...
"15 or was that 16? Damnit, the cat distracted me! Now I have to start all over again!"
I haven't watched TV in fifteen years and have never watched a football game, ever. I read books on my Kindle and follow politics on my iPad.
Please don’t tell me Harvey Weinstein was involved in the making of Blade Runner 2049.
Whatever time I would recoup not doing something, anything, I would probably spend it online.
Giving up the watching NFL games is pretty easy for me. I generally only watched maybe 1 game a week on Sundays anyway. And the teams I half heartedly followed are all playing horribly this year anyway. What to do with that 3 hours on a Sunday afternoon? I'm trying to get better at woodworking. My next project is building two nightstands.
Beyond that, it's not like there isn't an endless faucet of content. There's always books. There's also podcasts. I can spend hours on youtube watching videos on guitar gear and music production, or interviews, or comedians, or video game speed runs, or videos on any number of other passing interests I have. I have subscriptions to Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Crunchyroll (Japanese Animation Streaming). Not to mention just web browsing blogs like this one.
Oh, and smoke pot.
There was a recent survey done in the Dallas/Ft Worth area parking lots for cars with football fan decals. TCU beat the Dallas Cowboys hands down. These College football teams are still fun and have more stars than all of the burned out NFL millionaires combined. And the Coaching is far superior, such as Gary Patterson has done in Ft Worth.
Locally, UGA under Kirby Smart is falling into place as a contender.They have recruited the nations #1 QB three classes running, while they are still Tailback U with the #1 Tailback in the nation arriving next fall.
I'm working on writing a screenplay. It's very depressing and dark. I'm trying to compete with Hillarywood's current standards for "good" entertainment. Anyway - it's about a large group of very wealthy famous actors and actresses who are all leftwing totalitarian neo-fascist Statists who worship the STATE and try hard to force their propaganda on the masses. Many of them have direct contacts with the Castro's and the Maduros, and even Kim Jong Un, who they greatly admire. I'm working out all the stories that lead up to the dramatic ending. I shouldn't give it away, but, they all end up trapped in a burning building.
I already mostly just read and play video games, assuming I'm not out at the park with my daughter. Or the zoo, the planetarium, the aquarium, the arboretum, taking her to a play date at a friend's house....
I got to the movies maybe 3-4 times a year, and I can't recall the last time I watched a pro game. My dad didn't like pro ball when I was growing up in the 80's so he only watched college games anyway, and I just never took to it. To any sports watching, really.
No poll option for comment more at Althouse?
I've never watched a football game, preferring to use my free time sending good vibes to the tired, poor, huddled masses of the world yearning to breathe free so they won't come here.
"What will we do with all the time we recoup by not watching football and not watching movies?"
How about a massage?
You can't stop watching sports if you didn't watch them in the first place. I don't watch a lot of TV and seldom go to the movies. I'll keep watching the few things I do watch, but now I'll have the added entertainment of guessing who had to put out to get the job. What did Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn have to do to get gigs on Project Runway? We already know how Georgina Chapman got there. Alyssa Milano? She co-starred with Rose McGowan at one point. How do you go from Bond Girl to lawyer on Law and Order or become Dr. Quinn? Shows I've never watched before could become highly entertaining.
Althouse, missing option: You know what's a bigger industry than the movies and the NFL? Video Games. That's where I spend my leisure time.
Baseball and hockey. Except for the all-star games, baseball and hockey is always on.
What is this thing you call "Sports"?
Does that answer the question me watching football or any other sport?
Now, I do watch some of the Olympics when they come around.
I watch SC games and go if I can. I have had season tickets for 50 years but gave them to family,
I like golf on TV and I read in my chair in front of the TV so I can look up at times.
My wife is the NFL fan and she has quit watching in protest. She reads more.
I have three books going most of the time. "Lincoln's Boys" in the living room, The Johnson biography on audio in the car and I started the first of the "Outlander" novels on the Kindle. Slow so far.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home, so your screenplay has a happy ending then?
Very happy. It smells like freedom.
You know what's a bigger industry than the movies and the NFL? Video Games. That's where I spend my leisure time.
I should play more video games. The last one I really got into was Axiom Verge, which was like two years ago now.
"Blogger David said..."Movies? Hardly ever go so I can't quit. I watch the Packers and the Badgers in football. No changes planned. Two relatively sane programs in the insanity that is football."
"Stuff without actors and protesters, like the news [...]"
...assumes facts not in evidence.
And another thing... it’s all well and good and specially fun to expose hypocrisy double standards and that... but, I can’t help but feel uneasy about all the kind of celebratory high fives going on; some of which i myself engaged in last night.
It’s good that it has been exposed but the reaction to it perhaps should not be one of elation? I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong about this.
Baseball playoffs work for me. Since my dbacks got swept, I might be pulling for the American league.
I'm spending more time on the Althouse blog and following links on Instapundit. I decided that this was covered under reading.
I really picked a bad time to stop sniffing glue.
I do agree with LYNNDH about watching the Olympics. Thankfully Harvey Weinstein is not involved in selecting our female athletes.
I lived in Colorado for 27 years. There isn't much in the way of college football there, so over time I became a Denver Broncos fan. Work requirements caused me to move back to Alabama five years ago. We have good college football here. The local NFL coverage is of the Atlanta Falcons and Tennessee Titans which frankly, I find uninteresting. They show a Broncos game a few times a year. Gradually, I've watched less NFL football and this year, hardly any at all. I don't watch Sunday sports outside of the NFL season, go finding other things to do isn't that hard.
I probably watch more college football now than I ever did of the pro game. It's more interesting.
This week instead of watching football I read a book and went for a long walk.
I'm not sure my movie watching habits are going to change much. I do not see many contemporary movies in the theater anyway. In addition, I already thought that Hollywood was a cesspit. There worse things - a lot worse things - than Harvey still prowling around there. My opinion is that the large majority of the talent are either horrible people or shallow dimwits.
Lem - Catching criminal Democrats feels good, Lem - because it's so rare.
We all know something smells surrounding the Clintons - yet they walk free.
Big Clinton donor finally gets caught... it is cause for high fives. We are not celebrating his crimes, we are celebrating long overdue comeuppance.
K-dramas, same as before.
The last movie I went to Bugsy. Which sucked.
I'm watching the Falcons and the Dawgs and the odd college game that affects the Dawgs. However, I only skim watch those.
We will watch the autophagy as Hollywood and DC start eating each other in a fight to determine which is the most diseased and sex-driven center of power: Hollywood or DC? Since Hollywood will dominate, having decentralized it's sex abuse to far flung locations like NYC and Pedophile Island, DC will need to be seen as "the opposing force" and set about regulating the raMPANT SEX ABUSE IN hOLLYWOOD. tHROW IN sILICON vALLEY, WHICH JUST BY YTHE NUMDBERS IS DISCRIMINATORY, AND THERE'S A LOT OF MATERIAL WITH WHICH dc CAN WORK OVER THE NEXT FEW POLITICAL CYCLES.
Sorry. Got carried away. Nothing will happen. We will spend more time here.
As other commenters have posted, I have watched neither in years, but that is not one of the choices given in the poll. But hey, it's not my blog, so I've got that going for me.
Meade said...
"What will we do with all the time we recoup by not watching football and not watching movies?"
How about a massage?
NOW yer talkin'!
When can you be over? I'll order pizza.
I am reading the new book about art and philosophy: The Art of the Donald by Christopher Bedford. And it is surprisingly good.I spent $11 to get Kindle, but did not add $10 for the audible add on. But now the wife wants that too.
That's Entertainment.
I don't watch football but the movie DVDs are a great entertainment, originally catching up on stuff from the 70s and beyond that I never saw, my last theater visit.
I don't mind lefty crap. It's really not part of the structure, just a generic plot motivator.
The problem films are writer-idiot difficulties, like the guy has a drinking problem. Just fucking stop drinking. I don't need to see an hour of bad acting until it happens.
More new DVDs come in than I watch, for some reason. I mostly prefer at the time to rewatch an older one that I've forgotten the details of but didn't bail out of.
I never got into pro sports. I love films, but there's a lot of options there.
Books. Video games. Fiddling with my computer.
" I mostly prefer at the time to rewatch an older one that I've forgotten the details of but didn't bail out of."
I like the 1930s screwball comedies, like "My Man Godfrey." They were so well written.
I have lots on blu ray and DVD.
I'll probably watch the Super Bowl. I wonder if the anthem issue will be settled then.. .....I like big budget sci-fi movies with lots of special effects. Wonder Woman was pretty good. So was the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel. Some of the others not so much. There seems to be a huge gap between the talent and inventiveness of those who do special effects and those who write dialogue.......The Queen Victoria series with Jenna Chapman was entertaining. Jenna is the right height to play Victoria......It's comfortable to settle down with a series you can binge watch. One less difficult decision to make in this complex, confusing world. The Good Place with Ted Danson and Kristen Bell is worth watching.
>but, I can’t help but feel uneasy about all the kind of celebratory high fives going on; some of which i myself engaged in last night.
I think it's good to reflect on this sort of thing. But sometimes the guy you hate deserves it.
I believe I'd be equally disgusted if Weinstein like accusations against someone I respect came up. Still, I hope it doesn't.
Potted plant sales go through the roof.
I like the 1930s screwball comedies, like "My Man Godfrey." They were so well written.
I have a lot of problems with stuff from the early 60s and before because I don't accept the acting conventions. "As you can see I'm delivering a line as an actor."
I ought to like The Shop around the Corner as a precursor of You've Got Mail but the acting is unbearable to me. Without being bad acting, just a different convention for acting.
This is the worst poll you've ever done!
Where's the "Spend more time reading and posting at Althouse" option???
I never watch Woody Allen movies anymore as a direct consequence of the scandals. But it took me awhile to realize I wasn't liking them anymore. So I think the long-term consequences for Hollywood have not even begun to be felt. But imagine if you started to become aware of a sort Miramax-type scene where something happens with a stripper club or wild a New York party as background - and this kind of scene is everywhere - and immediately you began to picture Harvey Weinstein assaulting the female star plus all the others who didn't get the lead role. And employees, female and male, turning away from what they knew was happening. And the lawyers hounding some woman who resisted. I think that over time, it'll ruin a lot of movies and TV shows which copied Weinstein's style. And I'm not even talking about how "Deplorables" feel when they remember some celebrity who was covering up for Weinstein denouncing them as misogynistic bullies. I picture a lot of time reclaimed.
But this new social phenomenon has consequences. Like loss of easy vegging.
One thing I missed when current movies and TV lost me was vegging. It's harder to veg with a walk, or a book. But if you read a series you get a lot of the same effect - if you read Earle Stanley Gardner or if you read Churchill on World War I or II or Shelby Foote on the Civil War - you get a demi-veg because you don't have to keep shifting your perspective.
At least we can still go out and shoot ARs almost as though they're machine....oh noes....damn libs are ruining that too!
Carry on.
If I can't find a casting couch to buy, I'll probably have to go back to watching football.
"Where's the "Spend more time reading and posting at Althouse" option???"
Aka the "I'm a loser/nerd" option.
Reading is for nerds.
I'll be taking more showers - Harvey Weinstein style.
Sounds more interesting than the NFL.
Maybe movies will get better.
Well, it's possible.
Dunkirk came out this year, and was worthwhile.
There's a lot of great stuff on YouTube.
Love when people say - "why are you watching that old movie - everyone in it is dead".
The logic always escaped me.
Other things to watch:
Baseball, NHL, College Football, Old movies, good new movies.
And of course there's the internet and real life.
BTW, my father got through his entire life without caring about movies, TV, or sports watching.
There's a lot of great stuff on YouTube.
I spend waaaaay too much time on YouTube.
One night about 3:00 A.M. I realized I was watching a video of a prairie dog eating a cookie........and had no idea how I had got there....
Highly recommended YouTube stuff-
The Great War - WWI week by week, in enormous detail, tactics, strategy, politics, society, personalities, and a huge amount of the stuff overlooked in most histories. Worth a library on the subject. And Indy makes it go down with an effective mix of grim reality and charm.
What the old ITV "World at War" could have been, If it had had this enormous attention to detail and especially time to produce it.
Wildswan, if you want to veg, try listening to books. Get a book that just entertaining - like a good mystery or historical fiction or whatever else you find interesting and relaxing.
"Dunkirk came out this year, and was worthwhile."
It was OK. "American Assassin" was awful.
There are a couple this fall that might be OK. The theater we go to is having a "classics revival" the next few months. I suspect the theater owners can't find anything their upper middle class clients will come to.
It's in Oro Valley, an upscale suburb of Tucson.
The A's-for-nothing athletic scandal hasn't hurt UNC game viewing that I've heard. The natives who hate their teams have always done so.
Imagine selling your body and all you get is a TV super gig or one line. I'm sure it's been done with satisfaction for both parties.
The current Jeopardy champ, a NYC bartender, displays more (and weirder) personality than any contestant I've seen.
I'm approaching my twelfth year as a non-viewer. I gave up TV primarily as an act of self-discipline. I was keeping a Neilsen "diary" (more of a logbook, actually) when I resolved to yank the cable. I averaged 5 hours and 41 minutes per day. WTF?! A quarter of my life?! It had to stop.
If first I reasoned I could be more selective. I'll use the TiVo to record everything I truly enjoy and forego the rest, said my left hemisphere. But I'm still paying for the stuff I don't watch, cautioned my right. The corpus callosum voted present as usual. How my nominally dominant left semi-brain came to defer to the judgments of my inarticulate yet supremely dispassionate right half is a story for another time — a story much like one of those Star Trek episodes with Spock in command of the ship, Kirk off horndawging an alien gladiatrix on some remote planet, and McCoy going ape yelling "Damn it, Spock, do something!" — yet the important point is the cable service had to go and did.
Going dark is pretty tough. The cable companies can't seem to fathom the concept. They reason they've priced you out somehow. Consequently, your mailbox waxes corpulent with offers of new plans with incentive. Cash back! No payments for six months! You can't afford to miss NBC's new fall lineup! Free dish! Free TiVo! Beautiful girls watch CNN! Handsome men never miss ESPN! — on and on. Eleven years and some months later and I still get that shit. I weep for trees. (sniffle).
Pulling the cord meant losing daily — nay, hourly! — contact with all kinds of spectator sports. No football, college or pro. No baseball. No basketball. No golf. No fucking "Texas Holdem" poker! Without the deluge of scores, statistics, and arrest reports I quickly lost interest in the whole sorry megillah. From thence a sport became something I do, not something I watch. There are caveats. Conversation at parties can be difficult. Conversations with clients can be too. But I have the constant reward of freedom as compensation.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Very happy. It smells like freedom.
10/11/17, 9:54 AM
So freedom smells like roast pork?
Humperkink: I have never in my life watched a hockey game and only realized yesterday that my now home state of Arizona has a team! I'll give it a try as I do like to watch competitive sports and baseball will be over soon. Hockey might see me over until the Winter Olympics. Of course, I do watch some Pac12 football--especially as my Huskies are doing well.
I know PBS is liberal, but I really like much of the Sunday night programming. It's a lot of the British stuff. Masterpiece Theater, Downton Abbey, Poldark, etc...
Create TV, also a PBS station - has Rick Steves, other travel shows like Rudy Maxa and Richard Bangs, cooking shows, Bob Ross, This Old House, etc... It works for me as an alternative to mainstream American TV, which is total crap.
I piggy-back Acorn TV on Amazon. It's only 5 bucks a month and works nicely to fill the void during the boring dark-early cold nights of winter. It's much easier to find distraction during the summer months than winter. right? I'm grateful for PBS. It's the only TV I watch. The Frontline a few months back on North Korea was very good. They didn't give it the sugar-coated lair CNN treatment. The horror of NoKo's Potemkin Hermit kingdom was all there without standard left wing propaganda and excuse making. I was sort of shocked.
Freedom smells like smoldering Streeps.
oh and this guy named Jeff Wilson, on PBS's Create TV.. Cute guy who travels by train all over Switzerland. Best. Show. Ever.
The Frontline a few months back on North Korea was very good. They didn't give it the sugar-coated lair CNN treatment.
Dickin', Frontline is excellent. One of the few things worth watching [besides sports, of course].
I’ll be waiting to see if Goodell’s letter stops the desecration of the flag. I will watch the news the day after to see if Goodell’s letter stops the desecration. If ANY player does not stand for the flag my non-watching will continue.
Last week, in an attempt to trick the viewers the NFL simply televised the shows AFTER the anthem so the TV viewers could not observe the players kneeling during the anthem. Out of sight – out of mind – right?
Wrong. Trump and Pence screwed up the NFL’s stupid deception when Pence walked out of a game after the players knelt. I think the NFL realized then that Trump, Pence and company were going to continue to cost the NFL millions until the political demonstrations using the flag and anthem as backdrop are stopped.
Reminder: This all started with Colon Kaeperfuck breaking the NFL’s own rules against demonstrations during the anthem. Kaeperfuck was never admonished, fined or even politely asked to stop.
Why did Goodell and the owners allow Kaeperfuck to continue? Two reasons:
Firstly, the NFL owners and Goodell seemed to agree with the players on Kaeperfuck’s original stated reason for his fatuous posturing – that America’s cops are a bunch of murdering pigs. This silly meme is treated as gospel by the Left and the elite class that the NFL owners belong to seem to always agree with the Left.
Secondly, the kneeling started in San Francisco with the 49ers. To have silenced Kaeperfuck at that time in that place would have cost the NFL some temporary bad local publicity so Goodell opted for staying in the good graces of the locals.
Goodell forgot that the locals do not pay the bills. Television contracts pay the bills and the television advertisers keep a close watch on ratings.
And Goodell forgot that Obama was no longer POTUS. During an Obama regime no doubt Kaeperfuck would be hailed by our POTUS as a speaking-truth-to-power hero. If Obama had a son, he might even look a lot like Kaeperfuck. But in Trump, as opposed to Obama, we have a POTUS that is unapologetic in his patriotism.
I think the kneeling, albeit much attenuated, will continue for awhile longer. As my algebra teacher used to say: Some concepts are difficult for the slow learners to grasp. But Trump will continue to tweet their sorry asses into oblivion, gaining popularity as he goes - so unless they WANT to destroy the NFL at the same time elevating Trump’s poll numbers - they will eventually desist in the desecration.
The NBA and MLB need to study this self-generated shit-puddle the NFL is wading through very carefully.
Beseball's been berry good to me!
Prairie dog eating a cookie.
If you squint your eyes real hard he looks a little like Aaron Rogers.
"Dickin', Frontline is excellent. One of the few things worth watching [besides sports, of course]."
Tomorrow you can expect a DJT Fake News Alert tweet re tonight's new episode.
Actually, he won't see it, he's not into that sorta boring/nerd TV.
Here's what the NFL needs:
A playpen set up during half-time where all the players with grievances towards, Trump, the flag, the police, fake news infected misconceptions - can express that grievance.
Any player who wants to enter the playpen and rage-out with Emminemmy and pig socks for 15 minutes- go for it.
Leftists and Kim Jong Un unite!
Kim Jong Un can give you leftists all sorts of plans on building prisons. That's where all the deplorables should go. Imagine the possibilities.
Unknowns interest in matters Korean is to be applauded. Perhaps Unknown should acquaint itself with the subject. It has its interest.
NK likes saying things like "sea of fire"
This is in 2011 mind you. Actually, there has been something like this out of them every week since, well, 1946 more or less.
And sometimes they shoot them up with artillery -
or sink a ship -
Or there is a naval battle -
Kim jong Un fires missiles and threatens neighbors (leftists yawn)- Trump threatens Lil' Kim right back. The collective left wet their pants. Stop it, Trump! waaaaa*
I don't like Frontline's sinister-sounding narrator--or Burns' Peter Coyote. New blood needed in the business. Surely they used their familiar voices for intimidated sex.
If Althouse doesn't want to cover what I want her to, she should get her own damn blog.... oh, wait.
Gee, get yer own blog, Unknown, or does it bother you that much what other people are reading? Do you have a sneaking suspicion that somebody somewhere is having fun? Is that what's bothering you, Punky?
I’m down to Turner Classic, almost exclusively. I keep trying series streaming, but my amazon prime and Netflix queue are full of recommended series that I discontinued after episode one. The graphic sex and violence, steady stream of f-bombs and dark sensibility —even something called Mozart in the Jungle is unwatchable! By and large, Hollywood has made sex banal in its clinical, thorough depiction. Insodoing, there’s no sexual tension anymore in dramas or romantic comedies, because couples are rutting like animals halfway through the first encounter. When was the last time you saw a character struggle against temptation? Or struggle to do the right thing— to stay in an unsatisfying marriage, to sacrifice ambition for the good of his community, to do the right thing?
Even masterpiece is ruined, appropriated by storytellers who insist on churning out Wartime Feminine Empowerment stories or British Investigator Feminine Empowerment Stories, or Royal Family Feminine Empowerment Stories....you get the idea— in which marriage and family is always depicted as a refuge for losers, and sex was always carefree, casual and extramarital no matter the era. Give me a good Ernst lubitsch or Preston sturges any day. Hek, , a middling Ernst lubitsch or Preston sturges would beat any of these.
Next in my Dvr queue is Sullivan’s Travels, about a famous Hollywood director who sets out on a journey to discover The Real America so that he can make a movie of Gravitas ...instead of the frothy, successful comedies he’s known for.its such a perfect metaphor for Hollywood. We just want them to entertain us and keep their lefty sermons out of our movies and late night monologues.
It isn’t lost on me that my entire entertainment menu comes to me thanks to another well known Lothario, Ted Turner. The past few days I have pondered.. what’s the difference between Ted Turner, Warren Beatty Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy and Harvey Weinstein, bob Packwood and Anthony Weiner? They have all used and discarded scores of women. The former group, I suspect, were just a little slicker and better looking, and thus more successful.
As Instapundit often says, culture is upstream of politics.
This is true. It is also the ancient conservative POV, from whatever tradition one comes, you will find the idea from Cato the Elder to Confucius.
Instapundit has also suggested that the best use of conservative political funds would be to buy up all the womens magazines. I can't say this is wrong. It would have been more effective probably than all the political spending in 2015-16 for certain.
So from this point of view the Weinstein thing is quite significant.
"Royal Family Feminine Empowerment Stories"
If you are talking "Victoria", then that at least is factual. Mostly.
Unknown said...
Congratulations to Althouse for her exemplary coverage of the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Let no minute tidbit of information go unnoticed! Pay no attention to North Korea saying Trump has lit the “wick of war”. What is a nuclear conflagration compared to a nice big juicy sex scandal, especially if it involves Democrats!
NKorea has always been talking about war with the US. They are always going to attack someone.
They threatened Clinton with war. Clinton gave them Oil and nuke technology.
They threatened Obama with war. Obama gave them oil and money.
They threaten Trump with war and he is backing them off and working to denuclearize he peninsula.
If Hillary was president she would probably give them oil and the missile technology to hit the US with Nukes.
Democrats and leftists are really just enemies of the American people.
Congratulations to Althouse for her exemplary coverage of the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Let no minute tidbit of information go unnoticed! Pay no attention to North Korea saying Trump has lit the “wick of war”. What is a nuclear conflagration compared to a nice big juicy sex scandal, especially if it involves Democrats!
I stopped watching football with the change to HDTV. The hassle in programming the remote for the changeover wasn't worth my average TV viewing of 1-2 hours a week. I rarely watch movies.
All this brouhaha about football or movie stuff will make no difference to me, except when those subjects turn up in blogs. I already read a lot.
"What will you do with all the time you save not watching football and movies anymore?"
You ask this question as if it's current.
Some of us haven't been watching professional football and any of the crap Hollywood's been pumping out for some time now.
Working on projects around the house. Catching a baseball game. College football. Going to sporting activities the neighbor kids are playing.
It's pretty easy to find other things to do instead of patronizing people who've openly stated they hate your guts.
“If Althouse doesn't want to cover what I want her to, she should get her own damn blog.... oh, wait.”
I don’t care what Althouse chooses to blog on, but I do wonder why she consistently chooses to ignore most things that don’t reflect well on Trump, which are most things actually.
I spend 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours a day listening to morse code practice files on my bicycle, having downloaded them into an MP3 player that feeds the line-in jack on a disabled radio.
I used to use the radio live but the ham bands have been so dead in the daytime recently that the downloaded files are better. Also more consistent and faster.
I found a couple of years ago that if I bicycle listening to morse code I no longer arrive anywhere out of breath. It's a different mental space.
@Dickin, they soiled themselves on both sides, not just the front.
Unknown claims to have had "no knowledge" of who this Weinstein fellow was or is or anything and, similarly, Unknown is clearly unaware that the North Koreans have been using colorful language to call for our doom since the 50's!
Unknown apparently has a policy of practiced, studied, ignorance.
That level of obliviousness is not a result of random selection or chance. It has to be cultivated...and it's clear Unknown is up to that challenge!
Unknown: "I don’t care what Althouse chooses to blog on...."
Unknown rephrased: I'm not doing what I've clearly been doing and even though I haven't been doing it I've been totally justified in doing it.
I'll take a few of the above options. TV with other stuff, like other sports, docs, etc. Old movies or ones I've not seen. Going (gasp) outside! And working on my crafts, but some of those can be done while watching.
>I don’t care what Althouse chooses to blog on
Oh, obviously not.
>I found a couple of years ago that if I bicycle listening to morse code I no longer arrive anywhere out of breath.
That is really interesting. I get a similar effect listening to podcasts.
I don't care about the NFL, and I don't care so much that I'm going to write about how much I don't care, and paste it in every thread, because that will prove I don't care.
(Note: I am not really going to paste the same thing all over the place)
Mozart in the Jungle
I didn't care about the sleeping around, but the language and drug use were off-putting and totally gratuitous to the story, which wasn't that bad.
Pay no attention to North Korea saying Trump has lit the “wick of war”. What is a nuclear conflagration compared to a nice big juicy sex scandal, especially if it involves Democrats!
10/11/17, 1:47 PM
A nuclear conflagration will surely be averted if Althouse blogs about it.
Remember that, Ann, and choose your blog topics wisely. You hold the fate of the world in your hands.
"(Note: I am not really going to paste the same thing all over the place)"
The mere threat was sufficient to convey the sentiment.
I am determined to be a petulant asshole today.
Nats Cubs starts now.
Foreign media is always an option, as with the foreign news media.
The British/Australian/Irish papers have always been more likely to complete reasonable coverage of US affairs. The BBC less so.
Entertainment - well, foreign movies are not quite as uniformly culturally tinted as US ones. There are biases but these do not conform to US biases. This can be interesting.
I have trouble keeping track of the "Unknowns" around here but I always recognize Inga's Morse hand.
Oh man. Looks like a rain delay. ...
>The mere threat was sufficient to convey the sentiment.
But... Did it sufficiently convey my disinterest?!
(This stops here. I swear it on someone else's life.)
Haha! More fuel for the Weinstein fire: the NYC DA, Cyrus Vance Jr., blamed the NYPD for not prosecuting HW; the NYPD says the DA's office is lying.
Gotta tip your hat to the Perv: how many are capable of causing not one, but 2 scandals,1 for each coast?
Pass the popcorn.
The NBA and MLB need to study this self-generated shit-puddle the NFL is wading through very carefully.
10/11/17, 12:39 PM
I rather doubt MLB, which never completely recovered from the '94 strike and the steroids scandals, is particularly eager to wade into another controversy and risk losing more of their fan base. Also, the player demographics are very different from the NFL.
The NBA might have a tougher time of it, considering the overwhelming majority of their players are AAs.
"We'll always have.... Casablanca."
If Althouse doesn't want to cover what I want her to, she should get her own damn blog.... oh, wait
heh - I laughed at this. And I needed a good laugh today.
These progs are funny. Not only to they want free stuff, they want YOU to do the stuff, they want.
Unknown: "I am determined to be a petulant asshole today."
Actually, lackadaisical on your part will easily achieve that as well....
I haven't watched it in many years, but this year I will take a peek at the Academy Awards. It will be entertaining to watch those smug bastards eat shit and die. Do Roman or Woody have any films in contention?
Dear NFL owners:
If you allow political demonstrations in your stadiums during the games you are going to lose an enormous amount of money.
I believe you will eventually forbid political demonstrations during the anthem because NOT to do so is both indefensibly unpatriotic AND highly expensive - but you will also try to mollify your spoiled, angry millionaire players by allowing them to demonstrate during the games at times other than when the anthem is playing. This tactic will not work. It might have worked last year but the controversy you yourself have created has now made that tactic ineffective.
The only way I see this ending is that after perhaps a couple of seasons of losing at least millions, perhaps billions, is that political demonstrations of any type at any time during the games will finally be forbidden by a new Commissioner and you, the newly enlightened owners. You could save yourself money by forbidding all demonstrations at this time but you have proven that you have neither the social awareness nor the courage for such leadership tasks.
Dear players:
I know and you know that if the owners levy fines that you will cave – which is a shame. You see, I have grown to dislike you so much that I actually hope the controversy will continue indefinitely. I want to see your futile consternation and psychic pain drawn out for as long as possible. I want you to realize how unimportant you truly are. I want your arrogant virtue-signaling to turn off millions more fans as it has me. I want you to be an object lesson for customer service in the entertainment industry.
Abby Someone wrote: I am determined to be a petulant asshole today.
I think you have your priorities improperly ordered.
"Pay no attention to North Korea saying Trump has lit the “wick of war”. What is a nuclear conflagration compared to a nice big juicy sex scandal, especially if it involves Democrats!"
Inga considers North Korea a credible source. Go figure.
“Abby Someone”
“NOW yer talkin'!
When can you be over? I'll order pizza.”
Great! Remember— I need extra attention for my traps and my right rotator cuff. And as always, Rusty my man, NO Chakra work. Thanks!
"Pay no attention to North Korea saying Trump has lit the “wick of war”.
North Korea has been killing American and South Korean soldiers and sailors for the last sixty five years.
I don’t care what Althouse chooses to blog on, but I do wonder why she consistently chooses to ignore most things that don’t reflect well on Trump, which are most things actually.
It's just her passive-aggressive way of pissing you off.
What will I do?
I'll watch old movies, especially ones where everyone in it is dead.
I'll watch other sports — baseball, volleyball, etc.
I'll watch TV. Stuff without actors and protesters, like the news, nature shows, and "Jeopardy."
Reading. Lots of reading.
And I'll go deer hunting, fishing, walks in the park with my wife, estate sales, and just, you know, get a life.
Kirk Parker said... "We'll always have.... Casablanca."
Yea... "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine."
Love that quote. And here's looking at you kid!
"Why dd you come to Casablanca?"
"For the water."
Casablanca is in the desert."
"I was misinformed."
The Epstein twins were the best.
They were the best.
"Round up the usual suspects !"
William said...
I haven't watched it in many years, but this year I will take a peek at the Academy Awards. It will be entertaining to watch those smug bastards eat shit and die. Do Roman or Woody have any films in contention?
Haha, does Harvey Weinstein? What will the absence of his promotional efforts mean? If you look past his unfortunate fate, for I don't think he will be feted as Roman Polanski was, although polanski's offense seems worse than anything reported about HW so far,
Now what does Weinstein Pictures so?
Wonder what HW was like in his 20s and 30s.
Now, more than ever,
“Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?”
—Harry M. Warner, 1927?
Shut up and sing! Dance! Play! Do whatever it is you do,and don't bother us with your opinions! You wanna protest, go on strike! Yeah! Do it!
NY Post
Harvey Weinstein’s wife is leaning on Huma Abedin
The hell with the details. The headline is enough (to make one barf).
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