"... we came in peace in August, and we come again in peace... Our identity matters. We are not going to stand by and allow people to tear down these symbols of our history and our people – and we’re going to do this again.”
Said Richard Spencer, quoted in "‘We will keep coming back:’ Richard Spencer leads another torchlight march in Charlottesville" (WaPo).
If the media didn't cover this guy he wouldn't exist.
More of the media ginning up controversy and division.
If the media didn't cover this guy he wouldn't exist.
The media are hoping for violent confrontation. People should disappoint them by staying inside and ignoring the provocation.
Isn't a "planned flash mob" a bit of an oxymoron?
David Begley said...
If the media didn't cover this guy he wouldn't exist
Same for most mass murders like Las Vegas.
Sounds like a good case for restrictions on 1st Adm. Press should be banned from covering events like Charlottesville and Las Vegas shootings to deter copycats. Would be more effective than trying to ban guns.
"If the media didn't cover this guy he wouldn't exist...."
"The media are hoping for violent confrontation. People should disappoint them by staying inside and ignoring the provocation."
The media message isn't fulfilled if there's no violence. It's now helping him prove that his movement is peaceful.
" Would be more effective than trying to ban guns."
Neither is going to happen.
The NFL is the canary in the coal mine. The VA election might be another.
And they were pretty much ignored and the world didn't end. Perfect.
Wackos on both sides. Spencer (whoever he is) has every right to lead a peaceful assembly. So do the BLMers. PEACEFUL being the key word.
Isn't a "planned flash mob" a bit of an oxymoron?
No, all flash mobs are planned.
The appearance of "white nationalism" could have been predicted by anyone who looked at the hatred being directed at white men and had any idea of how persecution creates a reaction.
It will be interesting to see what happens with all this anger.
The "flash mob" is a strategy that the right uses in Europe where Antifa has been around for a long time. If you want a "peaceful" rally, you need to get in and out quick without letting your enemies know ahead of time. Reminds me of raves in the 90s.
What he really meant was "we are not going to stand by and let these grand opportunities to get nation-wide media attention to pass by." The altright barely existed before the NYT and WP trained their spotlights on people like Spencer. For them it is clickbait and be damned the consequences.
If Richard Spenser's movement, consisting of 36 supporters, grew exponentially he'd have 1296 supporters. Many of them would be leftys sent in to help with fundraising visuals for their own, true groups, the rest, FBI agents.
No, the revolution needs enemies for their 1 minute of hate.
>For them it is clickbait and be damned the consequences.
If Richard Spencer is the new right-wing, racist bogeyman - we've come a long way from fighting ACTUAL Nazis and ACTUAL Klansmen.
Just sayin'
Zombie at pj media has had some interesting posts in sf. Showing how many people were actually at a protest, verses how it was portrayed. The news media would have a close up shot showing all the attendees closely bunched up, as if they were part of a big crowd. The same is being done with what ever Spencer is. Trying to make his following much bigger than it is. And he's dumb enough to do Nazi like imagery that feeds the narrative he's a Nazi / White Supremacist.
With all the White Supremacist in the us, he only managed to get how many to show up? And if announced ahead of time, they are always out numbered by the Left.
The alt-right was empowered by Trump's explicit appeal for their votes.
Hmm, I recognize this tactic! Let's see...
Hillary was empowered by David Dukes support
>The alt-right was empowered by Trump's explicit appeal for their votes.
If the media didn't cover this guy he wouldn't exist.
As if to say he shouldn't exist.
"Our identity matters. We are not going to stand by and allow people to tear down these symbols of our history and our people.."
A man that espouses this sentiment has no place in society? Is that what we yearn for in a healthy society? Why is it when men stand up for what they believe in only considered 'divisive' when they are white, and are protesting the leftist agenda?
I see in wiki that Richard Spencer is a white supremacist.
Derbyshire finds him friendly though subcategorizes him other than white supremacist. I think white separatist. I gather the races can only get along if they're separated, is the idea. Trade is fine. He doesn't wish blacks ill or tell them what to do.
Actual white supremacists are so rare as to not exist.
He strikes me as an unpleasant fellow but most true believers are. That is, never worth listening to except to check off a category. Annoying delivery.
Please stop talking about Richard Spenser. The man has about 100 followers in the entire USA. In fact, I think the man's probably being paid by SPLC. If you don't like him, then kill him with silence.
The whole Chancellorsville nonsense, "100 Nazis are taking over America!" was broadcast by the Liberal MSM as a distraction and way to attack Trump.
The fact that the Hardy Boys gang was able to meet up and there wasn't any violence kinda undercuts the media's earlier position that in Charlottesville, it was solely these guys who showed up looking to attack people and be violent. It also undercuts the media's position that Trump was completely beyond the pale when he said he thought there bad people on both sides. It also somewhat supports the idea that the Charlottesville murderer didn't show up there planning on killing people.
Communist advocate policies that have led to the death of millions of people. They advocate the violent overthrow of the "bourgeois" and the destruction of America.
But do you ever hear about CPUSA? Of course not, even though they exist, and have 100x the followers and power of Richard Spenser.
Why is that?
Of course, on things like Immigration, globalization, and "free Trade" its hard to tell the difference between Communist Party USA and Mitt Romney and John McCain.
The Charlottesville incident is being adjudicated by a kangaroo court.
Five Alt-Righters are being overcharged with felonies and are being denied their Constitutional right to be released on bail.
An article by Nicholas Stix titled "Anarcho-Tyranny Update" and published on the Unz website details the judiciary's maltreatment of the five. For example, the description of the first person's case follows:
[quote; emphasis added]
Christopher Cantwell has been indicted on three felony charges of “illegal use of gas: unlawful”; “asslt: unlaw inj by acid etc.”; and “illegal use of gas: malicious,” based solely on claims by Communist/Alt Left activist Emily Florence Gorcenski (and, though the indictment doesn’t mention him, C/A activist Kristopher Cheney Goad), regarding alleged incidents on the evening of Friday August 11, when Unite The Right had their surprise torchlight rally. [Case # GC17011628-00, GC17011629-00, GC17011630-00.
Cantwell maintains that he acted in self-defense. He had a hearing on August 24, and his next hearing is scheduled for November 9. This reporter has never heard of felony charges for using mace or tear gas; then again, this is a political show trial, in which the law means nothing.
Note that in a lengthy interview, Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler told me that it was Cantwell who had insisted on going by the book, and fully cooperating with law enforcement although it had, in a criminal conspiracy, had utterly betrayed the lawful demonstrators.
Oddly enough, the Daily Beast article cheering on Cantwell’s prosecution quotes Goad and Gorcenski asserting that Cantwell could not possibly have been acting in self-defense —- but later in the same article, Daily Beast Narrative Enforcer Jackson Landers writes:
"Cantwell was the main subject of a Vice News documentary on the rally, where he is seen getting maced, fighting with protesters, showing off an arsenal of guns, and calling blacks “savages.” ...
Landers ignores the contradiction, and deliberately confuses readers, by referring to the Communist/ Alt Lefters as “protestors,” when the only protestors were the Alt-Righters—the C/As were rioters.
On August 31, a judge bonded out Cantwell, but allowed for Albemarle County Commonwealth’s Attorney Robert Tracci to appeal the decision. Later that day, in a four-hour hearing, Tracci argued that Cantwell was a flight risk, even though he had surrendered himself voluntarily, and that he should not be bonded out because of his “hate speech.” Of course, there is no such legal category as “hate speech” (yet). But, incredibly, Judge Cheryl Higgins agreed and revoked Cantwell’s bond.
This was clearly a political punishment of Cantwell, violating his Fourteenth Amendment right of equality before the law, not to mention the presumption of innocence. ...
[end quote]
Judge Cheryl Higgins is yet another example of a judge who feels that -- because Donald Trump was elected President -- her judicial decisions should be determined ultimately by the Democratic Party's RESISTENCE to Trump.
Read the entire article.
Blogger rcocean said...
"Please stop talking about Richard Spenser. The man has about 100 followers in the entire USA. In fact, I think the man's probably being paid by SPLC. If you don't like him, then kill him with silence. "
Ann has been catching shit for ignoring all of the issues that let leftists get all frothy.
The leftists are feeling pretty demoralized right now. They are a bunch of haters and empty vessels with 1st world problems in a country they hate built by people better than them and they are being exposed.
It is also sinking in that Trump is doing a good job and the economy is going to explode without the leftists boot on it's neck guaranteeing 7 more years.
This is just some chum to keep Freder and his hater friends happy.
Did he get a great deal on Tiki torches, or is it BYOT?
Assembling frequently to show you're non-violent is a great idea, but how do you get decent publicity without a beating (or death, as happened)? It could help the people at trial, where there's a captive audience, if they can get it in.
Thanks for that update. The media caravan has moved on, but the Left Fascists running Charlottesville haven't gone anywhere. Having failed in their attempt to prevent the demonstration legally, they instructed the police to allow leftist thugs to attack the demonstrators, while preventing their escape. Now they are railroading the demonstrators for the crime of being attacked by rioters.
It reminds me of a book I read, about what happened to Freedom Riders in the Jim Crow South. The authorities allowed thugs to attack them, and then arrested them for being attacked.
I notice when antifa is not present this group manages to protest peacefully. After the violence in August I read an article, I believe by Spencer, that said that the reason the violence broke out is because police refused to allow his group to depart the protest away from the counter protesters. Instead, the police insisted that they leave through exits that forced them to walk directly through the counter protesters. As soon as they moved through the exits they were set upon by antifa.
I bring this up for a couple of reasons. First, although I do not agree at all in white nationalism, they have the right to protest peacefully as any other group does. As far as I can tell this group followed all laws and was legally protesting. Both the local and state governments did what they could to prevent their protest but, when the court ruled to allow the protest to take place, it appears that the state and local governments allowed the counter protest to form without requiring them to follow laws by registering etc, etc. Worse, it appears and seems very likely that the local and state governments worked with the police to structure the protest barricades to ensure that the white supremacist would be forced into the counter protesters. Simply, these government entities all but ensured violence would take place.
Secondly, it appears to me that the MSM is literally waging a propaganda campaign to portray this group as far more influential and violent than they are. While they overstate this groups influence, motives and effect they are working overtime to pretend that antifa, a group that has been violent repeatedly over many years is not as influential and violent as they actually are.
It horrifies me to think that we actually had local and state governments working together to create a violent and deadly situation rather than working to avoid one. And that the national media is working to distort the scope and affect of the white national movement across the country in order to create excuses for similar violence that occurred in August.
And shockingly, when people ignore them, like they've done for decades, the world goes on, and we see how insignificant they are. Of course, that doesn't advance the "conservatives are Nazis" narrative. So we need black-masked Antifa to show them we won't tolerate their hate.
Many of them would be leftys sent in to help with fundraising visuals for their own, true groups, the rest, FBI agents.
The organizer of the "White Nationalism" meeting, not Spencer, was an Obama fanboy and Occupy organizer. This was a setup.
The organizer of the "White Nationalism" meeting, not Spencer, was an Obama fanboy and Occupy organizer. This was a setup.
Maybe, maybe not. Maybe that previously left-wing guy just found a different outlet for his mania. It's not unheard of:
I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communist always will. ...
from Hitler Speaks (1940), compiled and/or fabricated by H. Rauschning
YH - great quote.
Another thought is who would like to build up so called Alt White, preferred term is Alt Retard, and Occupy?
And has been supporting this type stuff since the 30's, with a brief break in the 90's?
"The Charlottesville incident is being adjudicated by a kangaroo court."
Much like what happened to Allen Scarsella in MN, who was convicted of ridiculing a BLM protest against the rightful killing of black convicted armed robber and woman beater Jamar Clark, and defending his life when physically attacked by a mob of masked dindus. He's spending 15 years in prison for that.
I will concede you could be right about the guy.
Kessler has a mixed record.
The left wing sources consider him to be nothing but a "white supremacy" type.
Kessler, who has written for right-wing publications like The Daily Caller and the anti-immigration outlet VDARE, said that he is "pro-white" and wants to "stand up" for his people against "ethnic cleansing" by "liberal social policies." But he denied that he is a white supremacist.
Kessler, a Charlottesville resident, began his crusade to salvage the Robert E. Lee monument in late March when Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy first called for the statue to be removed. Kessler's campaign to unseat Bellamy, who is black, garnered national media attention — especially after Kessler unearthed vulgar and sexist tweets written by Bellamy between 2009-2012.
On the other hand, he was an Obama supporter and "Occupy" organizer.
Kessler said his transformation began when he grew angry about media coverage of police shootings involving black men and coverage of issues surrounding women’s healthcare and access to college:
I started to look outside of what sources were available in the mainstream, so I started looking into social media and so forth. Like a lot of people, I just changed my mind. People come from libertarianism, liberalism, whatever it is … it’s a mark of somebody who is an open-minded and free thinker, an intellectual person, that they’re able to take in information and process it an change their mind. People who are rigid and are not able to process new information and change their mind about things are really not very good thinkers or useful people.
I dunno.
It seems he was not only an "Occupy" type but a CNN commentator.
In 2015 Kessler described himself as a pro-abortion environmentalist non-interventionist pro-equality atheist, among other things.
So, with all of the information outlined above, it seems that a pro abortion environmentalist atheist Democrat Party supporting Occupy Wall Street activist suddenly became a right wing protester after Donald Trump became president in 2016.
That requires something of a hypothetical. It is well known how much the DEEP STATE despises POTUS Trump. Is it beyond the realm of possibility to consider Jason Kessler and others like him are actually DEEP STATE operatives working to further divide and conqueror America? Trump is a direct threat to that plan. Why not paint Trump with the broad strokes of racism, hatred and bigotry in order to further erode his millions strong base of support?
Maybe Kessler just wants to be Hitler ? Socialist to Fascist in one year.
Our identity matters. We are not going to stand by and allow people to tear down these symbols of our history and our people –
This nincompoop with whom you find common cause finds more to celebrate in the shenanigans of Jefferson Davis and Lee than in the European heritage of Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Washington, FDR or even non-European fellow Americans like Frederick Douglass.
Nice company you social perverts keep there.
The new westboro baptist church.
do these intrepid triggerers on the whole lend or drain energy to their victims?
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