Interesting news this afternoon. The President is signing an executive order to draft men and women back into the military that have left or retired.
They are specifically talking about pilots. The USAF alone is short 1500 pilots.
With the war in Korea, we will need a shit-load of cargo pilots and fighter pilots.
I don't have to worry though, so I thought, since I retired 24 years ago, can't pass a physical, and am blind in one eye. I've been told they need people to staff the re-training flight simulators and one eye is all you need.
The problem may be, that they will have pilots but no airplanes. Right now the Marines can't even field a squadron, as the planes are all broke.
I'm supplying the NYT link because I feel certain that Althouse is going to want to do 20 or so posts on O'Reilly, Eric Bolling (and his son's "unintended" death!?!), Ailes, etc., and I wanted to help her get started.
P.S. - I actually like much of Fox, and I am one of the most devoted viewers of Brett Baier's Special Report and Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. Perhaps the two best news hours on television. Tucker Carlson is interesting. Hannity is an embarrassment.
Chuck, it's seriously as if you, Mutaman and whoever else comes up with this sort of thing, are part of an organized attempt to disrupt and destroy this blog.
The 12:00am v. 12:00pm problem has bothered me since I was a kid. I still have to stop and think about it when I hear someone say something "12 o'clock AM". Something like "12:45am" is particularly silly.
I propose that we get rid of the 12, and go with 0 (zero), as computers do. Thus, 0:00am and 0:00pm. That would be easier to understand, just like the metric system.
Or we could go with 24-hour counting. But if we're going there, we should consider changing seconds, minutes, and hours to 10-based (or, better still, 8-based) systems. We could do the same with the metric system. A meter would be 64cm long; a liter, 1028ccs big.
There is a great new book out that pretty well explains the history of where The Professor Althouse's feminist point of view originated in America, about 80 years ago among the smart and educated women.
It's titled "Code Girls." Don't let the title throw you. It is very interesting because it is reality.
Chuck brings "politifact" to the table, the partisan fact-finding outfit who's primary mission is to bash Trump! Eisenhower played a lot of golf, and he got plenty of stuff done. Are you suggesting that Eisenhower was a bad president LLR Chuck?
I don't think anyone is suggesting that playing golf is a bad thing per se. I think all our seniors should get some exercise. It is the hypocrisy that is the issue.
I'm supplying the NYT link because I feel certain that Althouse is going to want to do 20 or so posts on O'Reilly, Eric Bolling (and his son's "unintended" death!?!), Ailes, etc., and I wanted to help her get started.
Two points you likely haven't considered Chuck. Fox moved them both out pretty darn quickly, without a lot of fanfare, as these things became known. If there was a conspiracy of silence for decades among hundreds, if not thousands of people, all of whom constantly lectured us on their utter dedication to feminism and women's rights in general, I haven't heard about it.
I don't watch Fox. On a national scale, in the total entertainment spectrum, compared to Hollywood, almost nobody does.
"I'm supplying the NYT link because I feel certain that Althouse is going to want to do 20 or so posts on O'Reilly, Eric Bolling (and his son's "unintended" death!?!), Ailes, etc., and I wanted to help her get started."
LLR is as phony as a three dollar bill. I usually limit my reading to his first comment on a particular post to get a flavor as to where his fertile mind is headed. I skip the rest of his comments. It's healthier. And it's saves time!!
tim, I am sort of with you. James Taranto of the WSJ, who is well known to Althouse as she is to him (mutual admiration, to a great extent, deservedly both ways) is a harsh critic of Politifact. I am too, quite often.
But the criticism goes to Politifact when one of their contributors just writes what ought to be regarded as an ordinary opinion column and cloaks it as "fact checking."
Now, tim; what did Politifact get wrong in simply counting the number of times each president played golf at equal points in their presidencies? I mean, other than a bland smear of Politifact based on name alone, what exactly is wrong with their count?
And I am not making any judgments about how much golf is the right amount, and how much is too much. That judgment was made by Trump. Trump said the "Obama" amount of golf was too much. And now Trump has played more. You explain the Trump view of that. Trump wasn't talking about Eisenhower. Trump was talking about Obama.
So ARM, the president should attend all military funerals now? That really is the implication of your comment. It’s the only way he can show his condolences were sincere is your implication.
In her and in his fields he had deposited his seed. There was another power which gave them life and made them both grow. He had partaken in the mystery of creation, yet he did not know what it was.
We are all images of one great shape, obeying its same laws.
Occasionally he slept alone outside. He could hardly go to sleep sometimes, so exquisite was the feeling that possessed him. The yellow moon low over the desert, the stars twinkling above the tips of the high ridge pines, the fire-flies, the far-off throb of a drum, the silence, the tragic, soundless rushing of the great world through time — it caught at his breath, his heart.
His resentment against injustice left him, his bitterness, his sullen anger. Life was more than what he saw, heard and sensed. It extended beyond the visible, the audible, the sensory limits. Whenever he went down to the pueblo he was very careful — and cautioned Flowers Playing to be, likewise — of looking with scorn at an old woman’s harelip or twisted feet, a man’s odd eye or anyone’s physical defect lest as prospective parents their own child be born that way. He advised her never to use a knife in water lest her own child be cut in its prenatal lake. The moon in eclipse eats a child and so retards its growth, so he gave her a stone arrowhead to carry for protection.
Since when have you cared about hypocrisy? Just today you write about how Trump, in just these past few months, elevated Putin to a world player, and talked about how Trump is Putin's lickspittle lackey, yet you don't give a flying fuck about Obama's, and SoS Clinton's role in a foreign policy over the past eight years that has actually led to that result. You don't give a flying fuck about Clinton's destruction of records of meetings and emails as SoS who took hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign donors, including huge tranches of money from Putin associates. None of that bothers you, but Trump once said something that could be construed as nice about Putin, and OMG, "Emergency! Emergency! Everybody to get from street!"
Sean Hannity invited him right back on as a guest on his TrumpShow.
LOL, a paid guest? I don't know, I never could stand Hannity, he's sort of an idiot, but he always seemed certain he was right when I did watch him, and was always outraged, kind of like you Chuck! Maybe, as an LLR, they will give you his show!
Oh, I get it Chuck, you were under the impression that Trump was going to be perfect, and now you are disappointed in him! Well, I let the small stuff roll off my back and think about the big stuff. If he orchestrates a coverup of these recent events in Niger, and blames irrelevancies and puts somebody in jail who made a movie on YouTube as part of the coverup, I will condemn him for that, but just like in Benghazi, shit happens, Its the lying and the coverup that were reprehensible.
When you catch Trump being dishonest about the big stuff, you let me know. Plus you tell me about the plan to get somebody who is better for the Republican Party and who can win in traditionally blue states.
I never for a second expected Trump to be perfect. As I said here many times, I threw up in my mouth a little voting for him. but the other choice was Hillary Chuck!
As far as I can tell Putin is the only foreign leader that Obama actively hated. Merkel, who started off at least neutral, also hates him. This share hatred lead to greatly improved relations between Germany and the US for a period.
'm not "minimizing" Weinstein. I'm just not ignoring O'Reilly as studiously as TrumpWorld is.
Are you suggesting that there are dozens of women holding their tongue on further members of Fox News who have committed this kind of act, the way we know that there are dozens of women in Hollywood who still aren't naming names of persons not named Harvey Weinstein? It seems like the Fox News stuff is over and done, while dozens of women have made it clear that Hollywood still has a deep problem. Am I wrong here?
O'Reilly was a blowhard too, BTW, I never could figure out why anybody watched either of them.
tim, like you I also voted for Trump. I hated doing it, but he was the least-worst option.
I hope it is the last time I ever have to do that.
And nothing is going to stop me from saying what I think of Trump. You want to hear me say something nice about Trump? He's not as awful as Hillary would have been. There. I said it. Now, back to the present; Trump is an ignorant, disgusting, dishonest, sociopath.
Putin is the only foreign leader that Obama actively hated.
Well he was lousy at turning that "hatred" into an effective foreign policy, and you would think that when his FBI, headed by the guy at the time who is now investigating Trump for collusion with the Russians, an exercise that seems mostly focused on catching people in perjury traps, when Obama's FBI caught Putin corrupting the US political system, as they did, that maybe he would have made a bigger deal out of it and killed the Uranium One deal in retribution. That's what somebody who hated Putin might have done.
But what did we actually, publicly hear from Obama? "The 1980s called, and they want their foreign policy back!", "Tell Putin that I can be more flexible after the election!" and he fumbled Syria right into Putin's loving arms, while at the same time, overthrowing Khadaffy as an object lesson to other Arab leaders that the US can't be relied on, or even trusted a little bit.
I just don't know what form this "hatred" of Putin took. My thought is probably it took the form of talking points whispered to the press trying to put lipstick on the pig of his foreign policy failures.
It seems like the Fox News stuff is over and done, while dozens of women have made it clear that Hollywood still has a deep problem. Am I wrong here?
I don't know. But if later this week Rachel Maddow invited ol' Harvey onto her show, to smoke and joke about good times and how much they miss him on the political scene (as Trump monkey butler Sean Hannity did with O'Reilly) what would the world rightly say about Maddow?
"Hypocrite"? "Joke"? "Hyper-partisan"? "Monster"? All of the above?
Weinstein's progress is the product of social liberalism (e.g. Pro-Choice). O'Reilly's accountability is the product of religious/moral principles. That said, principles engender, but do not determine outcomes. That is, principles establish a normal distribution of behaviors, or in an inertial frame of reference, liberalism is analogous to momentum, and religion/morality is analogous to inertia.
If you can get an upgrade in Hannity's slot as big as Tucker Carlson has been in O'Reilly's, knock yourself out! I would like to see Rush in that spot. He is obviously slowing down, he has interesting stuff to say, but not fifteen hours a week's worth, anymore.
I never liked O'Reilly but he sometimes had stories that the MCSM ignored.
My left wing daughter gave me his "Killing Lincoln" book for Christmas thinking, of course, that I had to be a big fan. I wrote a review on Amazon pointing out numerous flaws, such as the Oval Office was built by Teddy Roosevelt, and had O'Reilly fans attacking me for a year after.
n.n said... Weinstein's progress is the product of social liberalism (e.g. Pro-Choice). O'Reilly's accountability is the product of religious/moral principles. That said, principles engender, but do not determine outcomes. That is, principles establish a normal distribution of behaviors, or in an inertial frame of reference, liberalism is analogous to momentum, and religion/morality is analogous to inertia.
Bad Lieutenant said... "You know where I got all of that, right?"
10/21/17, 6:03 PM
From the Alinsky wing of the DNC library.
You might rightly think so. It sounds totally nuts. So it will make sense, when I say that it was PRACTICALLY VERBATIM drawn from this Donald Trump interview with Meredith Viera:
"The AFC-West battle that saw the Oakland Raiders eek out a victory over the Kansas City Chiefs 31-30"
I think I'm seeing more and more individuals and groups "eek out" a victory. Isn't the word "eke"? Wonder what the OED has to say? Still "eek out" with its faint aromas of "squeak through" and "shriek" and "eek, a mouse" is a good word in a way. But when I see the win of mighty football warriors associated with "squeak", "eek, a mouse" and "shriek" and it makes the win seem sort of silly to this sensitive literary person.
Last January, six months after Fox News ousted its chairman amid a sexual harassment scandal, the network’s top-rated host at the time, Bill O’Reilly, struck a $32 million agreement with a longtime network analyst to settle new sexual harassment allegations, according to two people briefed on the matter — an extraordinarily large amount for such cases. Although the deal has not been previously made public, the network’s parent company, 21st Century Fox, acknowledges that it was aware of the woman’s complaints about Mr. O’Reilly. They included allegations of repeated harassment, a nonconsensual sexual relationship and the sending of gay pornography and...
I don't remember covering this back in July, but the David Daleiden contempt-of-court case is interesting for pro-lifers, free speakers, and lawyers.
Daleiden is the journalist who did all those undercover videos of Planned Parenthood executives talking about killing babies for their next Ferrari. The state of California is seeking criminal charges for "recording people without their permission" which apparently is a crime in California. That over-broad criminal statute strikes me as a serious abridgment of the First Amendment, at least in this case. Are you punishing 60 Minutes for this shit, or just Republicans?
Here is the LA Times, denouncing the felony charges. Of course the newspaper simultaneously attacks the journalists, and says some dishonest stuff too. ("Daleiden describes the effort as journalism, although his methods were decidedly not those employed by respectable reporters.") Because 60 Minutes and 20/20 undercover reporting isn't a thing!
Anyway, when you have a leftist, pro-choice newspaper saying these criminal charges are "disturbingly aggressive" and "misplaced," you should have a sense of how bad the original criminal complaint is. California Attorney General Xaiver Becerra is a bigot who is violating his oath of office to try to send journalists to prison for recording Planned Parenthood officials who are talking about infanticide and selling baby-parts. They are ashamed of what they said! And they want to cover it up! And Becerra, the facist fuckwit, has decided his personal path to power is to declare war on pro-lifers in the state of California.
What should happen at this point is that a federal judge should step in and smack the over-aggressive state prosecutors, who have over-reached using an over-broad state statute, and that federal judge should defend the First Amendment. He's sworn an oath to do it. Classic First Amendment case. Just imagine some racist prosecutors in Alabama trying to punish undercover reporters who record state officials joking about lynching people. That would be a historical analogy. The federal guys protect the free speech clause. That's what you do.
Unless it's abortion. In which case the federal judge steps in, not to protect the First Amendment rights of these journalists. The federal judge steps in to issue a prior restraint, trying to keep the videos from the public. It's now a federal crime, according to William Orrick, to release these videos to the American people. Richard Nixon is not available for comment.
Of course the 9th circuit refused to intervene. But we can count on Anthony Kennedy to uphold the First Amendment, right? Anthony Kennedy will step in and correct the problem.
Oh, no, sorry, Kennedy himself is implicated in the violence in Planned Parenthood clinics. This is government-approved violence! Revealing the truth of it makes Anthony Kennedy look bad. So he will not be stepping in and enforcing the First Amendment.
Maybe the whole Supreme Court will step in and do the right thing. Unlikely, I would think, as that Court is as deeply implicated as Anthony Kennedy. But hope springs eternal.
It would be nice to see how the ACLU comes down on this. I mean, they protect Nazis. But pro-lifers? No way! You google David Daleiden and ACLU and you come up with nothing. You google David Daleiden and Ann Althouse and you come up with nothing.
I'm pretty sure it was it the news. But not a single ACLU guy or gal wants to opine? On a prior restraint?
Following some of these comments -- regarding comparisons of Trump to Weinstein, O'Reilly, etc. -- the WaPo has a new story interviewing women who have accused Trump of groping and who wonder why aren't our accusations being taken as seriously (or have impact on par with) the Weinstein accusations.
And the WaPo comments section is dominated by comments that say what Trump did is worse than what Bill Clinton did. (Sometimes by arguing that Bill Clinton didn't really do anything except in the case of Lewinsky which was consensual, and sometimes arguing that even if he was a womanizer, it wasn't as bad as what Trump did because what Trump did was unwelcome in the event, and what Clinton did became unwelcome only in retrospect.) I welcome criticism on this point -- that I am not correctly characterizing the voices of those who support Bill Clinton but condemn Donald Trump.
But I wish this crowd would promulgate a consistent set of principles by which Bill Clinton is worthy of remaining as President and Donald Trump (based on sexual issues alone) is not worthy of remaining as President. (So arguments such as "trump owns a hotel, therefore should not be President" or "Trump is a racist, therefore should not be President" are irrelevant to this discussion. This discussion is directly solely at the argument made by the Washington Post article -- that Trump should suffer consequences (removal from office) commensurate with the consequences (loss of job) suffered by Weinstein.
What would that consistent set of principles look like?
What would that consistent set of principles look like?
A, I know that's a rhetorical question. B, If you start by ignoring the five contemporaneous witnesses that Broaddrick has, for example, and her own testimony, any of which could go to prison for lying to federal investigators, including the woman who found her in that hotel room with torn clothes and bleeding, and ignoring the fact that Clinton could easily have proven he was elsewhere, but he didn't even deny Broaddrick's charges, and if you claim that Kathleen Wily was a liar, even though she could go to prison for lying, when she said that Bill literally grabbed her by the pussy. Well, whatever "consistent principles" that Democrats come up with aren't worth anything.
What a glorious final day of nice weather here in Wisconsin. I raked leaves, cut the grass, moved stuff from the ground to pots in anticipation of freezing temperatures, washed windows and screens, then went for a long walk. Now I'm working on some classes.
I plan sleep like the dead tonight.
BTW -- the morning buns at that bakery at the beltline and Midvale -- the same shopping center where James J used to be, and where Dorn True Value is -- are excellent.
After the shootdown of the Malaysian airliner, Obama did impose some minor sanctions. Erdogam was reputedly his favorite leader, netanyahu his most despised, although lobo and micheletti in Honduras are near the top.
Killing Patton was pretty mad, but his one about the pacific war, didn't have abynmajor errors, that I could tell.
My question is: even accepting the view of facts of the Clinton defenders, what is the consistent set of principles. If we spend all the time arguing about the facts, we never get to that question.
As to what is the view of facts by Clinton defenders, here's a comment (among the most thoughtful) at the washington post article (the following is a quote from the article referenced above, by commenter "originalfoo" at (about) 7:30 pm Saturday October 21, and does not reflect my personal opinions).
"Only ONE of Bill Clinton's accusers ever received a settlement from him: Paula Jones. This was after almost 4 years of lawsuits, the prior two being thrown out for lack of evidence, and the last one being bankrolled by the GOP itself (several major GOP donors bankrolled this particular suit). The ongoing legal costs for Clinton to defend against them were far in excess of the $850k he paid out.
In short, Jone's suit has all the fingerprints of a lawsuit Troll: bankrolled by deep pockets far larger than the opponent, not able to produce any evidence other than the testimony of the supposed victim, a very clear troll motive (political smear), and an excuse to trawl through the accused's background via "discovery" looking for dirt (which is why the lie over Monica eventually occurred - irrelevant to the Jones' case, but a big payoff for the bankrolling political folks).
Every single other accuser of Clinton never even bothered to file a civil suit, let alone a criminal case, and exactly one (Juanita Broaddrick) actually ever filed a police report, which she later retracted, and then denied under oath that anything criminal happened. No other woman made any police report, and none testified on Jones' behalf.
In short, the evidence is pretty clear that Bill Clinton was a cad and a serial philanderer/adulterer. However, the evidence that he committed sexual assault is EXTREMELY dubious; so much so, that using Clinton as an example of a "abuser who got away" is harmful to any attempt to to advance the cause of curtailing sexual abuse. From the statements of his supposed victims, it seem quite clear that they were quite happy to cheat with Bill, or at least were flattered into sex; neither of which is assault in any shape."
Slow day at the New Yorker - only 5 articles in the Daily Email are Trump-hating although I didn't read the Weinstein article and they probably managed to feature him in it as well.
"[Democrats] still formally favor enforcement of immigration laws, but rhetorically, they keep signaling the opposite. Here is Dylan Matthews, also in Vox, expressing the emerging liberal consensus: “Personally, I think any center-left party worth its salt has to be deeply committed to egalitarianism, not just for people born in the U.S. but for everyone … It means treating people born outside the U.S. as equals … And it means a strong presumption in favor of open immigration.” Here’s Zack Beauchamp, a liberal friend of mine: “What if I told you that immigration restrictionism is and always has been racist?” Borders themselves are racist? Seriously?
The entire concept of a nation whose citizens solely determine its future — the core foundation for any viable democracy at all — is now deemed by many left-liberals to be a function of bigotry. This is the kind of madness that could keep them from power indefinitely."
The Jones lawsuit arose out of the David brock piece in the spectator, of course Clinton had pushed to make such charges of hatassment admissible, katbeine Wiley was quite reluctant, at the time of the attack on broderick Clinton wee atty general, soon to be governor, try to challenge that mountain. Nice attempt at evasion.
OK Chuck, Trump is a lying weasel with no morals who plays too much golf. Oh yeah, and he is an idiot. Is it all better now?
Meanwhile, illegal immigration is down, conservative justices are being appointed, we are finally getting a peek at voter role problems, inequalities in trade deals are being examined, China is taking an active role to solve the NK problem, budgets are being written, Title abuses are being addressed, consumer confidence is up, the EPA is being reigned in, etc, etc, etc.
The daily mailnis an odd artifact, it leans right on some issues in the UK, like law and order and against the skydragon consensus. But it swallows the whole enchilada about race issues in the states, also borrows liberally from the inquirer.
Paco Wove at 7:44 raises an interesting point. It is (in some circles) accepted without comment that Trump, or Trump supporters are racists (or white supremicists) because they support restrictions on immigration (that would restrict migration by non-white Mexicans, presumably). Andrew Sullivan (cited by Paco Wove) quotes a friend saying "mmigration restrictionism is and always has been racist?” I think people crying "racist" need to be called out on t his: can a person be opposed to open borders and not be racist?
The Consitution doesn't address being drafted as a prerequisite for the presidency, but it does mention circumstances of birth. Another false comparative from Rachel Maddow's biggest fan.
Take Joe Mcguinness, a creepy stalker thata major publisher had stake outvthevhuntress's house and just spread lies, it was identified that the publisher theybwere lies but published anyways.
Meanwhile you noticed how little fact they have been able to dig up in Niger, almostvthree weeks later.
Blogger pacwest said... OK Chuck, Trump is a lying weasel with no morals who plays too much golf. Oh yeah, and he is an idiot. Is it all better now?
Meanwhile, illegal immigration is down, conservative justices are being appointed, we are finally getting a peek at voter role problems, inequalities in trade deals are being examined, China is taking an active role to solve the NK problem, budgets are being written, Title abuses are being addressed, consumer confidence is up, the EPA is being reigned in, etc, etc, etc.
But that lying sonofabitch Trump. Jesus.
And best of all, Steve Bannin got fired! The Achievement of the Year.
There's a NY ham contest, a SD ham contest and a Germany ham contest. I got 28 NYs, 1 SD and 3 Germans.
The Germans are serious competitors, up at 3am their time, calling, calling, calling, just now.
Also Barbados but no contest for that. Odd call sign, 8p9rn. When I was a kid the only calls starting with a number were 4x4 (Israel) and 9s4 (Saarland). Now they're all over.
The trouble with, like, the NY contest is that you soon work all the stations on the band, and spend all your listening time finding you've already worked this guy. The best tactic is scan the band once working all the new stations, then watch a DVD and repeat the scan again afterwards.
Midnight as 12 AM is easy because it is before noon (come on, its midnight - obviously it is before noon - and that is what ante meridionem means!). Noon as 12 PM is not that easy to conceptualize (it is not really post-noon because it is, in fact, noon) so I just memorize it and try not to figure it out. As for daylight savings time is a bureaucratic non-intuitive disaster, nobody really understands it. BTW who knew: Roger McGuinn has been an evangelical Christian since, like, the 1970s. I listen to a lot of Christian music ( I particularly like the singing groups with both male and female vocalists in them, that is not something you get much of outside of Christian music, at least not since the Fifth Dimension and Fleetwood Mac stopped touring) and I never once heard a Roger McGuinn worship song on Christian radio. So I was surprised to hear about his (and his wife's) heartfelt conversion. Well, good for him, and all these years I have been resenting the overplayed nature of the Byrds' 2 or 3 biggest songs on AM radio (nothing to do with their non-top 40 songs, of course....), not knowing he was probably singing hymns of praise every Sunday. You learn something new every day.
Obama was so active in his hatred for Putin that he sold Russia 20% of our uranium. My guess is that Putin will now resell the uranium to the highest bidder in order to prop up an economically failing, corrupt Russia. Perhaps Iran … all those warehouse pallets of cash that Obama gave Iran must be burning a hole in the mullahs’ pockets.
These urban legends become set in concrete, he didn't provide lethal assistance to Ukraine after the incursion in the donbass only food rations, the following the for head if rat has murdered in dc, something that hadn't happened to a defector since krivitskynin the 40s, no investigation.
That's what the American side of the latest deal was aabout.It was headed by a for south Africa diplomat, rod disk, who was their nuclear expert in thecforeign ministry, his computer got wiped after he died hence no further investigation.
Amazing Ted Talk with Cassie Jaye. (Thanks to Instapundit for the link).
This is a feminist who wanted to do a documentary about the men's right movement, to expose their bigotry and misogyny and how much they hated women. That's the movie she wanted to make. But that's not how it turned out.
Outstanding talk. She impresses the hell out of me.
Races brother, a guest star on Johnny quest, he is strongly pro capitalist a string public Christian and pro Israel, I'm nit confident his replacement us affirmative on either side.
That's seconds since Jan 1 1970 or some such date. I think they ignore leap seconds.
I think it rolls over in the late 2030s or something, which will be another y2k.
Also informally called "epoch" time with 1 Jan 1970 being "the epoch". The problem you mention happens, in theory, at January 19, 2038 03:14:07 GMT. I say in theory because it is only a problem on computers using 32-bit integers to count the accumulating seconds. Today most use 64-bits, and by 2038 we will no more worry about the few remaining 32-bit machines than we worried that eleminating leaded gas was bad for the few remaining Model-Ts on the road.
The Red Pill is very interesting. It's rare to see a documentary that shows someone questioning their assumptions. Most are exercises in confirmation bias. I don’t generally really trust documentaries, because editing is so powerful a tool, and I don’t entirely trust this one, but I recommend seeing it.
I was reading about the anti-cop posts the daughter of her mothers coffee shop posted. It was quite a tirade. The daughter was the manager. Obviously mom, who owned the place, couldn't afford to hire a real manager, and sure enough, the fake manager fucked her in the ass.
She had to close the shop because of death threats and lack of customers.
The place (in Lynn, Massachusetts) opened-up with some weird shit on the window. There was a Nazi symbol with a circle and a red line, signifying that no Nazi's were allowed. It's called the "White Rose" after the anti-Nazi movement from Germany. A sign above it said "Nationalists Not Welcome".
The real stupid part, is they opened the place just down the road from Dunkin Donuts which has better parking.
The epiphany, as it is, should be that men and women are equal and complementary. That is, while our evolutionary track is highly correlated, we follow the same moral, spiritual, legal path, or should.
The Red Pill is very interesting. It's rare to see a documentary that shows someone questioning their assumptions. Most are exercises in confirmation bias. I don’t generally really trust documentaries, because editing is so powerful a tool, and I don’t entirely trust this one, but I recommend seeing it.
They lost me at circumcision.
Really powerful doc, though.
In particular I was struck by the domestic violence statistics, and how the shelters are women-only.
Men are bigger and stronger (on average) and can do more violence. That's probably why the shelters are so skewed for women.
But it is a raw deal. If your women is violent towards you, you can either hit her back (and go to jail) or not hit her (and go to the hospital).
The reproductive stuff I already knew. A lot of the inequality deals with family issues and all of that stuff flows out of Roe v. Wade.
Weird how the feminists were so obsessed with money and so oblivious to all the family inequalities. The feminists in the doc seemed really out of it, ignorant. The MRAs are very aware of feminist arguments and statistics, but not vice versa. Part of the power of the movie was how ignorant the feminists were.
St. Croix, the David Daledin vicious attacks began shortly after the release of some of his tapes with a phone call from Cecile Richards to John Podesta, asking him to "help." Podesta called the then AG of California, Kamala Harris, and voila!, suddenly the poor kid has the corrupt wrath of Californa officials after him. And it continues.
California now rivals Chicago in its corruption. Sad.
Actually ever filed a police report, which she later retracted, and then denied under oath that anything criminal happened.
If by "thoughtful," you mean misrepresenting the facts, then sure, whatever. Broaddrick did initially deny anything happened to authorities, but she told five of her friends at the time that something did happen. She changed her story when she was questioned by federal investigators. You know, the people who sent Scooter Libby to jail for lying to them? Those Federal authorities? I am sure that her lawyers at that time advised her to be truthful. So we have five witnesses, one of whom actually discovered her in the hotel room crying, bleeding, and with torn clothes. That witness could also go to prison for lying about it, just like Juanita and all of the others.
Here is detail from Slate. Did your "reasonable commenter" from the WaPo address all of these witnesses or pretend that they did not exist?
Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.) She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges.
Five people say Broaddrick told them about the rape immediately after it occurred. A friend and co-worker named Norma Kelsey says that, 21 years ago, she found a dazed Broaddrick with bloodied lip and torn pantyhose in their shared hotel room and Broaddrick explained that Clinton had just raped her. (Clinton is supposed to have bitten her on the lip just before raping her.) Her current husband--then her lover--says Broaddrick told him about the rape within a few days of the event. Broaddrick was, at the time, married to another man, whom she didn't tell about the assault. And three of Broaddrick's friends--one of whom is Kelsey's sister--say she told them about the rape shortly after it supposedly occurred. - Slate
Broaddrick's behavior sounds a lot like the behavior of a woman raped by a powerful man, as we have seen time after time. I wonder if the WaPo commenter considers himself a feminist?
From the statements of his supposed victims, it seem quite clear that they were quite happy to cheat with Bill, or at least were flattered into sex; neither of which is assault in any shape."
Yes, Bill's victims were all sluts! "Nuts and sluts" Does that sound right to you? Does it sound like he is "reasonable"? Does it sound like he is accounting for all of the facts? Or does it sound like so much victim bashing?
The epiphany, as it is, should be that men and women are equal and complementary.
It's why she stopped calling herself a feminist. And she's not a men's rights activist, either. She's more like a humanist now--liking all people--which is the way we all should be.
Feminism is currently denying the humanity of one class of human beings (unborn babies) and demonizing another class of human beings (men).
The rise of the men's rights movement is important, but also unfortunate. It's important because there is a huge, organized group that is fighting political battles on behalf of women. And they dominate the mainstream media. So, for instance, you hear about "violence against women" as if that's somehow worse than violence against men or violence against babies. Why are women the superior class?
I don't enjoy these fights or want to go down this road. Most of the men in the doc seemed miserable. I'd rather find a nice woman and be happy. I like sex but by God I hate gender politics.
Weinstein is up to 6 accused sexual assaults. May be some police investigations. 33 accusers.
OReilly hush money was $32 million. Weinstein only paid out $100k per settlement, but offered a $6 million book deal to Rose to say nice things.
Both people acted like pigs, but Weinstein seemed to have a lot more victims. My guess at least into the hundreds. Many accepting it as the price to get ahead in Hollywood. I’m amazed so many came forward.
If you're not going to have a plot, explosions are needed.
There is a plot in Blade Runner, it's just not a rom com plot! It's more like the plot of Apocalypse Now, where the hero dives deeper and deeper into the darkness, though I am not sure that the hero was redeemed in AN, can't remember the ending.
St. Croix, regarding the ACLU, you should read Wendy Kaminer's book on them, she was an insider. It's a great read.
As I posted once before, I was a card-carrying ACLU member for a while in the 1960's and found that many of the leadership were Communists. Capital C. That didn't really bother me at the time....
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Interesting news this afternoon. The President is signing an executive order to draft men and women back into the military that have left or retired.
They are specifically talking about pilots. The USAF alone is short 1500 pilots.
With the war in Korea, we will need a shit-load of cargo pilots and fighter pilots.
I don't have to worry though, so I thought, since I retired 24 years ago, can't pass a physical, and am blind in one eye. I've been told they need people to staff the re-training flight simulators and one eye is all you need.
The problem may be, that they will have pilots but no airplanes. Right now the Marines can't even field a squadron, as the planes are all broke.
The problem may be, that they will have pilots but no airplanes. Right now the Marines can't even field a squadron, as the planes are all broke.
Thanks, Obama!
This is the work of the sequestration that the Democrats thought would force the GOP to go along with spending a few more trillion.
I don't know which is worse. The left does not like soldiers unless they are dead.
The Bill O'Reilly scandal(s), growing like the Weinstein scandals:
I'm supplying the NYT link because I feel certain that Althouse is going to want to do 20 or so posts on O'Reilly, Eric Bolling (and his son's "unintended" death!?!), Ailes, etc., and I wanted to help her get started.
P.S. - I actually like much of Fox, and I am one of the most devoted viewers of Brett Baier's Special Report and Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. Perhaps the two best news hours on television. Tucker Carlson is interesting. Hannity is an embarrassment.
Chuck, it's seriously as if you, Mutaman and whoever else comes up with this sort of thing, are part of an organized attempt to disrupt and destroy this blog.
The 12:00am v. 12:00pm problem has bothered me since I was a kid. I still have to stop and think about it when I hear someone say something "12 o'clock AM". Something like "12:45am" is particularly silly.
I propose that we get rid of the 12, and go with 0 (zero), as computers do. Thus, 0:00am and 0:00pm. That would be easier to understand, just like the metric system.
Or we could go with 24-hour counting. But if we're going there, we should consider changing seconds, minutes, and hours to 10-based (or, better still, 8-based) systems. We could do the same with the metric system. A meter would be 64cm long; a liter, 1028ccs big.
There is a great new book out that pretty well explains the history of where The Professor Althouse's feminist point of view originated in America, about 80 years ago among the smart and educated women.
It's titled "Code Girls." Don't let the title throw you. It is very interesting because it is reality.
Current headline at the Daily Mail:
Pregnant wife of slain soldier at center of condolence call row kisses his coffin during emotional funeral attended by 'wacky' congresswoman feuding with Trump (who hits the golf course)
I mean, who doesn't enjoy a game of golf?
Well, at least he's not playing golf like Obama did:
I'm thinkin' that with all the golf this month, Trump is actually going to stretch his golfing lead:
So transparent Chuck. Weinstein is the echt Clinton backer, so you need to bang on about O'Reilly, a Trump guy. What's the word I want? Oh yes — sad.
Chuck brings "politifact" to the table, the partisan fact-finding outfit who's primary mission is to bash Trump! Eisenhower played a lot of golf, and he got plenty of stuff done. Are you suggesting that Eisenhower was a bad president LLR Chuck?
I don't think anyone is suggesting that playing golf is a bad thing per se. I think all our seniors should get some exercise. It is the hypocrisy that is the issue.
Etienne asserts: Right now the Marines can't even field a squadron, as the planes are all broke.
The ones the Marine Air Corps fly over my house every day don't sound 'broke'. The F-18s and F-35s sound downright awesome!
I'm supplying the NYT link because I feel certain that Althouse is going to want to do 20 or so posts on O'Reilly, Eric Bolling (and his son's "unintended" death!?!), Ailes, etc., and I wanted to help her get started.
Two points you likely haven't considered Chuck. Fox moved them both out pretty darn quickly, without a lot of fanfare, as these things became known.
If there was a conspiracy of silence for decades among hundreds, if not thousands of people, all of whom constantly lectured us on their utter dedication to feminism and women's rights in general, I haven't heard about it.
I don't watch Fox. On a national scale, in the total entertainment spectrum, compared to Hollywood, almost nobody does.
"I'm supplying the NYT link because I feel certain that Althouse is going to want to do 20 or so posts on O'Reilly, Eric Bolling (and his son's "unintended" death!?!), Ailes, etc., and I wanted to help her get started."
LLR is as phony as a three dollar bill. I usually limit my reading to his first comment on a particular post to get a flavor as to where his fertile mind is headed. I skip the rest of his comments. It's healthier. And it's saves time!!
tim, I am sort of with you. James Taranto of the WSJ, who is well known to Althouse as she is to him (mutual admiration, to a great extent, deservedly both ways) is a harsh critic of Politifact. I am too, quite often.
But the criticism goes to Politifact when one of their contributors just writes what ought to be regarded as an ordinary opinion column and cloaks it as "fact checking."
Now, tim; what did Politifact get wrong in simply counting the number of times each president played golf at equal points in their presidencies? I mean, other than a bland smear of Politifact based on name alone, what exactly is wrong with their count?
And I am not making any judgments about how much golf is the right amount, and how much is too much. That judgment was made by Trump. Trump said the "Obama" amount of golf was too much. And now Trump has played more. You explain the Trump view of that. Trump wasn't talking about Eisenhower. Trump was talking about Obama.
So ARM, the president should attend all military funerals now? That really is the implication of your comment. It’s the only way he can show his condolences were sincere is your implication.
Two points you likely haven't considered Chuck. Fox moved them both out pretty darn quickly, without a lot of fanfare, as these things became known.
And with O'Reilly expelled, what happened? Sean Hannity invited him right back on as a guest on his TrumpShow.
In her and in his fields he had deposited his seed. There was another power which gave them life and made them both grow. He had partaken in the mystery of creation, yet he did not know what it was.
We are all images of one great shape, obeying its same laws.
Occasionally he slept alone outside. He could hardly go to sleep sometimes, so exquisite was the feeling that possessed him. The yellow moon low over the desert, the stars twinkling above the tips of the high ridge pines, the fire-flies, the far-off throb of a drum, the silence, the tragic, soundless rushing of the great world through time — it caught at his breath, his heart.
His resentment against injustice left him, his bitterness, his sullen anger. Life was more than what he saw, heard and sensed. It extended beyond the visible, the audible, the sensory limits. Whenever he went down to the pueblo he was very careful — and cautioned Flowers Playing to be, likewise — of looking with scorn at an old woman’s harelip or twisted feet, a man’s odd eye or anyone’s physical defect lest as prospective parents their own child be born that way. He advised her never to use a knife in water lest her own child be cut in its prenatal lake. The moon in eclipse eats a child and so retards its growth, so he gave her a stone arrowhead to carry for protection.
Yes he keeps hitting new lows. Now the tu quoque minimizing of Harvey Weinstein because Weinstein is so prominently linked to Clinton.
It is the hypocrisy that is the issue.
Since when have you cared about hypocrisy? Just today you write about how Trump, in just these past few months, elevated Putin to a world player, and talked about how Trump is Putin's lickspittle lackey, yet you don't give a flying fuck about Obama's, and SoS Clinton's role in a foreign policy over the past eight years that has actually led to that result. You don't give a flying fuck about Clinton's destruction of records of meetings and emails as SoS who took hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign donors, including huge tranches of money from Putin associates. None of that bothers you, but Trump once said something that could be construed as nice about Putin, and OMG, "Emergency! Emergency! Everybody to get from street!"
Michael K said...
The left does not like soldiers unless they are dead.
Not true! Neither Bergdahl nor Manning are dead.
Yes he keeps hitting new lows. Now the tu quoque minimizing of Harvey Weinstein because Weinstein is so prominently linked to Clinton.
Chuck has tipped his hand much too often to ever be taken seriously as a LLR. Or any kind of R.
Sean Hannity invited him right back on as a guest on his TrumpShow.
LOL, a paid guest? I don't know, I never could stand Hannity, he's sort of an idiot, but he always seemed certain he was right when I did watch him, and was always outraged, kind of like you Chuck! Maybe, as an LLR, they will give you his show!
I'm not "minimizing" Weinstein. I'm just not ignoring O'Reilly as studiously as TrumpWorld is.
Oh, I get it Chuck, you were under the impression that Trump was going to be perfect, and now you are disappointed in him! Well, I let the small stuff roll off my back and think about the big stuff. If he orchestrates a coverup of these recent events in Niger, and blames irrelevancies and puts somebody in jail who made a movie on YouTube as part of the coverup, I will condemn him for that, but just like in Benghazi, shit happens, Its the lying and the coverup that were reprehensible.
When you catch Trump being dishonest about the big stuff, you let me know. Plus you tell me about the plan to get somebody who is better for the Republican Party and who can win in traditionally blue states.
I never for a second expected Trump to be perfect. As I said here many times, I threw up in my mouth a little voting for him. but the other choice was Hillary Chuck!
tim in vermont said...
As far as I can tell Putin is the only foreign leader that Obama actively hated. Merkel, who started off at least neutral, also hates him. This share hatred lead to greatly improved relations between Germany and the US for a period.
'm not "minimizing" Weinstein. I'm just not ignoring O'Reilly as studiously as TrumpWorld is.
Are you suggesting that there are dozens of women holding their tongue on further members of Fox News who have committed this kind of act, the way we know that there are dozens of women in Hollywood who still aren't naming names of persons not named Harvey Weinstein? It seems like the Fox News stuff is over and done, while dozens of women have made it clear that Hollywood still has a deep problem. Am I wrong here?
O'Reilly was a blowhard too, BTW, I never could figure out why anybody watched either of them.
tim, like you I also voted for Trump. I hated doing it, but he was the least-worst option.
I hope it is the last time I ever have to do that.
And nothing is going to stop me from saying what I think of Trump. You want to hear me say something nice about Trump? He's not as awful as Hillary would have been. There. I said it. Now, back to the present; Trump is an ignorant, disgusting, dishonest, sociopath.
Blogger Chuck said..."I'm not "minimizing" Weinstein. I'm just not ignoring O'Reilly as studiously as TrumpWorld is."
I'm struggling to understand your point. Are you of the opinion that O'Reilly is some kind of conservative or Republican?
Putin is the only foreign leader that Obama actively hated.
Well he was lousy at turning that "hatred" into an effective foreign policy, and you would think that when his FBI, headed by the guy at the time who is now investigating Trump for collusion with the Russians, an exercise that seems mostly focused on catching people in perjury traps, when Obama's FBI caught Putin corrupting the US political system, as they did, that maybe he would have made a bigger deal out of it and killed the Uranium One deal in retribution. That's what somebody who hated Putin might have done.
But what did we actually, publicly hear from Obama? "The 1980s called, and they want their foreign policy back!", "Tell Putin that I can be more flexible after the election!" and he fumbled Syria right into Putin's loving arms, while at the same time, overthrowing Khadaffy as an object lesson to other Arab leaders that the US can't be relied on, or even trusted a little bit.
I just don't know what form this "hatred" of Putin took. My thought is probably it took the form of talking points whispered to the press trying to put lipstick on the pig of his foreign policy failures.
"Sociopath" Chuck, let me guess, you and your people have been studying his medical records, right?
It seems like the Fox News stuff is over and done, while dozens of women have made it clear that Hollywood still has a deep problem. Am I wrong here?
I don't know. But if later this week Rachel Maddow invited ol' Harvey onto her show, to smoke and joke about good times and how much they miss him on the political scene (as Trump monkey butler Sean Hannity did with O'Reilly) what would the world rightly say about Maddow?
"Hypocrite"? "Joke"? "Hyper-partisan"? "Monster"? All of the above?
Putin is the only foreign leader that Obama actively hated.
Everybody hates their boss.
tim in vermont said...
"Sociopath" Chuck, let me guess, you and your people have been studying his medical records, right?
Yes, in fact. I have people. In Hawaii. They are finding things that they can't believe.
You know where I got all of that, right?
Weinstein's progress is the product of social liberalism (e.g. Pro-Choice). O'Reilly's accountability is the product of religious/moral principles. That said, principles engender, but do not determine outcomes. That is, principles establish a normal distribution of behaviors, or in an inertial frame of reference, liberalism is analogous to momentum, and religion/morality is analogous to inertia.
If you can get an upgrade in Hannity's slot as big as Tucker Carlson has been in O'Reilly's, knock yourself out! I would like to see Rush in that spot. He is obviously slowing down, he has interesting stuff to say, but not fifteen hours a week's worth, anymore.
The left does not like soldiers unless they are dead.
Not true! Neither Bergdahl nor Manning are dead.
Good point. I forget to include traitors like Kerry.
They are finding things that they can't believe.
Careful Chuck, a sense of humor is not part of this character of yours!
Carlson is the only show on Fox I watch.
I never liked O'Reilly but he sometimes had stories that the MCSM ignored.
My left wing daughter gave me his "Killing Lincoln" book for Christmas thinking, of course, that I had to be a big fan. I wrote a review on Amazon pointing out numerous flaws, such as the Oval Office was built by Teddy Roosevelt, and had O'Reilly fans attacking me for a year after.
I've not read any of his others.
n.n said...
Weinstein's progress is the product of social liberalism (e.g. Pro-Choice). O'Reilly's accountability is the product of religious/moral principles. That said, principles engender, but do not determine outcomes. That is, principles establish a normal distribution of behaviors, or in an inertial frame of reference, liberalism is analogous to momentum, and religion/morality is analogous to inertia.
You know where I got all of that, right?
10/21/17, 6:03 PM
From the Alinsky wing of the DNC library.
tim in vermont said...
Careful Chuck, a sense of humor is not part of this character of yours!
He seems to be having a lot of fun from what I can see. I like this less internet pugilistic version.
Bad Lieutenant said...
"You know where I got all of that, right?"
10/21/17, 6:03 PM
From the Alinsky wing of the DNC library.
You might rightly think so. It sounds totally nuts. So it will make sense, when I say that it was PRACTICALLY VERBATIM drawn from this Donald Trump interview with Meredith Viera:
"The AFC-West battle that saw the Oakland Raiders eek out a victory over the Kansas City Chiefs 31-30"
I think I'm seeing more and more individuals and groups "eek out" a victory. Isn't the word "eke"? Wonder what the OED has to say? Still "eek out" with its faint aromas of "squeak through" and "shriek" and "eek, a mouse" is a good word in a way. But when I see the win of mighty football warriors associated with "squeak", "eek, a mouse" and "shriek" and it makes the win seem sort of silly to this sensitive literary person.
Last January, six months after Fox News ousted its chairman amid a sexual harassment scandal, the network’s top-rated host at the time, Bill O’Reilly, struck a $32 million agreement with a longtime network analyst to settle new sexual harassment allegations, according to two people briefed on the matter — an extraordinarily large amount for such cases. Although the deal has not been previously made public, the network’s parent company, 21st Century Fox, acknowledges that it was aware of the woman’s complaints about Mr. O’Reilly. They included allegations of repeated harassment, a nonconsensual sexual relationship and the sending of gay pornography and...
Now Fox is beginning to stink.
OK, I finally watched Chuck's link
"I have people studying this, and I can't believe what they are finding."
Lol, Chuck made a funny!
I don't remember covering this back in July, but the David Daleiden contempt-of-court case is interesting for pro-lifers, free speakers, and lawyers.
Daleiden is the journalist who did all those undercover videos of Planned Parenthood executives talking about killing babies for their next Ferrari. The state of California is seeking criminal charges for "recording people without their permission" which apparently is a crime in California. That over-broad criminal statute strikes me as a serious abridgment of the First Amendment, at least in this case. Are you punishing 60 Minutes for this shit, or just Republicans?
Here is the LA Times, denouncing the felony charges. Of course the newspaper simultaneously attacks the journalists, and says some dishonest stuff too. ("Daleiden describes the effort as journalism, although his methods were decidedly not those employed by respectable reporters.") Because 60 Minutes and 20/20 undercover reporting isn't a thing!
Anyway, when you have a leftist, pro-choice newspaper saying these criminal charges are "disturbingly aggressive" and "misplaced," you should have a sense of how bad the original criminal complaint is. California Attorney General Xaiver Becerra is a bigot who is violating his oath of office to try to send journalists to prison for recording Planned Parenthood officials who are talking about infanticide and selling baby-parts. They are ashamed of what they said! And they want to cover it up! And Becerra, the facist fuckwit, has decided his personal path to power is to declare war on pro-lifers in the state of California.
What should happen at this point is that a federal judge should step in and smack the over-aggressive state prosecutors, who have over-reached using an over-broad state statute, and that federal judge should defend the First Amendment. He's sworn an oath to do it. Classic First Amendment case. Just imagine some racist prosecutors in Alabama trying to punish undercover reporters who record state officials joking about lynching people. That would be a historical analogy. The federal guys protect the free speech clause. That's what you do.
Unless it's abortion. In which case the federal judge steps in, not to protect the First Amendment rights of these journalists. The federal judge steps in to issue a prior restraint, trying to keep the videos from the public. It's now a federal crime, according to William Orrick, to release these videos to the American people. Richard Nixon is not available for comment.
Of course the 9th circuit refused to intervene. But we can count on Anthony Kennedy to uphold the First Amendment, right? Anthony Kennedy will step in and correct the problem.
Oh, no, sorry, Kennedy himself is implicated in the violence in Planned Parenthood clinics. This is government-approved violence! Revealing the truth of it makes Anthony Kennedy look bad. So he will not be stepping in and enforcing the First Amendment.
Maybe the whole Supreme Court will step in and do the right thing. Unlikely, I would think, as that Court is as deeply implicated as Anthony Kennedy. But hope springs eternal.
It would be nice to see how the ACLU comes down on this. I mean, they protect Nazis. But pro-lifers? No way! You google David Daleiden and ACLU and you come up with nothing. You google David Daleiden and Ann Althouse and you come up with nothing.
I'm pretty sure it was it the news. But not a single ACLU guy or gal wants to opine? On a prior restraint?
Nat Hentoff, RIP. We miss you, brother.
Following some of these comments -- regarding comparisons of Trump to Weinstein, O'Reilly, etc. -- the WaPo has a new story interviewing women who have accused Trump of groping and who wonder why aren't our accusations being taken as seriously (or have impact on par with) the Weinstein accusations.
And the WaPo comments section is dominated by comments that say what Trump did is worse than what Bill Clinton did. (Sometimes by arguing that Bill Clinton didn't really do anything except in the case of Lewinsky which was consensual, and sometimes arguing that even if he was a womanizer, it wasn't as bad as what Trump did because what Trump did was unwelcome in the event, and what Clinton did became unwelcome only in retrospect.) I welcome criticism on this point -- that I am not correctly characterizing the voices of those who support Bill Clinton but condemn Donald Trump.
But I wish this crowd would promulgate a consistent set of principles by which Bill Clinton is worthy of remaining as President and Donald Trump (based on sexual issues alone) is not worthy of remaining as President. (So arguments such as "trump owns a hotel, therefore should not be President" or "Trump is a racist, therefore should not be President" are irrelevant to this discussion. This discussion is directly solely at the argument made by the Washington Post article -- that Trump should suffer consequences (removal from office) commensurate with the consequences (loss of job) suffered by Weinstein.
What would that consistent set of principles look like?
"What would that consistent set of principles look like?"
A vast alien landscape.
"The 12:00am v. 12:00pm problem . . "
It's why we have noon and midnight.
Did about five miles of mountain hiking today. Absolutely perfect weather, just around the SC/NC border.
What would that consistent set of principles look like?
A, I know that's a rhetorical question.
B, If you start by ignoring the five contemporaneous witnesses that Broaddrick has, for example, and her own testimony, any of which could go to prison for lying to federal investigators, including the woman who found her in that hotel room with torn clothes and bleeding, and ignoring the fact that Clinton could easily have proven he was elsewhere, but he didn't even deny Broaddrick's charges, and if you claim that Kathleen Wily was a liar, even though she could go to prison for lying, when she said that Bill literally grabbed her by the pussy. Well, whatever "consistent principles" that Democrats come up with aren't worth anything.
What a glorious final day of nice weather here in Wisconsin. I raked leaves, cut the grass, moved stuff from the ground to pots in anticipation of freezing temperatures, washed windows and screens, then went for a long walk. Now I'm working on some classes.
I plan sleep like the dead tonight.
BTW -- the morning buns at that bakery at the beltline and Midvale -- the same shopping center where James J used to be, and where Dorn True Value is -- are excellent.
Washington Post readers are carefully shielded from the facts.
"And the WaPo comments section is dominated by comments that say what Trump did is worse than what Bill Clinton did. "
The WaPo is the house organ for the Democrat Administrative State. They are fight ing for their lives, or at least their pensions.
A little context
After the shootdown of the Malaysian airliner, Obama did impose some minor sanctions. Erdogam was reputedly his favorite leader, netanyahu his most despised, although lobo and micheletti in Honduras are near the top.
Killing Patton was pretty mad, but his one about the pacific war, didn't have abynmajor errors, that I could tell.
Replying to Tim in Vermont at 7:15.
My question is: even accepting the view of facts of the Clinton defenders, what is the consistent set of principles. If we spend all the time arguing about the facts, we never get to that question.
As to what is the view of facts by Clinton defenders, here's a comment (among the most thoughtful) at the washington post article (the following is a quote from the article referenced above, by commenter "originalfoo" at (about) 7:30 pm Saturday October 21, and does not reflect my personal opinions).
"Only ONE of Bill Clinton's accusers ever received a settlement from him: Paula Jones. This was after almost 4 years of lawsuits, the prior two being thrown out for lack of evidence, and the last one being bankrolled by the GOP itself (several major GOP donors bankrolled this particular suit). The ongoing legal costs for Clinton to defend against them were far in excess of the $850k he paid out.
In short, Jone's suit has all the fingerprints of a lawsuit Troll: bankrolled by deep pockets far larger than the opponent, not able to produce any evidence other than the testimony of the supposed victim, a very clear troll motive (political smear), and an excuse to trawl through the accused's background via "discovery" looking for dirt (which is why the lie over Monica eventually occurred - irrelevant to the Jones' case, but a big payoff for the bankrolling political folks).
Every single other accuser of Clinton never even bothered to file a civil suit, let alone a criminal case, and exactly one (Juanita Broaddrick) actually ever filed a police report, which she later retracted, and then denied under oath that anything criminal happened. No other woman made any police report, and none testified on Jones' behalf.
In short, the evidence is pretty clear that Bill Clinton was a cad and a serial philanderer/adulterer. However, the evidence that he committed sexual assault is EXTREMELY dubious; so much so, that using Clinton as an example of a "abuser who got away" is harmful to any attempt to to advance the cause of curtailing sexual abuse. From the statements of his supposed victims, it seem quite clear that they were quite happy to cheat with Bill, or at least were flattered into sex; neither of which is assault in any shape."
Slow day at the New Yorker - only 5 articles in the Daily Email are Trump-hating although I didn't read the Weinstein article and they probably managed to feature him in it as well.
Excitable Andy Sullivan has a lucid moment:
"[Democrats] still formally favor enforcement of immigration laws, but rhetorically, they keep signaling the opposite. Here is Dylan Matthews, also in Vox, expressing the emerging liberal consensus: “Personally, I think any center-left party worth its salt has to be deeply committed to egalitarianism, not just for people born in the U.S. but for everyone … It means treating people born outside the U.S. as equals … And it means a strong presumption in favor of open immigration.” Here’s Zack Beauchamp, a liberal friend of mine: “What if I told you that immigration restrictionism is and always has been racist?” Borders themselves are racist? Seriously?
The entire concept of a nation whose citizens solely determine its future — the core foundation for any viable democracy at all — is now deemed by many left-liberals to be a function of bigotry. This is the kind of madness that could keep them from power indefinitely."
The Jones lawsuit arose out of the David brock piece in the spectator, of course Clinton had pushed to make such charges of hatassment admissible, katbeine Wiley was quite reluctant, at the time of the attack on broderick Clinton wee atty general, soon to be governor, try to challenge that mountain. Nice attempt at evasion.
OK Chuck, Trump is a lying weasel with no morals who plays too much golf. Oh yeah, and he is an idiot. Is it all better now?
Meanwhile, illegal immigration is down, conservative justices are being appointed, we are finally getting a peek at voter role problems, inequalities in trade deals are being examined, China is taking an active role to solve the NK problem, budgets are being written, Title abuses are being addressed, consumer confidence is up, the EPA is being reigned in, etc, etc, etc.
But that lying sonofabitch Trump. Jesus.
The daily mailnis an odd artifact, it leans right on some issues in the UK, like law and order and against the skydragon consensus. But it swallows the whole enchilada about race issues in the states, also borrows liberally from the inquirer.
Trump? He used to flick matches at me.
I am Laslo.
Paco Wove at 7:44 raises an interesting point. It is (in some circles) accepted without comment that Trump, or Trump supporters are racists (or white supremicists) because they support restrictions on immigration (that would restrict migration by non-white Mexicans, presumably). Andrew Sullivan (cited by Paco Wove) quotes a friend saying "mmigration restrictionism is and always has been racist?” I think people crying "racist" need to be called out on t his: can a person be opposed to open borders and not be racist?
The Consitution doesn't address being drafted as a prerequisite for the presidency, but it does mention circumstances of birth. Another false comparative from Rachel Maddow's biggest fan.
It has gotten worse when they transferred ownership from buffet to bozos, sometimes even worse than the times
I am Laslo.
Take Joe Mcguinness, a creepy stalker thata major publisher had stake outvthevhuntress's house and just spread lies, it was identified that the publisher theybwere lies but published anyways.
Meanwhile you noticed how little fact they have been able to dig up in Niger, almostvthree weeks later.
I am Laslo.
This sight seems to gather the most significant details in the region
Look how many countries are involved.
$32 million is a lot for a feel. Newsbabes are obviously in the wrong business.
Women forced to feel in deep pockets.
Women of principal. Plus interest.
Is that $16 million each or buy two get one free for $32 million.
rhhardin. 1&4. Good ones.
Blogger pacwest said...
OK Chuck, Trump is a lying weasel with no morals who plays too much golf. Oh yeah, and he is an idiot. Is it all better now?
Meanwhile, illegal immigration is down, conservative justices are being appointed, we are finally getting a peek at voter role problems, inequalities in trade deals are being examined, China is taking an active role to solve the NK problem, budgets are being written, Title abuses are being addressed, consumer confidence is up, the EPA is being reigned in, etc, etc, etc.
But that lying sonofabitch Trump. Jesus.
And best of all, Steve Bannin got fired! The Achievement of the Year.
There's a NY ham contest, a SD ham contest and a Germany ham contest. I got 28 NYs, 1 SD and 3 Germans.
The Germans are serious competitors, up at 3am their time, calling, calling, calling, just now.
Also Barbados but no contest for that. Odd call sign, 8p9rn. When I was a kid the only calls starting with a number were 4x4 (Israel) and 9s4 (Saarland). Now they're all over.
The trouble with, like, the NY contest is that you soon work all the stations on the band, and spend all your listening time finding you've already worked this guy. The best tactic is scan the band once working all the new stations, then watch a DVD and repeat the scan again afterwards.
Meanwhile the new yorkntimescsuppressed the weinstein, since the time that wee covering the o'reilly suit, 13 years.
Midnight as 12 AM is easy because it is before noon (come on, its midnight - obviously it is before noon - and that is what ante meridionem means!). Noon as 12 PM is not that easy to conceptualize (it is not really post-noon because it is, in fact, noon) so I just memorize it and try not to figure it out. As for daylight savings time is a bureaucratic non-intuitive disaster, nobody really understands it. BTW who knew: Roger McGuinn has been an evangelical Christian since, like, the 1970s. I listen to a lot of Christian music ( I particularly like the singing groups with both male and female vocalists in them, that is not something you get much of outside of Christian music, at least not since the Fifth Dimension and Fleetwood Mac stopped touring) and I never once heard a Roger McGuinn worship song on Christian radio. So I was surprised to hear about his (and his wife's) heartfelt conversion. Well, good for him, and all these years I have been resenting the overplayed nature of the Byrds' 2 or 3 biggest songs on AM radio (nothing to do with their non-top 40 songs, of course....), not knowing he was probably singing hymns of praise every Sunday. You learn something new every day.
As far as I can tell Putin is the only foreign leader that Obama actively hated.
Was that before or after Obama had “more flexibility?”
Obama was so active in his hatred for Putin that he sold Russia 20% of our uranium. My guess is that Putin will now resell the uranium to the highest bidder in order to prop up an economically failing, corrupt Russia. Perhaps Iran … all those warehouse pallets of cash that Obama gave Iran must be burning a hole in the mullahs’ pockets.
I always use unix time
That's seconds since Jan 1 1970 or some such date. I think they ignore leap seconds.
I think it rolls over in the late 2030s or something, which will be another y2k.
These urban legends become set in concrete, he didn't provide lethal assistance to Ukraine after the incursion in the donbass only food rations, the following the for head if rat has murdered in dc, something that hadn't happened to a defector since krivitskynin the 40s, no investigation.
That's what the American side of the latest deal was aabout.It was headed by a for south Africa diplomat, rod disk, who was their nuclear expert in thecforeign ministry, his computer got wiped after he died hence no further investigation.
"And best of all, Steve Bannin got fired! The Achievement of the Year."
Top 25 at best.
There are two many swamp gators .mnuchun is fine, but cohn is nearly worthless
As far as I can tell Putin is the only foreign leader that Obama actively hated.
No way, ARM. He hated Netanyahu.
Amazing Ted Talk with Cassie Jaye. (Thanks to Instapundit for the link).
This is a feminist who wanted to do a documentary about the men's right movement, to expose their bigotry and misogyny and how much they hated women. That's the movie she wanted to make. But that's not how it turned out.
Outstanding talk. She impresses the hell out of me.
Her documentary is called The Red Pill.
And best of all, Steve Bannin got fired! The Achievement of the Year.
Who the fuck is Steve Bannin and why do you hate him so much?
Races brother, a guest star on Johnny quest, he is strongly pro capitalist a string public Christian and pro Israel, I'm nit confident his replacement us affirmative on either side.
They did it! The Astros shut out NY 4-0. It was, ironically, their pitching that was decisive.
Damn. Yankees.
That's seconds since Jan 1 1970 or some such date. I think they ignore leap seconds.
I think it rolls over in the late 2030s or something, which will be another y2k.
Also informally called "epoch" time with 1 Jan 1970 being "the epoch". The problem you mention happens, in theory, at January 19, 2038 03:14:07 GMT. I say in theory because it is only a problem on computers using 32-bit integers to count the accumulating seconds. Today most use 64-bits, and by 2038 we will no more worry about the few remaining 32-bit machines than we worried that eleminating leaded gas was bad for the few remaining Model-Ts on the road.
The Red Pill is very interesting. It's rare to see a documentary that shows someone questioning their assumptions. Most are exercises in confirmation bias. I don’t generally really trust documentaries, because editing is so powerful a tool, and I don’t entirely trust this one, but I recommend seeing it.
I was reading about the anti-cop posts the daughter of her mothers coffee shop posted. It was quite a tirade. The daughter was the manager. Obviously mom, who owned the place, couldn't afford to hire a real manager, and sure enough, the fake manager fucked her in the ass.
She had to close the shop because of death threats and lack of customers.
The place (in Lynn, Massachusetts) opened-up with some weird shit on the window. There was a Nazi symbol with a circle and a red line, signifying that no Nazi's were allowed. It's called the "White Rose" after the anti-Nazi movement from Germany. A sign above it said "Nationalists Not Welcome".
The real stupid part, is they opened the place just down the road from Dunkin Donuts which has better parking.
Her documentary is called The Red Pill.
The epiphany, as it is, should be that men and women are equal and complementary. That is, while our evolutionary track is highly correlated, we follow the same moral, spiritual, legal path, or should.
The Red Pill is very interesting. It's rare to see a documentary that shows someone questioning their assumptions. Most are exercises in confirmation bias. I don’t generally really trust documentaries, because editing is so powerful a tool, and I don’t entirely trust this one, but I recommend seeing it.
They lost me at circumcision.
Really powerful doc, though.
In particular I was struck by the domestic violence statistics, and how the shelters are women-only.
Men are bigger and stronger (on average) and can do more violence. That's probably why the shelters are so skewed for women.
But it is a raw deal. If your women is violent towards you, you can either hit her back (and go to jail) or not hit her (and go to the hospital).
The reproductive stuff I already knew. A lot of the inequality deals with family issues and all of that stuff flows out of Roe v. Wade.
Weird how the feminists were so obsessed with money and so oblivious to all the family inequalities. The feminists in the doc seemed really out of it, ignorant. The MRAs are very aware of feminist arguments and statistics, but not vice versa. Part of the power of the movie was how ignorant the feminists were.
St. Croix, the David Daledin vicious attacks began shortly after the release of some of his tapes with a phone call from Cecile Richards to John Podesta, asking him to "help." Podesta called the then AG of California, Kamala Harris, and voila!, suddenly the poor kid has the corrupt wrath of Californa officials after him. And it continues.
California now rivals Chicago in its corruption. Sad.
St. Croix, regarding the ACLU, you should read Wendy Kaminer's book on them, she was an insider. It's a great read.
Actually ever filed a police report, which she later retracted, and then denied under oath that anything criminal happened.
If by "thoughtful," you mean misrepresenting the facts, then sure, whatever. Broaddrick did initially deny anything happened to authorities, but she told five of her friends at the time that something did happen. She changed her story when she was questioned by federal investigators. You know, the people who sent Scooter Libby to jail for lying to them? Those Federal authorities? I am sure that her lawyers at that time advised her to be truthful. So we have five witnesses, one of whom actually discovered her in the hotel room crying, bleeding, and with torn clothes. That witness could also go to prison for lying about it, just like Juanita and all of the others.
Here is detail from Slate. Did your "reasonable commenter" from the WaPo address all of these witnesses or pretend that they did not exist?
Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.) She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges.
Five people say Broaddrick told them about the rape immediately after it occurred. A friend and co-worker named Norma Kelsey says that, 21 years ago, she found a dazed Broaddrick with bloodied lip and torn pantyhose in their shared hotel room and Broaddrick explained that Clinton had just raped her. (Clinton is supposed to have bitten her on the lip just before raping her.) Her current husband--then her lover--says Broaddrick told him about the rape within a few days of the event. Broaddrick was, at the time, married to another man, whom she didn't tell about the assault. And three of Broaddrick's friends--one of whom is Kelsey's sister--say she told them about the rape shortly after it supposedly occurred. - Slate
Broaddrick's behavior sounds a lot like the behavior of a woman raped by a powerful man, as we have seen time after time.
I wonder if the WaPo commenter considers himself a feminist?
From the statements of his supposed victims, it seem quite clear that they were quite happy to cheat with Bill, or at least were flattered into sex; neither of which is assault in any shape."
Yes, Bill's victims were all sluts! "Nuts and sluts" Does that sound right to you? Does it sound like he is "reasonable"? Does it sound like he is accounting for all of the facts? Or does it sound like so much victim bashing?
Great review of The Red Pill in Huffington Post.
Contrast that review with the ideology of, say, The Los Angeles TImes.
St. Croix, regarding the ACLU, you should read Wendy Kaminer's book on them, she was an insider. It's a great read.
Awesome, I will check it out. Thank you.
I don't think I've read Kaminer before, but I'm already becoming a fan.
Blade Runner (1982) needed more blowing stuff up. Just extrapolating from the reviews.
If you're not going to have a plot, explosions are needed.
Also do it in the first half while people are still watching.
On the other hand there are all-action movies with only guys who go around the world being extremely tough guys, that are bailed-out-of even faster.
Noir is always a handicap too.
Somewhere in the middle is a sense of humor.
Among things that can be funny: sex, extremely tough guy solutions.
General movie improving theorem.
The epiphany, as it is, should be that men and women are equal and complementary.
It's why she stopped calling herself a feminist. And she's not a men's rights activist, either. She's more like a humanist now--liking all people--which is the way we all should be.
Feminism is currently denying the humanity of one class of human beings (unborn babies) and demonizing another class of human beings (men).
The rise of the men's rights movement is important, but also unfortunate. It's important because there is a huge, organized group that is fighting political battles on behalf of women. And they dominate the mainstream media. So, for instance, you hear about "violence against women" as if that's somehow worse than violence against men or violence against babies. Why are women the superior class?
I don't enjoy these fights or want to go down this road. Most of the men in the doc seemed miserable. I'd rather find a nice woman and be happy. I like sex but by God I hate gender politics.
Weinstein is up to 6 accused sexual assaults. May be some police investigations. 33 accusers.
OReilly hush money was $32 million. Weinstein only paid out $100k per settlement, but offered a $6 million book deal to Rose to say nice things.
Both people acted like pigs, but Weinstein seemed to have a lot more victims. My guess at least into the hundreds. Many accepting it as the price to get ahead in Hollywood. I’m amazed so many came forward.
Project Veritas is releasing videos on the NYT showing how anti Trump they are and biased. And how they do it.
Saint Croix, interesting links to the "Red Pill" thing.
I have one grandson and four grand daughters, I worry about him. He's 12.
Weinstein has a lot of involvement with models and even was executives producer for project runway.
Sounds like the fashion industry has same issues Hollywood does with casting couch...
If you're not going to have a plot, explosions are needed.
There is a plot in Blade Runner, it's just not a rom com plot! It's more like the plot of Apocalypse Now, where the hero dives deeper and deeper into the darkness, though I am not sure that the hero was redeemed in AN, can't remember the ending.
St. Croix, regarding the ACLU, you should read Wendy Kaminer's book on them, she was an insider. It's a great read.
As I posted once before, I was a card-carrying ACLU member for a while in the 1960's and found that many of the leadership were Communists. Capital C. That didn't really bother me at the time....
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