In a letter to the judge who will sentence him for transmitting obscene material to a 15-year-old girl: "My continued acting out over years crushed the aspirations of my wife and ruined our marriage."
From his lawyers: "He responded to the victim's request for sexually explicit messages not because she was a teenager but in spite of it.... He responded as a weak man, at the bottom of a self-destructive spiral, and with an addict's self-serving delusion that the communications were all just internet fantasy." Like he's the victim.
The link goes to The Chicago Tribune and is worth clicking to see the photo of Huma and Anthony in court (on Wednesday). She's in profile looking away from him. The expression on her face is somewhere between impassivity and anger. He's turned toward her, but his eyes seem to be aimed somewhere around the back of her head. The expression on his haggard, wrinkled face seems to be in the vicinity of self-pity and some kind of disgust other than self-disgust.
When he says he "crushed the aspirations of my wife," I can't help hypothesizing that he wanted to crush the aspirations of his wife. And while we're on the subject, did Bill Clinton want to crush the aspirations of his wife? Let's be on the lookout for the aspirations-crushing impulse in the husbands of ambitious wives.
"...the aspirations-crushing impulse in the husbands of ambitious wives."
Are we not sure that THIS is where the real sexual excitement comes from?
I am Laslo.
Who's Afraid of Huma Woolf?
I am Laslo.
The pictures in the Daily Mail article are amazing:
Face it. He's just another hopeless romantic...............
Why are the goals of the 15-yo child reported on in this article? It's irrelevant to the crime that was committed.
"My continued acting out over years crushed the aspirations of my wife"
Since Huma's chief aspiration was to be the right-hand lackey of President Pantsuit, Weiner has does one good thing in his life.
The ongoing saga of the wretched Weiner combined with Hillary's ongoing book tour reminds me of a couple of mostly forgotten facts, largely forgotten due to their burial by Hillary's friends in the media. One is the fact that Bill Clinton presided at Weiner's wedding to Huma Abedin in 2010. The other buried fact is that Hillary Clinton played the role of matchmaker for Weiner and Abedin, urging Huma to wed Weiner since he reminded Hillary of a young Bill Clinton.
Good judgment all around with this bunch.
Let's be on the lookout for the aspirations-crushing impulse in the husbands of ambitious wives.
"Why are the goals of the 15-yo child reported on in this article? It's irrelevant to the crime that was committed."
We're at the sentencing phase, so I guess harm to the victim matters. But the shifting of blame to the victim will probably backfire and should backfire.
Of course he's the victim. This is modern America, nobody is responsible for is own misdeeds.
If there was even a hit of Bill Clinton trying to crush the aspirations of his ambitious wife, she certainly would have included it in her Omnibus of Why I Lost, along with Peak Oil and Climate Change. Wouldn't she ?
I have always suspected that Bill Clinton didn't want his wife to be President. He, of all people, probably best understands just how horrible she would be.
"Why are the goals of the 15-yo child reported on in this article? It's irrelevant to the crime that was committed."
Isn't that standard defense attorney behavior when handed an obviously guilty defendant? Throw absolutely everything against the wall, hope something sticks.
Ray said...
The pictures in the Daily Mail article are amazing."
I don't know how I missed it before, but Weiner looks very much like Arnold Horshack from "Welcome Back, Kotter."
Laslo got to my joke first: aspirations or respirations.
I have always suspected that Bill Clinton didn't want his wife to be President. He, of all people, probably best understands just how horrible she would be.
For one thing, it would have placed him squarely under H>er thumb, a thought to hideous to contemplate.
Hillary's always pointing out there at the masses when she blames men for her troubles, when really, it's those two guys right behind her most to blame, right? Amiright?
And here he makes the same arguments Trump was making, but noticeably absent from his wife's campaign.
Oh and white women. Not the lovely honey-toned women, like Huma, but WHITE women* didn't help our poor Hildebeast.
*Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz was not available for comment.
Huma left Weiner home with their son while she gallivanted around the world and then the country with Hillary!
What man would not resent his wife in that situation?
Bill on the other hand was free to do whatever he wanted with whomever he wanted as long as there was no DNA residue. Bill enabled the aspirations of his grasping unlikeable wife.
In dictionary next to the word "pathetic" is a picture of Weiner.
I've always heard that the U.S. has the best politicians that money can buy, but clearly there are exceptions.
The girl is obviously a Russian agent.
Tension in the marriage. She's figuring what to do to get the most out of it.
Simple loyalty to the marriage gets you further but that's not the feminist way.
She is fabulous.
Let's not forget who Chelsea looks like, namely Webb Hubbell.
For which google.
Isn't that standard defense attorney behavior when handed an obviously guilty defendant? Throw absolutely everything against the wall, hope something sticks.
Sure, especially since people really eat psycho-exculpatory shit up.
Studies show...
She is fabulous.
Of course you think so--she's all angular facial bones and jutting chin. She's not remotely attractive as a woman. Poor thing needs way less stress, way more love and laughter, and more home cooked meals. I want to slide her a plate of spaghetti & meatballs. She's a good twenty pounds underweight. She looks neither happy nor healthy and both of those are components to attractiveness.
I feel sorry for that whole den of dysfunctional dingbats.
Well, hopefully thus ends the Weiner saga, with a last gasp of him trying to slut shame an under aged girl and hide behind his wife's skirts.
So just where is Bill during this self pity tour of Hillary's? My wife thought he might be on a yacht in the South Pacific with a bevy of young woman. Wonder if it is the same yacht as the O's were on recently.
Sucks to be him. He was one of the most vicious spokesmen for the DemCong. He lied and slandered anyone who opposed the DemCong agenda. He was arrogant and self-serving.
He knew exactly what he was doing at every step along the way. He deserves no sympathy or special treatment. He deserves the sentence that any average citizen would receive.
Unknown said...
Of course he's the victim. This is modern America, nobody is responsible for is own misdeeds.
9/15/17, 8:38 AM
Politico Facts rates this statement as "mostly true".
The group that is most responsible for their own misdeeds (as well as the misdeeds of many other "groups") is white, CIS normal, conservative men. As you get farther from that group the "responsibility" value decreases. The amount of decrease varies based on the item for which responsibility is to be "owned", race of the "owner", and sex (or sexual orientation) of the "owner"). See "SJW Punishment and Style Guide" 2017 edition, revision 94a for the most up to date information.
Ann Althouse said.... And while we're on the subject, did Bill Clinton want to crush the aspirations of his wife? Let's be on the lookout for the aspirations-crushing impulse in the husbands of ambitious wives.
The funny thing, to me, is that Hillary Clinton probably had a better opportunity of really making a name for herself and undoing whatever "crushing" her husband had done up to that point. If she had taken a loud, public stand (after his term as President was over) repudiating both his behavior and her covering of it (for years!) she would have built up a lot of good will with centrist types, I bet.
I'm not even saying she should have gotten divorced, although that probably wouldn't have hurt, either. Just announcing that she regretting covering for him, that she should have acted more in line with her true feminist pro-woman beliefs, that she compromised too much of herself and her values in an effort to keep her family together (and, naturally, beat back those evil overreaching Republicans)...think of it! She could have actually been an independent woman and run that way.
Instead she faced the prospect of talking endlessly about her pro-feminist beliefs while being continually attacked for her decades-long actions supporting her husband's very bad behavior. Her actions contradicted what she claimed to believe and she didn't ever have an answer for that problem--she then couldn't figure out why her message on those subject wasn't resonating with potential swing voters!
When she had the audacity to tweet that "you have a right to be believed" (meaning alleged victims/survivors of sexual assault and rape) her own history of attacking women who credibly accused her husband of exactly those crimes stood out for all to see, effectively rebutting her campaign statements!
She had plenty of opportunities to address that problem but she never did. "Standing by her man" probably had less political value in the 2016 election than it ever had, for her, but still she stood.
Bill Clinton's behavior is his fault. I don't have much to add to speculation as to Bill Clinton's private motives for his bad behavior. I do see that Hillary Clinton's calculated decision not to separate herself from Bill Clinton's bad behavior as very harmful to Hillary's political career, but to me that's almost entirely Hillary's fault.
(reads DM article w/ pix and video)
Good lord. A weak man who couldn't pull off the strongman act any more.
Abedin/Weiner were the Clinton's mini-mes, lesser clone versions of the original dysfunctional power couple. While both Weiner and Bill were afflicted with satyrism, Weiner didn't quite have the all the charm and guile of Bill Clinton. He wasn't careful enough and he couldn't be protected, his sexual misdeeds couldn't be covered up as easily in the social media age as Bill Clinton's were in the pre-internet era.
And Huma shared Hillary Clinton's ambitions and delusions.
On top of that, the Weiners clearly hitched their wagon to the wrong star. What they thought was a luminous blue variable in Hillary Clinton turned out to be substellar object incapable of fusing hydrogen. It's like some sort of classic tragedy.
Yeah really. Weiner- thank you thank you thank you - for being a fuck-up. You helped us, in a small way, dodge the First Amendment crushing/ soul crushing corruption of Felonia Von Pantsuit.
Imagine the trouble Bill would have found himself, with the technology that brought Weiners pants down.
Well said, HooDoo. Did that path even occur to her, or did anyone advise it? I think I read some of her first book, but I don't remember that being in it.
The line that caught my attention was Hillary Clinton saying to someone she regarded as a daughter:"Huma, Anthony reminds me of Bill. Marry him" instead of saying: "Huma, Anthony reminds me of Bill. Run away very quickly."
And I wonder if Huma's "aspiration" was to be President Hillary II - to have a career by attaching herself onto a natural politician, assisting and being assisted by him.
I do not relish the predicament of Mr. Weiner
'm not even saying she should have gotten divorced, although that probably wouldn't have hurt, either. Just announcing that she regretting covering for him
The problem is that she also needed Bill, as he (for reasons that escape me) has political skills, charm, popularity--all those things that she lacks. She could never have done anything on her own. And never did.
I would think that the proper phrasing is he "cocked up" his wife's aspirations.
But, yeah, taking relationship advice from Hillary Clinton is a clear and obvious sign that Huma had exceeding poor judgment and/or zero self-respect. This was inevitable. She should be thankful that she married the guy who exposed his junk online as opposed to the guy who collects junk in the freezer or the guy who forcibly sews junk onto her.
Bay Area Guy:
I saw what you did there.
Of course, she still has time if she wants to collect the whole set.
Sorry, I am slowly trying to ketchup on this important thread about Mr. Weiner
I wonder how it would have played out if Anthony Weiner had chosen to dress up as a woman and Huma had vowed to stand by her man during his transitioning process. Weiner's quirk was ultimately silly, unlike cross dressing which is brave and ennobling. Maybe with time and counseling, Anthony can develop a sexual flourish that is more consistent with the ideals of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton.
Huma Abedin looks exactly like what she is, a North Indian lady of the gentry class. These arent always, or usually, Bollywood-lookers.
She was always more elegant than pretty, but elegant is something indeed. A useful thing in a courtier.
Weiner was words and pictures. Bill C was physical. No real comparison.
The entirely amazing thing to me is that Wiener was so stupid. He could have lived his fantasies anonymously, using an alias, and never showing his face.
Trolled by a fifteen year old girl, how pathetic is that?
This is actually a very good argument for sex robots.
1. Huma deprives Weiner of sex.
2. Over time, Weiner slowly goes crazy.
3. Weiner is told by Huma's protector, Hillary, that if he cheats, he's a dead man.
4. Weiner continues to be deprived of sex by the attractive wife, Huma.
5. Weiner continues to go crazy.
6. A childhood of being teased as "Weiner boy," spurring his impressive rise to power in NY Democrat power circles, now he is forced into eunuch status by his ambitious wife Huma and her patron saint, Hillary.
7. It is too humiliating to contemplate.
8. Ergo, phone sex and sexting with minors and jail time.
All this trauma could have been avoided with a nice sex robot given to Mr. Weiner.
I am not Laslo
"...acting out..."?
When a 3 year old refuses to eat her veggies and tosses them on the floor, THAT is acting out.
On the other hand, perhaps cellmate Bubba the Long will act out twice a day....
If humas lady parts had been dnipped, as is commpn in saudi arabia where she was raised and among devout pakistsni women like her mother thst would explain a lot.
Weiner woul not be able to have regular sex. It would make any man nuts.
John Henry
I saw the documentary about Weiner and his last run for mayor. Whatever the dynamics and cross currents in his relationship with Huma and Hillary, that particular scandal was straight up self destruction......Weiner, to all outward appearances, is personable and normal. You wouldn't think his libido has so many odd nooks and crannies, but it does......His motivation is difficult to figure out. Is this some form of masochism? Does he get a bigger payoff unmasking his pathos or his penis? Nietzsche said that the more elaborate forms of masochism involve making the people you love suffer. There is no more exquisite form of pain than watching someone you love suffer. Maybe the pain and humiliation he brought upon Huma were ways of demonstrating his love for her. There are depths of perversity to Anthony Weiner that have not yet been sounded.
We could of had Huma as press secretary, totally hot and cool...instead we have that hideous Huckabee horse.
So Anthony and his "Little Tony" are mean mothas who crushed the aspirations of his wife, and therefore he should get lenient treatment from the judge? Sounds to me like he's one Democrat who is a Grade A Misogynist--not that there is anything wrong with that--when you are a Democrat. Not true for those on the other side of the aisle.
This sort of plea by Weiner is a variant on the old joke about the fellow who killed his mother and father and then asked for mercy because he was now an orphan.
The only reason Huma is standing for him, is because he knows too much and will spill. They can't "off" him, as it would be too suspicious. Hillarys girlfriend has to pretend to care about him.
Talking about Mrs Weiner (or should we call her the Weinerette?): It's Bad: New Emails Show Huma Abedin Mishandled Classified Info on Barrage of Sensitive Issues
Government watchdog Judicial Watch has just released a new batch of emails, more than 1600 pages worth, belonging to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and longtime aide Huma Abedin. The emails, released by the State Department as part of a lawsuit, show further mishandling of classified information.
The list of egregious incidents is long, including exposure of a classified conversation about U.S.-Israeli relations, the war against drug cartels in Mexico, details about Clinton's arrival in war torn Afghanistan, Afghanistan elections and much more....
Bill Clinton would never have survived the cell phone and social media era. He must be ecstatic it wasn't around in the 70s-90s.
Titus, bad grammar is not fabulous at all.
To be frank, it's ambitious to put imported Huma on an NYC dog. They shoulda got in on that sweet Kerry ketchup cash.
William said...
I saw the documentary about Weiner and his last run for mayor. Whatever the dynamics and cross currents in his relationship with Huma and Hillary, that particular scandal was straight up self destruction......Weiner, to all outward appearances, is personable and normal. You wouldn't think his libido has so many odd nooks and crannies, but it does......His motivation is difficult to figure out. Is this some form of masochism?
May be something as simple as ego boosting attention. The idea that someone is interested enough in him to exchange texts and pictures. Not getting enough attention from his wife or friends to satisfy his emotional needs.
The fact that he did not disguise himself would seem to indicate amazing stupidity, or a desire to be caught, though.
Personally, I find Huma attractive. I'd lose interest after a 5 minute conversation with her though. There's not much there to like.
"Let's be on the lookout for the aspirations-crushing impulse in the husbands of ambitious wives."
(Do not make a Meade joke...)
(Do not make a Meade joke...)
(Do not make a Meade joke...)
Titus said...We could of had Huma as press secretary, totally hot and cool...instead we have that hideous Huckabee horse.
Huma's more of a background player--I doubt she would have been fielding questions from a podium anyway.
What about current WH Comms Dir Hope Hicks? She's a bit fab, no?
Run, don't walk, to see the documentary Weiner. You will be astounded.
"Let's be on the lookout for the aspirations-crushing impulse in the husbands of ambitious wives."
Strange assignment. What about aspiration-crushing impulse in WIVES of ambitious husbands?
Are there no cases of wives backstabbing their husbands? OR, is that condition so ubiquitous that no lookout is needed.
I would be up for Hope Hicks too. Very hot. Very east coast/NYCish. NYC women are fucking hot. It is the looks yes, but the attitude and clothes are delish. I like seeing the older NYC women working the streets. All thin and in shape and rich.
"Are there no cases of wives backstabbing their husbands?"
The most direct attempt by a wife to backstab a husband politically, that I know of, was probably Silvio Berlusconi's wife Veronica Lario writing open letters to the press complaining about his infidelities and other embarrassments - while she was still married to him. But he was Berlusconi, and that was Italy.
I think the Egyptian Generals lynching Muslim Brotherhood members was more of a factor in crushing Huma's aspirations. She'll bounce back as soon as she is convicted of the Espionage Act, there will be a high paid job waiting for her at Harvard or in Berkeley.
Anthony Wiener isn't Bill Clinton's mini me, he's Chuck Shumer's.
Let's not forget who Chelsea looks like, namely Webb Hubbell.
For which google.
If Apple FaceID is confident enough to unlock my new phone haven't the algorithms smartened up enough to give us a definitive answer to this?
And while we're on the subject, did Bill Clinton want to crush the aspirations of his wife?
There's no evidence of that. There's is, however, anecdotal evidence that Hillary suspected it was true.
In real life, having a successful spouse is either a mutually enjoyable good thing, or it is struggled against as a horrible punishment that deprives the other of having a life. That little truth explains why so many successful men and women end up divorced.
Bay Area Guy wrote: I do not relish the predicament of Mr. Weiner.
And well you should not. What was done was a heinous inhuman crime of historic proportions. Not only did he warp the developing psyche of an innocent young girl he greatly assisted the downfall of the greatest chief executive since Millard Fillmore even before her epic administration took office. If Hermann Göring deserved the rope, Anthony Weiner deserves mustard gas.
I think hid dick pic helped save western civilization and that he should be given a full pardon and maybe the congressional medal of honor.
"When she had the audacity to tweet that "you have a right to be believed" (meaning alleged victims/survivor"s of sexual assault and rape) her own history of attacking women who credibly accused her husband.."
In her Arkansas attorney days, she was recorded "blaming the victim"/categorically diminishing credibility of an accusation...even joking about that and the investigative process itself.
I suppose she could disavow that as well..framing it as yet more examples of Bill's "toxic masculinity" pushing her to act against HER own interests.
I'd love to see video of Hillary finding out about the loose Wiener, over and over. Either this New York one or the Arkansas one. Those little doggies have bitten her in the ass her whole career. We never got to see the actual reactions. I can imagine her calm, reasoned response to the news. well as an example of how she "had to" lower herself to fit in at a male dominated Southern firm...after mistakenly following her husband into such a hotbed of racism and misogyny.
Look, whatever about Bill Clinton's oily charm or whatever, but I've see the staged photos of his pasty, flabby body out "jogging". The only thing masculine about that slimy sexual predator is that he's a male.
That's all it takes to qualify.
"I feel sorry for that whole den of dysfunctional dingbats."
They brought it all on themselves. Every, single bit of it.
They deserve their misery.
Because they (Bill, Hillary, Huma, Anthony, and their respective children and grandchildren) clearly don't have lives based on love, health and happiness with family members who are honest and trustworthy and humble and decent, and they don't know the deep joys and delights of committed and faithful marriage. I'm sorry for anyone who lives under those conditions.
"It's Bad: New Emails Show Huma Abedin Mishandled Classified Info on Barrage of Sensitive Issues"
-- So, new emails show us crime we already knew happened really happened. But, it doesn't matter, does it?
Titus said...I like seeing the older NYC women working the streets. All thin and in shape and rich.
Would they be fun to hang out with, though? Or is it all cattiness and cigarettes? Maybe cattiness and martinis--that could be fun for a little while.
I like that pictures of Hope Hicks get confused online with pictures of a model named Hilary...Hilary Rhoda. Now if THAT Hilary wanted to be the spokesperson for something, I'd probably listen for a couple of minutes.
Titus said...I like seeing the older NYC women working the streets. All thin and in shape and rich.
Tom Wolfe called them Social X-Rays. You can never be too rich or too thin.
What was Huma aspiring to do? Once we know this, we can decide if we have sympathy for her.....or not.
Titus struttin' some of that trademark "toxic masculinity".
Luckily, he's in a protected class.
This whole ugly business has all the makings of a classic melodrama: the Fallen Queen, her faithless husband, the faithful servant and her hapless semi-comic husband, the courtiers, the vile usurper, the chorus of admirers, and above all the Hubris. And then Nemesis. The Greeks had a word for it. A more erudite commenter than me might be aware that such a work already exists.
Reminds me of a band I was in many years ago that had 3 lesbians in it. When they got a look at wife of the cis male guitarist, it released a geyser of insults among them.
Huma and Weiner are destined to have one of the fabled romances of the new century. We don't yet know how it will play out. It's too farcical for melodrama, but the very absurdity of the plot gives it the possibility of tragedy. Weiner's misdeeds were enabled and, uh, exposed by the new technology. He is a sinner for our time.......It's not quite a victimless crime, but Weiner seems to be the chief hors de combat.
The Democrats are the party of dramatists. Their leading figures catch a break. Eleanor and FDR had a successful marriage and a curdled romance. Parts of their story were beyond sordid. FDR enlisted the help of their daughter in arranging assignations with his mistress. Eleanor treated her lesbian lover with the same casual disregard as FDR treated her. None of this will ever be dramatized. Sunrise at Campobello.........JFK and Jackie, That's still presented as a storybook romance (with a few shadows on the rose), but who knows what the dynamics of that strange relationship was.
Men crushing the aspirations of their wives:
1. Anthony Weiner (admittedly)
2. Bill Clinton (possibly)
Men who don't seem to be into crushing the aspirations of their wives:
1. Todd Palin
2. Frank Fiorina
3. Michael Haley
It would seem women who married powerful men to help them get ahead are more likely to have those same powerful men crush them once the power balance begins to erode.
What a Wiener that guy was to "crush" her aspirations to put a lying, corrupt, egomaniac in the White House.
But she knew he was a Wiener when she married him.
Oh, I wish I was an Anthony Wiener
That is what I truly want to be,
for if I was an Anthony Wiener
Every chick would want a pic of me.
Oh, I wish I had a spot of sympathy, but every time I see Wiener's face, I remember all the times he was on TV cable channels as an attack dog for the Dems, saying the most outrageous things, and then my Sympathy Meter™ doesn't even flicker.
Like he's the victim.
Well what the hell do you expect them to say? They're his lawyers. You come up with tons of just as crazy stuff in the capacity of Trump's lawyer, which seems to be a role that you take on just about every day here.
"Yeah..but TRUMMMP!"
"I do see that Hillary Clinton's calculated decision not to separate herself from Bill Clinton's bad behavior as very harmful to Hillary's political career, but to me that's almost entirely Hillary's fault."
Take out "almost" and I would entirely agree. Also, Hillary's calculated decision crushed the aspirations and liberation of millions of American girls, 10 years-old in 1998, who now, childless at 30, with their "pussy hats" and careers that were suppose to bring them satisfaction, independence, and empowerment, have a very skewed idea of just what constitutes sexual assault, harassment, indeed, what sex even is, much less love and marital fidelity. Very sad legacy the Clintons leave America.
What the Clintons did was nothing new, but they had to dress it in the clothing of Feminism and Enlightenment.
Take out "almost" and I would entirely agree. Also, Hillary's calculated decision crushed the aspirations and liberation of millions of American girls, 10 years-old in 1998, who now, childless at 30, with their "pussy hats" and careers that were suppose to bring them satisfaction, independence, and empowerment, have a very skewed idea of just what constitutes sexual assault, harassment, indeed, what sex even is, much less love and marital fidelity. Very sad legacy the Clintons leave America.
Lol. So you take out the "almost" from Hillary's contribution to her own career outcome, but blame the Clintons entirely for what American women choose to do/not to do when it comes to their own career and happiness and sex lives? That's rich!
How does that work, exactly?
American women already were the way Meade described in the 1990s. Hillary didn't do jack to that. They chose her as their icon, not the other way around.
I remember the 1990s. I worked and went to school during the 1990s. The 1990s did their best to become a friend of mine.
You sir, are off on the 1990s.
PC and sexual hysteria was already well underway by that point. What we have now is just an extension of it. And Hillary couldn't have been the one to have made all that happen.
I think PC was just the ridiculous left-wing response to Reagan's social conservatives and trying to prove that they could be prude, too. Just in their own stupid way. Their genesis was in the 2nd-wave feminism of the 1970s, but only during and after the 1980s could you say they rose in power, like so many erect little teensy tiny clitorises.
Of course, people also like to say that AIDS did it, too. But I think Reagan and the social conservatives were a lot more influential.
I dunno. Perhaps I'm being harsh. If American women were influenced by Hillary it probably would have been by the time they "silently" anointed her in 1993, though. Not in 1998 or 99 when the more newsworthy grab-ass rumors came to light.
I have always suspected that Bill Clinton didn't want his wife to be President. He, of all people, probably best understands just how horrible she would be.
Her book (as well as Shattered) makes it clear he wanted to help but was rebuffed by her campaign. Imagine that - telling the most natural politician in generations "Get lost. We don't need you." I'm the polar opposite of Bill Clinton, politically, but if he offered to help me I'd do whatever it took to keep him around.
Hillary is too incompetent to be president.
I'm the polar opposite of Bill Clinton, politically -
Hmmm... Anti-DOMA, Anti-NAFTA, anti-crime bill, pro-Glass-Steagall?
Hillary is too incompetent to be president.
Definitely so, if she rebuffed his assistance. But for many other reasons, too.
Speaking of Bill Clinton's advice, wasn't he the one who encouraged his friend Trump to run?
Hmmm... Anti-DOMA, Anti-NAFTA, anti-crime bill, pro-Glass-Steagall?
How much of that was principle and how much was opportunism?
"What the Clintons did was nothing new, but they had to dress it in the clothing of Feminism and Enlightenment."
True. The First Enlightened Fem president will need to be someone who lives like she is actually committed to enlightened feminism. Enlightened feminism isn't about power. It's about the things Hillary and Huma have always been willing to compromise in order to reach their aspirations to power — liberty and dignity.
Bill Clinton's a corporate conservative Democrat. He founded the DLC to make the Democrat party more Wall Street-friendly. I'm just now finding out how much he and the party he created deeply hate the left. They definitely prefer Republicans and conservatives to the left.
They definitely prefer Republicans and conservatives to the left.
So does most of the rest of the country.
How much of that was principle and how much was opportunism?
Who knows? From my earliest "exposure" (tv, Meade - keep your mind clean) to Clinton I always knew something was weird about him. A bit off. Not drastically, but I didn't understand the audience response and love and crowd reaction and all that jazz. Oh, that's right - charisma.
So eventually I realized that he's not an idiot, but his mind works in a really weird way. The best way to sum up Clinton is that if he feels he can convince you to believe it, it might as well be true. His birth father was a traveling salesman. Clinton really does think that that empiric, natural world reality is shaped completely by political reality. And it's his job to shape that political reality.
So does he even have principles? Nope. Opportunism IS his principle. The right was right when they got this about him straight away.
I also feel that when he's talking to someone, the sole thought running through his head was a way to imagine the face of the person he addressed turning into a giant, wet, sopping, soaking vagina. I think his mouth waters. All those Big Macs and food gluttony were just compensation for wanting to fuck everything in sight.
So does most of the rest of the country.
That's bullshit. Poll them on the issues.
If they did then you wouldn't have to gerrymander. The last thing you want is the very people in charge who thought your ACA-repeal was such a shit sandwich that they "rewarded" it with a 17% approval rating.
Nowadays the prudes would tell us that what Clinton "suffers" from is a "sex addiction" - assuming there even is such a thing. But that's not true. What he has is a seduction addiction.
It's what makes him an unusually effective politician. When he's persuading you of a political point, he sexualizes you. It's the same mindset. Or groin-set. Whatever.
TR, I think your analysis of Bill Clinton is pretty insightful.
I've always wondered how Bill Clinton would have coped with a Pearl Harbor, or a Black Monday, or a 9/11.
I've always wondered how Bill Clinton would have coped with a Pearl Harbor, or a Black Monday, or a 9/11.
It depends. Which response would have gotten him the most tail?
That's what it comes down to. In the 90s I had this running skit in my head where I could impersonate his voice and talk about the "Pussy Policy." Maybe you could call it the Pussy Principle. Whatever it is, it involves Bill going on about how his administration is all about doing what's right for the pussy. As much pussy, as often as possible. That's what it comes down to. In his Arkansas accent, mind you, and in explained in a very legalistic and serious way.
TR, I think your analysis of Bill Clinton is pretty insightful.
Well thank you.
I may now have to retract the paragraph above that I just wrote. It certainly is possible to go to excess when analyzing how much Bill Clinton is ruled by his own excesses.
I think Dana Carvey did a good Bill Clinton bit in that first episode of his ill-fated tv show. But he likened the guy to someone wanting to breast-feed the nation.
A bit too oblique. Bill's about the procreation. Not the lactation.
If Clinton were about procreation he would have left a horde of bastards.
Berlusconi is a good model/counterpart for Bill Clinton.
He felt free to have three kids with his actress-mistress - whom he then married later.
Very much "Marriage Italian Style" - Sofia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni
Given Berlusconi's known service record (his sex scandals are endless) he could well have a bunch more.
buwaya said...If Clinton were about procreation he would have left a horde of bastards.
Maybe he has..
If Clinton were about procreation he would have left a horde of bastards.
Maybe he has..
He spawned his own vast right-wing conspiracy.
"Maybe he has.."
Doubt it. They would have shown up by now.
Unless you want to go far into the "Clinton body count" weeds.
The Clinton rumor that seems more likely is the "infertile Bill" one.
He's made a helluva lot of hush money.
Paula Jones gave testimony to the effect that he suffers from Peyronie's disease, and Juanita Broaddrick (sp?) alleges that when he raped her, he told her that he was infertile due to childhood mumps. They only have the one daughter, and it's a wise child that knows its own father.
Believe it or not there's no pleasure in this salacious talk. It's truly shameful the Democrats allowed a person of such irrectitude to participate in their political process.
Of course, maybe he's always shot blanks...Chelsea notwithstanding.
So does most of the rest of the country.
That's bullshit. Poll them on the issues.
We did...last November.
"That's bullshit. Poll them on the issues."
We did...last November.
No you didn't, Dummy. Which issues were on the ballot? Which policies?
Trump put a handful of issues "on the ballot" in relative bold relief.
No you didn't, Dummy. Which issues were on the ballot? Which policies?
Immigration, build a wall, repeal Obamacare, prevent Cruella De Ville from becoming president....
Republicans dominated from the presidency to the dogcatcher all across the nation.
"She didn't have to marry that turkey."
Alas, the Trailer Park video machine only had a dvd of Restoration (1995) where the King's mistress was married off to a Doctor for expediency.
Marriage of convenience, so they say.
There are several obvious ethnographic background issues that has ALWAYS puzzled me about those two, assuming it was a Restoration marriage.
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