August 14, 2017

"It needs to look at who ordered the police to stand down in the face of mob violence, and why."

"A decision to allow citizens to be assaulted in the exercise of their constitutional rights is a federal felony."

Writes Glenn Reynolds.


Oso Negro said...

I love Glenn's blog, but sometimes it amazes me that he can still be surprised by how Democrats exercise their nearly total control over government.

rhhardin said...

What makes us Americans is we agree on the rules. In particular you can say anything you want.

Something Trump is being attacked for defending.

You're not allowed to beat the shit out of somebody, which follows.

Bill R said...

I'm sure a special prosecutor can get to the bottom of it.

Several special prosecutors

David Begley said...

That will never happen. The narrative is already established.

Ann Althouse said...

"I love Glenn's blog, but sometimes it amazes me that he can still be surprised by how Democrats exercise their nearly total control over government."

I frequently see comments expressing the idea that something being blogged about is not surprising as if the blogger had expressed surprise. Is the commenter jaded or bored? What the blogger is doing is being vigilant and amassing a continuous record of a phenomenon. You should not assume the blogger had been naive or unaware. You might think the work isn't worth doing. I think it is.

Kevin said...

I'm sure the ACLU is on this! Wait...

Big Mike said...

If the DoJ does investigate, the Democrats, fronted by media pundits, will insist that it's only a blatant effort to play politics and damage McAuliffe's chances in 2020.

Kevin said...

Oh the spectable of the Trump DOJ coming down on Terry McAuliffe for failing to protect the civil rights of lawful protesters because he wanted to create an anti-Trump media firestorm...

And the resulting spectacle of the left recognizing the DOJ's Civil Rights Division would be protecting the rights of Nazis to hold a rally.

Talk about the entertainment value!

tim maguire said...

Once again, the left over plays its hand. There's a great big melee driven mostly by liberal protestors abetted by an irresponsible local government. In one small part of that great big melee, someone drives their car into a crowd and someone gets killed.

The left wants to pretend that that one small part is the whole story, and a few years ago they would have gotten away with it.

traditionalguy said...

As soon as the NFL gets going, these staged riots will lose the ratings. We seem to be in a lull between the major sports. And let's face it, Peace is boring.

Sydney said...

Tim Maguire- It looks to me like they are still getting away with it.

Hurling Dervish said...

"Run them down." Glenn Reynolds' advice on protesters shortly before being suspended by USA Today."Run them down." Glenn Reynolds' advice on what to do with protesters, shortly before being suspended by USA Today.

Kevin said...

If the DoJ does investigate, the Democrats, fronted by media pundits, will insist that it's only a blatant effort to play politics and damage McAuliffe's chances in 2020.

Yes they will. But Trump ran on being the law and order candidate, so he would be fulfilling a campaign promise in doing so. Not to mention he's only following in the footsteps of the Obama DOJ, which constantly scrutinized the infringement on civil rights by police departments.

If Trump doesn't move on this now, I see more violence in an attempt by the left to demonstrate Trump can't provide public safety. This is Sessions' opportunity to put the police on notice they cannot stand idly by every time Antifa shows up to counter-protest.

The police will fully support Trump's efforts to let them police their cities. The biggest disgrace in all that happened this weekend was that only 3 people were arrested.

rehajm said...

Even if there were evidence of a felony no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

Big Mike said...

@tim maguire, left-wing protesters, yes. Liberal, no.

Michael K said...

"Glenn Reynolds' advice on protesters shortly before being suspended by USA Today."Run them down."

You forgot to add context. What do you do when protesters block the street and then attack your car.?

Reginald Denny could not be reached for comment.

Quayle said...
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Ann Althouse said...

""Run them down." Glenn Reynolds' advice on protesters shortly before being suspended by USA Today."Run them down." Glenn Reynolds' advice on what to do with protesters, shortly before being suspended by USA Today."

What "them" was he referring to?

From the Journal of Higher Education:

"Reynolds, Beauchamp Brogan Distinguished Professor of Law at Tennessee and moderator of Instapundit, responded last week to a tweet from a local news station about protesters blocking traffic with the words “Run them down.” He issued a separate apology Tuesday to the law school. One “of my 580,000 tweets blew up,” Reynolds wrote. “I try to be careful and precise in my language. I didn’t do that this time, and I unfortunately made a lot of people in the law school community sad or angry, something I certainly didn’t mean to do, and feel bad about.” Reynolds said he was “following the riots in Charlotte, against a background of reports of violence, which seemed to be getting worse.” While the words “run them down” can “be taken as encouragement of drivers going out of their way to run down protesters,” he said, “I meant no such thing, and I’m sorry it seemed to many that I did. What I meant was that drivers who feel their lives are in danger from a violent mob should not stop their vehicles. … My tweet should have said, ‘Keep driving,’ or ‘Don’t stop.’ I was upset, and it was a bad tweet.”"

Wince said...

Coupled with a police stand-down order, the following rhetoric is inculpating.

Early on Saturday evening, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe condemned the white supremacists, telling the Nazi marchers that “there is no place for you here. There is no place for you in America.”

Paul from Decatur, GA said...

As Ann herself has written, there was a lot going on in Charlottesville that needs further investigation and reporting. One of my personal concerns is that that part of it that does NOT support the alt-Left agenda will NOT get reported in the MSN and thus its obvious agenda will go unchallenged. The statements of the VA governor, Charlottesville mayor, et al., were just propaganda meant for their political bases. Facts folks, just the facts. This tragic weekend should have been spared all this virtue-signaling.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The sad rationalizing of the fascist murderer's actions continues apace. It would be a disgrace, if expectations were higher. Even Republican politicians have done a better job than Althouse at staking out a morally defensible position.

Henry said...

Standing down does seem to be the default police action these days.

I suspect it comes from a fear that the police themselves will be a target -- and thus make the riots worse.

Which bleeds into the fear by politicians that the police will be blamed if they act -- which is a completely different thing.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Reynold's weaselly apology to save his job is even more pathetic than his original statement. A true man would have stuck with his beliefs, which were accurately stated in his first statement. Weasel boy apparently hasn't saved enough to allow retirement from his sinecure in academia.

GRW3 said...

Odd, five Dallas police officers were assassinated with a gun, not road rage. Black Lives Matter was not blamed for that, even though they had effectively called for police deaths.

Hurling Dervish said...

Ann, you're buying his own after-he-was-in-trouble spin. You are not so charitable with others.

rhhardin said...

A car that you're in is superior force and can be used for self defense, namely getting out of there.

It doesn't seem controversial.

Instead of apologizing he should have said pay fucking attention.

Professional lady said...

Seems to me that both sides came looking for trouble. The authorities should have been proactive. They should have kept the two sides separated from the beginning. Given the recent violent protests, the mayhem was all too predictable. A riot waiting to happen was ignored and a person was killed as a result. I would like some real answers as to why that happened.

Roughcoat said...

I frequently see comments expressing the idea that something being blogged about is not surprising as if the blogger had expressed surprise. Is the commenter jaded or bored? What the blogger is doing is being vigilant and amassing a continuous record of a phenomenon. You should not assume the blogger had been naive or unaware. You might think the work isn't worth doing. I think it is.

I think so too.

Big Mike said...

@ARM, you wouldn't know a true man if he pissed all over your pant leg.

Browndog said...

Seems to me one side lawfully gathered to make a statement, and trouble found them.

If anyone has any actual evidence to the contrary,please feel free to share it.

Matt Sablan said...

Browndog: They showed up wanting a fight; Antifa obliged them. Unlike the "Battle of Berkley" though, this time, Antifa showed up in force and weren't beaten back and shocked by the fact that, for once, their targets fought back.

It's only going to get worse, especially if people like the VA Governor remain in charge and let things get worse.

Tommy Duncan said...

ARM enters the morning conversation with several of provocative statements intended to stir up the blogging crowd. The irony of his actions is lost on him.

Browndog said...

Again, show me the evidence. Everyone wants to claim they were looking for a fight, as if to know their true intention was not their stated intention.

And yes, it's going to get much worse. If young white males are not allowed to gather peacefully and exercise their 1st Amendment rights without being attacked and called nazis, they will go underground and radicalize.

rhhardin said...

It seems to be all virtue on the left, if not self-awareness. News on Imus

...protests went bad and an Ohio man is charged with murder after a car was driven into the crowd, killed one person, Heather Heyer, 32 year old paralegal, and ironically she was known as someone who fought for equal rights, her father called her a social justice warrior, she was remembered at a vigil sunday night, and friends of Heather are calling this death an act of terror, protesters said more has to be done to stop the hate -

[audio clip] "we will not tolerate white supremacist groups KKK in any way shape or form"

rhhardin said...

I'd do away with white supremacist as a term; you want people who wish others ill or not.

That cuts across a thousand groups.

Wishing ill is mostly transformed on the right to a good prose style and jokes. Maybe that should be taught in school. The left mostly wants to untransform it.

Roughcoat said...

"we will not tolerate white supremacist groups KKK in any way shape or form.

And there you have the problem in a nutshell. In fact, such groups must be tolerated for so long as they don't break the law. Same goes for their ideological opponents.

Ideologues of the left, along with their supporters, are not unaware of this formulation. But they reject it. They have had things mostly their way, in cultural terms, for quite awhile: they have successfully (for the most part) carried out what Rudi Dutschke termed "the long march through the institutions." But they have not triumphed. They've gone too far, in doing so pushing people in the center further to the right and people on the right into the alt-right. They have radicalized the alt-right, which now pushing back.

Which is, of course, exactly what the left wants, goddamn their wretched totalitarian souls.

holdfast said...

“there is no place for you here. There is no place for you in America'

Imagine if a governor or president had said that about ANSWER or another one of the commie front groups that liked to riot during GWB"s administration. It would have been called McArthyism and eliminationist rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

Tommy Duncan: ARM enters the morning conversation with several of provocative statements...

But they weren't "provocative", would that they were. "Provocative" is good, makes people think, sharpens them up. For whatever reason, ARM has gone full SJW retard these days and is just tossing up chaff. It doesn't provoke, it just irritates. He didn't used to be Inga v.2.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Big Mike said...
you wouldn't know a true man if he pissed all over your pant leg.

That would be a dog, like Reynolds.

Roughcoat said...

The situation in America today is not a case of "one side is as bad as the other." The alt-right is bad. But the left is worse. Far worse. The left constitutes the primary threat to our constitutional order. If, tomorrow, the left quit their ongoing cultural and political putsch, the alt-right would disappear immediately, like smoke in the wind. But if the alt-right were to go away tomorrow, the left would continue its assault with ever-increasing vigor. The left has the will to power, the alt-right does not. Nor do conservatives and centrists, who rightly feel that they are being backed into a corner. Conservatives and centrists, and the alt-right, are fighting a defensive war. The left is fighting a war of conquest.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Terry Mc Aweful - stinks.

David said...

“You can’t stop some crazy guy who came here from Ohio and used his car as a weapon. He is a terrorist.”

This from Terry McCauliffe, who wants to be president. I think Terry will be hearing those words again if he runs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The thing with Reynolds is that he is a fraud, scamming the taxpayers of Tennessee. He is clearly not putting his full effort into the job that he is paid to do by the taxpayers, be a law professor. He has no significant reputation in academic law. He is no better, or worse, than some union worker running a side business while pretending to 'work' at his taxpayer funded job.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Glenn Reynolds - via Ann

...What I meant was that drivers who feel their lives are in danger from a violent mob should not stop their vehicles. … My tweet should have said, ‘Keep driving,’ or ‘Don’t stop.’ I was upset, and it was a bad tweet.”"

Apology not accepted. Only leftwing liars like Hillary and Terry McAuliff get the benefit of the doubt after they lie.

ARM cannot see or understand a perfectly logical distinction - which is why ARM is a leftist tool and an a-hole.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ARM - reasonable? - you're the fraud.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ARM and his fascist leftwing tendencies, tells Glenn when and why he can run a side venture.

exhelodrvr1 said...
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exhelodrvr1 said...

"For whatever reason, ARM has gone full SJW retard these days and is just tossing up chaff. "

The reason is pretty clear - the arguments against Trump's policies have very little validity.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Terry McClinton - follow the money and the lies.

Browndog said...

Roughcoat said...


I shudder when I hear people say things like "All this over a damn statue", forgetting how "this" Started--one lonesome flag flying at the State Capital in S. Carolina.

One political ideology wants to ban books, words, ideas, discussion, symbols, flags, statues, etc., and have their champions in positions of power to do just that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

exhelodrvr1 said...
the arguments against Trump's policies have very little validity.

Yeah, because Trump has been a dynamo of activity advancing the agenda he ran on.

Bay Area Guy said...

Reynolds is a great blogger. I guess some folks with fascist tendencies would like him to stop blogging.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Now Unreasonable bitch is making transpeciest bigotted remarks to along with his recent history of transphobic remarks about the violent tendencies of what he describes as "trannys."

Present yourself to the Charlottsville SJW mob for your beating, until you are sufficiently woke.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Left tries to win arguments by silencing their opponents. Myself, I think Nazis, Communists and the KKK are horrid groups. But I thought, until recent actions by the Left, that they were still entitled to First Amendment rights of free speech and expression.

It seems like the Left wants to change this understanding, on the basis that folks who engage in hate speech are no longer entitled to free speech.

Big Mike said...

It seems like the Left wants to change this understanding, on the basis that folks who engage in hate speech are no longer entitled to free speech.

And I'm okay with that, Bay Area Guy, as long as I'm the person who gets to decide what is and isn't hate speech.

Luke Lea said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ISIS likes to take down old historical statues and antiquities, too.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bay Area Guy said...
I guess some folks with fascist tendencies would like him to stop blogging.

And I guess some people, those with a moral compass, would like him to stop scamming the taxpayers of Tennessee.

Anonymous said...

Remember the days when "antifas" were just those government-protected thugs that you read about in the European press? You know, those goons allowed to run around as quasi-governmental "enforcers" while the PTBs scrupulously suppressed nazis and criminalized display of nazi paraphernalia, while categorizing anybody on the right as "nazis" and "fascists" so they could suppress and criminalize them, too?

God bless America, I would think when I read that stuff. Here Nazis in their draggly little groups have the right to march and hoot and everybody laughs at them and then they skulk away. Antifas? Who they? Those moronic young lefties smashing up windows during WTO meetings? Amateurs, no? Spoiled, air-head college kids. And hardly a permanent thing. Occasionally a politicized nutjob from points left or right explodes into murder and mayhem but hey, it's a huge country, odds are against that never happening.

Then I woke up one morning and...AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH!

It's become pretty obvious that we've been moving toward the European status quo, described above. Hopefully, we won't continue down that road. Unlike in Europe, there are substantial numbers of Americans who consider hammers and sickles to be as disgusting and shocking as swastikas are, and will settle this with strong free speech protections allied with serious, even-handed prosecution of criminal behavior from thugs of any political flavor.

Hopefully. But there's going to be a fight to ensure that this condition prevails.

Luke Lea said...
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iowan2 said...

The thing with Reynolds is that he is a fraud, scamming the taxpayers of Tennessee

But...but..but have been screaming for more than 24 hours that those that filed for a permit to protest the acts of the govt have no standing. Their only recourse is to vote in the next election. Redress of grievence is yet another constitutional protection that has outlived it usefulness.
You have no standing to address Reynolds fitness of purpose. Only to vote at the next election, to change the governor, who will appoint different people to the board of regents that control the state run universities, that will then hire different chancellors, that will in turn hire different Deans for the collage of law, that will then fire Reynolds, who, oops, has tenure, that protects academic freedom, a protection you dump in the trash heap, like the Constitution, because it fails to censure those that desperately need it. Some have no core values that will stymie their desire to control every aspects of others lives. We call them Democrats

Luke Lea said...

An excellent opportunity for Trump's Department of Justice to stand up for law and order in defense of everyone's constitutional right of free speech and of peaceful assembly. Even bigots and white nationalists deserve to be protected from left-wing extremists armed with clubs. When the governor of Virginia said "there is no place for you here" he misspoke unless he was referring to individuals on both sides who came with violent intent.

This is Civics 101. I find it surprising that leaders of the Democratic Party are losing sight of such fundamental principles. With friends like antifa who needs enemies?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I am fine with some people making fools of the themselves by parading in nazi paraphernalia and spouting anti-jewish and anti-black rhetoric, if that is their thing. I am not fine with rent-a-thug fascists marching into town and killing an innocent woman. Unexpectedly, most people agree with me.

buwaya said...

Reynolds is a great asset to UT law school.
They are doing far better than most state law schools in terms of applicants, in the middle of a market collapse. I think it's understood that Reynolds has been a rainmaker for them.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

iowan2 said...
You have no standing to address Reynolds fitness of purpose.

I have a moral compass, I can call him on his scamming of the taxpayers of Tennessee if I wish. I have no standing to march into his office with a tiki torch and a semi-automatic and then run him over in the parking lot. On this I agree.

buwaya said...

I doubt the poor fellow was a rent-a-thug. Those people have no money to rent anyone, and the guys background does not seem to have anything thuggy in it.

It seems rather to be more of a Bonfire of the Vanities situation.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"I have a moral compass"

Which apparently spins right towards the true north of using transphobic slurs like "tranny" and implying that they commit violent acts of castration.

If only a large group of woke citizens could surround you in your car with bats to correct your bigotry.

iowan2 said...

I have a moral compass, I can call him on his scamming of the taxpayers of Tennessee if I wish

No. You can only vote in the next election. Assuming your a resident of TN. Well, except restricting voting to only those legally allowed to vote, is yet another principle, Democrats have disavowed.
These are your rules, not mine.

buwaya said...

I don't think there is a functional moral compass in the US today, or not at least one that is acceptable to any large number of people.

You can get all sorts to parrot lines but what is in their hearts is another matter.

Sebastian said...

@LL: "I find it surprising that leaders of the Democratic Party are losing sight of it." What is surprising here? They are rationally exploiting the situation for political gain, with the active support of the MSM, creating a narrative that tars "the right" as 'white supremacist" and "just like the nazis," goading Sessions and GOPe pussies into playing their game.

"An excellent opportunity for Trump's Department of Justice to stand up for law and order in defense of everyone's constitutional right of free speech." Keep hope alive, man.

See, AA may be right that "bloggers" try to register things and aren't necessarily "surprised," but with just about any lefty move in the ongoing culture wars we get these expressions of surprise, and of hope that sensible people will do nice things, you know, like standing up people's constitutional rights. As if.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya puti said...
Reynolds is a great asset to UT law school.

Let's see some figures that definitively show that Reynolds is a financial asset to UT.

Given how much effort he has put into undermining the business model of law schools, the most logical conclusion is that they would prefer to see the useless fucker gone.

Birkel said...

There are 67 academic articles and four books in the "selected works" (READ: There are others.) section of Glenn Reynolds' CV.

ARM stands in judgment of Reynolds' academic work.

Etienne said...
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President-Mom-Jeans said...

Transphobic biogt is jealous of successful law professor, news at 11.

What is it about Glenn Reynolds that makes transphobic bigots like AReasonable men so green with envy that they lash out with impotent fury?

buwaya said...

I believe you can look it up ARM. Reynolds cites comparative enrollment performance reports quite often.

Your opinion doesn't seem well supported. I don't recall any reporting that says IT wants him gone.

Etienne said...

You can take all the Confederate statues, and you can take all the Confederate road signs, but you will never successfully force a Confederate to kiss some one-percent wealthy Manhattan Jews ass.

At some point, the Confederates are going to tire of the game, and as always happens, a lot of innocent people end-up paying the price.

Then the wealthy one-percent Manhattan Jews all run to the 51st state and go shit on Arabs for awhile.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya puti said...
Reynolds cites comparative enrollment performance reports quite often.

UT Law School is only ranked #57 it is not even the top ranked law school in Tennessee. Given all the shitty law schools in the US this is not a great performance by any measure.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

No one will look into why the cops were ordered not to separate the groups.
No one looked into it when it happened at Berkeley.
No on looked into it when it happened at several Trump campaign rallies in big cities--where there are videos of cops standing nearby while Trump supporters are assaulted (hit with thrown objects, pushed, punched--beaten in the streets).
No one will look into this.

The Media has its story. NPR was wall-to-wall with it this morning: a white supremicist rally "broke out in violence" and a white supremecist from Ohio murdered a woman and injured many in a terrorist attack.

That's the only story you're going to hear. The Democrat officials in Democrat towns make a point of not protecting groups the Democrats dislike. It's not subtle.

The Gov. declared a state of emergency in Charlottesville which made the legally-permitted protest (by Unite the Right) an "unlawfully assembly." The cops dispersed the Unite people and drove them off--they refused to arrest any of them (some of the Unite people tried to get arrested so they would have a case against the city) but pepper sprayed and baton-ed them into dispersing.
Now when the state of emergency was declared it meant everyone would legally have to leave--Unite and Antifa alike. Once the cops drove the Unite people off, though, the Antifa people/counterprotesters regrouped and began marching. That, of course, was illegal and should have been broken up by the same cops...but strangely they didn't seem too interested.

The guy who drove his car through the Antifa crowd was driving through an assembly that legally shouldn't have existed--that was on a side street filled with people marching to the main street en masse to continue their protest march.

Weird how the laws, and the rules, are only enforced against some people, huh? Will anyone "look into" why that is?

No; nothing will be done. The story is set. Deviation from the story means you're a Nazi.

You're not a Nazi, are you??

Unknown said...

I wonder if ARM thinks Lawrence Tribe is also scamming the taxpayers. He, after all, frequently takes time out of the school day to opine as a liberal.

Or is this another "Every Republican should be executed like my hero Bill Ayers wants!"

I bet it's the latter. Note how ARM and Inga never, ever think leftist violence is bad. They couldn't bring themselves to say that Steve Scalise's shooting was bad, nor did they go around demanding Bernie Sanders and Hillary and everyone else denounce it.

ARM has not, as far as I can tell, said a word about his people, the antifa, trying to literally burn people alive with homemade flamethrowers. That's perfectly fine in his book, since the targets should all be executed anyway. Correct, ARM? If Terry McAuillife sets up a concentration camp and sends every Republican in Virginia to it tomorrow: How soon would you volunteer to be a camp guard?


Big Mike said...

I have a broken moral compass

Fixed it for you, ARM.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Yet still Jeff Sessions agrees with me, along with 95% of the rest of the country.

Rick.T. said...

As a Tenessee taxpayer who is happy to chip in for Professor Reynolds salary, my comment to ARM is "Bless your heart!"

buwaya said...

UT seems to be doing marketing far better than their weight class, which is the point.
Law schools in the lower and middle brackets are doing much worse.
Reynolds can sell the school, not make it better. He doesnt run the place.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya puti said...
UT seems to be doing marketing far better than their weight class

What is the evidence for this claim. If true it would be reflected in the rankings.

JAORE said...

"...she was known as someone who fought for equal rights, her father called her a social justice warrior,"

In truth these Venn diagrams do not intersect except in the delusions of the hard left.

mockturtle said...

Yet still Jeff Sessions agrees with me, along with 95% of the rest of the country.

ARM has been busy this morning out polling the populace.

Birkel said...

So after making a claim about Reynolds' scholarship that was plainly false ARM moved the goal posts and still people engage ARM as if he were worth the time?

Mock and be done with him.

rhhardin said...

If a moral compass is anything like an aircraft compass, it's only reliable flying south, at least as a directional indicator. The magnetic field is all tippy and a bank swings the compass. FLying south (in the US) the bank swing is in the correct direction to show which way you're turning.

In case your turn and bank ever goes out.

Unknown said...

I mock ARM all the time. This is the guy defending his leftist mobs attacking people he doesn't like. He's on this thread demanding that Glenn Reynolds quit (and of course, be silent) because Reynolds doesn't agree with him.

I presume ARM chose that name because his favorite flag is the hammer and sickle, with the arm holding it.

I mean, lately--could anyone tell the difference between what ARM writes and, say, a screed from Chernenko? I can't.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

mockturtle said...
ARM has been busy this morning out polling the populace.

When me and Jeff Sessions agree on something I think we can be very certain that there is a solid majority of citizens in the same boat.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Unknown said...
on this thread demanding that Glenn Reynolds quit (and of course, be silent)

I didn't demand that Reynolds quit (or be silent). I think he is quite clearly a scam artist defrauding the taxpayers of Tennessee.

rhhardin said...

The left sometimes leaves you a little baffled about what counts as ridiculous.

Which is stronger, is the question.

The zinger or studied obliviousness.

rhhardin said...

Obliviousness can be more easily taught in school probably.

Bad Lieutenant said...

David said...
“You can’t stop some crazy guy who came here from Ohio and used his car as a weapon. He is a terrorist.”

This from Terry McCauliffe, who wants to be president. I think Terry will be hearing those words again if he runs.
8/14/17, 8:39 AM

I don't know. ARM says that shooting politicians is not terrorism. But car accidents are. So instead, ARM prefers that Fields had shot McAuliffe?

ARM:When me and Jeff Sessions agree on something

Grammar motherfucker do you use it?

If Jeff Sessions does not investigate the actions of the government in Charlottesville and in Virginia then he should be removed from office.

rhhardin said...

Obliviousness can be done smoothly without much effort. That's probably its attraction.

rhhardin said...

Curiously, leftist obliviousness is the opposite of civil inattention.

Birkel said...

67 academic articles on a CV that doesn't include all the articles is quite the scam.

Plus four books.

hombre said...

Democrat electeds, sympathetic to civilian thought police, are setting the stage for "1984." If it really gets out of hand, it will be an excuse for Democrats to campaign on really being repressive. It's just who they are.

Anonymous said...

search the web...there is a video of the VA driver's car being attacked by a man with a baseball bat just before the incident. This revelation puts the whole occurrence in a different light.

But don't let this get in the way of a good hate, like the one Inga and ARM are on now.

Rabel said...

It seems clear that the primary reason for the lack of action by the several law enforcement agencies involved was due to political orders to not intervene.

I would suggest a second reason why the leaders of those law enforcement agencies were so amenable to those orders:

I saw images of numerous participants in the pro-statue rally taking advantage of Virginia's open carry laws. In particular I saw long guns openly displayed. Law enforcement leadership usually strongly disapproves of such displays of firepower. It's understandable that this would create some fear of open combat with the carriers but I don't think fear was the (secondary) reason they stood down.

No, it was about turf. Carry and display of firepower is their territory and they were saying to the militia types that if you want to step on our turf then you're on your own.

Just a thought.

Viva Maria said...

Even the P51-D (and others) had a battery of gyroscopes overriding magnetics for orientations under chaotic conditions. Our moral compasses don’t do well under constant concussions, about as well as a surveyor’s “V” in an earthquake, felonized politics being no exception, yet, the inquiry ought be had.

n.n said...

open carry laws

It should be concealed carry, to avoid actual and perceived intimidation, and correct the focus from elective abortion to armed self-defense, which is closely associated with rights and responsibilities.

Quaestor said...

The Ghost of Bull Connor wrote: When me and Jeff Sessions agree on something I think we can be very certain that there is a solid majority of citizens in the same boat.

LOL! Megalomania much?

Richard Dillman said...

At many universities, a faculty performance criterion is performing community service. Running a complex blog certainly qualifies
as community service, while on many campuses it would also be considered to be scholarly activity. I think both Instapundit
and Althouse are both scholarly in the broad sense of the term.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Hey, ARM, why don't you send Professor Reynolds your name and address so he can serve you with the defamation complaint?

Coward, hiding behind anonymity.

Bilwick said...

Brings me back to the good ol' days of NYC--at least it was the pre-Giuliani era that lefty hipsters are apparently nostalgic about--when Hizzoner John Lindsay, the original Limousine Liberal, ordered the cops to look the other way during the 1967 race riot.

wholelottasplainin said...

Were any shots fired during this incident?

I haven't heard of any, but if not it's kinda amazing, given that quite a few of the alt-right demonstrators were in camo and carrying Semi-automatics.

Jim at said...

"I have a moral compass..."

The fuck you do.

Your morality is based upon your hyper-partisan political whims.

You're not fooling anybody, boy.

Michael K said...

I didn't demand that Reynolds quit (or be silent). I think he is quite clearly a scam artist defrauding the taxpayers of Tennessee.

I see I missed another lefty circle jerk.

Travel is good for more than the soul.

Bob Loblaw said...

The sad rationalizing of the fascist murderer's actions continues apace.

What in the world are you talking about? Who's rationalizing this? Name names.

Bob Loblaw said...

NPR was wall-to-wall with it this morning: a white supremicist rally "broke out in violence" and a white supremecist from Ohio murdered a woman and injured many in a terrorist attack.

When they use the passive voice like that it means the leftists attacked.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to look at Reynolds' apology to know what his intent was.

If you actually look at the original tweet, it linked to a tweet by WBTV News of Charlotte, which said: "Protesters on I-277 stopping traffic and surrounding vehicles." So that's the "them" -- and the circumstances -- he was referring to.

jg said...

This is, to me, a very serious issue.

Police selectively allowing one side to terrorize another (+ preventing the victims from defending themselves) is exactly brownshirts violence.

I hope, but don't expect, for severest consequences for the perps, who are not the police just following orders, but those who ordered it.

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