(Link to Trump Twitter page.)
What sort of a crazy psycho trick is this?
IN THE COMMENTS: Meade said:
He can do modern day presidential and he can do days of yore presidential. Bats left; throws right.Maybe it's a test. Do they reward me when I operate in the mode they call presidential?
It's called a split personality.
Trump keeps everyone off balance by always mixing it up. I love the thought of media Coasties' heads exploding with every new development.
He's doing a good job, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the media (I know ...) to keep him and America down.
Well, the reporters are on vacation mostly, so he has an opportunity to ignore their blabbering and talk about what moves him. He's really using the "psycho" tweets to get them to focus on the stuff that doesn't matter at all to the voting base.
But in the background, he's proceeding on the regulatory reform, etc lines. With some stubbornness, and apparently some progress.
The US reached peak auto sales, so this is a dicey time for the economy. Normally a production slowdown for cars implies a recession. Trump knows that he needs to add stimulus in some other way, and he's doing all he can to do it. So far he is succeeding very well. It is quite surprising that the economy is doing as well as it is. But the added oil/gas/coal production plus whatever he can insert through other machinations is doing its job.
And in the end, that is Trump's great crime in Dem eyes. To succeed economically will be a devastating blow for them.
What's the press narrative? That Trump can't run the country and must be removed. What's Trump's narrative? That he's running the country competently and can beat up the fake media in his spare time.
Obama shot hoops. Trump Tweets.
In doing so, he beasts up the press for a few days and then sees how they respond. If he's going about his business and they're going nuts, they look stupid. If he's going about his business and they're reporting the news, he got what he wanted.
After a few days of trading punches, here are a bunch of Tweets they can report on. Will they? Are they going to do their job? Or are they going to continue exposing they have no interest in covering him fairly?
If they go nuts long enough that people start to believe in the nuttiness again, he gets back in the ring with them.
All the while, health care reform, tax reform, NATO reform, Middle East reform, North Korean reform, death to ISIS. Maybe mock up a wall section or two.
He can do modern day presidential and he can do days of yore presidential. Bats left; throws right.
Meade said it all. Most active minds can do two things at once. If he was a crazy person he would obsessively think on one issue, like Russians that Clinton Media and Joseph McCarthy used to destroy good men with unproven accusations.
He can do modern day presidential and he can do days of yore presidential. Bats left; throws right.
Today he identifies as past presidential.
An especially irritating thing about the present "news" reportage is that the reporters - not just the pundits - tend not to wait for the politicians to do something, but proceed to tell us all about what they are going to do and how.
A lot of their annoyance with Trump is that he does something else and then something else again, and the reporters look so foolish it even becomes obvious to themselves.
Name 3 people that McCarthy "destroyed with unproven allegations."
And let's leave the so-called Hollywood 10 out of it. They got exactly what they deserved from McCarthy.
John Henry
Oh I don't think Trump expects ANY breaks from the slobs in the media.
No tricks here Ann. The pattern you should be seeing is that if up take cheap shots at him, he will take cheap shots at you. The message to the libs is that if you attack, mock and deride our leaders in an uncivilized manner - we will do the same to you and yours. If you want civility - fine.
You first.
I can't.
That's my point. Nobody can.
John Henry
He has the president of France for some premier cru covfefe....We assume the French have the best covfefe...
Impeach him - he's not stable and +Russia!
Noting that he's talking to Italy. Presidential.
"Name 3 people that McCarthy "destroyed with unproven allegations."
Dean Acheson is one. He is forgotten.
He tried with Eisenhower and Marshall.
Obviously failed with them.
I know. I think traditionalguy was using irony. Perhaps even sarcasm.
McCarthy was an alcoholic; a falling down drunk.
It was the media who made him a phenomenom.
Apologies. Somehow I thought you were the one posting about McCarthy. Now I see it was Traditional Guy.
John Henry
Thus was it ever.
McCarthy got the Headlines and people still blame him for the Loyalty Oath (Truman-1947) and the Hollywood 10 (HUAC-1947) the blacklist(Hollywood reporter-1947) and more. People seldom complain about the odious McCarren act that is still with us, though parts have been superseded. (Sen Pat McCarren was a D from NV)
Michael K, I think McCarthy claimed that Eisenhower and Marshall were soft on communism. Right or wrong that seems like legitimate political opinion. He never charged that they were in the pay of Russia or questioned their loyalty to the US. His big problem with Acheson was that he defended Hiss, who was in the pay of Russia.
As far as I know, everyone that McCarthy accused of being a communist, either directly, like Hiss or indirectly like others, has since been found to have been.
McCarthy did not go after communists per se, like HUAC did. He went after people with security clearances who should not have had them.
Would that a modern day McCarthy had gone after Huma Abedin. I can't for the life of me understand how she got a security clearance. Other than that Crooked Hillary commanded that one be issued.
John Henry
"What sort of a crazy psycho trick is this?" The trick of exposing the MSM as the ratings-obsessed hacks that they are: eager to jump on Mika nonsense, ignoring the actual work ("talking with Italy"? boring). Crazy! But easy. GOP, take note.
The media is in a bind. Do they obsess over all his tweets or only the ones they can use to criticize him? If they do the former, Trump owns them. If they do the latter, Trump owns them.
Trump could test the sincerity of the media by posting a video of himself using a women's bathroom in a Target store.
"He's doing a good job...."
No, he's doing an atrocious job, as expected.
Trump's Twitter account is becoming his own newspaper. He's got hard news. He's got editorials. And he's got comics.
When Trump tweets something outrageous, I will follow the link to his account. His Twitter account always consists mostly of accomplishments and routine WH stuff.
Blogger Hari said...
Trump's Twitter account is becoming his own newspaper. He's got hard news. He's got editorials. And he's got comics.
Exactly, Hari.
And you don't even need to read Twitter to get the news. The MsM does a pretty good job of promulgating it.
President Trump should get himself a Gab (or Tusk) account. Not to replace Twitter but I think he can automatically send his Twitter posts to Gab.
Twitter needs to be reminded that they are not the only game in town.
John Henry
From Morning Joe:Praise for Trump
DAVID IGNATIUS: I’m going to say something that in some ways is sympathetic to Trump. As I traveled across Syria, meeting with Syrian fighters who were trying to take down the regime of Bashar al Assad, every time the name “President Trump” was mentioned, there were cheers from the audience. One Syrian Kurdish commander used a vulgar term, in Spanish it would be cojones, to describe what President Trump has got and why they like him.
More seriously, the big attacks that have taken place around Raqqa, one in particular, a surprise landing by helicopter, I was told by the top US commanders, would not have taken place if it hadn’t been for President Trump’s decision to delegate military authorities down to the level of command. I mean, under Obama that would have taken a couple weeks of White House meetings and then they still wouldn’t have made up their mind.
In this case there was not one meeting. They just said, General Townsend, the commander in Baghdad, you decide. And three days later, these Kurds who’d never seen an airplane or helicopter had been helicoptered across a lake for a surprise attack that is probably the most daring and decisive of the war. So, do need to put this in perspective. Yes, there are a lot of people around the world who are appalled, but there are some people who say this image of strength that he’s projecting is something that they like.
Robert Cook said...
"He's doing a good job...."
No, he's doing an atrocious job, as expected.
Classic confirmation bias.
"In this case there was not one meeting. They just said, General Townsend, the commander in Baghdad, you decide. And three days later, these Kurds who’d never seen an airplane or helicopter had been helicoptered across a lake for a surprise attack that is probably the most daring and decisive of the war."
Clearly, an "atrocious job."
"He never charged that they were in the pay of Russia or questioned their loyalty to the US. "
I believe he did actually accuse them of being traitors although maybe not Eisenhower, himself.
President Eisenhower, who disliked McCarthy's accusation that his old friend and former boss, General George C. Marshall, was a traitor, had made common cause with Stalin and, while working for President Truman, had lost China.
It's hard to find links that are not left wing and totally anti-McCarthy.
I remember the time and I watched the Army McCarthy hearings on TV,.
You are correct about Acheson defending Hiss but that was all anyone in DC would do. Hiss, like Philby, was the ultimate insider.
No, he's doing an atrocious job, as expected.
Classic confirmation bias.
You have to consider what Cookie would think a "good job" was.
To Cookie, Obama was a right winger.
Could very well be a test, as Ann asks.
I like teh baseball allusion, but more than "Bats left, throws right," he's a switch hitter... like the Mick(ey Mantle). Adjusts to the opposition, but hits better for average one way, and for power the other.
I cannot tell if Trump is doing great or terrible so far. I think the sample size is too small.
One thing I do know is that the media is doing a pretty craptastic job.
I think it's great: the Presidential Feedburner with a reliable Inside Source. Straight, reliable news in onehundredfortycharacters.
He has a meeting, a phone call, and publishes the results. He ALWAYS gets the scoop.
He's playing "rope the dope" with incredible audacity and skill. The Press simply can't compete UNLESS they get around to asking HIM serious questions about what HE is doing.
It will get more hilarious when the cabinet members begin doing the same thing with respect to THEIR conversations with HIM and about their meetings.
The Marshal McLuhan moment has arrived when the press is no longer needed and News can be tapped directly from the Newsmakers.
As for elegance of prose, who needs that when it only confirms the warnings of the Old Men in my family about people who talk "pretty"--mostly lies.
"Presidential", insofar as that's a thing, which I'm not convinced it actually has meaning, seems to me like it would be "getting off Twitter and running the country". I don't know that there's any way to tweet Presidentially. Yes, that includes the previous President.
He should tweet about Obama's meeting today with South Korea's president.
What a meddler.
Unheard of.
@Hari said...
Trump's Twitter account is becoming his own newspaper. He's got hard news. He's got editorials. And he's got comics.
If @realDonaldTrump is his newspaper, then Trump's publication would be classified as "Fake News" as well. And why would The Donald need to put out even more lies than his press secretary does everyday? Then there are the never-ending campaign rallies and the fake cabinet meeting endorsements.
Obviously, Trump is lying about these meetings. Inga assured me days ago that Trump was so unpopular around the world that no one outside the US would deign to talk to Trump.
gadfly said... [hush][hide comment]
@Hari said...
Trump's Twitter account is becoming his own newspaper. He's got hard news. He's got editorials. And he's got comics.
If @realDonaldTrump is his newspaper, then Trump's publication would be classified as "Fake News" as well. And why would The Donald need to put out even more lies than his press secretary does everyday? Then there are the never-ending campaign rallies and the fake cabinet meeting endorsements.
Trump twitter:
Stock market all time high, unemployment lowest in years
Speaking with leaders of Germany, France, Italy this morning
Signs EO reviving National Space Council
Re-calibrating the media from far left to something closer to the center is perhaps the most important mission of President Trump.
If @realDonaldTrump is his newspaper, then Trump's publication would be classified as "Fake News" as well.
"Will be speaking with Italy this morning": True.
"Spoke yesterday with King of Saudi Arabia about peace in the Middle-East": True.
"Interesting things happening": Depends on his inside knowledge and definition of interesting.
"Will be speaking with Germany and France this morning": True.
"Stock market at all-time high": True, as measured by Dow.
"Unemployment at lowest level in years": True, as measured by BLS.
"Wages will start going up": Speculation, cannot be confirmed or denied.
"and our base has never been stronger": Likely true, not sure of how he's measuring.
So to recap: "If @realDonaldTrump is his newspaper, then Trump's publication would be classified as "Fake News" as well.": False
Liberals, do not despair. The new Articles of Impeachment are being drafted as we speak:
Article 1: President Trump is a poopy head.
Article 2: We don't like him.
Good luck!
And now a special treat, let's check in on that alternate reality where Hillary Clinton was elected President.
Over at Alternate Althouse...
Liberal: "You deplorables are so desperate. Making mountains out of molehills. There is NO proof that Hillary demanded the Sheikh donate $300 million to the Clinton Foundation before her diplomatic your of his country. How sexist of you to even go there. Elections have consequences, losers. Eat it suckers!"
Conservatives: "oh God we are so very sorry. Here, have another $1 trillion omnibus spending bill before we self-flagellate and then cave. And if Bill wants to come over and fuck our wives in the name of bipartisan unity - we would be honored."
@ St. George Maybe the SOUK president will get a feel for the difference between a talker and a doer after he has spent time with Mr. ME himself. Of course the SOUK guy seems to be a little bit if an Obama himself: "NORK dangerous? No, we'll love them so they'll love us."
Aren't these tweets about all the "actions" that TTR was hating on last night? You know just talk, talk, talk.
BTW Full Moon Thanks for the link. Hire the right guy, get out of his way and let him do his job. Praise him if he does well, replace him if he fails. That's what leadership is about.
Just waiting for the first crack in the MSM armor. One of these strokes has to be getting sick of getting pummeled. They know they look like fools, and they will not go down in history as the Edward R Murrow they all imagined. Jake Tapper seems somewhat sane. This has to be killing him. Wolf Blitzer is just too stupid. Don Lemon too. Can't figure out why Anderson Cooper goes along. Must be the paycheck.
But Chuck Todd is the best. He's doggy paddling. Stephanopolous is an inside agent, so he's fixed.
Somebody's gonna break rank eventually.
Biggest shallow scumbag of all time award goes to Milwaukee's own Charlie Sykes. Just a whore.
Keep it up Trump. Thanks for the entertainment. Enjoy!
Chuck Todd must get a daily memo titled "Marching Orders."
He goes on Hugh Hewitt's show and sounds rational and reasonable.
I haven't listened to Hewitt since his show was taken away so maybe I;m out of date on Todd.
Will be speaking with Germany and France this morning.
The entire countries?
I hate Twitter.
Trump just Tweeted: America stands ready to help Charlie Gard.
One 7 word tweet and the lie of socialized medicine is exposed in prime time for the world to see. And the autocrats of Europe are shamed for all to see.
Now watch as the media obssession with his unpresidential tweets covers this story with a pillow infill it stops moving.
And I see you out there lurking, CNN staffer. I want you to remember - this is why we hate you.
Every casual tweet gets two days of hysterical garment-rending coverage, and a barrage of newsworthy, sober tweets is meticulously ignored.
I'm guessing that's his hypothesis.
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