July 31, 2017

Scaramucci, we hardly knew ye.

"President Trump has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci from his position as communications director, three people close to the decision said Monday, relieving him just days after Mr. Scaramucci unloaded a crude verbal tirade against other senior members of the president’s senior staff," the NYT reports.
The decision to remove Mr. Scaramucci, who had boasted about reporting directly to the president not the chief of staff, John F. Kelly, came at Mr. Kelly’s request, the people said. Mr. Kelly made clear to members of the White House staff at a meeting Monday morning that he is in charge.
ADDED: Let's see if Ryan Lizza has anything to say. Oh, yeah, he does:
The sacking of Scaramucci signals that Kelly, a retired marine general, may actually be empowered to be a true chief of staff. There was no bigger test for Kelly than the fate of Scaramucci, who, in his Wednesday phone call, demanded that I reveal my sources for a trivial tweet about who the President had dinner with that night, threatened to fire his entire staff if I didn’t, alleged that he had called the F.B.I. to investigate his White House rivals, attacked Reince Priebus as a “paranoid schizophrenic,” and described Steve Bannon as engaging in auto-fellatio.

After the interview was published, several people asked me if I believed Scaramucci would be fired. My understanding at the time was that Scaramucci was already on thin ice with the President after a series of high-profile appearances.... But Kelly, apparently, as his first move as chief of staff, told Trump that he wanted Scaramucci out of the White House....
Read the whole thing. It also reveals that it seems that Kelly, before taking the new job, convinced Trump that it is unnecessary to build an actual physical wall between the U.S. and Mexico, and that Kelly may believe he "might be able to tame Trump and get him to back off some of his most cartoonish policy ideas, even the ones that were core campaign promises."


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Howard said...

You are over-thinking it so much Bruce, you sound like a lawyer.

As long as Drumpf does what he's told, no need to violate Posse Comitatus. I like how Bill Hicks outlined one possible scenario. This is a clip of Hicks' voice coupled with more recent claymation
Any Questions?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Onion's on the case:




Birkel said...

One wonders if Trump sees himself as a disruptor of the PTB. If he does, one wonders further if he has the stubbornness to continue in such strong headwinds. Most people don't.

Leviathan, however, never tires. Its ranks are replenished with other do-gooders, climbers and nags.

David said...

"Mr. Trump, Tear Down That Wall."

--General Kelly.

Birkel said...

Not all of them, Original Mike.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pretty pathetic that it takes a General to teach the POTUS how to be Presidential.

Military academy was the last setting that forced him to listen for a change, until he was unleashed on the world yet again with nothing but his Queens family and its wealth to access for as much infinite entitlement as he would forever thereafter require.

Original Mike said...

Sorry. Pet peeve.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Leviathan, however, never tires.

Neither does Sauron. Or Satan. Or a ton of previous imaginary monsters "encountered" throughout history with the goal in mind of scaring obedient little serfs like you and keeping you in line.

Ooooh! Scarrrrry! Democratic self-government! How spooooooky!

readering said...

Fun look back at Trump tweet from February 2016:

Wow was Ted Cruz disloyal to his very capable director of communication. He used him as a scape goat-fired like a dog! Ted panicked.

Ray - SoCal said...

> Alinsky is long dead and no one is thinking about him except a small cohort of
>right-wing paranoics who obsess about him.

Unfortunately using Alinsky's Model it explains a lot of political actions by Democrats, and Trump.

HH did her Thesis on Alinsky, and a group of Alinsky's deciples hired Obama as a community organizer per the Washington Post...

The funny thing, is often Trump out Alinsky's his opponents.

It would be nice if no politician in the US used Alinsky's rules, but I don't see that happening. They just are too effective.

Alex said...

We need more auto-fellatio in the White House. Not enough sucked off dicks for my taste.

Michael K said...

The Mooch got a very quick and painful lesson about never trusting reporters.

Especially those already hostile like Cillizza.

Unknown said...

Maybe Bruce didn't notice that the military doesn't take direction from Trump. He may be the CIC, but it's questionable if the military sees him as fit to lead.

BREAKING NEWS: "The Joint Chiefs said there will be “no modifications” to the military’s transgender policy until Trump clarifies what he meant. “I know there are questions about yesterday's announcement on the transgender policy by the President,” Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a memo to military leaders. “There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President's direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance.” (NBC News / Politico)

Ray - SoCal said...

>In an ideal world, we wouldn't know the name of the WH communications director. In a
>more ideal world, we wouldn't even know such a position exists.

It's all about personalizing the opposition. Very Alinsky. Freeze the Target, which was done with both Mooch and Sean Spicer. They tried that with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but got labeled hate speech by her Father and I think that stopped it.

I like the idea Mike Cernovitch's idea of having stories, instead of the talking head, for the press office. The talking heads distracts from the Trump Agenda.

Rules 5, 6, and 13.

Especially Rule 13. Look what it did to Anthony Scaramucci...

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Humperdink said...

I do see Trump has acquired some military characteristics.

> Priebus, the ultimate insider swamp rat, fails at getting ObamaeverybodyisscrewedCare repealed. Gone.

> Mooch, mouths off at wrong time, to the wrong person. Gone.

> Kelly succeeds yugely at DHS. Promoted.

Trump like winners.

Ralph L said...

IIRC, in a Navy Times poll just before the election, the enlisted corps were strongly Trump, the officers closer to evenly split. The one I can find online says Trump and Johnson(!) were even, Clinton far behind.

buwaya said...

"Neither does Sauron. Or Satan. Or a ton of previous imaginary monsters "encountered" throughout history "

The only real monsters throughout history have been people, whether under Satanic influence or no. And people aren't a bit imaginary.

What you have here is a conflict between enormous factions of the US population, diverging massively in terms of interests and culture. These factions are, properly, the other sides "monsters".

Fabi said...

Ray -- I think there's more to it than that with Scaramucci. Guys like him -- and Trump -- exist above those often-effective tactics. Trump has even been somewhat successful at turning them back on the usual purveyors of Alinksy and will continue to do so. I'm not entirely sure the left is susceptible to shame, but now is not the time to let up.

Unknown said...

"Trump like winners."

Yes, that's why he chose Scary Mucci.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Mooch! The Mooch! The Mooch is on FIRE!

We don't need no water let the cock-sucker BURN!

Rusty said...

Anything to distract from that debbie Wasswerperson Shulz thing.

readering said...

At the same day POTUS tweets "Great Day at the White House," it's leaked that POTUS personally dictated lying statement from AF1 on Jr's meeting with Ruskies, which precipitated resignation of Mark Corallo as legal team spokesman.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Feste may be be better and more original and a lot of things, but I was here in time to swing the election to Trump.

I win by default, a victory I savor as my only available option to choose to savor or not.

Wynn Duffy in Justified speak.

Leonard the Elder, not Taylor.

Torquemada tamales near parks at dusk, beer from a bottle as chaser, with no cilantro allowed for us gringos.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Feste may be a computer program designed to out me me, be more human than one of the very best of humans, yours truly, and if so then I must say we are fucked.

Prairie fire.

They win.

No default win neither, a straight up ass kickin.

Unknown said...

"At the same day POTUS tweets "Great Day at the White House," it's leaked that POTUS personally dictated lying statement from AF1 on Jr's meeting with Ruskies, which precipitated resignation of Mark Corallo as legal team spokesman.""

"Flashback: Jay Sekulow, a member of Trump's legal team, on Meet the Press on July 16, "The president did not draft the response...I can't say whether the president was told the statement was going to be coming.""

Liar, liar.

Freeman Hunt said...

Surely someone will give the guy a show.

Michael K said...

Trump took the hit on the tranny thing,. Everybody in the military knows it would be a disaster.

Trump made the decision. Any "push back" from the Pentagon is virtue signaling which has no cost.

Trying to explain to a Nazi like Gillibrand would be a nasty day. She is the new Pat Schroeder who wrecked carrier aviation for a decade with her bullshit PC.

A bunch of guys who got Dear John letters lost half their pension. A lot of them quit and went to the airlines.

I'm surprised Schroeder didn't get a "Hero of the Soviet Union" medal.

Fabi said...

Talking points in stereo -- only at Althouse!

buwaya said...

"Torquemada tamales near parks at dusk, beer from a bottle as chaser, with no cilantro allowed for us gringos."

Torquemada - by this am assuming you mean Tomas Torquemada, Grand Inquisitor of Spain during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella.

He died in 1498, 21 years before Cortez landed in Mexico. I don't think T. Torquemada ever saw a Tamale, though he probably did see Indian Corn and some of its uses, as samples were brought back via Columbus' voyages.

Torquemada doesn't seem to have ever had much of a profile in Mexico, he being largely a Spanish figure, and Mexico was never in the thick of "la leyenda negra" of anti-Spanish propaganda the English laid on for two-three centuries, wherein Torquemada was turned into a legendary villain, as personalized focus. This is mainly an English legend.

readering said...

Meanwhile great story developing about UK email prankster fooling Scaramucci among others.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Dear Mr. President,

Please let Gen./Sec./Chief of Staff Kelly do his job. Let AG Sessions do his job. Get your people into policymaking positions in the departments and agencies. Make sure they pursue your priorities, which, I hope will Involve expanding individual liberty. Tweet sparingly. Reflect before you tweet. Get to know personally the Senators and Representatives who you will need to enact your legislative agenda. Invite them to dinner at the White House. Call them to chat. I hear you can be charming one on one. Use that skill. Keep making great judicial nominations. (I am available by the way.) Follow through on your excellent decision to restore the long-standing prohibition on transgendered people in the military. Get a dog. It will distract some in the media, for a bit, and it will go over well with many Americans. Stop spending quite so many weekends in Mar-a-Lago or on the golf course. Now that a Republican is in the Oval Office, presidential golfing is officially a bad thing again. Find the leakers, both in the White House and in the bureaucracy. Have Sessions prosecute them. Get regular exercise. We all need exercise, but with the stress you are facing, you need it more than anyone. Don't let the media get you down.

Oh, and thank you for saving us from Hillary.

Mr. Majestyk

readering said...

. . . And WH press release on 2028 Olympics just issued by Sean Spicer (sic).

mockturtle said...

Leave it to buwaya to spoil a good story by trotting out a bunch of facts. ;-) [Just kidding, buwaya! I learn a great deal from your posts.]

mockturtle said...

Mr. Majestyk, I hope you will email that post directly to President Trump.

walter said...

Almaron Dickinson said...I guess we now know that he CAN'T do the fandango.

Au contraire...:

Scara-MOOOCH, Scara-MOOOCH..will you do the Fan-dang-go?
Scary words so nas-ty, you must go real fast-y..there!
Over where-o?
Over there-o!
Over where-o?
Over there-o!
Any where-o but here-o, o, o, o, o!

Titus said...
I will miss mooch. i liked him.
--roid rage bonding

Darrell said...

She backed Hillary over McCain in 2008.

Nonsense. Ann Coulter's point during the Primary was that if you were going to choose a RINO prick like McCain, you might as well choose Hillary. Coulter supported the Republican ticket aftre MCCain won the Primary, especially after Sarah Palin came aboard. Like many of us, she voted for Palin--in spite of McCain.

Roy Lofquist said...

"Don't worry Jim, if that question comes up, I'll just confuse them."

To Press Secretary Jim Hagerty who pleaded with Eisenhower not to answer any press conference questions about the delicate Formosan Strait crisis, March 23, 1955. (Eisenhower was, indeed, asked if using atomic weapons on China was an option. He delivered a long, confusing reply which was effectively indecipherable.)

walter said...

Like many of us, she voted for Palin--in spite of McCain.
Palin of cashing-in "gras-roots" Tea party appearances and bus tours..

walter said...

..and primarying Ryan for a carpet-bagger.

Brookzene said...

Anything to distract from that debbie Wasswerperson Shulz thing.

That's hysterical. :-D
Trump's first six months were a distraction from terrible stuff that the Clintons et al were doing.

walter said...

No, Brookzene.
The election process inadvertently revealed documented collusion/"hack"s between MSM and Clinton campaign. They have been "re-awakening" so-called journalism since then to distract from that.

Quaestor said...

Enforcement of existing immigration law is as good as a wall. And cheaper.

walter said...

"I can see Russia from my guilty conscience"

Amexpat said...

The Mooch got a very quick and painful lesson about never trusting reporters.

How do you know the reporter did something distrustful? Did Mooch request and get confirmation that the conversation was off the record? If not, what he said was fair game to publish. Since Mooch never questioned the veracity of what was published, you have to assume it was a fair representation of what he said - so nothing dishonest there.

It seems like Mooch is the one at fault here. He's worked in the media and knows the rules. The rant he went on was undisciplined and, even worse, was a type of leak if he thought his conversation would not be published in that he was talking about the workings of senior White House staff.

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

Guildofcannonballs said...Feste may be a computer program designed to out me me, be more human than one of the very best of humans, yours truly, and if so then I must say we are fucked. Prairie fire. They win. No default win neither, a straight up ass kickin.

Dude, you didn't even buy me a drink!

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...


Have a little mercy on the tenderness of a confused child.

When Pops to me - “Spahn and Sain and pray for rain” (look it up - it was before my time) ...

Even as a child, it sounded, to me like ...

“spawn insane and spray for acid-rain!”

Precocious vocational little kids have hard time growing up.


Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

buwaya said. .. “he [Torquemada] died in 1498, 21 years before Cortez landed in Mexico. .... Torquemada doesn't seem to have ever had much of a profile in Mexico.” And on.

Read Lewis Hanke in high school. Valorized Bartolomé de las Casas, among others, as an advocate and activist against the conquistadores and for justice and rights of Natives. Hanke’s, "The Spanish Struggle for Justice in the Conquest of America" (dated) to "All Mankind Is One." Somewhere between those two, Hanke tells tales of “The Document,” prescribed by the Pope (is this correct?), to be read to the Indians, giving them a chance to convert, which the conquistadores did, reading it from distant hilltops - in Latin - and seeing no conversions, they slaughtered some Natives. Enslaved others. No Inquisition needed. Torquemada-style would be a waste of time. Memory is foggy here ... yes, I see what you said, and it's new to me about “anti-Spanish propaganda the English” - thanks for that, I need more study first, then temperance in my thinking, and more in my sayings on the subject.

Bruce Hayden said...

"IIRC, in a Navy Times poll just before the election, the enlisted corps were strongly Trump, the officers closer to evenly split. The one I can find online says Trump and Johnson(!) were even, Clinton far behind."

Shouldn't have been too much of a surprise - a large percentage of the enlisted ranks are Trump's Scotch-Irish.

I live in Trump country, where there probably wasn't a Crooked Hillary yard sign in the county. I don't think that I know that many of the youth, but of the guys, I know 4 who have delayed enlistment contracts - two Navy, and two Army. Latter two were at the range Friday, with their father making sure that they knew how to shoot (his AR-15s) before they go in in this fall. One of the guys going into the Navy works at the subway I hit for breakfast most days, and a couple weeks ago, I met a couple moving into the county there, bailing from CA. He was wearing a (I believe) Vietnam Vet 1st Calvary hat. We started talking, and I pointed out the (very active) VFW post in town. He was excited. My guess is that well over half the men in town have had some military experience, ranging from Vietnam era to the present. All seem to be former enlisted, split fairly evenly between Army and Navy/Marines. Little AF, though I did know a young woman last summer with a delayed AF enlistment contract.

This is very different from the upper middle/professional class neighborhood I grew up in, and where I spent my career. There military service is rare, and if so, most likely as an officer. Typically ROTC. Used to be reliably Republican, but Crooked Hillary won a lot of their votes. It was, I think, more of a class issue, than a political one. She was more of one of them than was Trump.

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Kevin said...

"Oh, for Pete's sake! Alinsky is long dead."

So us Hitler. Doesn't seem to stop the left.

Humperdink said...

Hitler is the left's go-to guy. Their default position.

DNC staffer: "Hey what do have on this new GOP candidate?"

2nd staffer: "Haven't found anything yet."

DNC staffer: "OK then, he's a Nazi right?"

iowan2 said...

Blogger Unknown said...
"At the same day POTUS tweets "Great Day at the White House," it's leaked that POTUS personally dictated lying statement from AF1 on Jr's meeting with Ruskies, which precipitated resignation of Mark Corallo as legal team spokesman.""

"Flashback: Jay Sekulow, a member of Trump's legal team, on Meet the Press on July 16, "The president did not draft the response...I can't say whether the president was told the statement was going to be coming.""

Liar, liar.

7/31/17, 9:05 PM
Great example

Jay Sekulow attaches his reputation to the facts at at hand.

Now...Who exactly is making a claim that contradicts Sekulow?

Barry said...

"AReasonableMan said...
Scaramucci was my favorite character on the show. I am going to miss him."

I find it hard to understand how people are interested in such large numbers of characters when it seems to be well known by now that the idea is to kill them off. I need to invest in caring about them so it will hurt or at least shock me when they are fired?

That sounds like a lot of work. I don't see the entertainment value. Is it the sets and costumes? The talk-talk-talk in New York accents? The talk-talk-talk suddenly interrupted by garish front-stabbing? I have no idea. I've heard that Trump has "changed politics forever" and that sort of thing. I genuinely have no idea why.

Michael K said...

How do you know the reporter did something distrustful? Did Mooch request and get confirmation that the conversation was off the record? If not, what he said was fair game to publish.

If he did would your opinion change ? I wonder.

Guildofcannonballs said...

TT was to reinforce the axiom that which you get is what you paid for.

Many Catholics are more in need of id defense mechanisms, not ego as it were.

walter said...

Rusty said...Anything to distract from that debbie Wasswerperson Shulz thing.

Amexpat said...

If he did would your opinion change ? I wonder.

Yes it would. There are rules to the game and it would be dishonorable for a reporter to publish an off the record conversation. I doubt that was the case here. If the reporter promised that the conversation was off the record and subsequently broke that promise, no one would leak to him again and the New Yorker reporter seems to be getting leaks from senior Trump staff - that's why Mooch had contacted him.

My opinion is not set in stone and I don't have a dog in this fight. I actually was impressed with Mooch when I saw his first press conference, but my I lowered my opinion of him afterwards.

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