June 17, 2017

"You are all Goebbels! Goebbels would be proud!" shouts Jack Posobiec at the players and audience at the "Julius Caesar" performance in Central Park last night.

We see him at the end of the video he is making of his partner-in-protest Laura Loomer, who barged up onto the stage yelling about "political violence against the right." "It's unacceptable!" she instructs. She gets 6 seconds before the voice on the loudspeaker takes control, announcing "Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to pause," and after half a minute security has hustled her off the stage.

The "Julius Caesar" performance is the one with a Trump lookalike playing Caesar and getting stabbed to death on stage.

Here's some more information about about Prosobiec and Loomer. They both work at The Rebel. She's been a reporter for Project Veritas. He got a lot of attention in this New Yorker piece, "The Far-Right American Nationalist Who Tweeted #MacronLeaks" (May 7, 2017):
Jack Posobiec is the bureau chief and sole employee of the Washington, D.C., office of the Rebel, a Canadian media outlet that specializes in far-right video commentary. Last weekend, I met him at a Peet’s Coffee a few blocks from the White House. He told me, “As a journalist, I use all the tools at my disposal”—mostly YouTube, Periscope, and Twitter—“to seek the truth and disseminate the truth. That’s the purpose of journalism, right? At the same time, I also do what I call 4-D journalism, meaning that I’m willing to break the fourth wall. I’m willing to walk into an anti-Trump march and start chanting anti-Clinton stuff—to make something happen, and then cover what happens. So, activism tactics mixed with traditional journalism tactics.”
They broke the 4th wall* last night.

When is it acceptable to disrupt a performance and appropriate an audience that did not assemble to hear your message?

And who, if anyone, was "like Goebbels" last night? (We've seen so much of the left calling the right Nazis, and this shows Nazi-calling goes both ways.)

ADDED: Interrupting the players and even getting on stage with them is traditional:
Since most theatre performances were often three hours long... the behavior of the audience became very rowdy, the audiences did not keep quiet, or arrive on time, or remain for the whole performance they would simply get up and leave whenever they felt like it. They joined in on the action occurring on stage, interrupted the actors, and even sometimes got on the stage. They also talked during dull moments, and threw rotting vegetables, especially tomatoes at the actors...

* "Breaking the 4th wall" normally refers to the actors deviating from the theatrical convention of behaving as if they're in a 4-sided box and the audience isn't there. It's something the playwright or the director chooses to make part of the show. It's presumptuous for someone not connected with the show to take it upon himself (or herself) to break the wall. I've seen plays where it looks like that's happening, where one of the actors is seated in the audience and he starts heckling the play and getting a response from the actors on stage and it takes a little while to realize that's part of the play.


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Gahrie said...

So, the takeaway from the majority of the comments is that the left was smart to use the heckler's veto and now that the right has smartened up, they'll follow suit. OK then.

No the takeaway is that the Left persisted in using the heckler's veto, and the only way to convince them to stop is to do the same back to them.

Gahrie said...

And you think "Your side changed the rules. I am going to relish playing by them. The learning curve will be short for us," is a reasoned argument?

The Left abandoned reasoned argument long ago. It was the Left who promoted the idea that feelz are more important than reason.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Fen's Law: "The Left doesn’t really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about."

These days, this can't be repeated often enough.

Anonymous said...

Fen is an idiot. There is no such thing as Fen's Law.

Fen said...

Inga: blah blah blah

Nope. I alluded to the fact it was a parody in the first paragraph when I said "according to anonymous sources at the NYTs.

And since I know you are obtuse, in the very next paragraph I stated it was parody when I said "I'm not going to bother diggi g up an actual quote".

So who's the deceitful dishonest liar twisting lines out of context?

My only sin is that I can't find words small enough for your pea brain to digest.

Love how you accuse everyone here who disagrees with you as a "nut". You know the old saying - if everyone you meet seems insane, maybe it's you.

But you get bonus cog-dis points for whining about personal attacks barely 12 hours after launching an unprovoked personal attack at me in last night's thread. And I wasn't even talking to you. Are you taking precription medication?

Anonymous said...

You think that " Fen's Law" is a thought original to Fen? Each side has been saying that about the opposing side for years and years. Fen didn't dream it up, he called it "Fen's Law" in another excercise of self aggrandizement.

Anonymous said...

Fen is an ignoramus who likes to present himself here as some original thinker. He could've crawled straight out from under an Alt Right rock that slimeballs like him inhabit. A lowlife and a liar, lazy, and weirdo. He fools no one, at least none of us on the left. Even some conservatives here have called him on his slurs and insults. Hey Fen, if you insist on being a nasty piece,of work and lie about something I supposedly said, you'll get the back of my figurative hand every time.

Fen said...

Inga: "there is no such thing as - "

Yes dear, you just keep on denying reality. It's everyone else who is nuts, not you. LOL.

Sidebar for normals: I must admit how humbling it was when I first saw Fen's Law being used around the net on blogs I never visited by people I never met. Some of you here were responsible for that, and I owe you my thanks and gratitude. Getting that message out was more important to me than claiming ownership.

My poor wife had to deal with my inflated ego for a few months, but even she (non-political) thought it was kinda cool. She laughed incessantly when I showed her a blogger insisting I was some long dead philosopher from 1930. "If only!" she howled.

But the kicker. Imagine yourself driving to the metro and, on the radio, you hear "Today I want to talk about something known as Fen's Law. This is Rush Limbaugh on the IEB net-"

I almost wrecked the car!

So thanks guys for my 15 mins of fame. I wouldn't have come up with the aphorism without the vigorous back and forth here at Althouse. And it never would have made prime time without several of you shouting it across the rooftops across the net.

Thanks guys.

Rusty said...

Brookzene said...
You admire it when the crown does it. Why condemn the opposition?

If only that were true you'd have a point.

But I do. The violence of the left forces me to defend my rights. Rights, by their violence, they claim I am not entitled to.
You support the left and its morals.

Anonymous said...

Fen appropriated a common idea that was in use for many years, he called in "Fen's Law" because he seems to need to stroke his own ego, which seems to need stroking quite often.

"But the kicker. Imagine yourself driving to the metro and, on the radio, you hear "Today I want to talk about something known as Fen's Law. This is Rush Limbaugh on the IEB net-"

I almost wrecked the car! "

LOL, quite the imagination.

Alex said...

Just using the tactics of the left. Remember when BLM hijacked Bernie Sander's microphone, or when they stormed the stage when Milo was at Depaul? These 2 heroes learned you have to punch the left right back in the mouth!

That fist you see is a conservative one now, with chainmail and spikes.

Alex said...

Inga has no problem with the play 'assassinating' Donald Trump night after night. Of course if it were Obama look-a-like, she'd be screaming to the high heavens about racism, racism, racism.

Inga - look in the mirror and you might see something quite evil.

Alex said...

Inga said...
So, the takeaway from the majority of the comments is that the left was smart to use the heckler's veto and now that the right has smartened up, they'll follow suit. OK then.

6/17/17, 8:29 AM

You guys created this toxic environment, now you can choke on it.

Anonymous said...

" - look in the mirror and you might see something quite evil."

Says the Moby, lol. So you're on the right today Alex? Tommorow you must Moby for the left!

Fen said...

As for the origin, despite Inga's hateful diatribe (I am sooo in her head now lol), it occurred to me after the Clinton impeachment. See, for a decade we had been lectured about the evils of sexual harassment in the workplace. Couldn't enjoy a movie or musical without some shrew reminding you. Then Clinton happened, and I found myself using all the teachings of feminism on my feminist teachers who defended Clinton. It didn't sway them. Why? I asked. I soon realized that they didn't really mean any of the things they taught. Those principles were just props to advance the movement, easily discarded when their boyfriend was in the dock. I could argue their own points back at them till I was blue in the face and it wouldn't budge them.

So, in practice, Fen's Law is meant to conserve your time, energy and ammunition. For example, if the Left claims they want to raise the minimum wage to help the poor, you can provide conclusive proof that it will actually hurt the poor and it still won't change their minds. Because despite their assertions, they aren't really interested in helping the poor. You are landing artillery on a hill they never claimed. To be effective, you have to discover what their true motivation is and attack that instead.

I hope that helps some of you. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

"...(I am sooo in her head now lol), it..."

Oh please. What a dope you are.

Anonymous said...

Oh .... and there is no such thing as Fen's Law. He appropriated a common idea and named it after himself as if it was his original thought. Narcissistic much? He has no original thoughts of his own except to call women "traitorous cunts" and make up lies to put in quotes. That's his speed.

Alex said...

Bob said...
The Central Park production of Julius Caesar is nothing more or less than assassination porn for deranged leftists.

I just find it fascinating that the left thinks they can do this kind of thing with NO response. They feel it is by their divine right that they can conduct assassination porn, call anyone Nazis, engage in violence and there should be NO reaction to them. It should all just be a one-way street of violence and intimidation. Honestly I feel Trump should suspend habeus corpus for a year and clean this country up. I'd start by locking up all the Democrats, rounding up the antifa, send them to concentration camps and have NO free spech rights to anyone who voted for Democrats.

Fen said...

Inga: "Fen appropriated-"

Oh Inga. You can spout and spew all you want. This was before your time here and veteran commenters who saw it's creation know you are full of shit

As for my ego, I think a few here will remember asking me if they could borrow it and if it was cool if they "polished" it up a bit. My response was along the lines of "sure, make it your own, if you can make it resonate better go for it. I want the idea to get out there, I don't care about credt".

You are only destroying what remains of your credibility. And you're coming off as a spiteful jealous bitch to boot. How many new ways can you come up with to impale yourself with your own sword? (I appropriated that from Beckett btw)

Michael said...

We on the right should use some of the money we took from the poor and pay kids to disrupt the Caesar every single night. Tear hundred dollar bills in half and give them half now and the other half after. Knockout game on stage for bonus.

Anonymous said...

Fen, you possess absolutely nothing I could ever be jealous of. Again, that just highlights your narcissism. Now I am leaving for a function on this lovely day with people who are conservatives, liberals and some who are non political. Not one of them would give you the time of day because you present yourself as a lowlife slimeball, who people instinctually recoil from. Now do go on with your self aggrandizement. I'm not so sure people here are as impressed with you as you are of yourself.

Ann Althouse said...

Could you please try to avoid the kind of back and forth where you call each other by name and light into them. This dynamic is really boring, and I have repeatedly asked you not to do it. It makes a mess of the comments.

Fen said...

Inga: "a common idea"

It is now. But I came up with it waaay back during the Valenti Breast dustup. Around 2006. More than a decade ago.

But thanks for the compliment - yes it's become part of the common political vernacular. Even sites like Ace and Powerline have referenced it.

Also, thanks for playing along. I couldn't ask for a better foil. You keep on drinking Teh Crazy. Just remember not to mix your psychotropics with vodka.

Gahrie said...

Could you please try to avoid the kind of back and forth where you call each other by name and light into them. This dynamic is really boring, and I have repeatedly asked you not to do it. It makes a mess of the comments.

When the change of heart? You used to love it when Crack Emcee did it.

eric said...

There seems to be a few positions here.

1) Most of America that just wants to live in peace and go about their lives. They don't want to choose a side.
2) The Left. They see Republicans as evil and Republican ideas as akin to Nazism. The ends justify the means.
3) The right. Argument and reasoned debate should win the day. Just keep talking and writing and eventually everyone will learn how totally awesome our ideas are.
4) The Alt Right/Trump supporters. The Left tactics mixed with the Right message. Anger at being mistreated and seeing zero results from "the right" means they aren't listening to the right anymore. The right has become a non factor to them.

I'm sure there are some more sides here as well.

The main point is, reasoned debate didn't work and still doesn't. Reasoned debate isn't going to keep the Democrats and Never Trump from impeaching and removing Trump at any cost.

And reasoned debate isn't going to stop the next Civil War.

Fen said...

Sure Althouse. But she's been stalking me around from thread to tbread. What do you expect me to do? Just take the constant unprovoked attacks?

If you would just ban her, even give her a time out for a few weeks, the blog tone would increase dramatically.

Hell, I'll even agree to fall on my sword if you want to ban two of us. It would send a message to your other readers, and I don't mind taking one for the team. And you don't like me much anymore anyway :)

At least consider it. I think your readers would appreciate an end to the Inga Show.

eric said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Could you please try to avoid the kind of back and forth where you call each other by name and light into them. This dynamic is really boring, and I have repeatedly asked you not to do it. It makes a mess of the comments.

I fear a time is soon approaching where we will long for the days we merely sniped at one another back and forth on blogs.

Ray - SoCal said...

On the comment the interruption was a mistake...

No, look at the huge amount of coverage it got. And it got discussion of the shooting back in the news.

Fen said...

Eric, exactly. If you haven't already seen it, check out Ace of Spades HQ, an artcle entitled "Sic Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" dated May 31st. In the archives section, lower right margin.

It does a great job detailing your 4th option. A must read. I really wish Althouse would spotlight it for a thread.

Michael said...

There won't be any civil war. There won't be any retribution against the vile left. Life will go on. As someone stated above the average American does not give one shit about the Russians or the Shakespeare in the park or even the campus misdeeds that pile up by the day. They go to work. They coach their kids in sports. They cook out. They go to church. These last three are total mysteries to those in the cities who fancy themselves liberals or as part of the "resistance" . The average American gets it in his or her gut and that is why we have Trump and why Hollywood's earnings are collapsing and why television viewership is declining. That is why there are very few progressives ascendant out here in flyover country.

James K said...

"No, look at the huge amount of coverage it got. And it got discussion of the shooting back in the news."

The play was already getting a lot of (negative) coverage, especially after the shooting. It was as if every night Kathy Griffin got on tv holding Trump's severed head. Why attack and disrupt the self-destruction of the left?

mockturtle said...

Eric opines: I'm sure there are some more sides here as well.

Yes. Obviously, reasoned debate and logic won't sway the left. But what I'd prefer to see rather than violent civil war is for 'right' people to move to red states and the left to blue [if they aren't already there]. Then we appropriate the states' rights afforded us in the Constitution. We'll see which side succeeds.

FullMoon said...

Inga said...

Fen is an ignoramus who likes to present himself here as some original thinker. He could've crawled straight out from under an Alt Right rock that slimeballs like him inhabit. A lowlife and a liar, lazy, and weirdo. He fools no one, at least none of us on the left. Even some conservatives here have called him on his slurs and insults. Hey Fen, if you insist on being a nasty piece,of work and lie about something I supposedly said, you'll get the back of my figurative hand every time.
6/17/17, 1:34 PM

and on, and on, and on, and on. Every time she comments, always ends the same. No surprise she never remarried.

FullMoon said...

On topic, kinda, calling people Goebbles is not going to make an impression. WW2 population almost all dead. Some boomers aware, but minimally. Pretty rare for anyone younger to have any idea how bad the Nazis were.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I love this. It filled me with joy when I read it last night.

Me too!

Fen said...

James, we tried taking the high road and assumed if we just let the Left self-destruct, the "peaceful majority" would come around to our side.

It's how we lost the culture wars.

And we came narrowly close to disaster when Hillary fumbled a gimme put last November.

It's almost like someone came back in time to muck with the timeline. Trump's victory was such an anomaly. The Hillary future must have been tragic for everyone.

We have maybe 3 years to restore the Republic, or at least delay its decline for our children's sake. I don't think we're going to get another shot at this. If Trump fails, the Establishment will never let this happen again.

So we can't continue to use tactics that have failed for decades and expect different results. The high ground is now littered with tombstones.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

the rest of us who respect each other regardless of political differences.

LOL. That's an amazing parody right there! Real irony for a change, since yous have never demonstrated respect for any opinion or person on this blog unless they spout the mindless leftist crap like you write.

n.n said...

Why attack and disrupt the self-destruction of the left?

Exactly. A series of unforced errors. Don't interfere.

Bruce Hayden said...

I am surprised that the crazy cat lady didn't know that she was arguing with the originator of Fen's Law. In Googling it, I found this from several years ago:Fen’s Law

Posted on 20121103 by jdm
The Left doesn’t really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about.

Fen is a guy who posts occasional comments on Althouse’s site. Fen’s run at Althouse may be at an end now as Althouse has recently become a racist telepath, no, a telepathic racist- no,that’s not it… darn it, well regardless, she is now able to detect racism without using any of the usual sensory channels.

So far, the results have been limited to detecting only those of the non-Left, but then that seems to be the case for all others with this ability as well. That should, in no way, be seen as a concern.

Update [20150423]: It seems like a good time to update with findings as blatant as this.

Maybe Republicans object to taxes because they actually pay them, and Democrats don’t mind taxes because, well, they don’t.

Gospace said...

Brookzene said...
As I have always said,

the main thing motivating Trump's supporters is a thirst for revenge.

And they don't remember yelling "Liar!" at Obama while he addressed Congress.

I remember it quite well. Obama was lying, to the American people and congress, and not enough congresscritters were yelling it. And it wasn't truly a yell. Shouting it through a megaphone would have been appropriate.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Fen appropriated..."


Fen has demonstrated more original thinking and coined more witty aphorisms than those criticizing him. They persist because they are true.

Thanks, Fen!

Ritchie The Riveter said...

Don't believe Fen's Law?

Take a look at the anti-Bush, er, anti-war Left of the last decade, whose voice turned to crickets on 20 Jan 2009. When you see more signs that say "F*** Bush" than "Stop the war", it becomes clear what the real objective is: to make sure a conservative never gains the ability to credibly criticize the Left and harsh their mellow. That's why I say the first chant of the anti-war movement in this century was "Selected Not Elected", ten months before 11 September 2001.

Then look at your typical anarchist/antifa foot soldier ... who decries corporate "dominance" as they Tweet "look what I did" on their iThingy, standing proudly in their name-brand duds.

Then look at all the celebs who support restrictions on energy and wealth redistribution in the name of "climate change" ... and compare their words with their carbon footprints. As the Instapundit says, I'll believe it's a crisis when those who say it's a crisis act like it's a crisis.

Fen's Law is validated, again and again.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Fen: Kudos again on succinctly stating and memorializing the liberal sham with your pointed tagline. And I agree Inga really can't get you out of her head.

Marc in Eugene said...

Perhaps if a law might be devised for Inga, Inga's Law, there would be less acrimony in the exchanges between her and others? whether she proposes or enunciates it, or others make one that can bear her name?

eric said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
Eric opines: I'm sure there are some more sides here as well.

Yes. Obviously, reasoned debate and logic won't sway the left. But what I'd prefer to see rather than violent civil war is for 'right' people to move to red states and the left to blue [if they aren't already there]. Then we appropriate the states' rights afforded us in the Constitution. We'll see which side succeeds.

I'd love to see this too. However, I'm in Washington State, which means I'd need to move. And I really don't want to move. Not because I love it here so much, but because my children have their lives here. They are all in their teens (Except my youngest boy who is 12, but he's close) and they've been here most of their lives.

I grew up in my home from age 6 to adulthood and my parents kept the home for long after. I really appreciated that consistency an normalcy.

But if I have to move, well, move I shall.

Biff said...

As Yeats wrote, "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold." The Lefties have been after this for awhile.

eric said...

Blogger Michael said...
There won't be any civil war. There won't be any retribution against the vile left. Life will go on. As someone stated above the average American does not give one shit about the Russians or the Shakespeare in the park or even the campus misdeeds that pile up by the day. They go to work. They coach their kids in sports. They cook out. They go to church. These last three are total mysteries to those in the cities who fancy themselves liberals or as part of the "resistance" . The average American gets it in his or her gut and that is why we have Trump and why Hollywood's earnings are collapsing and why television viewership is declining. That is why there are very few progressives ascendant out here in flyover country.

6/17/17, 2:36 PM

While I hope you're right, let me ask you, what do you think will happen if

1) The Democrats gain enough power with the #nevertrump Republicans and they impeach AND remove Trump


2) Trump refuses to leave.

Do you think #1 or #2 are beyond the realm of possibility?

If you think they're both possible, then what?

Jim at said...

I laugh out loud at the leftists on this thread who are shaking their fingers and claiming some sort of high road over the knuckle-draggers disrupting assassination pRon.

Don't like it when your tactics are used against you?

Tough. Shit.

Michael K said...

hardin, you made Insty today,

Michael said...

Dont believe 2 is possible and 1 is a fever dream of the left. The dem money machine will find it more convenient to keep him in office. Strong stock market and rising business confidence will diminish the influence of the nutty left. The average American will keep mowing his lawn and lusting after his neighbor's wife and coaching his kids. Mist of this overwrought insanity is coming from a loud but small bit of the country. People vote with their feet. Move a bunch of underclass rowdies into your school district and you pack up and move out. It infuriates the left but that is the way it goes. Look at any midsized city in Anerica and you see this.

mockturtle said...

Eric explains: I'd love to see this too. However, I'm in Washington State, which means I'd need to move.

I know. I lived in Washington State all of my life until this year when I moved to Arizona. I'm trying to get my kids/grandkids to consider relocating. The cost of living and of doing business has become so high there that many are finding alternatives. Boeing is moving several thousand jobs to Mesa, AZ. Moving is a big sacrifice and since I'm retired, it's easy for me. I'm in WA now for the summer to see friends and family.

mockturtle said...

If Trump is successfully impeached I will personally march in the streets and possibly worse. If it happens, it will be the GOP establishment, not the Democrats, who do it. Slimy Ryan and his bunch. The only thing on Trump's agenda they are interested in is tax reform. They don't even want to talk about anything else.

Jason said...

Fen: "Little Eichman."
Brookzene: "Shouldn't you be posting at Stormfront?"

Carry on. :-)

eric said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
If Trump is successfully impeached I will personally march in the streets and possibly worse. If it happens, it will be the GOP establishment, not the Democrats, who do it. Slimy Ryan and his bunch. The only thing on Trump's agenda they are interested in is tax reform. They don't even want to talk about anything else.

6/17/17, 5:27 PM

They don't need a majority of Republicans to impeach and remove Trump. If you take very single Democrat (Because they walk in lock step) and the #nevertrump Republicans, you'll get enough.

eric said...

All they need is an excuse. Something to justify their vote over.

The Special Counsel is meant to provide that fig leaf.

Greg said...

>Yes, I realize it was in the Park, not an actual Theater.

No, it's an actual Theater. Inside the Park - it's a very large park. Quite a lovely little theater, too.

I was lucky enough to see the production of Twelfth Night, way back when.


Let's just say the left has degraded somewhat since then, and dragged the culture they control down with them.

Jason said...


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Oh please, Trump won't be impeached and there won't be anything remotely like a "civil war" As someone observed above, the Internet is not reality and 95% of the Left would have a crippling panic attack if forced to attend a Saturday afternoon gun show. Resistance, my ass. Preening, white, middle-class, dumbshow is more like it.
Never in American history has it been so easy to vent about one's passions and never in American history have people been less inclined to risk anything of consequence in acting upon them.
"We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor" sounds like Esperanto to Americans in 2017.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Moving is a big sacrifice and since I'm retired, it's easy for me. I'm in WA now for the summer to see friends and family."

And maybe to get out of the AZ heat?

I think that we hit 100 before we headed north last month. Now 80 is considered sweltering.

mockturtle said...

Cracker, I'd like to believe you in this. But I'm concerned about which side the military is on nowadays.

mockturtle said...

And maybe to get out of the AZ heat?

I think that we hit 100 before we headed north last month. Now 80 is considered sweltering.

Yes, it's been over 100 degrees for at least a month and is supposed to get up to 120 this week. I would have left AZ sooner but broke my right arm and only just got it out of a cast so I could drive.

One doesn't have to leave AZ to escape the heat, however. Plenty of high-elevation spots that stay relatively cool.

Rusty said...

the main thing motivating Trump's supporters is a thirst for revenge."

More like a thirst for a return of the rule of law.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Michael said...
We on the right should use some of the money we took from the poor and pay kids to disrupt the Caesar every single night. Tear hundred dollar bills in half and give them half now and the other half after. Knockout game on stage for bonus.
6/17/17, 2:12 PM

Here's one point, if this is tried again, aside from the party approaching the stage, another party ought to find the tech booth and take control of the PA system. The producers' ability to suppress this outburst is impressive and should be reckoned with.

Michael said...

Bad Lieutenant

Good point. Speech should then be made about what happened in Rome after the real Caesar was killed. Chaos and mayhem. Oh, and Caesar was deified. Hillary did not become Caesar.

mockturtle said...

Rusty asserts: More like a thirst for a return of the rule of law.

More like a return to common sense.

Humperdink said...

So I drop by at the end of this thread and catch a classic Inga.

Inga referring to Fen:" A lowlife and a liar, lazy, and weirdo......" And then she finishes the thought with this: "Even some conservatives here have called him on his slurs and insults ...."

Bet she doesn't get the irony of those two sentences.

eric said...

Blogger Fen said...
Eric, exactly. If you haven't already seen it, check out Ace of Spades HQ, an artcle entitled "Sic Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" dated May 31st. In the archives section, lower right margin.

It does a great job detailing your 4th option. A must read. I really wish Althouse would spotlight it for a thread.

Has he finally come around over at Ace of Spades?

Last year (I think) he basically came out on Twitter and said if you're pro Trump, tell me so I can block you. So I told him I was pro Trump and he blocked me.

Is he back on the team?

MikeR said...

Anyone know: When "Trump" is killed in the play, what does the audience do? Does it erupt in cheers and applause?
When the supposedly "equivalent" play about "Obama" (http://www.theamericanconservative.com/shakesblog/obamas-ides-of-march/) was shown, what did the audience do there?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Fen said...

Doesn't sound like Ace, are you sure?

I know he went off on people for stuff like "all Trump supporters are idiots / all anti-Trump are cucks" trashtalk.

But I dont remember him as NeverTrump. He was more of an Anyone But Hillary type.

But anyways, he's full throttle now. One of my 4 muses (Insty, Pointman and Althouse).

Fen said...

"Here's one point"

Air horns.

Or bugles. Remember Ramsey outside Winterfell? Sick bastard!.

Damn I wish I lived closer.

Fen said...

Jason sniffs out hypocrisy.

Welcome to our world Jason, for the last 30 years.

Hang tight, we'll pull you out of that tiger trap in a sec :)

... these new rules are fun!

"I think of a conservative, then I take away all shame and intellectual integrity" - Jack Nicholson, As Good As It Gets

Fen said...

But kidding aside, Jason, good catch.

Thanks for keeping my honest.

eric said...

Fen said...
Doesn't sound like Ace, are you sure?

I know he went off on people for stuff like "all Trump supporters are idiots / all anti-Trump are cucks" trashtalk.

But I dont remember him as NeverTrump. He was more of an Anyone But Hillary type.

But anyways, he's full throttle now. One of my 4 muses (Insty, Pointman and Althouse).

I'm pretty sure. I try not to be too rude on twitter so as not to get blocked. I think it was just a straight up, "Admit your a Trump supporter so I can block you." thing, but then again, I'm getting old and my memory is going, so who knows why he blocked me? Maybe I said something that honestly offended him.

Allahpundit blocked me too. But Allahpundit is still anti Trump, so I don't care.

Fen said...

He might have. He is onery. The ban hammer at Ace Spades can be a bit random.

But I'm pro-Trump and feel welcome their everyday. Just don't mix it up with the few cucks in the comment section. He's given authority to ban at will, with an attitude of "don't bug me about pardons if you've tasked my mods.

But it's not stifling. Consider, if someone as "evil" as me can thrive over there, you should be fine. LOL.

But Ace really is a daily must read. It's always my first stop after checking Insty in the morning. You're missing out if you don't swing by. And the comments can be really fun, cause the pseudonym handles are floating. Yesterday I was Ghegis Khan and Hellen Keller. Hehe.

eric said...

Yeah, I'll check it out.

Rusty said...

mockturtle said...
Rusty asserts: More like a thirst for a return of the rule of law.

More like a return to common sense.

Well, yeah. That too.

jdm said...

Hey, look at me, now I'm famous too. Thanks, Fen.

I also coined Fen's Second law: The Left really does believe in the things of which they accuse their opponents.

Steve said...

Is it any more acceptable for actors to address spectators? You come to watch a performance, not hear anyone's' political opinions outside the performance. Why can't we have civil order where it is normally expected? I understand that people want to become the news in today's society, but have some decency on both sides. Respect others should be the rule, the golden rule.

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