June 30, 2017

When is a facelift not a facelift?

Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough respond to Donald Trump's infamous "bleeding badly from a face-lift" tweet:
"Putting aside Mr. Trump's never-ending obsession with women's blood, Mika and her face were perfectly intact, as pictures from that night reveal," they said in the column. "And though it is no one's business, the president's petulant personal attack against yet another woman's looks compels us to report that Mika has never had a face-lift. If she had, it would be evident to anyone watching 'Morning Joe' on their high-definition TV. She did have a little skin under her chin tweaked, but this was hardly a state secret. Her mother suggested she do so, and all those around her were aware of this mundane fact."
I think the "obsession with women's blood" is fascinating and deserves a lot of attention. It's not just Trump's obsession, but everyone who hopped onto the task of making that tweet the most important event in the world. Blood is vivid and it means so much to us. If it bleeds, it leads is the classic saying about journalism. Look! Blood!

It's very primal. And Trump has an instinct to reach out and grab us in our deep, secret, sensitive place. And we let him! Come on, everybody. Let's talk about how Mika is bleeding. It's like a magnet.

But I want to talk about the fussy distinction Mika and Joe made between a facelift and "a little skin under her chin tweaked." If you've just gotten a little skin under your chin tweaked, have you not gotten a facelift? Your chin is part of your face, but I guess once you go around to the underside of the chin, you're off the face and onward toward the neck, then technically it's not a "facelift."

But I went to the website of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, to the page "Facelift" and it lists 3 kinds of incisions, "Traditional Facelift," "Limited Incision," and "Neck Lift." So it looks to me as though the expert terminology would include "a little skin under her chin tweaked" in the category "facelift."

And by the way, why are Mika and Joe acting as if it's so shameful for a woman to get a facelift? Speaking of making a "personal attack" on a "woman's looks," they seem to be implying that it's insulting say that a woman has had a facelift. Does Mika mean to lord her superiority over all the other celebrities who have had more surgery? Trump's tweet stressed the bleeding. The facelift played a secondary role as the source of the bad bleeding. He didn't say: Ugh, Mika had a facelift. He said she was imposing herself on me at a New Year's Eve party when she was bleeding badly from facelift incisions.

Mika's answer was that the incisions — which are back around the temples and ears (as I understand it from the plastic surgeons' website) — were only for the purpose of lifting the skin below the face. By presenting that as a defense to Trump's tweet, she is (unwittingly?) introducing the view that a facelift is a stain on a woman's reputation. Isn't that the retrograde, sexist idea?

I don't think Trump is anti-facelift. I assume women in his life have had facelifts and he's quite familiar with the process. That's probably why he recognized the source of the blood.

If there was blood.

Now, I'm speculating that Mika deliberately imposed on him when she was visibly bleeding to see if she could get the a fame boost — a famelift — like the one that had made Megyn Kelly such a big deal so recently. That was back on New Year's Eve, though, and now, I'm speculating that Trump deliberately delayed his reaction until Megyn Kelly's narrative had arced and cratered.


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Sebastian said...

"And by the way, why are Mika and Joe acting as if it's so shameful for a woman to get a facelift? Speaking of making a "personal attack" on a "woman's looks," they seem to be implying that it's insulting say that a woman has had a facelift. Does Mika mean to lord her superiority over all the other celebrities who have had more surgery? By presenting that as a defense to Trump's tweet, she is (unwittingly?) introducing the view that a facelift is a stain on a woman's reputation. Isn't that the retrograde, sexist idea? I don't think Trump is anti-facelift."

This all well and good, and it is good, particularly in resisting The Narrative, but alas, it is also beside the point. Which is that progs will run with their narrative regardless, fighting the culture war and the swamp war to win. They don't care a bit about sexism as long as it is used by the right people for the right reasons. Of course they also don't care about covering Trump honestly. The questions AA raises, if uttered on their shows, would leave them tongue-tied: they hint at deviant ungood ideas that are beyond their ken.

Drago said...
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Fen said...


...hand off to Emmit Smith. He PLOWS over Inga! 1st and 10 on the 35!

Inga: We love it when you run the ball. Try it again.
Smith: Okay sweetcakes.

Emmit again, sweeping left, BEAUTIFUL stiff arm to Inga to pick up another 1st down!

Inga: I said we LOVE it when you run the ball!
Emmit: LOL sure.

Screen to Emmit, shakes off Inga. Another 13 yard again. I tell ya Bob, Team Blue really needs to go back to the fundamentals. I've seen better tackling in peewee.

Chuck: Me too! And they are so dainty!

Errr...okay back to the action. Looks like Inga is trying to inflict some psychological warfare, let's listen in:

Inga: Run at me again little man! I LOVE it!
Emmit: Anyone else getting a whiff of stale cat pee?

Hand off to Emmit, up the middle OMG HE JUST ROLLED over Inga like a Mac Truck...and ... touchdown! 4 carries for 80 yards. And it's 7-0 only 2 minutes into the first quarter... uh oh looks like Team Blue is down a player. Let's break for our sponsors...

Medic: How many fingers? Do you remember your name?
Inga: We love... you... tweet. Shame. SHAME!

Achilles said...

CC reciprocity is moving forward.

That is winning.

Drago said...

Rumor has it DJTrump snuck into the American Society of Plastic Surgeons just to change the guidelines which cover when to call a chin lift a face lift.

Or maybe Trump just directed Putin to direct the Macedonians to direct wikileaks to do it.

We won't know until Charlie Sykes chimes in on it.

Earnest Prole said...

To put Joe and Mika's irrelevance in perspective, when Trump was young Walter Cronkite had an audience of 30 million in a nation of 200 million; today Joe and Mika have an audience of less than a million in a nation of 320 million.

Drago said...
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Drago said...
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Bruce Hayden said...

'I'm not "working class" and I love it.'


Still, I was reminded of a discussion we had yesterday when we were out for our daily constitutional (ok - maybe a bit brisker - she claims that walking doesn't do you much good until you get your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes, but preferably an hour or so). Her father was a welder, before being disabled on the job and retrained by the union in real estate, where he made a bunch of money. He was also a very good amateur boxer, and a friend of another amateur boxer, recently retired as a well known powerful politician. Her brother, one of the biggest guys in HS, was jumped one day by five other guys from his HS and put in the hospital. When he got out, father took him around to the houses of the boys, called out their fathers, threatened to, and actually did beat some of them, until and unless they brought out their sons for one on one with his son, who then beat the crap out of each of the sons, one by one. Never happened again. No need.

I contrast that to what my father, an attorney, would have done, which most likely have had the boys arrested. Us knowing the judges would have likely meant time for them at the county juvie facility. Wouldn't have helped me long term, of course.

My point there is that the upper middle class has typically not settled disputes by fighting. And they have, since Lincoln, formed the backbone of the Republican Party. And, hence, Tea Party members leaving protest sites cleaner than when they got there. They have typically been the stanchist believers in law and order, the establishment, etc, because they have the most invested in it, and the most to lose.

My mother's family has, at least since Lincoln, and probably from the Revolution, been solidly middle class. And, I have been trained since infancy in its values. No surprise that most of us boys went into engineering and law. But I too root for Trump hitting back twice as hard. I believe that the time for a middle class measured and civilized approach has past. Our enemy doesn't fight fairly, but repeatedly hits below the belt. And I, for one, am unwilling to live in the society that they want to force on us.

The point is the

Nonapod said...

At this point complaining about Trump's Tweets is like complaining about the weather. Good or bad, it doesn't matter what you think, the weather and the Tweets will just keep happening.

For Trump I suspect the Tweets themselves are partially therapeutic (sort of like stress relieving comfort food) and partially media distraction tactics. With these Tweets in particular you get the impression that it's possible that Trump didn't want the "Big Story" to be that the Obamacare repeal/replace didn't go through, so all this is an attempt at a narrative change. And honestly I think it's worked somewhat. There's not a lot about the Health Care bill on the front pages of the major news sites.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And it wasn't Bill Buckner who let that ball pass between his legs! In fact, Buckner was being held captive in a secret dungeon under Mar-A-Lago. It was Trump in a Buckner disguise.

Yankees fans will do anything to ensure the Red Sox lose.

Earnest Prole said...

Ouch. Those are some hard numbers coming so early before the cocktail hour.

Ask the networks how it feels. I remember reading that CNN often reaches fewer than 100,000 televisions, and half of those are in airports.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Ask the networks how it feels. I remember reading that CNN often reaches fewer than 100,000 televisions, and half of those are in airports. "

They also seem to have some sort of contract with hospitals.

FullMoon said...

Fen said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Exile, crack open a beer and google "Madison Downfall"

You Tubed it. Perceptive. Who done it?

wendybar said...

For those of you sticking up for Mika, watch this video and watch her flirting with Trump....THIS is how she acts on TV...Journalist?? Hardly. https://downtrend.com/vsaxena/mika-brzezinski-hearts-trump

Bruce Hayden said...

"CC [Concealed Carry] reciprocity is moving forward"

I think that it is inevitable now. Before the crazy Berniebot tried to assasinate those Republican Congressmen, it was more one of those things high on some conservative wish lists, but the assasination attempt brought the reality of rabid leftist gun control home to Congress. Several of those there that day had CCW permits from their home states, but thanks to D.C. draconian licensing laws (despite Heller), were unarmed that day. Only because the Majority Whip was there, accompanied by his security detail, were they spared from a bloodbath. A number of Republicans in Congress now believe that being armed on their way too and from work is essential for their safety. They can't do that with D.C. CCW permitting as it now exists. Compounding this, of course, is the ever increasing level of actual violence on the left, after Trump's election. They legally could carve out an exception for themselves in the D.C. gun laws. Easy peasy. But that wouldn't go down well with their Republican base. They too have to face those same gun laws, but without the power of Congress to override DC laws. Which means the easiest solution is to at least force D.C. into reciprocity. But, why not go the next step, and mandate national reciprocity, like their base wants (and Trump has said he would sign)? Sure, politicians from a handful of deep blue gun grabbing states are screaming bloody murder. But, they are inevitably all Democrats. In the House, the Republicans can jam it through, and there are way too many Trump/Red state Dem Senators up for reelection next year for it to get killed in the Senate.

Michael K said...

I contrast that to what my father, an attorney, would have done, which most likely have had the boys arrested.

In high school in Chicago, at Leo High School, when it was all white and Catholic, we had an iIrish Christian Brother who was about 5-5 and weighed about 150.

When guys would wise off around him, he did not send them to the office. He would say "Let's put on the gloves." Then they would go to the gym where he would proceed to beat the crap out of the biggest kids. He was a featherweight boxing champ of Ireland as a young man. It only happened about evry two years as almost all of us knew the stories.

Nowadays, from my interviews with kids applying to the military, they get suspended, which seems silly and a waste.

Michael K said...

In the House, the Republicans can jam it through, and there are way too many Trump/Red state Dem Senators up for reelection next year for it to get killed in the Senate.

I would be OK with it. The left keeps hoping for "The Great bWhite Defendant" as Tom Wolfe put it in "Bonfire of the Vanities."

The problem is that every time thy think they have one, he turns out to be an illegal Mexican gan member.

AlbertAnonymous said...

I love the "Mika has never had a face-lift... She did have a little skin under her chin tweaked" comments.

It reminds me of the move Dave where Kevin Klein is the President's doppelganger so they hire him to stand in for the President publicly while the real President is schtupping his assistant privately. After the real President has a stroke, Dave is called back in for a longer period. The press is asking about the president's health and they say he had....

"a minor circulatory problem of the head"

Face Lift? no, maybe a minor tweak of the chin skin
Stroke? No, maybe a minor circulatory problem of the head

Or Hillary's pneumonia...

Achilles said...

"In the House, the Republicans can jam it through, and there are way too many Trump/Red state Dem Senators up for reelection next year for it to get killed in the Senate."

There are 10 democrats running for reelection in 2018 in states Trump carried. 10.

They should have to filibuster reciprocity until the election.

Bruce Hayden said...

@Dr K - her father probably had the reach, but by then not the weight to fight as a heavyweight. A couple years later, by the time he went to college, her brother probably had the muscle too, but only boxed because their father wanted his boys to be able to protect themselves. He never really had the need to get into fights every weekend like his father and uncle had when young adults (his mother put a quick end to the fighting, after they got married, telling her husband that that was his last fight married - next time she and the kids would be gone. Permanently. And he believed her).

LilyBart said...
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LilyBart said...

So far, "Inga" appears 91 times on this post. I did this search because it seems the rest of the posters were trying to have a conversation with this one poster.

Just an observation.

Bruce Hayden said...

"They should have to filibuster reciprocity until the election."

Jon Tester is already running campaign ads here in MT, almost a year and a half before the election. One scene shows him talking to a bunch of bird hunters with shotguns over their shoulders. He can do that all he wants, and drive the family combine around all he wants too (which he did a lot of in 2012), but I doubt that he could be elected dog catcher if he refuses to vote for cloture on a CCW reciprocity bill. Ditto for a lot of others.

Bruce Hayden said...

@Lily - I don't think that they were really trying to have a conversation with The Crazy Cat Lady (aka Inga), which is usually fruitless, but rather using her and her posts as a convenient foil.

Fen said...

I bet most of Mika is fake. Botox and Silicone.

It will be interesting when corporate decides Joe needs a younger perkier ornament. She's looking old.

Earnest Prole said...

have a conversation


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

LilyBart said...
So far, "Inga" appears 91 times on this post. I did this search because it seems the rest of the posters were trying to have a conversation with this one poster.

Just an observation.

6/30/17, 3:00 PM

She makes herself an easy target.

Fen said...

"appears 91 times"

I mentioned her 11 times in one parody post mocking her "we love it when he tweets" bullshit. Check 2:07pm. No exchanges with her, just satire.

Earnest Prole said...

Commenters here have conversations the same way Onan had intimate relations.

Anonymous said...

91 times?! Why do you people keep trying to talk to me? Sheesh, shut up, don't talk to me.

Anonymous said...

Bruce, trim that disgusting nose hair.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

We're not talking to you, we are mocking your stupidity.

That's extremely easy to do.

Anonymous said...

And I'm mocking you Trumpists, such fun!

Skeptical Voter said...

Nothing wrong with Mika that couldn't be fixed with 30 more IQ points.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

But your insults are lame and witless, Inga. They consist mainly of variations on the 3rd grade taunt, "I know you are, but what am I?"

So - like I said, easy target.

Anonymous said...
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Bruce Hayden said...

"But your insults are lame and witless, Inga. They consist mainly of variations on the 3rd grade taunt, "I know you are, but what am I?" "

"Bruce, trim that disgusting nose hair."

Res ipse loquitor.

Fen said...

Re the blue collar vote, it will be interesting to see if Trump's economic and trade policies can solidy gains he made in the rust belt. Too many Republicans are worried more about decorum instead of results.

We need some fresh blood not afraid of getting dirty to secure Liberty.

Fen said...

Inga, go bleed in public somewhere else. No one cares.

Drago said...

Earnest Prole: "Commenters here have conversations the same way Onan had intimate relations."

Earnest Prole is having a good day here.

Just thought I would say thanks.

Drago said...
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Anonymous said...
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Drago said...
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Anonymous said...

Absolutely true.

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Friday, June 30, 2017

"A producer for CNN’s morning news show said that media insiders view President Trump as a “clown” who’s “f—ing crazy” and voters as “stupid as sh—” in an undercover video released Friday by Project Veritas.

Jimmy Carr, a producer for CNN’s “New Day” starring Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota, said “90 percent of us are on board with just the fact that he’s crazy.”

“On the inside, we all recognize that he is a clown, that he is hilariously unqualified for this, he’s really bad at this and that he does not have America’s best interests. We recognize he’s just f—ing crazy,” said Mr. Carr on the footage.

Asked if it would be “fair to question the intellect of the American voter,” Mr. Carr replied, “Oh no. They’re stupid as sh—.”

Drago said...
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Milwaukie guy said...

Haven't read the thread at all. I assume it's a lot like others. I'm packing for camping!

However, even though I rarely comment, I am moved to now. Sort of about this.

I am a non-partisan registered in Oregon. Something of a misnomer because, having spent most of my life in Chicago I hate the Democrats with passion, I have been voting for the GOP, AKA the stupid party, pretty much post-2001. I belong to the non-existent Federalist Party.

Like many, Trump was not close to my choice at all, I registered Republican last year so I could vote for Cruz, even though he had already dropped out. Even in Oregon Trump got 40% of the vote and Herself only 50%. I am an enthusiastic Trump voter. Hillary will never be president.

There has been a lot of winning. Our Portland-area underground of Trump voters have been happy even though we've had to agree with many of our friends that we can't talk about it.

However, the Mika-gate is really starting to get to me.

From my couch, it looks so undisciplined and small. If Trump doesn't watch the fuck out, the argument over temperament will really gain traction. Because it will be true.

There is such serious shit going down in the coming period: SCOTUS seats, deregulating the administrative state, the Norks, ISIS, etc.

Mr. President, I implore you, stop fucking with nobodies and take care of bidness.

Drago said...
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Mark Nielsen said...

@Milwaukie guy: Amen and amen.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"A producer for CNN’s morning news show said that media insiders view President Trump as a “clown” who’s “f—ing crazy” and voters as “stupid as sh—” in an undercover video released Friday by Project Veritas."

Is Inga so braindead she actually thinks the Project Veritas video HELPS the anti-Trump cause?

Jesus, Lord, talk about being as stupid as shit.

Achilles said...

Fen said...
I bet most of Mika is fake. Botox and Silicone.

It will be interesting when corporate decides Joe needs a younger perkier ornament. She's looking old.

It is not like Joe has had a problem with inconvenient females in the past.

Seeing Red said...

ahhhh that's what this is about.

What are Anerica's best interests. The elite think they know, but the hinterlands disagree, hence Trump.

They didn't listen to us! Said Martha of the long face election night!

Hunger Games!

Earnest Prole said...

Earnest Prole is having a good day here.

Like Garth says in Wayne’s World,Thanks — I like to play.”

Drago said...
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wwww said...

I believe that the time for a middle class measured and civilized approach has past. Our enemy doesn't fight fairly, but repeatedly hits below the belt. And I, for one, am unwilling to live in the society that they want to force on us.

you're talking about an American female news anchor? A fellow American? A person of relative unimportance and some minor entertainment fame?

I don't understand why people aren't more worried about North Korea or China's growing economic dominance in African/South America.

Your ancestors fought the Red Coats and the Nazis but your dire enemy is a female newscaster who's had a chin lift? A 50 year old Mom is the enemy that threatens the Republic?

I think people are losing their damn minds.

Drago said...
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wwww said...

I could just as easily write "our ancestors fought the Red Coats and the Nazis but you spend your time commenting on Althouseblog instead of putting your time to better use?!!"

Yeah -- I'm procrastinating on my work a few hours away from vacation time!

I'm not worried that a cable news anchor is threatening the republic.

If you do, well, then we have to agree to disagree. I'm not worried about Mika or Joe. Further, if you are, I think you've got a strange threat response. I'm far more worried about North Korea myself.

wwww said...

And Grant & Sherman weren't working class!

FYI - Many middle-class Yankee boys, German 48s and Kansas Jayhawkers could and did fight.

Those Kansas boys were serious.

wwww said...

// Rant over

Earnest Prole said...

Martha Raddatz is such an objective, straight down the middle, non-partisan "journalist" that on election night, after it was clear Trump had won, she made sure to let us know that the US military members and their families might not trust Trump making life and death decisions as Commander in Chief.

Of all the butthurt election-night reporting, this one trumps all -- imagine her saying the same thing the night Obama was first elected.

Milwaukie guy said...

And blah blah blah. TCB Mr. Trump, TCB.

You make me a bit scared when I think of the Nork crisis. Love your generals, though.

wwww said...

I read him as turning two social climbers away from his table because one of them was bleeding from her face. If that's demeaning, it's only from knocking her lacking social graces.

Do you know any woman (or man) who would go to a social event with blood dripping from their face? Even men are expected to clot shaving cuts with toilet paper and then remove the dried bloody paper before they present themselves publicly.

Just saw this comment.

1) I don't think she had blood dripping from her face. There's pictures on the internet from that night of Mika.

2) It's a private club -- they wouldn't have been allowed through the door unless invited.

I do think Trump feels betrayed by Mika and Joe. He offered to marry them.

I see this as personal to him.

Milwaukie guy said...

Is this concern trolling? Well, I am starting to get concerned. Up your game, DJT.

Drago said...

Week: "I do think Trump feels betrayed by Mika and Joe. He offered to marry them."

At the same time?

I don't think that's legal.

Ann Althouse said...


That's WAY too much back and forth! Quit doing comments like that. It's NOT acceptable.


You're doing it too, though not as bad. Quit naming other people and going back and forth with them

It is BORING. No one wants to read comments like that. You're just repelling others, and that is contrary to the interests of this forum. STOP IT. Understand what you are doing and CHANGE or you will be a persona non grata and DELETED all the time. I will not stop to read you first.

You 2 need to change. I don't accept this use of the forum!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Fen said...

"There are pics on the internet"

No one said she was gushing blood the whole night. And we're both assuming drip drop drip. But if Trump is as much a germaphobe as people say, it could have been as insignificant as small untreated shaving cut is too us.

A quick trip to the bathroom, dab clean with water, clot with toilet paper, remove, apply makeup... and you're fine to take pics the rest of the night.

So both are possible - bleeding in front of Trump but clean bloodless pics rest of night.
I'm only saying because Mika lied about the surgery while falsely accusing Trump of lying. So benefit of doubt goes to Trump not Mika.

Anonymous said...

Let's see how consistent you are with your discipline, Althouse. By tomorrow Drago will be going back and forth with. Chuck again. You are partially to blame for not enforcing your own rules.

Drago said...

Well, I for one welcome this aggressive Althouse and am thrilled to participate happily under the reinforced guidelines.

Drago said...

The only thing missing is a pic of Althouse packing heat.

Drago said...

Fen: "'m only saying because Mika lied about the surgery while falsely accusing Trump of lying. So benefit of doubt goes to Trump not Mika."


As with the clear signaling that it was Scarborough who reached out to Kushner to put the kibosh on the NE article and the suddenly hush-hush tactics of MSNBC to not release any of their "evidence" the entire lefty narrative collapses.


wwww said...

No one said she was gushing blood the whole night. And we're both assuming drip drop drip. But if Trump is as much a germaphobe as people say, it could have been as insignificant as small untreated shaving cut is too us.

I don't think she was bleeding for a couple of reasons:

1) Well, think about a major operation -- a double by-pass where your chest is cracked open. Just 24 hours later blood is not gushing. They know how to sew you up tight. If you're bleeding at all from an operation -- the nurses in recovery are worried. A chin lift is going to be a tiny cut.

2) Celebs are vain. I don't think she would have gone out with visible injuries.

3) She told Melania & Trump about the chin lift. Maybe Trump thought he saw something because of the germ phobic stuff?

Fen said...

www: "I think you have a strange threat response"

I understand why you might view it that way, but let me explain where I am coming from: I'm a former US Marine, 0313 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Bn. My civilian life revolves around foreign policy, and I've served as a staffer for Sen Intelligence Cmtes. I'm saying this to puff up, I just want to make it clear I understand what foreign threats we face.

And I'm telling you the greatest threat to this Republic is the 4th Estate. They will handicap our response to North Korea, they will handicap our response to ISIS, they will handicap our response to illegal immigration. They are like corrupt refs - no matter what opponent we are playing - we have to contend with their cheating outside the actual plays

And while I agree that Mika & Joe are not a specific threat, I do not think they are the target for Trump's attack. They are the object lesson for the rest of the liberal media.

In 9th grade I knew a kid named David, real bad ass. We were all funelled into one high school and some of the other kids wanted a piece of him. First day, he walked up to a Senior and, for no reason, proceeded to beat the fuck out of him. No one messed with him for 4 years.

Fen said...

I'm NOT saying this to puff up.

LOL autocorrect, you had one job.

Birkel said...

Those of you discussing how middle and lower classes settle things need not worry. In the Lower Clasees from which I come physical confrontations are still typical.

I welcome such adventures.

Birkel said...

Fen, as a freshman I challenged an 11th grader who was a drug dealer to be elsewhere. He demurred. High school was simple after that.

As a senior a group of roughly 30 freshman had an idea. I assured them it was a bad idea, long-term. They were five years short of memory. Their memories were lengthened considerably. Life is funny that way.

Fen said...

Lol yup.

Sadly, I never had your talent.

Marine Barracks, 29 Palms. There was a clich of 4 Cool Kids who kinda ran things behind the scenes. One day I decided to make a statement that they weren't all that.

So I walked up to the biggest one and tried to grab his arm to lock his wrist and throw him. And I kinda just bounced off him and landed on my ass. LOL. Luckily for me, he was one of those gentle giants. He picked me up by the collar, got me standing back up, and sent me on my way. He didn't need to prove anything, and that was more effective than giving me the beatdown I deserved.

Birkel said...

Point of fact:
My grandfather landed on Normandy on June 6th. He fought his way across France to Belgium and The Battle of the Bulge. As a child that man disciplined me. He was rough. He had earned his edge. I was honored to be hewn to his image.

Only after his death did I learn how unworthy of his memory am I. Make no mistake, he was a giant and I am proud to be his grandson.

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