I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..Wow. That's harsh. He must know facelifts to be so confident he can diagnose the source of the bleeding. She had blood coming out of her wherever... face.
... to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!
Why's he suddenly going back to New Year's Eve? And what's with all the "Crazy" and "Psycho"? It seems... crazy and psycho.
Here's the NYT story on the subject:
The graphic nature of the president’s suggestion that Ms. Brzezinski had undergone plastic surgery was met with immediate criticism on social media...Yes, widely seen as a reference to menstruation, but who knew he might have been talking about facelifts?
Mr. Trump’s comment on Thursday echoed a contentious remark that he made about another female television anchor, Megyn Kelly, during last year’s presidential campaign. “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever,” Mr. Trump said, a remark that was widely seen as a reference to menstruation and drew rebukes from women’s groups.
Over at The Washington Post, Callum Borchers is calling it a "blatantly sexist attack." Ridiculous. Men get facelifts too. In fact, it's Borchers who's supplying the sexism:
When Trump hits Brzezinski and Scarborough on Twitter, he hits Brzezinski harder, more personally and in a way that seems designed to portray her as insecure (“facelift”) and unintelligent (“low IQ”) — as a side piece who would not be on TV if not for her romantic relationship with Scarborough, to whom she was recently engaged.Trump didn't say "sidepiece" or characterize plastic surgery as a marker of insecurity. That's Borchers projecting. What I read in that tweet is that he found it ludicrous that the person trying to insinuate herself into his company was bleeding from the face. That doesn't sound at all like insecurity. Quite the opposite.
1 – 200 of 532 Newer› Newest»Give the media something idiotic to talk about.
Trump makes it soap opera bait. The media can't resist.
Ann, you have to admit this tweet is completely crazy.
I was just thinking this had been a relatively quiet and normal week for Trump. Apparently he was thinking the same thing.
How can anyone be proud to have a president behave like this? This is Maury Povich level talk.
She's reported to be looking daggers at him. Maybe it's like Matalin and Carville.
Correction....Mika wouldn't be on TV if it weren't who her Daddy is...
Other countries are laughing at us. Some of them are also taking the opportunity to displace us in the international order.
They agree to disagree and then a final volley is sent, usual outcome.
Maybe it's your lady-time.
Armstrong and Getty speculating.
Once written, they have been laughing at us for the last 9 years....
How can anyone be proud to have a president behave like this?
"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin."
Oh I wondered. I got a CNN news alert saying Trump had issued a "hateful" tweet toward MSNBC hosts that was "shocking" and an anti-journalism tweet that was part of a pattern.
So....a bad tweet and a CNN news alert from a kindergarten teacher.
Hey why talk about healthcare reform, when it's possible that Mika Brzezinski had a facelift?
LOL Ann! You are more critical of Boucher's analysis of Trump's tweet than you are of Trump and his totally crazy tweets.
Is this Trump's jumping the shark moment?
It's a power structure based on trillions of dollars coming in that Washington gets to spread around. The media heads are aristocracy hanging off that. (A&G)
Trump undermines the idea.
Cheers from flyover country.
This goes into the "He Wants to Be Fired" folder.
Being beneach the President is the point of doing it. The old power arrangements are over. The dukes and dutchesses cast free from the deep state structure.
Once written, twice... said...
Is this Trump's jumping the shark moment?
6/29/17, 10:14 AM
Not even close. It's the media that's jumping the shark. Trump is just providing the chum.
Once: "You have to admit this tweet is crazy"
Tsk tsk. When are you going to learn? Do we really have to use the cliche from Shakespeare again? You must think Trump is the luckiest idiot in the world. But there is a method to his madness (see?), he did this for a reason.
If you would stop being so intellectually lazy, you might wonder what is he really on about. But with that realization would also come fear.
Ah to be comfortably stupid.
You'd think the left would be cheering the corrupt social Washington power arrangements being cut off.
Media people being reduced to jerkoffs, which they are.
The elites of the world have despised the US for at least a century. They needed US power, and especially US money, but that never translated to actually liking it, as a culture or polity, as it has always been hopelessly declasse. The only Americans they can abide are those who effectively signal how much they also despise America - B.Obama for instance.
This is why the global intellectual atmosphere, whether on the ideological left or right, has always been bitterly anti-American.
Once... and all his Latin American ilk conforms to that consensus. I have known a great many like him.
Why is Borcher coming to Mika's defense ? Joe is the one knocking the bottom out of Mika, well whats left of it.
The media can dish it out, but sure can't take it.
Once written, twice: "Other countries are laughing at us."
Uh huh. Tell us more.
Once written, twice: "Some of them are also taking the opportunity to displace us in the international order."
It almost seems impossible to be able to cram so much ignorance and naivete into one line, but somehow "once" does it.
Over and over again.
Trump certainly knows how to launch these lefties into Lefty Idiot Orbit.
Classless indeed.
What value class, or caste, or aristocracies?
While outlandish and outrageous, Uncle Donnie's tweet is a smash-mouth counter-punch to Mika 'n Joe for their own juvenile mewlings. And this 'shocks' people? This is how Trump fights. He obviously doesn't care about convention or optics. He just plopped Scarborough's blonde ice mannequin/sex doll onto an international stage to be laughed at. And no matter how furiously the left's outrage machine fumes and spews, Hillary STILL won't be president tomorrow.
From Twitter:
VanHorn @tvanhorn4 · 32m32 minutes ago
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
Just shut up please and do your job. I voted for you. But man u are making me regret it more and more everyday
Obviously our President does not grab bleeding pussies...
I hope he wins in North Korea. Probably win is not a good word. Since we haven't done that since we invaded Haiti.
Mark: "#Classless"
Says the side using taxpayer dollars to fund bogus oppo research which makes bizarre hooker/urine claims and then uses that bogus oppo research as the basis for a FISA warrant to conduct general surveillance of domestic political opponents and other American citizens and then weaponizes that info through the state intelligence agencies.
So drop dead....but not in the Democrat Terrorist way (which includes actual shooting at opposition party members).
1) Correctly understands the media is his enemy.
2) Recognizes Joe and Mika as examples of press belligerence toward him.
3) Sees an opportunity to make the media the story.
4) Feels he has nothing to lose fighting back against an unpopular media.
5) Is not afraid to challenge the Washington establishment.
6) Knows a big chunk of the media will direct their attention to Mika and her facelift/victim-hood.
7) Rightly concludes that most of America will shrug off his tweets.
Wow. Tim Van Horn said that??? Well, if that's what Tim VanHorn thinks.
Once: "how can you be proud - "
Did he make that lying bitch Mika cry?
That would please me.
Of course, outing her fake face for a fake news job is horrible. Much worse than her falsely accusing him if betraying his country to Russia to steal the election.
Fen, I know what it is about. I have been writing about it here on Ann's blog for years. These are vulgar base appeals to the Hillbilly vote. (Sorry, but that is the best discriptor.)
Real class is when certain posters engage in rumor mongering against underage children.
'cuz that's "real" class.
A tip if you're in a new relationship from Armstrong and Getty.
Women love it when you tell them to hush and lower their voices.
Then mention their lady-time.
Donald Trump Wears His Watch Way Too Tight.
Mika Brzezinski had her face pulled way too tight.
No sign of blood on Trump's wrist.
Mika better hope Trump doesn't have a tape.
Is this Trump's jumping the shark moment?
Nope. What liberals and the MSM cannot wrap their heads around, is just how much the MSM is despised by the American populace.
In their heads they're champions for the little guy, fighting the power structure trying to improve the lot of the oppressed and downtrodden.
I read an article this morning that discussed leftist millennials seeing parallels between the current political situation and Harry Potter with Trump cast as Voldermort of course. Included were screen shots of various tweets. I was struck by one from inauguration day stating the it was like the time in the Potter books when the Ministry for Magic fell and Voldermort took it over.
You see, from my perspective, as a muggle, it is like the muggles took the government back from the Wizards, who, even when it was controlled by the "good" Wizards, was being used to advance the Wizards' interests at the expense of us muggles.
MayBee: "Wow. Tim Van Horn said that??? Well, if that's what Tim VanHorn thinks"
Unless Tim Van Horn meets the Inga Requirements for Seriousness, I will not listen to what Tim Van Horn has to think.
And that includes being the biggest talk radio personality in the Greater Milwaukee Radio Market Which Includes Some Conservative Counties.
I wonder if Tim Van Horn is cool with people trafficking in rumors about underage kids? I'll bet he doesn't.
Blogger Once written, twice... said...
"Is this Trump's jumping the shark moment?"
I would rather Trump just started referring to them as traitorous shitheads too.
Once Written: "These are vulgar base appeals to the Hillbilly vote. (Sorry, but that is the best discriptor."
Once Written, recognizing the astonishing hypocrisy on his/her part, decides now would be a good time to toss in a disclaimer to give him/her an "out".
The entire Media/Democrat complex set out to destroy Trump: No lie, innuendo, or crime was too big towards their goal of impeachment.
It's the Democrats/media that's classless and viscous.
Trump didn't make the rules, he's just playing by them.
What makes it so strange is that we're not used to seeing Republicans fight back.
Keep the tweets coming! We on the left love it. It's good to see how he shits on his own small victory in the SC decision on the Travel Ban by tweeting this petty crazy stuff that twirls in his sleep deprived noggin. It's as if he cares more about bashing Mika and Joe, even at the expense of looking Presidential, than he cares to be seen as a rational competent leader. And his sycophants just make excuses for him.
Inga: "Keep the tweets coming! We on the left love it"
Rest of Leftist World: Stop the Tweeting!!
Whom to believe?
"Classless" said the Little Eichman, as he nodded for his Brownshirt to crack our skull open with a bicycle lock.
Fuck your fake civility.
He must know facelifts to be so confident he can diagnose the source of the bleeding.
Or perhaps someone told him.
But yeah, I'm going to guess the NY millionaire knows a thing or two about what plastic surgery looks like.
Inga: "...small victory in the SC decision on the Travel Ban ...."
Keep telling yourself that.
We'll put that one next to his small victory in the Republican Primary, his small victory in the General Election, his small victories in rolling back regulations, his small Gorsuch victory,....gee, I'm going to run out of room for all these "small victories".
Oh well, we'll just have to get more pixels.
Drago- Thanks. Is that who Tim Van Horn is? I've never heard of him and couldn't figure out why Chuck was interested in what he had to say.
WisRich nails it at 10:27.
Lefties/dems/"lifelong republican" hardest hit.
Tommy Duncan said: "Trump:
1) Correctly understands the media is his enemy.
2) Recognizes Joe and Mika as examples of press belligerence toward him.
3) Sees an opportunity to make the media the story.
4) Feels he has nothing to lose fighting back against an unpopular media.
5) Is not afraid to challenge the Washington establishment.
6) Knows a big chunk of the media will direct their attention to Mika and her facelift/victim-hood.
7) Rightly concludes that most of America will shrug off his tweets."
Right on the money Tommy.
I have been a regular viewer of Morning Joe for a long time. For the past few months Scar'Bro has exhibited an off-the-chart hatred for Trump, and by extension his side kick Meeker, the head shaker. It is a pathetic display. Every time Trump has a victory, Scar'Bro opens his show on some side issue berating Trump. Let's re-name it Manhattan Joe. Or Morning Joke.
I like the way the SC exceptions to the travel ban are completely unworkable.
Wise men everywhere do that.
"Nope. What liberals and the MSM cannot wrap their heads around, is just how much the MSM is despised by the American populace."
Only one half of the American populace. The rest of us aren't Trumpists and see the necessity of a FREE Press.
MayBee: "Drago- Thanks. Is that who Tim Van Horn is? I've never heard of him and couldn't figure out why Chuck was interested in what he had to say"
I know.
I was riffing off Chuck scouring the internet, or his regular playgrounds of democrat Underground or Maddow comments, to get some random tweet to validate his own opinions.
Tommy Duncan said...
1) Correctly understands the media is his enemy.
2) Recognizes Joe and Mika as examples of press belligerence toward him.
3) Sees an opportunity to make the media the story.
4) Feels he has nothing to lose fighting back against an unpopular media.
5) Is not afraid to challenge the Washington establishment.
6) Knows a big chunk of the media will direct their attention to Mika and her facelift/victim-hood.
7) Rightly concludes that most of America will shrug off his tweets.
8) Wastes more time, getting nothing done on health care reform (which he probably doesn't understand anyway), or tax reform, or entitlement reform, or filling the rest of vacant seats on the federal judiciary.
Once: "I know what it is... vulgar appeal to hillbilly vote"
Bzzzt. Move back 2 spaces for reflexive bigotry. Try again.
Or don't. I prefer my enemies basted in arrogant ingorance. The longer you stay blinded, the longer we win.
Inga: "The rest of us aren't Trumpists and see the necessity of a FREE Press."
A complete and utter lie.
If you believed that you would have screamed bloody murder at the obama admin going after AP and Fox journalists. But you didn't. Because you are a leftist and you don't really believe in anything but your power.
And now Trump is disturbing that power, so you are happy to burn up the Constitution to get rid of him.
The single best thing about Trump's win is the complete exposure of just who and what you are, which is why he would win again by a larger margin if the election were held again today.
Trump Tweeted a thing. Oh, dear.
I do find it a bit odd that a lot of the anti-Trump crowd still doesn't seem to fully comprehend how fed up people have been with the status quo in politics that they're far beyond caring about this sort of thing anyway.
They still seem to believe that whenever Trump Tweets something silly they can use that to point out how bad, unfit, ridiculous, embarrassing, disgraceful he is and that will convince people to... what? Look, it'd be great to have a president that is polite, tactful, collected, well spoken and all those good things that have traditionally been associated with being "presidential". But honestly, at this point I get the feeling that among a lot of his supporters that sort of thing isn't a priority. In fact, Trump's behavior is looked on as a tactic.
Drago, you do so much wishcasting. You obviously have no clue as to what the left thinks, your projections are always entirely wrong. It's the right that wishes Trump would shut up. We on the left love it when he exhibits the Crazy. We love it when he proves us right.
If Hillary had won, who knows what kind of delusional shit she would have concocted with the connivance of the Media ? She would have been the best president money could buy.
inga, I love the free press. It's the dishonest press I despise. As does Trump (Ref: Morning Joe for the past few months).
Inga: something contradictory, something else contradictory, more stuff that doesn't make sense
Trump will never take office, Sessions won't last 4 days as AG, impeachment is around the corner, hookers in Moscow!, .... and on and on and on.
Carry on.
Trump doesn't take the high road but gives tit for tat. I'd sometimes rather he didn't but that's Trump.
" 8) wastes more time"
Do you not know that Trump is one of those who only sleeps 3-4 hours a night?
Or that he spends that extra time reading up on proposals and studies?
Boy, you guys are in for a rough 8 years. The Left's narrative of "Trump Stupid" has really handicapped you. Just like it did on election night.
LLR blathered: "8) Wastes more time, getting nothing done on health care reform (which he probably doesn't understand anyway), or tax reform, or entitlement reform, or filling the rest of vacant seats on the federal judiciary."
Trump is a high energy guy. I suspect he gets more accomplished before breakfast than most people get done all day. Please keep flailing.
Blogger Once written, twice... said...
How can anyone be proud to have a president behave like this? This is Maury Povich level talk.
6/29/17, 10:08 AM
I once thought like this. Right around 1998. Then I learned that it's perfectly legit for a President to lie. To abuse women. To settle sexual harrassment cases for large sums of mine. To even get blow jobs in the oval office.
Ah well. We had our chance back then. We chose, as a society to go low. And now you want the old rules back?
Good luck with that.
Someone take away his twitter.
I'm all for him fighting back, but this is just gross.
The US MSM isnt free.
They are a centrally managed propaganda apparatus that operates in the interests of their monolithic ownership.
In the segment of the US media that is high-cost and high-investment, there is only one opinion and one filter applied.
Foreign media in free countries is not always like that, with even the high-investment venues having a range of opinions and filters. The UK for instance, and even Hong Kong, in spite of China.
Anyone who uses Twitter to communicate, is crippled, and should be felt sorry for.
I mean, we all feel sorry for crippled people...
I feel sorry for him. I hope he gets an operation that can help.
"Or that he spends that extra time reading up on proposals and studies?"
LOL! Who was that Republican Senator who said Trump had no grasp of the intricacies of the Health Care system and debate? Then Trump had to tweet something to the effect of "Hey! I'm like smart, I do too know about healthcare!"
Women changing their votes to against health care plan because of tweet.
It's like a relationship.
NBC is next on Trump's Target list. What did they expect for their daily attempt at aiding and abetting a Coup D'Etat on cable news.
Trump is an odd character. I never liked his insults towards Rubio and Cruz. They were immature.
It's beneath the presidency for him to be himself. Stop it, Trump. Try a little harder.
I hate the Pro-democrat hack press more than Trump does, but there are more clever ways to go about insulting it. This is not helping.
Tweets are Trump's "bimbo eruptions." He is up to something.
Is there anything beneath the Presidency?
In fact, if not in pretence?
Aren't behavioral standards simply hypocrisy, if they do not accurately reflect the soul beneath?
Propriety is a weapon against reform.
Formerly important news people find themselves cast loose, not having realized what they were hanging onto.
Trump noticed the thread.
I'm sorry, but I can't understand how this is a big deal. Is it that he shouldn't have revealed she'd had work done? Was that what was faux pas? I think he's said much, much worse.
Trump can't expect women to help. They'll come back later when things settle down.
For Chuck and others who want Trump to act on health care and tax reform:
1. The Senate bill would mainly benefit the insurance companies, which is why McConnell, et al, are working vigorously to pass it. It does little, if anything, to reduce premiums and deductibles for subscribers.
2. Tax reform is the only legislation the GOPe cares about. Let's reduce taxes for the wealthy so they can create jobs, etc. The 'trickle down' theory. Just like the bail-outs and incentives of the Bush/Obama years that were so successful. /sarc
Only Rand Paul, IMO, has real solutions for fixing health care, not by subsidizing insurance companies but by lowering health care costs.
**If her facelift really was bleeding all over the place - that's kinda funny.
Etienne: "Anyone who uses Twitter to communicate -"
Fuck off. Trump uses Twitter to get around a Democrat Media that won't fairly report his message to the public. You're either an ignorant tool Or a dishonest hack.
Inga: "Then Trump had to tweet something to the effect of "Hey! I'm like smart, I do too know about healthcare!"
More fake quotes from the left.
It has always been thus, it will always be thus.
inga asked: "Who was that Republican Senator who said Trump had no grasp of the intricacies of the Health Care system and debate?"
Yeah inga, who was that?
RH - so tired. Why you will never get laid, part 500,000.
Can you imagine having a face lift and then someone tells a really bloody funny joke?
Women are uncomfortable around zingers.
Birches: "I'm sorry, but I can't understand how this is a big deal"
You're talking about lunatics like Chuck and Inga who make a big deal out of how many scoops of ice cream is served at dessert and how tight one wears a wrist watch.
As you read above, Once Written, still heavily invested in impeachment fever fantasies like Inga, thinks THIS is some sort of jump the shark moment.
The left can't help themselves. They are insane.
C'mon Lefties, try harder!
Can't you twist this into a menstruation reference?
Trump getting personal. Putting a face on the mediaswine who attack him relentlessly.
I don't like it, but it's time somebody did it. These people are rumpswabs who deserve no more consideration than they are giving Trump.
MSNBC punches Trump 24x7. How DARE he punch back?! That's not the game is played!!!!
Hagar: "Yeah inga, who was that?"
Don't you dare question the accuracy of media reports! If you do it's Hatespeech Against Journalist-Americans and you are putting those Beacons Of Truth And Democracy in a War Zone!!
I know this because some guy named Tim Van Horn probably tweeted about it.
Darrell: "Can't you twist this into a menstruation reference?"
They already have.
This is the moment. This is it! (cue Kenny Loggins soundtrack)
Trump tweeted about Joe is not nice and that Joe and Mika wanting to stay at Mar-A-Lago right after she had a face lift.
Mika looked suprized.
It's a pretty ridiculous attack, coming from a man who is quite fat and has a hairdo that could only have been created by someone who was attacked by bees at the time.
Meantime the health bill is stalled and we're getting more involved with Syria (why the hell are we there again, and what the hell are we trying to accomplish?). I guess someone's minding the store.
And what's with all the "Crazy" and "Psycho"? It seems... crazy and psycho.
Have you viewed Morning Whore for any length of time lately? It’s an apt description. The Morning Whores decided to double down on the psycho anti-Trump bullshit and Trump is responding. The MSM will call this an “attack” by Trump with nary a mention of the brickbats thrown at Trump.
How can anyone be proud to have a president behave like this?
As a Trump supporter I’m always happy to see my Prez shoot back at these idiots.
Trump … 1) Correctly understands the media is his enemy … [ETC.] …
7) Rightly concludes that most of America will shrug off his tweets.
Bingo!! A special prize of a Hamilton Beach 64650 6-Speed Classic Stand Mixer, Stainless Steel goes to this savvy commentator.
" Four in 10 Americans say they have "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust and confidence in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly. This ties the historical lows on this measure set in 2014 and 2012. Prior to 2004, slight majorities of Americans said they trusted the mass media, such as newspapers, TV and radio."
But keep patting yourself on the back. After all, the GOPe all basically agree with your policies, they just have to soft sell it to the rubes you see.
Sure, You would rather there was a better way. Fine. Take off work, raise some money, run for President.
No? Then suck it up. Trump is the one taking on the Establishment. Did you think it would be pretty? A cocktail party where the Elites pause as you assert Robert's Rules of Order?
If it's too much for your fragile disposition, if you find the fight for Liberty course and distasteful, please form a line to the Left to be measured for your slave collar.
It's very comfortable and fashionable.
Mika Brzezinski isn't a side piece who wouldn't be on TV if not for her relationship with Joe Scarborough. She's a side piece who wouldn't be on TV if not for her relationship with Zbigniew Brzezinski.
But she doesn't have to feel bad. Her co-host Willie Geist is also a side piece who wouldn't be on TV if not for his relationship with CBS News correspondent Bill Geist.
I want Trump to punch back.
Doing it wrong.**
Let me know when he starts stuffing cigars into intern vaginas.
Then I'll start being concerned.
They set the bar so low, then act outraged over this shit.
This is the greatest isn't it Trumpski's?
Trump's America is a laughing stock to the rest of America that didn't vote for him. The rest of the World hates Trump just as much as you hate the rest of the World.
Who says voting doesn't have consequences.
Disqualify what?
Trump won, and I am delighted every day that he beat corrupt Hillary. No matter how strange the man behaves, I'm still thrilled to have him.
Those of you who are so thin skinned over Trump need to grow some skin, and a pair.
I will wait for Scott Adams to explain this one. Mika has become extremely anti-DT and so maybe this is strategy for de-fanging her - "of course she hates me, I talked about her face bleeding. You have to take anything Mika says about me with a grain of botox."
@Rene Saunce
Sorry, misread your comment. I have deleted mine.
Inga says "Only one half of the American populace. The rest of us aren't Trumpists and see the necessity of a FREE Press"
A bit of unthoughtful sanctimony, that. The press are free to do or say anything they want. And the President is also free. And in the New World which technology has created for us, you and I are a big part of "the press" just by commenting on this blog.
So we can use a little less of this "poor dying old-school dinosaur press is being picked on" nonsense. In the age of the Internet, intermediaries are walking dead.
"Let me know when he starts stuffing cigars into intern vaginas."
Pee pee takes not to far down the line. Watch this space.
I just looked back to see what Morning Shithead said about Trump waiting to see how the election went before accepting the results. He was actually right on there:
“I go, ‘It’s all right, it’s all right, ma’am. It’s all right. It’s all a lie anyway,'” he continued. “Democrats have been whining for 16 years, they are still writing articles about how Bush stole the elections in 2000 and 2004. So this holier than though attitude about, ‘This is the first time anyone has suggested that the election is not a sacrosanct process.’ It’s a joke. So you guys bathe in that hypocrisy if you want to. I’d just like to hear how the debate went. Go ahead, bathe.”
Joe is right. The left have never accepted an election result that didn't go their way. And this is going to be evergreen:
At a news conference in the White House Rose Garden, Mr. Obama said, “I have never seen in my lifetime, or in modern political history, any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place.”
Mr. "I will have more flexibility after the election" continued,
“I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes,” he said. If Mr. Trump won, the president added, Mrs. Clinton would deliver a concession speech and he would escort Mr. Trump to the Capitol for the time-honored ritual of a peaceful transfer of power.
“That’s what Americans do,” he said. “That’s why America is already great. One way of weakening America, making it less great, is if you start betraying those basic American traditions that have been bipartisan, and have helped hold together this democracy now for well over two centuries.”
The leftists using this bullshit story to affect a coup are all a bunch of traitorous shitbags. Period. Anyone continuing with this garbage is flatly dishonest and disingenuous. There are dozens of examples of just how deranged and amoral you have to be to keep flogging this crap.
It doesn't matter how many of you there are. You are wrong.
I agree with those who think he crossed a line here re the bleeding - it was gross and unnecessary...
I have no problem him outing J & M's hypocrisy, however. They bash him daily in such drama queen fashion, coaxing everyone on their panel along with them. No one dares to provide any balance. It's very disturbing in watching a car wreck sort of way, but they obviously think it helps their ratings.
Sure, he's a clown, and in a different world I'd rather not have presidents talk about other people's facelifts.
But after JFK and LBJ and WJC and BHO in the White House, I don't give a damn about civility or civility bullshit.
The left fights, and Trump fights back. No more turn the other cheek.
Trump's attacks on women always involve low intelligence, hysteria and blood.
Funny dat.
He needs a twitter filter person to proof his tweets.
Women are intelligent enough. It's the hysteria and estrogen.
Women are suited to running a neighborhood-sized thing, not a country-sized thing.
Details and complexity are possible in a neighborhood.
Only abstraction works in a country.
"I do too know about healthcare!" LOL.
"WASHINGTON -- It was a platform most politicians can only hope for: A captivated, 6,000-person crowd and more than an hour of live, prime-time television coverage to hype the Republican vision for a new health care system.
But when President Donald Trump got around to talking about the Republican plan - about 15 minutes into his speech - he was wildly off message. Instead of preaching party lines about getting the government out of Americans' health decisions and cutting costs, he declared: "Add some money to it!"
You know, he's very personable and people like talking to him and he's very embracing of that, so there will be certain people he'd like to talk to," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn. "But I'd let Mitch handle it," he continued, referring to the lead role Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has played thus far."
WASHINGTON — Even as Senate Republicans struggle to find consensus on health care, President Trump insists he's a part of the deal.
"Some of the Fake News Media likes to say that I am not totally engaged in healthcare," the president tweeted Wednesday. "Wrong, I know the subject well & want victory for U.S."
MSNBC’s communications senior vice president Mark Kornblau responded with 2 tweets:
1. Never imagined a day when I would think to myself, "it is beneath my dignity to respond to the President of the United States."
2. @POTUS tweets this morning are not just beneath the dignity of the office, they are beneath the dignity of The Office.
"The Office" is reference to the TV comedy series. Nice one!
Trump amazes me. He is willing to play into the stereotype of him being a vulgarian and to invoke Level 10 outrage in order to move the ball forward. The media has no idea how cleverly he strings them along. They always fall for Trump's diversions and always resort to the only real weapon they have: public shaming. By refusing to be shamed, Trump wins every time. They have nothing to use against him.
Meanwhile, Trump moves on, making executive orders, reducing regs, meeting with diverse groups, winning in the Supreme Court. Trump is showing Republicans how to succeed but, alas, they are too dense to get it.
Ben Sasse can go to hell, btw.
rh - no lucky, part 500,001.
The purpose of the tweet is the same as the strike in Syria. Let your enemies know that if you kick this dog, it will bite back. People learn to stop kicking that dog.
In the morning I tend to switch back and forth between FOX and MSNBC, because the one-sided nature of both gets boring quick. While Fox is clearly in the tank for Trump and his supporters, MSNBC is completely deranged with hate of Trump. Every single discussion turns in one way or another into a multi-player rant on how awful Trump and his supporters are, and how he is destroying the nation, and everything decent in the world. They are completely clueless how anything positive could come of it. At least at Fox, you come away not feeling like the sky is falling. As a business person greatly affected by policy, and deeply distressed by the direction it has gone for 8 years I see a lot to be positive about, at least potentially. The need to constantly knock down and ridicule that effort leaves me with very little sympathy for people like Mika and Joe who seem to have suddenly decided that their best plan to increase personal wealth is through catering to the "resistance" - a resistance that wants to protect entrenched government apparatchiks from the people they use like livestock. That choice of sides, and for obvious self-enrichment, is what's really deplorable. I would never have tweeted it myself, but they don't spend their days constantly attacking me and calling me names on national TV. She got what she deserved. She kicked the wrong dog.
Inga posts a snippet of a news story which explicitly puts the lie to her earlier comment.
And she thinks that is #winning.
As with her impeachment fantasies, the sound you are hearing are a hundred goalposts being shifted all at once.
inga: "Who was that Republican Senator who said Trump had no grasp of the intricacies of the Health Care system and debate?"
We are still waiting to hear who that was.
Expect an even larger flurry of Inga cut and pastes to cover her earlier misstep.
For Chuck and others who want Trump to act on health care and tax reform
That’s probably because they seldom read the Constitution. If they did they would realize that it’s Congress that “acts” on legislation, not the POTUS. If legislation fails to get passed it’s Congress’s fault – not the POTUS.
I do believe the eGOP idiot leaders in Congress will eventually pass significant legislation because if they go into the 2018 elections without doing so they probably realize that they’ll lose seats bigly. Their desire to perpetuate the dick-dance that is our current Congress will probably be stronger than their desire to undermine their own party’s POTUS – but you never know with this bunch of idiots.
I can never watch the movie Brazil again without thinking of Mika and visa versa.
By refusing to be shamed, Trump wins every time.
That's his secret weapon. People on the left simply cannot understand refusing to feel shame. I suspect anyone who makes really big money, especially billionaires, must have this trait.
This stuff happens because Trump actually watches TV. He sees what they say. He sees the bullies attacking him, and he knows how to handle bullies. He punches back, and knows it has to hurt to work. He doesn't try to shut them up and restrict their First Amendment rights, but he shows them that if they want to get personal, which they have since the election, he can do that too.
Vulgar, of the people.
Empson has a bit on it.
This makes the word [vulgar] a trap for foreigners, who expect the derivation to give the head meaning, and neither the N.E.D. nor the C.O.D. do anything to enlighten them. For example, I remember a Chinese student who put in an essay on the Scotch Ballads, "The ballad must be simple and vulgar." Most of the essay was spent in laborious praise of the Scotch Ballads, which he felt to be required of him, but I gather he felt they were like popular works in China which a proud scholar would despise. That is, he knew the word had two meanings, and wanted to use it to drop an insinuation. The mistake was, therefore, an extremely marginal one; it was merely that he took "of the common people" to be the head sense, under which "coarse" could insinuate itself as an Implication. But this is a definite mistake; whatever the political or literary views of the reader, he will feel that there has been a ridiculous collapse of an attempt at tact.
The Structure of Complex Words p404
"For Chuck and others who want Trump to act on health care and tax reform..."
Hah. The same jackholes who couldn't pass Obama's budgets on voice vote fast enough.
Shocked that they are the reason we have to settle for a shitty Obamacare lite health care bill.
Hey everybody, remember back when it was revealed that Trump had made a comment about grabbing p***y and he had to drop out of the race because of all the outrage and there being no way he could win? Wow! That was wild! So the GOP decided the best thing was to run Jeb! Because he was all moderate and stuff. And how he lost by like 200 electoral votes or so?
Wild times. Wild times.
I m
Anyway, it all turned out for the best, Hillary's president now. And that is the bestest, greatest, most fabulous thing ever. The chocolate ration has gone up and gas is down to $12.20 a gallon.
2 + 2 = 5 comrades.
Drago, loyal to the end. Just like those 20% who were loyal to Nixon until the day he died. Sort of humorous, but also pathetic at the same time.
In the "On The Plus Side" segment, the lefties and their "lifelong republican" allies have taken time out from calling Trump a Nazi, Fascist, murdering, raping, pillaging, planet killing idiot to complain that in addition to all that, he is sometimes quite rude.
"Trumps attacks on women- "
Trump is simply pointing out how two-faced Joe and Mika are. They are spreading hateful gossip about him in oublic, but in private they came to Trump for help when Mika was bleeding from a facelift.
Scott Adams had the best take on it.
I'm tired of Republicans constantly responding with "silent dignity" - Trump figured out that being "above it all" was being seen as "wimp" to most of the USA. So, he's fighting back. Of course, some are still clutching their pearls, because "it just isn't done!"
Peeps don't realize how hated the MSM is, and how much people love seeing them "take it" instead of "dishing it out".
And it probably takes Trump 5 minutes to tweet 200 words, so please stop with the "He needs to focus on xyz" - he can do health care AND attack Mika - all in the same day.
Inga: "Drago, loyal to the end. Just like those 20% who were loyal to Nixon until the day he died."
"...the end."
What is "...the end."?
Or do you mean "the end" as in "
Now this is not the end.
It is not even the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
No, you couldn't mean that. It was written by a sentient human and, well, see if you can finish the thought.
The Bushes took the high road. How'd that work out? One term for father. For son: most vilified President in modern times, until Trump.
In conflicts with the mediaswine and the lefties, a politician has to be ready to roll in the mud with pigs and to love getting dirty as much as the pigs love it. 🐷
""Who was that Republican Senator who said Trump had no grasp of the intricacies of the Health Care system and debate?".
Whoever it was, was right, becuase nobody can have that understanding. In fact, the Democrats don't even care if they understand it. They still think they should control and run as much of it as possible anyway. That's why they were fine with "We need to pass it to see what's in it."
Healthcare is far too complex to leave to a small and very insulated and homogeneous group of people like the government staffers who write the rules when the government tries to run something for the rest of us. You would never let those people choose and control your entertainment, food, or housing for you, so why your healthcare?
And its good to have an entertaining, funny, President again. I'm reminded of Reagan.
In the first "The Lazlo Letters," a book of oddball letters to self-important people in hopes of getting a self-important reply, only two responders came off well.
Nguyen Van Thieu and Richard Nixon.
rcocean: "And its good to have an entertaining, funny, President again. I'm reminded of Reagan."
Indeed. But certainly a very different "Reagan" for a very different time.
The only constant is the left subverting our constitution and aligning with foreign powers to stymie a duly elected President of the US.
MSNBC said "It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job."
Gruber-care. It's all lies.
Let's stop pretending Medicaid saves lives.
Remember Deamonte Driver? He was the 12-year-old who died of a toothache in 2007. The boy lived in Maryland and was enrolled in that state’s Medicaid program, which covers dental care for children, as all Medicaid programs are required to do.
But Deamonte’s mother couldn’t find a dentist who would take Medicaid. At the time, only about 16 percent of Maryland dentists accepted Medicaid patients, and Deamonte was in dire need of basic dental care—as was his younger brother, DaShawn, who had six rotted teeth.
By the time Deamonte’s toothache got attention, bacteria from an abscessed tooth had spread to his brain. He underwent two emergency operations and six weeks of hospital care that cost more than $250,000. But it was too late, and Deamonte died. A routine, $80 tooth extraction could have saved his life.
Deamonte’s case prompted a national conversation about Medicaid. How had Maryland’s Medicaid program so thoroughly failed the Driver family? Why hadn’t they been able to find a dentist? And what is the point of being enrolled in Medicaid if there are no doctors or dentists willing to treat you?
Those questions were never really answered, but they’re as pertinent today as they were a decade ago—arguably more so, since we’re once again engaged in a national debate over health care reform and the fate of Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. Then as now, the reality is that Medicaid doesn’t save lives. In some cases, like Deamonte Driver’s, it bars access to basic life-saving treatments.
Big government kills.
No attempt was made to explain Obamacare to the American public. And no attempt is being made to clearly explain the repeal to the American public.
People want just want good healthcare at a reasonable price. And that seems to be the last priority of anyone in DC.
I'm hoping Trump will come up with something on Drug prices - but that comes later.
Oh look, the Trumpski appeasers have arrived to defend the indefensible.
Look on the bright side inga, tomorrow's Morning RINO show should have a ratings bonanza.
Unfortunately, it will be to check for seams and zippers on Meeker's face. And of course to measure the diameter of Scar'Bro juggler vein. I know I'll be viewing. Looking forward to it.
grackle said...
For Chuck and others who want Trump to act on health care and tax reform
That’s probably because they seldom read the Constitution. If they did they would realize that it’s Congress that “acts” on legislation, not the POTUS. If legislation fails to get passed it’s Congress’s fault – not the POTUS.
I do believe the eGOP idiot leaders in Congress will eventually pass significant legislation because if they go into the 2018 elections without doing so they probably realize that they’ll lose seats bigly. Their desire to perpetuate the dick-dance that is our current Congress will probably be stronger than their desire to undermine their own party’s POTUS – but you never know with this bunch of idiots.
This is the steamiest pile of horseshit on Althouse this week.
Why did Trump campaign on the "fantastic" deals that he would negotiate on health care? I thought that he was the only candidate who could do that, and because he was such a great dealmaker, it would be easy?
Why did Trump say that HE would do the biggest tax cut in history?
Why does Trump say that he will protect Medicare and Medicaid (on those occasions when he knows the difference between the two)?
Trump can't build a wall on our southern border. Congress needs to budget billions of dollars to do that. Why would Trump claim that he was going to do that?
Trump (and you) don't get it both ways. Trump can't claim credit for legislation that he hasn't worked on and doesn't even understand. The reason that you slack-jawed yokels call it "Obmacare" is because a president got into the weeds, did some hard policy work, met with Congressional leaders, did speeches, actively negotiated, made his preferences known, learned the details, and compromised when he needed to.
I am not defending Obamacare. I am not expressing a preference for Obama. I am saying that his story shows how a contentious bill gets passed. For better or worse.
The pity on the once-admirable comments pages of this blog is that there aren't even any intelligent conversations happening anymore in the era of Trump. It's all about Trump's tv-watching, and his Twitter account. I long for the days of discussing Scott Walker public sector labor reform.
Trump vs.The Media.
It's a reality show written and directed by Trump. Mika and Joe, CNN and many others have been co-opted as characters whether they like it or not. Trump fans and Trump haters alike can't stop themselves from tuning in and getting emotionally involved with the drama between the characters.
"MSNBC’s communications senior vice president Mark Kornblau responded with 2 tweets:
1. Never imagined a day when I would think to myself, "it is beneath my dignity to respond to the President of the United States."
2. @POTUS tweets this morning are not just beneath the dignity of the office, they are beneath the dignity of The Office."
That these folks lined up to try to elect the wife of a President who was all about "dignity" in the office of the POTUS, is all you need to know about how seriously to take them and their views.
Over at The Washington Post, Callum Borchers is calling it a "blatantly sexist attack."
Haven't heard that one before. Someone on the left is calling someone they don't like a sexist! What will be next? Calling them a racist? Or a homophobe? Or hateful?
What a spectical it is: these power-media-cabal elits who instinctively reach for their once trusty weapons, only to be surprised yet again that those weapons don't have the same firepower they once did. And as they sense it all slipping away, they're starting to look panicked, furiously flipping and swapping from the limited cache of attack lines and methods. hoping - somehow - to restore the former thrill of clearing the decks with one label.
When Trump said no, Mika's face fell.
Joe and Mika were fairly light on Trump during the campaign.
At one point, Mika claimed Hillary intimidated the network and attempted to get Mika to stop criticizing Hillary. (shades of Citizens United.) I believe Mika on that one. The Clintons are Stalinist thugs.
Now all the cool kids in the hack press are in it to destroy Trump. F them. Still, I'd like Trump go in with a scalpel, not a chainsaw. But that's just me.
MSNBC said "It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job."
Wow, man. That's like when Cronkite said we couldn't win in Vietnam.
It's over man! It's over!
Three of our last four presidents have been pop culture celebutards. Trump's obnoxious tweeting is really just a natural extension of Obama's many appearances on shows like Letterman or the "Pimp with a Limp" radio show. Bush was a decent and honorable man, he maintained a respectful distance from low culture, he exuded seriousness even if he came off sometimes as a bit of a hayseed. He rose to the office and tried hard to prove he was worthy, whereas Clinton, Obama and Trump have all wanted to leave their own mark and bring the office down to their level.
I know, Bush was reviled and Trump, rightly or wrongly, probably thinks a Republican will be reviled no matter what he does, so might as well act like an undignified jerk if it means you can make your enemies look bad. Still, I much prefer Bush's way. Romney would have also been a classy president, I think. We used to be able to count on Republicans to give us candidates like that. Unfortunately, the Democrats were winning elections.
chainsaws leave a lot of blood.
Unknown: "Oh look, the Trumpski appeasers have arrived to defend the indefensible."
Your time would be better spent contemplating what is coming when Grassley/Graham are provided the details related to the unmasking requests from the obama political appointees.
You know, what the FBI has been stonewalling for about 7 months.
Hah. Just another day of wall to wall attacks on Trump by your gang which, so far, has been working like a charm!
Keep it up.
Rene: "Now all the cool kids in the hack press are in it to destroy Trump. F them. Still, I'd
like Trump go in with a scalpel, not a chainsaw. But that's just me."
There's something to be said for that tactic, but you go to war with the President you have, not the one you wish you had.
I just drove 1,000 miles round trip to see my favorite dermatologist, Dr. Moore, in Santa Cruz, CA. I first saw him in the early 80's when I was a student at the time at UC Santa Cruz, a beautiful campus nestled in the coastal woods south of San Francisco. He's now semi-retired and works one day a week both on the UCSC campus and in private practice.
My mother was left with severe pain after her facelift that eventually subsided after many months. She wanted to sue the doctor, but suing doctors in California is now hard with the MICRA statute that limits their liability to $250,000. One creepy attorney sneered at her because it was cosmetic surgery. Doctors are a revered class of people in this country though many should be reviled. It's a cultural phenomenon; I don't think it is the same in other countries where a laborer and a medical doctor are both respected. Giving them the special title "Doctor" is part of the problem.
Do we really need to line up the personal over-the-top insults and threats toward Trump said by national media figures ad nauseam in order for the haters to see why this tweet is mild by comparison?
"But it's the President of the United States!"
Yea, if that's such a sacred thing then why is he called every name imaginable while also openly praying for his death on a daily schedule? And, this is done by national figures who supposedly are above it all, like Mika.
Big government kills
Sen Guy Knowsbedder(D-CA) knows
"Who was that Republican Senator who said Trump had no grasp of the intricacies of the Health Care system and debate?"
inga, could it have been a house member? Maybe a democrat? Maybe in leadership? Could it have been Nancy "We'll need to pass the bill to find out what's in it" Pelosi? Just asking.
I have this button called Twitter. When I press it, my enemies go nuts, throw tantrums, soil themselves, overplay their hands and impale themselves on their own swords
Inga: "We love it when you tweet!"
I shall press the button again.
MSNBC said "It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job."
Thats almost, ALMOST, as damaging to Trump as Tim Van Horns or Charlie Sykes negative comments.
I mean, if you've lost MSNBC, Charlie Sykes and almost, ALMOST, lost Tim Van Horn, what's the point of going on?
History is the tale written by the greatest playwright in the universe.
We have been seeing a fascinating bit of it playing out.
When Tolkien told his tale, of salvation from the evil of Sauron and his orcs, he didn't make his hero splendid Aragorn, or even a Prince Hal, but Frodo and Sam, who would in other circumstances have been sideshow attractions (See PT Barnum and General Tom Thumb). Hence we have a more interesting story.
But our playwright did not give the Americans Aragorn for a savior, or Prince Hal, or even the very respectable Frodo, but Falstaff. The reactions have been - complex.
Bravo, God.
The story of how little Trump knew about the Senate bill came from Republican sources. Staffers who were briefed by their members on what was said in Trump's meeting with the Republican Conference.
They told the New York Times that when a Senator asked Trump how they explain the tax cut for people making over $200,000, Trump said that they would be doing tax reform later. As Trump's answer continued, it was clear to everyone that Trump wasn't even aware of one of the bill's most contentious elements; the removal of the Medicare surtax above 1.45% on incomes over $200,000 (single) and $250,000 (joint) filers.
That's true, Bagoh @ 11:44. The entire leftwing media industrial complex insult Trump, lie about Trump, make up false accusations against Trump, insult Trump non-stop, inspire leftwing lunatic Bernie supporters to go on shooting rampages -- but but but Trump said ______________.
I don't want Trump to give them ammunition, I want Trump to leave the pro-Democrat hack press speechless and twisting in the wind.
"MSNBC said "It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.""
Lets compare the amount of time spent attacking Trump: (90% of Mika's work day) to the time Trump spends tweeting about her: 1 minute. Who is obsessed with hate?
Trumpit: "I just drove 1,000 miles round trip to see my favorite dermatologist, Dr. Moore, in Santa Cruz, CA. I first saw him in the early 80's when I was a student at the time at UC Santa Cruz, a beautiful campus nestled in the coastal woods south of San Francisco."
It is truly a stunning locale.
I was fortunate to have been playing a little rugby for a military club and we played Santa Cruz at their home pitch which, from a bit of a distance, still overlooked the ocean.
The best part of it all was, naturally, that we were a military club and for the entire match it was if we had the all the (Insert grievance Group Name here)-Studies professors standing alongside of us on the side. It was difficult to play at times because I was laughing so hard at all the insane comments from these slightly more credentialed Inga's of the world.
I grew up in California so it was nothing new for me but some of the other fellas who came from other parts of the US or were foreign service officers at our institution were surprised at the vitriol and hatred when all we were doing was playing a match!
In summary: Beautiful location.
"Hah. The same jackholes who couldn't pass Obama's budgets on voice vote fast enough."
Didn't Trump just a couple months ago sign a budget that was a Dem wish list? Oh right, blame only every Republican but Trump--surely if you hold him to no standard whatsoever, he'll surely deliver!
"I don't want Trump to give them ammunition, I want Trump to leave the pro-Democrat hack press speechless and twisting in the wind."
That'd be neat, but that's not Trump. The best you can say about his antics is they often distract the media from other negative news. Right now every post about this is not a post about health care (or how if it fails, tax reform becomes harder).
Meantime, just sit back and enjoy the entertainment.
On a positive note, Obama picked up five new dog recipes in Indonesia.
Chuck: "bagoh: The story of how little Trump knew about the Senate bill came from Republican sources. Staffers who were briefed by their members on what was said in Trump's meeting with the Republican Conference."
Who. Were. They?
Names, credentials, experience, political outlook?
Oh, right. Lots more "anonymous" sources who must never be questioned.
Well guess what? We now question everything that comes from the left/dems/"lifelong republicans" because...duh.
"Lets compare the amount of time spent attacking Trump: (90% of Mika's work day) to the time Trump spends tweeting about her: 1 minute. Who is obsessed with hate?"
Media lives for this, gets ratings and money for it--don't think for a minute she wasn't giddy to get dragged into the spotlight this morning. Trump is the best thing to happen to the left-media.
How this helps Trump? Well, the distraction factor, and I guess his hard core fans just love this crap.
Brando: " Oh right, blame only every Republican but Trump--surely if you hold him to no standard whatsoever, he'll surely deliver!"
So, you would have been okay with Trump vetoing that budget, right?
Brando - It would be neat.
My expectation that the GOP can deliver a healthcare proposal that pleases everyone = 0%
Let Obamacare die on its own. or just grow a spine and repeal it.
Replacement is impossible. The media lie, and most Americans do not understand that choice and competition in healthcare would lower costs and increase access. The corrupt democrat party lie about "deaths!"... and that's all we hear.
Rene Saunce: "I don't want Trump to give them ammunition,..."
The left/"lifelong republicans" are happy to make up anonymously sourced "ammunition".
"MSNBC said "It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job."
But it wasn't a sad day for America when the media yawned through the president wagging his finger at the camera and blatently lying about what he did to a young vulnerable intern, and the leftist press gave him a pass because he generally was "good for women."
It wasn't a sad day for America when the Secretary of State and PResident blatently lied about the circumstances and causes of Bengazzi, and then bullied and personally attacked anyone who called them on it.
It wasn't a sad day for America when the power of the U.S. government was used by Obama's team to spy on American citizens, to unilaterally decide to kill American citizens aborad with drone strikes, to use the power of the IRS to hinder the free association and lawful rights of their political opponents.
None of those were sad days - when disgraceful things were, you know, actually done by Presidents and their minions.
To MSNBC, only words about their morning "talent" produce sad days in America.
Unnamed, but it's certainly not a stretch to believe this actually was said. If he's smart he'll stay unknown or else he'll be primaried like Dean Heller.
"A Republican senator who supports the Senate GOP's healthcare bill reportedly does not think President Trump has a clear understanding of the plan.
The New York Times reported that a senator left a White House meeting Tuesday with the feeling that the president didn't fully understand some basic parts of the plan, citing an aide who received a detailed readout of the exchange.
The senator felt Trump "seemed especially confused" after a moderate Republican said those who were against the bill would say it appeared to be a "massive tax break for the wealthy," according to The Times.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) after the White House meeting ignored a question regarding Trump’s command of the details of the negotiations and smiled blandly, the newspaper noted.
Trump met with Republican senators just hours after GOP leaders decided on Tuesday to postpone a vote on their healthcare legislation."
Inga: "Unnamed, but it's certainly not a stretch to believe this actually was said."
Trump jumps the shark every day, that's his appeal and his deflection technique. As long as he stays above "grab the pussy", whatever he says or does is OK.
Rene: "Now all the cool kids in the hack press are in it to destroy Trump. F them. Still, I'd
like Trump go in with a scalpel, not a chainsaw. But that's just me."
Voters on the right have wanted their political leaders to push back for decades.
Both McCain and Romney could have won their elections but neither would lift a scalpel to do so.
IMHO, Romney mopped the floor with Obama in the first debate. If he would have done that in the next two he might have won. Instead of scapel Romney we get got nice Romney.
Yes, Chuck. Trump does not know the details. Neither did Obama, nor Pelosi, nor anybody else who voted for Obamacare without reading it. The results of that law show how poorly it was understood, unless you accept that total failure was the objective all along. If that was the objective, then the way to that failure is obvious. You simply pass a giant set of regulations from Washington written by bunch of unelected staffers with little understanding themselves, all driven by their own little agendas of control and carving out freebies and swag to friends and potential employers. Every single large government program and most of the small ones are unsustainable failures that could never survive the rigors of the free market - the only place that punishes failure and rewards success.
Anybody that says they understand healthcare and insurance for 330 million people is a bald-faced liar, which probably includes Trump, and most others in D.C.
inga: "Unnamed, but it's certainly not a stretch to believe this actually was said.........The New York Times reported ....... "
Quit digging. The hole is getting deeper.
Next up for Inga the Fake News Cut and Paster: But, but, but we now have an additional eleventeen unnamed sources which support the support the twenty gajillion unnamed sources who "validated" our original story based on the reports from 17 unnamed sources who were all described as 'knowing alot of stuff' as well as the guy who has the hot dog cart at the end of the block. Besides, isn't it EASY to IMAGINE it MIGHT have happened?!!
Reagan and both Bushes were polite and composed while the left was relentlessy ugly. These men quietly tolerated hyperbolic lies and ridicule throughout their presidencies with very few defenders. I can't recall hearing praise for the President's composure during those years.
Now we have Trump who is perhaps the most natural speaking unfiltered man in the White House since Jackson. The candor is often crude rather than witty. So while I might not like the way Trump stirs the waters, his wake is a thing of beauty.
Good old Inga. Loyal to the very end.
At least, that's what I understand from some lowly placed unnamed sources who I've been informed have insight into the actual circumstances....or at least the imaginary circumstances that are easy for some to imagine.
bagoh20 said...
Yes, Chuck. Trump does not know the details
It wasn't an obscure detail. It was one of the hardest things to explain in the whole bill. A tax cut in which 45% of the benefit went to the top 1% of filers. A Medicare tax. After Trump went out of his way during the campaign to promise (falsely, it seems) that he would never cut "Medicare or Medicaid."
This was among the handful of hardest messaging issues in the whole bill.
Face it; Trump is just an uninterested dolt on this subject. He won't be helpful; he is just going to have to stay out of it. The problem is that he is so loathed and distrusted by all of the decisionmakers, that they will all expect Trump to take credit for anything that they get right, and that Trump will blame them for anything they do that is unpopular. With a President like that, who needs enemies?
sparrow: "Now we have Trump who is perhaps the most natural speaking unfiltered man in the White House since Jackson. The candor is often crude rather than witty. So while I might not like the way Trump stirs the waters, his wake is a thing of beauty."
Wish I had written that.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Face it; Trump is just an uninterested dolt on this subject. He won't be helpful; he is just going to have to stay out of it"
The LLR contradicts himself in the same thread.
This happens when you completely and irrevocably hitch your wagon to unprincipled Fen's Law following dems.
There will be more and more unnamed Republican sources pushing back against this incompetant president. Expect it.
What fen said at 10:30.
Otherwise, song prayer/ mute prayer for america, most high Good guide each and every one
Why did Trump campaign on the "fantastic" deals that he would negotiate on health care?
I’m guessing that at the time he did not realize what a bunch of scurrilous nincompoops the eGOP leaders in Congress are. He could not know at that time that the leaders of the eGOP in Congress would try to undermine their own party’s duly elected POTUS whenever they thought they could safely do so.
Most of the issues that Trump campaigned on were also issues that the eGOP in Congress had campaigned on for 8 long years. And they were elected to act on those issues years before Trump ever announced for office. Their problem now is that Trump actually wants to them to implement those same issues with real legislation instead of mere platitudes and deception as had happen before Trump.
But that would upset the dick-dance that is the eGOP leadership in Congress. The eGOP, who whenever a lefty in Congress gets a hard on is ever eager to pull down their pants and bend over for a better angle.
Random Thoughts:
2)Weird comment about the blood & I don't believe it. Who goes to a New Year's Eve party with a bleeding face?
3) Medical offices tend to close down over the holidays between Christmas and New Year's. (Not emergency rooms, but clinics that do elective procedures. Doctors like time off too!)
4) Is DJT in early stages of senility?
Blogger Rene Saunce said...
I hate the Pro-democrat hack press more than Trump does, but there are more clever ways to go about insulting it. This is not helping.
6/29/17, 10:47 AM
Yup to all Rene's posts on this.
inga: There will be more and more unnamed ....."
But of course.
Inga: "There will be more and more unnamed Republican sources pushing back against this incompetant president. Expect it."
Does anyone here think, even for a moment, that Inga truly understands what she has just written here and what it tells us?
I'm guessing even if you explained it to her she would simply sit there dumbstruck.
Yes Inga. We all FULLY expect there to be more and more "unnamed" sources used by the MSM!
"4) Is DJT in early stages of senility?"
Good question.
"So, you would have been okay with Trump vetoing that budget, right?"
Me, personally? Considering the circumstances I understood why he went along with it--a shutdown while your own party runs both branches would have gotten them into an even worse position. My point is that blaming just everyone else and not Trump when he does the same thing sounds a lot like the old "if only the Tsar knew about this!" excuses from those who simply cannot criticize their leader. FWIW, I would have preferred if Trump had produced a budget plan that he could have sold to Congress and the public, but failing that, he really had not choice.
"Let Obamacare die on its own. or just grow a spine and repeal it."
GOP is in a hard place on Obamacare--if it had died on its own while the Dems were in charge, it'd be easier to sell it as "it was bound to fail". But now with GOP in charge, even if it is really bound to fail, they're going to get blamed.
I'm not sure how they're going to resolve it, but it looks like now they need either some deal that will get them to 50 votes (without losing House vote) or they have to work with the Dems who would have the whip hand. Still a chance for the former, but I don't know what tweaks will do it.
Inga said...
Unnamed, but it's certainly not a stretch to believe this actually was said. If he's smart he'll stay unknown or else he'll be primaried like Dean Heller.
Do you not understand how utterly stupid and wrong this statement is?
Inga: "When does the all the "winning" begin"
It began the night the MSM was crying on air. Literally.
Shermie, set the Way Back Machine for Nov 8, 2016.......
Anonymous sources - pushing back! oh noez! Impeachment imminent. Twitter just like Nixon!
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