June 21, 2017

The Democratic Party wants to know which aspects of the Trump presidency I find most distubing.

I got the "Official 2017 Democratic Party Survey" in the mail today. There are something like 10 questions (depending on how you define "question"), but I was only in the mood to photograph and display this one:


I like the way they give you the option of not finding the Trump presidency disturbing, even though — if that's your choice — you can't follow the instructions and "please choose four." I guess that last option is for a laugh. Who could read through the preceding push-pollery and not, by the end, be disturbed?


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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...but the general presumption is that he found himself painting himself into corners with overheated rhetoric and changed skins, the older version of deleting your account. I can't understand why he would change his name if he didn't have to.

Because I got bored. 90% of the commenters here (and anywhere) go by pseudonyms. What the heck is the point of keeping them etched in stone for perpetuity? Has anyone here not chosen their pseudonym out of fun? For some of us having fun means doing something different every now and then. Repetition becomes boring.

Jaq said...

Toothless is more a Civil Warrior than a "Revolutionary" He believes that we should be ruled by our betters, of which he is one. That's why I call him Bourgeois. He will wax poetic about how we should all kiss Harvard's ass, Harvard, the epicenter of wealth and power in the US. One thing you can count on old toothless for, is to speak spittle to power. Usually one would have to go to Times Square to hear the kind of unhinged rants sprayed with hateful invective he spews.

Of course he had all of his teeth pulled to make his mouth a better cock holster for Obama, but that's another story.

Rusty said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
But enlightenment, true classic liberals are already here.

i.e. the ones who think that money can replace virtue - especially civic virtue.

Robbing people to pay for your conscience isn't virtue. if your conscience bothers you. YOU do something about it.

Gahrie said...

What the heck is the point of keeping them etched in stone for perpetuity?

I chose mine because my real name is fairly common, and if you do a Google search, I'm not even in the top ten. gahrie (and my preference is a small "g")is much more unique and almost surely refers to me.

Bad Lieutenant said...

What the heck is the point of keeping them etched in stone for perpetuity?

Really? So that people know who you are!

Drago said...

Bad Lieutenant: "Really? So that people know who you are!"

There is no possibility of mistaking TTR/Ritmo/Whatever.

He is unique.

But I have to admit that reading his offering that Democrats have integrity, after what they pulled on his boy Bernie, did cause me to pause for a moment.

Fen said...

My bet is that Ritmo and Inga sense the shadow of the Ban Hammer hovering over them and have decided to drop the mask and let it all hang out.

But having been here since the Valenti breast exam, I think I can sum up why the Althouse commentariat tilts right in 4 simple words:


Imagine a conference where the host is a liberal academic who invites everyone from both sides to discuss and debate political and cultural issues. But with the caveat that you can not be thrown out for holding the wrong opinion, no matter how offensive.

This handicaps the Left, because their ideas cannot withstand the scrutiny of a venue that allows for direct feedback. As evidenced by the Left routinely falling back on "racist! sexist! homophobe!" as their standard rebuttal. It was an intellectually lazy habit, and like all lazy habits it became self-destructive to the Left as it slowly atrophied their debate skills. It wasn't long before the Left's primary rebuttal devolved into as hom, shunning and then banning all points of view they disagree with.

But Althouse doesn't ban for ThoughtCrime. She believes the remedy for bad speech is more speech. So what is the Left to do?

Well, they circled the wagons and labelled her a Heretic. And after getting their asses handed to them in a few debates they were not prepared for, they slowly self-selected themselves off the blog.

We still have a few Lefties here, but no one of Tier 1 caliber. And it's shame, because most of us hunger for honest intellectual opponents that argue in good faith.

n.n said...

It's a tragic irony, but Democrats face a vote of no viability. According to the Pro-Choice Church the election was obvious. There should be a Planned Party that will grant them relief from the political burden they pose to others. Should they be judged by the measure they judge others? Should the People follow the Pro-Choice Church and carry out baby trials? Perhaps retirement will right the Democratic perspective.

Fen said...

"What is the point of keeping them etched in stone"

Credibility. You change handles every time you have a meltdown. Like it's a throwaway account. What this tells people is that want the luxury of being dishonest and inconsistent without any consequence to your reputation. It's why people here take you less seriously than others. You are cheating.

Say what you will about Inga, but at least she stands behind her words. She doesn't assume a new personna after destroying her credibility.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Uh, Fen, Inga has had at least one name change even before going Unknown for a spell recently.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He believes that we should be ruled by our betters, of which he is one.

And you believe that we should be ruled by our inferiors, of which you are one.

That's why I call him Bourgeois.

Which is interesting, given all the talk I hear from Republicans that wealth is equivalent to virtue. Hell, they're not even intent on praising the capitalistic accumulation of wealth, going even so far as to want to ingrain a permanent aristocracy and class-based system in America by making sure that estates are passed on with as little loss of wealth as possible. The heirs to the aristocracy are not having it easy enough, say the Republicans!

He will wax poetic about how we should all kiss Harvard's ass, Harvard, the epicenter of wealth and power in the US.

Not sure where I mentioned Harvard. But I surely do prefer a knowledge-based politics to an ignorance-based politics. Information is important to governing no less than to every successful endeavor. But if you prefer failure instead, I can't help you.

One thing you can count on old toothless for, is to speak spittle to power. Usually one would have to go to Times Square to hear the kind of unhinged rants sprayed with hateful invective he spews.

Which is better than going to the mental hospital, where I'd hear the type of discombobulated attempts at thought that you seem to be spewing here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What this tells people..

You are not a person. You should stop trying to speak for them.

Speaking of which, how's that attempt of yours to raise the teen suicide rate going for you, BTW? Finding a lot of "people" who believe you have the credibility to get them to agree with you on that one?

CWJ said...


Not only multiple name changes, but there was the one infamous evening where Inga serially assumed the identities of a number of commenters including my own. It was ugly and a bit frightening, as I was one of the few commenters that had treated her kindly for the most part. I feared for her mental health at that point. She disappeared for a time thereafter.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Robbing people to pay for your conscience isn't virtue. if your conscience bothers you. YOU do something about it.

What's your tax rate, and how much of your wealth were you "robbed of" through it?

My guess is that you don't pay anywhere near as much as they owner class on whose behalf you advocate, which is disingenuous. Advocate for yourself, not people more powerful and with more means than you. Otherwise, I don't want to hear it. No one does. They do a good enough job advocating for themselves - and most of them don't think they're anywhere near as helpless as you seem to think they are.

But people like you have way too much pride and detachment from your own way of life to focus on that instead, apparently. My guess is that you clear maybe $60,000 annually. Tops. And even that's being charitable. If I had to guess I'd say it's probably closer to $40,000. So why are you so concerned with the owner class? You'll never be one of them. What makes you think you know better about what's good for them than they do? You've already voted against your own economic interests in multiple elections for decades, and these Republicans and the ideas they've influenced have not delivered at all for you. Ever. So why don't you vote for your own interests for a change and maybe those who make ten times greater wealth in a day than you do in a year will continue to be able to look out for themselves.

Humperdink said...

"What is the point of keeping them etched in stone"

To me, changing one's ID is a symptom. That is, trying to escape your past.

Jaq said...
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Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Qwinn said...

For the record, Ritmo is lying again. I know, you're all shocked.

But his claims about Bush doing racist "push polling" against McCain was a lie based on no evidence at all.

And this is according to the staff of that right-wing media hegemon, the LA Times.


And note - it's not an editorial.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"What is the point of keeping them etched in stone"

To me, changing one's ID is a symptom. That is, trying to escape your past.

Right. Because everyone knows that if you want to have a kid who will be forever remembered by his serious accomplishments in life, you will name him "Humperdink." Pseudonymously. On the web.

Give me a fucking break. It's like none of you can ever say something that makes sense.

I half wonder if the next comment out of one of you will be, "Wick warble fin-diddy do-heepy skeep."

Just say something that makes sense. Marginally. To a native English speaker without a TBI.

We are in danger of becoming TBI Nation.

Henry said...

Wick warble fin-diddy do-heepy skeep.

Henry said...

Woof is more my style.

E Willers said...

Then who has Garage become?

Anonymous said...

"Then who has become Garage."

Garage left here because of the unrelenting abuse he suffered at the hands of the Althouse regulars. His child, his marital status and his parenting skills, his education level and even his weight were regularity maligned. Althouse stood by and allowed it to happen for years. What a damn shame. Althouse perpetuates the vile tenor and tone of her blog. She isn't an innocent bystander to the abusive nature of her commenters.

chickelit said...

Garage Mahal has real talent as a photographer. He's prolly too busy having a life to spend his days here.

Fen said...

LOL. Garage doesn't need you to defend him. He was a masterful troll but also very nasty to people, I know because I learned Nasty from him.

Every bit of hate he got here he invited on himself. Buf it was weird, because many commenters regarded him as a friend after enduring years of abuse from him, like they have battered wife syndrome.

I don't really care that you are lying to pretend his was martyred (although I think you are just using Garage as a prop in the hope you can appropriate any sympathy people have for your revisionist history re Garage).

But I have to invoke Goal Keepers Union. Garage was a damn good troll, even though he played for the other team, and you don't get to sully his memory this way. Garage would rather suck my cock in the middle of Times Square than be defended by the likes of you.

Fen said...

And that was for Inga not chick. A drawback of the new non-quoting request.

Fen said...

Ritmo: "everyone knows if you want your kid to be remembered"

No again. And stop playing stupid. You know very well that it goes to credibility. It's not like you ever announced "hey it's me, I changed handles because I got bored with the last one".

No, you have a meltdown, diarrhea of the mouth, slink off in disgrace when sobered up, then return a week later under a new alias.

And the permanence goes to credibility. If I throw my support behind Trump liberating Syria, people who know the handle Will say "hang on, you attacked Obama for the same thing, so you are full of it now".

But you don't want to play by those rules. How convenient it must be to change into a new sock puppet every time you step in it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh total bullshit Fen. You are the most abusive nutcase on this blog. Since you've been commenting here again for the last several weeks, this place has sunk back down to the levels it once was. And Fen, you moron, you don't know Garage, you don't speak for Garage, nor would he want you to, of that I'm quite certain. You once again create some fantasy scenario, it's all about Fen, you narcissistic jackass loser. Garage wasn't abusive to anyone. You again engage in self aggrandizement here, you pathetic bipolar asshole

Qwinn said...

Garage was continually abusive. Probably not quite as bad as Ritmo, but, yeah. He was. Sorry.

Also, kinda ironic to claim someone else is abusive while calling them a "pathetic bipolar assholw."

Wait, did I say ironic? I meant utterly predictable and typical.

Original Mike said...

"Garage left here because of the unrelenting abuse he suffered at the hands of the Althouse regulars."

The last political statement I saw from Garage he savaged the local lefties.

Fen said...

Ritmo: "You are not a person"

This is true. I belong in an oven, yes?

But I think I see the problem now. You need a safe word.

Let's go with JUICY FRUIT

So in the future, when you need to tap out, just say your safe word 3 times.

And I had forgotten you were Montana Urban Legend. Would you like your scalp back? The squirrels have been playing with it a few years, but it's mostly intact. Mostly.

Birkel said...

This blog has sunk because of...

abusive nutcase, moron, narcissistic, jackass (sic), loser, pathetic, bipolar, asshole (sic)

It must be hard to elevate a conversation so thoroughly.

Fen said...

Inga: "You are the most abusive nutcase here"

Only to traitors like you.

Quaestor said...

Abby Someone wrote: Why don't we see the silly emails and polls from the right? Why continually focus only on the left? This is more and more a conservative rightist blog.

There is a truthful answer to her rhetorical question, but it is an answer Inga is unwilling to hear. The answer also explains President Trump and Representative-elect Handel.

Drago said...

Inga: "Garage wasn't abusive to anyone"


Of course he was. He just failed at being effectively abusive.

Bless his heart.

Quaestor said...

Fen wrote: Only to traitors like you.

Inga is NOT a traitor. She is often thoughtless and jejune, but I've seen no evidence of treason. Please leave such hyperbole to the proglodyte myrmidons of the left. It suits their fascistic style and paltry intellect to a tee, not ours.

Quaestor said...

Garage Mahal has real talent as a photographer.

I recall the discussion turning to hawks and birds of prey, a subject dear to Quaestor's heart and an area of some knowledge. Garage linked to a photo he made of a juvenile Cooper's Hawk perched in a wintery tree, which was truly outstanding.

Garage left here because of the unrelenting abuse he suffered at the hands of the Althouse regulars.

Garage left here because unlike Sysiphus he had the option.

Achilles said...

Garage wasn't abusive to anyone.

Inga is never abusive either. Just ask her.

Achilles said...

Which is interesting, given all the talk I hear from Republicans that wealth is equivalent to virtue. Hell, they're not even intent on praising the capitalistic accumulation of wealth, going even so far as to want to ingrain a permanent aristocracy and class-based system in America by making sure that estates are passed on with as little loss of wealth as possible. The heirs to the aristocracy are not having it easy enough, say the Republicans!

So you think it is more moral for the government to take my money and buy votes with it than it is for me to give to my children?

Even ignoring the amoral nature of government confiscation of already taxed assets I would trust my children to more effectively apply that capital than a bunch of lazy shithead bureaucrats in DC who want to fly a jet to a global warming conference.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's not like you ever announced..

That you're stupid? No, I never announced that you're stupid. Everyone just knows it.

Qwinn said...

Anyone notice Ritmo pretending he didn't see proof that he lied about the supposed racist smear of McCain in 2000? You know, the one that he held up as absolute proof that we're all bigots and racists?

Looks like even though it's proven bullshit, he's still gonna let all those accusations hang out there anyway.


Trumpit said...

Fen is back in full swing of her miserable hatefulness: "Cunt Hillary." Takes one to know one, my mother was fond of saying.

You need to have your raw butt spanked (you'd like that I know) and your foul mouth washed out with soap until you blow bubbles.

It should be easy to wash your mouth out because you hicks have lost all your teeth to bad hygiene and nutrition as well as chain smoking and chewing tobacco. You ill-mannered people have made the Poligrip Company rich

Fen said...

This just in: calling Hillary Clinton a cunt really triggers Trumpit into revealing his true bigoted self.

But please employ some moderation, the term "cunt" is highly offensive. More than "racist" or "sexist" or "homophobic" or "nazi" or "fascist" or "deplorable". Why, it's even more horrid than "dick" or "prick" or "asshole".

Therefor, it should only be used in those rare instances where "bitch" simply won't do.

Like describing Cunt Hillary Clinton.

Fen said...

Trumpit: "takes one to know one"

Ah the wonders of public education. Trumpit says "stop saying cunt, you cunt".

No wonder these guys are 0-5 since November.

Jaq said...

It should be easy to wash your mouth out because you hicks have lost all your teeth to bad hygiene and nutrition as well as chain smoking and chewing tobacco. You ill-mannered people have made the Poligrip Company rich

When did the Democrats become the party of punching down? The party of elitists? Toothless and Trumpit are ultimately class snobs above all else.

Jaq said...

Which is interesting, given all the talk I hear from Republicans that wealth is equivalent to virtue.

That's why Obama is spending his post presidency hanging out with billionaires.

Jaq said...

Garage was abusive to Paula Jones and I quoted his post back at him a couple times, basically whenever he said something hypocritical about Republicans and sexual assault, so I sort of blame myself, but he engaged in some serious slut shaming of a victim of sexual assault. Maybe he sickened himself with the kind of stuff the Democrats required him to say about Bill's victims out of loyalty to the Democratic Party.

Jaq said...


Already reducing the homeless. Is there nothing Trump can't do?

Fen said...

I have never heard anyone on the right say that wealth is equivalent to virtue.

And I grew up in a very wealthy and conservative neighborhood of Highland Park in Dallas, Texas.

Now, having a brand new corvette at age 16, that was a virtue.

Kevin said...

Inga: "You are the most abusive nutcase here"

In your case I have no doubt that's true. In the larger sense, he's not even in the running.

I draw a clear distinction between people who address each other's posts and have a history of interactions between them, and those who fire off missives at people they don't know, about things they haven't said, to score political points that don't exist.

If the shooting of a Congressman means a great opportunity to "mess with" some Althouse commenters, for example, you should rethink your life choices. Mow your lawn, tutor a child, or visit your grandmother instead.

The more people we must write off as trolls, the more comments we are forced to scroll past, and the less interesting these threads become.

Bad Lieutenant said...

This just in: calling Hillary Clinton a cunt really triggers Trumpit into revealing his true bigoted self.

When chickelit does his chirbit of Trumpit, he should use either the voice of Noah Beery or of the actor that does Abe Simpson. Trumpit must be pushing ninety.

Rusty said...

Ritmo reminds of of the Sanhedrin who prayed loudly on the street so that everyone would know how pious he was.
He espouses virtue and practices none of his own.
Trump is a more virtuous man than our semi-sober ritmo.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Original Mike said of Althouse: "She's a liberal, she's just not nuts."

Inga's reply: .No she's not and I wouldn't be so sure."

6/21/17, 6:00 PM

My oh my, the post-election butthurt is strong with Inga and TTR. Inga has now gone from calling conservative Althouse commenters crazy to insinuating that Althouse is bonkers.

It's simply a mystery to me how those sane, sober Democrats somehow keep losing elections.

I think Ann, who is more liberal than many of her commenters, really wants the Democrats to start acting like a responsible political party again, not like screaming, hysterical brats. But the screaming hysterical brats of the Left will have none of it and are determined to carry on without the slightest self-reflection.

Well, since I am not liberal, I am more than happy to see my political opponents continue on their self-destructive path.

Carry on.

Jaq said...

I learned something from these comments. It's not so much a push poll as a way to take a barrel of assorted nuts and separate them into tidy bins for purposes of cyber exploitation. It's still really funny though.

It would have been interesting for Chuck to have posted a poll from the NRA too.

urbane legend said...

MadisonMan said...
... because watching politicians of either stripe flounder is satisfying.

It's always either stripe flounder season.

Ray - SoCal said...

New term came up for me;

Owner Class

It was not used in the programming sense, but I believe in the Marxist sense.

Basically the owner class controls the means of production per Marxist theory.

With 401k's in the US and government supported income such as SSI my guess is term does not have much meaning in the US. Nasty fact is most small businesses owners don't make a lot of money.

And then majority of us income people trend democrat, which to me seems counter to what it should be under Marxist theory.

Cultural Marxism probably has another explanation.

Saint Croix said...

His erratic temperament and judgment

I think overall his temperament and judgment in regard to his actions has been quite good. He has a big mouth and often speaks off the cuff. I like this part of him, his unguarded speech.

Saint Croix said...

His early morning tweets

Strange that they distinguish between "early morning" tweets and the rest of them. I am now a big fan of his tweets. The analogy that Althouse makes, to FDR and his use of radio, is spot on brilliant. I think his tweets upset the media perhaps more than anything. His tweets are awesome, keep 'em up.

Saint Croix said...

His disrespect for President Obama

I'll bet they give us this option to measure how much people still love Obama. Are you motivated by Trump hate or Obama love? My guess is the Obama love is shallow and negligible, while the Trump hate is deep and strong. Also a good proxy for low-information voters. "I don't know why I hate Trump but boy oh boy he sure isn't Obama."

Saint Croix said...

His reckless foreign policy positions

I feel like his foreign policy positions have been spot on, particularly the hostility to the Iran deal, and strengthening the ties with Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Saint Croix said...

His admiration of Russian President Vladimir Putin

I'll check that box. Putin's an ass.

Saint Croix said...

His disregard for the United States Constitution

That's a little vague, comrade. His Supreme Court nominee seems to be pretty damn good.

Saint Croix said...

His dangerous and hateful rhetoric

What dangerous and hateful rhetoric? That was campaign stuff. I haven't heard a lot of dangerous and hateful rhetoric from Trump while he's in office.

Saint Croix said...

His views about nuclear proliferation

I'll check that box too. Nukes bad!

Saint Croix said...

His verbal and physical assaults on women

Campaign stuff. Old news.

Saint Croix said...

His views on women's reproductive freedom

I feel like he's pragmatically pro-life. Not really pro-life, but he has a deep respect for the voters who put him in office. For all I know he's actually becoming pro-life. One of my big concerns in the campaign is that he would shift after he got power. Hasn't happened.

Saint Croix said...

His dismissal of climate change and global warming

I'll bet this gets a lot of votes. The planet! We're doomed!

Saint Croix said...

His refusal to release his tax returns and eliminate conflicts of interest.

I'll check this box. Pay your taxes!

Saint Croix said...

I don't find the Trump presidency disturbing.

I'll check this one, too. I've been pleasantly surprised with how good he's been.

So that's four!

respect for Putin
ideas on nuke proliferation
failure to release tax returns

and I am

pleasantly surprised with his accomplishments

Todd said...

Original Mike said...
"Garage left here because of the unrelenting abuse he suffered at the hands of the Althouse regulars."

The last political statement I saw from Garage he savaged the local lefties.
6/21/17, 10:47 PM

Drago said...
Inga: "Garage wasn't abusive to anyone"


Of course he was. He just failed at being effectively abusive.

Bless his heart.

6/21/17, 11:23 PM

I can not believe that those sentences were written by anyone that was a regular (or even semi-regular) of this blog during the "Garage years".

By the end it was impossible to have any sort of conversation that remotely involved Garage. According to Garage EVERYTHING was whitey's fault and Whitey OWED Garage and minorities reparations. He was [at least on the blog] an out and proud racist. You could not debate him on anything as it always devolved into racism against whites. I was constantly amazed how Ann mothered him.

chickelit said...

@Todd: You sure you're not confusing Crack and Garage?

Rusty said...

Now look who's equating wealth with vitue. We're discussing your topic of virtue ritmo and your total lack of understanding of what constitutes virtue.

Todd said...

chickelit said...
@Todd: You sure you're not confusing Crack and Garage?

6/22/17, 7:08 PM

I believe you are correct. One of the side-affects of getting older, at least that is becoming my goto excuse...

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