June 28, 2017

The #1 most-read article at New York Magazine is "Donald Trump Wears His Watch Way Too Tight."

"Judging by the photos, it looks like the president wears his watch this tight on purpose."


Amadeus 48 said...

Yup. That cinches it. The man should be removed from the office he won according to the rules. That watch is the last straw.

Chuck said...

Hahahaha. Those hands really are small!

Darrell said...

No matter how long his fingers, it still mean "Fuck You!" when he flips the bird.

Old Scottish Proverb

David Begley said...

Anything left to pick on?

Chuck said...

Graydon Carter versus the Short-Fingered Vulgarian:


traditionalguy said...

He has to wear it tight or take it off when he plays golf. And he wants to keep track of the time. Either that or it is his Russian back channel watch.

JackWayne said...

Is it as tight as Dick's hatband?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

So is that a high crime or a misdemeanor? It's got to be one or the other; everything else is.

Kevin said...

The tightness of his watch sends coded signals to Putin.

Keep going journalists! You're almost there!

Ralph L said...

Who cares about the watchband--it's the recurved thumb that drives me insane.

Why doesn't spellcheck like "recurved"?

Chuck said...

I think anybody who wears a watch when they play golf is a bit weird, but that would include Phil Mickelson, so... whatever.

Mickelson's watch is not worn as weirdly tight as Trump's is:


RMc said...

How much more can America take? IMPEACH!

Wilbur said...

He also needs lessons in how to tie his necktie. It's frequently several inches too long.

Hmmm. Small hands, bad hair, bad tie-tying ... HOW, BUT HOW IN GOD'S NAME did he win?

This question haunts the small-minded.

Darrell said...

Chuck has a micropenis. It's common knowledge in Michigan. Or a vicious rumor. Yet, we accept him here. Ann has created a marvelous salon for spirited debate and comradely.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump's watch is like Hillary Clinton, often tight.

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Chuck has a micropenis. It's common knowledge in Michigan. Or a vicious rumor. Yet, we accept him here. Ann has created a marvelous salon for spirited debate and comradely.

Well, so much for the theory that morning comments were the clever and insightful ones!

Hey, Darrell; if Althouse wants to police comments like yours, I think it would improve her blog. If not, I just want to say how little I care about you and how your "we" might "accept" me. I don't want to be accepted, or liked; I don't want to be part of any Trump "community."

Darrell said...

Comrade Chuck. Be careful what you wish for. I've read some of your comments to me and they would get you banned anywhere. And that would be a dirty rotten cryin' shame.

Kate said...

OCD. Better a tourniquet than a watch that slides up and down your arm.

Does our President also line up his pens along the desk edge? Tap his foot to an unheard rhythm? Twirl his glass so that the same side always faces him?

Boy, that'd be weird!

Unknown said...

Trumpski News Network: "Opened in 2012, the Trump International Hotel in downtown Toronto will erase the president’s name from the building."

Well, how about that - Canadians don't like Trump either.

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Comrade Chuck. Be careful what you wish for. I've read some of your comments to me and they would get you banned anywhere. And that would be a dirty rotten cryin' shame.

Only after you earned them. After repeated, relentless personal attacks on me, all against this rule:
COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum. They already know who they are. For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters, bring some substance or humor to the conversation, and don't do that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks.

You are one of the worst offenders on this blog. Day after day after day. If I were a moderator, I'd find it very easy to single you out and ban you, without damaging any of the substantive discussion. You, and a half-dozen others or so.

Paddy O said...

Being in the sun and dehydration can, I believe, cause swelling. My wedding ring fits perfectly in normal life, but gets really tight when I've been outside a lot or haven't stayed hydrated or have been very active.

Does he wear his watch too tight all the time? The pictures are just from one place. Or did he put it on at just the right tightness (to keep from slipping) and his wrists swelled because of his activity?

"Well, so much for the theory that morning comments were the clever and insightful ones!"

Chuck, I think the comment at 7:33am knocked that theory out. Darrell was mirroring your own comments. Which is to say, that if you want to succeed in the morning shift, you have to up your game. I think you have a helpful critique to offer about Trump, but that's all the more reason to avoid the insipid sort of comments. It undermines your overall contributions.

Darrell said...

You are one of the worst offenders on this blog. Day after day after day.

Now your nose is growing!
Careful! That's a bad look with a micropenis.

Dave from Minnesota said...

The left is getting more unhinged everyday. What the F' is up?

-North Carolina....a man is attacked because he has a Confederate flag license plate on the front of his truck (they must have rear licenses only in that state)
-A 10 Commandments monument in Arkansas is destroyed less than 24 hours after it was put up
-The State of California has its list of banned states up to 10 or more now.

I'm afraid to see what will happen next week.

rehajm said...

I think anybody who wears a watch when they play golf is a bit weird, but that would include Phil Mickelson, so... whatever.

Phil is a 'brand ambassador' for Rolex. IOW. He's compensated, as are many PGA professionals. Bubba Watson has worn a $800,000 Richard Mille while playing...

I have also heard some tour pros mention using a wrist watch as a bit of a training aid, assisting as a check of proper wrist pronation/supination.

Technically, a violation of Rule 14-3.

Curious George said...

"Chuck said...
I don't want to be accepted, or liked"

Uh, you got nothing to worry about Chucklet, but please...

"Chuck said...
After repeated, relentless personal attacks on me, all against this rule..."

...don't be a pussy.

Chuck said...

Paddy O said...

"Well, so much for the theory that morning comments were the clever and insightful ones!"

Chuck, I think the comment at 7:33am knocked that theory out.

Well, that is the grand disconnect, isn't it? Donald Trump isn't a commenter here. And yet when I make a personal attack on Trump -- and not on any commenter here -- the Trumpkin faithful take my personal attack(s) on Trump as a personal attack on them. Such is the personal connection they feel with Trump, it appears.

Rest assured; I am going to keep making personal attacks on Trump. And not on other commenters. If a few other commenters want to use that as an excuse to attack me personally, against the Althouse commenting rule, it is at their peril. I will continue to urge Althouse to enforce her rule.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Well, that is the grand disconnect, isn't it? Donald Trump isn't a commenter here."

Your mother isn't a commenter here, either.

So she fucks horses.

Horses with big Horse Cocks.

Occasionally she lets the smaller horses fuck her in the ass.

But even small horses have pretty big cocks, really.

Some people just can't stay away from the Horse Cocks. Like your mother, for instance.

To paraphrase: don't take my personal attack(s) on Mother as a personal attack on You.

Is this how it works?

It seems pretty early in the day for PIG FUCKING.

I am Laslo.

Chuck said...

rehajm said...
I think anybody who wears a watch when they play golf is a bit weird, but that would include Phil Mickelson, so... whatever.

Phil is a 'brand ambassador' for Rolex. IOW. He's compensated, as are many PGA professionals. Bubba Watson has worn a $800,000 Richard Mille while playing...

I have also heard some tour pros mention using a wrist watch as a bit of a training aid, assisting as a check of proper wrist pronation/supination.

Technically, a violation of Rule 14-3.

It isn't "technically" a violation of Rule 14-3 because in the Decisions under 14-3, there's nothing about watches.

And; Phil has been wearing a watch while playing, since he was at ASU. Nothing to do with being a Rolex brand ambassador. Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus are Rolex brand ambassadors and neither one wears a watch while playing.

And; Bubba Watson also wears a watch all the time. (Yes he is a collector of ultra-expensive watches.) I don't think Bubba wears his watch anywhere as tight as Trump. But I don't think Bubba's forearms are as soft and as pudgy as Trump's.

Bob Ellison said...

Golfing tends to drive blood to the hands and wrists. I would expect some swelling.

Not all of the pics are golfing ones, though. That band does seem mighty tight.

Chuck said...

Bubba Watson's Richard Mille watch:


Bob Boyd said...

As long as nothing impedes the blood flow to his Tweetin' hand it's all good.

Fen said...

"Why doesn't spell check like 'recurve' ?

Because programmers are all crossbow users, exploiting the meta so their no-skill punk asses can compete with handbows.

Rant to follow in a future thread.

Bob Ellison said...

AA is right to point to the fact that it's the #1 story at NY Mag. That mag is in the center of the bubble.

David said...

Lazlo, well done.

wildswan said...

Different watches differently tightened send signals to Putin. How Trump stands as he drives, more signals. Seventeen sources signaled me the other day that Trump was passing the nuclear codes to Putin by these means. Gotta run, CNN on the other line.

David said...

Anything left to pick on?

We are definitely in small penis territory.

After that, castration fantasies.

rehajm said...

It isn't "technically" a violation of Rule 14-3 because in the Decisions under 14-3, there's nothing about watches.

Jesus, How did I know Chuck would have objections to all of this? No Chuck, absence of specific wording to 'watches' within the Rules of Golf or the Decisions on the Rules of Golf does not exclude a watch from being considered a training aid when used as such.

Any grief that comes your way Chuck is well deserved.

Paddy O said...

"Rest assured; I am going to keep making personal attacks on Trump."

Which is why you're more of a nightshift person. You can do what you like, of course, but it's boring and ineffective. It's unimaginative and stale.

But maybe it's cathartic.

Trump isn't a commenter here, but he is an actual person, and it suggests a personal dislike of him (which I share) rather than a policy or political disagreement.

And that invites personal responses because that's how you're framing the debate:

"He's a poopy head!" "No, you're a poopy head!" "You're in my space!" "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you!"

It comes off as passionate, but it's boring repeated in most every thread, most every day.

And if Althouse has to pull this car over...

Fen said...

Chuck: [paragraph on how he doesn't really care what we think about him]

Chuck: [more paragraphs insisting he really doesn't care]

You remind me of that reporter in the White House briefing yesterday. He spent 6 months spreading lies about the President, and now that he's busted he's upset at all the contempt thrown at him.

Laslo Spatula said...

David said...
"After that, castration fantasies."

My latest film, Laslo Films Presents "Restraining Order!", deals with the fear of Chicks With Crazy Eyes potentially biting off your cock.

"I think if a chick bit off my cock I’d never be able to get it up again."

I am Laslo.

David Baker said...

Forget the watch, Trump sold out - taken by a street-hustler.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Laslo, as usual, puts his finger on the pulse.

Chuck, please tell me if you find the below insufferably personal or wounding. Apparently we mustn't hurt your little feelings. Which you have for yourself, but not for others.

But if Ann's blog rules forbade calumny, of the low style you affect, against persons not on the blog - or if President Trump commented here, what would you do? Where would you go? Would you be able to operate at the level of decorousness you demand of others?

I think taking the suggestion, that you should have your own blog, would do you and everyone else some good. You could moderate and even ban to your heart's content. You could even, perhaps, edit others' comments, which might intrigue you. You could ensure that nobody who thinks otherwise could sully your pages.

Really, you should thank the President. He has liberated you. Now you can let your id do all the talking. And you do.

If I didn't so want to avoid hurting your little feelings, I would say more, but one never knows where the line is being drawn. That a 70 year old runs to mommy and can live with himself...

Earnest Prole said...

So much for the morning/evening comments theory.

Johnathan Birks said...

Not the thread we need, but the thread we deserve.

n.n said...

The press no longer sees dead Soviets in their Water Closet. Progress.

The press has reverted to their yellow journolistic roots. Progress.

tcrosse said...

An attack on Trump can be construed as an attack on those who voted for him, even those who did so with hesitation because the alternative was too hideous.

Chuck said...

tcrosse said...
An attack on Trump can be construed as an attack on those who voted for him, even those who did so with hesitation because the alternative was too hideous.

I could never attack anyone for the sole reason that they voted for Trump. Because I voted for Trump.

I have no problem with attacking anyone if they enthusiastically support aspects of Trump like his Twitter account. A brand new Marist poll is showing that Trump's use of Twitter is becoming ever more divisive, and that an ever-growing percentage of poll respondents think that Trump's Tweets are bad.

I hope Althouse blogs the new Marist poll. I'd post a link, but I can't get the results page from the Martist website to open right now.

Fen said...

Chuck: "It's okay to launch personal attacks against Trump because he is not here. It's NOT okay to launch personal attacks against me because I AM here. Per the rules"

Okay, so will you step outside so we can discuss what a faggoty bitch you are?

People are tired of your shit, Chuck. Up your game or go back to HuffPo. You are not here to speak truth to power, you are here because you are still pissed Trump won the election and you want to take it out on his supporters.

We can't even criticize Trump because your narcissist Trump-aversion therapy sucks all the oxygen out of the room. All you are doing here is immunizing Trump from legitimate criticism while making an ass of yourself.

Get a shrink. Or a puppy.

khesanh0802 said...

I have also heard, from unnamed sources, that he inherited Captain Queeg's ball bearings and that he drives his unnamed associates crazy rolling them in his palm.

wildswan said...

Just back from my CNN interview. A complete bust. I thought they'd buy my story of how Trump is said by multiple sources to have told Sean Conway that he "brushed past" a person said by some to be the KGB residentura while both were having dinner at Trump Tower. In other words, a "brush pass", a well known spy maneuver which is then, of course, related to the investigation into whether (no) and how (unknown) the KGB (FSB? no one's ever heard of them) got access to the DNC servers (Password 1234). Trump's denial of BrushPassGate is an instance of the multiplying cancer of obstruction of justice engulfing Trump and his alt-right nightmare supporters, according to many sources.

No good. Someone else had sources that Trump caused the Malaysian airliner to disappear. CNN left in the middle of listening to the blank MIDI file erased by Trump that nailed it all.

Earnest Prole said...

There is no contradiction between being profoundly happy Hillary Clinton is not President and believing Donald Trump is a remarkable piece of work.

Matt Sablan said...

"There is no contradiction between being profoundly happy Hillary Clinton is not President and believing Donald Trump is a remarkable piece of work."

-- I wasn't getting my first choice this election. Or my 10th choice. I said, fairly routinely, that this was an election about exactly *how* you wanted the Executive Branch to be flawed for the next four years.

traditionalguy said...

Salon has just declared a Trump-less day at their Publication. Maybe we can declare a Chuck-less day. The secret is not reading his comments. Just scroll on by, and be happy.

Paddy O said...

"But I came here for an argument!!
"OH! Oh! I'm sorry! This is abuse!"
"Oh! Oh I see!"
"Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door."

I actually don't mind personal attacks against Trump, but they should be interesting ones, not stock insults that get the junior highers who watch late night shows giggling.

buwaya said...

I suppose his enemies can hope that, eventually, his hand will fall off.

There are lots of weird habits around watches. I have my dads mania for having it on constantly. We never take it off, not for bed, not for baths, not in the hospital. Well, the watches do come off for replacement and repair, but thats it.

Even now, when, arguably, watches are obsolete.

Darrell said...

I love this place.
One day Zipless Fucks. Another Feckless Chucks.
And Laslo keeps the beat.

tcrosse said...

There is no contradiction between being profoundly happy Hillary Clinton is not President and believing Donald Trump is a remarkable piece of work.

Quite right. Trump is not above criticism, but let's keep it within the bounds of reality. That must make me a Trumpski.

Chuck said...

traditionalguy said...
Salon has just declared a Trump-less day at their Publication. Maybe we can declare a Chuck-less day. The secret is not reading his comments. Just scroll on by, and be happy.

There is some sense to doing that. The critical and pressing issue for the country right now is health care reform. Trump wants to make it "rotten news media promoting Russia stories." FNC and Drudge seem all too willing to follow (or direct?) the Trump promotion of that issue.

And yet, on health care reform, Trump is no longer a player. He completely retreated from the Senate negotiations. In his meeting with the Republican Conference yesterday, a Republican senator asked Trump about the problem of a bill that confers huge tax relief on incomes over $200,000; Trump's response, as reported in the Times today, was that he would do tax reform later. Telegraphing to the entire group that Trump didn't even realize what some of the tax components were in the Senate health care reform bill.

I think it would be great, for the nation to take a month off, from all thoughts about Trump.

Michael K said...

"I don't want to be part of any Trump "community."

We know chuck. We are told by you every other comment.

At least it seems that way.

When Laslo goes after you, it's a hint.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I think anybody who wears a watch when they play golf is a bit weird

I think that anyone who thinks about how other people wear their watches is a bit weird.

I wear a watch when I go out of the house, when golfing, shopping, hiking. How else can you keep track of the time and not miss important calls or meetings with other people.

Like Kate said: OCD. A watch on a too loose band that slips around on your wrist is annoying as heck. It is a distraction. My dressy watch is not able to be adjusted properly. Either too tight or too loose. Drives me nuts (this is when my husband would chime in "Short drive!") Therefore....velcro watch band for the rest of the time.

Finally. Who gives a _____ how someone else wears a watch?

Bob Boyd said...

"I think it would be great, for the nation to take a month off, from all thoughts about Trump."

Physician heal thyself.
And Chuck? Jeb was never really going to bring you to Washington with him anyway.

Darrell said...


No. Chuck was a Cruzer. And we all know Cruzers are losers. And prove it every day.

Curious George said...

"Occasionally she lets the smaller horses fuck her in the ass."

Hmmm, and Chuck is a horse's ass. I didn't think that's how it works, but...

Wince said...

Maybe it's like a cock ring for your wrist when grabbing pussy?

David Baker said...

Is anyone here bothered at all that President Trump is now Mr. Obamacare?

Or was I naive all along?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Is anyone here bothered at all that President Trump is now Mr. Obamacare?<

Since Trump is not writing the legislation, which isn't done being written, not especially. Congress, the feckless GOP are responsible for this and they should be blamed.

Of course, the media is not going to do that and will be salivating to hang Congress' stinky pork chop around Trump's neck.

Birkel said...

PURPLE ELEPHANTS demand constant attention. Talk about the watch. Talk about the tweets.

Do not mention the regulations withdrawn or the 40 bills signed.


Fen said...

Chuck: "Trump wants to talk about media's lies re Russia story"

Thanks reminding of more reasons why I hate you. Your and yours push this fake Russia Collusion story for months in end, and when you get busted pumping lies you allofasudden want to talk about something else.

How about a frickin apology at least for wasting everyone's time with your Russia bullshit? How about some kind of admission that you were wrong about everything and in the future you'll try not to be such a partisan hack?

Nope, you just want everyone to forget all your lies so you can move on to the next Mumble Something Mumble impeachable offense.

Zero intellectual integrity. You staked your credibility and reputation on fake news intended to remove or handicap a duly elected President of the United States. Actions have consequences.

Fen said...

Now that I've been caught red-handed reaching into the cookie jar, I think it would great if everyone took a month off from talking about the Stolen Cookie story...

Michael said...


I too wore my watch always. That is until I got an Apple watch which has to come off the wrist to be charged and which cannot be worn in the shower since it is a first run model. The Apple watch, of course, keeps perfect time and automatically changes time zones the instant you move into a new one.

The Apple watch has a number of holes on the band so that large or small wrists can be accommodated. If I put it on the fourth hole in the morning and work out it is tighter when I finish than if I didn't work out. So the blood does go to the hands and arms, probably particularly so if one golfs which I do not and which I eschew in all forms.

Darrell said...

Zero intellectual integrity. You staked your credibility and reputation on fake news intended to remove or handicap a duly elected President of the United States. Actions have consequences.

This should be tattooed on the foreheads of every Democrat, Lefty, and Never-Trumper. With a dull needle.

Big Mike said...

I've often thought that New Yorkers are shallow people, this article does not refute my hypothesis.

David Baker said...

DBQ, when it comes to upending Obamacare, I'm afraid Donald Trump's balls are even smaller than his hands.

Thus he'll have to gain a 2nd term without me, and I suspect millions of others.

David Baker said...

...Not to mention that thus far North Korea has gotten away with murder.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Amadeus 48 said...Yup. That cinches it

That's the pun of the day--doubly so if unintentional.

Anyway this watch business sounds like fake news: how are Trump's pants creases?! If Trump's pants aren't "perfectly creased" then I think it's time for him to go.

Imperfectly Creased?
You Must Impeach!

Imperfectly Creased?
You Must Impeach!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

"What about your paaaaants?"

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Chuck said...Graydon Carter versus the Short-Fingered Vulgarian:

Funny! Hey, which one's President, again?

Obama Mean Tweets - "Well Donald Trump, at least I will go down as a President.

Keep swingin', buddy; take those potshots all the life-long-Republican-day. Justice Gorsuch smiles.

MayBee said...

This article (much like the two scoops of ice cream story) is a great example of loving your own hate too much. It must be lovingly nurtured and fed.

MayBee said...

About watches...I noticed I have a little dip in my forearm where I've worn my watch over the decades. I wear my watch tightish and have always had small wrists, and I don't like a watch slipping around when I exercise. My watchband has acted like corset on my wrist, I guess.
So yeah, my watch looks even tighter on my wrist than it really is, because my wrist right there is smaller than it should be.

Chuck said...

Fen said...
Chuck: "Trump wants to talk about media's lies re Russia story"

Thanks reminding of more reasons why I hate you. Your and yours push this fake Russia Collusion story for months in end, and when you get busted pumping lies you allofasudden want to talk about something else.

You simply cannot find any evidence of my "pushing" any Russia/collusion story. I recall one time -- once -- musing about what the Russians might have, on Trump. I have repeatedly stated on these comments pages that I don't think that Russians had anything to do with the election outcome and that the whole world ought to stop it, with notions about how Trump might not have been duly elected President of the United States.

Get yourself some other Huckleberry, sport.

mockturtle said...

It does occur to me that Trump has provided these vacuous lefties a unifying topic. Without Trump, whatever would these mindless twits talk about?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I never wore a watch when I was working, meeting with clients. I didn't want to inadvertently glance at my watch or make the client think that I was "watching the time". Body language is really important.

The office had a clock and if I went severely overtime or had an appointment scheduled my assistant would announce that I had an appointment about 15 minutes ahead to give the client a clue. If she could see that we were just wrapping it up and BSing about stuff, come in with some important confidential papers that needed to be signed or something.

Fen said...

Chuck: "You simply cannot find any evidence of me - "

You said you didn't care what we think about you. Make up your mind.

If we unfairly lump you in with the other Trump haters, why should you care?

You act as if you have a reputation to protect. That ship not only sailed long ago, it was ambushed by pirates, burnt down to the keel by lightning strikes, and then swallowed whole by a Kracken.

Birkel said...

Exacting standards for me but not for thee.

That should be a board game. All LLRs would but one. But it would have to be suitable for single person play. Hard to find friends when one is an LLR.

James K said...

I don't plan to read the NY mag article, but one of the lefty talking points is that Trump is overweight, and gaining more weight (which leads some of them to fantasize that he'll drop dead at any moment). A story about how tight his watch is would be a little shout-out to those lefties.

Birkel said...

...would buy one...

Chuck said...

Fen, I only care when -- and unfortunately this happens fairly often -- one of the pro-Trump morons who comment here misquotes me and/or mischaracterizes me.

Like you just did. I'm calling you out. Like I do with others whenever this happens.

I haven't promoted any Russia/collusion stories.

Gahrie said...

Obama gets away with wearing Mom jeans, but Trump wears his watch too tight?

Yancey Ward said...

If you are going to wear a watch playing golf, it must be tightly cinched.

However, I don't think that watch is as tight as one might think- if you have chubby lower arms, it wouldn't take a very tight cinch to pinch in- fat has a lot of give in it.

Gahrie said...

Chuckles continues to act like a Lefty...total Trump Derangement Syndrome, constantly butt hurt and trying to get people banned.

Not the behavior of a lifelong Republican, but then Chuck is now denying that he is a lifelong Republican, or he is suddenly ashamed of it or something.

Next Chuck will be claiming that he never disliked Trump or attacked him.

Dude1394 said...

Trumpski News Network: "Opened in 2012, the Trump International Hotel in downtown Toronto will erase the president’s name from the building."

Well, how about that - Canadians don't like Trump either."

Canada better be a little careful. I expect a few well chosen whiskey boycotts or pipeline refusals will hurt the Canadians a tad more than the US. To be fair only Texas, California and New York have bigger economies, so 2 out of 3 supporters is still pretty good.a good.

n.n said...

No Judgment. So judgmental.

Gk1 said...


Michael said...

Trump knew all along that the GOP could not get a repeal of ACA across the line. He is way smart enough to know that if you give someone something for free it is not possible, government-wise, to suddenly make them pay. The pre-existing conditions attribute cannot be undone. Any tinkering with Medicare is verboten and would be even if everyone were assigned a home visiting Mayo Clinic doctor for $50 dollars a year. So the GOP fails at cobbling together a plan that does not put millionsandbillions of people in the health gutters. They tried. The Dems have acted like ACA is the best, the absolute greatest. Fine. Live with it. None of this touches Trump. But he should tweet away at the number of uninsured under the current plan, point out shrinking number of insurance participants,

Chuck said...

Gahrie said...
Chuckles continues to act like a Lefty...total Trump Derangement Syndrome, constantly butt hurt and trying to get people banned.

Not the behavior of a lifelong Republican, but then Chuck is now denying that he is a lifelong Republican, or he is suddenly ashamed of it or something.

Again, to be clear, you are doing what Althouse herself has asked everyone NOT to do. You are picking on me personally and by name. Presumably because I have criticized President Trump.
1. I think Althouse should enforce her commenting rules, if they are to be regarded as rules at all.
2. I AM a lifelong Republican. A fact that I have mentioned once or twice, and which my critics keep raising, in an effort to attack me personally, on a daily basis.
3. I am NOT "denying that [I am] a lifelong Republican..." Where did you get that? What is your point? I am a lifelong Republican, who hates Donald Trump personally. There are thousands if not millions of people like me. What is so unusual or hard to understand? I expect that you could gather a sizable caucus in Congress, of members who are lifelong Republicans and who hate Donald Trump personally.

Michael said...


Trump will receive a $6M+ break-up fee because the owner wants to re-brand the property to one of Marriotts offerings. The hotel is owned by Americans. It is not uncommon for a brand to be changed. A Marriott with its rewards program may bring with it higher occupancy although unlikely the rate will change appreciably to the upside. Trump had no ownership in the asset.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" and Proud Defender of Stolen Valor Dems Chuck: "2. I AM a lifelong Republican. A fact that I have mentioned once or twice, and which my critics keep raising, in an effort to attack me personally, on a daily basis."


Self-identified LLR has determined that being labeled a LLR is somehow an attack.

We will require another Laslo offering to properly plumb the depths of this degree of psychological disorder and what it might portend.

Chuck said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
This is why I find so much value in this blog, you can get information that is not available anywhere else. I often learn so many interesting things in the comments.

Like that Chuck's mother gets fucked in the ass by horses. Lifelong Republican horses, Im sure.

6/28/17, 12:17 PM

cc: Ann Althouse

Have a nice day!

LilyBart said...

I guess when you really hate someone, you like reading odd and derogatory things about them.

readering said...

I guess folks here more interested in Chuck than Trump's brand of watch but does anyone recognize the brand? He may want to claim sponorship fee. Amazing how digital photography allows enlargement with perfect clarity.

Drago said...

readering: "He may want to claim sponorship fee."

Russia collusion story collapsed, obstruction of Justice is a joke, 25th amendment talk laughed out of the public square, Logan Act Violations nonsense long ago discarded, so I guess we are back to trying to gin up another fake Emoluments Clause violation to keep the lunatic left and "lifelong republicans" pathetic hopes alive.

Carry on!

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" Chuck takes time out from repeated rumor mongering about a certain 11year old to complain about rumor mongering about his mother.


JackOfClubs said...

Last line from the linked article: "The good news is that this might explain why he gives such over-the-top handshakes: Maybe he just can’t feel his fingers."

Um, no. The watch is on the left hand. Handshakes are done with the right hand by everyone except Boy Scouts. There is even a photo of a handshake in the list. How lazy do you have to be to make such a lame joke when the counter-evidence is right there!

readering said...

Go reread the Emoluments Clause.

Chuck said...

Drago, if you are going to keep bringing up the published rumors -- denied by Trump family lawyers in letters that threatened litigation on the subject -- that Barron Trump is autistic, you need to be clearer about it.

Here is the main link that, for informational purposes, I have previously posted. This makes it much clearer, for somebody who doesn't know what you are talking about.


You keep doing this. You try to smear me, as someone who would harm a child. You make no other more specific mention of what the fuck you are talking about. And then I make it clearer.

And so it goes, with more and more people every week Googling "Barron Trump" and "autism." And now it has become one of the leading searches for the young man's name.

Anyway, the Trump lawyers have stated flatly that Barron Trump is not autistic. So the thing to do is to just all take a deep breath and wait until Barron is an adult with a media presence of his own, or until there is more information.

I have made all of this very clear on other pages of the Althouse blog. You know that, but you don't seem to have understood that every time you try to smear me with this, that I am going to make the details clearer.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

There are dozens of us! Dozens!!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Not sure why this seems relevant, so I'll just leave it here:

RationalWiki: Just Asking Questions

Just asking questions (JAQ-ing off) is a way of attempting to make wild accusations acceptable (and hopefully not legally actionable) by framing them as questions rather than statements. It shifts the burden of proof to one's opponent — rather than laboriously having to prove that all politicians are reptoid scum, one can pull out one single odd piece of evidence and force the opponent to explain why the evidence is wrong.

Viejo Loco said...

Mathematical equation; is it Chick=schmuck, Chuckschmuck=perfect to Sonder Commander Schumers butt?
Tel us how the null universe of "voted for Trump/didn't vote for Trump works. To quote Mr. Rogers; "can you say a--hole?"

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" and Happy Young Child Rumor Mongerer Chuck: "than I am going to make the details clearer."

You enjoy making all the rumor details clearer.
It's what rumor mongerers like you do.

The fact that it's a young child clearly makes you giddy about it.

That's your problem.

Chuck said...

Drago, there are only two people who, in the last six months (or more), keep bringing up the subject of Barron Trump on the Althouse blog.

The two people are "Full Moon," and you.

The absolute only times I have mentioned Barron's name was when one or both of you brought it up.

It really is on you now. And you have become a real nuisance to Althouse in the process. The last time your brought this subject up, and I supplied the same kind of clarifying information, Althouse felt obligated to clean it all out. At some considerable expenditure of time, I imagine.

I'd be angry -- at you and Full House -- If I were Althouse.

Chuck said...

"The absolute only times I have mentioned Barron's name was when one or both of you brought it up."

I should clarify; "the only times that I have mentioned Barron's name in many, many months..." I don't even know how many months, it was so long ago.

My point should be clear. The one and only reason that the name of Barron Trump reoccurs in Comments is because you and Full Moon keep running the game of trying to smear me.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" and Child Rumor Mongerer Chuck: "Althouse felt obligated to clean it all out"

She cleaned out all the specifics related to the internet rumors that you continually and gleefully repeat.

You can't help yourself, obviously.

But hey, we get it. The kid's old man has led to you exposing yourself as a fool so the kid had it coming, eh?

And just what are these rumors I've read about your mother and certain steeds? Are we really talking Catherine The Great type stuff here?

Again, I'm only commenting about what I've read online.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" and Would Be Blog Hostess Chuck: "I'd be angry -- at you and Full House -- If I were Althouse."

You spend an inordinate amount of time telling Althouse what she should be thinking and feeling along with the afore mentioned child rumor mongering.

Some might consider those to be less than desirable traits.

Not me of course. I make allowances for those who "may" have been raised in environments which "may" have included bestiality.

Again, just stuff I've recently read.

Drago said...

In any event, when coupled with 2-Scoops-Of-Ice-Cream-For-Dessert-GATE, this wearing of the watch too tightly represents a clear threat to the republic, assuming we still have one after the left has completely politicized and Weaponized the federal government against it's domestic political foes.

Anonymous said...

What a vile place these comments sections have become. Althouse leaves up comments that speak of bestiality of a commenter's mother. Disgusting lack of character.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

When people start objecting to Laslo I might have to take the whining seriously!
All the other Laslo-isms, the crudeness, the vulgarity...that's all been fine up until now?
Give me a break. The guy was illustrating a point. One person wants to bitch and moan about the rules not being applied fairly enough and to make pedantic arguments about why he himself isn't violating those same rules, so Laslo steps in to highlight a problem with that overly-literal interpretation and application of the rule. Laslo uses some graphic and shocking imagery to do so, sure; Laslo is Laslo.

Meanwhile the Professor's preference for "more speech" as a solution for problems of speech is pretty well understood by everyone here, right? Geez, let's get going already. Even being offended is better the being bored.

Drago said...

Inga: "What a vile place these comments sections have become. Althouse leaves up comments that speak of bestiality of a commenter's mother"

Hey, according to Chuck, as long as its something he's read on the internet and does not involve a commenter here, its all good.

Now, for a discussion about what is "vile" and is not "vile", should we take a moment to talk about the glee Inga and her pals displayed while commenting endlessly on unfounded rumors of hookers and urine and hotel beds involving the President-Elect and later President of the United States?

Perhaps a mock up of a decapitated head of the President should also be discussed.

Or perhaps a democrat terrorist attempting to mass murder republican lawmakers.

How about rumor mongering involving underage youths?

You see, in the big scheme of things it appears that Inga doesn't quite understand how to calibrate her outrage.

I would save "vile" for the mass sexual slavery of underage girls, murdering of gays and burning opponents alive in cages by Ingas beloved islamists.

But Inga never uses "rough" language to describe that because....islamist.

Fen said...

Inga: "what a vile place"

So take the hint - leave.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

You spend an inordinate amount of time telling Althouse what she should be thinking and feeling along with the afore mentioned child rumor mongering.

I'm familiar with the concept of "taking offense/being outraged on someone else's behalf," but the phenomenon described here might need a name. It's almost emotion- or reaction-splaining, huh?
Since in this case it's by (presumably/an alleged) man and aimed at a woman, I guess it'd be manmotionsplaining.

Like..."I know better than you do how you should feel about X, therefore I will explain to you what reaction X should have caused in you and what steps you should take to address those feelings you should have had."

There's probably a German phrase that covers this.

Fen said...

Chuck: "I don't attack Trump's kids, children should be off limits, but now that you brought it up, here is a link with more salacious speculation about Trump's kid"

You are not fooling anyone.

Chuck: "this campaign to smear me with personal attacks"

If you dont like it, why do you do it to Trump? Doesn't seem fair, does it?

Here's a ClueByFour: How about you just stop talking about Barron Trumo. Period. Stop finding excuses to bring the poor kid back into your 2 minute hate, asshole.

Fen said...

Dearest Libtards,

Let me explain it for you.

The likes of CNN knowingly spreads lies in an attempt to impeach or handicap a duly elected President of the United States that we voted into office. We would like to punch their lights out, but they are out of reach.

The likes if MSNBC spread hateful malicious gossip about Trump's kids. We would like to punch their lights out but they are out of reach.

Enter Inga, parroting CNN.
Enter Chuck, parroting MSNBC.

What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

Chuck said...

Fen said...
Chuck: "I don't attack Trump's kids, children should be off limits, but now that you brought it up, here is a link with more salacious speculation about Trump's kid"

Stop doing that. That isn't a quote from me.

Now here is a pro tip for you, sport. You, and Drago and Full Moon are advised to stop it -- as was done just above on this very page -- with the business of kicking things off with a reference to "repeated rumor mongering about a certain 11year old." That's at 1:01 PM blog-time. Before that, nobody on this page mentioned Barron Trump. Drago did it. Drago started it, all by himself.

Jim at said...

"Maybe we can declare a Chuck-less day. The secret is not reading his comments. Just scroll on by, and be happy."

Quoted for truth.

Mr. Fabulous said...

(World Famous Lurker says....)

Back to the thread - I never wear a watch, and haven't since I was 17. Over 4 decades later, still feel zero need to wear one. I grew up in Florida and was an active teenager. (Wore shorts a LOT!) Typically, I'd be in water at least twice a day - a morning shower, and jump in the pool in the late afternoon, and also sometimes at night in the 8 month long Florida summer. Most middle class homes in Florida had a pool by the time I was in high school. As a kid, I couldn't afford the truly waterproof watches back then, and the so-called water resistant watches don't survive full immersion in water. So, I killed a few watches that way, and had a few more lost or stolen when I did remember to remove them before jumping in. I also broke several more watches playing sports or other outdoor activities. So after about the 8th watch, I just gave up.

How do I know what time it is, you ask? Well, clocks and time pieces are everywhere. My kitchen alone has 3, including a digital clock that is calibrated to the atomic clock at the Bureau of Standards in Boulder. The task bar on most computers has a digital clock. Our offices have a number of digital clocks on the walls. My cell phone has a clock. Most large public places have prominently displayed clocks. And if I am driving to an appointment, my vehicle has a digital clock that I can easily see.

Quick question to those on the thread here: Who has a clock or watch that they deliberately set fast? And how fast do you set it? I set the battery operated alarm clock in my bedroom ahead of time. Am I the only one who does this? And still I'm sometimes late to work!

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" And Noted Prevaricator Chuck: That's at 1:01 PM blog-time. Before that, nobody on this page mentioned Barron Trump. Drago did it."

This assertion is demonstrably false. I made no mention of any underage child's name.

I'm afraid that false assertion of Chuckie makes him something significantly less than truthful.


Drago said...

"lifelong republican" Chuck takes a short break from rumor mongering regarding a certain youth to "advise" others to cease noting that he engages in rumor mongering regarding that specific underage child.

Well played "counselor".

Chuck said...

Drago the last time you pulled this stunt, earlier this month, I promised you that whenever you make some unflattering or defamatory reference to underage children, that I would again make the whole story clear with a specific reference to Barron Trump.

I have fulfilled that promise, upon your doing it again.

And the last time you did this, Ann Althouse had to clean up the thread. I say again that I expect her to be angry about this. I hope she is angry about this.

cc: Ann Althouse

Drago said...

Mr Fabulous: "Who has a clock or watch that they deliberately set fast?"

I haven't worn a watch in about 10 years and it doesn't seem worth it to "spend the time" to set the cell phone "ahead" some arbitrary amount.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Quick question to those on the thread here: Who has a clock or watch that they deliberately set fast? And how fast do you set it? I set the battery operated alarm clock in my bedroom ahead of time. Am I the only one who does this? And still I'm sometimes late to work!

Yay. Something other than bathing in the septic tank of comments.

I set the clock in my car fast. 10 minutes. I know I am just fooling myself, but this way I don't feel so stressed if I am not exactly on time.

Haven't used an alarm clock in years and years. Even when I was working (self employed) I always wake up about the same time. Between 5 & 6. Nothing is as good as just gradually waking up, stretching a bit, staring at the ceiling for a while and getting up to a freshly made pot of coffee...(thanks Cuisinart!). A relaxing way to start the day instead of being jarred out of sleep, driven from that sweet dream you might be having.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" and "Noted Purveyor of All Details Surrounding Rumors Of A Particular Underage Child" Chuck: "I have fulfilled that promise, upon your doing it again."

It is true that when it comes to spreading rumors regarding a certain youth there is no force that keep you from that appointed mission.

If there was a Congressional Medal of Honor for the child rumoring you would be the first recipient.


It's that kind of courage that almost led you to sign up for the military but you didn't because there was no draft as well as passionately defend the Stolen Valor "honor" of Seen Blumenthal.

You are an example to us all and I for one salute you!

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I say again that I expect her to be angry about this. I hope she is angry about this."


If anything she will simply say "sheesh!" If moved to delete anything.

Angry? That's your gig baby.

Anonymous said...

"And the last time you did this, Ann Althouse had to clean up the thread. I say again that I expect her to be angry about this. I hope she is angry about this."

Don't hold your breath, she doesn't give a damn and probably likes the traffic these kind of threads create. You give her far too much credit for being fair minded and principled.

Darrell said...

You give her far too much credit for being fair minded and principled.

Yeah. She lets you comment here. After stealing the name of a well-known commenter.

Anonymous said...

"After stealing the name of a well-known commenter."


Drago said...

Inga: "you give her far too much credit for being fair minded and principled."


Yeah, Inga just wrote that.

Laslo Spatula said...

Feel free to cut-and-paste this ready response to comments where it is probably best not to go down the dirty, dirty rabbit-hole, no names needed, and no need for that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks:

"I read your (insert time here) comment but have decorously chosen not to comment in return. Note that my choice not to return comment should not be taken as implied agreement, nor a lack of a potentially devastating rebuttal or intricate insult. If you require more than this, please picture a kitten chasing soap bubbles in the air: Happy Kitty! Good luck to you on your future comments.

I am Laslo.

Anonymous said...

Next he'll be molesting rabbits and pussy cats.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe he'll write a sexy scenario featuring his own momma.

southcentralpa said...

And every single person who upvoted probably thought the rampant speculation last year about what Clinton's medical attendant was holding in his hand (flashlight? Atropine? ???)was ridiculous ...

Laslo Spatula said...

"I read your 5:38 comment but have decorously chosen not to comment in return. Note that my choice not to return comment should not be taken as implied agreement, nor a lack of a potentially devastating rebuttal or intricate insult. If you require more than this, please picture a kitten chasing soap bubbles in the air: Happy Kitty! Good luck to you on your future comments.

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