June 19, 2017

George W. Bush growing in popularity, closing the gap on Barack Obama.

A new Gallup poll has Bush viewed favorably by 59% of Americans. Obama's at 63%, which is about where he was last November, when his preferred successor, Hillary Clinton lost the election. Bush was at 35% in March 2009, when Obama was beginning his presidency.


David Begley said...

Wait until Iran tests the nukes Obama funded.

Earnest Prole said...

How you likes me now?

Birkel said...

More useless polls?
More confirmation bias?

Nearly meaningless.
Chocolate milk comes from brown cows.

Bay Area Guy said...

Heh -- how about that? You gain a lot of popularity points when the Dems stop making it a priority to demonize you......

Waiting for the "re-evaluation" of Nixon as the Left stumbles towards a potential impeachment. Hey, did you know Nixon created the EPA and OSHA?

Michael K said...

"Miss me yet?"

"Hey, did you know Nixon created the EPA and OSHA?"

Buchanan's new book on Nixon is excellent.

Earnest Prole said...

Speaking of Nixon, check out Get Me Roger Stone, the documentary on Netflix. The Nixon tattoo on Stone's back is alone worth the time.

Michael said...

The worst poll numbers of any President on the day they left was not Bush, not LBJ, not even Nixon. It was Harry Truman, now consistently ranked as one of the top 7-8 presidents.

Perspective changes with time.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Michael K,

The Buchanan book is excellent. Finished it in 1 sitting.

Buchanan should get more credit - the guy has gotten a lotta things right.

Achilles said...

Will Obama still be popular when he is indicted for illegally spying on political enemies?

Another reason why Obama is extremely popular: He absolutely destroyed the democrat party.

Another reason: Gun industry grew 158% under Obama.

rhhardin said...

It's a woman thing. Guys aren't switching.

readering said...

The Donald is going to be really upset when Gallup's year end polls have Obama and Clinton in first place for most admired man and woman.

Achilles said...

readering said...
The Donald is going to be really upset when Gallup's year end polls have Obama and Clinton in first place for most admired man and woman.

I can see the tweet now:

"I won the only poll that matters! FAKE NEWS!"

To be honest I don't think Trump gives a shit about the media's attempts the you think he does. He loves the attention he is getting. Love me. Hate me. Just don't ignore me.

Sadly I enjoy your all's tears as well.

Ralph L said...

It was Harry Truman.
Because he was thought to be weak against the Commies. When that became fashionable, Truman's stock went up.

Clyde said...

My approval rating for Obama remains at 0%. Not expected to change in this lifetime.

Comanche Voter said...

Clyde the Glide! Right on with that lifetime approval rating. It will go into negative numbers if "President Obama" continues to open his yap in his post presidential tour. He's going to make Jimmy Carter look like a mute.

Big Mike said...

I agree with Clyde.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hard to see what it matters, since neither is occupying the office that would allow them to do anything about it. Unlike the current resident, who dropped to the mid-30s in record time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Will Obama still be popular when he is indicted for illegally spying on political enemies?

Wow. You actually believe that one.

I don't even think Trump believed it - at least, not for longer than it takes for him to usually disbelieve what just came out of his fat mouth.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think Trump's appeal with the remaining hold-outs is that he makes a heroic stance on behalf of the easily confused. One day they believe one thing, the next they believe the other. And so does he. Truth is whatever entertains you best from one day to the next.

le Douanier said...

I'm a long time lurker, but never commenter.

But, now I must comment so that I can praise Althouse for this mucho grande wise and meaningful post.

Thank you.

And, please ban the lib trolls, they suck!

Kirk Parker said...


"[Obama] absolutely destroyed the [D]emocrat[ic] [P]arty."

Doing a job that Republicans just won't do...

Kirk Parker said...


"My approval rating for Obama remains at 0%. Not expected to change in this lifetime."

On beyond grade-school math, you will discover one of the wonders of algebra: there are negative numbers! ;-)

holdfast said...

Obama destroyed the Dem party and left them with no bench. He was also history's greatest gun salesman.

Too bad he also funded Iranian terror and nuclear weapons development.

Thorley Winston said...

The Donald is going to be really upset when Gallup's year end polls have Obama and Clinton in first place for most admired man and woman.

I don't think that Michelle and Bill poll quite as well as you think they do.

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

Thorley, how dare you and readering assume only two genders!

Bob said...

Bush's numbers are probably going up because he's remembered as a kind man who didn't involve himself in partisan hatred like Obama did and Trump is.

Yancey Ward said...

The really sad thing is both were wretched leaders.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Wow. You actually believe that one.

I can tell you exactly how they did it too.

You are stupid if you think they aren't still spying on all of us.

Big Mike said...

63% of the American public is certifiably insane. Just sayin'

Curious George said...

"The Donald is going to be really upset when Gallup's year end polls have Obama and Clinton in first place for most admired man and woman."

But who wins which?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Unlike the current resident, who dropped to the mid-30s in record time.
6/19/17, 8:52 PM

Do try and keep up...

President Trump's approval rating hits 50 percent, poll shows | AL.com
AL.com › news › index.ssf › 2017/06
AMP - 1 day ago - President Donald Trump's approval rating has reached 50 percent, according to a new poll.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"And, please ban the lib trolls, they suck!"

Nah, PB, it's best that you libs continue to demonstrate your stupidity, malice and clueless elitism.

You always make me happy I voted for Trump.

Bad Lieutenant said...

You always make me happy I voted for Trump.

And will again.

readering said...

The pair have led each year since 2008.

OGWiseman said...

I mean, I definitely approve of the way Bush has conducted his post-Presidency. He's a much better ex-President than President. Doesn't make me forget Iraq, Katrina, etc. Really depends on how this question is interpreted.

Bilwick said...

Come back in about fifteen years. The "liberal" (and by "liberal" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellators") Hive will be waxing lyrical about the good old days when you had "decent" Republicans like Donald Trump and not the reactionary, "unmutual"* villains now running the GOP.

*It's a reference from the tv show "The Prisoner."

Jim at said...

"The Donald is going to be really upset when Gallup's year end polls have Obama and Clinton in first place for most admired man and woman."

And just how many Electoral votes will that equal?