May 2, 2017

"Yes, Tom. We get it. That’s 'your' ass."

That's Tom and Lorenzo, speaking to Tom Brady.


readering said...

Click through and click some of the other attendees. T & L comments hilarious all around.

Ann Althouse said...

"Click through and click some of the other attendees."

Yes, including the comments section.

For example, on Jennifer Lopez: "Endora's dress deserves Endora's makeup and hair."/"Endora's dress and Jeannie's hair."

And on Lena Dunham

T&L: "Oh look, you guys. Lena Dunham is here. Now we can all look forward to more missives from her about how awful the Met Gala is and how unwelcome she feels there because random sports figures failed at wanting her. Are we being bitches? You’re damn right we are...."

Commenters: "She's the worst. She's like every bad cliche of white feminism. She's like Jezebel's wet dream. In short, fuck off girl."/"I was trying to explain this to a friend of mine, why I found her so insufferable. I was like "It's not that she doesn't dress in conventionally feminine clothes. It's that she doesn't dress in conventionally feminine clothes and then attacks people rather ruthlessly for not finding her clothes traditionally feminine". It's like girl, wave whatever flag you want. I couldn't give less of a fuck. But stop trashing people in interviews for no reason."

Bay Area Guy said...

From Gisele B to Lena D - the entire spectrum of feminine beauty.....

MayBee said...

I don't know why I hate the Met Gala so much.

Bob R said...

I don't see why it has to be about possession. Brady has the option of putting his hand (a) on Gisele's butt (b) somewhere else. He chooses (a). We don't have to read too much into this.

Big Mike said...

The jocks always get the hot chicks. Unless the hot chick is a nuclear scientist, in which case being a mathematician who pumps iron is the right ticket.

gadfly said...

""Yes, Tom. We get it. That’s 'your' ass.""

True and "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" - unless we are talking about two hands in the bush.

rehajm said...

Commenter: Wayland Flowers and Madame Ha!.

Bob Boyd said...

Tom likes his asses hard and his balls soft.

D 2 said...

Giselle is on record as wanting him to also be able to catch the f--- thing as well as f----- throw it. Or something. The prolonged ass cupping is just another example of Mr Brady's dedicated off season training schedule. Devotion to the Game.

Birches said...

I'm not sure where else he's supposed to put his hand, she obviously wants to show off her back, right?

I saw this instagram post and was completely turned off by the Tom and Gisele show. Such fakery. Such posing. Why do women curate their lives like this?

William said...

I wonder how many lives of absolute perfection you have to lead in order to attain the karma that Brady is enjoying in this one. Me, I'd settle for just one Super Bowl ring and a weekend with a catalogue model......I read through some of the comments at the site. They were catty and malicious. I hope Tom and Giselle don't see them. Such comments would probably make them feel upset and depressed.

David said...

And a very fine ass it is. Finely displayed as well with that orgasmic arch of her back.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Always remember that Tom is the trophy spouse in this marriage. Gisele has the money. If Gisele wants that hand on her ass, she'll have that hand on her ass. If she wants Tom to skip the White House reception, he'll skip.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Yes, Gisele. We get it. That's 'your' hand.

hombre said...

Did the photos of the "Gala" remind anyone else of a Capital Ball in Hunger Games?

Gahrie said...

Frankly, if I had permission to put my hand on that ass......

Chuck said...

I was going to ask, "What is 'Tom & Lorenzo'?"

Wisely, I decided against it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'll venture to guess this is about a picture of Tom Brady appearing to be resting his hand 🤚 upon his wife dearie at the Met Gala carpet.

Jupiter said...

When you're a star ....

David said...
"And a very fine ass it is. Finely displayed as well with that orgasmic arch of her back."

The technical term is "lordosis".

Yancey Ward said...

At least he wasn't publicly grabbing the ......